`78:813-820, 1993
`© 1993 AmericanSocicty of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
`J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia
`The Pharmacokinetics and Hemodynamic Effects of
`Intravenous and Intramuscular Dexmedetomidine
`Hydrochloride in Adult Human Volunteers
`J. B, Dyck, M.D., F.R.C.P.C.,* M. Maze, M.B., Ch.B.,¢ C. Haack, A.N.,¢L. Vuorilehto, M.Sc.,§ S. L. Shafer, M.D.4
`Background: Dexmedetomidineis an a, agonist with poten-
`tial utility in clinical anesthesia for both its sedative and sym-
`patholytic properties.
`Methods: The pharmacokinetics and hemodynamic changes
`that occurred in ten healthy male volunteers were determined
`after administration of dexmedetomidine 2 yg/kg by intra-
`venousor intramuscular route in separate study sessions.
`Results: The intramuscular absorption profile of dexmede-
`tomidine, as determined by deconvolution of the observed
`concentrations against the unit disposition function derived
`from the intravenousdata, was biphasic. The percentage bio-
`availability of dexmedetomidine administered intramuscu-
`larly compared with the same dose administered intrave-
`nously was 73 + 11% (mean + SD). After intramuscular ad-
`ministration, the mean time to peak concentration was 12 min
`(range 2-60 min) and the mean peak concentration was 0.81
`+ 0.27 ng/ml. After intravenous administration of dexmede-
`tomidine, there were biphasic changes in blood pressure.
`During the 5-min intravenous infusion of 2 ng/kg dexmede-
`tomidine, the meanarterial pressure (MAP) increased by 22%
`and heart rate (HR) declined by 27% from baseline values.
`Over the 4 h after the infusion, MAP declined by 20% from
`baseline and HR rose to 5% below baseline values. The he-
`modynamicprofile did not show acute alterationsafter intra-
`muscular administration. During the 4 h after intramuscular
`administration, MAP declined by 20% and HR declined by 10%.
`* Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, VA Medical Center,
`San Diego; and DepartmentofAnesthesia, UCSD, School of Medicine.
`t Associate Professor, DepartmentofAnesthesia, VA Medical Center,
`Palo Alto; and Departmentof Anesthesia, Stanford University, School
`of Medicine.
`# Research Assistant, Department of Anesthesia, VA Medical Center,
`Palo Alto,
`§ Orion Corporation FARMOS.
`{ Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, VA Medical Center,
`Palo Alto; and Departmentof Anesthesia, Stanford University, School
`of Medicine,
`Received from the Departments of Anesthesia, VA Medical Center,
`San Diego, California; UCSD, School of Medicine, San Diego, Cali-
`fornia; VA Medical Center, Palo Alto, California; and Stanford Uni-
`versity, School of Medicine, Stanford, California. Accepted for pub-
`lication November 11, 1992. Supported by a grant from the Medical
`Research Council of Canada and the Orion Corporation FARMOS,
`Address reprint requests to Dr. Dyck: DepartmentofAnesthesiology,
`Veterans Administration Medical Center, 3350 La Jolla Village Drive,
`San Diego, California 92161-9125.
`Anesthesiology, V 78, No 5, May 1993
`Conclusions: The intramuscular administration of dexme-
`detomidine avoids the acute hemodynamic changes seen with
`intravenous administration, but results in similar hemody-
`namic alterations within 4 h. (Key words: Hemodynamics.
`Pharmacokinetics. Sympathetic nervous system, a, agonists:
`THE a-adrenergic agonists are a new class of poten-
`tially useful adjunctive anesthetic agents. Clonidine,
`the prototypic a2-adrenergic agonist, is the most widely
`used drug of this class of compounds and decreases
`anesthetic and analgesic requirements in surgical pa-
`tients.’ Furthermore, clonidine administered before
`anesthetic induction may also minimize intraoperative
`hemodynamicfluctuationsandis an effective anxiolytic
`agent. Because clonidine has a long duration of action
`andis a partial agonist with only modestselectivity for
`the a2 versus the a, adrenoceptor, a second generation
`of a2 agonists is now being developed in an attempt to
`overcome the perceived shortcomings of clonidine in
`anesthetic settings. Dexmedetomidine (1,620:1 [ca2:
`@,]) is more selective at the a2, adrenoceptor than is
`clonidine (220:1) andis a full agonist.”
`To administer dexmedetomidine accurately,
`necessary to characterize the pharmacokinetic profile
`using relevant doses via the intended routes of admin-
`istration, and to correlate side effects, such as hemo-
`dynamic alterations, with the plasma concentrations of
`medication. Using a crossover study design, with dex-
`medetomidine administered intravenously and intra-
`muscularly, we characterized dexmedetomidine phar-
`macokinetics and hemodynamic alterations in ten
`healthy adult volunteers.
`Materials and Methods
`After approval by the Stanford University Investiga-
`tional Review Board, ten healthy male volunteers were
`recruited for this study. The average age of the subjects
`was 35.5 yr (range 29-44 yr) and the average weight
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`was 79 kg (range 60-98 kg). Male subjects between
`the ages of 18-50 yr, with weight less than 100 kg and
`ASA physical status 1-2, were eligible for study.
`The volunteers were fasted from midnight before the
`study and were asked to abstain from any caffeine or
`alcohol consumptionfor the preceding 24 h. On arrival
`at the study site, an 18-G intravenous cannula wasin-
`serted, and 500 ml normalsaline was rapidly infused,
`followed by an infusion at 125 ml/h. A 20-G catheter
`was inserted into the radial artery and used both to
`measure arterial blood pressure and to sample blood
`for analysis of plasma dexmedetomidine concentra-
`tions. After fluid loading, 2 ug/kg dexmedetomidine
`hydrochloride was administered intravenously with an
`infusion pumpat a constant rate over 5 min. Subjects
`were kept in the supine position in a quiet room and
`disturbances were minimized until the initial 4 h of
`recording was completed. A minimum of 2 weeks after
`the intravenousstudy, the volunteer was given the same
`dose of dexmedetomidineas a single intramuscularin-
`jection into the deltoid muscle over 30 s during an
`otherwise similar study procedure.
`Blood Sampling
`Arterial blood was sampled at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5,
`3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60,
`90, 120, 180, and 240 min after the start of the intra-
`venous infusion. The blood pressure transducer was
`exposedto valid arterial pressure waveform forat least
`15 s between eachof the blood samples obtained dur-
`ing the first 5 min of the intravenous infusion. During
`the intramuscular phase of the study, blood was sam-
`pled at 2,5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, and
`240 min after injection. Venous blood during both
`phases was sampled at 180, 240, 300, 450, 600, 900,
`1,200, and 1,440 min. The 5-ml K,EDTA anticoagu-
`lated samples were centrifuged and the plasma frozen
`at —40° C until the dexmedetomidine concentration
`was assayed. Blood sampling changed from arterial to
`venous at 4 h to minimize the length of time the vol-
`unteers were subjected to the presence of an arterial
`Dexmedetomidine Assay
`The plasma was assayed for dexmedetomidine con-
`centration using a gas chromatograph (GC) with mass
`spectroscopy (MS) detection.’ The pentafluorobenzoyl
`derivatives of dexmedetomidine and the internal stan-
`dard detomidine were produced during extraction of
`the plasma into n-hexane in the presence of NazCO;
`Anesthesiology, V 78, No 5, May 1993
`and pentafluorobenzoyl chloride. The organic phase
`was evaporated and the residue reconstituted in tolu-
`ene. A 1-ul aliquot was injected onto a Hewlett-Packard
`fused silica capillary column cross linked with 5%
`phenyl methyl silicone (Part number 19091J-102,
`Hewlett-Packard Company,Little Falls, DE) of a Hew-
`lett-Packard gas chromatograph (Model 5890A, Hew-
`lett-Packard Company, USA) using helium as the carrier
`gas. The GC oven was programmed for 1 min at 90° C
`and 30° C/min up to 275° C with a 5.8-min hold at
`275° C. The MS (Finnigan MAT TSQ 70, Finnigan MAT)
`using methane as the carrier gas was operated in neg-
`ative ion chemical ionization and selected ion moni-
`toring mode with 70 eV ionization energy at 200° C.
`The pentafluorobenzoyl derivatives of detomidine were
`detected at 380.1 (mass/charge ratio) and dexmede-
`tomidine at 394.1. The lower limit of quantitation for
`this GC/MS technique was 50 pg/ml, recovery oftri-
`tiated dexmedetomidine was 81%, and the coefficient
`of variation for within-day assays at 75 pg/ml was 12%,
`at 350 pg/ml was 9%, and at 600 pg/ml was 17.1%.
`The coefficient of variation for between-day assays at
`212 pg/ml was 12.8%, and at 537 pg/ml was 11.3%.
`When three extractions were injected into the GC/MS
`system ten times each, at 75, 350, and 600 pg/ml,
`the coefficient of variation was 9.7%,
`7.5%, and 11.3%, respectively.
`Pharmacokinetic Analysis
`MomentAnalysis. Moment analyses were performed
`on boththe intravenous and intramuscular data to cal-
`culate the model independent parameters: area under
`the concentration versus time curve (AUC), area under
`the first momentof the concentration versus time curve
`(AUMC), clearance (Cl), volumeofdistribution (Vd,,),
`and mean residence time (MRT). Values for AUC and
`AUMCare intermediate steps in the calculations and
`are presented for the sake of continuity. The AUC was
`calculated using the trapezoidal method with linear
`interpolation when concentrations were increasing and
`log-linear interpolation when concentrations were de-
`creasing.‘ At time points where both arterial and venous
`concentrations were obtained, the venous values were
`used in the trapezoidal integration. Extrapolation from
`the terminal data point to infinity was accomplished
`using log-linear regression of the terminal elimination
`phase andis presented as the terminal elimination half-
`life or ln(2) divided by the slope of the terminal phase.
`In similar fashion, the AUMC was calculated as the
`trapezoidal integration of the curve generated by mul-
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`80386-based computer. Calibration signals were re-
`corded from a Delta-Cal Transducer Simulator (Model
`650-905, Midvale, Utah) at 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200
`mmHg. Thedigitized binary file was read and analyzed
`with software that located the peak and trough of each
`wave, and calculated the MAP by integrating the area
`beneath the wave. The algorithm has specific criteria
`that define a wave, and rejected signals caused by
`opening the stopcock to draw a blood sample or flush-
`ing the arterial catheter. The heart rate was calculated
`as the reciprocal of the time interval between. wave
`peaks. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure, MAP,
`and heart rate were recorded for each wave on thear-
`terial pressure trace during the study. The hemody-
`namic data reported represents the median MAP and
`heart rate values for each 60-s period.
`Figure 1 shows the dexmedetomidine plasma con-
`centration versus time profiles for all ten volunteers
`during the 5-min intravenous infusion andfor the fol-
`lowing 24 h. At 3 and 4 h after the infusion, simulta-
`neous arterial and venous blood samples were drawn.
`This allowed us to remove the arterial catheter from
`the subject while still sampling pharmacokinetic data.
`The venous concentrations were consistently higher
`than the arterial concentrations, as would be expected
`during the elimination phase of the pharmacokinetic
`profile.* The rise in plasma concentration was probably
`not elution from storage sites in skeletal muscle, be-
`cause the subjects remained supine from the start of
`tiplying cach plasma concentration by its time. The
`volumeofdistribution at steady state was calculated as
`- Dose X AUMC _ Dose X T
`2X AUC '
`where T was the duration of the infusion. Clearance
`was calculated as the ratio of dose to AUC:°
`_ Dose
`AUC ’
`and MRTasthe ratio of Vd,, to clearance:°
`MRT = —..
`Thebioavailability of intramuscular dexmedetomidine
`was calculated as the ratio of the AUC after intramus-
`cular versus intravenous administration of the same
`% Bioavailability =
`Deconvolution Analysis. Based on the assumption
`that the pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine are
`linear andstationary, but making no assumptions about
`model structure, the absorption characteristics of in-
`dexmedetomidine were
`through least-squares deconvolution of the intramus-
`cular concentration versus time function with the in-
`travenous unit disposition function (UDF)®’ for each
`individual patient. Knowingthat:
`C, = I* D(* = convolution operator).
`where Cp is the concentration in the plasma,I is the
`input function, and D is the unit disposition function,
`the known zero order intravenous infusion of dexme-
`detomidine can be deconvolved against the plasma
`versus time concentration profile to produce the in-
`travenous-UDF. The deconvolution wasconstrained to
`be positive and unimodal.
`Arterial Wave Form Recording and Analysis
`Theradial artery cannula was connected to a Deltran
`II transducer (Model 901-007, Utah Medical Products
`Inc., Midvale, Utah) on a Hewlett-Packard 78353A
`monitor. Analog output from the HP monitor was re-
`corded by a TEAC R-71 recorder and simultaneously
`digitized on a DT2801 Data Translation A/D board at
`128 Hz with 12-bit resolution to the hard disk of an
`Anesthesiology, V 78, No 5, May 1993
`I 0
`Time, min
` 0
`Time, hours
`Fig. 1. Dexmedetomidine intravenous plasma concentration
`versus time.
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`Table 1. Moment Analysis Intravenous(IV) Data
`AUC IV 0 to
`(% under Data)
`Ves (L)
`(ng + min?)
`(% underData)

`AUC = area under the curve; V,, = volumeof distribution at steady state; AUMC = area under first moment curve; MRT = meanresidence time.
`* Subject 1 excluded from summary statistics.
`known zero order input function to arrive at the cal-
`culated unit disposition function (UDF) for each sub-
`ject. Deconvolution was constrained to be positive and
`to restrict the output to physiologically
`meaningfulresults. Figure 3 shows average intravenous-
`UDF(+ SD) of the ten subjects calculated through the
`deconvolution technique. The resulting UDF for dex-
`medetomidine after intravenous administration was
`deconvolved against the concentration versus time
`profile after intramuscular administration on a patient-
`by-patient basis to produce the rate of intramuscular
`absorption shown in figure 4. Integration of the ab-
`sorption rate over time after intramuscular injection
`(figure 4) yields a total systemic dose of 133 ug and a
`the study until the 240-min sample, and were only
`starting to ambulate by 300 min. The plasma dexme-
`detomidine concentrations after intravenous adminis-
`tration decreased to less than the limit of quantitation
`in six patients by 20 h after administration.
`Momentanalysis of the intravenous data for the ten
`subjects is presented in table 1. The MRT ofsubject 1
`was so long that 24-h sampling did not adequately
`characterized the AUC. The AUC data for this subject
`encompassed only 62% of the total area and the AUMC
`19%. The means of the momentanalysis, therefore, do
`not include this subject. The mean clearance was 0.511
`+ 0.125 L/min, Vd,, was 194 + 28.7 L, and MRT was
`401 £112 min.
`Figure 2 shows the plasma concentration versus time
`profile after intramuscular administration of 2 ug/kg
`dexmedetomidine. The time to peak plasma concen-
`tration was 13 + 18 min and the mean peak concen-
`tration was 0.81 + 0.27 ng/ml(table 2). The variability
`in peak and time to peak concentrations was high. This
`was due, in large part, to the first two subjects who
`showed slower absorption with longer time to peak
`concentrations and lower peak concentrations. If the
`mean values are recalculated to include only subjects
`3-10, the time to maximum concentration was 6.1
`+ 4.4 min and the maximum concentration was 0.91
`+ 0,22 ng/ml. The average area under the concentra-
`tion versus time curve for all subjects was 243 + 78
`ng+min™’+ mi7and the average bioavailability was 73
`+ 11% (table 2).
`The concentration versus time profile for the intra-
`venous administrations was deconvolved against the
`Anesthesiology, V 78, No 5, May 1993
`ng/ml 0
`Time, hours
`Fig. 2. Dexmedetomidine intramuscular plasma concentration
`versus time.
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`Table 2. Moment Analysis Intramuscular (IM) Data
`AUC IM 0 toInfinity
`(ng+ min mi")
`(% underData)
`Time to Peak
`Peak Concentration
`AUC = area underthe curve,
`bioavailability of 84% (133 ug systemically absorbed/
`158 wg average intramuscular dose). Figure 5 shows
`the cumulative absorption over time, as a percent of
`total absorption. The mean intramuscular dose was 158
`ug resulting in a bioavailability of intramuscular-to-in-
`travenousdosing of 84% using deconvolutionanalysis.
`The AUMC offigure 4 was 277 ug: h?. The mean ab-
`sorption time (MAT) calculated as AUMC/AUC was 2.08
`h, and the meanfirst order rate constant (Ka)for intra-
`muscular absorption as the reciprocal of MAT was
`0.48 hh.
`Figures 6 and 7 show the mean MAP (+SD) of the
`ten volunteers during intravenous and intramuscular
`dexmedetomidine. The peak rise in MAP after intra-
`venous dexmedetomidine occurred at 5 min and was
`22% above baseline values. A much smaller increase
`in MAP occurred after intramuscular injection, but was
`even earlier in onset and was probably caused by the
`anxiety induced by the intramuscular injection. By 4
`h, both intravenous and intramuscular dexmedetomi-
`dine resulted in a 20% decline in MAP from baseline.
`The blood pressure disturbance at 140-150 min was
`caused by subjects waking up abruptly, rather than by
`ambulation of the subjects. Figures 8 and 9 show the
`mean heart rate (£SD) for the ten volunteers after in-
`travenous and intramuscular dexmedetomidine,
`spectively. The decline in HR after intravenous dex-
`medetomidine was 27% below baseline 4-5 min after
`2i. Me
`| |
`. 10
`_ 101%
`5 10
`0 15
`eee ga zaa ay by
`Time, hours
`Fig. 3. Mean unit disposition function + SD of intravenous
`Time, hours
`Fig. 4. Dexmedetomidine intramuscular rate of absorption
`(+ SD) versus time.
`Anesthesiology, V 78, No 5, May 1993
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`= 100
`Time, min
`Fig. 7. Mean arterial pressure (+ SD) of intramuscular dex-
`Fig. 5. Dexmedetomidine cumulative absorption (+ SD) versus
`Time, hours
`starting the infusion. Again, this was not seen after in-
`tramuscular injection. Dexmedetomidine given by in-
`tramuscular and intravenous routes caused a 5% and
`10% decline in HR, respectively, by the end of the 4-
`h recording period.
`Hemodynamic alterations after intravenous admin-
`istration preclude the use of dexmedetomidine as a
`rapid intravenous infusion or bolus. Compartmental
`pharmacokinetic analysis would be required to admin-
`ister dexmedetomidine via a computer-controlled in-
`fusion pump, but dexmedetomidine would be more
`commonly administered by slow intravenous infusions
`to steady state or by intramuscular injections, for which
`momentanalysis is adequate. Momentanalysis is model
`independent and allows calculation of fundamental
`pharmacokinetic parameters, such as volumeofdistri-
`bution and clearance. Momentanalysis cannot describe
`the multiple distribution phases, as are commonly
`modeled by compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis.
`The venous dexmedetomidine concentrations at 3 and
`4 h were slightly greater than arterial concentrations
`and the calculated area under the curves maybeslightly
`greater than an entirely arterial concentration profile.
`Dexmedetomidine appears to have systemic clearance
`of approximately 0.5 L/min, approximately one-half
`of hepatic blood flow. Overall, the volume and clear-
`anceare fairly similar to those of fentanyl? with an ex-
`& 70a2
`= so
`=P 100
`&E 3 7
`Time, min
`Time, min
`Fig. 6. Mean arterial pressure (+ SD) of intravenous dexme-
`Fig. 8. Mean heart rate (+ SD) of intravenous dexmedetomi-
`Anesthesiology, V 78, No 5, May 1993
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`sumption of linearity is violated frequently in both
`compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis and moment
`analysis. As violation of linearity is part of model mis-
`specification, the magnitude of such a violation can be
`roughly estimated from the size of the residual error
`when compartmental models are fit to the data. In
`practice, most pharmacokinetic studies simply ignore
`the issue of nonlinear pharmacokinetics because the
`extent of the violation is fairly small, and pharmaco-
`kinetics based on the assumption oflinearity provide
`a succinct, easily estimated, and clinically useful de-
`scription of pharmacokinetic behavior. The hyperten-
`sion and bradycardia seen after intravenous dexmede-
`tomidine were not seen after intramuscular adminis-
`Time, min
`The peak plasma concentrations were an order of
`magnitude lower after intramuscular administration.
`On the assumptionthatthe differences in hemodynamic
`profiles may have been a result of concentration-de-
`pendentperipheral vasoconstriction, one might strive
`to maintain a plasma dexmedetomidine concentration
`of less than 1.0 ng/ml. From the presented moment
`analysis data, and knowing that clearance times targeted
`concentration will yield a corresponding infusion rate,
`the steady-state concentration of 1.0 ng/ml could be
`achieved through an infusion of dexmedetomidine at
`0.511 wg/min. The plasma concentration will asymp-
`totically approach the targeted steady-state concentra-
`tion of 1.0 ng/ml and would bevery close to the steady-
`state concentration after three elimination half-lives or
`1,155 min. If it is desirable to attain the target con-
`centration before 19.25 h, a loading dose, calculated
`as targeted steady-state concentration times Vd,, or 194
`ug, may be administered and followed by the mainte-
`nance infusion. The loading dose should not be ad-
`ministered as a bolus, but can be given as an infusion
`over 30-45 min with minimal increased risk of adverse
`hemodynamic alterations.
`Twosubjects lost consciousness when they assumed
`the upright posture, approximately 5 h after the intra-
`venous infusion of dexmedetomidine. During these
`events, both subjects had bradycardia. Thelikely etiol-
`ogy for this loss of consciousnessis the sympatholytic
`effect of the dexmedetomidine leaving unopposed va-
`gal tone. Both subjects recovered from their vasovagal
`events spontaneously and uneventfully. No analogous
`events occurred after intramuscular administration, but
`increased caution on the part of both the investigators
`and the subjects during the second phase of the study
`may have prevented similar episodes.
`Fig. 9. Mean heartrate (+ SD) of intramuscular dexmedetom-
`tensive tissue distribution (fentanyl Vd,, approximately
`300 L) and a moderately large hepatic clearance (i.e.,
`large CL). The MRTis a term unfamiliar to many anes-
`thesiologists, but one that might serve a useful purpose
`for comparison of medications given the misleading
`characteristics of the compartmental elimination half-
`life.'° The MRT is the momentanalysis equivalent of
`the half-life in compartmental analysis and represents
`the time required to eliminate 63.2% of an intravenous
`bolus dose. The effective half-life of a medication is
`0.693 times the MRT.
`The bioavailability of intramuscular dexmedetomi-
`dine was between 70% and 80%. On average, peak
`plasma concentrations of dexmedetomidine were ob-
`tained within 15 min after intramuscular injection, al-
`though the time to peak concentration after intramus-
`cular injection varied widely. The intramuscular ab-
`sorption profile was biphasic with early rapid
`Intravenous dexmedetomidine as a rapid infusion
`caused biphasic changes in HR and MAP similar to those
`seen after administration of clonidine.'''? The clinical
`utility of intravenous dexmedetomidine will be limited
`by these hemodynamicalterations. Bolus intravenous
`administration of dexmedetomidine would be unwise
`in most circumstances.It is possible that dexmedetom-
`idine pharmacokinetics are not linear secondary to the
`concentration-dependent hemodynamic alterations.
`Manyofthe drugs usedin anesthesia practice (#.e., pro-
`pofol and thiopental) affect hemodynamics and prob-
`ably have nonlinear pharmacokinetics. Thus, the as-
`Anesthesiology, V 78, No 5, May 1993
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`We concludethat, although intramuscular absorption
`of dexmedetomidine is rapid, the peak plasma con-
`centrations that result are less than those after a 5-min
`intravenous infusion with the same dose, and hemo-
`dynamicalterations are less severe.
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`Anesthesiology, V 78, No 5, May 1993
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