`Page 1
`- - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`: Patent No. 8,268,299
` v. :
`Patent Owner. :
`- - - - - - - - - - - - -x
`Friday, April 13, 2018
`Washington, D.C.
`Deposition of:
`called for oral examination by counsel for the
`Petitioner, pursuant to notice, at the law offices
`of Williams & Connolly, LLP, 725 12th Street,
`Northwest, Washington, D.C. 20005, before
`Christina S. Hotsko, RPR, CRR, of Veritext Legal
`Solutions, a Notary Public in and for the District
`of Columbia, beginning at 8:42 a.m., when were
`present on behalf of the respective parties:
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Exhibit 1045


`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`O n b e h a l f o f P e t i t i o n e r :
` M I C H A E L R . H O U S T O N , E S Q U I R E
` F o l e y & L a r d n e r , L L P
` 3 2 1 N o r t h C l a r k S t r e e t , S u i t e 2 8 0 0
` C h i c a g o , I l l i n o i s 6 0 6 5 4 - 5 3 1 3
` ( 3 1 2 ) 8 3 2 - 4 5 0 0
` T Y L E R L I U , J . D .
` A r g e n t u m P h a r m a c e u t i c a l s
` A s s o c i a t e G e n e r a l C o u n s e l
` 1 3 4 S p r i n g S t r e e t
` N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k 1 0 0 1 2
` ( 6 4 6 ) 4 0 5 - 6 3 0 0
`O n b e h a l f o f P a t e n t O w n e r :
` A L E X A N D E R Z O L A N , E S Q U I R E
` D A V I D M . K R I N S K Y , E S Q U I R E
` W i l l i a m s & C o n n o l l y , L L P
` 7 2 5 1 2 t h S t r e e t , N o r t h w e s t
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` ( 2 0 2 ) 4 3 4 - 5 0 0 0
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` C O N T E N T S
` Counsel for Petitioner 04
`Page 3
`Exhibit 1041 USPTO Files 152
`Exhibit 1042 USPTO Files 152
`Exhibit 1043 Abstract 152
`Exhibit 1044 Abstract 152
` * (Exhibits attached to the transcript.)
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`4 5 6


`Page 4
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`being first duly sworn or affirmed to testify to
`the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
`truth, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning. Would we start by having
`you state your full name for the record, please.
` A. Sure. It's Soumyajit Majumdar. I'll
`spell it out. S-O-U-M-Y-A-J-I-T. Last name is
`Majumdar, M-A-J-U-M-D-A-R.
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Majumdar.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. My name is Michael Houston. I'm an
`attorney with Foley & Lardner representing the
`petitioner Argentum in this proceeding.
` Do you understand you're here today to
`sit for a deposition related to a declaration that
`you've submitted in this proceeding?
` A. I do.
` Q. Have you sat for a deposition previously?
` A. Yes.
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`Page 5
` Q. About how many times would you say you've
`been deposed?
` A. I don't recollect offhand, but quite a
` Q. Okay. So multiple times?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So you're familiar with sort of the
`process and how this works?
` A. Sure.
` Q. Okay. So in that case I'll kind of skip
`some of the preliminary descriptions, since you're
`familiar with it. But if you have any questions
`or if I ask any questions today that are unclear
`to you, please speak up and let me know.
` A. Sure. You might as well go over it just
`to make sure we were on the same ground.
` Q. Well, the basic ground rules are that
`I'll be asking you a series of questions today and
`you'll be giving me your answers verbally so that
`the court reporter can take down the things you
`and I say.
` And I would ask that unless your counsel
`instructs you specifically not to answer, perhaps
`to a privilege issue or something, that you go
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`ahead and answer my questions to the best of your
`ability, even if your counsel puts an objection on
`Page 6
`the record.
` Do you understand that?
` A. I do.
` Q. One of the things we'll be talking about
`today, one of the acronyms that I'm sure we'll be
`using is a POSA, P-O-S-A. You're familiar with
`that term, correct?
` A. I am.
` Q. And at the outset I thought I would just
`mention that my intention is to use the same
`definition of a POSA that you provide in your
`declaration, which is a person of ordinary skill
`in the art as of the time of the priority date for
`the patent at issue here, which I believe is
`September 2006. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. I'd like to start by talking about some
`of your own background and experience in this
`field. In particular, I'd like to know about your
`personal experience in developing self-preserved
`aqueous-based ophthalmic solutions.
` Can you tell me what work you've done in
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`Page 7
`that area in your professional background?
` A. Could you just repeat that question one
`more time, the last part?
` Q. I would just like to know what work
`you've done in your professional background
`related to developing self-preserved aqueous-based
`ophthalmic solutions.
` A. So when I was working with, first,
`Sandoz, and then Ciba and Novartis, there were
`quite a few formulations we were working on which
`had antibacterial agents. And they were by
`themselves having enough activity to ward off any
`microbial growth. So those were some of the
`formulations that I worked with that were
` MR. KRINSKY: Can we go off the record a
` (Discussion off the record.)
` THE WITNESS: And by -- so I'll continue?
` Q. Yes, please continue.
` A. Yeah. So by self-preserved, we are
`meaning which does not have a conventional
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`Page 8
` Q. Okay. So just to break that down a
`little bit, I think you said that while working
`for a number of companies, you worked on
`self-preserved ophthalmic solutions.
` A. While -- basically, I've been in Sandoz,
`which then merged with Ciba and became Novartis.
`So it's a series of -- the same series
`of companies.
` Q. I see what you're saying. Okay.
` Can you describe for me a little more
`detail about those self-preserved ophthalmic
`solutions that you worked on?
` A. It's been a long time, so I really don't
`know which agents. I can't remember which. But
`there were antibacterial agents in combinations
`with various polymers to enhance their activity.
`So -- but it's been -- I don't really remember
`offhand which ones.
` Q. About when was that work?
` A. Mostly it was once Sandoz merged with
`Ciba, so it was somewhere in the -- starting '95
`to '99, that area.
` Q. So going back at least to 1995 to '99,
`the concept of self-preserved ophthalmic solutions
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`Page 9
`was already known and being worked on in the
` A. Oh, it was -- I mean, that's my personal
`experience. The self-preserved was -- concept was
`known, that if you -- there are some formulations
`which could be unpreserved, and they could be
`self-preserved because of the components in the
` Q. And so the formulations you worked on,
`they were self -- =you said they had an
`antimicrobial agent in them. Was it an
`antimicrobial agent that was not a conventional
`antimicrobial agent?
` A. This was -- the drug itself was being
`used to treat infections, so they are antibiotics,
`and they are at a high enough concentration to
`kill off any contamination. So it's not to
`preserve the formulation. The main purpose of the
`drug is to treat a disease. And in that process,
`it preserves the formulation also because of --
` Q. I see.
` A. -- its inherent activity.
` Q. So in that instance, the drug itself was
`sort of its own preservative against microbial
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`Page 10
` A. Yes. It by itself retards the growth.
` Q. I see.
` Have you worked -- in your professional
`background, have you worked on any formulations
`where you had to add a preservative package to a
`solution -- in other words, where the active
`ingredient itself was not self-preserving? Have
`you worked on any situations like that?
` MR. ZOLAN: Objection to form. Vague.
` THE WITNESS: So are you talking about
`ophthalmic formulations or any --
` Q. Yes, thank you for clarifying. Yes, I am
`talking about ophthalmic formulations.
` A. And solutions?
` Q. Yes.
` A. There are multiple, I mean, incidences
`where we are using preservatives. So whenever the
`components are not self-preserving, we would --
`and if it's going to be a multi-dose formulation.
`If it's a single-dose formulation, you don't need
`a preservative.
` If it's a multi-dose, I would be using
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`Page 11
`conventional or some preservative. If you mean by
`preservative package -- are you saying -- could
`you clarify on that?
` Q. Yeah. I guess what I'm just thinking
`of -- the first example you described for me was a
`situation where the active ingredient itself was
`active against microbes. And so I think you were
`explaining that that was sort of the main -- it
`was self-preserved in that aspect because the
`active ingredient itself had that property.
` What I was trying to get at is, have you
`worked on any other formulations where the active
`ingredient does not have this self-preservation
`quality and you had to, therefore, formulate or
`add in components specifically to achieve
`preservative efficacy?
` Do you have experience in that situation?
` A. There have been -- and again, coming to
`ophthalmic formulations or in general in
`parenteral formulations that I worked on, there
`are numbers of -- a number of cases where we have
`to include preservatives to maintain
`the preservative efficacy standards -- the
`sterility of the formulations so that they pass
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 12
`the preservative efficacy standards.
` Q. And so do you have any experience in such
`cases where you were using non-traditional
`preservatives to achieve that as opposed to a
`conventional preservative agent?
` MR. ZOLAN: Objection to form. Vague.
` THE WITNESS: So in terms of ophthalmic
`formulations --
` Q. Yes.
` A. -- and solutions? Ophthalmic solutions?
` Q. Yes.
` A. I know I've used a lot of the
`conventional preservatives. But I don't remember
`if I've used any of the ones which are not
` Q. So, for example, you've never worked on
`an ophthalmic solution formulation that contains
`zinc as the preservative?
` A. Personally, I've not made any
`formulations with zinc as a preservative, as the
`primary preservative or mainly being used as a
`preservative in the composition.
` Q. What about a formulation that uses a
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`Page 13
`borate-polyol complex as the preservative? Have
`you had any experience with those?
` A. By experience with those, in terms of
`actually making the formulations on my own?
` Q. Well, working on a project where such a
`product was being formulated. I -- I would
`anticipate perhaps as part of a team, typically,
`but you can tell me if that's incorrect.
` A. I know about the borate-polyol complexes,
`but I have not used it in -- as far as I know,
`remember, sitting here, I don't think I've used
`any of the borate-polyol complexes as the primary
`preservative agent.
` Q. The product that you mentioned earlier
`that you worked on developing right as Sandoz was
`merging into Ciba, if it's not confidential, can
`you tell me what that product was?
` A. That's what -- I don't really remember
`what, because there were multiple projects which
`could get assigned from Austria, and then we would
`start working with it and then they would change.
`So -- it's been some time, and I really don't
`remember which ones.
` Q. Okay.
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`Page 14
` A. And it was -- again, we used to work as
`teams. So I was the team leader. And then there
`would be multiple products under my team members,
`and I would be leading them. So it's a little bit
`hazy right now.
` Q. Was that product ever commercialized?
` A. One of them was. It was -- actually, one
`or two of them were commercialized, but they
`were -- I don't think they were -- I don't know
`what was the preservative agent in the ones that
`actually went into the market.
` One was a lens cleaning tablet. And then
`another one was a SOLO-CARE solution for, again,
`cleaning lens. So I don't remember whether they
`were the ones with a self-care preserve system or
`they were just containing conventional
` Q. Okay. So I'd like to ask you some
`questions about what a POSA would do when they're
`trying to work on developing a commercial
`ophthalmic solution that's self-preserved.
` Do you feel like you're qualified to
`testify about that topic?
` A. Oh, yes.
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`Page 15
` Q. Okay. When a POSA in 2006 set out to
`develop an aqueous self-preserved ophthalmic
`pharmaceutical product, what would their goals
`have been? Can we start at a high level and then
`perhaps we can drill down into some more detail?
` A. So aqueous ophthalmic pharmaceutical for
` Q. I want to cover the subject matter of the
`'299 patent here.
` A. Okay. So you are talking about the broad
`objective of POSA wanting to develop a
`self-preserved formulation or trying to develop a
`formulation with a particular active ingredient in
` Q. I think we can call it a
`pharmaceutical -- I mean, the title of the '29
`[sic] patent says it's a pharmaceutical
` A. Okay.
` Q. Does that signify that there's typically
`going to be an active ingredient there, to call it
`a pharmaceutical composition?
` A. I mean, as a POSA, I would need a
`clarification. Not just a pharmaceutical
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`Page 16
`composition. I could go in all kinds of direction
`without really knowing where to land.
` Is it -- what is the active? What is the
`dose? What is the molecule -- the active that you
`want to incorporate into the pharmaceutical? Does
`it have toxic effects? What is the therapeutic
`index? What is its stability? Is it an ester?
`Is it a prodrug? Does it have permeability?
` There are all kinds of things that a POSA
`would like to know before he can start on a
` Q. Let's assume that it's travoprost. Are
`you familiar with that drug?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` A. So develop a travoprost formulation with
`the self -- which is a self-preserved.
` Q. Right. So I would just like to know at a
`high level what are the high-level concerns or
`issues or goals that a POSA is going to have to
`start to think about?
` A. What's -- so he has -- coming back to
`this, so the POSA is aware that there is a
`Travatan formulation already in the market which
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`Page 17
`is optimized?
` Q. Actually, thank you for asking. So
`that's why I had mentioned earlier, when we're
`talking about a POSA, I guess unless we
`specifically say otherwise, I want it to be just
`as of the priority date of the '299 patent, so
`meaning before the '299 patent is filed.
` So I think what you -- you said -- in
`your question, you mentioned Travatan. I don't
`know for sure if you meant Travatan or Travatan Z.
`But assuming you meant Travatan, I believe that
`was on the market as of 2006 and was known.
` MR. ZOLAN: Is that a question?
` MR. HOUSTON: I'm just trying to clarify
`the witness' question to me.
` THE WITNESS: Right. So it's a very -- I
`mean, the assignment to the POSA is not clear, so
`if -- in my mind. So the POSA would be looking at
`this formulation, which is already available in
`the market. And you are saying that, okay,
`make -- take the benzalkonium chloride out and
`replace it with some self-preserved system?
` Q. You know, I'm not necessarily trying to
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`Page 18
`dictate that. I'm just trying to ask you what you
`think a POSA would do if they are asked to develop
`a self-preserved version of a travoprost
`ophthalmic solution. And I just -- you know,
`again, we can get into some details, but just at a
`high level what are the things they're concerned
` A. Well, at a very high level, the main
`factors that a POSA have to keep in mind is -- any
`formulation, or any ophthalmic formulation --
`safety, efficacy, stability.
` Q. Okay. For efficacy of a given
`formulation, was a POSA knowledgeable enough and
`capable enough to be able to test a given
`formulation for efficacy?
` A. A POSA is a hypothetical person who has
`multiple skills and is not one person. I mean, he
`has the skill himself --
` Q. Right.
` A. -- of all kind -- a full team.
` So he would be able to test. And in this
`case, since the assignment is for a formulation
`which is already known, for a pharmaceutical whose
`activity is already known and established,
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`Page 19
`that's -- you just follow the formulation which
`has already -- and the dose which has already been
` Q. Is that enough, to just follow the
`formulation and dose to establish efficacy, or
`would efficacy tests for the new formulation
`that's being developed have to be conducted?
` A. So you have several layers of concepts in
`that question, which really we need to understand.
` You -- if a POSA is given the task of
`reformulating -- as you said, reformulating a
`currently available formulation -- to make sure
`that he or she doesn't fiddle or compromise the
`efficacy and safety and stability of the
`formulation, the POSA would make as little a
`change in the formulation as possible.
` Q. Okay. Let me try to circle back what I
`think my original question was and just -- which
`was just that, would a POSA have been able to
`conduct the tests to determine efficacy of their
`new solutions, whatever they're testing. Are they
`able to conduct efficacy tests?
` A. Those would be standard practice if
`needed. The pharmacologists would be there in
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`their team and they would be able to guide it.
` Q. Another high-level goal you said a POSA
`would be concerned with was the safety of the
`Page 20
`product, right?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. What things go into determining
`whether or not such a product would be safe?
` A. And again, ophthalmic formulations --
` Q. Yes. For this.
` A. -- and solutions put in the eyedrop --
`yeah, you do not want to cause -- there's always a
`tradeoff between risk and safety, so -- efficacy
`and safety, actually.
` So if it has a -- well, you should make
`sure that it does not contain any agents or it
`does not cause any reaction on the occular surface
`like -- which is not acceptable, it doesn't
`disrupt the corneal membrane or is not toxic to
`the corneal cells or the conjunctival cells.
` It doesn't -- basically it should not
`cause any harm to the biological tissues.
` Q. Would an aspect of product safety be
`avoiding particulates or precipitates in the
`solution or would that fall under some other
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`Page 21
`category? Or would that not be a concern at all
`of a POSA?
` A. If it's a solution, it cannot have --
`there are USP guidelines as to what the number of
`particles can be. So you don't want particulates
`in a solution formulation. So there should not
`be -- if there is precipitation occurring, that
`means a formulation is unstable. So that's a
`stability -- it's a physical stability issue, not
`a safety issue.
` And of course, why there is a limit on
`the particle size and -- if it's in suspension is
`because those particles can cause problems on the
`occular tissues.
` But if you are talking about a solution
`and then there are precipitation issues, then that
`means that the formulation is physically unstable
`and, in the long run, you could have efficacy --
`loss of activity or decreased efficacy.
` Q. Okay. Would a POSA be concerned with
`making sure the product stays sterile? And if so,
`would that fall under the category of a safety
`issue or a stability issue? Or something else?
` A. Are you talking about a multi-dose
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`Page 22
`formulation ophthalmic solution?
` Q. Yes.
` A. They -- both are involved, actually. It
`depends on which angle you're looking at it from.
`From a formulator's point of view, microbial
`stability or -- stability of the preservative is
`not being maintained.
` From an application point of view, if it
`has got contaminated, then there's a safety issue.
` So the whole purpose of maintaining
`sterility is to keep that formulation safe for
` Q. And a POSA would have been aware that the
`types and the amounts of preservative agents
`incorporated into the product would affect those
`preservation properties; is that right?
` A. A POSA would be aware how to preserve the
`ophthalmic solutions, if that is what you're
` Q. Well, I wanted to get a little more
`specific. They'd be aware of how to preserve
`it -- at least one way they would be aware of that
`is in adjusting the types and amounts of
`preservative agents in the formula; is that fair?
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`Page 23
` A. Yes. The preservatives which were known
`at that point of time, the POSA would be able to
`read the literature and know how to use them and
`test for preservative efficacy.
` Q. In the context of the ophthalmic product
`we've just been discussing, what would a POSA have
`understood the term "antimicrobial" to mean?
` A. Antimicrobial encompasses microorganisms.
`So antimicrobial means from a preservative which
`can act against bacteria or fungi microbes.
` Q. And I think you said a POSA would know
`how to carry out the tests needed to -- the
`experiments needed to test for preservation
`ability or preservation efficacy; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So let's say a POSA is working on a given
`formulation and they test for preservative
`efficacy and that formulation does not pass the
`test. Okay?
` Are you with me so far?
` A. Which formulation? Any -- self-preserved
`or regular conventional preservative?
` Q. Yeah. My line of questioning right now
`-- I want to focus on what we've been talking
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`about, so trying to develop a self-preserved --
` A. Okay.
` Q. -- ophthalmic solution formulation that
`Page 24
`contains travoprost.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Okay? And let's say they've conducted a
`test on a given formulation that doesn't pass the
`preservative efficacy test. Okay?
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. One of the things a POSA would think to
`do in that situation would be to alter the
`concentration of whatever their preservative agent
`is, right?
` A. I need to understand where the POSA --
`what information the POSA is basing his first test
` Q. Okay. Can you help me understand -- I'm
`not sure I understand what you mean.
` A. Yeah. A person of ordinary skill is
`looking at the literature which is available to
`him, and he's trying to use the information to
`develop a self-preserved formulation. We are not
`talking about invention, correct? So he is trying
`to find out what the literature -- how the
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`Page 25
`literature guides him towards a self-preserved
` So now, depending on what path he has
`chosen -- like, there could be multiple guidance
`out there in the literature at that point of time.
`So depending on what he has used as his base to
`start on the first experiment, only -- if I know
`that, I can answer that. Otherwise, there would
`be -- he would have based his first experiment on
`some data. So it's too -- that information is
` So unless I have that information, then
`it's difficult to say why it's failing and, based
`on that, you would analyze that situation.
` Q. So let's say that the formulation that
`the POSA is experimenting with to begin with,
`they're trying to use zinc as their preservative
`agent. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And they conduct -- are the preservative
`efficacy tests standardized? Are there standard
`preservative efficacy tests that exist for this
`type of issue? For example, the USP27 I think
`I've seen reference to.
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`Page 26
` A. There are several compendial tests that
`are there.
` Q. So let's say a POSA makes up a
`formulation, puts zinc in it to try to act as the
`preservative, and it fails.
` Would one of the things a POSA would
`consider doing is changing the zinc concentration?
` A. And again, to bring it back to the
`example, so you have this -- you have this
`standard formulation. You have taken out
`benzalkonium chloride. And zinc -- I'm presuming
`in this case you have already got a reference,
`like Xia, which teaches you how to use zinc in the
`formulations. And you have examples which the
`POSA would look at the various options available
`and choose a formulation which best fits his
`situation and he would use that concentration of
` And based on that, even after doing that,
`there would be a -- I mean, the expectation would
`be that if -- like, in this case, if you match the
`formulation which -- I think formulation 8 was the
`closest to this travoprost formulation, Travatan
`formulation -- there is high expectation, and it
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`Page 27
`is that it is going to pass.
` If, counter-expectation, the formulation
`does not meet the preservative efficacy standards,
`there could be several approaches that he can
`take. And this is all under the hypothesis that
`for some reason the POSA has decided to go for
`zinc. Because there were other options that he
`could have looked at.
` Q. Okay. So let me back up because,
`actually, I don't want to get you hung up on the
`idea of it being zinc. And I know that's
`obviously a very hot topic in this particular
` So we can even just talk more generally
`about the set of tests.
` What I'm trying to get at is, for a given
`formulation that a POSA is attempting to get to be
`self-preserved, if it -- if an initial formulation
`doesn't pass preservative efficacy, is at least
`one of the options a POSA is going to think about
`changing the concentration of the preservative
`that's being used?
` A. Actually, backing up even further and
`making it more general, the POSA's goal, like you
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`Page 28
`put it initially, would be to develop a
`self-preserved formulation, not bother about what
`is the active. You are trying to develop a
`self-preserving formulation.
` So he would look at various options which
`are out there. And then -- one of the ways is
`like what Dr. Xia did, build that system. And you
`try various concentrations of that new system and
`see which one works. And --
` Q. So -- yeah, so I think that's what I'm
`getting at. Why would a POSA try various
`concentrations? Is it because preservatives are
`known to have a concentration-dependent
`antimicrobial behavior?
` A. It depends, again, what is the molecule
`that you are looking at. Now, one thing is the
`POSA is looking at literature, which is all
`available. There is a distinction between
`inventing versus looking at the literature.
` Now, why I said there's a distinction is
`because there are some chemicals which will just
`act like boring holes into the microbes as a
`surfactant system and they kill it. So the
`microbes do not have any use for them, they do not
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 29
`know how to deal with them. They just -- either
`the concentration is sufficient enough to not
`kill, and it's not at enough concentration to meet
`the preservative efficacy, And then, as you go on
`increasing the concentration, it will meet the
`preservative efficacy, and then if you go at too
`high a concentration, then it becomes toxic to the
`mammalian cells.
` But there are some -- you have to be
`cautious about some situations where -- like for
`zinc, which can actually be u

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