`J. Crouch
`of Computer
`New Orleans,
`LA 70118
`of an
`of a
`the automatic
`is well
`of global
`of Salton,
`and Yu and
`on an appropriate
`This method
`has been
`this method,
`in retrieval
`in excess
`of 10 and 15 percent
`is viable
`and worthy
`of continued
`of any
`in the successful
`A major
`Of these
`for use by
`the system.
`the set of dictionaries
`term hierarchies,
`the use of a well
`the benefits
`are well
`a thesaurus
`the methodology
`for automatically
`in use are
`In fact, virtually
`all thesauri
`a topic
`of considerable
`is automatic
`to the automatic
`of a
`This paper
`an approach
`the discrimination
`value model
`of Salton,
`and Yu
`and on an appropriate
`The discrimination
`is based
`on the vector
`space model described
`to copy without
`for direct
`appear, and notice
`is given
`or to republish,
`the copies are not made or distri-
`is granted provided
`fee all part of this material
`the title of the publication
`its date
`the ACM
`notice and
`that copying
`is by pcrnmission of the Association
`for Computing Machinery.
`To copy
`a fee and/or
`O-8979 1-274-S
`$ 1,50
`Unified EX1022 Page 1


`The Vector
`space model.
`is the vector
`the major models
`One of
`as a set of unique
`the document
`This model
`or word
`Each documeni:
`then be regarded
`as a term vect,or,
`the complete
`a vector
`of dimension
`m, where
`the number
`of word
`the collection.
`the vector
`space model,
`is represented
`by a set of
`djk, 1 2 k Am,
`(or weight)
`k in document
`j (i.e.,
`the number
`If djk = 0. term k does not appear
`in document
`term k appears
`in document
`dj. Queries,
`like documents,
`by weighted
`term vectors.
`to be
`t”le angle
`If the
`the angle
`is zero,
`the vectors
`as points
`The smaller
`the distance
`two points,
`the angle
`the corresponding
`the greater
`the similarity
`of the vectors
`in terms
`of the number
`of word
`they have
`in common.
`ef a/
`best document
`is one which maximizes
`the average
`in the document
`In this space,
`it is easier
`to a given
`The model which
`in a collection
`be ranked
`in order of their effect on space
`is called
`the discrimination
`The Discrimination
`to single
`and provides
`can be
`It also
`value model
`‘The discrimination
`for content
`term classes
`term phrases,
`in a collection
`within which
`its usefulness
`as a document
`of the
`by a set of
`If we consider
`a collection
`of documents,
`the similarity
`as a measure
`the vectors
`in m-space.
`If the similarity
`is large,
`are very
`in close
`to each
`if the similarity
`is small,
`the documents
`and are widely
`in the document
`Unified EX1022 Page 2


`of the change
`as a measure
`is then defined
`value of a term
`The discrimination
`is assigned
`to the document
`which occurs when a given
`in space
`is a term which, when assigned
`to a document,
`A good
`the space
`the documents
`less similar
`to each
`the assignment
`of a poor discriminator
`the space
`before and after
`By computing
`the density
`of the document
`of each
`the discrimination
`value of the
`term can be determined.
`terms can
`then be ranked
`in decreasing
`order of their discrimination
`and Yu
`of discriminators,
`poor, and
`A term with a positive
`value has been
`to be a
`good discriminator.
`Safton el al suggest
`terms be used directfy as index
`terms with negative
`values are poor discriminators;
`of such
`The majority
`of terms are
`with near-
`can be
`by means of their
`in appropriate
`the discrimination
`value model
`a criterion
`for the
`this model, a thesaurus
`is composed
`of a’set
`A thesaurus
`is composed
`of a group
`of terms
`or word
`terms within a class should be indifferent
`those with
`in order
`to use
`the criterion
`the discrimination
`the discrimination
`value of each
`in the collection
`as good,
`to their discrimination
`Two different
`But the calculation
`of discrimination
`is normaliy
`exact method,
`have been used. One approach,
`the so-called
`the calculation
`of all pairwise
`the document
`For a collection
`of n documents
`and m word
`the complexity
`of this
`is O(mn2).
`The second
`or approximate
`to the calculation
`the construction
`of an artificial,
`and computes
`the sum of
`the similarities
`of each
`The centroid
`is O(mn).
`the execution
`the exact
`the approximate
`of calculating
`by these
`two approaches
`differ significantly
`for a
`it has been shown
`of the
`terms are
`in fact
`Thus of these
`two methods,
`the more efficient,
`is the obvious method of choice when discrimination
`values must
`be calculated.
`Unified EX1022 Page 3


`to the
`th.e centroid
`of any size, even
`for a document
`A, reasona.ble
`value may be expensive.
`of discrimination
`and Yu, who
`the use of doc:ument
`by Salton,
`as an approximation
`For any
`in a
`. document
`the document
`k, dk,
`is defined
`of documents
`in which
`k appears.
`and discrimination
`are strongly
`Let n
`the number
`of documents
`in a collection
`terms whose
`is less
`than n/100 may be considered
`The discrimination
`of these
`terms are normally
`as a whole may be considered
`terms whose
`are greater
`than n/10 may be considered
`poor discriminators.
`(i.e., n/IO
`I dk 5 n/100) make
`the set of good discriminators.
`The discrimination
`of these
`to discrimination
`may be used as an approximation
`Thus document
`classes, which
`of groupings
`of terms
`with near-zero
`values, may
`be constructed
`of sets of
`Since document
`is readily available
`for every
`in a
`the cost associated
`this approach
`is minimal.
`of constructing
`was designed
`An experiment
`to differentiate
`type of thesaurus
`Attar and Fraenkel
`In a, global
`are used
`to index both documents
`and queries.
`the documents
`in response
`to a
`to modify
`that query, which
`11s then
`for processing
`in lieu of the original.
`Thus a global
`is constructed
`are used
`is constructed
`and queries,
`and uses
`in response
`to a specific
`to modify only
`that query.
`a global
`of thesaurus
`for the generation
`a viable
`based on the discrimination
`of indifferent
`The question
`value model calls
`or (as
`of .how
`the classes
`Unified EX1022 Page 4


`a thesaurus
`to be constructed
`in the context
`of the current
`of terms which
`are closely
`in the conventional
`terms are not necessarily
`is to cluster
`One approach
`to generating
`of closely
`together might
`in the collection.
`terms which
`be considered
`a thesaurus
`‘in an environment
`to exploit,
`the resultant
`are seldom meaningful.
`is the
`in the
`are contained
`in only a small
`of the documents
`in the collection.
`of the collection
`the documents
`An alternative
`is to cluster
`A key question
`then arises,
`namely, what
`type of clustering
`should be used?
`The choice
`is dictated
`largely by the
`type of clusters
`In order
`to generate meaningful
`in a class
`from closely
`be small and tight.
`the document
`the complete-link
`one of a class of agglomerative,
`this was
`the algorithm
`to cluster
`documents in our test collections.
`a Global
`are generated,
`a globaf
`to construct
`has been utilized
`I. The document
`is clustered
`via the complete-link
`2. The resultant hierarchy
`is traversed
`based on specified,
`3. The documents
`and queries
`by the
`by the
`those which
`in which
`lie at the bottom of the cluster
`tree. These
`of the
`For example,
`Fig. 1. The squares
`the numbers
`in the circles
`levels at
`the documents
`A and 8 cluster
`at a threshold
`value of 0.089, D and E cluster at a level of 0.149, and document
`C clusters
`the D-E subtree
`at a level of 0.077.
`The A-B subtree
`the C-D-E
`cluster at a threshold
`value of 0.029.
`the documents
`The user-supplied
`In Fig. 1, a
`from which
`terms are selected
`for inclusion
`in a thesaurus
`value of 0.090 would
`return only
`the D-E document
`in step
`2 are
`Unified EX1022 Page 5


`Fig. 1 A sample
`by the complete
`link algorithm
`cluster must be greater
`the documents
`level at which
`the cluster
`to be
`the specified
`in order
`value of 0.085, on the other hand, would
`and D-E).
`If a threshold
`value of 0.075 were specified,
`be returned:
`A-B and either D-E or C-D-E.
`than or equal
`two clusters
`two clusters would
`Since both D-E and C-D-E meet
`in Fig. 1,
`value of 0.075
`the number
`of documents
`to be
`is needed
`to determine
`in the
`final cluster.
`This parameter,
`the user,
`is the
`a value of 2 for
`of documents
`in a cluster.
`In the example,
`that only
`the D-E: cluster would
`value of 3 or greater would allow
`the entire C-D-E cluster
`to be returned.
`have been
`the document
`E3efore such
`can be selected,
`the minimum
`the criterion
`by which
`are determined
`to be
`must be specified.
`J-he guidelines
`in [SALTON75a]
`may be
`in setting
`this parameter.
`clusters have been determined
`(via the settings
`the document
`the clustered
`two parameters)
`can be
`have been gathered,
`The simplest
`is to define
`a thesaurus
`cfass as
`of all the
`in a cluster.
`Alternate methods,
`(1) union
`and using
`that set)
`lieu of the
`were also
`the most
`The most
`by using
`results described
`in this paper are based on
`The experimental
`t hlis approach.
`-3 14-
`Unified EX1022 Page 6


`can be
`a collection
`are generated,
`rep/acing a
`(see step 3 above).
`or augmentation
`in a vector
`by a thesaurus
`class which
`involves adding
`in the
`to the vector;
`the origina
`(For a discussion of term weighting
`its weight may be modified.
`Both methods were
`in this experiment.
`by augmentation
`in every
`case vastly
`, and
`this discussion
`is the weighting
`factor of some
`must be weighted
`so as
`The classes
`the new
`nor have a negligible
`they neither
`the original
`to compute
`in that class.
`As a
`class weight
`as a function
`of the
`were computed
`class weights
`in this experiment
`formula, where
`class weight,
`the weight
`of term
`i in this
`the number
`of terms
`in the
`class, and
`the average weight
`of a term
`in the thesaurus
`class. Then
`avg-t c-co n-wt
`* 0.5
`the average weight of a term
`by dividing
`is computed
`class weight
`Thus a thesaurus
`that value by
`in this class by the number
`of terms
`in the class and downweighting
`0.5. The experimental
`this approach
`is indeed effective.
`the procedure
`test collections
`were constructed
`were clustered
`the collections
`in the previous
`and thesaurus
`the complete-link
`The hierarchies
`were generated
`on user-supplied
`in a cluster, minimum
`and specification
`of class
`and queries
`In all cases,
`indexing was performed
`by augmentation,
`class weights
`the weighting
`Unified EX1022 Page 7


`The weights
`the original
`the Parameters
`to the parameters’
`in step 2 of the
`(a) Threshold
`is clustered,
`a collection
`is collection-dependent.
`by examining
`the cluster
`values may be determined
`the most
`This setting
`in conjunction
`the class
`size of
`If the setting
`too high,
`will be
`with either
`too many
`for class
`or with
`If the
`is too
`low, very
`few classes
`will be
`i/7 a cluster obviously
`(b) The number
`of documents
`that of
`size, but
`the overall
`of this parameter
`is considerably
`in a
`in turn
`from closely
`Ihe document
`must be small
`this parameter
`was allowed
`to range
`from 2 to 5 in our
`it is
`(i.e., governed
`in most
`of documents
`in a cluster
`from 2 to 3.
`(c) Minimum
`be set by using
`in [SALTON75a].
`(d) Class
`formation method
`is the parameter
`has been determined.
`is formed
`the document
`the best
`in all cases.
`a thesaurus
`of thesaurus
`of sets of
`to a small
`of closely
`to have
`the greatest
`in system
`the guidelines
`Collection Weighting
`the vectors
`and queries)
`by simple
`a number
`are weighted
`The most
`is probably
`to weighting.
`“tf-idf” weights
`the vectors
`is appealing
`it allows
`a term
`to be
`by a factor
`a document
`--3 I 6-
`Unified EX1022 Page 8


`as a whole
`the document
`tf-idf weighting
`has proved most
`with other weighting
`in numerous
`of the
`The collection weighting method used
`in this experiment
`is a variation
`idf scheme,
`is referred
`to as “augmented
`ln this method,
`is normalized
`is thus guaranteed
`lie between
`0.5 and 1.0.
`This component
`tf component
`in the
`tf-idf scheme
`to generate
`the weight
`for this
`in the modified
`Similarity Measure
`A common
`of the similarity
`two vectors
`dj and dk
`is the
`is the
`inner product
`in this experiment.
`dk) =
`Ild jll
`lld kll
`lldj 112 = (dj -dj).
`is the measure
`in this paper was
`The characteristics
`test collections,
`namely, ADl and Medlars.
`in Table
`(For more
`FOX83b, VOORHEES851.)
`run on two
`of these
`Mean Number
`Terms per Vector
`Unified EX1022 Page 9


`to the ADI and Medlars
`:is applied
`of the experiment,
`are displayed
`in Table
`II. The normal
`are used.
`is defined
`as the
`of relevant material
`is the proportion
`of retrieved material
`is relevant.)
`(a) gives
`in terms of precision
`recall when
`is a.pplied
`the AD1 collection
`in this case
`level of 0.075,
`5 documents
`per cluster,
`a minimum
`of 20, and
`as the class
`formation method).
`The statistics which apply
`the original,
`ADl collection
`in column
`I. Column
`2 pertains
`the modified
`ADI collection
`after application
`of the global
`The average
`at 3 points of recall
`(0.25, 0.50, and 0.75)
`is calculated
`for each collection
`and shows
`an overall
`of 10.6 per cent when
`the global
`the Medlars
`is applied
`the procedure
`view when
`a similar
`(b) gives
`of 0.120, 3, 50, and
`(with corresponding
`2 applies
`1 applies
`to the original Medlars
`and column
`after application
`the global
`on the 3 point averalge)
`of the modified
`the original
`is 15.8 per cent.
`of constructing
`was designed
`An experiment
`and an appropriate
`value model
`the discrimination
`and applied
`to two standard
`test collections.
`The preliminary
`be effected
`by making
`a properly
`to a retrieval
`it is possible
`to construct
`the empirical
`The question
`of whether
`it is possible
`to construct
`such a
`for other collections
`to be answered.
`Unified EX1022 Page 10


`A Comparison
`The Original
`of Retrieval Statistics:
`the Thesaurus-Based
`- Prrcisloa
`0. ImLe
`0 .zaee
`0 .a176
`0. US48
`- Pr~clmlon
`0. POVU
`0. co
`% Prmc CAsncm =
`0 -8788
`# Prrc
`Norm Rac811
`Horn Precls
`Rank Ftscrll
`Log Pracls
`10 Uoca
`a0 docm
`10 docm
`so doca
`E. 0.6.
`IV dots
`E. 1.0.
`10 aocs
`E. 2.0.
`10 dacs
`E. 0.6.
`30 doccl
`E, 1.0,
`30 dOCS
`E. 2.0.
`30 does
`norm RIChll
`Ilora Precls
`Rant Rmcrll
`Log Prlcll
`10 does
`30 dots
`10 dots
`E. 0.6.
`10 docn
`10 doca
`IO dots
`30 aacs
`E. 1.0.
`30 does
`SO dots
`0 .ZlCD
`0. D67a
`(a) ADI
`(b) Medlars
`Unified EX1022 Page 11


`Local Feedback
`Attar, R., and A.S. Fraenkel,
`of the ACM, 24(3):397-417,
`in F’ull-text Retrieval
`of the Smart
`Tech. Report
`85-6816, Dept.
`of Computer
`Cornell University, May 198!j.
`of Discrimination
`R., The Computation
`and Management,
`An Analysis
`of Approximate
`and Management,
`6, 1988.
`Space Models
`and Vector
`the Boolean
`Fox, E., Extending
`Retrieval with P-norm Queries
`and Multiple Concept
`Types, Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University,
`Aug. 1983.
`of Two New Experimental
`Fox, E., Characteristics
`Tech. Report 83-561, Dept. of Computer
`Science, Cornell University,
`Sept. 1983.
`of Term
`Salton, G., C.S. Yang, and C.T. Yu, A Theory
`of the ASIS
`, 26(1):33-44,
`in Automatic
`Text Analysis,
`Salton, G., A. Wang, and C. S. Yang, A Vector Space Model
`the ACM,
`and Phrases
`the Role of Words
`Salton, G., and A. Wong, On
`Text Analysis,
`and Humanities,
`Term Weighting
`C. Buckley,
`Salton, G. and
`Text Retrieval,
`Tech. Report 87-881, Dept. of Computer
`Science, Cornell Uni;versity,
`Nov. 1987.
`van Rijsbergen,
`of Agglomerative
`E., The Effectiveness
`and Efficiency
`Tech. Report
`in Document
`705, Dept. of Computer
`Science, Cornell University, Oct. 1985.

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