`{19) a
`Europeri Patent Office
`Office européen des brevets
`E P 0
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`Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant ot the European patent‘ any person may give
`notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
`a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. {Art
`99(1) European Patent Convention).
`(45) Date of publication and mention
`of the grant oi the patent:
`25-03-1997 Bu'Ieii" 1997,13
`{21) Application number: 949230333
`{22) Date 0! Mme: 0107-1994
`(51) m1 0L6: G033 13’14
`(86) International application number:
`(87) International publication number:
`we semen (26.01.1995 Gazette 199905)
`[84) Designated Contracting States:
`(72) Inventor: Buonavoglia, Giroiamo
`24040 Stezzeno (IT)
`(30) Priority: 15.07.1993 IT MI931559
`04.07.1994 |T MI941390
`[43) Date of publication of application:
`01 .05.1996 Bulletin 1996t'18
`{73) Proprietor Buonavogtia1 Girolarno
`24040 Stezzano (IT)
`(74) Representative: Filippi, Home
`Via Aldrevandl, 7
`I-20129 Mllano (IT)
`(56) References cited:
`EP-A— 0 230 173
`WO-A-92f211 12
`CH-A— 615 522
`US-A— 4 598 272
`US-A- 5 196 825
`GB-A— 2 248 331
`US-A- 5 119 072
`Piirued by Jouve. 75001 PARIS (F a]
`EP 0 708 952 B1
`The invention concerns alarm and safety devices
`for persons and mobile objects.
`A well-known feature of society today is the increas-
`ing irequency of theits committed with dexterity. and the
`ease with which people lose wallets. bags, keys and
`Elderly people and children get lost in the streets.
`in gardens. in public places.
`All these situations give rise to considerable prob-
`lems and are the cause of serious trouble.
`There are numerous electronic devices. patented
`and available on the markel. that. by means oi electro-
`magnetic wavss. permit remote connection among peo-
`ple. objects or other people such as children and anin
`mats in need of protection.
`in the main based on two
`types of electronic apparatus. one being substantially a
`receiver and the other substantially a transmitter. The
`devices may both be transceivers.
`The transmitter is carried by the person or object to
`be protected while the receiver is controlled by the per-
`son entrusted with their protection.
`When the transmitter-carrying person or object
`strays farther away than the established= adjustabledis-
`tance. an electronic threshold is exceeded and an alarm
`Other devices employing rotary antennas. triangu-
`lations or other means can. in addition. find out in which
`direction the protected object has gone when the dis-
`tance previously set has been exceeded.
`For example. the Nutter Enterprises patent WO A
`87 06748 comprises a system oi remote control and
`alarm operating between a transmitter carried by a per—
`son or object and a receiver to which alarm signals are
`sent lrom a distance by the transmitter.
`The coded FM signals are produced at intervals by
`the transmitter in the form ot digital words.
`The receiver immediately produces an alarm it at
`least one of the coded words is not received during any
`one of the intervals.
`The receiver can control two transmitters simulta-
`neousiy. adjusting the coded words so that they can ap«
`pear at different intervals.
`Even though in theory this apparatus has two trans-
`mitters. it does not deal with the problem oi supervising
`several objects. persons oranimals with a single receiv-
`er. parliy ior reasons oi bulk. partly because of the diffi-
`culty of slowing away the different parts when not in use
`and partly because oi the problem oi coordinating the
`operative and idle phases oi one or other of the trans-
`Handling problems may arise or others ct interier~
`ence among the various transmitters. also that of rec-
`ognition. Operation ot various transmitters towards one
`receiver only can be very time-taking especially tuning
`up and syntonizing connections.
`it is also practically impossible to use known devic—
`as such as communicators to assist in searching tor
`people and objects under trying or extremely difficult en-
`vironmental conditions. such as when hidden under av-
`alanch as or when needing help of some kind.
`Purpose of the present invention is to provide an
`inexpensive and easily carried device able to eliminate
`or reduce the seriousness of the above accidents by
`maintaining connections. which may even be continu—
`ous. by means of electromagnetic waves between the
`user and other persons and objects placed under the
`protection or at least underthe control oi the user mak-
`ing it easy to raise an alarm. operate means of security
`and various types oi equipment.
`Subject of the invention is an electronic unit able to
`establish continuous. or intermittent. connection among
`persons or between persons and objects. said unit com—
`prising two devices. the first that here will be called a
`receiver, and the second iormed of one or more bodies
`that will here be called a transmitter.
`The receiver and each of the transmitters are con—
`nected by electromagnetic waves. to be employed re-
`spectiver by the user and by the persons or objects who
`are under the projection or control oi said user.
`The electromagnetic waves are. as the case may
`be. radio waves. microwaves. sound waves. supersonic
`waves. inlrared waves and others.
`The receiving and transmitting devices have inde~
`pendent electric teed by batteries and the like or photo-
`electric panels.
`The devices are preferably pocket—size and minia-
`turized. The signals sent out by the electromagnetic
`waves can be coded to prevent intenerence among
`In one advantageous execution the receiver com—
`prises one or more compartments each carrying one
`When each transmitter is physically separated from
`the receiver. there are special devices and circuits to
`activate the separated receiver and transmitter.
`When each transmitter is physicaiiy reunited with
`the receiver, said transmitter becomes deactivated.
`When all transmitters are th us reunited, the receiver
`is deactivated.
`The automatic devices for activation and deactiva-
`tion may be microswitches worked when the transmitter
`is connected with or disconnected from the receiver.
`The means [or attraction and disactivation may be
`magnetic attracting means that simultaneously retain
`the transmitter in the receiver and activate a magnetic
`microswitch within the transmitter that deactivates it.
`At the moment oi deactivation. as there is no mag-
`netic field the microswitch reactivates the transmitter.
`Transmission by electromagnetic waves is made by
`using a doubie. or multiple. carrier technique to improve
`reception in closed environments or to overcome any
`blind spots that may be caused by obstacles or reflection
`ot the signal.
`The transmitter sends out signais on one or more
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`EP 0 708 952 B1
`different frequencies. which are fixed or dynamically
`variable over time.
`The receiver uses the alternative irequency instead
`of one which may have been weakened by obstacles or
`The transmitters can comprise a circuit which. due
`to activation oi a special control device on said transmit-
`ter or due to emission oi a vocal sound, produces a sig—
`nal towards the receiver which then sends out an alarm
`signal useiul for checking on the safety oi children or oi
`any person in need oi help. Said vocal sound could be
`a baby crying.
`The transmitters can comprise a circuit containing
`an acoustic warning which sounds when the transmitter
`receives irom the receiver a certain signal; in this way
`the transmitter is relocalised when. ior example, per-
`sons or objects have been iound.
`A special circuit constantly evaluates the distance
`between transmitters and the receiver. Said distance is
`compared with an electronic threshold which the user
`modifies by means of a special selecting device.
`Reaching the threshold sets oil in the receiver one
`or more devices corresponding to alarm or some oper—
`ative function when a certain distance. representing a
`given threshold value. is exceeded.
`This alarm is acoustic or visual. or oi both kinds.
`The chosen iunction is operated by a push button
`irom among those available corresponding to that func-
`The device gives rise to an operative iunction if the
`threshold value is exceeded because a distance has
`been reached either greater than that corresponding to
`the threshold value. or lesser.
`The purpose oi this is to permit, for example, auto—
`matic remote activation of an anti—thett device for an au—
`tomobile. for a home or some enclosed space. of an au-
`tomatic closing device on a gate and a door or for de-
`activating a system. such as lighting or heating. when
`the user with the transmitter goes away from. for exam-
`ple. the automobile in which the receiver is installed. or
`else to permit the opposite lunclicns when the user is
`A special circuit and means ct control. such as a
`two-way selector on the receiver. will set oii the alarm
`either when the distance between transmitter and
`receiver is increasing,
`or when the variation oi said distance is diminishing
`the first being useful when for example. persons or
`objects should not move too iar away.and the sec—
`ond when. ior example, research must be made for
`a lost person or object.
`The distance varying between a transmitter and a
`receiver is visualised numerically on the receiver. The
`distance can be iouncl by measuring the delay in the
`echo signal compared with the signal sent out by the
`device called a receiver to a transmitter.
`The distance can be iound by measuring the time
`taken by a signal emitted by a transmitter or by the re-
`ceiver when ordered to emit it by the other.
`A special circuit constantly evaluates the direction
`between the receiver and one or more of the transmit-
`ters visualising said direction on a dial on the receiver.
`The direction may be analogically visualised on a
`linear or circular bar—graph or with pointers or with digits
`on a numerical display.
`The direction may be measured by triangulation
`techniques. The direction oi each transmitter in relation
`to the receiver can be found by manual or automatic ro-
`tation oi an antenna on the receiver and measuring the
`variation in amplitude of the echo signal in relation to
`that sent out by the device called a receiver. to a trans-
`The receiving and transmitting devices have inde-
`pendent electric feed by batteries and the like or by pho-
`toelectric panels.
`Receiver and transmitters can be equipped with al—
`ready known devices. operating on radio frequencies or
`with supersonic or infrared waves or by other means and
`can be completed with acoustic transducers. micro—
`phones and loud speakers and with devices suited to
`transmission and reception of Morse signals and be iii-
`ted with suitably powerful batteries to permit use oi the
`device in searching lor persons or objects in difficult en-
`vironmental conditions.
`Communication can thus be maintained between
`underwater divers and their boats on the suriace. be—
`tween emergency aid services and people lost in the
`snow. in tog or hidden under avalanches.
`The invention oilers evident advantages.
`The possibility oi being able to fit all the transmitters
`when not in use into the places made for them in the
`receiver assures both minimum bulk and the most ei-
`iective protection for the transmitters themselves.
`Automatic activation and deactivation oi transmit-
`ters by simply detaching them or putting them away in
`the receiver greatly iacilitates efficiency by making them
`available quickly and easily it required in an emergency.
`It possesses an exceptional degree of versatility
`which makes it adaptable to many kinds of uses.
`By keeping the receiver in an inside pocket or in
`som similar position or in any case close at hand. the
`user can be immediately inlormed it some person or ob—
`iect. to whom or to which a transmitter has been asso-
`ciated. goes away or is removed beyond the distance
`set by the receiver.
`The user can thereiore be warned it a thief steals
`his wallet in some crowded means of public transport.
`or it he forgets his umbrella or to supervise his baggage.
`The advantages are also clear irom the possible
`concrete examples of how the invention can be used.
`Entering a call. the user places his umbrella. to
`which one of the invented transmitters is attached. in an
`umbrella stand. On leaving he iorgets to collect it.
`After walking away tor a certain distance (the dis-
`Google EX1014 Page 0003
`EP 0 708 952 B1
`tance is that which said user has set on the device} the
`invented receiver,
`in the user's coat pocket. sounds a
`warning signal.
`A parent does not want his little boy. playing in a
`park, to get too far away. for example not more than 40
`m. Using the knob of the potentiometer he sets this dis-
`tance on the receiver and puts a transmitter into the
`child's clothing.
`if the child disobeys and goes off to far. the warning
`will sound and the parent be told.
`A thief enters an apartment at night but one of the
`invented transmitters has been mounted on the door.
`after careful measurement. also done by the device, of
`the distance between the door of the apartment and the
`occupier's bed.
`On opening the door the thief brings the transmitter
`closer to the receiver. on the occupier's bedside table
`for example, thus setting off the warning signal.
`A shortsightsd person does not remember where
`he has put down his glasses or the remote control to
`which the invented transmitters are applied. or else he
`wants to find his cat who likes to hide away and who has
`a transmitter on him.
`The user sets a low value (eg. 50-100 cm) on the
`receiver and then searches every corner in the house
`until a warning informs him that he is close to his glass-
`es, his remote control device or to his cat.
`In situations of extreme environmental difficulty,
`such as snow. fog. under water and others, the arrival
`of help is enormously facilitated.
`Automatic activation of alarm signals can be made
`in automobiles. at Work,
`in the home= for closing gates
`and doors. for turning off lights. heating and other useiul
`functions when the house occupier leaves home or gets
`out of his car.
`Said functions. even without specific action by the
`user. ensure protection in cases of torgelfulness or ina-
`On returning. the user can obtain automatic deacti-
`vation of alarm systems. opening of gates. doors and
`anything else. Generally speaking. with the electronic
`unit described the chances of losing people and objects
`are greatly lessened. while activation and deactivation
`of alarms and systems generally. opening and closing
`of doors. structural and electronic means of protection
`are all laciiitated. to the great comfort of the user.
`The electronic unit described is extremely simple in
`its structure.
`is inexpensive and practical to use. thus
`permitting universal diffusion.
`Characteristics and purposes will be made stili
`clearer by the following examples of its execution illus-
`trated by figures.
`The receiverof the electronic unit subject of the
`One of the transmitters.
`Receiver with four transmitters.
`Layout of the receiver
`Layout of the transmitter.
`Layout of the receiver with alternating logic of
`the carriers. for measuring distance.
`Layout oi the receiver with alternating logic oi
`the carriers for detection of direction.
`Layout of
`communication by voice and Morse.
`Layout of receiver—transmitterior relocalizing a
`The receiver 10 of electromagnetic waves. shaped
`like a fiat box. has a compartment 11 to house the trans-
`miller 30 of electromagnetic waves. this too shaped like
`a small flat box.
`The receiver 10 comprises a battery 12 for electric—
`fly. a microswitch 13 for connection to this electric teed,
`an antenna 14. an AF demodulator filter 15. a preampli-
`fier16, a decoder amplifier 17. a comparator 18. a po-
`tentiometer 19 with graded scale 20. a slide selector 21,
`an output stage 22 for a visual or acoustic alarm signal.
`an analogico-digital converter 23. a 3-figure display 24.
`an electric ringer 25.
`The transmitter 30 comprises a battery 31 for elec—
`tric teed. a microswitch 32. an oscillator 33. a variable
`condenser 34. an amplifier 35. a modulator 36. an an-
`tenna 37. a LED 38.
`The receiver 40 possesses the essential features
`of the receiver 10 but instead has four compartments
`41 -44 substantially the same as the compartment 11 of
`the receiver 10 housingthe transmitter 30 andthe trans—
`mitters 52-54 substantially the same as the transmitter
`When idle the transmitter 30 is put in the housing
`11 of the receiver 10.
`When so placed the switch 13 of the receiver 10 and
`the switch 32 of the transmitter 30 are in the open posi-
`tion and therefore the electronic unit formed of the re-
`ceiver 10 and of the transmitter 30 is deactivated.
`Extraction of the transmitter 30 from the receiver
`closes the above switches 13 and 32 which activates
`the receiver and the transmitter.
`In the oscillator 33 of the transmitter 30. a carrier is
`generated at the previously established frequency. by
`means of the variable condenser 34.
`Said carrier. suitably amplified in the amplifier 35
`and modulater in the AF modulator 36, is sent to the an«
`ten na 37 for transmission of the signal.
`The receiving antenna 1 4 picks up the signals trans-
`mitted by the transmitter 30 and these are sent to the
`AF demodulator filter 15.
`This filter eliminates the carrier and extracts the
`modulator superimposed over it. on condition that the
`transmitter 30 has been tuned in. through the variable
`condenser 34. to the frequency of the receiver 10.
`The AF demodulator fitter 15 generates at its output
`a signal that is suitably preamplified in the preamplifier
`16 and sent to the amplifier-decoder 17.
`Flecognition of the code of modulation and amplifi-
`Google EX1014 Page 0004
`EP 0 708 952 B1
`cation takes place here. Said signal is compared in the
`comparator block 18. with a threshold, set by the user
`by means oi the potentiometer 19 with a rotating shait.
`According to the position oi the slide selector 21
`present on the box hoiding the receiver 10. an output
`warning signal will then be generated in one oi the tol-
`lowing cases:
`ifthe signal sent out by the transmitter goes beyond
`the established threshold because the distance be-
`tween the transmitter that Is moving away and the
`receiver exceeds a certain value;
`lithe signal sent out by the transmitter goes beyond
`said threshold because the distance between the
`approaching transmitter and the receiver is less
`than said value.
`The alarm signal is sent to the output stage 22 oi
`the receiver 10 tor a visual signal, by means oi a LED
`38, or an acoustic signal.
`Said alarm will therefore mean that the distance be-
`tween the transmitter and the receiver is lesser or great-
`er than a previously established value.
`Simultaneously the signal sent out by the transmit-
`ter is sent to an MD converter 23 and there changed
`into a numerical signal that appears on a display 24 to
`show the actual distance in metres between transmitter
`and receiver.
`Operation at high irequency and the possibility of
`mounting the device with SMD circuits mean that both
`parts composing the invented device can be miniatur-
`ized. greatly reducing bulk and making it possible for
`one oi them, particularly the transmitter. to be incorpo-
`rated into objects in use at the time of their man ufacture.
`Fig. 6 diagrammatically shows the use of a double
`carrier technique to iind the distance between the re-
`ceiving device 59 and the transmitter 30.
`The receiver 60 at A irequency alternates with the
`receiver 61 at B irequency by means oi the carrier at-
`ternating logic 62.
`The circuit 63 finds the amplitude variations on the
`basis of which said distance is visualised in the circuit
`When the above mentioned threshold is exceeded
`the alarm is given activating the pilot light 65.
`Figure 7 shows in diagrammatic iorm how the dou—
`ble carrier technique is used to detect the angular posi-
`tion between the receiving device 69 and the transmitter
`The receiver ?0 at A frequency alternates with the
`receiver 17 at B frequency by means oi the carrier at-
`ternating logic 72.
`By rotation oi the revolving head 74 controlled by
`the circuit 75‘ circuit 73 finds the amplitude variations in
`accordance with which the angular position between the
`receiver 69 and the transmitter 30 is visualised in the
`circuit 76.
`indication of this position facilitates continuity of
`connection between the user who has the receiver and
`the person or object to be protected in possession oi the
`Figure 8 shows in diagrammatic iorm an improve
`ment to the electronic unit described by addition of re-
`ceiver-transmitters for communication by voice as well.
`useiul in the presence oi snow. iog andthe like. and also
`oi the Morse system for communication under water.
`The receiver device 80 comprises the receivers 81
`and 82 which by two-way radio control 93 are connected
`alternatively to transmitters 91 and 92 oi the transmitter
`90. The microphone 86 and loudspreaker 87 can be
`Morse type announcement or reply can be made it
`pushbutton 88.
`Transmitters 84 and 85 in the receiver 80 are alter-
`nater connected to the receivers 94 and 95 in the trans-
`mitter 90 by the two-way radio control 83.
`The microphone 96 and loudspeaker 97 can be
`Morse type announcement and reply can be made
`with the pushbuttons BB and 98.
`Figure 9 shows diagrammatically an electronic unit
`with receiver and transmitter in seated shockprooi con-
`tainers provided with circuits for relocaiizing the trans-
`mitter and thereiore persons or objects to be controlled
`and protected in the event oi contact having been lost.
`The receiver 100 comprises the receiver circuits
`101 and 102 which are connected. at normal power. with
`the transmitter circuits 101 and 102 oi the transmitter
`It the circuit 113 shows an interruption in the signal.
`by means oi the pushbutton 118 a maximum power sig-
`nal can be sent tothe receiving circuits 104 and 105 in
`the transmitter 100 by the transmitting circuits 114 and
`115. and diiiused by the loud speaker 106.
`This acoustic signal assists in finding the object or
`person connected to the transmitter. by the user con-
`nected to the receiver.
`Said acoustic signal can tunction authomatically ii
`the connection has gone too iar away or is lost.
`The transmitter will in any case emit the maximum
`power in making the acoustic signal increasing the pow-
`er oi emission of its own localizing signal so as to re-
`make the lost connection.
`1. Electronic unit for continuous or discontinuous con—
`nection between persons and obiects comprising
`two miniaturized and pocket-sized devices with in-
`dependent electric teed= possibly even by photo—
`voltaic panels. the ti rst device here called a receiver
`{1 0.40.5069, 80.110) and the second, consisting oi
`one or more bodies. here cailed transmitters (30.
`52-5430. 100).said devices being connected by ra-
`dio waves. microwaves. sound waves, ultrasonic
`Google EX1014 Page 0005
`EP 0 708 952 B1
`waves, infrared and electromagnetic waves gener—
`ally to be empioyed respectively by the user and by
`the persons or objects placed under said user's pro-
`tection and control.
`the receiver
`characterized in
`59,80,110) comprises one or more compartments
`(it. 41-44) each to house one transmitter {30.
`52—54. 90,100} and in that special devices (13.32)
`and circuits determine, at the moment when each
`transmitter is physically separated from the receiv-
`er. activation of the separated receiver and trans-
`mitter. and determine. when each transmitter is
`physically replaced in the receiver. deactivation of
`the transmitter and. when all transmitters have been
`replaced. deactivation of the receiver.
`Electronic device as in claim 1.
`characterized in that the signals transmitted by the
`electromagnetic waves are coded so as to prevent
`among transmitters
`Electronic device as in claim 1.
`characterized in that the means for automatic acti-
`vation and deactivation are microswitches (13.32}
`worked by insertion and removal of the transmitters
`(30.52~54.90,100} in relation to the receiver (10.
`40.59. 69. 80. 110).
`Electronic device as in claim 1.
`characterized in that the devices for activation and
`deactivation are means of magnetic attraction that
`simultaneously determine retainment of the trans-
`mitter (30.52—54. 90.100) in the receiver (10.40.
`593930.110} and activation within the transmitter
`of a magnetic microswitch that deactivates it white.
`on detachment. for tack of a magnetic field. the mi-
`croswitch puts the transmitter back into operation.
`Electronic device as in claim 1.
`characterized in that the transmitters (30.52-54.
`90. 1 00} comprise acircuit which. followinga special
`command given to said transmitter or following a vo-
`cal sound. sends a signal to the receiver (10.40.
` such as will create on said receiver
`an alarm signal useful for control and safeguarding
`of children and of people generally in need of help.
`the vocal sound even being the crying of a child.
`Electronic device as in claim 1.
`characterized in that a special circuit continuously
`evaluates the distance between the transmitters
`(30.526430. 100} and the receiver (10.40.59.
`69.110). said distance being constantly compared
`with an electronic threshold whose value can be
`modified by the user by means of a selector (19).
`and determines in the receiver entry into effect of
`one or more devices corresponding to alarm or to
`operative functions when a certain distance. corre—
`sponding to a certain threshoid.
`is exceeded. the
`alarm device being acoustic or visual or of both
`types. the chosen function being put into effect by
`pressing a push button. corresponding to the cho-
`sen function. from among those available.
`Electronic device as in claim 6.
`characterized in that the device whose function is
`to give an aiarm or execute a function comes into
`effect it the threshold value is exceeded by a dis-
`tance having been reached that is greater than that
`corresponding to the threshold value or is lesser.
`and this in order to permit a remote control device.
`for exampte. to switch on automatically an anti-theft
`system for an automobile. for a home, for indoor en~
`vironments generatly. to activate automatic closure
`of a gate or door. or totum off. for example. a lighting
`or heating system when the user in possession of
`the transmitter
`[eaves some
`place. for example. an automobile in which the re-
`ceiver is installed, and to permit the opposite oper-
`ations to take place when the user once more ap—
`proaches the place.
`Electronic device as in claim 6,
`characterized in that a speciaicircuitwhen in receipt
`of an adequate command such as that given by a
`(,110i sets off the alarm as desired:
`either when the distance between transmitters
`and the receiver ( is in-
`or when the variation of said distance is dimin—
`ishing. the first being useful when for example.
`it is desired to prevent persons or objects from
`moving away. and the second when searching
`fora lost person or object.
`Electronic device as in claim 1.
`characterized in that the receiver “,
`110) and the transmitters [30.52—54.90.100] are
`provided with devices functioning at radio frequen-
`cy or at supersonic channels or infrared or with oth-
`er means and completed with acoustic transducers.
`microphones (86) and loudspeakers {87) and are
`equipped with batteries of suitabie power so that
`use can be made of the instrument for communica-
`tion and aid when searching for persons and objects
`under difficult environmentat conditions stich as in
`snow. log, at low temperatures and similar situa-
`tions of hard weather. making possible communica
`tion between search parties and people lost or hid-
`den under avalanches or in any case needing hetp.
`Electronic device as in claim 1.
`characterized in
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`EP0708952 B1
`69.80.110} and the transmitters t30,52—54,90.100}
`are protected by sealed antishock containers and
`are fitted with devices operating at radio trequenoyr
`or with supersonic channels or infrared or other
`means and are completed with transducers and
`means {88,89} suitable tor transmitting and receiv-
`ing Morse type signals so that communication can
`be made even without use at the voice, tor example
`as in the case of underwater communication.
`1. Elektronisoher Komplex zur Verbindung. auch zur
`kontinuierlichen Vsrbindung.
`tron Psrsonen und
`Gegenstanden. bestehend aus zwei in die Taeche
`steckbaren Vorriehtungen im Minitonnat mit aute-
`nomer Stromversorgung auch fiber photovoltai-
`schen Paneele. \ron denen die erste nachstehend
`"Emptanger"(10.40.59,69.80.110)und die zweite
`aus einem oder mehreren Einheiten besteht. die
`nachstehend "Sender" {30. 52-54, 90. 100) genannt
`warden; diese Vorrichtungen. die [iber Rundtunk—
`wallen. MikroWetten. Schaltwetten. Ultraschail.
`l'rarotwellen und elektromagnetische Wellen im all-
`gemeinen mttsinander vsrbunden werden. stnd je-
`weils tin den Bediener und for die Psrsonen oder
`Gegenstande bestimmt. die seitens des Bedteners
`geschfitzt oder fiberwacht werdsn sollen;
`die Einheit wird dadurch charekterisiert. deli der
`Emptanger (10. 40. 59, 69, 80. 110) ein oder meh-
`rere Facher (11. 41-44} zur jeweiligen Autnahme et-
`nes Senders (30. 52-54. 90. 100) enthalt. sowie da-
`durch. deB spezielle Vorrichtungen (13. 32) und
`Schaltkreise im Augenblick einer physischen Tren—
`nung jedsr dieser Vorriohtungen der Sender vorn
`Empfénger die Aktivierung des Emptangers und
`des abgetrennten Senders bewirken und im Augen-
`blick der erneuten physischen Eintflgung jedes ein-
`zelnen Sendensils in den Emptangers die Deaktt-
`\rierung des Senders bewi rken und daB bei erneuter
`Einfflgung s'a'rntlicher Sender die Deaktitrierung des
`Emptengers bewith wird.
`Wie unter der Beanspruchung 1) beechriebener
`elektronischer Kompiex. dedurch cherekterieiert.
`daB die fiber elektromagnetische Wellen l'tbertrage-
`nsn Signale derart koditiziert sind. daB Interteren-
`zen zwischen den Sendeneiien (30. 52-54. 90, 100)
`eusgeschlossen werden.
`Wie unter der Beanspruchung 1] besehriebsner
`etektronischer Komptex. dedurch oharakterisiert.
`daB die Vorrichtungen zur automatischen Aktitrie-
`rung und Deaktitrierung aus Mikrosohaltern (18. 32)
`bestehsn. die im Augenbiick einer ernsuten Einii‘t-
`gung sowie einer Trsnnung der Senderteiie {30.
`52-54. 90. 100) in den bzw. \rom Empténgert10,40,
`59. 59, 80, 110} aktiviert werden.
`Wie unter der Bsanspruchung 7) besehriebener
`elektronischer Komplex. dadurch charaicterisiert.
`daB die Vorrichtungen zur Aktitrierung und Deakti-
`\rierung aus magnetischen Anziehungsetemenlen
`bestehen. die gleichzeitig den Sender (30. 52-54.
`90. 100) im EmptengerUO. 40. 59. 69. 80, 110} hal-
`ten und einen im Sender installierten magnetischen
`Mikroschalter aktitrieren. dsr die Abschaltung des
`Senders bewlrkt. wehrend der Mtkroschatler bei ei-
`ner Trennung der Gerate fiber die Unterbrechung
`des magnetischen Feldes den Sender aktiviert.
`Wis unter der Beanspruchung 1) besehriebener
`elektronischer Kornptex. dadurch charakterisiert>
`daB die Sender (30. 52-54, 90. 100) einen Schelt-
`kreis enthalten. welcher fiber die Aktitrierung eines
`entsprschenden aut dem Sender sslbst présenten
`Steuerbefehis oder aber fiber eine \rokale Lautab~
`gebe ein Signal an den Emptanger (10. 40. 59. 69.
`80. 110] ausstrahlen. das im Emptanger die Atctitrie-
`rung eines Warnsignals bewirkt. weiches zur Kon—
`trolle oder Uberwachung \ron Kindern und hiltsbe-
`dflrttigen Personen dient oder aber im