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`Specifications Groups Specifications 3GPP Calendar Technologies Home SitemapAbout 3GPP Contact
`Questions about 3GPP Membership
`Questions about 3GPP email exploderlists
`Questions about Legal Matters
`Questions about 3GPPSpecifications
`Questions about Technical Specification GroupWorking Group
`Questions about Documents and TSG/WG Meetings
`Questions about Work Items and Deliverables
`Technical topics
`Questions about 3GPP Membership
`Who can becomeanIndividual Member of 3GPP and how much doesit cost?
`Who may participate in 3GPP meetings?
`Whoshall fill in the 3GPP Individual Member Application form?
`What shall | do ifa 3GPP companyorofficial contactdetails change?
`Whatarethe different membership categories?
`Who may become an observer?
`Who may become a Guest Member and do guests haveto pay any fees?
`Whocan apply for market representative Partnership?
`Can an ETSI Observer becomean Individual Member of3GPP?
`Can an ETSI Applicant apply for 3GPP Membership?
`Can an ETSI Memberapply for 36PP Guest status?
`Questions about 3GPP email exploder lists
`Are there discussion archives for the 3GPP exploderlists?
`How do | subscribe to the 3GPP exploderlists?
`3GPP Website:
`Search and download specs, docs, CRs and more from
`the 3GPP FTP Server:
`More news...
`1 Myth to R
`Questions about Legal Matters
`Whatis the 3GPPIPR Policy?
`Whatis the 3GPPpolicy onlicensing?
`Who ownsthe Technical Specifications and the Technical Reports approved by 3GPP?
`Are meeting contributions to ETS! TC SMGpublically available?
`is permission needed to use the 3GPP logo in marketing collaterals or on a website?
`Can |use computer code included with a 3GPP TS to implement a product?
`News Feeds
`3GPP News
`3GPP tweets
`Questions about 3GPP Specifications
`How do | create the next Release version of a TS or TR?
`Where canthe rules, protocols or software needed to develop applications for UMTS be found?
`Whatis the correlation between Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3?
`Are the 3GPP specifications produced only in word?
`Which group works with specifications covering the use of the GSM codec(either in C or Java based)?
`Where can | find documents produced by the GSM MoU Group / GSM Association?
`Where would| find a document(e.g. UMTS 30.03 version 3.1.0) which does not appear on the status list?
`Where are all the Change Requests (CRs) located?
`Where are all the current ETSI SMG specs located?
`Which group works on Physical Layer aspects of UMTS/LTE?
`Where can| find the list of Abstract syntax notation (ASN.1) object identifiers?
`Where can|find the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity algorithms?
`Whatis a Release - how does specification version numbering work?
`Where can|find information on the current status of 3GPP specifications?
`Whatis the system for numbering specifications?
`Whatis the meaningofthe text at the foot of the TS/TR cover page?
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0001
`APPLE 1017
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0001
`APPLE 1017
`Questions about Technical Specification Group/Working Group
`Whoare the TSG/WGOfficials and Support team and where can | find their contact details?
`Where can | find the Terms of Reference for my TSG/WG?
`May | become an Official?
`Where are my TSG/WGs documents stored?
`Questions about Documents and TSG/WG Meetings
`How do | register fora meeting?
`Who can submit a change proposal on any 3GPP specifications to 3GPP?
`Ifa change proposalis submitted how long doesit take forit to get approved?
`How to geta user name and password for "Reserve a Document Number"?
`How do | obtain a document numberfor my contribution?
`Where can | download documents for an upcoming meeting?
`Where can| find a temporary documenttemplate?
`Questions about Work Items and Deliverables
`Whatis my role when my TSG/WGs hasto approve a deliverable?
`Whatare the different types of deliverables?
`Can | write an 3GPP Document myself?
`Do | and my company have to support my TSG/WGs Work Items?
`Do | need a password and user name to access the 3GPP Website ?
`Can you give me information about which companies manufacture particular types of equipment. (...)
`How can | determine when a meeting contribution document (TDoc) becamepublicly available?
`Is it possible to determine the date and time of publication of a particular version of a 3GPP specification?
`Technical topics
`Whatformalities do | have to go throughto get type approval for terminal equipment in Europe?Is there a single point of
`contact? What standards does my equipment need to conform to in orderthat | can place it on the market?
`Where can| find a list of technical terms and abbreviations used in 3GPP documents?
`Whatis the difference between a SIM and a USIM? Whatis a UICC?
`| have transferred a videofile from my phone to my PC, Where can| find a playerfor 3gp files?
`Where can I find the specification of the SIM Lock feature?
`Whocan becomean Individual Member of 3GPP and how much doesit cost?
`Individual Members are by definition members of the Organizational Partners of 3GPP. This means that members of
`standardization bodies such as ETSI, ARIB, TTA, TTC, ATIS and CCSAhave a rightto take part in 3GPP.If your company
`becomes an ETSI member, please be informed thatfor participation in 3GPP you need to pay 3 units ofcontribution as a
`minimum except SMEs, Users, Universities, Public Research Bodies who should pay 2 units (instead of 1).
`ETSI Members' and associate members' fees are calculated by class. The class is derived from the member company's
`annual ECRTband (Electronics Communications Related Turnover) - see ECRTdefinition.
`Each class corresponds to a number ofunits. This number determinesthe contribution payable.
`Example:Ifyour organization declares an annual ECRTof up to 135€ million, you would need to pay 2 Units of Contribution
`(corresponding to 9380€ per year) plus an additional UoCfor participation in 3GPP of 3380€
`(see fees table). Members
`joining ETSI during the 2nd half ofthe year benefit from a 50% rebate on the membershipfee ofthe current year.In this case,
`you would pay 12760€ minus 50% = 63806€ for yyyy.
`Whomayparticipate in 3GPP meetings?
`To attend a 3GPP meeting, you must be a 3GPPIndividual Member (i.e., you must be a Memberof oneof the Organizational
`Partners involved in the project; ARIB, CCSA, ETSI, ATIS, TTA or TTC). A non-member company should seek membership
`with one of the above partners to be eligible to contribute and participate at 3GPP Meetings.
`Whoshall fill in the 3GPP Individual Member Application form?
`The person legally responsible for the requesting company shallfill in the form.
`Whatshall | do if a 3GPP companyorofficial contact details change?
`All changes of correspondence should be notified to ETS! Membership and 3GPPMembership.
`In case ofchangeofofficial contact an ETS! Online (EOL) accountwill be created for the new contact.
`Please note that as official contact person you can view and modify your personal and organization's contact details via the
`"Manage my membership" web interface.
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0002
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0002
`Whatare the different membership categories?
`The different membership categories of 3GPP are described in Article 4 of the 3GPP Working Procedures.
`Who may becomean observer?
`The status of Observer may be granted by the Organizational Partners to an entity which has the qualifications to become a
`future Partner (see also 3GPP Working Procedures Article 10)
`Who may become a 3GPP Guest Memberand do guests have to pay any fees?
`The 3GPP Guest statusis for potential Individual Members who may be granted permission to participate in 3GPP for a
`maximum period of 6 months. Gueststatus is granted on a case-by-case basis by the Organizational Partners (see also 3GPP
`Working Procedures Article 10). If you like to apply fora Guest status, please complete the on-line 3GPP Application form.
`No membership fees are requested for Guest applications. The Guest status is a one time only membership whichis used to
`enable a company to decide whetheror not they wish to becomea full member(by joining one ofthe Partners).
`Whocan apply for market representative Partnership?
`Organisation who have the ability to offer market advice to 3GPP andto bring into 3GPP a consensus view of market
`requirements (@.9., services, features and functionality)falling within the 3GPP scope (see also 3GPP Working Procedures,
`Article 7).
`Can an ETSI Observer becomean Individual Member of 3GPP?
`An ETSI Observer cannot becomean Individual Member of 3GPP. An ETSI Observer may “observe”all activities, but their
`participationis limited to the ETS! General Assembly only. Therefore, ETS! Observers have no participation rights in 3GPP.
`ETSI! Observers have access to ETSI documentation and of course to 3GPP documentation since thatis openly published on
`the web.
`3GPPdoeshaveit's own category called "Observer" butthatis entirely different and is used for potential Partners.
`Can an ETSI Applicant apply for 3GPP Membership?
`YES, an ETS! Applicant meansthat your request to become an ETS! Member will be addressed (and normally approved) at
`the next General Assembly and that the company has specified they want to participate in 3GPPactivities. See also above
`regarding 3GPPfees.
`Can an ETSI Memberapply for 3GPP Guest status?
`Yes, any ETSI Membercan apply for a 3GPP Gueststatusbyfilling in the on-line 3GPP Application form.
`Are there discussion archives for the 3GPP exploderlists?
`Yes! To see the complete list please have a look here: Home pageoflistserv and scroll down until you find the list you are
`interested in. For example, the archives for the main RAN email list.
`How do | subscribe to the 3GPP exploderlists?
`All 3GPP email exploderlists can be foundatlist.3gpp.org. In order to subscribe to anyof thelists, scroll down until you find
`the list you are interested in, then click on the link and onthe right side of the page you will find Subscribe or Unsubscribe.
`Click on the link and follow the simple instructions. Delegates who already have an ETSI username and password should use
`the list managementapplication on the ETS! site.
`Whatis the 3GPPIPR Policy?
`The 3GPP Organizational Partners have agreedthat their IPR policies should be respected and thattheir respective members
`should be encouragedto declare "their willingness to grant licenses anfair, reasonable terms and conditions and on non
`discriminatory basis" (Article 3.1 of the Third Generation Partnership Project). For more information, look here >>>
`The above-mentioned principles are further reflected in Article 55 ofthe 3GPP Working Procedures which request that each
`Individual Members should declare “at the earliest opportunity, any IPR which they believe to be essential, or potentially
`essential, to any work ongoing within 3GPP".
`Whatis the 3GPPpolicy on licensing?
`Some aspects of 3GPP systems are covered by essential Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)- thatis, patented technologies
`without which equipment cannot be implemented. The IPR vests in - i.e. the patents are held by - individual companies, and
`not by 3GPPitself or any ofits Organizational Partners (OPs). All Individual Members of 3GPP abide by the IPR policies ofthe
`OP to which they belong; all such policies are broadly similar see also "Whatis the 3GPP IPR Policy", and require IPR holders
`to makelicences available to all third parties, whether or not they are 3GPP Individual Members, under fair, reasonable and
`non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms.
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0003
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0003
`Neither 3GPP nor its component OPsoffer an IPR search service.It is the responsibility of each manufacturer / system
`implementorto seek and obtain its ownlicenses from theindividual IPR holders. For more information, and a guide to the
`IPRs declared to each 3GPP OP, look here>>>
`Whoownsthe Technical Specifications and the Technical Reports approved by
`According to the Article 3.2.2 ofthe Third Generation Partnership Project Agreement, the 3GPP Organizational Partners jointly
`own copyright on the Technical Specifications and the Technical Reports approved by 3GPP.
`Are meeting contributions to ETSI TC SMG publically available?
`ETSI TC SMG meeting documents can be found on the ETSI docboxfile server. Accessis limited to bonafide representatives
`of ETSI memberorganizations. These, together with early versions of the GSM specifications, have been gathered together
`into a set of DVDs "A TechnicalHistory of GSM"available to ETS] members via the ETS! WEBstore.
`The GSM standardization work wastransferred from CEPTto ETSIin 1991. TC SMG wasclosed at meeting #32 and TC SMG
`created to continue the work. Like almost all ETS! Technical Committees, participation in TC SMG andits working groups was
`open to all ETS! member organizations. Thatis, any bona fide representative ofan ETS! memberwas free to participate.
`Exceptionally, otherindividuals could participate by expressinvitation of the chairman. Each meeting report containsalist of
`Participants with their corporate affiliations.
`Until the late 1990s, all meeting documents were circulated in paperform. Electronicfiles started to take over from paperin
`around 1997. Meeting documents (“TDocs”) were distributed by post(later, by fax) in batches prior to the meeting, to those
`persons registered as regular participants in SMG orthe appropriate working group, and many more documents were
`produced during the course of the meeting itself. Although a provision existed (and still exists) in the context of the IPR Policy
`for contributors to place restrictions on the distribution of TDocs via a formalnotification at the time the document was
`provided, this was seldomif ever invoked. In the absence of such a condition, all TDocs were free ofany restriction on
`subsequentdistribution. Thus no restriction has ever been placed on how meeting participants dispose of the documents
`subsequentto their distribution before, during, or after the meeting. There were no non-disclosure agreements.
`ETSI maintains a paper archive of the SMG TDoes, and bona fide representatives of current ETSI members can, by
`appointment, make an accompanied searchofthe archives.This facility extends to members which may not have been
`members atthe time the document was originally produced.
`TC-approved versions of ETSI "deliverables" (see ETS! Directives forformal definition ofthis term) would have been
`transferred by the support officer of the committee to the secretariat team responsible for publishing ETS! deliverables. That
`team would have made cosmetic (non-technical) modifications to the draft deliverables before issuing them. Depending on
`the type of “deliverable”, those documents would have been issued via National Standards Organizations (NSOs)eitherfor
`immediate publication,orfirst via either a one-step or two-step national public enquiry and vote processprior to final
`publication by ETSI. In ETS! parlance, “publication” of a deliverableis the final step in the developmentcycle of a technical
`standard, and has a precise meaning. That meaning is not “making publically available", since draft deliverables released for
`public enquiry orfor vote are "publically available" but not yet "published".
`If the confidentiality conditions described above had been imposed on a TDocbyits authors,if the text of that TDoc wasin due
`course incorporated into an ETSI "deliverable", then those conditions are regarded as annulled from the date on whichthe
`deliverable is published,
`Collections ofTDocs / meeting reports have from time to time been made available to ETSI members in CD or DVD form,look
`here >>>
`Is permission needed to use the 3GPP logo in marketing collaterals or ona
`web site?
`ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) is the sole owner of the following acronyms:
`3GPP and
`as well as the ETSI, TIPHON, 3GPP and LTE logos. ETSI Members are authorized to use these Trade Marks in accordance
`with Collective Letter 1943. Authorization is needed to use the above mentioned acronyms andlogos.
`Forfurther information contact the ETS! Legal Team or see http/Avww.3gpp.org/about-3gpp/legal-matters/logo-use.
`Can | use computer code included with a 3GPP TS to implementa product?
`Yes, but read this clause carefully. Some 3GPP Technical Specifications include computer code such as ASN.1 or XML
`(protocols), ANSI-C language (codecs),...; and some include test vectors (codecs)for verifying implementations. These are
`publishedto allow users of these TSs to implementreal-world products. No permission is required from 3GPPorits
`Organizational Partners (OPs) to use this code in the design of products - e.g. to compile the C to implementa codecin
`machine code.
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0004
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0004
`Nevertheless, there may be essential IPR involved with such a design, and implementers are obliged to seek licences fram
`IPR ownersto use that technology. See also Whatis the 3GPPpolicy on licensing?
`Moreover, the copyright ofall 3GPP TSs and TRsvests jointly by all the 3GPP OPs. Other than for in-house copies for the
`purpose of further developmentof the 3GPP standard orfor product design purposes,etc. you may not reproduce any part of
`a 3GPP TS or TR without seeking permission fram 3GPP(e.g. from the ETS! Legal Team): use the procedure described on the
`legal area ofthis site. This means that you must not provide verbatim copies of source code (or lightly modified copies) without
`seeking permission from 3GPP.
`Finally, you are reminded that 3GPP TSs and TRs have nolegal status, and you should not design products directly to them.
`See the advice notice on the cover page of every 3GPP TS and TR. Instead, use the technically identical publication of one of
`the OPs.
`How do | create the next Release version of a TS or TR?
`There are three ways of upgrading a Release X spec to Release X+1:
`1. Write a CR to the latest Release X version to incorporate technical changesto satisfy a Release X+1 work item, and on
`the cover sheet showing the WI code for that work item and the Release code for Release X+1. If the CR is approved at
`TSGlevel, this will automatically create the first instance of the next Release of the spec.
`2. Make a specific request to the TSG to upgrade thelatest version of the spec from Release X to Release X+1, This might
`be needed if the functionalities of the two Releases diverge, though backwards-incompatibility is to be avoidedif
`3. Do nothing. ifa spec has survived unchanged throughoutthe period during which Release X+1 was developed, when
`Release X+1 is frozen, all such specs will automatically be upgraded from Release X to Release X+1 without technical
`Where canthe rules, protocols or software needed to develop applications for
`UMTSbe found?
`A good place to start is on the 3GPP website, and particularly the specificationslist.
`Whatis the correlation between Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3?
`A three-stage methodology as defined in [TU T Recommendation |.130 is applied in 3GPP according TR 21.900 clause 4.1:
`Stage 1 is an overall service description from the user's standpoint.
`Stage ? is an overall description of the organization of the network functions to map service requirements into network capabilities
`Stage 3 is the definition of switching and signalling capabilities needed to support services defined in stage 1-
`Are the 3GPP specifications produced only in word?
`The 3GPP specs are published as ETSIdeliverables, and these are available in PDF form http://Avww.etsi.org/standards-
`search. But you can download a free Word viewer(i.e. read only) from the Microsoft web site. PDF is inherently secure (more
`so than html, in fact), and because WordVieweris very simple (it can not handle macros, for example), itis pretty safe too.
`ETSI has no plansat presentto publish specificationsin plain text or in html.
`Which group workswith specifications covering the use of the GSM codec
`(either in C or Java based)?
`The SMG STC SMG11 and 3GPP SA4 specifications,available from http:/Mwww.3gpp.org, respectively dealwith this.It gives
`you a list of specificationsvia the statuslist (look for the GSM specs in the MS-Access database at:
`http vwww.3gpp.org/ftp/Information/Databases/Spec_Status/)
`and you can then download the specs you need.If you do not have an ETSI EOL account, you can download the ETSI
`equivalent standards from http:/www.etsl.org/standards-search.
`Where can| find documents produced by the GSM MoU Group / GSM
`These documents are not available via 3GPPorits Organizational Partners. You must addressthis question to the GSM
`Where would | find a document(e.g. UMTS 30.03 version 3.1.0) which does not
`appear on the 3GPP Status List?
`Look at http/www.3gpp.org/DynaReport/3003U_htm. Itis a document stemming from theinitial TC-SMG studies on UMTS,not
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0005
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0005
`a product of 3GPP.It was,in fact, published as an ETSI deliverable, TR 101 112, and this may be downloaded via
`Where areall the Change Requests (CRs) located?
`The CR database can be downloaded under: httpv/vww.3gpp.org/ftp/Information/Databases/Change_Request’
`Or you select the specification under:
`The information is classed by series so itis very easy to locate the particular specification which interests you. After selecting a
`series and a specification you willfind a line "Change Requests forthis spec: click here." which provides a web list of the CRs
`for this specification.
`If, for example, you are looking for CRs on GSM 08.18 then you would use this link:
`http vAvww.3gpp.org/DynaReporv0818-CRs.htm
`Where are all the current ETSI SMG specs located?
`All the ETS! SMGspecsare located here archivesfor the GSM documentation. An ETSI On-Line account is needed to access
`these documents. You can apply for an ETSI online account.
`In general, the cross-referencing between GSM and ETS! deliverables, and between 3GPP and ETSI deliverables may be
`found at http:/Wwebapp.etsi.org/key/queryform.asp
`Which group works on Physical Layer aspects of UMTS/LTE?
`The radio aspects are standardised in TSG-RAN. Thetechnical work is done in the 5 Working Groups of RAN (WG1 radio
`layer 1, WG2radio layer 2/3, WG3 interfaces, WG4 RF measurements, WG5 Mobile Terminal Conformance Testing).
`So Physical Layer aspects are addressed by TSG RAN WG1. Their UMTS specifications are numbered 25.2xx and their LTE
`specifications are numbered 36.2xx.
`The temporary documents (meeting documents etc.) of WG1 are stored on fipv/ftp.3gpp.org/TSG_RAN/WG1_RL1.
`Wherecan| find the list of Abstract syntax notation (ASN.1) object identifiers?
`The expandable list of object identifiers is available here >>>. To see the formaldefinition of the object identifiers, see the
`documentcited on the right. Thetree is not necessarily complete; further extensions may be included in the referenced
`document. For more information look here >>>.
`Wherecan| find the 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity algorithms?
`The 3GPP Confidentiality and Integrity algorithms F8 & F9 (KASUMI) have been developed through the collaborative efforts of
`the 3GPP Organizational Partners. For more information and in order to download the algorithms look here >>>.
`Whatis a Release - how doesspecification version numbering work?
`To meet new market requirements, 3GPP specifications are continually being enhanced with new features.In orderto provide
`developers with a stable platform for implementation while at the same time allowing the addition of new features, the 3GPP
`uses a system ofparallel "releases". For more information look here >>>,
`Where can | find information on the current status of 3GPP specifications?
`New versions of many 3GPP specifications are made available shortly after the 3GPP TSG plenary meetings which take place
`four times a year (March, June, September and December).In orderto identify whatthe current version is or and how to find
`information about olderversions of specifications look here >>>.
`Whatis the system for numbering specifications?
`All 3G and GSM specifications have a 3GPP specification numberconsisting of 4 or 5 digits. (e.9., 09.02 or 29.002). Fora
`more complete description and examples look here >>>.
`Whoare the TSG/WGOfficials and Support team and where can | find their
`contact details?
`Each TSGIWGhas a Chairman, up to two Vice-Chairmen (three Vice-Chairmen) in the case ofTSGs and a secretary who is a
`memberof the support team. From the 3GPPstructural organization page, click on the TSG or WGofinterest to reach its home
`page. From there,click on the "officials" entry in the table.
`Where can| find the Terms of Reference for my TSG/WG?
`The current Terms of Reference for each TSG/WG appearon the web pages of each TSG/WG.
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0006
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0006
`May I become an Official?
`The TSG Chairman and Vice Chairmen are elected by the Technical Specification Group from amongstthe Individual Member
`representatives. Each TSG can elect a maximum oftwo Vice Chairmen. Once elected, these candidates are proposed to the
`PCG for appointment.
`The Working Group Chairman and Vice Chairmen are elected by the Working Group from amongstthe Individual Member
`representatives. Each Working Group can elect a maximum of two Vice Chairmen.
`A candidate for TSG or Working Group election shall provide a letter of support from his Organization and nominations may be
`made upto the point when an election takes place.
`The TSG Chairman and Vice-Chairmen shall be appointed by the PCG on the proposal of the TSG.
`The Chairman and the Vice-Chairmen shall be appointed for a two year term of office. The Chairman and Vice-Chairmen may
`be appointed for one further consecutive term.If, at the end of a Chairman or Vice Chairmans secondterm, no other
`candidates are available, the Chairman or Vice Chairmen may be appointedfor a furtherterm.
`Chairman and Vice Chairmen should not be from the same region, Organizational Partner,or from the same group of
`companies, unless no other candidate is available.
`Successive Chairmen should not be from the same Organizational Partner, the same region or from the same group of
`companies, unless no other candidate is available
`How do| register for a meeting?
`Please note thatall registration for 3GPP meetingsis carried out on-line (i.e. via the 3GPP website). To register for a meeting
`just follow the simple steps outlined below:
`1) Go to the 3GPPonline registration area http:/webapp.etsi.org/3GPPRegistration/Main.asp?mid
`2) Scroll to find the meeting you wish to attend
`3) Click on the circle to the left of the meetingtitle (clicking on thetitle will provide you with the meeting details)
`4) Scroll back up to the top of the page
`5) Click on the Register button
`6) Fill in the details on the next page, choosing your companyfrom the drop down menu and complete with all your
`NB: Companies are classed by partners so ensure that you have registered underthe correct partner.
`7) Click on Submit registration
`Who can submit a change proposal on any 3GPPspecifications to 3GPP?
`Any bonafide representative of any 3GPPIndividual Member(seelist via the first sentence at
`httpyAwww.3gpp.org/membership) can present a technical contribution - for example, a Change Request - to any 3GPP TSG
`or WG meeting.
`If a change proposal is submitted how long doesit take forit to get approved?
`The usual procedureis that the responsible Working Group will examine a CR and agreeit (or revise it until such time as it be
`agreeable - or not!). Having been agreed at WGlevel, itis packaged with related CRs and sent to the TSG plenary, where it
`will be discussed if necessary and then- if appropriate - formally approved. Within a matter a few weeks at most, a new
`version of the Specification is produced, which includes the contents of the TSG-approved CR.
`TSGs meet every three months, and WGs meet at least once between each TSG meeting (sometimes two or occasionally
`even more times). Thus from inception of a CRto its approval is normally a matter of a few weeks, depending on the point in
`the meeting schedule of the WG and TSG concerned.
`How to get a user name and password for "Reserve a Document Number"?
`You need to request an EOL accountvia: http:/Avebapp.etsi.org/createaccount/form.asp (username and password will then be
`sent to you by separate email).
`How do | obtain a document numberfor my contribution?
`Delegates wishing to make contributions mustfirst obtain a document numbereither from the secretary or automatically via an
`on-line application “Automatic Document Numbering (ADN)" which is used by some groups.
`You need a user name and password to "Reserve a Document Number" (see above).
`Where can | download documents for an upcoming meeting?
`Each TSGWGhasa specific area allocated on the 3GPPftp server. For example TSG SA look here
`ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/tsg_sa/TSG_SA\. Itis advisable for delegates attending a meeting to download the documents available prior
`to the meeting from the ftp server and onto their personal computers.
`Where can|find a temporary document template?
`The document template is made available by each TSG/WGin the meeting respectivefolder onthe ftp server (see above)
`Whatis my role when my TSG/WGshasto approve a deliverable?
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0007
`ZTE/SAMSUNG 1017-0007
`Approval of Technical Specifications and Technical reports by a TSG shall normally be by consensus. Where consensus
`cannot be achieved in the TSG a vote may betaken.
`When Technical Specifications and Technical Reports become sufficiently stable, they shall be put under change control of
`the relevant TSG.The furtherelaboration of these Technical Specifications and Technical Reports shall be achieved by
`Change Requests (CRs) to be approved by the TSG.
`Whatare the different types of deliverables?
`3GPPshall prepare, approve and maintain documents known as Technical Specifications and Technical Reports. Such
`documents shall be drawn up by the TSGs and shall, following approvalat that level, be submitted to the participating
`Organizational Partners to be submittedto their respective standardization processes.
`Can | write an 3GPP Document myself?
`Why not?! If you wish to propose a deliverable then bringit to the attention of your chairman and the other membersof the
`TSGIWGin order to discuss the subject.
`Each proposed new Work Item shall be supported by atleast four Individual Members, and their names shall be recordedin
`the Work Item definition prepared for the TSG approval. One or more persons shall be named as Rapporteur for the proposed
`Work Item, and the Rapporteur shall act as the prime contact point on technical matters and for information on progress
`throughout the drafting phases. The supporting Individual Members are expected to contribute to and progress the new work
`item throughoutthe drafting phases.
`In addition to the above, TSGs shall approve new Work Items, giving all essential parameters. The proposalshall be entered
`into the 3GPP work programme,clearly marked as a new entry, for which a unique reference identity shall be allocated.
`Do | and my company have to support my TSG/WGsWork Items?
`Neither you or your companyis obliged to support the workitems of your TSG/WG,howeverit is normalthatif you and your
`company are supporting members ofa Work ltem that you be in agreementwith their work and will normally support the
`production of the related deliverable.
`Do | need a password and user name to access the 3GPP Website 7
`No password is needed to access any information on the 3GPP Website, all information is openly published.
`Can you give me information about which companies manufacture particular
`types of equipment. Or about what services are available on particular
`No. The 3GPP Support Team must remain neutral and must not showbiasto any ofits Individual Members. Such information
`may be available from the Global Mobile Suppliers Association (www.gsacom.com) where youwill find a statistics area which
`could be of help,
`How can | determine when a meeting contribution document (TDoc) became
`publicly available?
`TDoc numbersstart to be allocated some weeks before a 3GPP meeting, and the authors then create them and theyor the
`group's secretary uploads themto the public file server as soon as possible. Some may have been distributed to the group's
`members in draft form for review, using the email exploder, in advanceoft