des brevets
`Patent Office
`Office européen
`Finnie, Peter John
`Gill Jennings & Every LLP
`The Broadgate Tower
`20 Primrose Street
`London EC2A 2ES
`European Patent Office
`80298 MUNICH
`Questions about this communication ?
`Contact Customer Services at
`BlackBerry Limited
`06125884.4 - 1972 / 1768359 Applicant/Proprietor
`Application No./Patent No.
`Refund of fees
`The following fee(s) was (were) paid in respect of the application 06125884.4:
`Reference Voucher No
`Currency Amount
`1 560,00
`The fee(s) was (were) paid by Computer Packages,Inc..
`According to the present state of the file the refund will be mace by:
`CREDITING THE DEPOSIT ACCOUNT 28050014 Gill Jennings & Every LLP.
`Amount refundable:
`Reference Currency
`Voucher No
`Reason for refund: Application withdrawn on
`The Authorising Officer
`ing aoys0
`EPO Form 2907 04.14
`Page 1 of 403
`Page 1 of 403


`Patent Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`Closure of the procedurein respect of application No. 06125884.4 - 1972
`The procedurein respect of the above application is closed for the following reason:
`X REFU 2/13.04.11
`The time limit under Art.108 EPC has expired.
`No notice of appeal under Article 108 and Rule 99 EPC has been filed. No
`request for a decision under Rule 112(2), or for further processing under
`Article 121 EPC or for re-establishment of rights under Article 122 EPC has
`been filed.
`The EPASYSsituation has been verified in respect of item 1:
`NOAP: REFUAPPR/21.06.11/23.08.11/21.06.11/
`REFU S/AD\I 3 and DEAD1 coded. Dateof legal effect
`Position regarding fees:
`RFEE 03
`RFEE 04
`RFEE 05
`RFEE 06
`RFEE 07
`RFEE 08
`RFEE 09
`RFEE 10
`RFEE 11
`RFEE 12
`EPO Form2058
`Page 2 of 403
`1 000,00
`1 335,00
`1 180,00
`1 050,00
`1 155,00
`1 325,00
`1 495,00
`1 560,00
`1 560,00
`Page 2 of 403


`Examination started on
`C1 Refund(s) ordered:
`C1 Otherfees:
`DC RFEE(s):
`[1] DESTfee*
`[1 75% EXAM fee
`Note: Attention is to be paid to potential automated refund proposal(s).
`*Refund of DESTfeeif date of legal effect is before/on SEPU or PACT6date.
`Mark "DEAD" on the paperfile and:
`bg Check whethera divisional application is pending and if so attach the DEADfile toit.
`C1 Any modelsstill in the Office's possession were returned on
`(for dealing with models, please refer to Fil d'Ariane).
`xX Keep paperfile in file store (Separate place) until next action forfile destruction.
`Touysserkani, Tanja
`Formalities Officer
`EPO Form2058
`Page 3 of 403
`Page 3 of 403


`24/12/2015 12:27 Gill Jennings Every Tom Rayner ->
`maneeaanPatentOfoe va
`Ppeal. _
`Cha braRegehaED .
`LEHAA KO agueg AE
`Finnie, PeterJobin
`Boards of Appeal
`Gill Jennings & EveryLLP _
`The Broadgate Tower
`APSplee alent et The Ragistry
`20 Primrose Street
`“No adviceofdéliveryhas!beenreceived, :
`London EC2A 2ES
`* Fiease-ecksiowledgethareceiptofthe;
`Name: MHA. Pain
`EE ‘mentioned document: aS Tel.: 089 / 2399 ~ 3534
`“ranebid20°2458 Fey.
` 3
`Anmeldung Nr/Application No/Demande n*/Patent Nr/Patent No/Braved 1°
`/ 1768369
`BlackBerry Limited
`T2036/1 1-36.03
`Appeal number:
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`Duration: 24.12.2015 13:28:49 - 24.12.2015 13:29:02. This page 1 of 1 was Or at 24.12.2015 13:29:02
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`m Best
`rt auszufilien #
`mplir par ie bureau de destination /
`To completed by office of dest
`Page 5 of 403
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`_— 000-g00-s16 ©
`sayosigdoing OYLMyor|©
`Page 6 of 403
`Page 6 of 403


`Internal distribution code:
`[- ] Publication in OJ
`[- ] To Chairmen and Members
`[- ] To Chairmen
`[X] No distribution
`the decision
`Datasheet for
`of 20 October 2015
`Case Number:
`T 2036/11
`Application Number:
`Publication Number:
`Language of the proceedings:
`HO4M1/247, GO6F3/048
` EN
`Title of invention:
` Dynamic bar oriented user inter
`face for a device having a
`status bar displaying status ini
`Formation concerning the device
`BlackBerry Limited
`User intert
`Relevant legal provisions:
`EPC Art. 84, 113(1)
`EPC R. 115(2)
`RPBA Art. 15(3)
`Claims - clarity (no)
`Oral proceedings - non-attendance ot
` fF party
`Decisions cited:
`EPA Form 303
`This datasheet is not
`Tt can be changed at any
`part of the Decisior.
`time and without notice.
`Page 7 of 403
`Page 7 of 403


`Boards of Appeal
`Chambres de recours
`European PatentOffice
`D-80298 MUNICH
`Tel. +49 (0) 89 2399-0
`Fax +49 (0) 89 2399-4466
`Case Number: T 2036/11 - 3.5.03
`of Technical Board of Appeal 3.5.03
`of 20 October 2015
`BlackBerry Limited
`2200 University Avenue East
`Waterloo, ON N2K QAT
`Finnie, Peter John
`Gill Jennings & Every LLP
`The Broadgate Tower
`20 Primrose Street
`London EC2A 2ES (GB)
`Decision under appeal:
`Decision of the Examining Division of the
`European Patent Office posted on 13 April 2011
`refusing European patent application
`No. 06125884.4 pursuant to Article 97(2) EPC.
`Composition of the Board:
`F. van der Voort
`B. Noll
`P. Guntz
`Page 8 of 403
`Page 8 of 403


`Summary of Facts and Submissions
`T 2036/11
`This appeal is against the decis
`division refusing European paten
`No. 06125884.4 (publication No.
`With the statement of grounds of
`ion of the examining
` EP 1 768 359 A2).
`t application
`the appellant
`filed a single set of claims and implicitly requested
` Oral proceedings were conditiona
`that the decision under appeal be set aside and that a
`f this set of claims.
`patent be granted on the basis o
`Page 9 of 403
` lly requested.
` oral proceedings,
` n a communication accompanying
`the board drew the
`to issues to be discussed at the
`particular inventive step of
`claim 1
`(Articles 52(1) and 56 E
`drew the appellant's attention t
`a summons to oral
`appellant's attention
`subject-matter o
`PC). The board further
`the fact
`that if
`amended claims were filed in response to the
`estion of whether or
`inter alia the qu
`they complied with the requi
` EPC would have to be discussed i
`rements of Article 84
`n the oral proceedings.
`With a letter dated 18 September
`filed, by way of replacement,
`request and a first auxiliary re
`With a further submission dated
`appellant informed the board tha
`attending the oral proceedings.
`the appellant
`ts of claims of a main
`16 October 2015,
`t it would not be
`Further, it asked “for
`a Decision in accordance with the current state of
` file".
`Oral proceedings were held on 20
`October 2015 in the
`absence of the appellant.
`Page 9 of 403


`T 2036/11
`board understood
`from the appellant's submissions
`in writing that it was requesting that
`the decision
`under appeal be set aside and that a pa
`the se t of cl
`the basis of
`aims of
` bot
`in the alternative, on
` of an auxiliary request
`h requests as submit
` ted with the
` tent be granted
`a main request or,
`the basis of
` ("first auxil
`lary request"),
`letter dated
`the set of claims
`18 September 2015.
`the end of the oral proceedings,
`fter deliberation,
`the board's decision was announced.
`Claim 1 of the main request reads as
`"A method of contro
`using a
`displayed on a
`lling a mobile station
`graphical user inter
`(222) of
`display screen
`the mobile station
`method comprising:
`displaying on the display screen
`the GUI
`(300) of
`a main screen
`the main
`screen (300)
`the main screen
`comprising an application portion
`occupying a major portion of
`a mobile station status portion
`displaying status information concerning the mobi
`station (202), and
`ity of dynamic bars
`a plural
`le said
`each of
`plurality of dynamic bars
`being associated with
`one or more applications on the mobile station
`and being configu
`ed to expand and collapse via
`aying and removing a drop down or
`y displ
`pop-up interface
`least one of the plurality of
`in response
`to respective user
`f dynamic bars
` 407
`being associated with a
`plurality o
`the mobile station;
`Page 10 of 403
`f applications on
`managing information concerning events of
`Page 10 of 403


`T 2036/11
`displaying in each drop down or pop-up interface
`preview information concerning one or
`(407) dynamic
`more new events in the one or more applications,
`w information being determined
`more appl
`om the information managed by the one or
`ons and/or information determined from
` formation;
`the managed in
`dynamic previe
`ly fr
`invokable link
`the one or mor
`received from
`in the dynamic preview information,
`for invoking a respective application of
`e applications
`input means of
`in response
`to user input
`the mobile station
`continuously updating the dynamic preview
`formation to be displayed in each drop down or pop-up
`interface (407
`in response to
`a change in the
`respective one or more new events in the respective one
`or more applic
`Claim 1 of the auxiliary request
`that in
`of the main request in
`the fifth paragraph the
`is inserted after "being associated with
`following text
`a plurality of
`applications on
`differs from claim 1
` the mobile station":
`W w
`, wherein the one or more applications are associated
`ith their respective dynamic bars
`(304) according to
`predetermined logical
`relationships between the one or
`relationships being contextual
`manner in which a user of
`more applications, said predetermined logical
`relationships based on a
`the mobile station may use
` functions that
`the one or more applications and/or
`relationships based on
`may be performed
`by the one or more applications".
`Page 11 of 403
`Page 11 of 403


`Reasons for the Decision
`Procedural matters
`T 2036/11
`2 below,
`the board
`in point
`For the reasons set out
` of
`m J
`concluded tha t cl al
` A rt icle
`caused by
`the amendments to the claims made in
`to objections raised in the board's communication.
`request did not
`34 EPC due to a lack of
`The appellant,
`which was duly summoned, had informed
`the board that it would not be att
`tending the oral
`board d
`le 15(3) RPBA).
` the oral p1roceedings,
`make use of the opportunity to
` of
`the issues to be discussed
`on any
`(see point
`instead chose to rely on the
` grounds of appeal
`tatement of
`ts set out
`in the s
`and in
`the letter dated
`18 September 2015,
`uly considered below.
`Under these circumstances,
`the board was in a position
`to give a decision which complied with Article 113(1)
` EPC.
`Main request - claim 1 - clarity (Article 84 EPC)
`Compared to claim 1
`of appeal, claim 1 of the main request has been amended
`in the fifth paragraph,
`inter alia in that,
` grounds
`the statement of
` filed with
`replaced by "displaying
`at least one dynamic bar" has been
`a plurality of dynamic
`bars" and in that "the at least one dynamic bar
`being associated with one or more applications on the
`ngs were
`and was indeed absen
`fore held in
`t. The oral
`the absence of
` a
`EPC, Artic
`115 (2)
`not end
`ng not
`Page 12 of 403
`Page 12 of 403


`T 2036/11
`mobile station
`dynamic bars (
`(202)" has been replaced by "each of
`said plurality of
`being associated
`the mobile station
`with one or more applications on
`(202)". Further, again in the fifth paragraph,
`following feature "at least one of the plurality of
`dynamic bars being associated with a plurality of
`applications on the mobile station" has been added,
`in the sixth paragraph,
`information concerning events of the one or more
`the feature "managing
`lications associated with the at least one dynamic
`(304)" has been replaced by "managing information
`concerning events of
`added by the board).
`said applications"
`In other words,
`according to the present claim,
` more applications and at
`plurality of dynamic ba
`dynamic bars is associa
`rs 1S associated with one or
`least one of the plurality of
`ted with a plurality of
`information concerning events of said applications"),
`in the next paragraph ("managing
`the term "said" in "said applica
`"one or more applications
`ferred to in
`of applications" re
` to the
`This ambiguity was not present
`the claim and was introduced by the amendments
`referred to in point 2.1
`the scope fo
`which protection
`may refer either
`"or to the "plurality
`the fifth
` is sought by
` However, due to this
`the previous version
`the claim is now unclear,
`as may
`be illustrated as
`If "said applications" is assumed to refer to the
` in whi
`d seek protection
`ch a dynamic bar is
`or more applications",
`inter alia
`for an embodiment
`displayed which is associated with a plurality of
`Page 13 of 403
`Page 13 of 403


`T 2036/11
`and in which in one of these applications
` for which dynamic preview in
` Formation
`events may occur
`drop-down or pop
`concerning these events is displayed in the respective
`claim 1, seventh
`-up interface
`the remaining applications
`paragraph). Hence,
`associated with this dynamic bar,
`dynamic preview information.
`An example of
`there need not be any
`10 of
`such a dynamic bar is shown in Fig.
`the present appl
`namely the
`in which only one application
`for which dynamic preview information
`generates events
`("5 new games")
`is displayed in the drop-down or pop-up
`the "plurality o
` embodiment would
` If, however,
`plurality of the
`"said applications"
`f applications",
`be excluded,
`1s assumed to refer to
`the above-mentioned
`Since the claim would
`for the dynamic bar which is associated
`require that
`ty of applications, events in the
`with the plurali
`associated applications may occur
` for
`which dynamic preview information is displayed.
`An example of
`such a dynamic bar is also given in
`of the present application,
`icate" ba
`namely the
`in which each of
`r 1004,
`erates events
`for which dynamic preview
`applications gen
`tion is displayed in the drop-down or pop-up
`interface 1006.
`rd there
`The boa
`fore concludes that the claim does not
`clearly define
`the matter
`for which protection is
`For the above
`the requirements of Articl le 84
`claim 118 not c
`lear and, hence,
`does not meet
`Page 14 of 403
`Page 14 of 403


`T 2036/11
`The main request is there!
`Fore not allowable.
`Auxiliary request - claim 1
`- clarity (Article 84 EPC)
` request
`or more applications" but
`in respect of cl aim 1]
` t does not overcome the
`The additional
`feature of claim 1 of
`the auxiliary
` defines the
`nt VI
`ambiguity caused by the wording "said applications" in
`aph in connection with "a plurality of
`the sixth parag
`applications". Consequently,

`f the main request apply,
`to claim 1 of
`mutatis mutandis,
`the auxiliary request.
`the reasons set out above
`(see poi
`Claim 1 of the auxiliary request thus lacks clarity
`the requirements of
`and, hence, does not meet
`Article 84 EPC.
`The auxiliary request is there!
`Fore not allowable
`There being no allowable request, it
`follows that the
`appeal must be dismissed.
`For these reasons it is decided that:
`The appeal is dismissed.
`Page 15 of 403
`Page 15 of 403


`- 8 -
`T 2036/11
`The Registrar:
`The Chairman:
`G. Rauh
`F. van der Voort
`Page 16 of 403
`Page 16 of 403


`Internal distribution code:
`[- ] Publication in OJ
`[- ] To Chairmen and Members
`[- ] To Chairmen
`[X] No distribution
`the decision
`Datasheet for
`of 20 October 2015
`Case Number:
`T 2036/11
`Application Number:
`Publication Number:
`Language of the proceedings:
`HO4M1/247, GO6F3/048
` EN
`Title of invention:
` Dynamic bar oriented user inter
`face for a device having a
`status bar displaying status ini
`Formation concerning the device
`BlackBerry Limited
`User intert
`Relevant legal provisions:
`EPC Art. 84, 113(1)
`EPC R. 115(2)
`RPBA Art. 15(3)
`Claims - clarity (no)
`Oral proceedings - non-attendance ot
` fF party
`Decisions cited:
`EPA Form 303
`This datasheet is not
`Tt can be changed at any
`part of the Decisior.
`time and without notice.
`Page 17 of 403
`Page 17 of 403


`Boards of Appeal
`Chambres de recours
`European PatentOffice
`D-80298 MUNICH
`Tel. +49 (0) 89 2399-0
`Fax +49 (0) 89 2399-4466
`Case Number: T 2036/11 - 3.5.03
`of Technical Board of Appeal 3.5.03
`of 20 October 2015
`BlackBerry Limited
`2200 University Avenue East
`Waterloo, ON N2K QAT
`Finnie, Peter John
`Gill Jennings & Every LLP
`The Broadgate Tower
`20 Primrose Street
`London EC2A 2ES (GB)
`Decision under appeal:
`Decision of the Examining Division of the
`European Patent Office posted on 13 April 2011
`refusing European patent application
`No. 06125884.4 pursuant to Article 97(2) EPC.
`Composition of the Board:
`F. van der Voort
`B. Noll
`P. Guntz
`Page 18 of 403
`Page 18 of 403


`Summary of Facts and Submissions
`T 2036/11
`This appeal is against the decis
`division refusing European paten
`No. 06125884.4 (publication No.
`With the statement of grounds of
`ion of the examining
` EP 1 768 359 A2).
`t application
`the appellant
`filed a single set of claims and implicitly requested
` Oral proceedings were conditiona
`that the decision under appeal be set aside and that a
`f this set of claims.
`patent be granted on the basis o
`Page 19 of 403
` lly requested.
` oral proceedings,
` n a communication accompanying
`the board drew the
`to issues to be discussed at the
`particular inventive step of
`claim 1
`(Articles 52(1) and 56 E
`drew the appellant's attention t
`a summons to oral
`appellant's attention
`subject-matter o
`PC). The board further
`the fact
`that if
`amended claims were filed in response to the
`estion of whether or
`inter alia the qu
`they complied with the requi
` EPC would have to be discussed i
`rements of Article 84
`n the oral proceedings.
`With a letter dated 18 September
`filed, by way of replacement,
`request and a first auxiliary re
`With a further submission dated
`appellant informed the board tha
`attending the oral proceedings.
`the appellant
`ts of claims of a main
`16 October 2015,
`t it would not be
`Further, it asked “for
`a Decision in accordance with the current state of
` file".
`Oral proceedings were held on 20
`October 2015 in the
`absence of the appellant.
`Page 19 of 403


`T 2036/11
`board understood
`from the appellant's submissions
`in writing that it was requesting that
`the decision
`under appeal be set aside and that a pa
`the se t of cl
`the basis of
`aims of
` bot
`in the alternative, on
` of an auxiliary request
`h requests as submit
` ted with the
` tent be granted
`a main request or,
`the basis of
` ("first auxil
`lary request"),
`letter dated
`the set of claims
`18 September 2015.
`the end of the oral proceedings,
`fter deliberation,
`the board's decision was announced.
`Claim 1 of the main request reads as
`"A method of contro
`using a
`displayed on a
`lling a mobile station
`graphical user inter
`(222) of
`display screen
`the mobile station
`method comprising:
`displaying on the display screen
`the GUI
`(300) of
`a main screen
`the main
`screen (300)
`the main screen
`comprising an application portion
`occupying a major portion of
`a mobile station status portion
`displaying status information concerning the mobi
`station (202), and
`ity of dynamic bars
`a plural
`le said
`each of
`plurality of dynamic bars
`being associated with
`one or more applications on the mobile station
`and being configu
`ed to expand and collapse via
`aying and removing a drop down or
`y displ
`pop-up interface
`least one of the plurality of
`in response
`to respective user
`f dynamic bars
` 407
`being associated with a
`plurality o
`the mobile station;
`Page 20 of 403
`f applications on
`managing information concerning events of
`Page 20 of 403


`T 2036/11
`displaying in each drop down or pop-up interface
`preview information concerning one or
`(407) dynamic
`more new events in the one or more applications,
`w information being determined
`more appl
`om the information managed by the one or
`ons and/or information determined from
` formation;
`the managed in
`dynamic previe
`ly fr
`invokable link
`the one or mor
`received from
`in the dynamic preview information,
`for invoking a respective application of
`e applications
`input means of
`in response
`to user input
`the mobile station
`continuously updating the dynamic preview
`formation to be displayed in each drop down or pop-up
`interface (407
`in response to
`a change in the
`respective one or more new events in the respective one
`or more applic
`Claim 1 of the auxiliary request
`that in
`of the main request in
`the fifth paragraph the
`is inserted after "being associated with
`following text
`a plurality of
`applications on
`differs from claim 1
` the mobile station":
`W w
`, wherein the one or more applications are associated
`ith their respective dynamic bars
`(304) according to
`predetermined logical
`relationships between the one or
`relationships being contextual
`manner in which a user of
`more applications, said predetermined logical
`relationships based on a
`the mobile station may use
` functions that
`the one or more applications and/or
`relationships based on
`may be performed
`by the one or more applications".
`Page 21 of 403
`Page 21 of 403


`Reasons for the Decision
`Procedural matters
`T 2036/11
`2 below,
`the board
`in point
`For the reasons set out
` of
`m J
`concluded tha t cl al
` A rt icle
`caused by
`the amendments to the claims made in
`to objections raised in the board's communication.
`request did not
`34 EPC due to a lack of
`The appellant,
`which was duly summoned, had informed
`the board that it would not be att
`tending the oral
`board d
`le 15(3) RPBA).
` the oral p1roceedings,
`make use of the opportunity to
` of
`the issues to be discussed
`on any
`(see point
`instead chose to rely on the
` grounds of appeal
`tatement of
`ts set out
`in the s
`and in
`the letter dated
`18 September 2015,
`uly considered below.
`Under these circumstances,
`the board was in a position
`to give a decision which complied with Article 113(1)
` EPC.
`Main request - claim 1 - clarity (Article 84 EPC)
`Compared to claim 1
`of appeal, claim 1 of the main request has been amended
`in the fifth paragraph,
`inter alia in that,
` grounds
`the statement of
` filed with
`replaced by "displaying
`at least one dynamic bar" has been
`a plurality of dynamic
`bars" and in that "the at least one dynamic bar
`being associated with one or more applications on the
`ngs were
`and was indeed absen
`fore held in
`t. The oral
`the absence of
` a
`EPC, Artic
`115 (2)
`not end
`ng not
`Page 22 of 403
`Page 22 of 403


`T 2036/11
`mobile station
`dynamic bars (
`(202)" has been replaced by "each of
`said plurality of
`being associated
`the mobile station
`with one or more applications on
`(202)". Further, again in the fifth paragraph,
`following feature "at least one of the plurality of
`dynamic bars being associated with a plurality of
`applications on the mobile station" has been added,
`in the sixth paragraph,
`information concerning events of the one or more
`the feature "managing
`lications associated with the at least one dynamic
`(304)" has been replaced by "managing information
`concerning events of
`added by the board).
`said applications"
`In other words,
`according to the present claim,
` more applications and at
`plurality of dynamic ba
`dynamic bars is associa
`rs 1S associated with one or
`least one of the plurality of
`ted with a plurality of
`information concerning events of said applications"),
`in the next paragraph ("managing
`the term "said" in "said applica
`"one or more applications
`ferred to in
`of applications" re
` to the
`This ambiguity was not present
`the claim and was introduced by the amendments
`referred to in point 2.1
`the scope fo
`which protection
`may refer either
`"or to the "plurality
`the fifth
` is sought by
` However, due to this
`the previous version
`the claim is now unclear,
`as may
`be illustrated as
`If "said applications" is assumed to refer to the
` in whi
`d seek protection
`ch a dynamic bar is
`or more applications",
`inter alia
`for an embodiment
`displayed which is associated with a plurality of
`Page 23 of 403
`Page 23 of 403


`T 2036/11
`and in which in one of these applications
` for which dynamic preview in
` Formation
`events may occur
`drop-down or pop
`concerning these events is displayed in the respective
`claim 1, seventh
`-up interface
`the remaining applications
`paragraph). Hence,
`associated with this dynamic bar,
`dynamic preview information.
`An example of
`there need not be any
`10 of
`such a dynamic bar is shown in Fig.
`the present appl
`namely the
`in which only one application
`for which dynamic preview informa

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