`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`14 March 2002 (14.03.2002)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 02/21413 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification’:
`GO6F 17/60
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`5 September 2001 (05.09.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`Michael; 973 Oak Lane, Menlo Park, CA 94025 (US).
`HOM, Wayne; 1141 Wayne Way, San Mateo, CA 94403
`(US). HYDE, Timothy; 670 Shotwell Street, San Fran-
`cisco, CA 94110 (US). KRUMPELSTAEDTER,John;
`10893 Sweet Oak Street, Cupertino, CA 95014 (US).
`PALERMO, Christepher et al.; Hickman
`Palermo ‘lruong & Becker, LLP, 1600 Willow Street, San
`Jose, CA 95125 (US).
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`5 Scptember 2000 (05.09.2000)
`(71) Applicant; ZAPLET, INC. [US/US], 3000 Bridge Park-
`way, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 (US).
`(72) Inventors: AXE, Brian; 342 Liberty Street, San F'ran-
`cisco, CA 94114 (US). EVANS, Steven; 13300 Lennox
`= Way, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 (US). HANSON,
`Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM,AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU,
`CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH,
`LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW,
`MX, MZ, NO, NZ, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI,
`SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, UZ, VN, YU, ZA,
`Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: A method for associating
`related electronic messages in computer
`= on
`storage. A first transportable application
`is created and stored.
`227 s2 Store & Forword 3
`requesting creation of a
`link from
`= 238 FS
`— ge Sarweacaters'
`the first
`transportable application to
`= 8 g eToe,\
`— Es
`Mail Server
`Wireless Cateway
`selects a
`— 234>
`— 232
`second transportable application from
`among a plurality of previously created
`transportable applications
`A link from the first
`application to the second transportable
`Tpplication Server
`Application Server
`application is created and stored. As
`Application Server.
`a result,
`transportable application may
`be inter-related in complex message
`Photo Server
`webs. The message webs may also be
`inter-related in message web rings.
`Links may
`generated manually
`based on context,
`workflow processes, or other known
`Recipient lists and data may propagate amongfields of linked transportable applications, directly or according to abstract business
`rules. Further, multiple-part electronic messages are disclosed. A graphical user interface of an electronic messaging system
`displays a message in the form of one or more header portions and one or more body portions. Each of the body portions has a
`selection region. While one body portion is visible at a given time, all the selection regions are continuously visible in the user
`interface to facilitate selection of any of the body portionsat a particular time. Selecting a selection region of a non-displayed body
`portion causes a server to generate a refreshed user interface that includes the entirety of the selected body portion, and that hides
`the previously viewed body portion. As a result, a large amountof associated information may be combined in a single message in
`a waythat is clearly organized and easily accessible.
`§ 2
`— z
`— 8
`Page 1 of 240
`Google LLC v. BlackBerry Ltd.
`Google LLC v. BlackBerry Ltd.
`Page 1 of 240


`WO 02/21413
`—_entirely in electronic form (except for this front page) and
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR,IE,
`available upon requestfrom the International Bureau
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD,
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`— without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
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`WO 02/21413
`Domestic priority is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) from prior Provisional
`— application Ser. No. 60/230,037, filed September 05, 2000, the entire contents of which
`are hereby incorporated by referenceasif fully set forth herein.
`The present invention generally relates to data processing in the fields of
`electronic messaging and collaborative communications. The invention relates more
`specifically to a collaborative communications system providing transportable
`applications, multiple-page electronic messages and electronic messagesthat are linked
`and aggregated.
`Despite more than fifty years of development, computer systems and computer
`programs remain difficult to use. In particular, individuals who are not well-versed in
`technology or computer programming encounter numerous problemsin carrying out
`simple data processing tasks, such as collaborating on the form or content of a document,
`polling others to arrive at a decision, scheduling a meeting oractivity, and othertasks.
`Several main approaches have been usedin the pastto facilitate these activities.
`In a first approach, a pre-configured computer program or application is provided
`to all individuals who will participate in the data processing tasks. The individuals
`interact with the application to carry out the tasks. This approach requireslittle technical
`knowledge, but the approachis often too rigid and limits the individuals to using the
`particular forms, features and functions selected by the developers ofthe application. A
`related approach involves use of electronic mail (“e-mail”) for distribution of information
`or for collaborative communications. E-mail is inefficient and often requires sending
`multiple messages before a task can be completed. Further, since the content of the
`messagesis static, the content tends to becomeold and stale. The number and content of
`the messagesare not easily organized.
`In another prior approach, users construct their own custom computer program to
`perform exactly the desired task. This approach requires extensive technical knowledge
`that is beyond the capability of a typical user.
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`WO 02/21413
`In a third approach, certain collaborative computing applications and
`environments have been provided. Applications such as Microsoft NetMeeting enable
`users to participate in online meetings, but have a significant limitation in that they are
`synchronous; a meetingparticipant must be online and presentto participate. Applications
`such as Lotus Notes have enabled users to share documents,but creation and deployment
`of applications to carry out more sophisticated business tasks, such as automating
`persomnel recruiting processes, is complicated and requires programming knowledge.
`Further, the collaborative processes that are supported by these applications “off the
`shelf” are limited and do not encompass many multi-step business processes.
`A common disadvantageof all these approachesis that it is very hard for
`individual, non-technical users to create computer-based applications or systemsthat
`automate specific desired tasks and provide the applications or systemsto others. Further,
`the approaches generally enable users to see onlyastatic view of contentthat is under
`discussion or modification. Another disadvantage is that the approachesare typically
`synchronous;a user must be present during the collaboration and has no way to view
`actions or communications that have occurred before the user arrived or after the user
`Another common disadvantage is that integrating the past approaches with
`existing or “legacy” databases and applications is extremely complicated, and requires
`programming knowledge. There is no easy way to enable such legacy systems to
`automatically interact with collaborative applications, without human intervention, to
`exchange data and carry out business processes. There is no simple meansto enable the
`collaborative applications to receive signals from the external applications, take action
`based on the signals, or initiate new processes based on the signals.
`Based on the foregoing, there is a clear need for an improved wayto facilitate
`collaborative communication amongindividuals. In particular, there is a need for an
`approach that can enable new kindsof collaborative productivity applications, created by
`anyone and delivered using familiar communication mechanisms.
`Thereis a related need for‘an approach that can facilitate distribution of secure,
`collaborative applications among separate but networked enterprises, so that users or
`applications of different enterprises can collaborate.
`Computers have been used in messagingservices since the 1960s, when suppliers
`of telex and telegraph services began deploying automated switching functions and
`providing complete computer-based messaging systems. An example of such a system is
`a teletypewriter system. Manyof these systems used computers as data switches that
`Page 4 of 240
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`WO 02/21413
`relayed messages without providing message composition capabilities or the ability to
`search through previously sent messages.
`Developmentofinteractive time-sharing computer systemsresulted in creation of
`linking tools that enabled twousers to interlock their terminals in order to see what the
`other was typing. Mailbox tools were developed to allow users to send short messages to
`other users on-line on the same system. For example, the interactive time-sharing system
`at MIT’s Project MAC had both linking and mailbox facilities that supported text
`Construction of theAdvanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET)in
`1969-1975 initiated extensive research in store-and-forward communication techniques.
`Anoutgrowth of this research was the developmentofelectronic messagingfacilities,
`including electronic mail. Such facilities supported transport of simple text messages.
`In the early 1980s, international standards bodies began work on electronic
`messaging with the goal of ensuring interoperability among different systems. In 1984,
`CCITT adopted a standard for store-and-forward messaging services called X.400
`Message Handling Services (MHS). The International Standards Organization (ISO)
`created a competing standard called Message Oriented Text Interchange Standard
`(MOTIS). Differences among the versions were largely overcome by 1988.
`The period 1973 to 1989 saw development of several computer systems that
`featured graphical user interfaces rather than character displays, such as the Xerox Alto,
`the Apple Lisa and Macintosh, and personal computers using Microsoft Windows. During
`this period, users developed interest in the ability to send messages having elements other
`than text. Examples of such multimedia e-mail systems include Slate, from BBN
`Software Products, and the first release of Lotus Notes, from Lotus Development
`To support transmission of formatted images, sound, files, folders, and video
`attachments, in 1992 the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) created a multi-media
`messaging standard known as Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). Using
`MIME,users of different kinds of computers can exchange e-mail messages that include
`formatted images, sound,files, folders, and video attachments. Further, a single MIME e-
`mail can contain alternative representations of the same data. For example, there can be
`an attachmentin text form followed by one containing bitmap page images of the same
`Implementations of MIMEgenerally displayed messages in a graphical user
`interface window that presented different attachments as icons embedded within a text
`Page 5 of 240
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`WO 02/21413
`message. Other implementations, such as NeXTMail, from NeXT Computer,Inc., could
`display text, graphical elements, and attachment icons within the same message. A
`drawback of this implementation, however, was that to view different parts of a long
`message, a user was required to scroll down through a single contiguous message display
`in order to reach the desired part of the message.
`Further, such systems provide no way to organize related elements of a message,
`other than manual cutting of one part of the message and pasting it into another upper or
`lower part of the same contiguous message. This procedure could quickly become
`unwieldy when such messages were exchanged among membersof a group. As each
`memberof the group added comments, graphics, or other attachments to the message, the
`message would becomelonger and longer, requiring extensive scrolling and searching to
`locate a desired part, or to correlate one commentof one user with a related comment of
`Other systems display multimedia attachments in a separate pane of a graphical
`user interface window that is displaying the message. For example, in Microsoft Outlook,
`when multimedia attachments are present, they are displayed at the bottom of the message
`window, divided from the message body by a separator bar. A disadvantage ofthis
`approachisthat it is hard to correlate the attachment with a particular part of the message
`In amore recent development, e-mail programs such as Microsoft Outlook have
`been linked to browser programs such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. Through such
`linkage, the e-mail program can receive an e-mail message formatted in Hypertext
`Markup Language (HTML)and display a rendered version of the HTML within an e-mail
`message display window.Using this approach, e-mail messages may contain text,
`graphics, and embedded hyperlinks to other content, multimedia resources, or
`applications. However, this approach has not cured the deficiency ofprior approaches
`with respect to content organization andscrolling.It is still necessary to scroll through a
`long HTMLe-mail to find desired content, and there is no simple wayto correlate related
`content. Further, authoring HTML e-mail requires familiarity with complex HTML
`authoring software such as Microsoft FrontPage.
`Based on the foregoing, there is a clear need in this field for a way to improve
`organization of content of e-mail messages.
`Thereis a specific need for a way to organize related contentportions of e-mail
`messages within the messages in a way that makes related content easy to find and
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`WO 02/21413
`There is also a need for a wayto create, deliver, receive, and display e-mail
`messages in which related content is correlated and accessed without scrolling or similar
`E-mail, the World Wide Web,and instant messaging each have contributed to a
`revolution in the way people communicate. Each of these platformsoffers a variety of
`benefits. For example, e-mail is available at the user’s convenience; messages remain in
`an inbox until the user deletes them. Because e-mail arrives in the inbox, the user does not
`have to “go” anywhereto retrieve it. E-mail is useful for sending a note to a friend or
`addressing a large group. Because e-mail is individually addressable, a user can adapt the
`recipientlist to the subject. Experts have estimated that users spend more timein e-mail
`than any other Internet application.
`The World Wide Web (“Web”) contains an abundance of information thatis
`dynamically changing and ever growing. It is graphical and interactive, and offers the
`ability to conducttransactions. With relatively simple user interface operations, such as
`button clicks, the user can receive valuable information, purchase an item, or review work
`materials that have been placed on an internal website. Instant messaging offers the
`advantage of timeliness; the recipient knows that a newly received messageis current,
`because the recipient is in a one-on-one communication session with the sender. This .
`form ofmessaging has grown rapidly because people want information that is current.
`However, e-mail, the web, and instant messaging have inherentlimitations that
`restrict what users can do with them and how they communicate information to users. For
`example, e-mail today consists of static text that is neither dynamic nor interactive. E-
`mail messages are considered to be “dead on arrival” because they are current whensent,
`‘but are not current when read. For example, a user may not read an e-mail until hours
`after it was originally sent and there can be subsequent e-mails that supersede the original
`message, but the original outdated message remains in the inbox. There is no logical order
`to messages that are received in the inbox other than the time of arrival. Occasionally, the
`user can even receive an answerto a question before the question arrives, because of
`delays in server responses. The useris required to either scan all messages or sort them
`into some order to verify that the user has all needed information beforetaking action.
`Unthreaded responses are another problem with e-mail. If a user sends a message
`to six people, and they all respond, the user receives six new messagesin the inbox
`referring to one subject. The useris left to organize it all. Perhaps the most significant
`limitation of e-mail is the volume of messages that can flood a mailbox. When a user
`receives hundreds of e-mail messagesa day, the sheer volume of e-mail is daunting.
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`WO 02/21413
`Using the Web requires the user to proactively visit a location for information.
`updates, and the user may need to visit multiple locations and pages before the user finds
`desired information. The Webis not personal or targeted, so it is not as effective as e-mail
`for communications. There are meeting sites on the Web, but users must seek out the
`destination, which requires them to remember URLs and passwords. Thereare also sites
`that offer group discussion and collaboration, but their groups are generally rigid and are
`based around a commoninterest.
`Instant messaging allows for dynamic communication, but only if both
`participants are actively signed on and are available to receive messages. If one useris
`not able to respond, the link is dead and the user has lost the ability to instantly
`communicate. In addition,it’s difficult to document “conversations” that occur through
`instant messaging; users lose the ability to have an audit trail or history.
`Based on the foregoing, there is a need for a communication system that provides
`ways to share messages and information, ideally by providing the best features of e-mail,
`the Web, and instant messaging, while overcomingthe limitations that each ofthese
`There is a particular need for methods and mechanismsfor linking multiple
`messages together so that multiple message threads and sub-topics may be related and
`associated with a particular topic.
`Users and applications may desire to link one message to another related message.
`However, past approaches to communication systems do not allow information, such as
`applications and electronic messages,to be related, threaded, managed and stored in an
`efficient, flexible, and simple way. Such approachesalso do not provide a way to obtain a
`view of complex webs of messages.
`There is also a need for methods and mechanismsthat can aggregate related
`topical information within the context of a single message or web of messages.
`The foregoing needs, and other needs that will become apparent from the
`. following description, are achieved in the present invention, which comprises, in one
`aspect, a method and system for communicating and collaborating using transportable
`applications. Embodiments provide a breakthrough communication approach that
`improves collaboration among groups of individuals, within corporations, among
`customers, partners, and suppliers, and amongdistributed computer systems. In one
`approach, computer processes enable such users to create or host a new kind of
`Page 8 of 240
`Page 8 of 240


`WO 02/21413
`collaborative productivity application called a transportable application. Transportable
`applications as disclosed herein may be used, for example, to bring together people,
`systems and information needed to contribute, make decisions, and take action on
`collaborative business processes or projects. In one embodiment, when a transportable
`application is opened, it reveals a live, shared, structured workspacethat is specific to a
`project or process. Unlike past approaches, the workspace is continually updated to reflect
`the latest input of any recipient or user.
`The transportable applications can be created by anyone, including individuals,
`non-technical users within an enterprise, or automatically by other computer programs,.
`applications, or programmatic mechanisms. Each transportable application may comprise
`one or more pages each having one or more building blocks that encapsulate processing
`functions and data. Each building block may comprise one or morestatic content regions,
`one or more dynamic content regions, and other information. Content for the dynamic
`content regions may bestored in a databaseofa server.
`The transportable applications can bedistributed to others using existing transport
`mechanisms. For example, in one specific approach, transportable applications can be
`deployed in a manner analogousto sending an electronic mail message. Recipients may
`be individual users, groups, or other programsor applications.
`The transportable applications can be accessed programmatically, or by an e-mail
`in-box, or using a web browser. When a transportable application is accessed by a
`recipient, data for its dynamic content regions is automatically retrieved. Input created by
`a recipient is accepted by the server and updates the dynamic content region of the
`transportable application. If a recipient modifies data in the transportable application, the
`modifications or updates are stored asynchronously and dynamically with respect to the
`sending and receiving of the modifications or updatesby the recipients. Thus, the
`dynamic content is always current, and whenever any recipient opens and viewsthe
`transportable application, the content of the transportable application is retrieved and
`displayed in then-current form.
`Unlike past approaches, which rely on distribution of static information,
`transportable applications as defined hereinenable full interaction and navigation of
`dynamic content without the user leaving the transportable application. A shared
`workspaceis created in which multiple persons or systems can interact within the same
`transportable application, and all responses are aggregated in one place. The content of
`the transportable application is current when read; the transportable applicationis
`constantly updated so users can always see the most current information and responses of
`Page 9 of 240
`Page 9 of 240


`WO 02/21413
`other group members. Transportable applications may be supported byrelated services,
`such as a secure modethat enables only authorized members to view and interact with the
`content, notifications that inform a user when an update to a transportable application has
`occurred, etc. Transportable applications may generate events that are acted upon by other
`transportable applications, and may act upon eventsthat are received from external
`In a business enterprise environment, transportable applications and the systems
`and methods disclosed herein enable the enterprise to save time, reduce costs, and
`accomplish more. Companies can use transportable applications for simple shared
`projects to the complex and collaborative business processes required for global, multi-
`company projects, depending upon the need. Collaborative business processes may be
`rapidly automated and streamlined. Collaboration may be extended outside the corporate
`firewall by sending the transportable applications to others. The relevance and speed of
`collaborative application development may be improved. Costs of distributed team
`interaction may be reduced.
`In one approach, the system features an integration framework comprising
`connectors that provide connectivity to and integrating with existing or “legacy”
`databases and applications. An author can create transportable applications that can
`retrieve data values from and set data values in such external applications and systems
`without programming knowledge, or even automatically from another program. As a
`result, legacy systems can automatically interact with collaborative applications, without
`humanintervention, to exchange data and carry out business processes. A simple and
`efficient means is provided to enable the collaborative applications to receive signals
`from the external applications, take action based onthe signals, or initiate new processes
`based on the signals.
`According to another aspect, a method for associating related electronic messages
`in computer storage is disclosed. A first transportable application is created and stored.
`Userinput requesting creation of a link from the first transportable application to another
`transportable application is received. User inputthat selects a second transportable
`application from amonga plurality ofpreviously created transportable applicationsis
`received. A link from the first transportable application to the second transportable
`application is created and stored.
`Asa result, transportable application may be inter-related in complex message
`webs. The message webs mayalso be inter-related in message web rings. Links may be
`generated manually or automatically, based on context, workflow processes, or other
`Page 10 of 240
`Page 10 of 240


`WO 02/21413
`known relationships among applications. Recipient lists and data may propagate among
`fields of linked transportable applications, directly or according to abstract businessrules.
`According to another aspect, a method for processing a request to display an
`electronic message is disclosed. First message data is generated. The first message data
`defines at least a first message portion and one or more navigation regions for one or
`more other message portions of a multiple-part electronic message having a plurality of
`message portions. The first message data is provided to a client. A request is received
`from the client for a second portion of the electronic message selected from among the
`other message portions. Second message data is generated which, when processed at a
`userinterface ofthe client, causes the client to display the second portion ofthe electronic
`message. The second messagedata is provided tothe client.
`Multiple-part electronic messages are disclosed. A graphical user interface of an
`electronic messaging system displays a message in the form of one or more header
`portions and one or more body portions. Each of the body portions has a selection region.
`While one body portionis visible at a given time,all the selection regions are
`continuously visible in the user interface to facilitate selection of any of the body portions
`at a particular time. Selecting a selection region of a non-displayed body portion causes a
`server to generate a refreshed user interface that includes the entirety of the selected body
`portion, and that hides the previously viewed body portion. As a result, a large amount of
`associated information may be combined in a single message in a way that is clearly
`organized and easily accessible.
`Transportable applications are disclosed. The transportable applications may be
`linked into webs of associated messages. For example, multiple related discussions or
`applications may be associated and organized. The webs of messages maybe linked into
`rings ofrelated message webs. As a result, workflow processes and complex associated
`information may be accessed and analyzed in an ordered way.
`In other aspects, the invention encompasses computer readable media, and
`systems configured to carry out the foregoing steps. Other features and advantagesofthe
`invention will be apparent from the following detailed description, the drawings, and
`from the claims.
`The present inventionis illustrated by way of example, and not by way of
`limitation, in the figures of the accompanying drawings and in whichlike reference
`numerals refer to similar elements and in which:
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`WO 02/21413
`FIG. 1A is a block diagram providing a structural overview of a system context in
`which an embodiment may be used.
`FIG. 1B is a block diagram that illustrates software elements of one embodiment
`of a service unit.
`FIG. 1C is a block diagram of the system of FIG. 1A illustrating additional
`FIG. 1D is a block diagram illustrating an example of interaction of a container
`andits building blocks with system services.
`FIG. 1E is a block diagram illustrating a high-level view of a process of creating
`and interacting with a transportable application.
`FIG. 2A is a block diagram of system architecture that may be used to host the
`foregoing services and provide such services to clients.
`FIG. 2B is a block diagram of an example software architecture of elements ofthe
`system of FIG. 2A.
`FIG, 2C is a diagram of an example graphical appearance of a transportable
`application, according to one embodiment.
`FIG. 2D is a block diagram ofan alternate embodimentof a system architecture
`that features use of certain Microsoft® servers and systems.
`FIG. 2E is a block diagram of an alternate embodiment of a system architecture
`that features use of certain Microsoft® servers and systems.
`FIG.2F is a block diagram of an alternate embodiment of a system architecture
`that features use of certain Microsoft® servers and systems.
`FIG.3 is a diagram of dependencyrelationships among interfaces that may be
`used, in one embodiment.
`FIG.4 is a block diagram of an example of a membership hierarchy.
`FIG.5 is a block diagram of objects and data communications paths involved in
`presentation of content associated with a building block.
`FIG.6 is a block diagram illustrating interaction of programmatic objects in one
`embodimentof a presentation model.
`FIG.7 is a flow diagram of one embodimentof a process of carrying out
`response-based notifications.
`FIG, 8A is a diagram of an example graphical user interface screen display of the
`Escalation Exception Manager template.
`FIG. 8B is a diagram of a screen display of an Addressing page that may be
`displayed, in one example embodiment.
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`WO 02/21413
`FIG. 8C is a diagram of an example of the Message Security Options window that
`may be displayed, in one example embodiment.
`FIG. 8D is a diagram of an example of the Page Security Options window that
`may be displayed, in one example embodiment.
`FIG. 9A is a diagram of the Join Group screen that is displayed when the selected
`group is private.
`FIG. 9B is a diagram of a My Groupsscreen that is generated and displayed when
`a user selects the My Groupslink of the portal homepage.
`FIG. 9C is a diagram of a portion of the screen display of FIG. 9B.
`FIG. 9D is a diagram of an Application Builder screen display that is displayed in
`response to selecting the Application Builder.
`FIG. 9E is a diagram of a page navigation dialog that may be displayed, in one
`example embodiment.
`FIG. 10A is a diagram of a Default Page Settings screen that may be used to
`change properties of a selected default page of a template.
`FIG. 10B is a diagram of a Pa

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