`Compendium of Excipients for Parenteral Formulations
`Phomtocrurfca! Research and Development, Gerternrech, Inc. South San Frrmctlsco. CaJt_Tomt'o
`The selection of eitcipients in parenteral
`design is oltcn both rational and empirical. It is rational in
`the sense that certain types of cscipients are added to alter
`the formulation properties: it bulTers of appropriate pKa are
`added to control hydrogen ion concentration at a desired pH.
`ii} tonicitiers are added for hiocompatibility. iii) surfactants
`are added wlten necessary to prevent aggregation, adsorp-
`tion to surfaces. or increase solubility, iv) atntioxidants are
`included to prevent unwanted oxidation of the drug. and so
`on. The inclusion of various classes of forntulation compo-
`nents. and the concentration used is often quite rational. in
`that their behavior and properties are known. and they are
`added to prevent specific problems that would arise in their
`absence. On the other hand. however. the selection of the
`e.tat.'t citcipieiu used is far from rational; it is empirical in the
`tirst order. satisfying only one question. “Has it been used
`previously in it similar parenteral formulation?“
`Many prototype forntulutions have been terminated be-
`cause one or more of tltc selected cxcipients was not found
`in a previously approved parenteral product. In fact. there
`have been it handful ol‘ eseipients with striking favorable
`properties. such as trehaiose with its ability to confer solid
`state stabilization of several types of proteins. or EDTA and
`its antioxidants by metal
`ion ehelation. These excipient
`compounds. and many others. have not been used widely.
`largely because of concerns with unknown toxicity, contin-
`ued production supply. or cost.
`the formulation scientist
`is often faced with a
`dilemnta—whic|1 excipicnts are truly available for use
`(based on what has been used previously). and wlticlt are
`not‘? For example. PEG 400 has been added to several
`parenteral formulations. but What about PEG 1200, or PEG
`4004)’! And at what concentrations. and by what route?
`Sodium citrate is an excellent buffer for many formulations
`at 5 mild, but is too painful in most instances for subcutane-
`ous use at 50 mM. lliglt concctttrations of propylene glycol
`may he used in it slow intravenous infusion. but would
`produce unwanted hcmoiysis and pain it‘ given by subcutane-
`ous or intrnrnusculnr Injection.
`it is often the case that the
`"sale level" of an cxeipicnt may depend on the route of
`adntinistration. These. are only a few examples of factors
`which ntust be considered when designing a formulation;
`there are dozens more based on empirical
`required for efficicnt formulation design. but thus far a
`compendium ltus not been publislted. This review was
`written to till this void.
`Herein are listed the cxcipients found in most of the
`approved and marketed parenteral fonnulations. given sys-
`tematically by escipient nantc. In this format it is easy to
`determine what concentrations were used the route of
`the main rationale for addition of that
`e-Jtcipient. the tll't.lg that was formulated. the rnanufacturer.
`brand name. etc. The i nforrnation found in this table comes
`from several sources. including package inserts. the Physi-
`cian's Desk Reference [PDR '97], as well as personal
`correspondence from the companies supplying the products.
`The published cxcipicnt concentration was often given in
`different units.
`rnDs. Molar. sodium
`equivalents. biological Units. Molal. weight percent. etc..
`and provided one of the greatest challenges in putting this
`eontpcndiunt together. We sought to list all the csclpicnts
`(where possible) in common units l'i.c.. mgi‘mL). so that a
`rapid comparison of the different formulations could be
`made at a glance. {This is not easy to do. for example. when
`comparing Tween 30 concenuauotts at 00001 M, 0.01% and
`the average molecular weight
`known for most cscipients. permitting a standardization of
`excipient concentrations]. This standardization of excipicnt
`concentrations is perhaps the greatest value of this compen-
`dium. but also represents one of the greatest sources of
`potential error. The recalculation of eitcipient concentra-
`tions. oftcn from scant or nondcscriptivc data, is not trivial
`and there may be an occasional discrepancy despite cross-
`checking with the original
`sources.’ Nevertheless.
`compendium represents it comprehensive survey of paren~
`teral citcipients used today. and is a resource for the
`parenteral fortnultttion scientist.
`in putting together this excipient compendium. there were
`it number of points that should be noted. so that the reader
`understands the limitations nrtd assumptions in some of the
`1} Concentnttinns are listed in weightfvolunteitv unless
`otherwise noted. in some cases values are listed in volume!
`volume‘3{n or the manufacturer did not specify what kind of
`percentage they were using it and in this Case it was assurnctl
`wciglttivolume '-at-.— t.
`2) Sterile water for injection is included W the excipient
`list when used in solution fomiulations: however. in most
`Received liehniary ltu. 15i'92l.J\ecepterl for publication June 1. 1998.
`‘Author to whom eorrespotidencc sltouid be addressed
`them to nguyett.tue@gene.conI for
`‘if di.scro1\ttnt‘it:s ttrc ittutttl. e-tnttjl
`correction to sulrsequent runtpettdiutns of this nature.
`PD'AJo-urnal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology
`lnnoPharma Exhibit 1‘l05.0001


`cases the quantity or percentage 0|’ water in the formulation
`was not indicated by the manufacturer or identified only as
`q.s. We have kept the same conventions here.
`3'] Excipients listed are present in the drug formulation
`itself. and do not include eitcipients present in diluent (for
`cxatnple, when it lyophilizcd formulation is diluted with
`bacteriostatic water containing benzyl alcohol).
`In some
`cases, a diluent is supplied that contains several additional
`excipiettts and.
`in the case or provided diluent,
`excipients are Listed in the excipient category and designated
`with at
`in addition to their usual cxcipicnt type {the D
`stand for present in diluent).
`4) If no L‘.)tCl[Jit:t1lS are listed. it means that no eitcipicnts
`were revealed by tlte manufacturer. In some cases. this is
`because there are no excipients in the fonnulation. but this
`should not be assumed.
`[11 some cases.
`there. may be
`eitcipieots present but the manufacturer has not disclosed
`them to us. largely for proprietary reasons. Specific follow-
`up about these drugs should be referred to the ntanufucturer.
`it The given drug concentration is usually the concentra-
`tion of the compound listed in the drug name category.
`unless identified as otherwise. For example. many drugs are
`t'ot'mu|ated as salts such that the salt name is listed in the
`drug name category {For example-. tnitoxantrone hydrochlo
`ride}. However.
`in the drug concentration category.
`concentration of the active component is usually listed (for
`example. equivalent to 2 n1 yml. rnitoxantrorte free base). so
`as to have a correct concentration of the active drug form.
`6] When concentrations of cxcipients and drugs are listed
`as a range it
`implies that
`these values could only be
`approximated. Frequently. a range is given because the
`product is available in a variety of storage containers. or
`having several dilution schemes. The ranges given are
`approx itnations only. based on the available information. In
`no way should these ranges be assumed to encompass all
`possible dilution schemes or configttrations.
`‘ll Preservatives (such as hcnzyl alcohol) that are present
`only in one configuration of a drug (for example in the
`multiple-dose product, but not
`in the single-use product]
`may be listed as a range [(}~x%). This was to avoid making
`two or more records for essentially dte same product
`8) For drugs that are given as a salt form, the counter ion
`may not be listed as an cxcipiertt. To search for counter ions
`{like sodium or potassium] one may look in the drug name
`fields [where the entire salt
`is often listed} or in the
`comments section {where the quantity of the counter ion per
`gram of drug is often provided) as well as in the excipicnt
`9) If a pH value is listed for a lyophjlized product, in most
`cases. it is the pit of the drug after its initial reconstitution
`with diluent. not the pH at lyophilization.
`10) The concentration values given for excipicnts and
`active drug product in lyophilized products are usually those
`present at the initial rcconstitution step. and are not necessar-
`ily thc concentrations present at delivery {often further
`dilution occurs). This applies to solution formulations as
`well. Further, excipicnt concentrations may not
`take into
`account additive effects from the diluent (for example, a
`drug containing sodium chloride and reconstituted with
`0.9% Sodium Chloride usually iists the concentration of
`sodium chloride present in the undiluted state}.
`ll) When the excipient concentration is calculated for a
`lyophilized product, it is usually done by dividing the weight
`of the material by the volume of liquid added. Note that this
`does not take into account the additive volume of mixing
`that occurs. so such values are to be considered only
`approximations. In cases where tltc manufacturer provided
`the total volume after mixing. this final volume was used for
`12) For drugs requiring rcconstitutionfdilutittn, in most
`cases a diluent recommended by the manufacturer is identi-
`fied. In cases where multiple compatible diluents are pos-
`sible. or when dilution schemes are complicated. one will
`see the note “Consult FDR for appropriate dilution." In
`sortie cases, often when the recommended diluent is pro-
`vided, the manufacturer would not reveal the identity of the
`diluent for proprietary reasons.
`13) Finally. most of the entries herein have been sent to
`the manufacturer for their correction and final notes. Many
`manufacturers participated in checking the data: others did
`not. We want
`to make this compendium as correct as
`possible, and so if errors are found, please c-mail them to
` for correction.
`This contpendium would not have been possible without
`the diligent work of Miliannc Chin. She compiled much of
`the data, engineered the database. and contacted dozens of
`different companies to ensure that the listings are up to date.
`Vol. 52. No. 5 I September-Ootober1998
`lnnoPharma Exhibit 11050002


`Brand Name
`Drug Name
`pl] when Administration
`Con ulnar
`mllllidnlt: mi
`High Cbemital
`pun-tum. Pitcher
`nlant tratiltata
`?rnt-tides Rosa‘:
`teeomrmndad daily
`intake of esaznlill
`Old Tubarctllitn
`6.0 - In
`W - intrswenaua
`5.4% Nephrarniue "
`BALD l.l.bUl'l|.Dfl'l¢I§
`31-“! container;
`1' .0
`ID v inlradertnfl
`TU-buwlin. Old. Tina Tr.-at
`Lzdzrla Lahontotiea
`acacia (gum atabin)
`ID ~ imadenual
`tuberculin. purified (FPO) Tl-I1: ‘Inst
`protein derivative
`Ledarle Lahumlnrina
`auatiu acid
`at:.t.-I1: acid
`acetic acid
`acetic acid
`acelin acid
`mil: acid
`0-0 59
`IV’ — inmlwrwuti
`5C - nlhcutaneuus
`SC - stthctalazteaua
`W — int:-avctinua
`methimwi human
`LING‘ (R) humor:
`inaulia zinc
`Lento {L} Purified
`Pail: Imulin Zine
`Suapensiuu. USP
`Ncupogett D
`Amati, Inc.
`single diam ti-1:1.
`Nuvulin ll! L
`Nam Nomiak
`Lenu: {L} Purified Pork
`Insulin Zinc Suspension.
`Nova Nnrdisk
`Aatra USA,Int:.
`St.‘ - attlamtanenua
`leuptolide actrmi»
`Lupron Injection
`IM - intramuamiar
`t:aleiItmin—5aIrnnn Calcimar Iii lnjcctinn:
`IV v intravenous
`albumin {human}, Aibuminnt GU15
`6.9 2 0.5
`IV - inlnttanaul
`albumin [human]
`Albuminnt II}-S
`nmltidoaa fill
`3.5 — 5.5
`l\«‘ - lnlnvattulta
`vincristina sulfate. Onaovin in
`Eli Lilly -at Company
`Rntnaziann W
`Rutalt: Labotatottas
`IV — ll1ll'I\'E!‘Dll5
`acutiu lcid
`(2.5 (wtw)
`SC‘ - aul:-cutantwtas
`aoaemlin acetate
`?nIade:: ED
`acetic acid.
`3.0 - 4.5
`W - Lult-avai-tutu
`Solid Implant
`rrutltidose triali
`aoatln Icld
`acfli: Istd
`lull": acid
`acetic acid
`2.5 ~ 11.5
`[M - tnltamuacular
`Dxytn-oin Injection
`slnriia cartridge
`IM — itatramsucular
`Pltanergan Injlclinn
`[M -itttt'atn1asculu
`-5. 3
`IM - intramusctllax
`Fhauatgan Ittjectian
`smile caruidga
`Piosligrnita lnjutahie
`ICN Fhantmautticala
`multidase trial
`acetic acid
`[M - iaitnnuamalai
`calcitcnin-salmon Miacalein G3
`aitaw.-. acid
`Acetic acid
`5.: - 7.2
`It»! - iulrlmusculu
`4 0
`W - inlxlvenuns
`tatanua immune
`glubulin (human)
`Itxirnarllv Incl
`Hyper-Tel is
`Eemmon ""' ltlicsaliun
`Illultldnaz via]
`Au-lit: acid lampul]
`[M - inttamuautilar
`leupmlide nectar:
`Luptutt Depnl 'l'.S
`acetic acid [glacial]
`-1.2 -_ 0 .1
`IV v lntravanmia
`oclreclide Icnlale
`Santlmtatin at
`siaiglv dim ml.‘
`FDA Journal at Pharmaceutical Science a Technology
`lnnoPharma Exhibit 11050003


`"°"* "*4 *0‘
`'°'““ """' NF
`'"'“"‘ "°“i|||-m
`'“"'“' ‘WM
`'°°““" indium
`pi! when Adtulnlalrutlon
`us: - lutuxnuiculad‘
`Drug Name
`Brand Nam:
`tenprouaa mm:
`lmrun ucpomnl
`siunle -Me via:
`1 D : I: 3
`JM — inklnnucullt
`Symmwm 0
`O I
`0 2
`40 - 5.0
`in! -inu-unmzulnr
`pentnocinu Items Talwu: lluacuon
`ftlrfllditi noodle!
`Snnoln Wmuuop
`cantidxl nude
`40 . 5.9
`IM - Lunnmscullr
`pmuza-nae mum l‘aJIr'uI lmecuou
`Imultldou villi
`Scaofi Wnfllm-3'
`*W|'i°°I° Vii‘-I
`99.”; mnhng
`hnafi Wis-lnuup
`nuoluna sodium
`5 I1‘:
`I J - 5 I)
`gm: mmlmia
`Puulnclinu llydmclnlunflc Slllufi Winihmp
`15:‘. Soluuan
`was .
`mo . 1.:
`IV - inlnvennua
`anlillumnbln Ill
`"nuamlsm In on
`I-'==x|° 40" ‘N!
`5.3 . 7.!
`IV . um-Ivgnnus
`u-poerin alrn
`Orlhn Binleuh. Inc.
`single ulna: ml
`lM 'il'lfl’I.l'«II1sI'.lIJJtl'
`Inlnvu 0 lhbaa Vmemn Cons-snughs
`Llboruiau Inc.
`single dose um
`“huh thmlfli
`51 ll!
`Biuclllo W
`“mm” (“W”)
`=0 '
`6.3 t 0-!
`ltuauna Cllotmlln Clutlmgntnlnsm
`B-Inner He!-ilk‘-IN
`Ll"°?h“-53"’ mil’ "3' 59'5"
`9-04" 0
`W iulnvcuusu
`Kognnn ii
`liflflfi 50'‘ "113
`rlhi-=1 vim
`ptcpumd {rum
`“mm “W”?
`“W9 ("N-Illilll
`sl a
`N - Lnlnvennua
`mum“ fl‘'''”‘'‘''}
`“ 4'1 0
`IV — ultra-vauuu
`ulmllin {hunuru
`n 0963
`I‘: M
`IM - Lntrlnnalculn
`"bum" ""’“‘"‘3
`IV v LlIlra\'L'|wus
`'“’"-"W (Wm!
`ca 25
`may 2 0.3
`nr . u'r'(taw:nnus
`'n"""h" tmmifli
`6 I 1 0.3.
`[V - Lntrnvatuu:
`nlbmmn [mum].
`I o
`Ml 1» in
`N. uatrmmua
`“hm” u'‘'''''“”
`1 9 - 3-0
`W - ininvqmu
`my (1-lm-mm
`boluleauln Iaaun
`13-99 A
`Ilmkinlu For
`npoulin all’:
`apoolin nlrn
`immune globulin
`N (human)
`prinmilv lga
`unlhody puriliud
`Koala an?
`ikllule W
`urinal! do-I home
`single time
`Balm ll
`Mlcrgan In:
`olbboli I-I|:N=I’l!¢|’I#|
`spam 0
`human, In:
`-finale dun ml
`Ep-om.-rs is mullidnne
`Amgul, Inc.
`rnultidmu visl
`nnmm ow
`sinus dam vim
`Mnaontm-F -0 halo:
`VIII: (2 Pmuutzod
`sins}: ah» will
`"°"“"" "“""'°l
`i 15
`sc - nbunmoua
`mlcrfalou has-tb Immm 0
`Bonus Lahnrllmies
`-use use vial
`“hm” "'"""“"
`W — lnluvunus
`immune globulin
`l':y1oG-nu C
`smile: hand
`single dam I-LI}
`“Mm °"“""'|
`SC - nab-nmnaotu
`"’*‘“"“" "flimrr
`II 5
`IM - ummmm
`poliovuu nicotine Poliuux 0
`inacrivuad. Int: J
`l.\-la.I:nn-ryl, 1390 1'
`lmecruon III:-Ia. norm» on
`L41:-nmorim. in:
`Each: Lu:-onmu-.u
`VOL 52. No. 5 : saptamnar--october 1993
`|nnoPharma Exhibit 11050004


`9|! when Administration
`Drug Name
`Brand Name
`albumin (human)
`:1 161'
`IM — inlramuucudar
`interferon alfa-Zn. Roman owl {powder}
`Rnaho Lnlaoraloriu
`Powder falorilel vial
`nlbumin {human}
`albumin (human)
`0 l
`{L I mlrulouionll
`mmrfoton all‘:-Eb,
`lnuon A
`IM -
`interferon am-2b.
`lnuon A {solution}
`albumin flttllllnnl
`IV - inlmrounun
`Illaumin flmmoo)
`DA - as
`IV ~ lnlnw.-nous
`albumin human USP
`1 ll
`W intravenous
`liclor {human}
`{Factor VIII. Alli‘!
`30.5 (vim)
`1.0 — 4.0
`6.3 (um.-j
`IV - lnuavonoos
`6.8 — 3.1
`[M -iruraarrusculat
`sodium lnjeonou
` Eeechnm
`!l.ll],|.I.' dos: ml
`glass bi‘.-‘lilo
`Inulllple dose
`amlmvglass ml;
`6.! {WV}
`3.6 t 0.4
`IM -inlmnusculu
`dilwdroerauumlno D.H.FL $5 0
`[M — inlumlucular
`so-Ilium injoelion
`Abbott LIbora|ou'oa
`15.1! - 1.1
`[M - i.nIran1u.u~ul.n
`Lanoxin tlligcuinl
`{Hum Wolloouio
`In n
`IV — intravenous
`plmnrtoin Indium Dllanlill
`injection, USP
`Synlol Laboratories
`Tube: cartridge
`alcohol (P11. I-Iohr]
`32.9 two;
`N - i.-nuvmnu:
`alcohol (USP)
`0.61 mu)
`4.0 1 0.3
`W! - inoanmsculu
`concamme for
`inioolilm USP
`Srmdlmmuno 0
`Synloclnon II
`alcohol {USP}
`6.1 [vrvfihl
`3.6 : D.-I
`In-I -inuxmuaoullu
`1 .0
`sf! 1'.’
`N ~ inlnu-nusuula:
`IV — inrravonoua
`— ‘L-I
`IM - intramuscular
`L\o{ — luunnmsnullx
`IM - inrrnrnuooulnr
`rnultidoaz vial
`dihydroergoumine D.l-LE. -I5 0 or Dyhdergol
`inioolion. U59
`Diphlhcdu and
`Tomius Toxoidn
`ll'l.I5 Acolhllnr
`flclof (HurIIl1'I}
`Diphtheria it
`Tmnus Tonoids
`and Accllulu
`oumbinlnlion of
`ialinod tr.l.uiu: J’:
`mined lclonua
`diphlhcm &
`tourlna lalolds at
`Pertussis Vaccine
`Lcdorlo Labonloriu
`SuspensinrL(m mulfidose vial
`K:-ate G-HP
`single dose nonu-
`Labomol-lea. Inc.
`solutionisuspc VIII-
`Teunun 5': Diphlharia
`To-mdds Ad.Io1‘bed {Mull
`Lodarla Laboratories:
`Tolanua Toxoid Adaurbo.-sl, Lldlrle Lnhonlofin
`Loderlc Labosllurin
`rooltirluso YISIS
`PDA Journal of Phannaceutlcal Science E. Technology
`lnnoPharma Exhibit 11050005


`pf! where Adnilnlstl"-Ilinn
`Drug Name
`Brand Name
`IM — intramuscular
`nepalilis A vaccine Havnx (fllpllilis A
`Vaccine. {unrivaled}
`Srnilhxline Bccchanl
`single dose vial
`0.0-1 — LI 12
`IM - inuumuscuiar
`W — ihll'-ifntlilitllfll
`50. I 1'
`I1 {J-1-S
`-4.1 US
`IM - intramuscular
`IM — intramuscular
`[M v ininmuscullr
`IN! - inlrumuaaular
`IM - iniramusculnr
`[M — inmmimcumi
`iiluminum phusphnrn
`$0 2
`IM - il'I1I'al1'III.1i:1.I'm
`comhination nf
`pi.ui.l'u.-d Ielmiu at
`diphlhoiin &
`mums rnpmida
`cnmhinltion af
`refined dip|l|II:l'il
`J: lcllfllfl loxaids
`Diphxhuia an
`Teuinus Toxoisls
`nnd Ptnussis
`immmphilua I:
`conjugal: vaccine
`hepatitis E
`hcpklilia R
`inactivated CV5
`rabies virus
`Diphthfliu .1 TCIUPLII
`'1‘i.u.uiu!.i & Paituuis
`Smitlsfiline Bee-nburn
`Diphthuria ai Tetanus
`Toxoida 3: Pertussis
`l.II'.-unlnrl-ea. Inc
`Tuflaid Liquifl
`Diphlhmia ii Telumx
`Toxuidn fiidsurbad.
`Luderlu Labunlolien
`'1'¢iriiniunc, (D'l'P-Hboria
`Ix.-dcrle I-flbflllfflliei
`Muck & Company
`oinglis dust: vials
`Rcoornbivnx HE
`Muck -Q Company‘
`single don vinl
`Simili1Kline fltechml
`single dim vial
`muliidnse via.‘
`Ration Vnminn Adsoihi.-:1
`Smilhifluic Beecharn
`uutiiin acid
`In - inriainu.-aculan
`Illpniilii A vaccine HIVFLK (H!.‘pI'Lili§ A
`Vacciiu. Inaciiviiledi
`Sn1iu-iK.|iue Bnechiim
`single dns: rial
`N - inlraw,-nous
`ammonium meme
`WI - iulflrnilscular
`Smilhiclinc Bocchan:
`arnliervglais vial:
`Roche Lnbonlltrici
`sodium iruealiun
`unmonium hydzmidn
`SC subomnnauuoe
`ulhydruu citric acid
`0.0! TS
`N — inlravi.-nmis
`anhydlnus cinrin acid
`6.2- - 1.2
`sodium irijaclian
`.‘im'iIhKJ!.ne Beocliam
`amber-gm: vials
`lnhydruus citric acid
`3.0 - 4,!)
`N - inlmrennus
`DTIC-Dom: Sietilc
`znhydmus citric acid
`5.8 - 12
`IM — inmimuscuinr
`Lanoitin [Diguxim
`maxi: Wdlnomn
`anhydrous dextrrisc
`-1 5
`3.0 — -1.0
`N - intravenous
`Traiidine Injaunn -3'
`Glam wellcame
`anhydrous dextruse
`1.0 — 4.6
`I\--' - intravenous
`iabelnlnl HC1
`urilrydmun de:In:.'u:i:
`[M - intramunzulzr
`Rankin £2 Colman
`muitidosc vial
`glass snap-u-npuls
`a.|'I1'|)fd|'DItl aodmns
`is 0
`0.5 . 1[.o
`IV - inmivenuus
`LEI‘: — 36.0
`-I 3
`T $
`1M - tnmmusculni
`ascorbic acid
`0.0-18 - Um”
`N - inlravrnous
`Scidium tar
`Jmrranam IO:
`hyclnta fur
`Brevitnl Sodium
`Eli Lilly 3: Company
`Axiclam fur Injeclinu
`Vibiamycin lnlrnvenuus
`Vol. 52. No. 5 i‘ Sep1em|::ar—0ctober 1998
`lnnoPharma Exhibit 11050006


`Brand Name
`Drug Name
`pi! wlaa-re Admllll-slrnllon
`FarmRantsapplicable°x.w.rv Containm-
`ll»! —inlr1n1IueuLIr
`uoothio acid
`hydrochlnrirle USP
`ucorbdu acid
`ascorbic mid
`I.l.::uttl'c aid
`Isnurhic acid
`0 1
`1M - inlramusculatlsne
`Srrulnfiilna Beecham
`1.\{— i£|lll1!'l1J-|‘¢Illll[lO|!
`$fl.'tl|ltKl.i!|Il Beochun
`mullidou vial:
`3 J v 4 5
`SC - subcwtanooua
`Maruine Hydrochloride
`liydroclilnride -Ind Wltll Eflilifllflllfinc
`Su$—pl1Iirna I9
`Snnufr Winthrop
`single dose \-‘rat;
`Pllmnmceusicals Inc.
`ucmbjr: n:.l.d U5?
`I1. I.
`I'M v I'1IIrIInII:r.ular
`rnnlotc USP
`Tnrnun Q
`Laboratarias. Inc.
`[vs — intnvasiall
`6.8 — 1.!
`ID — inlradennal
`bennneamonin acid
`3.25 — 3.65 W - intravenous
`In atlv.-nualad livr
`culmtn pl!Pl.|’-I.l.lOrl
`OIBCG vaccine
`sodium phosphate
`.£ heumelhamna
`mauurium hetylale Trnniiurn
`Cclemona Sllluipln
`nlullidnse vul
`Glaxo Welloome
`airlgle use vial
`0.0 — oo|-
`5.0 - 15.0
`IN! - ll|lr.lllllI3I:I.I.lI.r
`Parka Davis
`0.0 - um
`IM - unlramuscuiar
`Slndnl Bl Injeulinn
`Myers Squibb
`hanzyi alcohol
`In-.-nzyl alcohol
`3.0 v 4.0
`5.0 v 15
`Dalalonc DP. 3‘
`mulliple dose
`banzyl nloahol
`n 9
`5 0 - 1.0
`Conisone Aware
`Cs:-none acelau:
`March a: Company
`henzyl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`benzyl alcohol
`0 9
`5.0 - 7.5
`Mm}. -k Company
`6.0 - 8.0
`M11 - inmsanicuhr
`Hydtllra T. B. A.
`Mernk st Cmnpany
`5.0 - 1.0
`IAR v inlraartieular
`llydrocnuunu Acelal-e
`Merck & Company
`bennyl Ilnohnl
`J 5 - 10
`[M - intrmmsouhr
`Melhylpminisulu Depo-Mndrnl
`nu mule
`The Upjohn
`single dose Till
`benzyl alcohol
`bcnxyl llcohol
`0. 90
`IM — inlrarnnsculnr
`Juinocorl For1¢(P‘]
`IL - lwaleaional
`Fujluwa USA. Inc.
`benzyl alcohol
`4.5 - 5.5
`IL - inlniesioml
`banzyl alcohol
`I‘-‘ - inzravamus
`amiadamne Hal
`Amrcupan Suspenaion S
`Fujinwa USA. the.
`Coidarmia Intravenous
`tcordaxoru: NI
`benzyl alcohol
`bcnzyl alcohol
`IV — intravenous
`Vasmec HI.
`Metal 4% Cornpuny
`IV - intravenous
`I-l¢:lTrnan - Lllloclae
`PDAJourna| of Pharrnaceutical Science 8. Technology
`|nnoPharma Exhibit 1105.000?


`pl! when Admlabtraunu
`Drug Nam
`Ilnnd Nun:
`1M - inlrinnlscnlu
`mu,lu',dn|o um.
`bcnayl ulwlanl
`hurl alwhnl
`heufl Iltuhnl
`army! ulmhol
`bomnrl cloolml
`I1-emu‘! Ifaohol
`bunnrl tlouhui
`nanzyl mulqol
`bmzyl Ilmh-ol
`Imlryl Ilfltlhfll
`I) 3
`; 0
`0 0
`I 1'
`J 0
`1| - 6.5
`Ill — l gold sotlium
`Man 1 Cumguur
`1.5 - an
`[M - imummuhr
`uliluicln sulfur. Nlisollayr-In l.1I_|-mum
`schmu liloclum
`H - 30
`IV - lnuzuunnus
`Glue Wallmnu
`mlllidane ria-I
`N -imrauusculu
`HIIJ01 Deunnn: $0 and
`Snlulloa {in
`-5 9
`W~ inn-nvenaua
`Vuunu lrdnclton
`Cmloonuilu WM-26'!
`[V ~ intravenous
`nilnalhnprlrn and
`llama !.V. lnllallon
`mun Wallcumo
`rnullklole vi-L15
`IM ~ inlrurmacular
`smile clrrrldgo
`mozhorrunepnanne I-wnprunlt
`at um
`hrdrothlnndz an
`[M - iulruuuuultr
`Ubtiuw tinsel-Able [IM1
`Emlyn Pmelmu. Inc.
`unbar ulzpsia
`Hanuyl tlaolwl
`I'M -lntnnnnaculu
`Lluenela mule aohnlml
`Tb: Uyjohu
`bcntyl tluuhul
`SC - mhmhnnu
`Iaupldldu mums
`Lupcm llaiunlina
`mnlfldnw vlnl
`bauyl alcohol
`ICN - iIlI|cI1r:'rnm.Il
`Cnvcqu-1 Sunk hunk:
`N — isunvmun
`nninoupcoit acid Main: nuuunn. 1:5!‘
`IM - inlnnumalu
`‘Illa K.-'p[nlnI
`-? 0
`Human 0
`Ruth: Ldm-swim
`honauyl nlwhnl
`IM - inltnn-umular
`ltlnocm Pluuphuo an-mu: Thu Upjohn
`Inuyl nleohul
`bonxyl 1|:-ulna!
`bwzyl alcohol
`0 0
`basucyi nlmhnl
`helm:-I alcohol
`hnzyl alcohol
`hluyl Ilullinl
`lmuyl unllui
`Inn}! alcohol
`I 0
`I 3'
`IM —in1mrum:uIiur
`Vlllllfll lujamblo
`Rocha Frochm
`Dual - inlmnnscullr (am:
`-‘lmillukllnn Eucham
`mulridna-9 viola
`EM — Imnamnusmr
`1: lb: aulltylm
`Sn-nlrhlflhto Bemham
`n I t 0.5
`N - inlrav-mam
`[M - inlnnnscular
`Dr! — hmllunauntu
`npaelin :11’:
`{ |
`{vlumm KI)
`Epogonl I Imllnhnn
`Arngan l.|l‘—
`mullidose vial
`Pmlixsu Duuumr
`Proltnin Ennlhm
`Myan swifhb
`Hyuu Sopihb
`mule don
`Vol. 52. No. 5 I Septamber—{)c1oher199B
`lnnoPharma Exhibit 11050008


`Brunt Nam:
`Dru; Nam:
`all when Admlnlslrnllnu
`I-‘nrmRentsIppllcnblu%WJ'V Container
`D -1
`‘IN -iannnxmulu
`haul Ilmhnl
`Prvgnyi SI
`uI'III|$d-he vials
`gumdotlupin lb:
`iniiltlioll. U51’
`bray! Ikohul
`um-n nlmaol
`hurl alcohol
`In ~ imzurlciul
`Mlthnuulk Sandman
`IV - latnwnuu
`N - Iunvulau
`Imnilhnpnni Ind
`squn IV lnlmu
`mun fifnileaulc
`sepia: W anamunu
`Gino Ndleum
`bunt Ileohnl
`0 I1 . um
`1.0‘ 8.0
`|IM- i Esydromniwnu
`Mann macclulr
`Sal»-I'.‘4:flII5%GIi!I ‘Fault.-r Tho Uflahn
`huatyl alcohol
`I102 mu-j
`N — mmvuums
`sodium lulmiuarl
`mtmu Iqfeclion
`Sulrulocol I

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