Clinical review
`Recent advances in endocrine therapy of breast cancer
`Anthony Howell. Mitchell Dowsett
`Regression of advanced breast tanner as a reSult of
`endocrine diempy was first desm’bed over 100 years
`ago.‘ Interest in this form of munem mutated when
`treatment with the antioestmgen tamwdfen after
`surgery for breast meet was shown to improve
`patients mnrival' ’ Treatment also reduced the
`incidence of new cancers in the contralateral breast.
`prevmfive measwe in women at high risk.‘ New, pottin-
`tially were active endocrine agents are now being
`introduced into clinical practice. In this review we
`outline the mechanism of action of these treatments
`their efficacy in comparison with older drugs; we also
`speculate about fiimre trends in endocrine diempy and
`summarise clinical trials in progress.
`This article is based. in part, on our own collaborative
`experimental work and close association with pharma-
`companies developing new endocrine agents.
`Additional review. and
`articles were obtained
`from searches of ontological journals. Recent data
`were obtained from presentations at the May meeting
`of the American Society for Clinical Oncology.
`Mechanism of action of newer endocrine
`Breast cancer cells that are endocrine dependent need
`oestrogen to proliferate." Most endocrine therapies
`either block the binding of cesnogen to its receptor in
`the nucleus of responsive cells or reduce serum and
`armour concenuations of oesoadiol. In postmenopau-
`5a] women andmgena (mainly from the adrenal
`glands) are converted into oesuogens by the enzyme
`ammatascwhichiepmsentin arrange offissues andis
`found in 60-70% of breast carcinomas.6
`The trend for endocrine therapies over the past
`100 years has been towards simpler and more widely
`applicable treatments. Originally pharmacological
`doses ofoestmgenswereusedtoblock the
`tamoxifen.“ Oestr'ogen concentrations were reduced by
`surgery (ocphorectcmy, adrenalectomy, and hypophy~
`Sectomy), but now analogues of luteinising hormone
`releasing hormone, which eifectively ablate ovarian
`steroidogenesis, may he used in premenopansal
`women; ammataae inhibitors are used in postmeno-
`pausal women.
`BM] VOLUME 315 4 OCTOBER 1997
`'Ihmosdfen is an antiooctrogen but has a complex
`phmnacology, partly due to its metabolism to numer-
`ous biologimlly active compounds. It is an oestrogen
`moist-antagonist that depends on its competitive
`binding to oestrogen receptors. Several other bio-
`chemical pathways are afmd by tamoxifen, but their
`importance is doubtful;
`the predominant
`importance of the oestrogen receptor dependent
`tamordfen being largely confined to tumours positive
`for oestrogen.
`In an oestrogenic environment tamoxifen stops the
`proliferation of breast cancer cells that bind to oestro-
`gen receptors. But if oestrogen concentrations are low.
`tamoxifen may an as an oestrogen agonist and lead to
`the proliferation of these cells, at least
`in model
`systems. Reducing this agonist activity has become the
`major target of new drugs and has led to the develop-
`ment of non-steroidal drugs that act like tamosdfcn. as
`well as steroidal compounds that are detiVatives of
`oestmdiol.’ These two groups differ in their interaction
`with oestrogen receptors. The non-steroidal com-
`CRC Depexunem
`w 1997;815:863-6
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`Clinical review
`pounds bind to oestrogen receptors, leading to their
`activation and dimerisation and their binding to
`specific oestrogen response elements on DNA which
`causes transcription of oestrogen responsive genes. A
`complex series of coacdvators and compressors can
`also substantially modify the agonist or antagonist
`responSe to the complex of drug and oestrogen recep
`tor. Drugs of this type which are in or have recently
`completed phase In development include toremifeneI
`dmloxifene. TAT-59, and idoxifene. Other
`toremil‘ene, each of these has improved antagonist-
`agonist balance in standard model systems such as the
`immature mt uterine weight test“ ”
`in contrast the steroidal antagonists (exemplified by
`ICI 182780, Faslodex} have been characterised as pure
`antagonists, as in their case the complex of drug and
`cestrogen receptor
`is effectively inactive. There is
`debate as to whether this is due to lack of dimer-nation
`in the oestrogen receptor or a lack of binding to oestro—
`gen response elements, but it seems clear that the acti-
`vating functions are blodted and that the stability of the
`oestrogen receptor is reduced such that the oestrogen
`receptor content of the tumour is greatly reduced
`Both Faslodex and idoxifene are more effective
`antitumour agents than tamoxifen in animal model
`systems. and both show activity in cells and rumours
`that have become resistant to tamoxifen.7
`Conventional clinical pharmacology of the new
`antioestrogens has not been instructive for
`clinical development because there are no good surro—
`gate markers of their activity against cancer. Their
`clinical development
`is being helped by a novel
`approach, in which pathological markers of prolifera-
`tion and. apoptosis are measured in primary breast
`carcinomas after short
`term, presurgical
`with the drugs before surgery "' "
`Tamoxifcn's oestrogen agonist activity is advanta—
`geous on some tissues other than breast cancer.
`including bone and liver, but not endometrium.
`Experimental evidence indicates that chemical modifi-
`cations can enhance the therapeutic elficacy and toler-
`ability of non—steroidal compounds and lead to a
`group of compounds called SEEMS (selective oestro—
`gen receptor modifiers). An example is raloxifene,
`which is
`in its late stages of development as an
`antiosteoporotic agent; it lacks the breast and endome-
`trial stimulation of oestrogen. New compounds of this
`type will soon enter clinical development for breast
`cancer treatment and are candidates for breast cancer
`prevention strategies."
`Table 1 Recently repaired phase ill and randomised phase iI trials at new non-steroidal
`now [I'll]
`Tamoxifen versus turemttene”
`In at
`7— ! ‘ 7 7
`7 607
`7 347
`handmised phase it trial
`7 7
`7 r 7
`‘ _
`740 7
`77 — 7
`m‘ 59"
`’ Randomised phase ll trial
`7 7
`' 20'
`7137(7—7 ’77 77407 31
`'Cnmpleta response plus ital-ital rasponse.
`PM trial as first line
`treatment in advanced disease
`Clinical results
`Tamoxifen is the "gold standard," but its agonist effect
`may stimulate tumour growth and cause treatment to
`fail.” The newer non-steroidal antioestrogens have
`been developed bemuse [with the exception of
`toremifene) they have reduced agonist activity.
`Table 1 shows some recent studies of new amines—
`crogens A phase 1]] trial found that toremifene was not
`superior to tamoxifen. ” The analogue droloxifene
`seemed active in phase II trials when used at doses of
`20-100 mg/clay, as did the japanese drug TAT—59.” “i
`We need more information from phase II trials about
`idoxifene and data from phase 1]]
`trials comparing
`tamoxifen with droloxifene, TAT-59, and idoxifene.
`The pure antioestrogen ICI 182780 (Fasiodex)
`showed little agonist activity in preclinical Less and in
`the only clinical
`in advanced breast cancer
`performed to date." Notably. it is active when given
`after failure of tamoxifen and produces remissions of
`two years whereas standard second line endocrine
`therapy usually gives a one year median duration of
`response. Again. randomised data are required to con—
`firm these promising preliminary dam.
`Aromatase inhibitors
`Using aromatase inhibition to suppress oestrogen syn—
`thesis was developed as a treatment for breast cancer
`over 20 years ago.” During the intervening period
`many inhibitors have been developed. Plasma oestro-
`gen concentrations have been widely used to assess
`pharmacological cflecfiveness,but such assays have not
`been sulficently sensitive to provide reliable compari-
`sons between inhibitors. Isotopic methods that directly
`measure the. inhibition of enzyme activity throughout
`the body have provided more useful comparative data.
`There is no evidence that any of the inhibitors
`differentially inhibit aromatase in different tissues. The
`inhibitors may be considered as two families, steroidal
`and non—steroidal.
`All of the non—steroidal agents are active orally. Until
`I992 the only widely available inhibitor was aminoglu-
`tethimide. This drug inhibits several cytochrome P450
`enzymes, including some involved in steroidogenesis,
`and has been widely used in breast cancer in combina-
`tion with replacement doses of glucowrticoid as a
`"medical adrenalectoniy." When aminoglutethimide’s
`clinical effectiveness was shown to be due to its inhibir
`tion of aromatase, this enzyme became a therapeutic
`target The side effects of aminoglutethimide (mainly
`skin rashes and neurological symptoms),
`its lack of
`specificity (requiring replacement glucocorticoid), and
`relatively low potency have been targets
`pharmaceutical improvement and have been well met
`by the most recent drugs.
`A series of u-iazole
`(Arimidex),"’ 2”
`letrozole (Femaralf' 2" and vorozole
`(Rivizor)” 2‘ have all been shown to have excellent
`selectivity for aromatase in preclinical models, and this
`has been confirmed in dinical studies. Their intrinsic
`potency is considerably greater than that of amino—
`glutethimicle, In patients. aminoglutethimide inhibits
`total body aromatisatjon by about 91%, while anastro—
`BM] VOLUME. 31!?)
`4 OCTOBER 1997
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`Clinical review
`Table 2 Recently reported phase lll trials which compare standard second line endocrine therapy with the new triazole inhibitors
`Nil Ill
`Pmpultlen [5%] Bl
`Halli“ survival
`pattern: resynmllnn‘
`42.2 (+750)
`73733 _ 7
`33:53:31”? “Vamp” m“
`Megestrel acetate
`1727.3 (7730)
`’ '_26_J__’ 3.223032%? “m” “'““
`Meyestrul acetate
`throne? 7
`Aminnglutethirnide plus hyfimmrtisone
`Mnrnnglutelhlmlde plus hydrocorltsnne
`7 7.
`7 its
`not; 5557
`7 _
`No date
`_ _ Trend for survival advantage lor both
`“was or lemme
`7 _
`Trend lur survival advantage wlth
`7 vornzole
`7— 7
`2015 (750:
`7 7 190
`7 2.5
`inmate" 7
`Megestml acetate 7 11750 7 185 7 775.7677 7 7 287.7?
`‘Gornplate response plus partial response: SiJ=stable disease (28 months).
`16.? (7:30)
`«tr use) 7
`logical since stable disease gives equivalent palliation
`and survival.“9 The durations of response of the new
`agents have tended to be longer than the old, but even
`more important are the survival advantages shown by
`new agents The trial with the longest follow up shows
`that anastrazolc l mg has significant survival advan—
`tage over megestrol acetate 150 mg,” and the other
`trials show trends towards survival advantages.'lhe uni-
`formity of this diflcrence suggests that these trends are
`likely to become significant with further follow up.
`Trials in progress
`The introduction of new agents and the results of trials
`generate new questions and the need for new clinical
`trials. Table 3 outlines trials in progress or which are
`due to start shortly.
`We need to know whether the new non-steroidal
`andoestrogens [idmdfene, droloxifene, TAT-59)
`show better preclinical characteristics than tamoxifen
`are better clinically. Large trials comparing all three
`new agents with tamoxifen are ongoing. The pure
`antioestrogen Faslodex looks highly pronfising in vino.
`in animal studies, and in early phase I] tests. However,
`are notoriously unreliable in
`Table 3 Clinical trials using endocrine therapy protected or in progress in early
`ladluvant) anti advanced breast cancer (phase Ill)
`Mltmnl breast cancer
`Receptor blockade:
`Martian; —
`720 inq vfinfifinr
`_ 7
`20 mo v 20 n1 tamoxifen
`7zn7ni§ '9 itififiaficixfif
`125 mg r250 mu v20 mu
`Fesludex uni 7132732))
`tamnxtten 7
`Oeslmpen receptor.
`Munroe! breast lancer
`Both 7 7
`77 77
`Tamoxiian 2 years
`Tamoxilen 3 years
`Anestrotnle it years
`7 7
`Tammtifen 5 years
`Placebo 5 years
`_ 7 7
`Verozole 5 years
`Tamoxifen 2—3 years
`Tamoxifen 2-3 years
`Externestene 2-3 years Megestrol acetate
`their recommended doses of
`zole and letmzole, at
`l rug/day and 2.5 rug/day, inhibit by about 97% and
`>99%. respottively.25 in many patients this results in
`plasma oestrogen concentrations which even the most
`sensitive immunoassays cannot detect.15
`Two of the steroidal agents, formestane and excmes-
`tane, have undergone considerable clinical develop—
`ment. Formestane (4-hydroxynndrostenedione; Len-
`tamn) was the first selective inhibitor to be licensed.“ It
`is given by intramuscular
`injection because it
`metabolised too quickly if taken orally.
`is more
`specific than aminoglutethimide but does not have
`more pharmacological activity. Excmestanc is orally
`active and seems to be selective at clinical doses.” No
`data have been published on its reflects on whole body
`aromatisation. The only pharmacological data from a
`randomised comparison between any ofthe inhibitors
`showed the superiority of anasn‘ozole over formestane
`in suppressing plasma or:st.radiol.""‘i
`Clinical results
`Table 2 shows the results of recent randomised
`trials comparing aromatase inhibitors with standard
`second line endocrine therapy (after tamoxifen). The
`trials for letrozole and anastmzole had three arms: two
`dimes of the new aromatase inhibitor compared with
`either the progestogen (megestrol acetate) or the old
`aromatase inhibi‘tor(aminoglutetl‘ti1nidc). Vorozole has
`been tested against these same comparators at a single
`dose in trials with two arms!5 2"
`three of
`the new non—steroidal
`derivatives (anasmmole, letromle, and vorozole)‘ and
`the steroidal derivative exemestane have shown
`minimal toxicity. In particular, they do not produce the
`troublesome weight gain of megesu-ol acetate nor the
`rash and neurological symptoms of aminoglutethim—
`ide. Since all four compounds are specific aromatase
`inhibitors. glucocor’dcoid replacement is not required.
`In general, all the trial results point in the same
`direction. Overall response 1”de with the new and the
`old treatments are similar. Responses have been
`reported as either complete and partial remissions or
`as complete and partial remissions and stable disease
`for at least six months. The latter reports are more
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`AstraZeneca Exhibit 2040 p. 3


`Clinical review
`Table 4 Past, present. and potential future treatment of advanced breast cancer by
`blocking oestrogen receptor or reducing concentrations of oestrogenic steroids in
`postmenopausal patients
`Wan motor bluebe- ltetluotlnn at rostrum munitions
`lilohdose oestrogen
`Ainlnootutethlrnloe 1
`DoipttorectI-orny __
`t-OH androstenedione'
`7 f 77
`Eutsinisinu hon'none relishing humane agonists
`V N
`narrow i. H _
`Sulphetaso inhibition
`Selective oestrogen receptor
`Lutetnler'no hormone roteeslno hormone antagonists
`moduhlors [39 {alumina}
`ICltBETEO (Fastener)
`8 Chandcr SK. Newton (1. McCague R. Dowsett M, Luqutann Y, Coombm
`RC. Pyrtulodine-‘l-iodntmmndfcn and 4-iodotamoxlfm new analogues
`of the amineslmgem tamoxifen for the treatment ofbreasl tanner. CW
`Rm [9915158518.
`9 Welding All. Dukes M. Bowler]. A potent spcdflc pm andestmgen with
`clinical potential Wiles 1991:5lz3ol3lfi7-73;
`10- De Friend [J]. Howell A. Nicholson RI. Antler’wn I”; Ween M. Manse]
`RE. at al. Int-emigration of a new purl: antioestmgm (1C1 182780) in
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`A'Heme. et a]. induction of apoprosis by tamoxifen and ICI 182780 in
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`12 Sam M. Glaseme AL. Bryant RU. Ralexifme: a selective estrogen
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`l4 Hayes DF, Van ZyIJA. Hacking A. Goedlials L. Bezwodz WR. MailliaxthA.
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`17 Howell A. DeFriend D}. RoloeranFR. Blarney RW, Anderson L Ander-
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`19 Border A.}onat W. Howell Alone-s SE. Blomqviet C. Vogel CL. at at.
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`20 Bands: Anion-at W. Howl] A. Yin H. I.“ 1). Significant improved survival
`with Arimidex (muosz mu: megesml acetate in pmun-enopausal
`advanced breast cancer: updated results of two randomized trials
`{abounctLPmc/tm Sat (2th Ono)! 1997;16:156.
`21 Smith 1. Darribernoweky P, Falkeon 0.1190an R. Pannsci L Bellmunt].
`or aLDouhle-blirtd trial in postmenopausal unmet: with admired breast
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`2% Marty M. Gershanovich M. Campos 8. Rainier! G. Lurle H, Bonaventure
`T. et at. [morale a new potent. selective aromatase inhibtlor superior to
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`in menopausal women with advanced
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`Sat Ch'n Dnml 1997;16:156.
`23 Bath. Bonneterrej. Houston S]. Uiger H]. Murray R. Nor-tier]. et a}.
`Vomzole (Rivizor) versus mninogiutcthirnide (AG) in the manna-til. of
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`sal patimts with metastatic breast carcinoma who had relapsed following
`mmoxifen [atom-act}. HotAm Soc CUM Owed 1997;161l55.
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`tan: (FEE 24504).
`In: Mona M. Serial M. eds. Sex lime: and
`We}: mwrmmwmommmm
`Amsterdznl. Heavier. I994:303-9.
`28 Dawson M. Vorobiof DA, Klee!)ng UR, Carrion RP. Dodwcll D}. Robe-rte
`SOnJFR. et a]. A randomized study assessing oestrogen suppression with
`arimidert (anasuoenlei and fonnestane in pmurmmpausal advanced
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`99 Howell A. Mackintosh j,jones M, Redford]. Wagstafl']. Sellwoood M
`The definition of the “no change” category in patients malted with endo
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`Eur} Conner Clio Damn! 1938;24:1567-72.
`{Amp-ml 5 Angie: I99”
`predicting superiority over old agents. Thus the
`recently started study comparing Faslodex with
`mastle as second line endocrine therapy for
`advanced disease and the comparison of Faslodex with
`tamoxifen as first line treatment that is to start late in
`1997 are highly imporan
`The success of the new aromatase inhibitors :15
`second line treatments for advanced disease has led to
`the initiation of trials using these drugs as first line
`agents for advanced disease and comparing them to
`tamoxifen as adjuvant drerapies The optimal duration
`for tamoxifen as an adjuvant seems to be five years.
`Smdies are in progress or shortly to start in which a
`changeover to an aromatase inhibitor alter two or
`three years of tamoxifen is compared with continuous
`tamoxifen {table 3). Change to an aromatase inhibitor
`five years of tamoxifen in comparison with
`stopping all treatment is also being tested.
`Although the principles of endocrine therapy have not
`changed over the past 100 years. new methods have
`resulted in less toxic and more widely applicable treat-
`ments {table 4). Also. for the first time, we have begun
`to see improvements in the effectiveness of treatment
`in tenns of response duration and, most importantly,
`Ftuiding: No additional handing.
`Conflict of interest We are involved and have been involved
`in the clinial development of many of the compounds
`mentioned in this review.
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`2 Cole MEJones CTA. Todd [DI-l. A new mdmflogenic agent in late
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`rriol on hormone responsive human breast cancer in long term tissue
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`5 Miller W11. Bedouin: treatment for bro-at cancers: biologiml rationale
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`Misleading appearances
`A woman accompanied her husband to the doctor
`and waited for him during his checkup After the
`examination the doctor came out and said, "I don't
`like the way your husband looks.” "Neither do 1,"
`said the woman, “but he‘s good with the kids"
`From Theflest ofMedical Hum (Howdj
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`EM] VOLUME 315 4 OCI‘OB'ER [997
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