United States Patent [19]
`Roysden, Jr.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45]. Date of Patent:
`Nov. 19, 1996
`[76] Inventor: Brunn W. Roysden, Jr., 4102 E. Palo
`Verde, Phoenix, Ariz. 85018
`4,395,704 7/1983 Kishimoto et al. ................... 341/22 X
`4,517,660 5/1985 Fushimoto et al. ................. 200/5 A X
`4,939,514 7/1990 Miyazaki .................................. 341/22
`5/1993 Louis .................................... 341/22 X
`[21] Appl. No.: 166,572
`[22] Filed:
`Dec. 13, 1993
`Related U.S. Application Data
`IBM Tech. Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 27, No. 4A, Sep. 1984
`“Briefcase–Portable Textwriter with 100-Key Full–Size
`[63) Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 939,066, Sep. 2, 1992,
`Primary Examiner—Christopher A. Bennett
`abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No.
`785,799, Oct. 31, 1991, abandoned, which is a continuation
`in part of Ser. No. 528,814, May 25, 1990, abandoned.
`51] Int. Cl* ......................................................... B41
`§ U.S. Cl
`400/472: 400/486; º A keyboard for the input of alphanumeric data. The key
`board consists of two or more sections which can be
`compacted for transport by placing portions of at least one
`[58] Field of Search ................................ 400/82, 88, 100,
`section inside another section; the keyboard can be
`400/472, *:::::º º: *º?: expanded for use to permit the keyboard to take on a size and
`spacing corresponding to that found in a keyboard for a
`References Cited
`conventional full sized typewriter or personal computer.
`2/1976 Margolin ............................. 200/5 A X
`22 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`EXHIBIT 1115 - PAGE 1


`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 1996
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 1996
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`Nov. 19, 1996
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`Nov. 19, 1996
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 19, 1996
`Sheet 6 of 6
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`ever, the invention described here relates only to computers
`which have or can have keyboards associated with them.
`A keyboard contains a plurality of keys and the means of
`detecting which key or combination of keys have been
`pressed or activated, as is well known to those familiar with
`the art. See, e.g. patent application Ser. No. 07/939,066,
`which disclosure is incorporated herein by reference. The
`detection is transmitted, directly or indirectly, either imme
`diately or after a pause, to a data processor (and indeed, may
`be transmitted to many data processors, directly or indi
`rectly, either simultaneously or sequentially, with or without
`intermediate processing.) There are a variety of detection
`means available, as is well known to those familiar with the
`art, and it is not an object of this disclosure to describe all
`means by which keys can be activated. It is an object of this
`invention to describe a keyboard which will work with a
`wide variety of key activation and detection means, both
`those now known, and those which may be developed in the
`future. Examples of key activation and detection means
`using electronic circuits are described by Louis, U.S. Pat.
`No. 5,212,473 (1993), and Kishimoto, U.S. Pat. No. 4,395,
`704 (1983); See also, e.g. Margolin, U.S. Pat. No. 3,940,758
`(1976), which claims an “electronic circuit” for the key
`board, but does not illustrate said circuit, presumably
`because such circuits are well known, and were even in
`Activating a key of the keyboard of a computer can have
`the effect of inputting information to the computer (e.g. the
`next letter in this Patent Application should be a “b”), or of
`instructing the computer, either directly or indirectly, to
`process information in a certain way (e.g. print the contents
`of the screen; multiply the value inputted first by the value
`inputted second and display the product; load the word
`A device need not be popularly known as a “computer” to
`come within the definition outlined above; thus, in the “Field
`of Invention”, such devices are also called “typewriters . . .
`calculators, telephones . . . .” and a “computer” may have
`more components than those listed above. Thus, a cellular
`phone typically has multiple input and output means, includ
`ing, for instance, a keyboard, a means of converting between
`sound and electromagnetic signals, and, frequently, an LCD
`(liquid crystal display), together with one or more data
`processors, at least one of which frequently is of the type
`known as a “digital signal processor” or DSP (In contrast,
`it would be possible to build a phone that does not fall into
`the definition of “computer” set out above; the sound
`operated “tin-can” phone of our youth is an example.)
`Many devices popularly known as “calculators” are really
`rudimentary computers. Indeed, Intel’s 4004 computer chip,
`probably the first commercial integrated data processor or
`“computer on a chip”, was originally designed to be placed
`in a calculator “Personal Digital Assistants”, or PDAs, are a
`form of a computer, although many current PDAs lack
`integrated keyboards, largely because, until this invention,
`nobody knew how to build a compact, economical, reliable
`keyboard for PDAs on which the adult human hand could
`touch type. The current lack of wide-spread acceptance of
`PDAs in the marketplace can be placed, in the opinion of the
`undersigned, precisely because of the lack of a speedy,
`reliable input means, which this invention solves.
`In conclusion, those familiar with the technology will
`understand what is meant by “computer” in this Application,
`notwithstanding that the popular nomenclature of a device
`may be phone, calculator, (electronic) typewriter, or some
`thing else. It is an object of this invention to describe a
`This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 07/939,066, filed Sept. 2, 1992, now
`abandoned, which was a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 07/785,799, filed Oct. 31, 1991, now
`abondoned, which was a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 07/528,814, filed May 25, 1990, now
`1. Field of Invention
`This invention relates to keyboards for typewriters, com
`puters, calculators, telephones, and other types of equipment
`which utilize a keyboard for the input of alphabetic,
`numeric, object-specific, or other data, which can be com
`pacted for storage and expanded for use.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`More particularly, the invention relates to a modular
`keyboard which can be utilized with a computer, electronic
`typewriter, calculator, telephone, or other device (herein, for
`purposes of brevity, collectively designated a “computer”)
`which uses a keyboard to input alphabetic, numeric, object
`specific, or other data (herein “data”), which can provide, for
`example, a 101-key keyboard with three separate alphanu
`meric, numeric, and cursor keyboards, which can be com
`pacted for transport, and which can be expanded for use to
`permit the keyboard to take on a size and spacing corre
`sponding to that found in a keyboard for a conventional full
`sized personal computer.
`Computers are well-known among those familiar with the
`art, and do not require an extended discussion here. A
`computer is a device which includes “a central processing
`unit (CPU), consisting of control and arithmetic/logic sec
`tions that processes information (data); a main memory unit
`... in which the information is held while being processed;
`and devices that respectively feed information into the CPU
`(input) and provide the user with the results of the compu
`tation (output)”. The Tormont Webster's Illustrated Ency
`clopedic Dictionary, 1990 edition published by Tormont
`Publications Inc., 338 St. Antoine St. East, Montreal,
`Canada H2Y 1A3, page 363.
`Since the CPU processes data, a CPU is, in effect, a data
`processor. A computer could, but is not required to have,
`several data processors, one of which is the CPU. Moreover,
`data processors would need some sort of power to operate;
`thus, computers would normally include a method of pro
`viding power to the data processors and other portions of the
`computer (e.g. batteries or an electric power line), and
`possibly a device that regulates the voltage supplied from
`power source. All of this is well known to those familiar with
`computers, and needs no extended discussion here.
`The keyboard is primarily a data input means, although
`many computer keyboards also contain rudimentary data
`output means—e.g. l.e.d (light emitting diodes) indicating
`that a special key (e.g. the “Caps” key) has been pressed, and
`a buzzer providing cryptic warning. Other keyboards may
`contain additional devices, limited only by the fertile imagi
`nation of human ingenuity.
`It would be perfectly possible to make a computer without
`a keyboard, utilizing, e.g. pens, stylus, or voice commands
`to input information and instructions to the processor. How
`EXHIBIT 1115 - PAGE 8


`keyboard that will work with a variety of computers, or be
`a component of a wide variety of computers, both those
`which are currently known and those which are developed in
`the future.
`Portable computers, calculators, typewriters, telephones,
`and the like are well known in the art. A principal disad
`vantage to such devices, portable computers in particular, is
`that the keyboard space on the equipment is restricted and
`does not permit either normal spacing between the key pads
`or the inclusion of the entire complement of 101 separate
`key pads found in the keyboard of a desktop computer. The
`general challenge has been known at least since the issuance
`of U.S. Pat. No. 3,940,758 to Margolin in 1976, who
`It is evident from a glance at any pocket calculator that the
`minimum size of such apparatus is determined by the
`keyboard and by the display arrangements, not by the
`electronics within the device. Of the two determining
`factors, the keyboard occupies, by far, the greater
`amount of surface space.
`Notwithstanding the Margolin disclosure in 1976, and in
`spite of subsequent disclosures, there exists today, to the
`knowledge of the undersigned, no commercial keyboard on
`the market that has full-size keys and spacing, but which can
`be reasonably, economically, and reliably reduced in volume
`and footprint for storage and transport.
`Computers can be built using one “chip”, and even fairly
`powerful ones can be built today using only a few chips and
`small batteries as power supplies. Further, it does not take
`the eye of a wizard to predict that the power available in the
`desk top units of today will be available in the palmtop
`computers of tomorrow. However, palmtop computers of
`today, which do have such small dimensions, use small keys,
`based on small spacing, with the result that the normal adult
`human hand cannot easily touch type with such keyboards,
`for the reasons mentioned above. (Or the palmtops use input
`devices other than a keyboard—e.g. the pen—which creates
`problems of their own.)
`Computer displays continue to improve, with Xerox hav
`ing announced a computer display comparable in pixel
`spacing to the dot spacing of many current laser printers.
`Since paper back books are a commercial success, we can
`suppose that a display having a size comparable to a paper
`back book will find a commercial market, providing that the
`display also has a resolution (or picture quality) comparable
`to the printed page.
`In other words, the only restraint in producing a fully
`functional pocket-sized computer is the keyboard. This
`notion is supported by observations of noted authorities in
`the field. For instance, in the article, “THE NEXT PC
`YOU'LL BUY”,in the Mar. 13, 1990 issue of PC MAGA
`ZINE the authors concluded: “Keyboard. Unless you build
`an ultrawide portable such as IBM’s P70, you can’t provide
`a 101-key keyboard with three separate alphanumeric,
`numeric, and cursor keypads.”
`In the Apr., 1991, issue of California Lawyer, Martin L.
`Dean in “LAPTOP ROMANCE” observes: “The keyboard.
`Until the Great Manufacturer makes our hands smaller, I
`know that keyboards can’t be made any smaller than they are
`now. You just can’t make keys any smaller or closer together
`and still type efficiently.”
`In the BYTE Special Edition, Outlook 92, on page 28, the
`editors observe: “The major limit to how small portables can
`get is the need for a keyboard”. On page 194 of the same
`edition, Michael Nadeau, in the article “Notebooks Coming
`of Age” observes: “A keyboard that is less than standard
`width—about 11% inches—requires reducing the size of the
`key caps, putting them closer together, changing the layout,
`or doing a combination of these. . . . But on some applica
`tions, this arrangement is awkward, at best, and vendors
`seem to be listening.”
`Finally, in the August, 1993 issue of Byte Magazine, the
`widely-respected computer commentator (and science fic
`tion author), Dr. Jerry Pournelle, observed:
`All of these (small computers) suffer from the same
`problem. It is difficult to make them small enough to
`carry and still have an adequate keyboard.
`The operative word is “adequate”; by adequate, Dr. Pour
`nelle makes plain that he means a keyboard upon which a
`normal person can touch type.
`A keyboard can be made quite small. For example, some
`wrist watch calculators contain numerous keys which can be
`operated only with a stylus or other pointed instrument. For
`speedy input of data, however, the user needs to be able to
`touch type. (Touch typing is sufficiently known to those
`familiar with keyboards that we need not make an extended
`discussion here. For a discussion on touch typing, see, e.g.
`Lahr, U.S. Pat. No. 4,661,005 (1987), although portions of
`the Lahr discussion may be incorrect in light of more recent
`The need for the user to be able to touch type imposes
`requirements on the keyboard. For purposes of this disclo
`sure, I will focus on three: the size of the key tops or key
`pads, the center-to center spacing of the key pads (“key
`spacing”), and the layout of the keys on the keyboard.
`The human hand and the standard keyboard layout con
`spire to define the size of the keyboard which can be used by
`a touch-typist. The standard keyboard consists of keys with
`key tops or key pads nominally V, inch (0.50") square,
`placed nominally on 34 inch (0.75") centers.
`The purpose of the key pad size and shape is provide to
`the user a secure feeling and tactile feedback that the finger
`is properly positioned on the key. Most computer key pads
`of today are square or rectangular when viewed from the top,
`while formerly typewriter key tops were shaped as circles or
`eclipses. The best keyboards have key pads that are
`depressed in the middle, to provide a trough in which the
`finger rests, and which alerts the typist through tactile
`feedback when the finger is positioned incorrectly.
`In general, computer keys on which the user can touch
`type vary in width from 0.4 inch (my telephone) to 7/16 inch
`(0.4375") (an Apple IIGS) to 9% inch (0.50") (most IBM and
`Macintosh computers). For rectangular or elliptical-shaped
`key pads, the length of the key cap will normally be the same
`or slightly larger than the width (e.g. up to 0.6 inch for most
`current desk top computer units.)
`While key pad size is important, key spacing is more
`important, largely because of the need of the touch-typist to
`rest his or her fingers on the “home row” keys. If the industry
`standard key spacing of 34 inch (0.75") between centers of
`keys is substantially reduced, the average typist can no
`longer place all of his or her fingers simultaneously on the
`home-row keys, because the fingers of the average adult
`human hand will simply not fit. Thus, the average touch
`typist could more easily type on a keyboard with keys 0.4"
`square, which is approximately 0.1" less than the industry
`standard, providing that the key spacing was approximately
`0.75" than could the typist use a keyboard having an
`optimum key top size with a key spacing of 0.65" (which is
`0.1" less than the industry standard). Further, the typical
`adult cannot touch type on a keyboard with key spacing
`substantially smaller than 0.65", and has difficulties even
`with spacing that small.
`A third requirement imposed on a keyboard used for touch
`typing involves keyboard layout. For reasons that are well
`EXHIBIT 1115 - PAGE 9


`known to those familiar with keyboards, keyboards have
`keys positioned at certain locations. In considering keyboard
`layout, we are concerned with both the typing efficiency
`afforded by certain keyboard layouts and the difficulty that
`touch typists have in switching between different keyboard
`We may assume that keyboards basically unconstrained as
`to size (e.g. keyboards used with desktop units) have a key
`layout more convenient to use than keyboards constrained in
`size (e.g. most laptop units). In other words, a typist pre
`Sumably can produce finished work more quickly and reli
`ably on the 101 key unit that comes standard with the IBM
`desk-top unit than with the 74 to 85 key keyboard found on
`many laptops. If the converse were true, market forces
`would drive desk top units to the smaller key count con
`For various reasons largely having to do with the almost
`subconscious process of touch typing, it is profoundly
`difficult for a touch typing to move from a keyboard having
`one layout to a keyboard having a substantially different
`layout. Indeed, the change of even one key position (e.g. the
`“backslash” key used to invoke certain MSDOS commands)
`can break the concentration of the typist.
`In Summary, it is beneficial for a portable computer to
`have a key layout that is as close as possible to the industry
`standard for a desktop unit.
`This is not to say that every keyboard layout should be
`identical. The optimum key layout may vary, depending
`upon such factors as the operating system or software used,
`the task requirements, and the training of the operator. Thus,
`Some operators may find the Dvorak keyboard layout more
`attractive than the QWERTY keyboard layout; a Japanese
`typist using Kanji would use a key layout foreign to that of
`a U.S. typist; and the user of a mainframe computer may use
`a keyboard with more keys than atypical Apple IIe user. The
`gist of the discussion above is that, (1) for any one operator
`and application, there is probably one key layout that is
`optimum when the layout is not constrained by keyboard
`size, and (2) it is profoundly difficult for the average touch
`typist to switch back and forth between differing keyboard
`Currently, the industry uses several tactics to attempt to
`circumvent this problem of reducing keyboard size, none of
`which is totally satisfactory. A typical laptop computer as of
`the date of this application is approximately 11 inches in its
`longest dimension. The cursor and numeric keypads are
`placed in a location different from those of the standard
`office keyboard (this is called a “non-standard layout”), and
`frequently require “toggle switches”, in which an auxiliary
`key must be pressed before or in conjunction with another
`key to produce the desired result. For reasons discussed
`above, the non-standard keyboards of portable computers
`are more clumsy to use than a standard keyboard, with the
`result that the touch-typist looses speed and accuracy in
`using such a non-standard keyboard.
`While a standard 101 key keyboard would be preferable
`to an 84 key keyboard of the current laptops (for an
`“IBM-PC compatible” type of computer), there are occa
`sions when the advantages of a standard keyboard layout are
`outweighed by the advantages of obtaining a keyboard of
`minimum size for transportation. In other words, we may
`choose to accept the compromises inherentin, say, an 84 key
`laptop keyboard, providing we can obtain a compacted or
`storage size of, for example, 7 inches in its longest dimen
`sion, a size fully realizable in a computer today but for
`current keyboard limitations, as was discussed at the begin
`ning of this Application.
`In summary, it would be highly desirable to provide a
`keyboard which would, for transit or storage, occupy an area
`Smaller than that of a conventional full sized keyboard, and
`which would, in use, be expandable to provide a 101-key
`keyboard with inter-key spacings corresponding to key
`spacings found on keyboards for full sized PC's. Alterna
`tively, it would be highly desirable to provide small com
`puters with a keyboard that would permit conventional
`touch-typing, such as is that found on the 84 key laptop
`keyboard of today, but having a largest dimension during
`transport substantially smaller than the current crop of
`Roylance, U.S. Pat. No. 5,044,798, suggests that there are
`four groups or categories of computer keyboards that could
`arguably be described as compactable keyboards, 3 catego
`ries from prior art plus his own disclosure, but basically
`concludes that only the folding or stacked keyboard (dis
`closed by Margolin, supra.) and his own disclosure consti
`tute true compactable keyboards. This disclosure relates to
`an improvement on the Margolin class of compactible
`Margolin describes a keyboard which is split into two or
`more sections, the sections then being folded or stacked on
`themselves for storage or transportation. While the Margolin
`keyboard will reduce the footprint of the keyboard during
`storage or transport (which may be valuable in its own
`right), it will not reduce the volume of the keyboard, as was
`observed by Roylance in his application. In other words, the
`stacked height of the keyboard as described by Margolin is
`essentially twice as thick as each section in a two-section
`Margolin class of keyboard, three times as thick in a
`three-section keyboard, etc.
`In contrast, Roylance describes a keyboard in which the
`spacing between the keys is altered by the user, thus creating
`a compacted keyboard for storage by reducing the key
`spacing, and creating a “full-size” keyboard by increasing
`the spacing for operation of the keyboard. Because the
`approach adopted by Roylance is, by his own admission,
`different from that of the Margolin class of keyboards, we
`need not consider further the Roylance disclosure.
`A purpose of this disclosure is to overcome the limitations
`of the Margolin keyboard. In other words, this application
`will describe a keyboard which is split into two or more
`sections, but which provides means of storing the sections in
`such a fashion that the total volume of the keyboard when
`stored is substantially less than that of the keyboard when in
`its operative configuration. By way of example, a two
`section keyboard using this disclosure will not be twice as
`thick when stored as the thickness of the keyboard when in
`its operating configuration.
`This disclosure is not limited to keyboards that are
`assembled for use into one substantially contiguous unit.
`Indeed, Margolin’s first claim is one for a:
`“. . . keyboard arrangement including a first array of keys
`operative selectively on a first electronic circuit, said
`keyboard arrangement being physically detachable into
`a plurality of portions each bearing a section of said
`array of keys”, and with,
`“each of said portions being adapted to electronically
`interconnect with adjacent keyboard portions for selec
`tive operations on said first electronic circuit.”
`In other words, Margolin claims a keyboard that can be
`split into two or more sections (portions), and the sections
`can be “electronically interconnect {ed|} with adjacent key
`board portions”.
`To assure that there is no ambiguity, the “first electronic
`circuit” mentioned in Margolin constitutes the electronic
`EXHIBIT 1115 - PAGE 10


`circuit of the entire keyboard; the “array of keys” constitutes
`all of the keys of the keyboard; “physically detachable”
`means that a keyboard contains more than one section (or
`“portion”), and the sections (or “portions”) can be physically
`separated from one other; the “plurality of portions” means
`that the sections [portions} can be separated from one
`another (without any description of structure which would
`constrain or limit that separation); the “electronically inter
`connected with adjacent keyboard portions” means that
`adjacent keyboard sections or portions are electronically
`interconnected, that is, the sections or portions are either
`connected together, or are connected, directly or indirectly,
`to a common element, and the connection is electronic, that
`is, involves an electric circuit.
`Other patents have been issued for split keyboards in
`which the two sections would be positioned for operation in
`other than one substantially contiguous unit; see, e.g. Lahr,
`U.S. Pat. No. 4,661,005, and Ryan, U.S. Pat. No. 4,509,873.
`This is not the proper venue for determining what is or is
`not covered by various patents for the positioning of the
`keyboard sections for operation in other than an essentially
`contiguous unit. I make no claims of innovation, positive or
`negative, for positioning of the keyboard sections for use.
`My claims involve an improvement for compacting a wide
`variety of keyboard configurations, whether such keyboards
`are patented or unpatented in their configuration for opera
`tion, and whether the precise keyboard configuration is
`currently known or which may be developed in the future.
`The present invention is based upon the discovery that a
`keyboard consisting of at least two sections can be designed
`such that portions of the keys, key structure, and other parts
`of one section can fit for storage within the space between
`the key parts and key structure of another section, such that
`the total volume and footprint of the keyboard in its storage
`position are substantially less than those of a conventional
`keyboard, while providing the full size and functionality of
`a conventional (or even an unconventional) keyboard when
`the keyboard is in its operative position.
`It is a principal object of the invention to provide an
`improved keyboard for inputting alphabetic, numeric,
`object-specific, or other data.
`A further object of the invention is to provide a full sized
`101-key keyboard for a portable computer.
`A further object of the invention is to provide a computer
`keyboard which can be readily reduced in size for transport
`with a portable computer and which can then be enlarged to
`simulate a keyboard for a desktop computer which normally
`remains in a single fixed location.
`A further object of this invention is to provide a computer
`keyboard with a readily reduced size for transport, but which
`be enlarged to provide a keyboard for touch-typing by
`normal-sized hands.
`A further object of this invention is to provide a com
`pactible keyboard for a variety of keyboard layouts, both
`those currently known and those that may developed in the
`Other objects of this invention are set out elsewhere
`within this application.
`These and other, further and more specific, objects and
`advantages of the invention will be apparent to those skilled
`in the art from the following detailed description thereof,
`taken in conjunction with the drawings, in which like
`reference characters refer to corresponding elements
`throughout the several views. I will describe and depict the
`presently preferred embodiments of the invention for the
`purpose of illustrating the practice thereof, and not by way
`of limitation of the scope of the invention.
`FIG. 1 shows the cross-section of a typical key on a
`membrane switch keyboard.
`FIG. 2 shows the cross-section of a modified key.
`FIG. 3 shows the key cap pattern of a modified XT-type
`of keyboard.
`FIG. 4 shows two keyboard sections with the key caps
`removed, revealing the perforated frame.
`FIG. 5 shows cross-section of two keyboard sections
`during sliding compaction.
`FIG. 6 shows cross-section of two keyboard sections
`compacted to plane of frame.
`FIG. 7 shows cross-section of two keyboard sections
`compacted to plane of backing plate.
`FIG. 8 shows a keyboard section in profile.
`FIG. 9 shows cross-section of keyboard section, showing
`certain defined planes.
`FIG. 10 shows layout of an hexagonal key cap keyboard.
`FIG. 11 shows flexible key caps during section compac
`FIG. 12 shows curved keyboard.
`Basically, a keyboard consists of a plurality of keys, a
`keyboard structure which holds the keys in place relative to
`one another and may provide some support against flexure
`of the keyboard, switch means which detect when a key is
`being pressed or activated and means of communicating this
`detection to the computer (the “keyboard circuit”.) For
`keyboards or keyboard sections that are readily separable
`from the base unit (“detachable keyboards”), there is a
`keyboard housing which encloses the back, sides, and a
`portion of the top of the keyboard; the keyboard housing
`usually contains positioning means to place the keyboard at
`a comfortable angle to the user.
`There are innumerable methods of making keys, keyboard
`structures, switch means, keyboard circuits, keyboard hous
`ings, and keyboard positioning means, as those familiar with
`the art will understand, and the illustrations described herein
`should not be deemed to be a limitation on how the principal
`disclosed here can be applied. A purpose of this invention is
`to describe a method of compacting a keyboard that can be
`applied to a wide variety of keyboard types, using a variety
`of keys, key caps, keyboard structures, switch means, key
`board circuits, keyboard housings, and keyboard positioning
`means, both those currently known and those that may be
`developed in the future. For purposes of illustration, we will
`describe a typical keyboard key using membrane switch
`technology, then modify the key to facilitate the invention
`described herein.
`FIG. 1 shows the cross-section of a representative key and
`certain associated parts of a keyboard. (This is based upon
`a non-copyrighted brochure of Mitsumi entitled “THIN
`KEYBOARD".) The keytop or key pad is the portion
`pressed by the finger of the typist to activate the key.
`Surrounding the key pad and serving to fill up the space
`between keys is a key pad skirt, 32. The key pad is
`EXHIBIT 1115 - PAGE 11


`operationally associated with a key structure which supports
`the key pad and causes the key pad to move in some
`prescribed manner when pressed. The key structure illus
`trated here consists of a stem or annulus, 22, which moves
`inside a second annulus, basically a stem receiver, 24, when
`the key pad is pressed. Surrounding the stem receiver is a
`stem receiver reinforcement member, 36.
`The “top” part of the key cap is that portion on which the
`finger would normally press, 20. As such, the top is a
`surface, not the point of highest elevation. The “bottom” of
`the key cap is the surface that lies under the top, and is
`illustrated here as 38. For purposes of orientation, the key
`cap will be deemed to be the “top” part of the key and
`keyboard section. The “bottom” or “lowest” portion of the
`key illustrated would be the bottom of the stem wh

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