(12) United States Patent
`Haanpaa et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,281,651 B1
`*Aug. 28, 2001
`Inventors: Douglas Haanpaa, Ann Arbor; Gary
`Sieben, Dexter; Terry Cussenr Ann
`Arbor; Kirk Frfcrr Mike Drrrsrrrorcr
`borrr or Ypsrrarrrrr Charles J_ Jacobrrsr
`Ann Arbor» all 0f M1 (US)
`(73) A55ign°93 Immer5i011 C01‘P01‘3ti011> 5311 -7056, CA
`(*) Notice:
`This patent issued on a continued pros-
`ecution application filed under 37 CFR
`1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year
`term provisions of 35 U.S.C.
`0626634 A2
`W0 94/25157
`WO 95/20788
`wo 95/32459
`wo 96/22591
`............................... .. G06F/3/00
`11/1994 (EP)
`2/1992 (JP)
`1/1994 (W0) --
`.. G06F/3/00
`8/1995 (W0) ..
`.. G06F/3/00
`11/1995 (wo) ..
`7/1996 (wo) .............................. G09G/5/00
`M. Ouh—young, D. Beard, F. Brooks, Jr., “Force Display
`Performs Better than Visual Display in a Simple 6-D
`Docking Task,” IEEE, 1989, pp. 1462—6.
`W. Kim, P. Schenker, “A Teleoperation Training Simulator
`with Visual and Kinesthetic Force Virtual Reality,” Cal. Inst.
`Of Technology.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`Patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U'S'C‘ 1540)) by 0 days’
`Primary Exmmner Karen Masrlr
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Gitford, Krass, Groh,
`Sprinkle, Anderson & Citkovvski, PC
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/185,152
`Nov_ 3, 1998
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 60/064,077, filed on Nov. 3,
`Int. Cl.7 ......................................................... B25J 9/18
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`.............................. .. 318/568.11; 318/568.16;
`(58) Field of Search ......................... 318/568.11, 568.16;
`414/7 5. 74/471. 434/45
`References Cited
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`. . . . . .. 74/5.4
`3/1974 Eckhardt
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`11/1975 Noll
`................................ .. 340/172.5
`(List continued on next page.)
`A haptic pointing device includes a plurality of rigid, elon-
`gated proximal members, each connected to a separate rigid,
`elongated distal member through an articulating joint. The
`other end of each proximal member is coupled to an actuator
`such as a motor, causing that member to swing within a
`Separate plane PerP"‘r“l1.C“1*‘f trirnthe jhaffrt of the motor In
`response to a Comm Slgna’
`cn -0 cam 15 Intercon-
`mal members, the end-effector moves in space. In a pre-
`ferred embodiment, the device includes at least three proxi-
`mal members and three distal members, and the end-effector
`is coupled to a user—graspable element such as a stylus which
`retains a preferred orientation in space as the members are
`driven by the actuators. In a force-feedback application, the
`haptic pointing device further includes a position sensor
`associated with each degree of freedom, and haptic process-
`ing means interfaced to a virtual reality system or teleop-
`erations environment. Additional components may be pro-
`vided to increase flexibility, degrees of freedom, or both.
`8/1983 (EP)
`.............................. .. GOSD/1/00
`25 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
`Visual Output
`Haptic Input and
`Output (Pointing
`and Touching)
`Graphics Computer (which houses
`a Virtual World or CAD/CA_‘v\/I
`Addition computers
`accessed over the network
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 1


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`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 3


`US 6,281,651 B1
`Page 4
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`* cited by examiner
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 4


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 1 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Visual Output
`Haptic Input and
`Output (Pointing
`and Touching)
`Addition computers
`accessed over the network
`Figure 1
`Graphics Computer (which houses
`a Virtual World or CAD/CAM
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 5


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 2 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Figure 2
`(Prior Art)
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 6


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 3 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Top platform moves in X, Y, Z,
`pitch, roll, yaw based on
`' ' ' ' ' ' ' translation in d1 through d6
`_ _ _ _ . - - - ' '
`Ball or
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 7


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 4 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`X, Y, Z, pitch, roll, yaw
`Ball or Universal Joints
`% Q4
`3 '
`Rotary Actuators
`rqu (To
`ers or Motors)
`Figure 4
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 8


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 5 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Ball or Universal Joints
`Rotary Actuators
`(Torquers or Motors)
`Wires feed through a hollow
`universal joint (implemented
`with a coil spring)
`Stylus or grip (with buttons
`and deacl—man sensors)
`Figure 6
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 9


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 6 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Emitter/Detector Pair
`As s emb ly
`Metal Strip (with
`Etched Strip
`Pattern on It)
`Drum (attached to
`Motor Shaft)
`Linkage Arm (also
`attached to Motor
`Shaft or Drum)
`Figure 7
`Home Stud
`Dead—Man Sensor
`(one on each side)
`Figure 8
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 10


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 7 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Status lndicators
`I 1
`Haptics Processor
`Deadman Sensors
`(IR Transceivers) _
`User Controls
`V5 em
`‘ Sensor)
`C t
`Astaqaligr Dtiglgcfis
`(Closed ITOOD
`Current Drivers)
`Figure 9
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 11


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 8 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Application Programmer
`Interface Layer
`Device Driver
`Device Interface
` 1022
`Figure 10
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 12


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 9 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 13


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 10 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Figure 12
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 14


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28, 2001
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Figure 13
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 15


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 12 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Horizontal (x,y) Plane
`Figure 14A
`Figure 14B
`Vertical (y,z) Plane
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 16


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 13 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Figure 15
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 17


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 14 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Figure 16
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 18


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 15 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`Figure 17
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 19


`U.S. Patent
`Aug. 28,2001
`Sheet 16 of 16
`US 6,281,651 B1
`A L
`Xi’ Y1’ Z1
`X73 Y? Z’:
`Figure 18
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 20


`US 6,281,651 B1
`This application claims priority of U.S. provisional appli-
`cation Serial No. 60/064,077, filed Nov. 3, 1997, the entire
`contents of which are incorporated herein by reference
`The present invention relates generally to force feedback
`and, in particular, to a family of haptic interface devices
`which exploit multiple redundant links to position a scribe or
`stylus in space.
`Force feedback devices originated in various specialized
`ways in the 1960s with teleoperations. Most of these devices
`were “replica” devices, wherein a smaller controlling or
`master robot was moved by an operator to control movement
`of a larger slaved robot. Forces detected at the slave were
`then also fed back to the operator through the master robot’s
`actuators. Such prior art is substantially described in U.S.
`Pat. No. 5,389,865 to Jacobus et al.
`In the late 1980s, NASA funded several experiments
`using force feedback devices which were not configured as
`having identical versions of a slave device. This was impor-
`tant at the time because an astronaut may want to control a
`number of kinds of space-based robots and cranes from one
`“universal” controller. To make this universal controller
`concept work, the master controller was connected logically
`to the slave through a network of computers which were
`capable of translating the master kinematics typically into
`Cartesian coordinates and from Cartesian to slave kinemat-
`ics and back the other way.
`Once this computer controller is in place on the master
`side of the system, it becomes possible to send inputs from
`the master (joystick, wheel, yoke, etc.) to a simulated slave
`than a real one, and to accept
`forces from the
`simulation for application to the master as well. This is one
`innovation described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,389,865 and 5,459,
`382 to Jacobus et al. As disclosed by Jacobus, this simulation
`need not be a real device, like a crane or robot, but may be
`a simulated automobile, boat, plane, or weapon. It can even
`be a simulation of a person performing tasks in a virtual
`world, such as walking, handling things, touching surfaces.
`U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,459,382 and 5,389,865 describe an early
`device and method for providing users with a touch or tactile
`interface into a virtual world which allows the user to touch
`virtual objects, or objects which are not real, but rather are
`described by a model which resides inside a computer
`system. U.S. Pat. No. 5,389,865 and 5,629,594, and U.S.
`application Ser. No. 08/845,375 elaborate on these devices
`and the software architecture responsible for expressing
`abstract virtual models in the computer as forces created
`based on the position of the devices. U.S. application Ser.
`No. 08/861,080 describes in detail how a software architec-
`ture represents abstract virtual objects in terms of superpo-
`sitions of virtual geometrical entities and dynamic special
`“feel” effects. U.S. application Ser. No. 08/859,877
`describes how virtual objects and geometrical entities are
`built using CAD/CAM and geometrical design methods.
`U.S. application Ser. No. 08/859,157 describes how touch or
`haptic attributes are parameterized and represented using
`graphical user interface elements. All of the patents and
`applications discussed above are set forth herein in their
`entirety by reference.
`Broadly, this invention resides in techniques and systems
`for combining tactile feedback elements to create a family of
`haptic or touch user interface devices. In particular, these
`combinations exploit multiple redundant links to position a
`scribe or stylus in a single, unique multi-degree of freedom
`position and orientation while presenting a force or force
`and torque to the stylus. The stylus, in turn, is pressed on the
`CAD/CAM or designer’s hand, simulating tactile interaction
`with a virtual object within the device’s volume of move-
`In a basic configuration, a haptic pointing device accord-
`ing to the invention includes a plurality of rigid, elongated
`proximal members, each connected to a separate rigid,
`elongated distal member through an articulating joint. The
`other ends of each proximal member is coupled to an
`actuator causing that member to swing within a separate
`plane in response to a control signal. An end-effector is
`interconnected to the second end of each distal member
`through an articulating joint, such that as the actuators move
`the proximal members, the end-effector moves in space. The
`various articulating joints may be universal
`joints, ball
`joints, of composed of a flexible material.
`In a preferred embodiment,
`the device includes three
`proximal members and three distal members, enabling the
`end effector to move in three-dimensional space. The actua-
`tors preferably take the form of motors having a shaft
`perpendicular to the plane of movement of the proximal
`member coupled thereto. Different style motors, including
`pancake motors, may be used. In one configuration,
`end-effector is coupled to a user-graspable element having a
`preferred orientation in space, with the arrangement of the
`members and joints being such that the element retains the
`preferred orientation as the end effector is moved by the
`In a force-feedb ack application, the haptic pointing device
`further includes a position sensor associated with each
`proximal member, and haptic processing means operative to
`output an electronic signal indicative of the position of the
`end-effector in space, and receive an electronic signal caus-
`ing the actuators to move the end—effector to a point in space.
`The haptic processing means may in turn be interfaced to a
`virtual reality system including descriptions of virtual
`objects, enabling a user to interact with the objects through
`the end effector. Alternatively, the haptic processing means
`may be interfaced to a slave system including a separate set
`of actuators and encoders, enabling a user to interact with
`the objects through the end effector as part of a teleopera-
`tions environment.
`In alternative embodiments, additional components may
`be provided to increase flexibility, degrees of freedom, or
`both. For instance, the end-effector may be further coupled
`to a user-graspable element such as a handle or stylus to
`provide one or more additional degrees of freedom associ-
`ated with roll, pitch and yaw. The system may include a pair
`of base platforms, each with its own set of actuated proximal
`and distal members for example, six sets of proximal and
`distal members may be utilized, three sets associated with
`each of the two base platforms. In all cases, the system may
`further conveniently include a docking station to receive the
`end effector for calibration purposes.
`FIG. 1 is a drawing used to show how the invention may
`be employed to support the touching of geometric objects
`described within a virtual world interfaced to a haptic or
`tactile device;
`EXHIBIT 1014 - PAGE 21


`US 6,281,651 B1
`FIG. 2 is a drawing of a prior-art stylus which was found
`to be impractical for various reasons;
`FIG. 3 is a drawing used to introduce and illustrate a
`“Stewart platform,” forming a basis for inventive principles
`disclosed herein;
`FIG. 4 is one modification of the Stewart platform which
`uses direct-drive rotary actuators as part of a six-degree-of-
`freedom design;
`FIG. 5 is a different modification of the Stewart platform
`utilizing three actuators and linkages as part of a three-
`degree-of-freedom device according to the invention;
`FIG. 6 illustrates how, through the use of hollow tubes and
`flexible guides, wires may be dressed to an actuator/
`FIG. 7 is a drawing as seen from an oblique perspective
`illustrating how semiconductor optical sensors and detectors
`may be mounted on a metallic strip for encoding purposes
`according to the invention;
`FIG. 8 illustrates a preferred stylus incorporating actuator
`buttons and a “dead man” switch;
`FIG. 9 is a block diagram illustrating major functional
`electronic subsystems according to the invention;
`FIG. 10 is a simplified representation of the way in which
`application and device layers are integrated according to a
`software aspect of the invention;
`FIG. 11 shows a physical embodiment of a three-degree-
`of—freedom linkage;
`FIG. 12 shows an aspect of the invention wherein, in
`particular, a rotary actuator is coupled to a rigid rod or tube;
`FIG. 13 is a perspective View of a completed three-
`degree-of-freedom apparatus;
`FIGS. 14A and 14B are diagrams which help to illustrate
`device kinematics in solving from Cartesian coordinates to
`link vector locations;
`FIG. 15 shows the outline diagram of an alternative
`embodiment of a three-axis design implemented with DC
`pancake motors;
`FIG. 16 depicts the design of a three-axis measurement-
`only end elfector which may be substituted for the simple
`stylus of previous figures; and
`FIG. 17 shows a variation in modifying a conventional
`Stewart platform by connecting two three-degree-of-
`freedom systems together through a common linkage and
`FIG. 18 shows link kinematics for system configuration
`FIG. 1 suggests how the invention may be employed to
`support touching of geometric objects described within a
`virtual world representation by a geometric probe logically
`attached to a haptic or tactile device. The representation to
`support touch is synchronized with a comparable represen-
`tation of the world for visualization or graphical rendering,
`enabling the world to be both seen and touched. Because of
`the analogy to visualization entailed by this method,
`generation of forces from the act of touching virtual objects
`is called haptic rendering (as a analog to visual rendering),
`and the act of both touching and viewing the objects (or
`other data) is referred to as browsing, and the software
`package which does the browsing is called a browser.
`Generally speaking, the basis for the invention resides in
`alternative haptic device designs having at least some of the
`following properties:
`low inertia and weight to provide very high haptic fidelity;
`a desktop-oriented force feedback with range of motion
`comparable to a conventional computer mouse (the 2D
`workspace was to be nominally equal
`to that of a
`compatibility with 3D CAD data (i.e. CAD/CAM soft-
`ware representations);
`low cost; and
`simple and reliable operation.
`One promising haptic design is shown in FIG. 2. This design
`approach, while used in existing commercial devices,
`proved to be heavy, had high inertia, and exhibited signifi-
`cant backlash in the drive train when a low cost actuation
`motor/gear system was used. The design also exhibits prob-
`lems with structure flex and timing belt/cable tensioning.
`Although these problems could be corrected with effort, the
`overall design is too far from ideal overall.
`The preferred concept began as a miniature conventional
`“Stewart platform,” as shown in FIG. 3, except that we
`employed rotary actuators, instead of linear actuators. FIG.
`4 depicts one platform design embodiment modified to use
`direct-drive rotary actuators as part of a six-degree-of-
`freedom design. FIG. 5 depicts an alternative embodiment
`using only three actuators and linkages for a three-degree-
`of—freedom device.
`From the three-degree-of-freedom design concept of FIG.
`5 the device kinematics were computed. This was done
`through a genetic algorithm which varied motor size,
`location, and link arm segment lengths to produce accept-
`able forces levels in all directions at all points in preferred
`the work envelope (nominally a volume with a mouse pad
`sized base area and height). The genetic algorithm returned
`5 configurations which were evaluated as “the best,” con-
`sidering the kinematics and evaluation cost criteria.
`One of these configurations was selected as optimal based
`on inspection and layout considerations and, most
`importantly, the clearance of obstacles by the links. One
`problem with the mathematical analysis was that some
`positions wit

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