Exhibit 2021
`Exhibit 2021


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`PTO/SB/16 (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2006. OMB 0651-0032
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`:1 Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`This is a reouest for mm: a PROVISIONAL APPLICATION FOR PATENT under 37 CFR 1.53 c .
`01 / _
`Ex-ress Mail Label No. 3555317855le
`Gl' n Name (first and middle [if any]
`Lai King
`Family Name or Surname
`_"as’ Texas
`Cit and either State or Forein Count
`Additional inventors are being named on the
`separately numbered sheets attached hereto
`TITLE OF THE INVENTION (500 characters max)
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`United States Government.
`C] Yes, the name of the US. Government agency and the Government contract number are:
`Respectfullysubmit d,
`NAME John T. Mockler
`TELEPHONE 972-528-3600
`[Page 1 of 2]
`Date March 11,2005
`(if appropriate)
`Docket Number; 2004.06.023.WSO
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.51. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file (and by the USPTO
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`Additional Page
`PTO/SB/16 (08-03)
`Approved for use through 07/31/2006. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`Cit and either State or Forei-n Count
`Given Name first and middle if an
`Famil or Surname
`Richardson. Texas
`van Rensburg
`Dallas, Texas
`[Page 2 of 2]
`WARNING: Information on this form may become public. Credit card information should not be
`included on this form. Provide credit card information and authorization on PTO-2038.
`Page 2 ofll
`Page 2 of 11


`DOCKET No.: 2004.06.023.WSO
`Customer No.: 23990
`Client No. SAMSOl-00436
`Lai King Tee, et a1
`In re application of:
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`The undersigned hereby certifies that the following documents:
`Postcard receipt;
`Check in the amount of $200.00 for the provisional patent application filing fee;
`Provisional Application for Patent Cover Sheet (2 pages) (in duplicate); and
`Specification (7 pages)
`relating to the above application, were deposited as “Express Mail”, Mailing Label No.
`EV555317865US with the United States Postal Service, addressed to: Commissioner for Patents,
`PO. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450, on March 11, 2005.
`MW Mailer
` T. Mockler
`H Nfiflh 1¢¢f
`PO. Drawer 800889
`Dallas, Texas 75380
`Phone: (972) 628-3600
`Fax: (972) 628-3616
`E-mail: jmockler@davismunck. com
`Re . No. 39,775
`Page 3 ofll
`Page 3 of 11


`This description should be written in the Inventor’s own words and shouldfollow this guideline:
`1. General purpose of the invention. State in general terms or summarize what the objectives of the inventions are.
`This invention proposes a multi-purpose mobile device that can be used for mobile communications and as a gateway for an
`indoor network. The intention is to have a single device that support mobile broadband access applications that can normally
`function like any other current mobile cellular handsets, i.e., supporting voice, multimedia applications such as video and audio
`download and other Internet applications such as web browsing, file download, VPN and Internet gaming. When the user
`terminal is located near to a display such as a TV, it should be able to relay the information to a different display device, in
`addition to that attached to the device itself.
`2. Description of the invention in detail (Including its operation, purpose, environment and how problems are solved).
`Currently, a mobile terminal may be able to support multimedia and Internet applications, but the data rate is very limited.
`However, as research on new technologies accelerates, new wireless communication standards are created to solve the problem of
`data rate supported. However, there is still a problem in the display of the information especially for multimedia applications. The
`display that is attached to the mobile device usually has a size limitation, due to form-factor, power consumption and cost issues.
`Thus the use of mobile device for video applications may still not be an attractive application to the customers. The idea here is to
`attach to the mobile terminal a device that could relay the downloaded data to a different display such as a TV, a computer
`monitor, the LCD screen of a laptop computer, the display on the dashboard of a car or through any projection device onto the
`walls or any passive screens.
`On the other hand, in today’s home entertainment, video and TV signals are received through either terrestrial microwave
`broadcasting, Cable TV network or Satellite broadcasting. It is still limited in terms of coverage and cost of the infrastructure. In
`addition, there is still need for wiring of cables within the house in order to access the signal in more than one location. With this
`new device, broadcasting of TV, video or Video on Demand would be possible through the Internet Service providers. Since the
`device can either distribute multiple streams of signal to different displays simultaneously, or it can be easily moved to a different
`location to allow the signal to be showed on another display. Video conferencing can also be facilitated conveniently through the
`TV display or any other similar display or projections.
`The device contains a minimum of two air interfaces. The first air interface connects the mobile device to a mobile cellular
`network which provides services based on the user’s subscription. The second interface connects the mobile device to a display
`through another wireless connection. This air interface could be either a wireless personal area network connection, UWB or
`Bluetooth that can support the bandwidth requirements of the appliCation. Data that are downloaded from the server through the
`first wireless interface is transported within the device to the second air interface. The downloaded information is then formatted
`into an appropriate signal waveform and transmitted through the second air interface to the display. It is envisioned that the
`display contains a similar air interface that will receive and demodulate the signal transmitted by the mobile device. Fig. 1 shows
`a scenario of the application. Besides real-time streaming applications, it should be possible to store the downloaded information
`in some storage device for displaying at a different time.
`Moreover, the second interface can have more than one connection at the same time. For example, it can be communicating with
`the display screen and a wireless keyboard equipped with the same interface simultaneously. An employee who is traveling on a
`business or personal trip can still be able to access the company’s Intranet even without carrying a laptop computer. Today,
`wireless keyboard with an Infrared interface can be found in many hotels, but the purpose is mainly for Internet browsing through
`the TV. In this disclosure, the second interface here is a wireless connection with much better performance. The mobile device is
`the gateway that connects via Air Interface 11 the TV display and keyboard, to the remote server via Air Interface 11.
`It is also possible to have a third air interface that connects to a wireless LAN. Alternatively, the first air interface as described
`above could also be a WLAN interface. In this case, the connection to the mobile cellular network can be replaced by a nearby
`The invention described in this invention disclosure is hereb submitted under m emlo men! a reement with Samsun - Telecommunications America, L.P..
`Inventors Full Si_nature
`Inventors Full Sinature
`Inventor(s): Submit to Joann Hicks, Phone (972) 761-7608, Fax (972) 761 -760]
`The inventor(s) shall sign and date each page of the invention disclosure and any drawings.
`Page 4 ofll
`Invention Disc
`re Form — Rev January 2003
`Confidential and Proprietary Information
`2 of7
`Page 4 of 11


`Using the example of evolution in voice communications, i.e., the popular, affordable and near-ubiquitous cellular
`communications has started to replace wireline based phone services gradually. In the future, it would also be possible for data
`communications to follow a similar trend, as more and more technical and practical issues are resolved. It would then become
`possible for anyone to carry only one mobile device and be able to access various data applications through a single service
`subscription, anywhere and anytime. For example, access to email, connection to company’s Intranet through VPN to access the
`files, perform research on the Internet, attend a webcast—online seminar and video conferencing.
`While the protocol architecture as depicted in Fig. 1 has been used in IEEE802 standards for many years, the technologies have
`been mainly used to support non-mobile applications. On the other hand, conventional mobile cellular technology has been using
`a protocol architecture that is significantly different from IEEE 802 standards. Currently, a new extension of the fixed wireless
`broadband access standard IEEE 802.16e to cover the mobility applications is in the development phrase. However, its main
`target form factor for the 802.16e device is PCMCIA card, which can be used in association of a Laptop or PDA. There is not any
`explicit indication on its implementation in a handset. In addition, while the standard is backward compatible with its fixed
`wireless counterpart, and standards activities have started to look at handoff issues between the various 802 technologies. The
`specific use of information relaying, the specify methodology and the actual application scenarios have not been specified in the
`same way as they are described in this disclosure.
`3. Describe the prior art, method or performance, of the invention (Including any related publicly available documentation,
`such as journal articles or patents).
`In 'recent years, there have been a lot of discussions on wireless devices that can be used for multimedia distribution. These are
`mostly in the form of a home gateway in which one of the interfaces is usually for short-range high bandwidth transmissions,
`while the other interface is usually connected to a DSL or cable Wire. The other class of devices, which is used for mobile cellular
`communication, is evolving into data centric applications from the traditional voice centric applications. Thus, the existing
`infrastructure is not optimized data and multimedia applications. There is usually a LCD display associated with the device to
`improve the support on multimedia application. There are new form factors such as PCMCIA card that are becoming increasingly
`popular. These cards can be inserted into a laptop computer or a PDA which are designed mainly for data applications. There are
`some handheld devices such as cell phones that are equipped with a Bluetooth interface. However, this is mainly used for
`connectivity purposes at a relatively lower data rate. It is thus not suitable for the information relaying function that is described
`in the current disclosure.
`4. What are the disadvantages of the prior art?
`The prior art either focuses on the first air interface, i.e., the connection to the mobile cellular network and applications
`terminating at the mobile device itself, or it focuses on the second interface, i.e., the wireless connection between the user
`terminal and the entertainment unit. The user terminal in the latter case is limited to short range, indoor applications.
`5. Describe how your invention, overcomes the shortcomings of the prior art.
`The prior art lacks a complete end-to-end solution and full mobility. Multiple devices are usually required for different
`environments. This invention consists of one mobile device which has multiple interfaces that allows it not only to select the best
`to use in a different environment, but also to use two or more air interfaces simultaneously in supporting an application. It also
`makes it more practical for a mobile device to support different types of applications, based on the specific nature of each type of
`applications. There have been emphases on the co-existence of different technologies, instead of trying to combine the different
`technologies, each of which is designed and customized for a different application environment, to complete an end-to-end link
`that can comprise of different technologies.
`The invention described in this invention disclosure is hereb submitted under m emlo ment areement with Samsun ' Telecommunications America, L.P..
`Inventors Full Sinature
`Inventors Full Si_nature
`Inventor(s): Submit to Joann Hicks, Phone (972) 761 -7608, Fax (972) 761—7601
`The inventor(s) shall sign and date each page of the invention disclosure and any drawings.
`Pa e50fll
`Invention Discloglre Form — Rev January 2003
`Confidential and Proprietary Information
`3 of7
`Page 5 of 11


`6. Are there any alternatives or further embodiments that can be included in the disclosure?
`Not at this time.
`7. What are the potential applications and/or markets for this invention?
`Potential applications are in the consumer electronics market, and make use of mobile broadband wireless access systems and
`wireless personal networks technology, such as the 802.16e, 802.20, 802.15 and 802.11 standards respectively.
`8. What are the features that are believed to be new, novel and non-obvious?
`If jointly developed, list each inventor’s contribution?
`10. What is the relative value of the invention? (Not in dollars, but as an asset to the company?)
`A suggestion to the company on planning for new or evolving product lines; to lead and drive the mobile communications
`market. As the company has a significant penetration also in the home entertainment market segment, early planning on the
`inclusion of capability for wireless connectivity would be advantageous.
`' Sketches, prints, photos and other illustrations, as well as reports of any nature in which the invention is referred to, if
`available, should form the basis of the disclosure and reference can be made in the description of the construction and
`operation of the invention.
`The following diagram shows a typical application scenario. The flow chart and data flow diagram further illustrates a typical
`procedure for the connections.
`The invention described in this invention disclosure is hereb submitted under In em 10 men! a- reement with Samsun Telecommunications America, L.P..
`Inventors Full Si_nature
`Inventors Full Si_natu re
`Pa e60f11
`lnvention Disclo ure Form — Rev January 2003
`Confidential and Proprietary Information
`lnventor(s): Submit to Joann Hicks, Phone (972) 761-7608, Fax (972) 761 —7601
`The inventor(s) shall Sign and date each page of the invention disclosure and any drawings.
`4 of7
`Page 6 of 11


` '
`i_§.si._&0_2a1_5 -I
`Cellular Base Statron
`Standard |
` Air Interface
`Mobile Device
`Air Interface
`Standard II
`Arr Interface ll
`TV: Home
`- Air interface I!
`Video Games:
`Air Interface II
`PC terminal/
`The invention described in this invention disclosure is hereb submitted under m emlo men! areement with Samsun - Telecommunications America, L.P..
`Inventors Full Si nature
`Inventors Full Si_nature
`Pa e70f11
`Invention Disclo
`re Form — Rev January 2003
`Confidential and Proprietary Information
`5 of7
`lnventor(s): Submit to Joann Hicks, Phone (972) 761-7608, Fax (972) 761-7601
`The inventar(s) shall sign and date each page of the invention disclosure and any drawings.
`Page 7 of 11


`Mobile Device initiates a connection to the
`obile cellular network through Air Interface l to
`start an application,
`e.g., Video download, video conferencing or
`VPN connection
`Mobile Cellular Network assigns to the Mobile
`Device a traffic channel or authorize the
`connection, in case of a Broadcasting application
`Mobile Device initiates a connection via the second air interface
`to another device e.g., a display screen, TV, computer monitor or
`terminal, a laptop computer or a projector, which is equipped
`with a transceiver module for the second air interface standard
`and thus can communicate with the mobile device via the
`second air interface.
`After connection for the first and second air interface is
`established, the mobile device starts to receive data
`from the first air interface and forward the data packets
`to the second air interface, through a bridge layer,
`which is a layer above the MAC layers and is common
`to the two air interfaces.
`The other device such as a display receives the
`forwarded data through the second air interface, and
`display it on the screen. For video conferencing
`applications, a video camera can be attached to the
`display and also send the images to the mobile device
`via the second air interface in the reverse link direction.
`The mobile device demodulates the signal received
`from the video camera via the second air interface,
`and forwards it to the first air interface through a
`common layer that is above the MAC layer.
`The reverse link data is received by the
`Base station through the first air interface.
`Duplex communication is established
`between the Base station, Display terminal
`and video camera through the Mobile
`The invention described in this invention disclosure is hereb submitted under m emlo men! a reement with Samsun ' Telecommunications America, LP“
`Inventors Full Si _nature
`Inventors Full Si 1 nature
`Inventor(s): Submit to Joann Hicks, Phone (972) 761 -7608, Fax (972)761-7601
`The inventor(s) shall sign and date each page of the invention disclosure and any drawings.
`Pa e8of11
`Invention Disclo ure Form — Rev January 2003
`Confidential and Proprietary Information
`6 of7
`Page 8 of 11


`BS Transmits Pilots
`MS Scans for Networks & Compatible Terminal Devices
`Terminal Devices Respond
`Initiate Connection
`Connection established
`Receive Data
`Fon/vard Data
`Terminate Connection
`Connection terminated
`Initiate Connection with
`Device 1
`Establish Connection with
`Device 1
`Initiate Connection with
`Device 2
`Establish Connection with
`Initiate Connection with
`Device N
`Establish Connection with
`Device N
`Forward Data to
`Device 1, 2,
`Receive Data from
`Device 1. 2.
`Terminate connections with
`Device 1. 2.
`Connection Termination
`confirmed from Device 1
`Connection Termination
`confirmed from Device N
`The invention described in this invention disclosure is hereb submitted under m em 10 ment a_ reement with Samsun - Telecommunications America, LIP“
`Inventors Full Si_nature
`Inventors Full Si_nature
`Inventor(s): Submit to Joann Hicks, Phone (972) 761 -7608, Fax (972) 761-7601
`The inventor(s) shall sign and date each page of the invention disclosure and any drawings.
`Pa e9of11
`Invention Disclo ure Form — Rev January 2003
`Confidential and Proprietary Information
`7 of7
`Page 9 of 11


`Page 10 ofll
`Page 10 of 11


`03/ 16/2005 CNGUYENB 00000057 60661267
`01 FC:1005
`200.00 DP
`> (3/87) '
`~ ‘U.S.m§vémrrgofi r— 489-207”
`"-; C".-.. 63332. :4
`.— ‘)r,'~".:‘3-‘
`Page 11 of 11

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