`Exhibit 2008
`Exhibit 2008
`Page 1
`) )
` _________________________
` vs.
`Petitioner, )
`) Case No. IPR2017-00870
`Patent Owner. )
` _________________________)
`Los Angeles, California
`Monday, January 8, 2018
`Volume I
`300 Delaware Avenue - Suite 815
`Wilmington, Delaware 19801
` Reported by:
` CSR No. 6426
` PAGES 1 - 222
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`Page 2
`) )
` _________________________
` vs.
`Petitioner, )
`) Case No. IPR2017-00870
`Patent Owner. )
` _________________________)
`Deposition of KEVIN ALMEROTH, Volume I,
` taken on behalf of Virginia Innovation Sciences,
` Inc., at 515 S. Flower Street, Los Angeles,
` California, beginning at 9:34 a.m., and ending at
` 5:36 p.m., on Monday, January 8, 2018, before LORI M.
` BARKLEY, Certified Shorthand Reporter No. 6426.
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` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` F o r P l a i n t i f f :
` P A U L H A S T I N G S
` B Y : J O S E P H E . P A L Y S
` - A N D -
` K O I C H I R O K I D O K O R O
` A t t o r n e y s a t L a w
` 8 7 5 1 5 t h S t r e e t N . W .
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` 2 0 2 . 5 5 1 . 1 9 8 2
` j o s e p h p a l y s @ p a u l . h a s t i n g s . c o m
` k o i c h i r o k i d o k o r o @ p a u l h a s t i n g s . c o m
` F o r D e f e n d a n t :
` D E V L I N L A W F I R M L L C
` B Y : T I M O T H Y D E V L I N
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 1 3 0 6 N o r t h B r o o m S t r e e t , S u i t e 1
` W i l m i n g t o n , D e l a w a r e 1 9 8 0 6
` 3 0 2 . 4 4 9 . 9 0 1 0
` t d e v l i n @ d e v l i n f i r m . c o m
` A l s o a p p e a r i n g :
` A n n W a n g ( T e l e p h o n i c a l l y )
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`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
`Page 4
` Volume I
` (None)
` Page Line
` 94 15
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`5 6
`7 8 9
` Los Angeles, California, Monday, January 8, 2018
` 9:34 a.m.
`Page 5
` having been administered an oath, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Almeroth.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Am I saying your name right, first of all?
` A. Yes.
` Q. My name is Tim Devlin. I represent Virginia
` Innovation Sciences in these series of IPRs that
` we're going to be talking about over the next two
` days.
` And for the record, and I think we have an
` agreement between counsel, all the testimony that
` will be given today and tomorrow will be applicable
` to all of the IPRs that are at issue, which are
` numbers 2017-870 through 879.
` MR. PALYS: If I could just clarify because
` you used the word "applicable." You can submit them
` as a single exhibit in all of them regarding the
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` testimony that he gives, some may not be applicable,
` because there's different grounds, different
` references. Just splitting hairs here.
` MR. DEVLIN: I hear what you're saying, but
` let's make it clear for the record because it's an
` important issue and I think we're on the same page,
` but I do want to be sure.
` There's going to be no objection regarding
` the use of any testimony in any of the given IPRs on
` some procedural ground like it was only taken in one
` IPR and not another? Fair.
` MR. PALYS: That's correct.
` MR. DEVLIN: Thank you.
` Q. Doctor, have you been deposed before?
` A. Yes, I have.
` Q. About how many times?
` A. On the order of about 50.
` Q. 5-0?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are those all patent cases or other types of
` cases in there as well?
` A. There are other types of cases in there.
` Q. Give me some examples of other types of
` cases.
` A. There's a trade secret case. I think one
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` was a contract dispute, but I think the rest were
` patent related.
` Q. On each of the patent cases was your
` testimony given in your role as an expert witness or
` were any of them some other role?
` A. My recollection is that they were all as an
` expert.
` Q. The non-patent cases, were any of those as
` anything other than as an expert witness?
` A. No, I don't believe so.
` Q. So make sure I have this right: All the
` depositions you've given to the extent you're
` recalling here today, they were given as part of your
` role in that particular matter as an expert witness.
` Do I have that right?
` A. I think that's true except for one, but that
` was a personal matter.
` Q. Is it anything to do with patents or
` technology or totally something else?
` A. Totally something else.
` Q. Was it a criminal matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Did it involve any accusation of fraud on
` your part?
` A. No.
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` Q. Thank you. I'm sorry to ask those
` questions. I need to ask them. You've been here
` before.
` Let's go through the ground rules of the
` deposition to make sure you and I are on the same
` page. I'm going to be asking questions today and
` you'll be giving answers to those questions to the
` extent you can; is that right?
` A. That sounds right.
` Q. If ever I ask you a question that's
` confusing, that you need clarification, please let me
` know. My goal is not to trick you. My goal is to
` understand what your opinions are and what they are
` based on, where we agree and where we disagree.
` All right?
` A. Yeah. That's good, and it would be
` especially helpful if you could point to which
` matters we're talking about, which claims if it's
` relevant to a particular claim.
` Q. Sure.
` Just FYI, I think my general application
` here is to go through the documents that we'll be
` working with, so it should be pretty clear but if
` there's ever a question, will you let me know?
` A. Excellent, we'll do.
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` Q. Thank you.
` You understand your testimony today is given
`Page 9
` under oath, right?
` A. I do.
` Q. And you swore to tell the truth, the whole
` truth, and nothing but the truth, right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And you'll do that?
` A. I will.
` Q. We'll take breaks every hour or so. If you
` need a break, just let me know. The only exception
` to that is if there's a question pending, I'll ask
` for an answer to that question and we'll take a
` break, okay?
` A. Certainly.
` Q. Is there anything today, medical or
` otherwise, that would prevent you from giving
` truthful and accurate testimony?
` A. No.
` Q. That's a "no"?
` A. "No."
` Q. Thank you.
` You have a copy of -- we're going to refer
` to these exhibit numbers at the bottom right-hand
` corner of these documents.
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` You've been through this before, right?
` A. I have.
` Q. Okay. So we're going to refer to these
` exhibits by their bottom right hand number unless
` there's sometimes a little bit of ambiguity because
` there may be a couple things that have the exact same
` number. For the most part it will be simple.
` MR. PALYS: Can I give a suggestion maybe to
` help on that?
` MR. DEVLIN: Sure.
` MR. PALYS: One thing you might be able to
` do is like since the exhibit you have given the
` witness is the '853 Patent, call it the '853 Patent
` Declaration, because they're all going to have the
` same exhibit number, something of that nature.
` MR. DEVLIN: I think that's fair. You're
` right, because most of the other exhibits --
` MR. PALYS: You can do what you want.
` MR. DEVLIN: I appreciate that because I was
` about to start calling it 1003.
` Q. So what we have before you is what's been
` marked as HTC Exhibit 1003 on the bottom right, and
` it is your declaration related to the IPR for the
` '853 Patent.
` Do you see that?
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` A. I do.
` Q. So would it be clear if we refer to this as
` your '853 Declaration during your deposition?
` A. It would.
` Q. We'll refer to it as that.
` Thanks for that suggestion. It's useful.
` I want to talk first about the process for
` preparing this declaration. Actually, let me give
` you a bit of a foreshadowing of what I'm going to try
` to do to make these next couple days go more quickly.
` We're going to go through this and I'm going
` to ask you some questions about various topics and so
` forth. There's overlap sometimes between what's in
` this declaration, what's in others, you know, the
` same prior art, etc.
` So from time to time I may ask you questions
` about this declaration, the '853 Declaration, and
` then ask you if the same thing is true with respect
` to the others, and I think I'll do that in a way that
` will be manageable, but of course, if you have
` questions let me know. But my goal is to try not to
` repeat getting the same testimony for each
` declaration for all ten of them when it's going to be
` the same anything.
` Does that make sense?
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` A. It does.
` Q. So just work with me, let me know if there's
` ever a question about clarity, and we'll try to make
` this as efficient as we can, okay?
` A. Sounds good.
` Q. Thank you.
` So I want to talk first about the process by
` which this declaration was created -- was produced.
` Can you generally tell me how that happened;
` what were the steps in producing this declaration,
` the '853 Declaration?
` A. I'm not sure I really recall the particular
` steps. I mean, at some point, I would have created a
` draft that would have included some of the material
` that's here, and then worked from there to fill in
` the sections and based on the analysis that I had
` done with respect to the prior art references and the
` claims at issue.
` Q. Did you write, like, physically be the
` scrivener for this entire thing or was that a shared
` declaration?
` A. I mean, certainly there are things that I
` didn't write, cut and pasted citations from the prior
` art references, claim limitations, but ultimately
` when it was done and I signed it, it represented the
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` opinions that I had developed and were included in
` the document.
` Q. Was it ever edited by any of the attorneys
`Page 13
` for HTC?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. The testimony you just gave about the
` creation of this '853 Patent declaration, would that
` be the same for the other declarations in the other
` IPRs that we're talking about, or is there anything
` that stands out as to any of the others that would be
` different than what you just said?
` A. I don't recall there being anything
` substantively different in terms of the process.
` Q. How was the prior art that is referenced
` within this declaration, identified? In other words,
` did you go out and search and find it or did someone
` give it to you?
` A. I don't recall specifically.
` Q. For any of it?
` A. For any particular reference, whether I had
` seen it before or I had gotten it from counsel, I
` couldn't say for any particular reference.
` Q. Do you recall conducting any searching for
` prior art specifically related to any of the
` declarations in the collection of IPRs, '870 to '879?
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` A. It's hard to say. I mean, I have looked for
` prior art in the past. I can't say whether or not it
` was in conjunction with any of these IPRs.
` Q. Do you recall -- let me start that again.
` Is it correct to say that, at least, some of
` the prior art that is referenced within your
` declaration was provided to you by counsel for HTC?
` A. It's certainly possible.
` Q. When you say it's possible, I mean, what is
` your recollection? Do you recall receiving any from
` them, or you have no recollection whatsoever either
` way?
` A. Well, again, consistent with what I said
` earlier, some of these references, I have seen
` before. I have looked for prior art either just for
` a general background sense in the context of these
` patents and other related patents.
` So when it comes to these particular
` declarations, and the art that's cited in them, I
` don't recall if I had seen the art before, or if I
` had seen it for the first time. And so that's why I
` said, it certainly might be the case that some of
` these references were provided to me by counsel. I
` just don't recall.
` Q. What was your process in coming to your
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` opinions today? Let me particularize the question
` there for you.
` Did you read the VIS patents first and then
` look at the prior art or vice versa?
` A. Again, it would be hard to say. Obviously,
` prior to beginning my work on these IPRs, I had seen
` the VIS patents previously, at least some of them.
` I've seen the specification, because it's a
` common specification. So it would be hard to say
` that I read the prior art before seeing the patents.
` I'd have to go back quite a few years to try
` and recall when I first saw the patents and what
` prior art I had seen at the time. I just don't
` remember.
` Q. Did your review of the patents guide the
` selection of prior art that you selected for use in
` your declarations?
` MR. PALYS: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: It's a bit of a difficult
` question to answer. I'm not really sure.
` Q. Why aren't you sure? You can't remember or
` you don't understand the question, or what's the
` issue there?
` A. Well, when you say did it guide you, I mean,
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` clearly, I have to have a sense of what the patents
` are about and have a sense of both what the patent is
` about and generally what the claims are about. I
` have that in mind when thinking, reviewing the prior
` art.
` I think, ultimately, though, when it comes
` to rendering opinions about what's disclosed in the
` prior art, it is generally not with respect to
` following the patents or the claims as a recipe or a
` guideline, and then matching it up with the prior
` art. It's more looking at those references and what
` they disclose from that perspective.
` Q. How many, roughly, expert engagements have
` you been involved in for patent cases?
` A. Probably on the order of 50, plus or minus.
` There are generally very few where I am engaged that
` I am not ultimately deposed, and it seems that most
` of the ones that I am engaged in make it to the point
` where I have offered sworn testimony, and so appear
` in my CV.
` Q. How many of those 50 odd involved IPRs?
` A. I've done a fair number of IPRs over the
` last several years. In some cases like this one,
` where there's 10 declarations, I'm not sure if you
` would count that as 10 IPRs or really one IPR.
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` Assuming you'd count them individually, it
` could be around 30 or so.
` Q. Let's use the same counting you used to
` decide you've been involved in about 50 patent
` matters. How much of those matters, when you count
` them that way, involved IPRs?
` A. The way I counted, there would have
` represented this as a single matter even though
` there's 10 separate IPRs. Maybe 20. Generally, my
` CV is I believe about the last four years. I don't
` think there are many IPRs that I was working on more
` than four years ago. There might be one or two.
` Obviously, the IPR process is somewhat new.
` So by and large, they would be represented in my
` declaration. There was a few instances where I was
` working on declarations but were never filed.
` Q. Going back to the collection of the full 50
` or so patent matters, what percentage of those were
` you affiliated in your representation with the patent
` owner?
` A. Generally, it's about 50-50. It's varied
` over the years that I've been working. I think
` somebody asked me this question recently, and then
` took the time to step through my CV and I recall that
` some of the more recent cases I've been working on,
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` it's a little bit more weighted towards patent
` owners.
` Q. And how about, now, same question but
` confined to the matters where IPRs were involved.
` What percentage is for patent owners and what
` percentage is for the accused infringer, the
` defendant, whatever you want to call them?
` A. Generally, my sense is it's about 50-50
` between petitioners and patent owners. It's just a
` sense. I'd have to look through the CV just to be
` absolutely certain.
` Q. Just to see if we can do this efficiently,
` before this matter, were you ever engaged by HTC or
` counsel working for HTC on the matter you were hired
` on?
` A. Two parts to that question. The first is
` HTC, I don't recall that I have been ever retained on
` behalf of HTC with respect to Paul Hastings. I don't
` recall. But I will say I think I've had my
` deposition taken somewhere in this row of conference
` rooms, and I don't remember if it was for or against
` Paul Hastings.
` Q. Let me break that second question out
` because I want to be clear about it. So thank you
` for the HTC answer.
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` Let me ask the question about Paul Hastings.
` But independent of HTC, just in general, I think
` that's what you were answering but let me just
` confirm.
` Do you recall any engagements where you were
` retained by Paul Hastings or by a client of Paul
` Hastings, so you were working with Paul Hastings on
` the matter?
` A. I don't recall.
` Sorry, I don't recall. I don't think so.
` And if it was, it was maybe one other case.
` Q. Over the last, let's use four years as a
` barometer, what percentage of your total income would
` you say relates to expert consulting work for any
` sort of lawsuits, patent or otherwise, just, you
` know, rough average over the four-year period?
` A. Very rough average, it might be about
` 50 percent.
` Q. Do you have any familiarity at all -- let me
` rephrase this and tell you what I'm going to try to
` get at so my questions are clear.
` I want to see if you know anybody that's
` involved in any of the cases here, VIS, any of the
` prior authors, etc., that's what I'm going to be
` getting at in these next couple questions. So I
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` don't want to quibble with the language, but I want
` it to be clear for you and clear for the record, but
` that's what I'm getting at so let me just start with
` VIS.
` Do you have any connection at all to anyone
` affiliated with VIS? And by "connection," I mean,
` know them personally, met them somewhere, you know,
` actually spoke to or communicated with at some point?
` MR. PALYS: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know everyone that
` would encompass. Obviously, I'm not sure if that
` includes any of the lawyers. I mean, my deposition
` has been taken.
` The only other instances I've probably seen
` Ms. Wang, I think she attended one of my depositions,
` I might have said hello to her, but outside of any of
` those proceedings or the people involved in those
` proceedings who were -- or who were present at those
` proceedings, I don't recall that I have. I don't
` think I have.
` Q. Let me try to ask a global question for all
` of the named authors of the prior art references that
` are cited in your report, just to see if we can
` collectivize it in one question.
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` Have you ever communicated with any of them
` at any time, that you can recall?
` A. The best that I can say is sitting here now,
` I don't recall seeing a name on the reference that
` stood out as somebody who I recognized their name. I
` can't say that I have looked through every single
` reference for the complete list of authors and
` confirmed whether I knew them or might have run into
` them.
` I might have met them at a technical
` conference and then didn't put two and two together
` that it was the same person.
` But if I understand your question, it's more
` about any kind of substantive communication or
` interaction, and on that level I don't recall any.
` Q. When you say you don't recall, sitting here
` now, there's nothing that comes to mind that would
` fall within the scope of that question.
` Am I understanding you right?
` A. That's correct. As I sit here, I mean, over
` the course of the day when we, to the extent we do,
` look at any of these references, you know, I can
` double check or you can just ask a quick question.
` For example, there's a Turner reference. I
` know a Turner. I don't think it's the same Turner,
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` but I can certainly double check.
` Q. Did you contact or communicate with any of
` the authors of any of these references for purposes
`Page 22
` of these proceedings?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. I'm looking at page 2 of your '853
` Declaration that starts your background and
` qualifications, just for reference.
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. Let me just ask you a few general questions
` before we get into particulars of what you've written
` in this declaration. Let me do this question, it
` will be easier.
` Take a look at your CV and tell me if it's
` still accurate or if there's some update or change
` that you would make to it, sitting here now.
` A. So this declaration was signed
` February 10th, 2017. This -- or the CV would have
` been up to date at the time. Since then, which it's
` been almost a year, there would be additional classes
` taught. I don't think I've graduated any students,
` taken on new technical advising. There might be some
` additional publications. I've done lots of
` conference organization, paper review, so there's
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` sections on that.
` And then certainly a number of additional
` cases that I've worked on or been deposed on that
` would go on the last couple of pages. But other than
` that, I don't think there's really substantive
` changes or errors that I'm aware of.
` Q. Looking at paragraph 6 of your '853
` Declaration, the first sentence reads (as read):
` One of the major themes of my
` research has been the delivery of
` multimedia content and data between
` computing devices and users.
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. Have you ever conducted any research
` related -- that you would say is related to providing
` video from a cell phone to a larger screen?
` A. So an answer with two parts. The first is
` "related to" is fairly broad. I think in a general
` sense related to in the underlying concepts and
` technologies of what's involved, is something that's
` been in an area or areas that I've worked on
` extensively.
` Based on, for example, the first sentence in
` paragraph 6 that you read, and then all the details
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` across the exhibits. More specifically, I'm thinking
` about the reception of video to cell phones and then
` potentially delivering it to other devices. I've
` done research on receiving data and cell phones,
` looking at delay loss and jitter characteristics.
` I've looked at receiving video to portable
` devices, whether or not they have cellular
` technology, I'd have to go back and see. But
` ultimately, if you look at kind of the fundamental
` technologies involved, they're really quite standard
` and overlap of much of the research that I've done.
` Q. In any of your research -- let me restart
` that question. Let me try to fine tune what I'm
` getting at.
` Did any of your research actually involve
` efforts to reproduce what was on a cellular telephone
` on a larger screen like a TV?
` A. That's a tough question to answer. The
` reason is that there are a number of papers that I've
` written that relate to receiving content, some of
` which is video, press video and audio, to cellular
` phones and mobile devices, incorporating those
` devices into networks of varying types, including
` relaying content, wireless communication.
` So for example on page 16 of 34, there's a
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` paper we published in 2006, it's number 25 on page 16
` of 34. On Exhibit 1004 to the '853 Patent that talks
` about friend relay, and it's a resource sharing frame
` network for mobile wireless devices.
` I don't remember within the context of that
` paper whether or not there was relaying of the video
` to another external display. That's the kind of
` thing I'm trying to work through in my mind in terms
` of what papers I've worked on that would identify
` that technology specifically.
` As I've testified to, we've looked at a
` large number of problems around video delivery,
` including video delivery to mobile devices. I don't
` recall whether or not any of that technology
` specifically covered receiving it and then --
` receiving it into a cell phone and then projecting it
` on to some other kind of device.
` Other papers that come to mind are in the
` context of the educational multimedia. So, for
` example, reference 28 on page 14, essentially we
` built this technology classroom where we were
` collecting audio and video, transmitting it to remote
` sites. And I believe in the context of some of those
` papers, we were thinking about students being able to
` watch this on mobile devices and potentially
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` displayed in remote classroom.
` I don't recall if within that setting,
` specifically the scenario that you described is
` contemplated or not, but it certainly might be.
` As I said also earlier that the underlying
` technology for receiving video into a cell phone and
` then relaying that video potentially for displays, is
` an idea and a concept that's been around for quite
` awhile.
` Q. I'm trying to focus on what you have done.
` I get that there's other information that we'll be
` talking about.
` Would you characterize it as a focus of your
` research to receive video or a signal that represents
` video into a cell phone and reproducing it on a
` larger screen, like a TV?
` A. In terms of a focus, I don't really think
` it's a focus. I can't identify some set of papers,
` some significant set of the 200 or so papers I've
` written, that address that point specifically.
` The best I can say is, as I testified to
` earlier, there's lots of papers where I look at the
` underlying technology that would be needed in that
` kind of scenario.
` Q. Are you a named inventor of any patents
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` about anything?
` A. I don't believe so. One of my students
` wanted to do a patent application, I think it was
` abandoned at one point, but by and large, we publish
` our contributions in technical conferences for the
` public to use.
` Q. To clarify, you mean publish as an
` alternative to patenting; is that what you're saying?
` A. That's right. Given that I work in a public
` university, we tend to publish in technical
` conferences, our papers. I don't think that there's
` intellectual property constraints on the use