`Palys, Joseph E.
`Friday, June 01, 2018 3:47 PM
`Timothy Devlin
`Jim Lennon; Modi, Naveen
`Re: [EXT] VIS IPRs and appeal
`This will work and HTC agrees (provided the details need to be worked out). We will prepare an email to the
`Board to let them know the parties are working through this.
`Joseph Palys
`Partner, Litigation Group
`Paul Hastings LLP
`On May 31, 2018, at 5:11 PM, Timothy Devlin <tdevlin@devlinlawfirm.com> wrote:
`Hi Joe, this confirms that VIS is amenable to dropping any further appellate rights (both at the
`Federal Circuit and Supreme Court), with the parties jointly moving to terminate the IPR
`proceedings. It sounded like the Board would have no issue with this approach. Please confirm
`HTC agrees.
`Timothy Devlin
`Devlin Law Firm LLC
`1306 N. Broom St., Suite 1
`Wilmington, DE 19806
`302‐449‐9011 (direct)
`302‐353‐4251 (fax)
`302‐388‐0638 (cell)
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`Page 1 of 1
`HTC America, Inc. v. Virginia Innovation Sciences, Inc.