`International Bureau
`(51) International Patent Classification © :
`(11) International Publication Number:
`WO 97/31445
`(43) International Publication Date:
`28 August 1997 (28.08.97)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`6 February 1997 (06.02.97)
`(30) Priority Data:
`9 February 1996 (09.02.96)
`1 Corazin Street, 53583 Givataim (IL).
`(72) Inventors: CARMEL, Sharon; 25 Kakal Street, 53224 Gi-
`vataim (IL). DABOOSH, Tzur; 236 Derech Ben Gurion,
`53326 Givataim (IL). REFMAN, Eli; 19 Nordoi Street,
`75265 Rishon Lezion (IL). SHANI, Naftali; 6 Hamishna
`Street, 62917 Tel Aviv CL).
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA,
`UG, UZ, VN, ARIPO patent (KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG),
`Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU,TJ, TM),
`European patent (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB,
`GR,IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ,
`CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report.
` Animation
`Images Displayed in Image Window
`as Thumbnails
`Frame Creation by dragging and
`Positioning Images in Stage Window
`1) Frame by Frame
`2) In Betweening
`Applying Inks
`Saving ‘Animation File
`(57) Abstract
`A compressed data file for real
`time display of multimedia applica-
`tions, e.g., animation, (51) on a net-
`work (11) is disclosed. The file in-
`cludes general
`information about
`animation. Also included in thefile are
`complete segment blocks of informa-
`tion (65, 67) representing single frames
`in the animation. Each frame is made
`up of multiple images (layers) which
`are overlapped. Each image is made
`up of vector objects. Display of the
`file is conducted through asynchronous
`transfer of data so that as a frame is
`displayed, the next frameis transmitted
`and received by an end user for imme-
`diate display.
`Object Vector
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`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international
`applications under the PCT.
`Viet Nam
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People’s Republic
`of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Céte d'Ivoire
`Czech Republic
`Page 2 of 33
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
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`WO 97/31445
`This invention relates to a method and system for building data
`files for transmission overa network for display to an enduserin real
`time. More particularly, the invention relates to such a file and system
`for use on a network which is more commonly known as global
`computer networks connected by common protocols, such as the
`network known by the term “Internet.” The data transmitted,
`accordance with the invention, is transmitted using an asynchronous
`transfer of data through the existing transfer of data protocol of the
`network, whichin the case of the Internet, such a transfer protocol, is
`knownas an FTP,i-e., file transfer protocol.
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`WO 97/31445
`The invention relates to a method of building data files, the data
`files built, and the transfer of data from suchfiles for the purposes of
`delivering real time animation to an end user, and the real time display
`to an end user, over a network,particularly global computer networks
`connected by commonprotocols, such as the Internet.
`For purposesof this disclosure, by the term “network” is meant
`at least two computers connected through a physical communication
`line which can be hardwired, or virtual, such as satellite or other
`wireless communications. A computer can mean a personal computer,
`server, or other similar-type device capable of receiving, transmitting,
`and/or manipulating data for such purposesas, but not limited to,
`display ona display unit connected thereto.
`Presently there are no standardsfor real time transmission and
`display of multimedia programs and/or applications on such global
`computer networkssuchas the Internet. The reason whysuchrealtime
`transmissions and displaysare not possible,is that the data transferrates
`necessary for multimedia applications are measured in 50 to 110
`kilobytes per second, whereas the average data transfer lines in such
`networks, for an end user having a 14.4 b.p.s. modem,can only handle
`a maximum of 1
`to 1.5 kilobytes per second. Thus, real
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`WO 97/31445
`transmission and display of multimedia applications, such as animation,
`is impossible because of the physicallimitations of existing wiring when
`considering present-day modem compression techniques.
`Thus, the present invention avoids the limitations of the prior art
`and provides a system, data format, and method of conveying and
`operating on data over a network to provide real time multimediaplay,
`including display, particularly, a real time display of animation.
`the invention is directed to storage media
`In one aspect,
`containing data for playing multimedia applications, particularly for
`display of animation. The storage media includesa first block of data
`madeupof general information for an entire animationfile. A plurality
`of segment information blocks make up the rest of the data for
`displaying the animation.
`Each segment information block is made up ofa first and a
`second section. The first section of the segment information block
`includes general information data about a segment, including data
`identifying the frame identification for the respective segment, and data
`identifying the numberof layers in the frame. Thefirst section also
`includes data making up information about each layer in the frame,
`including data identifying the layer identification for the respective
`frame, data identifying the image, data defining the placementof the
`layer on the frame, and ink data.
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`WO 97/31445
`The second section is made up of image data, for each imagein
`a frame, and includes imageidentification data, background color data,
`width and height of image data, and data identifying the numberof
`objects in the respective image. The second section also includes object
`data for each object, which is made up of identification of object-type
`data, enclosing rectangle data,fill-in background and foreground data,
`fill-pattern data, pen-pattern data, line-size data, and ink data.
`In another aspect, the invention is directed to a method of
`building a data file for use in displaying real time animation. The
`methodincludesthe steps of building images by storing of vector objects
`in an image data file. The built images are displayed in windowsas
`“thumbnails,” hereinafter defined. The respective frames of the
`animation are built by positioning images in a stage window for each
`frame. A timeline is then defined for the frames byat least one of: 1)
`sequentially arranging the frames; or 2) for frames having a common
`image, constructing a start frame and an end frame using the common
`image, leaving (1- n) empty frames between the defined start and end
`frame, and using a predetermined function, as will be readily apparent
`to those skilled in the art, to create the remaining frames from the empty
`frames, from the common image. This is known as an “in-betweening”
`function, as will be readily apparent to those skilled in this art. The
`transparency ink for the frame data is then defined, and the data is
`stored as animationfile for later transmissionof the data file and display
`of an animation in real time.
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`WO 97/31445
`In yet still another aspect, a method of the invention includes a
`method of displaying real
`time multimedia data,
`in particular,
`animation, from data stored on storage media, as previously described.
`The methodincludes the steps of, through asynchronous transmission,
`retrieving and storing the first block of data which is comprised of
`general information. Retrieving the first segment of information block
`of a plurality of segment information blocks, and whena full segment
`information blockis retrieved, displaying a frame of the animation while
`simultaneously retrieving the next segment information block as the
`frameof the animation is displayed. These steps are then repeated until
`the numberof frames in the animation defined in the first block of data
`has been retrieved and displayed.
`The preferred embodiments of this invention will now be
`described by way of example, with reference to the drawings
`accompanyingthis specification in which:
`FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a network of the type in which
`the invention is implemented, particularly global computer networks
`connected by commonprotocols such as the Internet;
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`WO 97/31445
`FIG. 2 illustrates a typical end user computer on which the
`multimedia software, particularly animation, in accordance with the
`invention, can be operated and displayed;
`FIG.3 illustrates a typical computer and the components thereof
`on whichthe invention can be implemented;
`FIG. 4 is a block diagramillustrating a multimedia, specifically,
`animation,file formatted in accordance with the invention;
`FIGS.5a and 5b, respectively,illustrate an image paint window,
`and a tools window,in accordance with the invention, which are used
`for creating the multimedia,i.e., animation,file, in accordance with the
`system of the invention;
`FIG. 6 is a two-part diagram illustrating how an image window
`with image thumbnails created, in accordance with the invention, is
`used to create a stage window having numerousobjects therein as
`FIG. 7 is a time-line window illustrating how the frames and
`layérs of the animation in accordance with the invention are assembled;
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`WO 97/31445
`FIG. 8 illustrates a typical video-panel window whichcan be used
`by an animation creator, using the editor software of the invention, to
`review created animationatall times prior to completing creation of an
`animation file; and
`FIG.9 is a flow chartillustrating how the system, in accordance
`with the invention, can be used to create an animationfile.
`FIG.1 illustrates a typical network on which the invention can be
`implemented. As noted previously, for purposesofthis disclosure, the
`term “network” shall mean at least two computers connected for
`communications through communication lines which can be hard wired
`or virtual, such as satellite communications. In a more preferred form,
`the invention is implemented on global computer networks made up of
`multiple networks connected by commonprotocols, such as the network
`presently known asthe “Internet.” Such a network consists of multiple
`computers, including, for example, but not limited to such devices as
`servers, and end user computers, such as personal computers, all
`connected throughtelephonelines, or other communication links, both
`physical and wireless.
`As previously explained, in order to achieve a display of real
`time, multimedia applications such as animation, average data
`transmission rates of 50 to 100 kilobytes per second are required, while
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`WO 97/31445
`current existing telephone lines are only capable of handling 1 to 1.5
`kilobytes per second. Thus, achieving real time display of animation
`with current data carrying capabilities is impossible.
`Asillustrated in FIG. 1, a network 11, of the type on which the
`invention may be
`consists of plural network
`interconnections 17, and multiple computers such as servers 13,
`identified as servers 13, - 13,, and end user computers, such as computer
`A typical end user computer15, as further illustrated in FIG. 2,
`will include a main computer unit 19, with peripherals such as a
`keyboard 21, mouse 25, and display 23 connected thereto. Computer 19
`may be connected by a telephoneline 27, either physically or through
`wireless connections, to the network interconnections 17 of FIG. 1.
`Asfurtherillustrated in FIG. 3, the main computer portion 19
`includes, and this is equally applicable to servers 13 of FIG. 1, typically
`a central processing unit 29 connected to random access memory 31 and
`read only memory 33. Random access memory 31 is used to download
`programsandto operate the computerunit 19, in cooperation with the
`central processing unit 29. Read only memory 33 includes certain
`computerroutines configuring how the computer operates suchasits
`basic input/output system (BIOS). The computer15 canalsoinclude a
`direct access storage device 35, such as a hard drive, as well as a
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`WO 97/31445
`removable storage media drive 37 for floppy discs and/or CD ROM
`applications. A modem 39 serves to connect the computer 19 to the
`network 17.
`In order to implementthe invention, which includes a method of
`building a multimediafile, such as an animationfile, the animationfile
`itself and a method of transmitting and using the animation file to
`display a real time multimedia application, such as an animation,it
`becomes necessary to cut downthe information passed through the
`network down to the minimum required for display of an animationfile
`on a frame-by-framebasis. Thus, in accordance with the invention, each
`complete information unit that is sufficient to display a frame, will be
`defined as a “segment” hereafter. By using the techniques of the
`invention, data transmission rates can be kept to about no more than 200
`bytes per second, well below current data transmission rate capability
`Referring now to FIG. 4, a typical animation file formatted in
`accordance with the inventionis illustrated.
`is generally
`in accordance with FIG. 4,
`The animation file,
`designated with the number51, and includesa first block of information
`53. Thefirst block of information which is passed to an end user over
`the network through asynchronousFTP,i.e., file transfer protocol, in a
`manner which is conventional and well known to those in theart,
`contains general
`information about
`the animation and includes
`information about the width 55 and height 57 of the animation display.
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`WO 97/31445
`The width 55 and height 57 information typically consists of no more
`than 2 bytes. A record 59 defines the frames per second orrate of
`displaying frames and is typically made up of no morethan 1 byte.
`Record 61 defines the total number of images and makes up no more
`than 2 bytes, while record 63 identifies the total numberof frames and
`makes up no morethan 2 bytes.
`For purposesofthis disclosure, it should be noted that a “frame”
`consists of a complete picture whichis displayed as part of a sequence
`of multiple frames in the animation. Each frame is madeupoflayers,
`and in the present form ofthe invention, can be up to 5 layers, although
`it is contemplated,as will be readily apparentto those of ordinaryskill
`in the art, that up to 200 layers can be provided. The layers can be made
`up of images, or can simply be a layer without an image. Thus, when
`eachlayeris an image, then a frame can be madeupofupto five images
`in the current embodiment, and more, as may be apparentto those of
`ordinary skill in the art. Each imageis itself made up of objects, which,
`as explained hereafter, are vector objects consisting of polygons, circles,
`or other such shapes.
`In accordance with the invention, after an end user receives the
`general information block, the block is stored by the end user computer
`for use during display of the animation. Segment blocks are then
`transmitted to the end user. As noted, each complete information unit
`that will be used to display a frameis, for purposesof this disclosure,
`called a segment.
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`WO 97/31445
`Thus, in operation,after receiving the general information block
`53, an end user then receives segment blocks coming sequentially, one
`after each other, until the end of the animation. The advantage of
`knowing from the general information block 53 the total numberof
`frames in animation, is that a delimiter need not be set after each
`complete segmentis received in order to terminate the program after a
`predetermined numberof segments count has been reached.
`In order to know whena full segment has been loaded that can
`be displayed, two bytesare transmitted before each segmentto identify
`the length of the segment. This segment information is part of segment
`information section 65 and is identified as frame identification
`information 69. In this manner, time is saved as the system need not
`check, with conditional code, each and every byte for a segment
`delimiter, but instead, a predetermined amountof datais read initially
`in advance. Thus, upon receiving a complete segment information, a
`subroutine is executed at the end user to display the specific frame
`received on the screen. Simultaneously, the next segment is being
`transmitted through an asynchronousFTP.
`As previously discussed, each segment is constructed as two
`sections. Section oneis the general segment information section 65 and
`includes the previously discussed frameidentification (ID) information
`69, made upof up to 2 bytes, and information 71 identifying the number
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`WO 97/31445
`of layers, and making up approximately 1 byte of information. Layer
`information is also providedin the form of layer information blocks 73,-
`73,, with each layer information box 73 providing a layer identification
`(ID) number. In this regard, the layer identification (ID) numberwill be
`0 if the layer is identical to the previous one.
`If the layer is not identical to the previous one, then the layer
`identification (ID) will be made up of 1 byte. A mode identification (ID),
`whichis reserved for implementing interactivity functions, consists of
`1 byte, and an image identification (ID) used to identify a particular
`image, and consisting of up to 2 bytes of information, is also provided.
`The X,Y locations ofthe particular layer are also provided in the form of
`X and Y coordinates and is made up of general information of up to 4
`bytes, and ink information for the layer, made up ofup to 1 byte,is also
`The second segment information section 67 provides general
`image information and includes a first block 75 which includes the
`imageidentification (ID), which is made upof up to 2 bytes, background
`color which is made ofup to 1 byte, width and height information which
`is made upof up to 2 bytes, and numberof objects in the image which
`is made upofup to 1 byte.
`There can be up to 255 objects in an image and object information
`is passed in the form of blocks 77,-77,. Each object block 77 includes a
`definition of the object type, for example, whether the object is a
`rectangle orcircle, and this information is made up of up to 1 byte. A
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`WO 97/31445
`definition of an enclosing rectangle for the object, i.e., the minimum size
`rectangle within which a particular object can befit, made upof up to 4
`bytes, is also provided. In addition,thefill-in color information for the
`foreground andthe backgroundis provided andis madeup ofupto 2
`bytes. The pen color for the foreground and the backgroundis also
`provided andeachis madeupof up to 2 bytes. Thefill pattern, as well
`as the pen pattern is also provided, each respectively made up of up to
`1 byte. Finally, line size and pixel information, making up to 1 byte
`each,is also provided aswell as ink information, making up to 1 byte,
`for a total of 13 bytes per object.
`In addition to the object information, optional special information
`can be provided such as a sequence of X and Y coordinates for polygonal
`shapes, if any. Other types of special information includes “center/X
`radius, Y-radius”informationif the objectis a circle, or “centerplusstart
`angle and end angle” information if the object is an arch. In addition,
`text information, includingcolor, size, font, alignment, and text itself,
`can also be provided.
`It will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art that the
`animation file,
`in accordance with the invention, can be further
`compressed to accommodate both sound andinteractivity functions.
`Specifically, further compression of data, once the basic concept
`described above is known, can be achieved by currently available
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`WO 97/31445
`character and ASCII compression techniques using conventional pattern
`recognition. By achieving such a compression, sound can then be
`provided with the animationfile.
`Sounddata,as is readily apparent, is the same as animation data
`in thatit is pure digital data. Thus, to provide sound capabilities with
`the compressed data format of the invention, conventional sound
`transmission techniques, such as those currently commercially available
`from Real Audio Co., can be displayed.
`In addition, interactivity can be provided in the system. Thisis
`done by modifyingthe architecture to accept inputs such asa clicking on
`a mouse,orafter a period of time has expired. The software residentat
`the end user computercan be modified to define “hot”areas on a screen
`so that, e.g., when a user with a mouse clicks on the hotarea, the
`asynchronous transmission is terminated and diverted to another
`An example of such an interactivity change mayinvolveclicking
`on a gamecharacterto shoot another game character. If a bullet hits the
`other game character,thefile transfer is aborted and a new transfer may
`commence showing the characterhit by the bullet andfalling.
`Having described the general formatof an animationfile, created
`in accordance with the processof the invention, the following describes
`how suchafile is to be built. Specifically, reference is madeto FIGS. 5a
`and 5b. FIG. 5a illustrates, in schematic form, an image paint window.
`FIG.5billustrates a tools window, implemented in accordancewith the
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`WO 97/31445
`editor program of the invention, which allows construction of an
`In accordance with the process employed by the editor program
`of the invention, an image paint window 91 is set up on a computer
`display on which the animationis being built. A person using the editor
`drawsan imagein the image window 91. The imageis constructed out
`of vector objects 93 and 95, for example, a polygon anda circle. This is
`doneby using conventional vector drawing tools and functions from the
`tool window97 ofFIG. 5b,asillustrated, for example, by tool function
`line 99, circle 101, and rotate 103, as will be readily apparent to one of
`ordinaryskill in the art.
`In implementing the editor of the invention,it will be apparent to
`those of ordinary skill in the art that there are currently over seventy
`conventional vector tools and functions readily available for creating
`drawings, such asa line, rectangle, circle, polygon, etc. Additional
`functions suchas rotation, distortion, etc. can be applied to the vector
`objects in a conventional manner. The objects are generated in an
`overlay environment. As such, the objects can be shuffled back and
`forth with respect to each other to create different overlays and
`After the imageis completed,it is stored as a single unit. As such,
`the objects constructed cannot be individually manipulated during the
`animation, and they form a fixed portion of the image.
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`WO 97/31445
`FIG. 6 illustrates construction of a stage window from images
`which have been created andare displayed on an image window. The
`image window 111 displays images 113-119 as image thumbnails,i.e., as
`captioned thumbnails, as will be readily apparentto those of ordinary
`skill in the art. A frame is then constructed by dragging the image
`thumbnails into a stage window 121 which,asillustrated, shows images
`117 and 119, after dragging into the stage window 121. The stage
`window 121 emulates the actual stream portion that the animation will
`be played on. The frames andlayers created are then assembled in a
`time-line window,as generallyillustrated in FIG.7.
`Having thus created animation, the person using the editor
`program can then review the animation using a video panel window,as
`created in a touch screen form,in a conventional manner,asillustrated
`in FIG. 8, similar to the functions provided on a tapeplayer.
`Thus, as further illustrated in the flow chart of FIG. 9, the
`animation, in accordance with the invention,is created in accordance
`with the flow chart 131 of FIG. 9. As shown in FIG. 9,thefirst step of
`creating an animation file involves building images at a step 133, as
`previously described. The images can be built by importing objects,
`specifically, vector objects 135, functions 137, which create the objects, or
`alternatively, objects created by conventional software and imported at
`a step 139. At step 141, the images are then displayed in an image
`windowas thumbnails. A frameis then created at step 143 by dragging
`and positioning images in the stage window. The animation is then
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`WO 97/31445
`created at step 145 ona frame-by-frame basis, or by using an “in-
`between”function. The in-between function is hereafter described. Ink
`is then applied at step 147, and after constructing the animation
`sequence, the frame per/secondrate for the animation is encoded into
`the file at step 149, and the entire animation file,
`in a format in
`accordance with the invention,is then saved at step 151.
`By “in between” function is meant a conventional technique
`which takes a base set of data and avoids repeating it in a manner
`duplicating it for repetitive instances in which it appears in a file. An
`example of how an “in between”function is implementedcanbea first
`frame showing an object suchas a ball in an upperrightlocation. The
`last frame showstheball in the lowerleft location. The “in between”
`function is used to generate imagesoftheball in transition from one
`frame to the next
`in either a linear progression, or exponential
`progression, depending uponthe type of function chosen, as will be
`readily apparent to those of ordinary skill in the art.
`Havingthusdescribed the invention, the samewill becomebetter
`understood from the followingclaims viewed in a non-limiting manner.
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`WO 97/31445
`Storage media containing data for displaying animation,
`characterized by:
`a first block of data comprised of general information for an entire
`a plurality of segment information blocks making up therest of
`the data for displaying animation, each segment information block
`comprisedof first and secondsections;
`said first section made upof:
`1) general information data about a segmentincluding:
`a) data identifying the frame identification for
`respective segment, and
`b) data identifying the numberof layers in the frame; and
`2) data comprised of information about each layer in the frame
`a) data identifying the layer
`identification for
`respective frame,
`b) data identifying the image,
`c) data defining the placementof the layer on the frame,
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`WO 97/31445
`d) ink data; and
`said second section madeupof;
`1) image data, for each image in a frame, made upof,
`a) image identification data,
`b) backgroundcolordata,
`c) width and height of image, and
`d) data identifying the numberof objects in the respective
`image, and
`2) object data for each object madeupof,
`a) identification of object-type data,
`b) enclosing rectangle data,
`c) fill-in background and foregrounddata,
`d) pen background and foregrounddate,
`e) fill pattern data,
`f) pen pattern data,
`g) line size data, and
`h) ink data.
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`WO 97/31445
`A method of building a datafile for use in displaying real time
`animation, characterized by the steps of:
`a) building imagesby storing vector objects in an imagedatafile,
`b) displaying built images in image windowsas thumbnails,
`c) building respective frames by positioning images in a stage
`window for each frame,
`d) defining a time line for the frames byatleast one of;
`1) sequentially arranging the frames, and
`2) for frames having a common image, constructinga start
`frame an end frame using the common image, leaving (1-n) empty
`frames betweenthe start and the end frame, and using a predetermined
`function to create the remaining frames from the empty frames from
`said commonimage,
`e) defining transparencyinksto the frame data, and
`f) storing the data as an animationfile for later transmission of the
`data file and displaying of an animationasreal time.
`A methodof displaying real time animation from data stored on
`storage media as in claim 1, characterized by the steps of, through
`a) retrieving and storing said first block of data comprised of
`general information,
`b) retrieving a first segment information block of a plurality of
`segmentinformation blocks, and whenafull segmentinformation block
`is received, displaying a frame of said animation,
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`WO 97/31445
`c) retrieving the next segment information block as a frameof
`said animationis displayed, and
`d) repeating said retrieval of segment information blocks and
`display of frames until the numberof frames in said animation defined
`in said first block of data has been retrieved and displayed.
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`WO 97/31445
`13 .
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`WO 97/31445
`FIG. 2
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`WO 97/31445
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`WO 97/31445
`General Information
`Applies for the
`Whole Animation
`Segment Information
`Section |
`Segment Information
`Section 2
`2 bytes
`I byte
`2 bytes
`2 bytes

`Layer ID (Layer#1)
`Image ID
`X,Y Location
`¢General Segment

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