`PTO/SB/05 (08 -08)
`Approved for use through 09130/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are reauired to respond to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid OM B control number.
`Attorney Docket No.
`First Inventor
`Teiiun WanQ
`37 CFR 1.53(8))
`Express Mail Label No.
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313·1450
`1. 0
`2. 0
`3. 0
`Fee Transmittal Form (e.g .. PTO/SBl17)
`Applicant cla lms small entity status.
`See 37 CFR 1.27.
`(Total Pages
`Both the claims and abstract rrust start on a new page
`(For infonnalion on the preferred atrangement, ... MPEP li08.01(a))
`[Total Sheets
`5. Oath or Declaration
`[Total Sheets
`4. 0 Draw1ng(s) (35 U.S.C. 113)
`a. D Newly executed (original or copy)
`b 0 A copy from a prior application (37 CF R 1.63(d))
`6. 0 Application Data Sheet. See 37 CFR 1.76
`1. D CD-ROM or CD-R in duplicate, large table or
`D Landscape Table on CD
`Computer Program (Appendix)
`8. Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`(if applicable, items a.
`c. are required)
`a. D Computer Readable Form (CRF)
`· X
`(for continuation/divisional with Box 1 B completed)

`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s) name i1 the
`prior application, see 37 CFR 1.63(d)(2) and 1.33;b).
`9. D Assignment Papers (cover sheet & document(s))
`Name of Assignee
`10 D 37 CFR 3.73(b) Statement oPowerof

`(when there is an assignee)
`English Translation Document (if applicable)
`lnfonnatlon Disclosure Statement (PTOISBI08 or PT0-1449)
`D Copies of citations atta~hed
`13. D Preliminary Amendment
`14. 0 Ret11m Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specifically itemized)
`Certified Copy of Priority Document(s)
`(if foreign priority is claimed)
`16. D Nonpubllcatlon Request under 35 U.S.C.122 (b)(2)(B)(i).
`Applicant must attach form PTO/SBl35 or equivalent.
`Specification Sequence Listing on:
`i. 0 CD-ROM or CD-R (2 copies); or
`ii. 0Paper
`17. 0other:
`COPY: Submission of Revocation of Power of
`Attorney and New Power of Attorney
`c. D Statements verifying identity of above copies
`18. If a CONTINUING APPLICATION, check appropriate box, and supply the requisite infonnation below and in the first sentence of the
`specification following the title, or in an Application Data Sheet under 37 CFR 1. 76:
`of prior application No.: . ________ .t1D 6.§J_1_1__ ______
`Prior application infonnation: Examiner
`Brandon J. Miller
`Art Unit:
`0 Continua! ion D Divisional D Continuation-in-part (CIP)
`0 The address associated with Customer Number: I
`OR D Correspondence address below
`Christopher M. Tobin
`1233 20th Street, N.W.
`Suite 501
`Washington.., r " I State .VI
`J Tele~e I !t02) 955-3750 I Email
`us J' A
`/ /
`Christop'li<r ~p(n '-""'
`I Zip Code I
`Registration No.
`January 21, 2011
`Page 1 of 372


`PTO/SB/17 (10-08)
`Approved for use through 09/30/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no oerson are reauired to respand to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid OMB control number
`Complete if Known
`Not Yet Assigned
`Concurrently Herewith
`Not Yet Assigned
`Effective on 12/0812004.
`Fees pursuant kl the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (H.R. 4818). Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket No.
`Art Unit
`Deposit Account Name: Rader, Fishman & Grauer PLLC
`For the above-identified deposit account, the Director is hereby authorized to: (check all that apply)
`D Charge fee(s) indicated below, except for the filing fee
`For FY 2009
`rXl Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27
`I ($)
`METHOD OF PAYMENT (check all that apply)
`D Money Order DNone D Other (please identify):
`Ocheck D Credit Card
`0 Deposit Account Deposit Account Numb1r.
`0 Charge fee(s) indicated below
`0 Charge any additional fee(s) or underpayments of
`0 Credit any overpayments
`fee(s) under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1. 17
`Small Enti!x
`Small Entitt
`A1212llcatlon TJll!e
`Fee Descrletion
`Each claim over 20 (including Reissues)
`Each independent claim over 3 (including Reissues)
`Multiple dependent claims
`Total Claims
`Extra Claims ~ Fee Paid j$)
`-20 or HP
`HP= highest number of total claims paid for,~ greater than 20.
`Extra Claims ~ Fee Paid j$)
`lnde12. Claims
`-3 or HP=
`HP= highest number of independent claims paid for,~ greater than 3.
`Fees Paid lil
`Small Entitl
`Small Enti!x
`Multi12le De12endent Claims
`Fee Paid Iii
`If the specification and drawings exceed I 00 sheets of paper (excluding electronically filed sequence or computer
`listings under 37 CFR 1.52(e)), the application size fee due is $270 ($135 for small entity) for each additional 50
`sheets or fraction thereo( See 35 U.S.C. 4J(a)(l)(G) and 37 CFR l.16(s).
`Total Sheets
`Extra Sheets
`Number of each additional 50 or fraction thereof
`-100 =
`/50 =
`(round up to a whole number) x
`Non-English Specification, $130 fee (no small entity discount)
`Other (e.g., late filing sur;;a{gtj\ ~
`Fee Paid lil
`Fees Paid Iii
`SUBMITTED BY ~ rJ ........_I H"- __,
`f .) /~ Registration No.
`Name (PrinVType) Christopher M~j6bin
`(202) 955-3750
`January 21, 2011
`Page 2 of 372


`PTO/SB/05 (08 -08)
`Approved for use through 09130/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are reauired to respond to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid OM B control number.
`Attorney Docket No.
`First Inventor
`Teiiun WanQ
`37 CFR 1.53(8))
`Express Mail Label No.
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313·1450
`1. 0
`2. 0
`3. 0
`Fee Transmittal Form (e.g .. PTO/SBl17)
`Applicant cla lms small entity status.
`See 37 CFR 1.27.
`(Total Pages
`Both the claims and abstract rrust start on a new page
`(For infonnalion on the preferred atrangement, ... MPEP li08.01(a))
`[Total Sheets
`5. Oath or Declaration
`[Total Sheets
`4. 0 Draw1ng(s) (35 U.S.C. 113)
`a. D Newly executed (original or copy)
`b 0 A copy from a prior application (37 CF R 1.63(d))
`6. 0 Application Data Sheet. See 37 CFR 1.76
`1. D CD-ROM or CD-R in duplicate, large table or
`D Landscape Table on CD
`Computer Program (Appendix)
`8. Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`(if applicable, items a.
`c. are required)
`a. D Computer Readable Form (CRF)
`· X
`(for continuation/divisional with Box 1 B completed)

`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s) name i1 the
`prior application, see 37 CFR 1.63(d)(2) and 1.33;b).
`9. D Assignment Papers (cover sheet & document(s))
`Name of Assignee
`10 D 37 CFR 3.73(b) Statement oPowerof

`(when there is an assignee)
`English Translation Document (if applicable)
`lnfonnatlon Disclosure Statement (PTOISBI08 or PT0-1449)
`D Copies of citations atta~hed
`13. D Preliminary Amendment
`14. 0 Ret11m Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specifically itemized)
`Certified Copy of Priority Document(s)
`(if foreign priority is claimed)
`16. D Nonpubllcatlon Request under 35 U.S.C.122 (b)(2)(B)(i).
`Applicant must attach form PTO/SBl35 or equivalent.
`Specification Sequence Listing on:
`i. 0 CD-ROM or CD-R (2 copies); or
`ii. 0Paper
`17. 0other:
`COPY: Submission of Revocation of Power of
`Attorney and New Power of Attorney
`c. D Statements verifying identity of above copies
`18. If a CONTINUING APPLICATION, check appropriate box, and supply the requisite infonnation below and in the first sentence of the
`specification following the title, or in an Application Data Sheet under 37 CFR 1. 76:
`of prior application No.: . ________ .t1D 6.§J_1_1__ ______
`Prior application infonnation: Examiner
`Brandon J. Miller
`Art Unit:
`0 Continua! ion D Divisional D Continuation-in-part (CIP)
`0 The address associated with Customer Number: I
`OR D Correspondence address below
`Christopher M. Tobin
`1233 20th Street, N.W.
`Suite 501
`Washington.., r " I State .VI
`J Tele~e I !t02) 955-3750 I Email
`us J' A
`/ /
`Christop'li<r ~p(n '-""'
`I Zip Code I
`Registration No.
`January 21, 2011
`Page 3 of 372


`PTO/SB/17 (10-08)
`Approved for use through 09/30/2010. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no oerson are reauired to respand to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid OMB control number
`Complete if Known
`Not Yet Assigned
`Concurrently Herewith
`Not Yet Assigned
`Effective on 12/0812004.
`Fees pursuant kl the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2005 (H.R. 4818). Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket No.
`Art Unit
`Deposit Account Name: Rader, Fishman & Grauer PLLC
`For the above-identified deposit account, the Director is hereby authorized to: (check all that apply)
`D Charge fee(s) indicated below, except for the filing fee
`For FY 2009
`rXl Applicant claims small entity status. See 37 CFR 1.27
`I ($)
`METHOD OF PAYMENT (check all that apply)
`D Money Order DNone D Other (please identify):
`Ocheck D Credit Card
`0 Deposit Account Deposit Account Numb1r.
`0 Charge fee(s) indicated below
`0 Charge any additional fee(s) or underpayments of
`0 Credit any overpayments
`fee(s) under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1. 17
`Small Enti!x
`Small Entitt
`A1212llcatlon TJll!e
`Fee Descrletion
`Each claim over 20 (including Reissues)
`Each independent claim over 3 (including Reissues)
`Multiple dependent claims
`Total Claims
`Extra Claims ~ Fee Paid j$)
`-20 or HP
`HP= highest number of total claims paid for,~ greater than 20.
`Extra Claims ~ Fee Paid j$)
`lnde12. Claims
`-3 or HP=
`HP= highest number of independent claims paid for,~ greater than 3.
`Fees Paid lil
`Small Entitl
`Small Enti!x
`Multi12le De12endent Claims
`Fee Paid Iii
`If the specification and drawings exceed I 00 sheets of paper (excluding electronically filed sequence or computer
`listings under 37 CFR 1.52(e)), the application size fee due is $270 ($135 for small entity) for each additional 50
`sheets or fraction thereo( See 35 U.S.C. 4J(a)(l)(G) and 37 CFR l.16(s).
`Total Sheets
`Extra Sheets
`Number of each additional 50 or fraction thereof
`-100 =
`/50 =
`(round up to a whole number) x
`Non-English Specification, $130 fee (no small entity discount)
`Other (e.g., late filing sur;;a{gtj\ ~
`Fee Paid lil
`Fees Paid Iii
`SUBMITTED BY ~ rJ ........_I H"- __,
`f .) /~ Registration No.
`Name (PrinVType) Christopher M~j6bin
`(202) 955-3750
`January 21, 2011
`Page 4 of 372


`Application Data Sheet
`Application Information
`Application Type::
`Subject Matter::
`Suggested Group Art Unit::
`CD-ROM or CD-R?::
`Sequence submission?::
`Computer Readable Form (CRF)?::
`Attorney Docket Number::
`Request for Early Publication?::
`Request for Non-Publication?::
`Total Drawing Sheets::
`Small Entity?::
`Petition included?::
`Secrecy Order in Parent Appl.?::
`Applicant Information
`Applicant Authority Type::
`Primary Citizenship Country::
`People's Republic of China
`Full Capacity
`Page# 1
`Initial 01/21/11
`Page 5 of 372


`Given Name::
`Family Name::
`City of Residence::
`State or Province of Residence::
`Country of Residence::
`La Jolla
`Street of mailing address::
`9162 Regents Road, Apt. 1
`City of mailing address::
`La Jolla
`State or Province of mailing address::
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address::
`Applicant Authority Type::
`Primary Citizenship Country::
`Given Name::
`Middle Name::
`Family Name::
`Full Capacity
`City of Residence::
`State or Province of Residence::
`Country of Residence::
`Street of mailing address::
`3342 Maud St. N.W.
`City of mailing address::
`State or Province of mailing address::
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address::
`Page# 2
`Initial 01121111
`Page 6 of 372


`Applicant Authority Type::
`Primary Citizenship Country::
`People's Republic of China
`Given Name::
`Middle Name::
`Family Name::
`City of Residence::
`State or Province of Residence::
`Country of Residence::
`Full Capacity
`Street of mailing address::
`1600 S. Joyce St. #1406
`City of mailing address::
`State or Province of mailing address::
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address::
`Applicant Authority Type::
`Primary Citizenship Country::
`People's Republic of China
`Given Name::
`Family Name::
`City of Residence::
`Full Capacity
`Country of Residence::
`People's Republic of China
`Street of mailing address::
`Beijing Technology and Business University
`Page# 3
`Initial 01121111
`Page 7 of 372


`East Campus, Building No. A2, Room 134
`City of mailing address::
`Country of mailing address::
`People's Republic of China
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address:: 100037
`Correspondence Information
`Correspondence Customer Number::
`Representative Information
`Representative Customer Number::
`Domestic Priority Information
`This Application
`Continuity Type::
`Continuation of
`Non-provisional of
`Parent Application:: Parent Filing Date::
`Assignee Information
`Assignee name::
`SellerBid, Inc.
`Street of mailing address::
`1600 S. Joyce St. #1406
`City of mailing address::
`State or Province of mailing address::
`Postal or Zip Code of mailing address:: 22202
`Page# 4
`Initial 01/21/11
`Page 8 of 372


`Tiejun Wang
`William E. Halal
`Tiehong Wang
`Ximing Wang
`This application is a continuation of United States application serial number
`11/165,341, filed on June 24, 2005 and entitled "Mobile Terminal Signal Conversion for
`External Display," which claims the benefit of provisional application serial number
`60/588,358, filed on July 16, 2004 and entitled "A Method and System for Displaying the
`Multimedia Information from Wireless Communications or Portable IT Devices." The entire
`contents of these applications are hereby incorporated by reference.
`Field of the Invention
`This invention relates generally to mobile terminals and related technology and
`more particularly to mobile terminal signal conversion for external display.
`Description of the Related Art
`Handheld mobile terminals (e.g., cellular phones, personal digital assistants
`(PDA)) continue to evolve both in terms of execution platform and functionality. It is
`believed that the much of the functionality provided by a personal computer (e.g., desktop or
`laptop) will ultimately become virtually available in handheld mobile terminals, which will
`allow users to work with and access multimedia information any time and anywhere.
`Docket No. WAN-000/ICON
`Page 9 of 372


`For example, one particularly appealing advantage of the next generation
`wireless communication system and beyond (i.e., 3G, 4G, etc.) is the capacity to support high
`rate multimedia data services as well as conventional voice services. In a conventional
`cellular system a mobile terminal communicates with a base station wirelessly. Multimedia
`information including but not limited to television, 30 images, network games, and video
`phone calls is transmitted from various service providers and received for display on the
`screen of a mobile terminal. The net result of such a system is rich multimedia information
`being destined for display on the small screens typical of cellular phones (or the like).
`In these and similar systems, the mobile terminal functions as a multimedia
`terminal to display multimedia information (including high-resolution graphics and high(cid:173)
`quality real-time audio/video) sent from high data rate wireless communications network.
`The limited size (e.g., 2x3") and capability of the mobile terminal screen may render
`enjoyment of the high rate data flow applications "inconvenient, and in some instances
`useless. One consequence of this inadequacy is likely shrinkage of the potential market size
`for handheld mobile terminals. Indeed, some have suggested that development of high data
`rate systems such as 3G systems may be pointless given the limitations imposed by the small
`Some mobile units appear to provide a remote control function to an external
`display system. However, these do not appear to solve the small screen problem outlined
`above. That is, they do not accommodate display on a larger, external display of video and
`other multimedia information originally destined for the mobile terminal display screen.
`For example, one such interface accommodates usage of the mobile terminal as
`a remote control for a television, by feeding programming guide information to the mobile
`terminal. This is useful for allowing the programming guide to be viewed locally while the
`Docket No. WAN-0001/CON
`Page 10 of 372


`larger screen displays a current program, but does not address to the above-described small
`screen problem.
`Although mobile terminals have been developed to include enhanced signal
`processing and related capabilities, user enjoyment is diminished by the limitations of the
`display provided with such mobile terminals. What is needed is a solution to the problem of
`diminished user enjoyment of mobile terminals because of display limitations.
`Docket No. WAN-0001/CON
`Page 11 of 372


`In accordance with the present invention, the multimedia signal destined for the
`mobile terminal is converted and provided to an external display system, so that the
`corresponding video and/or audio may be reproduced using the external system.
`It is believed that this feature will be useful in various environments, including
`but not limited to transportation environments such as planes, trains and automobiles; hotels;
`waiting areas; and any location where high data rate services can be more fully supported by
`external display terminals.
`According to one aspect, processing signals for reproduction by an external
`display terminal includes receiving a video signal that accommodates a video display on a
`first screen provided by the mobile terminal. The video signal is then processed to provide a
`converted video signal appropriate for an external display terminal that is separate from the
`mobile terminal. This converted video signal is then provided for the external display
`terminal to accommodate the corresponding video display on a screen provided by the
`external display terminal.
`The present invention can be embodied in various forms, including business
`processes, computer implemented methods, computer program products, computer systems
`and networks, user interfaces, application programming interfaces, and the like.
`Docket No. WAN-0001/CON
`Page 12 of 372


`These and other more detailed and specific features of the present invention are
`more fully disclosed in the following specification, reference being had to the accompanying
`drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram illustrating an example of a system in which
`mobile terminal signal conversion may reside in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating an example of a mobile terminal signal
`conversion module in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating another example of a mobile terminal
`signal conversion module in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram illustrating an embodiment of a process including
`mobile terminal signal conversion in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram illustrating another example of a system in which
`mobile terminal signal conversion may reside in accordance with the present invention.
`FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram illustrating still another example of a system in
`which mobile terminal signal conversion may reside in accordance with the present
`FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram illustrating examples of mobile terminal signal
`conversion applications in accordance with the present invention.
`Docket No. WAN-0001/CON
`Page 13 of 372


`In the following description, for purposes of explanation, numerous details are
`set forth, such as flowcharts and system configurations, in order to provide an understanding
`of one or more embodiments of the present invention. However, it is and will be apparent to
`one skilled in the art that these specific details are not required in order to practice the present
`FIG. I is a schematic diagram illustrating an example of a system I 00 in which
`mobile terminal signal conversion may reside in accordance with the present invention.
`Mobile terminal signal conversion accommodates displaying the high rate data
`flow multimedia information available in a wireless communication environment in an
`external device. This accommodates true realization and enjoyment of the benefits of the
`multimedia content.
`In one example, the multimedia information is provided to a wireless mobile
`terminal using so-called next generation cellular technology (i.e., 3G and 4G), which can be
`employed in transmitting multimedia information (e.g., rich graphics, real-time audio/video).
`Because of the relatively small screen size and low quality ear phones, for many applications
`the mobile terminal cannot adequately reproduce the high quality multimedia information
`that can be communicated using next generation technology with adequate clarity and
`satisfaction. Mobile terminal signal conversion in accordance with this embodiment of the
`present invention makes usage of a separate multimedia display terminal including but not
`limited to a monitor, television set, projector, or LCD display. These displays typically have
`video and audio reproduction capabilities that are superior to those found on mobile
`terminals. They also use a power supply that is separate from the mobile terminal.
`Docket No. WAN-0001/CON
`Page 14 of 372


`Still referring to the system 100 iJlustrated in FIG. I, multimedia information
`may be provided by any number of service providers 102a-b and delivered through a network
`104 to a base station 106 to ultimately accommodate transmission of the multimedia
`information, among other things, to a cellular phone 108. This system 100 is provided by
`way of example, and it should be understood that any conventional or to-be-developed
`technology for delivering voice and/or data to mobile terminals may be provided. These
`wireless communication networks include but are not limited to a cellular communications
`network or a wireless local area network.
`Also illustrated is a typical external display system 114. This may also be
`variously provided and may be digital or analog. Examples of digital systems include
`HDTV, LCD and plasma. Examples of analog systems include television sets that implement
`standards such as NTSC, PAL, SECAM, and analog computer monitors (SVGA, VGA). The
`external display system 114 does not have the size constraints of the display screen on the
`cellular phone 108 and is preferably powered independently.
`In the illustrated embodiment, a mobile terminal signal conversion module
`(MTSCM) 112 resides within a separate housing 110, outside the cellular phone 108.
`The functionality of the MTSCM 112 is now further described with concurrent
`reference to FIG. 1 and the flow diagram of FIG. 4.
`The MTSCM 112 processes signals to accommodate reproduction by an
`external device. Specifically, a multimedia signal is transmitted to the cellular phone 108
`through the wireless communications network as previously described (step 402). The
`multimedia signal may include a video signal intended for reproduction by the cellular phone
`108, using the cellular phone display screen. For ease of description, processing of a video
`Docket No. WAN-0001/CON
`Page 15 of 372


`signal is described, although it should be understood that any multimedia signal or
`component thereof may be converted in accordance with the present invention.
`The cellular phone 108 is connected to the MTSCM 110. This may be
`accommodated by a cable connection that interfaces the cellular phone 108 to the MTSCM
`112 housing 110. Through this connection, the MTSCM 112 receives the video signal from
`the cellular phone 108 (step 404). The video signal as received may be configured to
`accommodate a video display on the screen provided by the cellular phone 108. The cable
`connection is an example of a wired connection interfacing the cellular phone 108 to the
`MTSCM 112. An alternative wired connection is a seat that directly interfaces the two
`without a cable. A wireless connection may also be provided, although it may currently be
`less practical to provide than the wired connection because of the potential for high
`throughput rate requirements. The wireless connection may also implement any conventional
`known technology including but not limited to a Bluetooth connection.
`The MTSCM 112 processes the video signal to provide a converted video signal
`that has a display format and/or signal power level appropriate for an external display
`terminal 114 that is separate from the cellular phone 108 (step 406). The display format
`and/or signal power level of the external display terminal 114 may be different from that of
`the cellular phone 108 but there may also be embodiments where the format is the same.
`Even if the formats are the same, conversion of the signals to accommodate display on the
`external display terminal 114 would still be implemented to adjust the power level for driving
`the external display, and possibly to minimize throughput requirements. This signal
`conversion is described further with reference to FIGs. 2 and 3, below.
`Still referring to FIGs. 1 and 4, following signal conversion, the MTSCM 112
`provides the converted video signal to the external display terminal 114 to accommodate the
`Docket No. WAN-0001/CON
`Page 16 of 372


`corresponding video display on a screen provided by the external display terminal 114 (step
`408). This may be accommodated through a connection between the MTSCM 112 housing
`110 and the external display terminal 114 as shown.
`As used herein, mobile terminal refers to typically handheld mobile devices
`such as cellular phones and personal digital assistants. Although these devices include an
`execution platform as well as input and display capabilities, such devices are distinguished
`from personal computers, such as desktop or laptop computers, which are not designed for
`convenient handheld usage.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating an example of an MTSCM 200 in
`accordance with the present invention. The MTSCM 200 may be provided as software,
`firmware, hardware, or any combination thereof.
`Where the MTSCM 200 is provided as software, it operates in the context of an
`execution platform. That is, the MTSCM 200 includes instructions that are stored in memory
`for execution by a processor. Any conventional or to-be-developed execution platform may
`be used. The processor, memory, and related elements such as a power supply are well
`known and need not be described herein to convey an understanding of the invention.
`Additionally, FIG. 2 illustrates one modular breakdown for the components of the MTSCM
`200. It should be understood that the described functionality may alternatively be provided
`by an MTSCM having fewer, greater, or differently named modules from those illustrated in
`the figure.
`Additionally, although modules as shown to reside in a common location, it is
`noted that the functionality may reside in separate components of a system that includes a
`mobile terminal, an external monitor, and (optionally) an intermediate device housing the
`MTSCM and interfacing the mobile terminal and external monitor. In other words, the
`Docket No. WAN-0001/CON
`Page 17 of 372


`overall functionality of the MTSCM may be separated such that portions of the overall
`functionality are respectively provided by the mobile terminal, separate intermediate housing,
`and/or the external display device.
`The MTSCM 200 may also be provided in the form of a chipset, configured for
`inclusion in a mobile terminal, dedicated separate signal conversion device, or external
`display terminal, and to provide the described mobile terminal signal conversion
`The MTSCM 200 includes a mobile terminal interface modul

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