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`disk drive » display
`disentangle ° disk
`dis-en-tan-gle \,dis-in-tan-gal\ vb :
`jance on Which data for a computer disown \dis-'Gn\ ye ; REPUDIATE, RE-
`throw into disorder or
`free from. entanglement : UNRAVEL
`shev-eled or di-shev-elled adj
`red 4 wsit disc : OPTICAL DISK
`drive » : a device for accessing or dis-par-age \di’sperij\ vb -aged; -ag-
`dis-equi-lib-rium \dis-,é-kwa-li-bré-em\
`shev-el-ment \-mant, 7
`dis.hon-est \di-'si-nest\ adj : not: hg
`dicwetablish Ohdiatesta-blish\ yb: to“: UNTRUSTWORTHY, DECEITFUL = eon ing[ME to degrade by marriage below
`atte \dis-"ket\
`end the establishment of; esp ; to deprive
`honestly adv -— dis-hon-es
`one’s class, disparage, fr. AF desparager
`jockey var ofDISC JOCKEY
`of the status of an established church — ste #
`to marry below one’s class, fr. parage
`idis-hon-or \dis-"“d-nar\ #14: lack or
`Ke \ddis-‘lik\ # > a feeling of aver-
`dis.es-tab-lish-ment 7
`lineage, fr. per peer] 1: to
`of honor 2 > SHAME, DISGRACE!
`jE ot disapproval| ith dislike
`dis-es-teem \\dis-a-'stem\ #1 Jack of es-
`2oe in rank oemeation : DEGRADE
`Cause of disgrace 4: the act ofdish
`ke vo : to regard with
`dislike : pisaP-
`diis-par-ageing-ly is-par-age-ment n—
` at, dislé-\vb 1:to dis-pa-rate \dis-pa-rat, di-'sper-at\, adj
`ing a negotiable instrument when
`dis-fa-vor \()disfa-vor\ @ 1: DISAPY
`PROVAL, DISLIKE 21 the state or factof
`sented for payment — dis-hon.
`t of place; esp : to displace {a bone
`=! distinct in quality or character — dis-
`being no longer favored
`\dis-!d-na-ra-bal\ adj —- dis-hon-o
`t) from normal connections (-~ a
`par-i-ty \di-'sper-a-te\
`dis-fig-ure \dis-‘fi-gyar\ vo : to spoil the|\-blé\ adv
`ery 2: PIsRUPY —dis-lo.ca-tion dis-pas-sion-ate \()dis-tpa-sho-nat\ adj
`appearance of disfigured by a scat> — 2dishonor yb 1: DISGRACE °2: to
`{jlo“ke- han\ #
`: not influenced by strong feeling : CALM,
`Aj\ vb: to force out ofa
`IMPARTIAL — dis-pas-sion\-'pa-shon\ 7
`dis-fig-ure-ment 7
`to accept or pay (~~ a check>
` iding, or defense
`— dis-pas-sion-ate-ly adv
`dis-fran-chise \dis-'fran-,chiz\ vb i DIS-
`h out yb : to give treciy
`ENFRANCHISE — dis-fran-chise-ment
`herag \dish-,rag\ ¢ ¢ DISHCLOTH
`oit-o)l\ adj ; lacking in ‘dis-patch \di-‘spach\ vb 1; to sendoff or
`dish-wash-er \-,wo-shar, -Wwa-\ 7
`away with promptness or speed esp. on
`disfunction var afDYSFUNCTION
`son or machine that washes dishes
`Official business 2: to put to death 3
`‘aizrnall, adj IME,fr. dismai,n.,
`dis-gorge \‘gor\ vb : Vomit; aisa t to diss echawa.ter \-wo-tar, ywi-\ 1
`+: to attend to rapidly or efficiently 4
`sarked as ublucky in medieval cal-
`forcefully or confusedly
`|} DEFEAT — dis-patch-er »
`idiewgrace\cisksas, dis'gras\ vB :
`to diel ioe ee ete
`eft. AF, fr. ML dies mali, Hit, evil
`roach or shane to
`4: showing or causing gloom or ®dis-patch \di-spach, ‘dis-pach\ x»
`adisgrace Hd; SHAME, DISHONOR: alse or in
`jon 2; lacking merit —dis-mal-
`+ MESSAGE 2: a news item sent in by a
`t wcause of shame 21 the condition of dis-il-lu-
`correspondent to anewapaper 3: the act
`being out of favor: loss of respect — dis-
`tle \G)dis"man-CI\ vb -tled;
`of dispatching; esp : SHIPMENT 4 : the
`graceful \-foR adi — dis-grace-fullly dis ncli-nadion ne
`to take apart 2; to strip of
`act of putting to death 5 ; promptness
`: 2eeeenon for avoiding ‘sq
`nd equipment —- dis«man.tle- ant Sean r performing atask
`is-qrun-tle \distgran-th\ vb dis.grun- :slight a no _ is-pel \di-'spel\ vd dis-pelled; dis-pel-
` \dis’ma\, yb ; te cause to lose
`run-tle,\éisgran No put
`in bad disreclineWis-intklin9 #01
`ling : to drive awaybyscattering 7 Disst-
`‘or resohztion from alarm or fear
`:— dismay n — dis-«may-ing-ly
`idis-quise \diseiz\ vb dis-guised; dis- dis m-clined adi
`dis-pens-able \di-'spen-sa-bal\ adj : ca-
`guis-ing 1: io change the appearance
`dislike or disapproval
`pable of being dispensed with
`ME so as to conceal the identity or to re- dis-in-fect \.dis-in-*felct\ vb :
`pber \dis-'mem-bar\ vb 1: to dis.pen«sary \di-'spen-so-ré\ 4, pl -ries
`semble another 2 : HIDE, CONCBAL
`infection-causing germs
`: a place where medicine of medical or
`i. separate the limbs or parts of
`?disquise a 1: clothing put on to conceal
`tant \-"fek-tont\ # — Gis-ir-te
`‘ak up of tear into pieces — dis-
`dental aid is dispensed
`one's identily or counterfeit another's 2
`\-"fek-shon\ 7 __
`rment 72
`dis-pen-sa-tion \,dis-pan-'s4-shen\ 7
`+ an outward appearance that hides what dis-in-for.mea-tion \,
`AdisImis\ vb 1: to send away
`=: a system of rules for orderingaffairs 2
`something really is
`: false information deliberately ant
`RGES 3: to put aside or out
`: a particular arrangement or provision
`idis-gust \dis-'gast\ m : AVERSION, REPUG-
`covertly spread Cg EEE
`to put out of judicial consid-
`esp, of nature 3: an exemption from a
`NANCE — dis.qust-ful \-fel\ adj dis-miss-=rule or from a vow or oath 4: the act of«genous \,dis-in-fen- ‘med all charges>
`2disgust v6 : to provoke to loathing, re-
`; lacking in candor; also + givin
`is.mis-ssive \-'mi-siv\ adj — dispensing 5 : something dispensed or
`pugnance,or aversion : be offensive to—--
`appearance of simple franknes
`edly adv
`dis-gusted-ly adv -— disgusting qis.in-her-it \dis-in-ther-ot\- vb
`dis*maint\ v6 1: to get dis-pense \di-'spens\ vb dis-pensed;
`, something {as a horse orhbicy-
`prive of the right to inherit
`\-tgas-tin\ adi — dis-gust-ing-ly adv
`dis-pens-ing 1: toportion out 2: ap-
`‘idish \Wdish\ 7 [ME,fr. OE disc plate, fr-L dis.in.te.grate \dii
`MINISTER <—~ justicc) 3: EXEMPT 4
`discus quoit, disk, dish, fr. Gk diskos, ff. “Ureak or decompose into:consi jence \,dis-o-"bé-dé-ons\ # : to make up and give out (remedies) —
` jorts or small particles 2 : tod
`dikein to throw] 7: a vessel used for
`refusal to obey — dis-obe-
`dis-pens-er » — dispense with 4
`serving food 2: the food servedin dish
`unity or integrity of — di:
`it adj .
`i: SUSPEND 2 + to do without
`<ac~ of berricsy 3+ foodprepared in 4
`tion \-,in-ta-!
`han\ 7
`dis-o-"ba\ vb: to fail to obey dis-perse \di'spars\ vb dis-persed; dis-
`particular way 4 + something resembling dis-in-ter \dis-in-tar\v6 17 te:
`bedient ae
`pers-ing : to break up and scatter about
`a dish esp. in being shallow and
`“11h. prave or tomb 2 : UNEAR
`A.dis-o"blij\ #6 1: to go
`|: SPREAD — dis-per-sal\-'spor-sal\ x —
`5 : SATELLITE DISH 6: Goss? 2 ‘the wishes of 2: INCONVEN-—dis-per-sion \-'spar-zhon\ke dis-in-ter-est-ed \G)dis-th
`?dish vb 1itoputing adish2 >
`to mal
`ares-\ adj 1; not interest
`dar vb
`to disturb dis-pir-it \dis-'pir-at\ vb ; DEPRESS, DIS-
`concave like
`dis-ha-bille \disebehoF des-ha-bilie
`2: to disturb the regular or dis.place \dis-'plas\ vb 1: io remove
`\de-\ 2 [PF déshat : é] = gt tener
`ious of
`from the usual or proper place; esp : to
` is-foint \Q)dis-joint\ vb+to:
`dressed in a casual orcare! Back
`4: lack of order : CONFU-
`expel or force to fleefrom homeor native
`dis-har-mo-ny Ngai nare 4 aoe
`each of the peace or public
`lang <displaced persons> 2 : to move out
`orderly arrangement of; also:!
`CnaimoneoN ad cat the joints
`taicondition railMENTObjet3 Stotakentheplace ofae
`dis.jaint-ed adf
`mdition =
`: to take the place of : RE-
`tish-cloth. Vaishcloth zi a cloth for
`cnsesotion> 2 : separatedaf:
`MA adj 1: offensive to
`washing dis! esictharct@a\ vb; pIscouR-
`the joint
`die marked by disorder <a dis«place-ment \-mont\ 2 1: the act of
`dis-heart-e\ is-"har-
`disk or disc \Wdisk\ 2
`is-or-c riiness1 bet
`gisplacing i the state ofbene displaced
`yound and flat; esp : a flat'roii ae ey iz vi : to
`the volume or weig! to a fluid (as
`Setaikshe-wslt98“shev-oted or—tomical structure (as the cent pth teayaa of :Jtow aedisplacedby a Boating bady (asa
`the flower bead of a composile
`a. fup)
`between the int-
`-shev-el- ©
`ing.Meecmevcled parcheaded with ae shora vb:to cause tpad of cartilage between ve tal position of an object and a iater posi-
`h Tec
`disorderedhair, fr. AF deschevelé, fr. des
`use disc + a phonograph 1
`lost digvoriorctacti
`te coated with
`ion ‘dis-play \di-'spla\ vb [ME, fr. AF de-
`apart + chevoil hair, fr. L capilfus] : to
`round flat plate
`honk 2
`‘splaier, desploier, lit, to unfold, fr. des
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`display + dissimulate
`dis-qui-etude \()dis-"kwi-s-,ti
`un- +ploier, plier to fold,fr. L,plicare] : to
`present to view:make evident
`dis-qui-si-tion \\dis-kwo-"zi-shany 42
`edisplay » 1: a displaying of something
`formal inquiry or discussion
`2: an electronic device (as a cathode-ray
`tube) that gives information in visual
`Idis.re.gard \,dis-ri"'gard\ vb ;
`to ‘i
`attention to : treat as unwort
`form: aise;the visual information
`or regard
`orthy of Notley
`dis-please \()dis-pléz\ v> 1: te arouse
`@disregard 7 : the act of disregarding
`the disapproval and dislike of 2: to be
`offensive to : give displeasure
`state of being disregarded ead :
`dis-re-gard-ful adj
`dis-plea-sure \-'ple-zhar\ # ; a feeling of
`dislike and irritation
`dis-re-pair \,dis-ri-'per\ » :
`ing in needoftepair
`the stat
`\di-'spart\ yb
`10: DIVERT,
`rep-u-ta-ble \dis-'re-pya-
`having a bad reputation ya-tebaly
`dis-pos-able \di-'spo-ze-bal\ adj tire
`re-pute \dis-ripyit\ n+ tack
`maining after deduction of taxes <-~ in-
`ine of reputation:low esteen* oe
`come? 2; designed to be used once and
`then thrown away <~ diapers> — dis-
`osable 1
`TEsY — dis:
`pes-al \di-'spd-zal\ n 1: CONTROL,
`COMMAND 2: an orderly arrangement
`rapt\ vo 1: te
`-rupt \
`to throwinto disorder 3 break a
`3: a getting rid of 4 : MANAGEMENT,
`ADMINISTRATION 5 : presenting or be-
`— dis-rup-tion \-"rap-shan\ 1
`stowing something <~ of favors» 65: a
`ue: ve M23 -tivs adj
`device used to reduce waste matter (as by
`is-sat-is-fac-tion \di-\sa-tos-"fak-oh.,
`Falk shea
`dis-sat-is-ly \di-sa-tes-fi\ vb : to ¢;
`dis-pose \di-'spoz\ vb dis-posed; dis-
`pos-ing 1:
`to give a tendency to : IN-
`di-\vh 4: to divi
`CLINE “disposed to accept» 2: to put im
`arts esp. for examination neae
`place : ARRANGE <troops disposed for
`withdrawal) 9: SETTLE — dis-pos-er 2
`NALYZE — dis-sec-tion \-'sek-siz
`—dispose of 1: to-transfer to the con~
`is-sected cei
`% deeply inta
`trol of another
`to get rid of 3: to
`dis dis-sector s
`deal with conclusively
`lobes <a ~~ leaf>
`PIy Into ¥
`dis-po-si-tion \,dis-po-zi-shan\ 7 1: the
`dis-sem-ble \di-'sem-bal\
`act or power of disposing : DISPOSAL 2
`“bling 1: to hide under or put ong;
`appearance:conceal Facts, intentiog
`feelings under some pretense
`attitude toward things <a cheerful ~>
`LATE — dis-sem-bler »
`ate \di-'sc-ma-nat\ rb
`dis-pos-sess\,dis-po-'zes\ yb : to put out
`ed; -nat-ing : to spread abroad a5
`of possession or occupancy — dis-pos-
`ses-sion \-'ze-shan\ z
`ing seed ‘
`ideas> — dis-sem.i
`dis-praise \(,)dis-'praz\ vb : DISPARAGE
`— dispraise » — dis.prais-er #
`dis-pro-poreion \ydis-pro-'por-shan\ 7
`of proportion, symmetry, or proper
`relation — di&pro-por-tion-ate \-sho-
`nat adj
`: religious nonconformity 2: a
`dis-prove \G)dis-"prilv\ vb : to prove to be
`false — dis-proof \-'priif\ =
`statement in which a justice di
`dis-pu-tant \di-
`with the opinion of the majority
`: one that is engaged in a
`sen-tar, in fia
`dis-pu-ta-tion \,dis-pyi
`2 cap : an Ensglis
`:BEBATE 2: an oral defense of an aca-
`demic thesis
`dis-ser-ta-tion \,\di-sor-‘ta-shan\ #
`tended usu. written treatment of
`dis-pu-ta-tious \-shes\ adj : inclined to
`ject; esp
`dis.ser-vice \disar-vas\ 4
`idis-pute \di-spylit\ yb dis-put-ed; dis-
`puting 1: ARGUE, DEBATE 2; WRAN-
`GLE 3: to denythe truth or rightness of
`dis-sev-er \di-"se-var\ vb : SEPARAT
`to struggle against or Over : OPPOSE ——
`dis-si-dent \'di
`-put-able \di-'spyii-te-bal, ‘dis-pyé-ta-
`bal\ adi — dis-puter n
`prp. of dissi
`*dis.pute x 1: DEBATE 2+; QUARREL
`dis- apart + sedére to si
`dis-qual-i-fy \G
`kwi-lo-fi, vb :
`with an established religious or}
`or declare unfit or not qualifil
`-qualifi-ca-tion \-kwa-le-fo
`Idis-qui-et \(jd Howl-at\ vb : to make un-
`easy or restless : DISTURB — dis-q
`ing adj
`2disquiet » : ack of peace or tranquillity
`hide under a false appearance
`dis-sim-u-Jate \di-'si-mya-jat
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`s a
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`aMIG,—SIYS110ALadoidstoyjo SJOUMBSBftfpr40ape\ARIGQeuR\OO
`-ad-ojo-Ao-ua—Bujures,josoyouesqAqpPa~sem)HLVNIDSVd‘HUNavuNe yywuojeapnaZPuouve0}sW0910BurgOV:,gapus,O17ZsollayveYMpunosngOo):dso, 4‘Xidans:dsaipusuesuuoyAPWeUOIE>JOYJoUEYIMpaieyssouapsag40WO}OL:EAld!ogw‘AOULSHa:=FUYasaAuyyowtos
` 3ULMo]s10ysty;\e-at-\Bye2ue0)SuetJOBujoq:(ppposeB-uep-ue“PW7d‘We\ure-put-O,-U9\,wns]
` wOpoUunXeyipoua“NAS|gat\sed-wey,-un,seed
`au)URIJo]]ewWSpaguEyeENsMYssopysyy -jyeyd-wa—asassauis:sistyduiaUi
`pue4ApRUNXOIddEyaa]YSuw\uaUei\151S*\,8]9"}-apd-ua[eAneUayUt‘dsaquoWuadxa-—SeouDry]6)SUNOSFOosnuo:Zz.Cuadseys>doded10wy|-f>8 -HO"AMMIDO?EJOSOotAtOsoY.SNOLS|©]aSNRDJOAUODAg+|MHSgaUB=zJOOSMoyRUEOP:|ga\OTd,-UAoyd-wia,
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`foreknowledge * forget
`forgetful » formula
`have previous knowledge of — fore-
`trees and underbrush — for-est-ed
`changed te show difference in use <the
`able to think of or recall 2:10 failto he-
`knowledge \'for-,nd-lij, for-"na-\ 72
`a-sted\ ady — for-est-land \‘f6
`plural ~ of anioun> — formless adj
`ome mindful of at the proper time 3
`fore-la-dy \'for-la-dé\ nx
`_land\ #
`to give up 2form v>
`1+: to give form or shape to
`fore-teg \-Jeg\ nt: a front leg
`fore-stall \for-‘stal, for-\ vb 1 : to'ked
`ope for or expectation of —for-get-ful—; FASHION, MAKE 2 : TRAEN, INSTRUCT
`iget-fal\ adj — foreget-fulsly adv — 3: CONSTITUTE, COMPOSE 4: DEVELOP,
`fore-iimb \-lim\ # : a front or upper limb
`owt, hinder, or prevent by measures tak
`{as a wing, arm,fin, or leg}
`imadvance 2: ANTICIPATE
`for-get-ful-ness #
`ACQUIRE (~ a habit> 5 : to arrange in
`fore-fock \-lak\ 7: alock of hair growing forest rangera: a personin charge o|
`for-get-me—not\for-"pet-mé-yndt\ #: any
`order ¢~ a battle line) 6: to take form
`from the frontpart of the head.
`Inaznagement and protection of a no;
`agenus of small herbs with bright blue
`: ARISE <clouds are ~ing> 7: to take a
`fore-man\-man\ 1: aspokesperson of
`_of a forest
`white flowers
`definite form, shape, or arrangement
`ajury 2: a person in charge of a group fer-est-ery \for-astre\ a : the scien
`forg-ing 7” : a piece of forged work
`lforemal \'for-mol\ adj
`1 +: according with
`growing and caring for forests -— for:ag;
`v\ yb -gave \gav\; -giv-
`of workers
`conventional forms and rules ¢a ~~ din-
` fore-mmast \-ymast\ # : the mast nearest|ef \f6r-o-star\ z "er party> 2: done in due or lawful : i: “giv-ing 1:¢o give upre-
`foreswearvar ofFORSWEAR
`the bow of a ship
`uiment of 2: PARDON, ABSOLVE 3
`form a ~ contract> 3 : CEREMONIOUS,
`fore-most \-,mést\ adj
`: first in time, Tore-taste 7 : an advance indica
`able adj — for.give-ness » — for-
`¢ to grant relief from payment of — for-
`formallyagen 4: NOMINAL —
`place, or order : most important : PRE- warning, or notion
`EMINENT — foremost adv
`foretaste \for-tast\ rb +: to taste. béfg
`giver 7
`for “formal7 z fomething {as a ‘social event}
`in character
`fore-name \-.nam\ » : a first name
`fore-named \-ndmd\ adf : previously fore-tell \for-'tel\ vb -told \
`giving aay
`7 : willing or able to for-
`ormeal-de-hyde \for-"mat-da-,bid\ w+ a
`owing room for error or
`colorless pungent gas used in water solu-
`named : AFORESAID
`ing : to tell of beforehand :
`tion as a preservative and disinfectant
`forgo Vor-"g5\ vb -went \-went\; -gone
`fore-noon \-niin\ 7 ; MORNING
`fo-rem-sic \fa-'ren-sik\ adj
`[L_ forensis
`formalise Brit var ofPORMALIZE
`gon; “GG-ing : to give up the enjoy-
`for-mal-ism \for-me-li-zam\ x : strict ad-
`eat or advantage of : do without
`herence to set forms
`public, forensic, fr,forum forum] 1ibe forethought\'forthot)1 fe aRE
`longing to, used in, or suitable to courts
`foremal-i-ty \for-'ma-le-té\ n, pi -ties
`of law or to public speaking or debate 2
`fore-to-Ken \for-"to-ken\ vb : to indica
`rint \for-int\75pf forints alse forint
`: compliance with formal or conventional
`: Telating to the application of scientific
`in advance
`ae ark’
`mules 2: the quality or state of being for-
`knowledge to Jegal problems (~ medi-
`fore-top\'fér-jtip\7 : a platform n
`fk \'fork\
`ian implement with two
`top ofa ship's foremast
`nOchine’ ‘ortaking up (as in cat- mal 3: an established form that is re-
`2forensic « 1: an argumentative exer- for-ev-er \for-'e-var\ adp 1:fora limi ine). pits ing, or digging 2: a forked quired or conventional
`cise 2 pi: the art or study of argumen- less time 2: at all times:ALWAYS. ict, tO0 norpieceof equipment 3:adi- for-maleize \"ér-mo-liz\ vb -lzed; -iz- |
`tative discourse 3 pf: sciéntific analysis
`for-ev-er-more \-,8-var-'mor\ ad
`ding in * achesantes place Shere
`ing 1 : to give a certain or definite form
`of physical evidence (as from a crime
`enethingkc ranches;
`also: a branch-of
`tg” 2: to:make formal; also : to give for:
`fore-warn \for-“wérn\ yb ! to Warn b
`h a for:
`mal status or approval to
`jore.or-dain \,f6r-6r-dan\ vb : to ordain
`hand — fore-warn-ing \Wwor-nin\ 2
`: to divide into two or more-tfor-mat \'for-ymat\”. 1; the general com-
`or decree beforehand : PREDESTINE
`forewentpast ofFOREGO
`yanches 2: to give the form of afork to
`position or style of a publication 2 : the
`jore-part \Wor-pirt\ z 1 : the anterior
`forewing \Y6r-;win\ W : either of t
`ving herfingers) 3: to raise or pitch
`general plan or arrangement of some-
`part of something 2: the earlier part of
`terior wings of.a 4-winged insect
`th 2 fork <~ hay) 4 : Pay, CON-
`mg 2: a method of organizing data
`a periadof time
`fore-wom-an \"far-,wi-man\ A: a:
`‘TRIBUTE —— used with over, out, or up
`various file ~s>
`fore.quarter \-ewor-tor\ ” : the front
`having the responsibilities of a f¢
`ked \Wforkt, 'for-ked\ adj
`: having a format-yb for-mat-ted; for-mat-ting : to
`half of a lateral half of the body or car-
`fore-word \-,ward\ 2 : PREFACE ©
`tk : shaped like a fork ¢~ lightning>
`arrange (as material to be printed) in a
`cass of a quadruped <a ~~ of beef>
`\'for-fet\ 2 [ME forfait, fr AR:
`rkelift \VfOrk-lift\ ”:amachine for lift-
`particular format — for.mat-tern
`fore-runener \e-ner\ a 13 one that
`pp. of forfaire, fersfaire to conitit
`jag heavy objects by meansofsteel fin-
`for-ma-tion \for-'ma-shon\” 14: anact of
`goes before to give notice of the approach
`crime, forfeit, fr. fors outside +71
`ers inserted under the load
`giving form to something : DEVELOP-
`of others : HARBINGER 2: PREDECES-
`do] 1: something forfeited : PEN;
`ilorn Var-larn, for-\ adj 1: sad and MENT 2: something that is formed 3
`FINE 2: FORFEITURE 3: somethin
`onely because of isolation or desertion
`‘STRUCTURE, SHAPE 4 : an arrangement
`posited and then redeemed on payin
`25 WRETCHED 3; nearly hopeless — Of persons or things in a prescribed man~
`fore-sail \-s4l, -sal\n 4: the lowest sail
`of afine 4 p/: a game in which’
`jordorn-ly ady — for-lorn-ness 7
`nee or for a certain purpose
`on the foremast of a square-rigged ship or
`are exacted
`Hotm \orm\n
`1: SHAPE, STRUCTURE 2 for-ma-tive \fér-ma-tiv\ adj- 1 : giving or
`schooner 2 : the principal sail forward “forfeit yb : to lose or lose the right
`sabedy esp. of a person: FIGURE 3:the
`‘capable of giving form : CONSTRUCTIVE
`of the foremast (as of a sloop)
`by some error, offense, or crime
`ential nature ofa thing 4: established
`2 ¢ Of, relating to, or characterized by im-
`fore-see \for-'se\ pb -Saw \-'sd\; «seen for-feieture \"for-fo-chuar\ 2 1: th
`anner of doing or saying something §
`Portant growth or fermation <a child's ~~
`\-'sén\; -se@-ing : to see or realize be- ORMULA 6 1a document with blank|Years>forfeitmg 2 : something ‘fo ||
`forehand : EXPECT * Synenyms FORE-
`tices for insertion of information ¢tax for-mer. \fdr-mer\ adj
`KNOW, DIVINE, APPREHEND, ANTICIPATE for-fend \for-fond\ vb 1} PREVE:
`. 7: CEREMONY &: manner of per-
`EARLIER 2: FOREGOING <the ~ part of
`— fore-see.able ad}
`ming according to recognized stan-
`the chapter. 3: being first mentioned or
`fore-shad-ow \'sha-dé\ vb: to give ahint
`for.gath-er or fore-gath-er \for-"g
`9: a long seat: BENCH 10: a -_in order of two or morethings
`or suggestion of beforehand
`yb 1: to come together : ASSEMB!
`idel of the Auman figure wsed for dis-
`formerly \-le\ adv : in time past ; PREVI-
`fore-short-en \for-'shor-tn\ pb : to short-
`| to meet
`someone usu, by chance:
`ving clothes 11: MOLD <a~forcon-
`en (a detail) in a drawing or painting so
`i” (ME, fr. AP, fr: Eja
`te> 12: type or plates in a frame
`form-tit-ting \form-,fi-tin\ adj : conform-
`that it appears to have depth
`y for printing 13: MODE, xImp, va-
`ing to. the outline of the body <a ~
`fore-sight \for-ysit\ m =: the act or
`TY <coal is a ~ of carbond 14: or-
`power of foreseeing 2: care or provision
`ly method of arrangement; a/so : a for-mi-da-bie \"for-mo-do-bai, for-'mi-\
`for the future : PRUDENCE %: an act of forge vb forged; forg-ing 1:
`ticular kind or
`instance of such @df 11 exciting fear, dread, or awe <a -~
`looking forward; also : a view forward — (metal) by heating and hammei
`gement <the sonnet ~~ in poctryy
`foe) 2 : imposing serious difficulties <a
`fore-sight-ed \-,si-ted\ adj — fore-
` : FASHION, SHAPE ¢~ an agreeme)
`the structural element, plan, or de-
`=~ batrier> — for-mi-da-bly \-ble\ ady
`sightedely adv — fore-sight-ed-ness
`: to make or imitate falsely esp. wil
`ign of a work of art’ 16: a-bounded sur-
`-form letter » 1: a letter on a frequently
`tent to defraud <-~ a signature>
`face or volume 17 : a grade in a British -
`recurring topic that can be sent to differ-
`fore-skin \-skin\ 7 + fold of skin enclos-
`ern — forg-ery \for-jo-ra\ 1
`‘ool or in some. American private
`ent people at different times 2: a letter
`ing the end of the penis
`‘forge vb forged; torg-ing :
`ols 18: RACING FORM 19: known
`for mass circulation sent out in many -
`for-est \Yor-ast\ » [ME, fr. AF, fr. LL
`ahead steadily but gradually -
`ity to perform; also ; condition (as of
`printed copies
`forestis (silva) unenclosed (woodland), fr.
`for-gek \far-'ged vb -got\-'gat\
`hiete) suitable for performing 20 forsmu-la \'for-myo-lo\ n, p! -las or.-lae
`L foris outside} : a large thick growth of=\“gat-"n\ or -got; -get-ting 1: one of the ways in which a word is \Wlé,~/h\ 1: aset form of words for cer- j
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