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`Copyright © 2005 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
`DMD 33:1297–1303, 2005
`Vol. 33, No. 9
`Printed in U.S.A.
`Huadong Tang1 and Michael Mayersohn
`Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
`Received February 9, 2005; accepted June 2, 2005
`Sixty-one sets of clearance (CL) values in animal species were
`allometrically scaled for predicting human clearance. Unbound
`fractions (fu) of drug in plasma in rats and humans were obtained
`from the literature. A model was developed to predict human CL:
`CL ⴝ 33.35 ml/min ⴛ (a/Rfu)0.770, where Rfu is the fu ratio between
`rats and humans and a is the coefficient obtained from allometric
`scaling. The new model was compared with simple allometric
`scaling and the “rule of exponents” (ROE). Results indicated that
`the new model provided better predictability for human values of
`CL than did ROE. It is especially significant that for the first time
`the proposed model improves the prediction of CL for drugs illus-
`trating large vertical allometry.
`Allometric scaling is widely used in predicting human clearance
`(CL) based on animal data. Since prediction errors are commonly
`observed in the practical application of this approach, various modi-
`fications to allometric scaling have been proposed. These modifica-
`tions include in vitro metabolic data (Lave et al., 1997), correction by
`either maximum life-span potential (MLP) or brain weight (BrW)
`(Mahmood and Balian, 1996b), the “rule of exponents” (ROE) (Mah-
`mood and Balian, 1996a), and scaling unbound CL (Feng et al., 2000).
`Correction by in vitro metabolic data was successful in predicting
`human CL of 10 extensively metabolized drugs (Lave et al., 1997).
`Based on a data analysis of 16 drugs, however, Mahmood (2002)
`concluded that the use of in vitro data obtained from liver microsomes
`to predict hepatic CL in humans did not provide reliable predictions.
`In addition, in vitro metabolic corrections cannot be applied to com-
`pounds eliminated by excretion. Scaling unbound CL across animal
`species improved the prediction for certain compounds (Feng et al.,
`2000); however, it failed to predict well for a few compounds with
`large vertical allometry such as diazepam and valproate. Recently,
`Mahmood (2000) suggested that unbound CL cannot be predicted any
`better than total clearance. Corrections either with MLP or BrW have
`been shown to be inappropriate if they are used indiscriminately,
`which led to the idea of ROE. This rule provides selection criteria for
`use of MLP or BrW, based on the values of the exponents obtained
`from simple allometry (Mahmood and Balian, 1996a). Although ROE
`has been shown to improve the prediction significantly compared with
`simple allometry, this method is still not satisfactory in predicting
`large vertical allometry. More recent studies (Nagilla and Ward, 2004)
`This work was presented at the American Association of Pharmaceutical
`Scientists Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 26, 2003.
`1 Current address: Bioanalytical Department, Wyeth Research, Pearl River,
`New York.
`Article, publication date, and citation information can be found at
`found that the corrections using MLP or BrW or the rule of exponents
`in allometric scaling did not result in significant improvements in
`predictions of human CL. Furthermore, they proposed that the mon-
`key liver blood flow approach was superior to the rule of exponents.
`This controversy is currently not resolved (Mahmood, 2005; Nagilla
`and Ward, 2005).
`The coefficients (a) of the power function have been considered
`important in determining the magnitude of CL, because the exponents (b)
`have been shown to be relatively constant, with a typical value close to
`0.75 (Boxenbaum, 1982). Based upon analysis of more than 60 drugs, we
`have observed that the water-octanol partition coefficient (log P) and the
`ratio of unbound fraction (fu) in plasma between rats and humans (Rfu)
`may provide simple rules for anticipating the occurrence of large vertical
`allometry. Based upon these findings, therefore, we attempted to develop
`a new model for predicting human CL.
`Materials and Methods
`A literature search was performed to obtain animal data for allometric
`scaling of systemic CL (CL used in this article refers to systemic CL) and fu
`ratio in rats and humans. Only data sets including at least three animal species
`were used for scaling. Coefficients and exponents were obtained by fitting
`body weight and CL, CL ⫻ MLP, or CL ⫻ BrW on a log-log scale according
`to the allometric equation: CL or CL ⫻ MLP or CL ⫻ BrW ⫽ a⫻ Wb. CL in
`humans was calculated by using the coefficients and exponents obtained and
`human body weight reported, or by assuming 70 kg (if weight was not reported
`in the publication). MLP was calculated by using MLP ⫽ 10.839 䡠 W0.636 䡠
`BrW⫺0.225 (Boxenbaum, 1982). The rule of exponents was applied as de-
`scribed by Mahmood and Balian (1996a): 1) if the exponent from simple
`allometry is between 0.55 and 0.70, simple allometry is applied; 2) if the
`exponent is between 0.70 and 1.0, CL ⫻ MLP approach is applied; 3) if the
`exponent is greater than 1.0, CL ⫻ BrW approach is applied; 4) if the exponent
`is less than 0.50, simple allometry is applied since none of the approaches
`could improve the prediction. Predictability was assessed by percentage error
`⫺ CLobs)/CLobs] ⫻ 100% for over-prediction and,
`(PE), which is [(CLpred
`⫺ CLpred)/CLpred] ⫻ 100% for under-prediction. A power model is
`ABBREVIATIONS: CL, clearance; Rfu, ratio of unbound fraction in plasma between rats and humans; MLP, maximum life-span potential; BrW,
`brain weight; ROE, rule of exponents; PE, percentage error; GV150526A, sodium 4,6-dichloro-3-[(E)-3-(N-phenyl)propenamide]indole-2-carbox-
`ylate; PK, pharmacokinetic.
`Apotex v. Novartis


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`Comparison of predictability of human clearance obtained from simple allometry, the new model equations, and the rule of exponents
`The order of drugs is arranged according to the ascending values of exponent b obtained from simple allometry.
`Simple Allometry
`Equation 5
`Ro 24-6173
`Lin et al., 1996
`Widman et al., 1993
`Paxton et al., 1990
`Nakamura et al., 1983; Okazaki et al., 1992; Kawakami et al., 1994
`Smith et al., 1992
`Terakawa et al., 1987; Tokuma et al., 1987; Naritomi et al., 2001
`Tsunekawa et al., 1992
`Murakawa et al., 1980
`Leusch et al., 2000
`Sawada et al., 1984
`Lave, et al., 1996a; Ubeaud et al., 1995
`Boxenbaum and Fertig, 1984; Chiou and Hsu, 1988
`Siefert et al., 1999
`van Hoogdalem et al., 1997; Matsushima et al., 1998
`Scatina et al., 1990
`Higuchi et al., 1980; Naritomi et al., 2001
`Murakawa et al., 1980; Komiya et al., 1981
`Bjorkman and Redke, 2000
`Komiya et al., 1981; Matsushita et al., 1990
`Lave et al., 1996b
`Sawada et al., 1984; Mahmood, 1999
`Chiou and Hsu, 1988; McNamara et al., 1988
`Walker et al., 1999
`Bombardt et al., 1994
`Lave et al., 1997
`Hinderling et al., 1993
`Lee et al., 1980; Sawada et al., 1984
`Lave et al., 1997
`Laznicek et al., 1982; Mahmood and Balian, 1996a
`Lave et al., 1997; Bonati et al., 1984
`Murakawa et al., 1980; Ohshima et al., 1991
`Efthymiopoulos et al., 1991
`Kumagai et al., 1999; Mukai et al., 1999
`Adusumalli et al., 1991; Palmer and McTavish, 1993
`Lave et al., 1997
`Sanwald-Ducray and Dow, 1997
`Lave et al., 1997
`Belpaire et al., 1977; Chiou and Hsu, 1988; Mahmood and Balian,
`Cosson et al., 1997
`Izumi et al., 1996, 1997; Mahmood, 1999
`Gaspari and Bonati, 1990; Lave et al., 1997
`Stopher et al., 1988
`Kim et al., 1998a,b
`Bjorkman and Redke, 2000
`Nakamura et al., 1983; Mahmood and Balian, 1996a
`Busch et al., 1998
`Bjorkman and Redke, 2000
`Kaul et al., 1999
`Amphotericin B Hutchaleelaha et al., 1997; Robbie and Chiou, 1998
`Bjorkman and Redke, 2000
`Puigdemont et al., 1991
`SU 5416
`Sukbuntherng et al., 2001
`Siefert et al., 1986; Mahmood, 1999
`Loscher, 1978; Loscher and Esenwein, 1978; Chiou and Hsu, 1988
`Mitsuhashi et al., 1990
`Battino et al., 1995; Mahmood and Balian, 1996a
`Bjorkman and Redke, 2000
`McNamara et al., 1988; Park et al., 1988; Brazzell et al., 1990
`Nagashima and Levy, 1969; von Oettingen et al., 1975
`Richter et al., 1998
`Iavarone et al., 1999
`1.15 198.00 0.349
`36.50 0.362
`13.74 0.439
`7.58 0.457
`19.20 0.462
`32.07 0.514
`6.34 0.526
`11.24 0.563
`29.23 0.564
`6.77 0.577
`17.19 0.578
`4.52 0.589
`19.34 0.589
`61.00 0.594
`2.20 0.601
`72.34 0.630
`12.80 0.633
`0.93 120.50 0.635
`7.13 0.639
`7.23 0.646
`4.97 0.651
`49.68 0.662
`28.95 0.679
`26.50 0.693
`68.82 0.716
`19.67 0.727
`4.79 0.733
`11.50 0.733
`37.57 0.737
`6.36 0.750
`4.70 0.755
`11.18 0.756
`7.90 0.759
`1.50 0.766
`52.30 0.785
`57.44 0.793
`66.88 0.804
`47.51 0.805
`ml/min ml/min
`89 ⫺113
`53 ⫺178
`59 ⫺426
`259 ⫺194
`31.71 0.808
`12.44 0.810
`1.89 0.817
`29.00 0.821
`11.58 0.825
`24.85 0.834
`90.02 0.836
`0.35 0.855
`72.75 0.857
`18.80 0.870
`1.03 0.870
`59.66 0.882
`71.07 0.890
`56.00 0.908
`17.65 0.927
`3.66 0.944
`50.71 0.957
`0.60 1.012
`3.67 1.059
`0.35 1.104
`0.37 1.126
`1.10 1.180
`2.00 1.196
`44 ⫺332
`251 ⫺25
`452 ⫺30
`48 ⫺54
`86 ⫺50
`606 ⫺73
`375 ⫺12
`229 ⫺153
`709 ⫺19
`219 ⫺252
`14 ⫺36
`285 ⫺73
`702 ⫺14
`818 ⫺51
`474 ⫺181
`236 ⫺74
`191 ⫺156
`220 ⫺61
`337 ⫺33
`1050 ⫺29
`319 ⫺79
`19 ⫺57
`816 ⫺16
`283 ⫺50
`423 ⫺90
`140 ⫺54
`15 ⫺86
`2 ⫺108
`872 ⫺52
`89 ⫺112
`53 ⫺175
`285 ⫺96
`59 ⫺434
`321 ⫺83
`79 ⫺18
`827 ⫺27
`503 ⫺15
`477 ⫺76
`135 ⫺132
`47 ⫺13
`84 ⫺817
`71 ⫺93
`128 ⫺286
`21 ⫺43
`290 ⫺175
`907 ⫺36
`285 ⫺16
`319 ⫺318
`178 ⫺131
`42 ⫺21
`324 ⫺51
`104 ⫺239
`253 ⫺77
`912 ⫺49
`8 ⫺50
`466 ⫺23
`17 ⫺76
`384 ⫺90
`550 ⫺101
`270 ⫺57
`8 ⫺63
`37 ⫺481
`CI-921, 9-关关2-methoxy-4-关methylsulphonylamino兴-phenyl兴amino兴-N,5-dimethyl-4-acridinecarboxamide; NS-105, (⫹)-5-oxo-d-prolinepiperidinamide monohydrate; SU 5416, semaxanib; ACNU,
`1-(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)methyl-3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosourea hydrochloride; Ro 24-6173, an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist; Ro25-6833, a cephalosporin; FCE22101, a
`penem antibiotic; DA-1131, a carbapenem antibiotic; AL01576, 2,7-difluoro-spiro-9H-fluorene-9,4⬘-imidazolidine)-2⬘,5⬘-dione; APE, average of absolute percentage error.


`and transformed into
`CL ⫽ ␣写 Pi
`Log CL ⫽ Log ␣ ⫹ 冘 ␤i 䡠 Log Pi
`A summary of outliers for predictions of human clearance (PEs greater than
`200%) based on simple allometry, new model equation, and rule of exponents
`N (PE ⬎ 200%)
`N (PE ⬎ 500%)
`N (PE ⬎1000%)
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`Simple allometry
`Rule of exponents
`Equation 5
`APE, average of absolute percentage error.
`Second, using the new model (e.g., eq. 5), only six compounds had
`percentage errors over 200%, with 548% for diazepam and 200 to
`300% for the other five. In contrast, 11 compounds using the ROE
`method had prediction percentage errors greater than 200%, with
`2100% for GV150526A, 1626% for diazepam, 1485% for tamsulosin,
`and 200 to 1000% for the other eight compounds (Table 2). Therefore,
`the new model predicted the large vertical allometry with greater
`success compared with ROE.
`Comparisons of the predictability of human CL from simple allom-
`etry with the new model (eq. 5) and ROE may be visualized in Fig. 1
`where Pi is the variable for a, b, Rfu, ore ClogP (exponential values of water-
`octanol-water partition coefficient, ClogP). The transformed model was
`screened by a backward step-wise procedure (P value entrance criterion at 0.1
`and P value removal criteria at 0.2) to obtain parameters of statistical signif-
`icance (Intercooled Stata 7.0, Stata Corporation, College Station, TX).
`The interest and rationale for developing a new allometric model
`equation was based on our previous findings that Rfu, combined with
`ClogP, could be used to formulate rules to predict qualitatively the
`occurrence of large vertical allometry in predicting human CL (Tang
`and Mayersohn, 2005, in press). The current study was undertaken to
`create and test a model in which parameters such as Rfu and ClogP, as
`well as coefficient a and exponent b from simple allometry, could
`potentially be useful to quantitatively predict human CL. ClogP was
`removed from the model since it did not add any statistical improve-
`ment. Coefficient a, exponent b, and Rfu were found to be statistically
`significant with P values of ⬍0.001, ⬍0.05, and ⬍0.001, respectively.
`The model equation incorporating these three variables was:
`CL ⫽ 36.6 䡠 (ml/min) 䡠 a0.82 䡠 b0.71 䡠 Rfu
`⫺0.70共R2 ⫽ 0.82兲
`The exponential value of b (0.71) is close to that of a (0.82) and Rfu
`(0.70). b is relatively constant and varies over a much narrower range
`(⬃ 0.35–1.20) than a (0.31–200) or Rfu (0.33–20); therefore, b was
`not considered to be an important variable. Thus, a and Rfu were used
`as the only variables to redevelop the model, which resulted in the
`simplified eq. 4,
`CL ⫽ 33.35 䡠 (ml/min) 䡠 a0.77 䡠 Rfu
`which retained an R2 of 0.81, indicating that the three-variable model
`does not improve the prediction performance. Values for CL increase
`with a, indicating that the coefficient a from simple allometry is a
`primary determinant of CL. In contrast, CL decreases when Rfu
`increases due to the negative power of Rfu. This inverse relationship
`makes sense in that a higher value for fu in animals compared with
`humans may lead to an over-prediction of CL by simple allometry.
`The inverse functional relationship between fu and CL predicted in
`humans, therefore, may correct the over-predictions caused by signif-
`icant differences in fu between animals and humans.
`The exponents of a and Rfu have very similar absolute values.
`Changing ⫺0.71 to ⫺0.77 for the exponent of the fu ratio only slightly
`affects CL. For example, an Rfu of 10 raised to the power ⫺0.71 is
`0.19, whereas 10 raised to the power ⫺0.77 is 0.17. Most fu ratios are
`smaller than 10; therefore, the equation was further simplified to
`CL ⫽ 33.35 䡠 (ml/min) 䡠冉 a
`The term, a/Rfu, could be referred as an “fu-corrected a.” The predict-
`ability of CL estimations for eq. 5, as well as for simple allometry and
`ROE, are given in Table 1. The significant improvement in prediction
`performance by the proposed model, compared with ROE, could be
`judged from three perspectives.
`First, the average absolute values of percentage error by eq. 5,
`ROE, and simple allometry were 78%, 185%, and 323%, respectively.
`The significant
`in prediction by the new model
`FIG. 1. Predicted human clearance as a function of observed human clearance. Pre-
`dicted values are based upon simple allometry (top), the new model equation derived
`here (eq. 5; middle) and the rule of exponents (bottom). The solid lines are the lines of
`identity and the dashed lines represent a range associated with 200% error.


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`FIG. 3. Unbound fraction of drug in plasma (fu) for the average in all animal species
`(top) and in humans (bottom) as a function of fu in rats for 61 compounds. The
`average fu values in animals are based on at least two animal species including rats.
`The solid lines indicate the lines of 5-fold or 0.2-fold. The dotted lines indicate the
`lines of 2-fold or 0.5-fold. The dashed lines indicate the lines of identity.
`exponents greater than 0.70. In contrast, the new model equation
`proposed here results in more accurate predictions of human CL and
`a more random pattern of errors.
`The use of fu ratio between rats and humans, rather than between all
`animals and humans, was based on our observation that the fu in rats
`is representative of the average fu in animals (Fig.3). In contrast, many
`significant differences between fu in rats and fu in humans were
`observed (Fig. 3). One question could be raised concerning why
`scaling by the unbound CL approach did not provide stable and good
`predictability, because it appears that correcting CL by fu in each
`animal species would be more favorable than just considering only
`rats and humans. One possible explanation could be attributed to the
`serious error underlying data fitting to the power function (Smith,
`1984) and the considerable measurement error of fu, especially for
`highly plasma-bound compounds. When three or more animal species
`are included for scaling unbound CL, the same number of fu variables
`with errors is also introduced into the data fitting, and may generate
`FIG. 2. Percentage error in prediction of human clearance as a function of observed
`human clearance. Percentage errors are from predictions based upon simple allom-
`etry (top), the new model eq. 5 (middle), and the rule of exponents (bottom). The
`inset plots are limited to 400% error, which encompasses most of the error range.
`The solid lines indicate 0% error. The dashed lines indicate the range associated
`with 200% error. Symbols: simple allometric slope values less than 0.7 (circle), less
`than 0.7–1.0 (triangle), or greater than 1.0 (rectangle).
`and Fig. 2. The dashed line in the graphs represents a 200% error
`range. Simple allometry results in substantial over-prediction of hu-
`man CL for many compounds (especially those with low CL). The
`ROE method considerably reduces that error, whereas it still retains a
`few large over-predictions and leads to biased under-predictions. The
`under-predictions by the ROE method are primarily the result of
`applying MLP or BrW corrections to compounds having allometric


`Y ⫽ log P; X ⫽ log W; a ⫽ 10␣; b ⫽ ␤
`Then, eq. A1 can be simplified to
`Y ⫽ ␣ ⫹ ␤ 䡠 X
`Suppose n different animal species are used for allometric scaling.
`Therefore, there are n sets of (X, Y) data to fit using linear regression.
`Based on the method of least squares for linear regression, ␣ and ␤
`can be calculated as
`共Xi ⫺ X៮ 兲共Yi ⫺ Y៮ 兲
`(Xi ⫺ X៮ )2
`冘 i
`冘 i
`␣ ⫽ Y៮ ⫺ ␤ 䡠 X៮
`Substituting Y ⫽ log P, X ⫽ log W into eqs. A3 and A4, and further
`substituting ␣ and ␤ into a ⫽ 10␣, b⫽ ␤, expressions of a and b are
`obtained as
`CLpredicted ⫽ B 䡠 共 fu
`rat)⫺0.77 䡠 共 fu
`␤ ⫽
`Bi 䡠 log Pi
`a ⫽写
`b ⫽ 冘
`冉1 ⫺ Bi 䡠 log写
`1 n
`Ai ⫽
`写 k
`n 冢log Wk ⫺
`冘 k
`1 n
`Bi ⫽
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`By assuming a human body weight of 70 kg, the predicted P in
`humans is obtained from
`Ppredicted ⫽ a 䡠 70b ⫽写
`where Ppredicted is the predicted PK parameter in humans and Pi is the
`measured PK parameter in an animal species,
`冉1 ⫺ Bi 䡠 log写
`1 n
`Ai ⫽
`greater error in predicting human values than what is generated from
`the error noted in only one species, the rat, in the new proposed model.
`Here is an example to visualize this concept. Suppose three species,
`mouse (0.03 kg), rat (0.25 kg), and dog (15 kg), are used for allometric
`scaling of unbound CL. The final predicted CL in humans by allom-
`etry can be expressed as:
`CLpredicted ⫽ A 䡠 共 fu
`mouse)0.36 䡠 共 fu
`rat)⫺0.17 䡠 共 fu
`dog)⫺1.19 䡠 共 fu
`where A is a function of CL observed in each animal species and the
`body weight of animals (derivation under Appendix). The new model
`can be expressed as:
`where B is not equal to A, but is also a function of CL observed in each
`animal species and the body weight of animals. It is obvious that the
`correction of fu in each species incorporates more variance by intro-
`ducing more fu variables compared with both simple allometry and the
`new model.
`Certainly, the new model is empirical, just as are all of the other
`approaches. No solid physiological or biochemical basis could be offered
`at this time. The model proposed here does not consider many other
`potential types of useful information such as in vitro metabolic differ-
`ences across species, which may account for deviations in predictions.
`Therefore, the empirical model that has been proposed should be ex-
`pected, in practice, to result in errors in prediction, such as when a
`significant metabolic/elimination difference is seen across the species
`examined. Nevertheless, the new model was shown to be simple, rea-
`sonable, and more predictive than the currently available approaches. In
`particular, the new model significantly improves for the first time the
`prediction of the occurrence of large vertical allometry noted in humans.
`In summary, a novel and simple model, incorporating a and the fu ratio
`between rats and humans, has been proposed and shown to provide a
`better predictability than the currently available allometric techniques in
`estimating values of CL in humans. Most important, it significantly
`improves the prediction of large vertical allometry.2
`Acknowledgments. We thank Dr. Harold Boxenbaum for useful
`suggestions in the development of the new model equations, and Drs.
`Stacey Tannenbaum (Novartis Pharmaceutical Co.) and Iftekkar Mah-
`mood (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) for providing part of the
`allometric data used in the analyses.
`Appendix: Derivation of Equation 5
`Part I: Derivation of the Function Relating Predicted PK Parameters in
`Humans (Ppredicted) to Animal Body Weights (W) and Observed Animal
`PK Parameters (Pi)
`The log-log transformation of P ⫽ a 䡠 Wb gives
`log P ⫽ log a ⫹ b 䡠 log W
`2 The proposed model (eq. 5) was tested using one example of large vertical
`allometry (reboxetine), whose data were available to the authors during the
`revision of the manuscript. We predicted an Rfu greater than 5 for reboxetine. The
`data kindly provided by one of the reviewers (courtesy of Pfizer, Inc.) showed fu
`values of 0.17 and 0.02 in rats and humans, respectively, which translate to an Rfu
`of 8.5. Prediction of human CL based upon eq. 5 resulted in a PE of 104%,
`compared with 1395% and 804% based upon simple allometry and the ROE
`method, respectively.


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`写 k
`n 冢log Wk ⫺
`冘 k
`1 n
`Bi ⫽
`where W is the animal body weight.
`Part II: Derivation of Equation 5 Based on Equation A9
`Based on eq. A9, predicted human CL (CLpredicted) using simple
`allometry from a combination of animals such as the mouse (0.03 kg),
`rat (0.25 kg), and dog (15 kg) gives
`CLpredicted ⫽ (CLmouse)⫺0.36 䡠 (CLrat)0.17 䡠 (CLdog)1.19
`CLu ⫽
`scaling of unbound CL can be done by substituting CLu for CL,
`resulting in
`冉CLpredictedhuman 冊1.0
`Therefore, CL predicted in humans by scaling unbound CL can be
`CLpredicted ⫽ A 䡠 共 fu
`mouse)0.36 䡠 共 fu
`rat)⫺0.17 䡠 共 fu
`dog)⫺1.19 䡠 共 fu
`where A is the CL value predicted in humans using simple allometry
`and is equal to
`A ⫽ (CLmouse)⫺0.36 䡠 (CLrat)0.17 䡠 (CLdog)1.19
`By substituting a from eq. A5, the new model equation (eq. 5 in text)
`CL ⫽ 33.35 䡠 (ml/min) 䡠冉 a
`CL ⫽ 33.35 䡠 (ml/min) 䡠冉写
`and can be expressed as
`That is,
`CLpredicted ⫽ B 䡠 共 fu
`rat)⫺0.77 䡠 共 fu
`B ⫽ 33.35 䡠 (ml/min) 䡠冉写
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`cokinetics in the rat, rabbit and dog. Drug Metab Dispos 19:1116 –1125.
`Battino D, Estienne M, and Avanzini G (1995) Clinical pharmacokinetics of antiepileptic drugs
`in paediatric patients. Part I: Phenobarbital, primidone, valproic acid, ethosuximide,

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