`Selection of the First-Time Dose in Humans:
`Comparison of Different Approaches Based
`on Interspecies Scaling of Clearance
`Iftekhar Mahmood, PhD, Martin David Green, PhD, and ]. Edward Fisher, PhD
`The authors describefour approaches to selecting a safe start-
`ing dose for humans in clinical drug trials based on
`interspecies scaling of clearance. Human clearance was pre-
`dicted by scaling for 10 example drugs for which animal
`clearance values were available in the literature. The pre-
`dicted human clearance values were then used to select the
`estimated starting dose in humans. These doses were then
`compared with the actual doses given to humans during clin-
`ical trials. All four approaches used to estimate the first-time
`dose in humans provided values that were within the dose
`range given to humans from Phases I to III. This work demon-
`strates that animal pharmacokinetic data can be used to esti-
`mate a suitable human starting dose, provided the data have
`been obtainedfrom a dose thatproduces no adverse effects.
`Keywords: Interspecies scaling; first-time dose; drug devel-
`opment; allometric scaling; predicted human
`clearance; toxicity
`Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2003;43:692-697
`@2003 the American College of Clinical Pharmacology
`Interspecies scaling is frequently used to predict
`pharmacokinetic parameters from animals to hu-
`mans during drug development and is becoming a use-
`ful tool especially for the selection of the first-time dose
`in humans.1 Estimation of a starting dose for “first-in-
`human” clinical trials of new molecular entities in
`healthy volunteers is very important since a low start-
`ing dose will prolong dose optimization, and a high
`starting dose may cause serious toxicity. But despite
`the importance of this task from a drug development
`standpoint, there is no consensus regarding the best ap-
`proach for estimating the starting dose.2
`From the Division ofClinical Trial Design and Analysis, Centerfor Biologics
`Evaluation and Research (I. Mahmood, M. D. Green) and the Division of
`Neuropharmacological Drug Products, Center for Drug Evaluation and
`Research (J.E. Fisher), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Rockville,
`Maryland. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and
`do not reflect the official policy of the FDA. No official support or endorse-
`ment by the FDA is intended or should be inferred. Submitted for publica-
`tion December 22, 2002; revised version accepted April 12, 2003. Ad-
`dress for reprints: lftekhar Mahmood, Division of Clinical Trial Design and
`Analysis, Office of Therapeutic Research and Review, Clinical Pharmacol-
`ogy and Toxicology Branch (HFD-579), Center for Biologics Evaluation
`and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Woodmont Office Center I,
`Suite 200N, 1401 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852.
`DOI: 10.1177/0091270003254631
`One of the most commonly used methods for select-
`ing the starting dose has involved the conversion of an
`animal no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) to the
`human equivalent dose (HED) using appropriate scal-
`ing factors, followed by application of a safety factor
`(SF). This procedure is described in detail in a recently
`issued Food and Drug Administration (FDA) draft
`guidance, which outlines an algorithmic process for se-
`lecting the maximum recommended starting dose
`(MRSD) for healthy adult volunteers based on animal
`toxicology data and administered doses? Although
`this method has proven generally adequate, it presents
`a number of problems for the toxicologist. Determina-
`tion of the appropriate animal NOAEL is a difficult and
`time-consuming task, depending on a number of key
`study variables, including duration of treatment, dose
`selection, and species. The choice of an appropriate
`scaling factor also involves considerable uncertainty.
`For most systemically administered drugs, conversion
`to the I-IED is typically based on the normalization of
`doses to body surface area.“'5 However, the applicabil-
`ity of the data used to derive this scaling factor (i.e., the
`two-thirds power ofbody weight) to risk assessment for
`noncytotoxic agents and the largely unknown impact
`of experimental conditions on dose scaling across spe-
`692 o I Clin Pharmacol 2003;43:692-697
`Apotex v. Novartis
`Apotex v. Novartis


`cies have been widely discussed.‘*'3 As has been
`pointed out repeatedly, the choice of an SF is almost
`entirely arbitrary and without scientific justification.
`In those cases for which adequate data exist, animal
`pharmacokinetics may aid in determining initial clini-
`cal doses. Although not without their own set of limita-
`tions and assumptions, pharmacokinetically guided
`approaches to dose extrapolation such as those de-
`scribed herein should provide a more rational basis for
`calculating an appropriate starting dose. In 1986, Col-
`lins et al'3 proposed a pharmacokinetically guided dose
`escalation scheme for anticancer drugs. To select the
`first-time dose in humans, Reigner and Blesch2 sug-
`gested the use of the lowest AUC at the NOAEL when a
`drug is given to several species as well as the predicted
`human clearance (dose in humans = AUC X predicted
`human clearance). Therefore, for this approach, it is es-
`sential that the clearance be predicted with reasonable
`accuracy in humans. Over the years, many different ap-
`proaches have been suggested to improve the predic-
`tion of clearance in humans.1°'14 With the introduction
`of the rule of exponents by Mahmood and Balian,10 the
`probability of predicting clearance with reasonable ac-
`curacy has vastly improved. The objective of this report
`is to propose four different approaches based on the
`predicted human clearance and their suitability to se-
`lect a safe first-time dose in humans for the Phase I
`A literature search was conducted to obtain clearance
`values for 10 drugs15'33 that have been studied in at least
`three animal species (mice, rat, rabbit, monkey, or dog).
`These drugs are eliminated renally or by extensive me-
`tabolism. Drugs used in this study were given either in-
`travenously or orally. The first step was to predict clear-
`ance in humans. Scaling of clearance was performed
`using the following three methods. Human data were
`not included in the scaling. In the case when several
`doses were given to animals, the lowest dose was se-
`lected for scaling.
`Prediction of Clearance
`Method I. Clearance of each drug was plotted against
`the body weight on a log-log scale, and the following
`allometric equation was used to predict clearance in
`CL = a(W)b,
`where W is the body weight and a and b are the coeffi-
`cient and exponent of the allometric equation,
`Method II. The observed clearance values in the dif-
`ferent animal species were multiplied by their respec-
`tive maximum life span potential (MLP) and plotted as
`a function of body weight on a log-log scale. From the
`allometric equation, clearance X MLP was estimated in
`humans and the result was then divided by the MLP of
`humans (8.18 x 105 h) to predict the clearance in man.
`CL = a(MLP x Clearance)b/8.18 x 105.
`MLP in years was calculated from the following equa-
`tion, as described by Sacher“:
`MLP (years) = 135.4 (13W)°-83$ (W)‘°'225,
`where both brain weight (BW) and body weight (W) are
`in kilograms.
`Method III. In this approach, clearance of animal
`species was multiplied by the brain weight of the spe-
`cies, and the product was plotted as a function of body
`weight on a log-log scale. The allometric equation
`(equation (4)) was then used to predict the clearance in
`humans using the human brain weight (1.53 kg).
`CL = a(CL x BW)b/1.53,
`where BW is the brain weight in kilograms.
`Selection of Dose
`Based on the predicted human clearance, the following
`four approaches were used to select the dose in hu-
`mans. The predicted dose was then compared with the
`lowest and highest doses given to humans during the
`clinical trials (from Phase I to Phase III).
`Approach I. In this approach, the clearances of the
`species (used in the prediction of clearance for hu-
`mans) were plotted on linear scale against the dose
`given to the species. The resultant equation was then
`used to recommend the starting dose in humans as
`Dose = a + b(x),
`where a is the intercept, b is the slope, and x is the pre-
`dicted clearance in humans.
`Approach II. In this approach, the dose given to each
`species was multiplied by the HED and then plotted
`against clearance in each species on a linear scale. The
`resultant equation was then used to select the dose, as


`Table I Names of the Studied Drugs and the Species Used in the Allometric Scaling
` Drugs Species Used Route of Administration“ Reference Animals Reference Humans
`15, 16
`m, r, (1
`m, r, mk, d
`r, d, mk
`m, r, mk, (1
`m, r, d, mk
`r, rb, d
`r, rb, d
`III, r, mk
`m, r, rb, mk
`Zenarestat 33 m, r, d Oral 33
`In, mouse; r, rat; rb, rabbit; mk, monkey; d, dog.
`a. The route of administration in animals and humans was same.
`described in equation (5). HED in a given species was
`estimated as followsa:
`Dose (mg) = (474 ugOh/mL X 1.26 L/h)/3.27.
`HED = animal dose in mg/kg
`>< (animal weight in kg/human weight in kg)°'33.
`Approach III. This approach is a slightly modified
`version of the pharmacokinetically guided approach.
`No safety factor was used in this dosing recommenda-
`tion based on the assumption that the dose given to ani-
`mals is much lower than the NOAEL. Since the AUC
`values for a given drug were available in more than one
`species, the recommended dose was estimated using
`the lowest AUC observed in a given species as follows:
`Dose (mg) = AUC in animal (pg-h/mL)
`>< predicted clearance in humans (L/h).
`Approach IV This mathematically manipulated ap-
`proach can be used to recommend the first-time dose in
`humans as follows.
`First, one selects the species whose clearance (per kg
`body weight) is nearest to the predicted human clear-
`ance (based on kg body weight). A correction factor is
`then obtained by dividing the clearance of the chosen
`species by the predicted human clearance. Then the
`recommended dose can be selected according to the
`following equation:
`Dose (mg) = (AUC in the chosen animal (ugOh/mL)
`X predicted clearance in humans (L/h))/correction factor.
`Example: For felbamate, the observed clearance in rat,
`rabbit, and dog was 2.54, 0.98, and 1.55 mL/min/kg, re-
`spectively. In man, the predicted clearance was 0.3 mL/
`min/kg. Based on the clearance value, rabbit was the
`closest species to man. The estimated correction factor
`was 3.27 (098/03), and the dose was calculated as
`694 o I Clin Pharmacol 2003;43:692-697
`Thus, the recommended starting dose of felbamate in
`humans was 183 mg.
`Table I is the summary of the drugs and species used in
`this study as well as the route of administration of these
`drugs to animals and humans. The exponents of the
`simple allometry and the correlation coefficient be-
`tween body weight and clearance are summarized in
`Table II. Table II also compares the predicted and ob-
`served clearance of the studied drugs.
`A good correlation between body weight and clear-
`ance was observed for most of the drugs tested. The re-
`sults of this study (as in the previous study”) indicate
`that there are specific conditions under which only one
`of the three methods can be used for improved predic-
`tion of clearance. When the exponents of the simple
`allometry ranged from 0.55 to 0.70, the simple
`allometry was considered suitable for the prediction of
`clearance in humans. When the exponents of the sim-
`ple allometry ranged from 0.70 to 0.99, the MLP ap-
`proach was found to be appropriate for the prediction
`of clearance in humans. The product of clearance and
`brain weight was considered suitable for the prediction
`of clearance in humans when the exponents of the sim-
`ple allometry were 2 1.0. It can be seen fiom Table II
`that simple allometry was not adequate for the predic-
`tion of clearance for all drugs, but the use of the rule of
`exponents vastly improved the prediction of these
`In this study, however, there were two drugs whose
`predicted clearances were many times higher than the
`observed clearances. Zenarestat’s exponent was 1.340,
`but as mentioned previously,10 if the exponent of the


`Table II Observed versus Predicted Clearance (mL/min) in Humans
`Correlation Coefficient (1')
`Observed CL
`Predicted CL (SA)
`Predicted CL (RE)
` Zenarestat 1.340 0.994 47 688 155
`SA, simple allometry; RE, rule of exponents.
`allometry is > 1.30, the predicted clearance may be
`many times higher than the observed clearance, and in-
`deed this was the case with zenarestat. In a previous pa-
`per,35 Mahmood mentioned that the prediction of oral
`clearance would be erratic when the oral clearance of
`the species used in the scaling is either equal to or
`greater than the liver blood flow and the observed hu-
`man clearance is less than the liver blood flow. This ob-
`servation was found to be true with bepridil. Bepridil’s
`oral clearance in the mouse, rat, and monkey was
`greater than their respective blood flow, resulting in a
`much higher prediction of oral clearance (observed hu-
`man CL = 1085 mL/min, which is less than human liver
`blood flow) in humans (predicted CL = 6535 mL/min).
`The results obtained by the four approaches to se-
`lecting the first-time dose in humans are compared
`with the doses actually given to humans from Phase I to
`Phase III in Table III. The clinical dose range shown ex-
`tends from the first human dose to the highest dose
`used in the definitive efficacy trials, which can be con-
`sidered a well-tolerated but not necessarily a maximum-
`tolerated dose. The method of dose selection in the
`original trials is unknown. Approach I was the most ag-
`gressive approach and may not be suitable for the selec-
`tion of the first-time dose in humans. Approach III was
`the most conservative method and, like Approach I,
`may be unsuitable. Approaches II and IV were more
`moderate and could be useful in estimating a safe and
`efficient dose for the first-time administration of a drug
`to humans. It should be noted, however, that with the
`exception of zenarestat, even the dose arrived at by Ap-
`proach I did not exceed the highest dose given to hu-
`mans for any of the studied drugs.
`Interspecies scaling is based on the assumption (a cor-
`rect assumption) that there are anatomical, physiologi-
`cal, and biochemical similarities among animals,
`which can be described by mathematical models. It is
`now a well-established fact that many physiological
`processes and organ sizes exhibit a power-law relation-
`ship with the body weight of species. This relationship
`is the scientific basis of allometry.
`Pharmacokinetics play an important role during
`drug development. Characterization of absorption,
`distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) in
`animals is of fundamental importance. The pharma-
`cokinetic parameters, especially clearance, can be ex-
`trapolated to humans for the selection of a safe dose for
`the first-dosing trials in humans. Two of the widely
`used methods of first-time dose selection are based on
`the NOAEL or toxicokinetic studies of a drug in one to
`three species. There are several disadvantages to these
`approaches. In the NOAEL approach, it becomes nec-
`essary to select a NOAEL, which is a tedious and time-
`consuming process. In reality, one may never find an
`absolute NOAEL in a given species. In toxicokinetic
`studies, animals are given a very high dose chronically,
`and if the resultant toxicity does not kill the animal, it
`may alter the physiology of the animal. This change in
`the physiology of the animal may have an impact on
`the pharmacokinetics of a given drug. Overall, both the
`NOAEL and toxicokinetic approaches for the first-time
`selection of a dose to humans are slow and very con-
`servative approaches. In fact, there is no need to select
`the first dose in humans based on NOAEL or


`Table III Recommended First-Time Dose in Humans by Different Approaches
` Drugs Approach I Approach II Approach III Approach IV Dose Given
`Zenarestat 150-600 845 460 313 353
`Approach I = dose versus clearance (CL); Approach II = human equivalent dose (HED) dose versus CL; Approach III = no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL);
`Approach IV = correction factor.
`a. Given orally, but the recommended dose is based on the scaling of IV data as the absolute bioavailability is 1 in humans. The initial IV dose in humans was
`70 mg.
`toxicokinetics. One can achieve this goal by giving a
`safe low dose to animals and, based on the prediction of
`clearance, selecting a safe and suitable dose in humans
`as described in this study. Nevertheless, this does not
`necessarily mean that one should not try to determine
`the NOAEL or conduct a toxicokinetic study as these
`endpoints provide information that is often useful in
`characterizing toxicity.
`In this report, we have proposed several methods
`that can be used to administer a first-time dose to hu-
`mans that is not only safe but also avoids many unnec-
`essary low-dose schemes. Even when the predicted
`clearance is many times higher than the observed clear-
`ance, as seen with bepridil (sixfold higher) and
`zenarestat (threefold higher), the doses selected by Ap-
`proaches II, III, and IV were well below the highest
`well-tolerated doses given to humans. It is, however,
`not known that these clinical doses represent the maxi-
`mum tolerated dose or whether one could give even
`higher doses to humans without producing any signifi-
`cant toxicity. Approach III is, in fact, a modified version
`of NOAEL or toxicokinetic methods for the selection of
`the first-time dose in humans. In this approach, a safety
`factor was not used since the animal doses were low
`and without any side effects.
`An important caveat is that the above-mentioned ap-
`proaches ignore the fact that there may be a toxic me-
`tabolite of a drug in humans that is not formed in ani-
`mals. Considering that current standards of drug
`development require a thorough investigation of me-
`tabolites formed in animals and humans, such a case is
`highly unlikely to occur.2 Another important point
`worth considering is that genetic polymorphism, as in
`the case of 2D6, may occur. One may then require de-
`veloping two different starting doses, one for poor
`metabolizers and one for extensive metabolizers.z
`The main objective of this work is to describe differ-
`ent approaches that can help to select a first dose in hu-
`mans that is not only safe but also efficient (neither very
`low nor very high). These suggested approaches pro-
`vide rational alternatives to the somewhat arbitrary
`dose selection process often used. Having a clear set of
`methods rather than relying on some fuzzy approach
`should be an important advantage in the bigger context
`of drug development. Although various safety factors
`used in the first-time dose in humans have no scientific
`basis, one can tailor these factors based on the need or
`the characteristics of a given drug. It should also be
`noted that there is no right or wrong method, and one
`can select one of the many approaches available by us-
`ing scientific judgment and the ease of the method. Our
`proposed methods are one of the many approaches that
`may be used to select a first-time dose to humans. Other
`approaches may be considered in relationship to the
`severity and incidence of toxicity. For example, a con-
`servative approach is suitable for drugs likely to have a
`narrow therapeutic index.
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