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`IL 60601
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` !%' ( # #.  a-
`Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
`2  2
`b6 c 2
`701 Fifth Avenue
`  $
`5 6 3 7
`Seattle, WA 98104
`  .  +
`+ ('#% ((; $# ' # !8
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`1001 Pennsylvania Ave Northwest
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` 3  62
`Washington, DC 20004
` 26
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` !(  ".  a-
`Winston & Strawn
` 2  c 
`35 West Wacker Drive
` ) 2 b4 
` %6
. ( 11
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



`A P P E A R A N C E S
`      %  d%#e
`('#% ((; $# ' # / 8
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`Kirkland & Ellis
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`300 North LaSalle
` )  6 ( 
`IL 60654
` %6
. ( 11+
`('#% ((; $# '   #8
` #& %' .  a-
` 9  (#/.  a-
`Gibson Dunn & Crutcher
`f2 7 c %7 b6
`200 Park Avenue
`  4 3 7
`  ;4. ; 11
`New York, NY 10166
` g g g g g
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`JANUARY 10, 2018
`  (.  '#h 9  ; . 
`8:00 a.m.
`) 8 -i-
` 1
`JUDGE POLLOCK: This call is in relation to
` 9 #((#%"8 6
`2 b
`IPR2017—OO854. This is Judge Pollock.
`I have with me
`  +- 6
`2 97
 b4-  63 
` 6 i
`Judges Green and Kaiser.
` 97
2    "
`I would like to start with a roll call.
`  7 
`4  2  
` 6   b- 
`ahead for petitioner.
` 6 5 
` -
`MR. PARMELEE: Good morning, your Honors.
` !-  !(8  i
. :7 ' 2-
`This is Steve Parmelee and Jad Mills for petitioner
` 6
`2 3 i   9 !
`2 5 
`)  j-
`MS. REA: Good morning. This is Teri Rea
`+ ! -  8  i
- 6
`and Shannon Lentz on behalf of petitioner Argentum.
`   6  ( k  f65 5 
`MR. PARK: Good morning. This is Sam Park
`1 !-  "8  i
- 6
`2 i 4
`on behalf of petitioner Sun Pharmaceutical.
`  f65 5 
`  7 6ib7
`MR. SPRINGSTED: Good morning. This is
` !-  8  i
- 6
`Gregory Springsted on behalf of petitioners Actavis and
2   f65 5 
` 2 b 3
` 3-
`JUDGE POLLOCK: Anyone else? Very good.
` 9 #((#%"8 :  2l /:
`Is there a court reporter on the line?
` 2 6  b7    6 
` l
`MR. PARMELEE: Yes, your Honor, we do have a
`) !-  !(8 ;2. :7 ' .   63 
`court reporter on the line.
`+ b7    6 
` -
`JUDGE POLLOCK: And who engaged the court
` 9 #((#%"8  6 

 6 b7
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`  l
`MR. PARMELEE: Petitioner Apotex.
`) !-  !(8 
`   j-
`JUDGE POLLOCK: Very good.
`If Apotex would
`+ 9 #((#%"8 /:
- 5  j 7
`submit a copy of the transcript as an exhibit when it's
` 27fi
`  b: 5 6  2b
` 2  j6
` 6
` m2
`that would be fine.
`1 3
`f. 6 7 f 5
` -
`MR. PARMELEE: Certainly we will.
` !-  !(8 % 
` :  
`JUDGE POLLOCK: Petitioners requested this
` 9 #((#%"8 
` 2 n72  6
`call regarding the routine or additional discovery of
` b 

6 7
`2b3: 5
`FDA minutes of the February 2, 2005, meeting between the
` $ i
` 7 2 5 6 $f7: . . i
f  6
`FDA and Novartis, which is referenced in Exhibit 2066
` $   3
`2. 6
`2 5 b
` j6
` 11
`and at paragraph 55 of Dr. Lublin's second deposition
6  5 - (7f
` m2 2b  2
`which quotes Exhibit 2066;
`two, a briefing book for the
`) 6
`b6 n7 2 j6
` 11h .  f
f4 5 6
`March 26th, 2007, end of phase two meeting, which is
`+ !b6 1 6. .   5 62  i
. 6
`referenced in Exhibit 2064, which itself is referenced
` 5 b
` j6
` 1+. 6
` 25
`2 5 b
`via paragraph 46 of Dr. Lublin's second declaration; and
`1 3
6 +1 5 - (7f
` m2 2b  b
` h  
`an unredacted copy of 2063, which is cited at paragraphs
`  7 b  b: 5 1). 6
`2 b
`52 and 56 of Dr. Lublin's second declaration.
`    1 5 - (7f
` m2 2b  b
` -
`Petitioner, would you like to begin?
` . 7 :7 
`4  f

` l
`MR. PARMELEE: Yes, your Honor.
`I just want
` !-  !(8 ;2. :7 ' -  o72 
`to confirm that counsel for patent owner is on the line.
`  b 5
`i 6 b7 2 5    
`2  6 
` -
`I didn't hear them introduce themselves.
` m 6 6i
` 7b 6i232-
`I'm sorry. My mistake.
`) 9 #((#%"8 #6. mi 2:- !: i
`2 4-
`Is counsel for patent owner there?
`+ 2 b7 2 5     6l
`MR. TRENCHARD: We are, your Honor. This is
` !- %' 8  . :7 ' - 6
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`Bob Trenchard and Jane Love from Gibson Dunn for the
` &f  b6   9  (3 5i 
`f2 7 5 6
`patent owner.
`)    -
`JUDGE POLLOCK: My apologies. Well, good
`+ 9 #((#%"8 !: 

`2- .

` i
`MR. TRENCHARD: Good morning, your Honor.
`1 !- %' 8  i
. :7 ' -
`JUDGE POLLOCK: Petitioner.
` 9 #((#%"8 
` -
`Sure. Yeah,
`thank you, your
` !-  !(8 7- ;6. 6 4 :7. :7
` ' -
`was filed on November 13th, 2017.
`Regarding the —— you've gone through the

6 :7m3
6 6
`three documents that we identified. We think it's a
` 6 b7i 2 6 
`-  6
` 4
` m2 
`pretty straightforward matter on these three,
`so let me
`  : 2 
6 5 i   62 6. 2  i
`touch on each of them what they are, and you've already
`) 7b6  b6 5 6i 6 6: .   :7m3 :
`identified where they're referred to in the patent owner
` 6 6:m 5 
` 6    
`expert declaration. We also have cites where patent
` j b
` -  2 63 b
` 2 6  
`owner relies on them in the patent owner response that
`2  6i
` 6     2 2 6
`|_\ \l
` 2 5
`  3if ) 6. -
`|_\ 00
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`+ 5b
`JUDGE POLLOCK: Does the —— the expert
` 9 #((#%"8 2 6 6 j
`report is citing another document, 2066, which quotes an
`2 b
  6 b7i . 11. 6
`b6 n7 2 
`excerpt of that.
`So Dr. Lublin I don't see had access
` jb 5 6 -  - (7f
`   m 2 6 bb22
`to the entire minutes;
`is that correct?
`  6 
` i
` 7 2h
`2 6 bb l
`they're citing to in
` !-  !(8 . 6:m b

`20 —— they're actually citing to the FDA, quoting from
`  6:m b 7: b
 6 $ . n7
`the FDA minutes that are quoted in the exhibit that they
` 6 $ i
` 7 2 6  n7 
` 6 j6
` 6 6:
`do provide.
`So basically they're trying to immunize
`  3
`-  f2
`b: 6:m :

`from production the underlying FDA minutes by having
`) 5i 7b
` 6 7 :
$ i
` 7 2 f: 63

`Dr. Lublin provide us a snippet from that document and
`+ - (7f
` 3
` 72  2
` 5i 6 b7i  
`not addressing the entirety of the FDA minutes. And
`  22
` : 5 6 $ i
` 7 2- 
`certainly it's relied on in the patent owner response as
`1 b 
` :
` m2 
` 6     2 2 2
` -
`JUDGE POLLOCK: All right. Please continue.
` 9 #((#%"8  
6 - 2 b
` 7-
`I don't know if you
` !-  !(8 7-   m 4 
`5 :7
`wanted me to discuss where they're also relying on
`   i  
`2b722 6 6:m 2 :

`this material in the patent owner response, but
` 62. 6
`2 i 
` 6     2 2. f7
`that's at pages 26 to 27 citing the Lublin declaration
` 6 m2  
2 1   b
6 (7f
` b
`discussing these exhibits.
62 j6
` 2-
`+ 9 #((#%"8 #4:-
`The second document that we
` !-  !(8 6 2b  b7i 6 
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`believe should have been produced as routine discovery
` f
`3 267 63 f 7b 2 7
`is this briefing book for the March 22nd, 2007, meeting
`2 6
`2 f
f4 5 6 !b6  . . i

`with the FDA.
`It's a document that Novartis apparently
` 6 6 $ -  m2  b7i 6 3
`2  :
`prepared for a meeting with the FDA and it's described
`  5  i

` 6 6 $  
` m2 2b
`in Exhibit 2064 at page 1 which quotes from the briefing
` j6
` 1+  
`b6 n7 2 5i 6 f

`book with big block quotes.
` f4 
` 6 f
fb4 n7 2-
` 6
`discussion carries over to paragraph 47 in the Lublin
` b
`2 3  
6 +
` 6 (7f
`declaration as well. And in the patent owner response,
` b
` 2 - 
` 6     2 2.
`patent owner relies on this discussion by Dr. Lublin in
`2  6
` f: - (7f
`the first paragraph on page 26, which cites these
` 6 5
 1. 6
`b6 b
` 2 62
`portions of the Lublin declaration.
` 2 5 6 (7f
` b
` -
`Therefore, because it is cited and relied
` 65. fb72
`2 b
`on, we believe that document,
`the briefing book, should
`  .  f
`3 6 b7i . 6 f
f4. 267
`have been produced to us as a matter of routine
` 63 f 7b  72 2  i  5 7
`The third document that we've asked for as a
`) 6 6
` b7i 6 m3 24 5 2 
`matter of routine discovery is the heavily redacted copy
`+ i  5 7
`2 6 63
`: b  b:
`of 2063 which is a partial e—mail chain involving
` 5 1) 6
`  i
` b6
` 33

`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`— I don't know
`   m 4 
`that we need to get into where this document is referred
`+ 6   

`  6 6
`2 b7i
`2 5
`to in Dr. Lublin's declaration.
`The patent owner itself
` - (7f
` m2 b
` - 6    
` 25
`relies on it and quotes directly from it at the bottom
`   n7 2 
`b : 5i
`  6 f i
`of page 26.
` 5 
`We think that there is a protective order in
`  6
` 4 6 6
`2   b
`this case. Certainly Exhibit 2063 is stamped as
` 6
`2 b2- % 
` : j6
` 1)
`2 2 i 2
`protective order material, yet the document is heavily
`  b
`3  i 
`. : 6 b7i
`2 63
`redacted and we think we should be provided with an
` b     6
` 4  267 f 3
` 6 
`unredacted copy of the document.
` 7 b  b: 5 6 b7i -
`(Telephonic interruption.)
`) d6
` 7
` -e
`So I guess on these three
`+ !-  !(8  
722  62 6
`documents we think it's a pretty straightforward case of
` b7i 2  6
` 4
` m2   : 2 
6 5 b2 5
`documents that should have been produced as routine
`1 b7i 2 6 267 63 f 7b 2 7
`discovery under rule 42.51(b)(l). They're documents
`2b3: 7  7 +-dfede- 6:m b7i 2
`that are referred to and relied on in the patent owner
` 6  5    
` 6    
`response and in at least one declaration.
` 2 2  
`  2   b
` -
`We don't think that the patent owner should
`   m 6
` 4 6 6     267
`be able to withhold them or shield these documents
` f f  
` 66 6i  26
` 62 b7i 2
`simply because they've chosen not to assign an exhibit
` 2
`i: fb72 6:m3 b62   22
`number to them. That's not what rule 42.51 says.
`) 7if  6i- 6 m2  6 7 +- 2:2-
`Basically it amounts to a trial by snippet rather than
`+ &2
` i7 2   
` f: 2
`  6 6
`allowing the parties to see the documents that they're
`2  2 6 b7i 2 6 6:m
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`relying on.
` :
`So we ask for these materials —— sorry. We
`)   24 5 62 i 
`2 2:- 
`have asked for these materials from the patent owner in
`+ 63 24 5 62 i 
`2 5i 6    
`advance of the depositions that were held in December.
` 3 b 5 6 2
` 2 6  6
` bif-
`They refused and they continue to refuse. We've
`1 6: 572   6: b
` 7  572- m3
`actually been prejudiced by our inability to have these
` b 7: f o7
`b f: 7
` f
` :  63 62
`documents prior to those depositions, and so we ask that
` b7i 2 
`  62 2
` 2.   2  24 6
`the board now order them to be produced to us without
` 6 f   6i  f 7b  72 
` 67
`any further delay.
`  : 57 6 :-
`JUDGE POLLOCK: All right. Patent owner, on
` 9 #((#%"8  
6 -    . 
`what basis do you oppose this requested discovery? Also
` 6 f2
`2  :7 2 6
`2 n72  
`2b3:l 2
`given that Dr. Lublin expressly relies on Exhibit 2063,

`3 6 - (7f
` j22: 
`2  j6
` 1).
`perhaps you can explain the reasons for the redaction.
`+ 62 :7 b j
` 6 2 2 5 6 b
` -
`|_\ 01
`Sure, your Honor.
`I'm happy
` !- %' 8 7. :7 ' - mi 6:
`|_\ ON
`1  2  6-
`to start there.
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
`The parts that's redacted —— and we have
` 6  2 6 m2 b     63
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`given the petitioners a declaration from our in—house

`3 6 
` 2  b
` 5i 7
` 672
`counsel on this issue.
`The part that's redacted is ——
`) b7 2  6
`227- 6  6 m2 b 
`is not part of the e—mail chain between Mount Sinai and
`2   5 6  i
` b6
` f  !7
`Novartis, which is the document that Dr. Lublin relies
` 3
`2. 6
`2 6 b7i 6 - (7f
`on —— documents,
`those are the documents he relies on,
`1  b7i 2. 62  6 b7i 2 6 
`2  .
`but rather additional internal e—mails within Novartis
` f7  6 
`    i
` 6
` 3
`related to or connected to the back—and—forth with Mount
`     b b   6 fb4   5 6 
` 6 !7
`Sinai. But since Dr. Lublin was only talking about the
`- &7 2
` b - (7f
` 2  : 4
f7 6
`back—and—forth between Mount Sinai and Novartis,
` fb4   5 6 f  !7
`   3
`2. 6
`seemed or those seemed the relevant documents and those
` 2i  62 2i 6 3 b7i 2   62
`are the ones that we produced.
`  6  2 6  7b-
`It so happened that we found them in our
`)  2 6  6  57  6i
` 7
`e—mail system just by happenstance attached to later
`+  i
` 2:2 i o72 f: 6 2  b  b6   
`e—mails that have no bearing on Dr. Lublin's analysis,
`  i
`2 6 63  f
 - (7f
` m2  :2
`and he has never seen them, and they have no connection
`1   6 62 3 2 6i.   6: 63  b b
`to his opinions in the case.
`They relate to, as I said,
`  6
` 2
` 6 b2- 6:   . 2  2
`additional discussions amongst internal Novartis folks
` 2 i
`   3
`2 542
`that have no bearing on the purpose for which this is
` 6 63  f
 6 72 5 6
`b6 6
` 7b-
`So that's why that stuff was —— another way
`  6 m2 6: 6 2 755 2   6 :
`to look at this would be if we happened to pick up a
`  4  6
`2 7 f
`5  6   
`b4 7 
`different version of this e—mail chain that was earlier
`55 32
` 5 6
`2  i
` b6
` 6 2 
`in the back—and—forth, it would have omitted all of the
` 6 fb4   5 6.
` 7 63 i
`   5 6
`internal Novartis chatter and have included only what
`   3
`2 b6    63
` b7  : 6
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`Dr. Lublin discussed in his declaration and the
` - (7f
` 6
`2 b
`   6
`unredacted portion.
`) 7 b  
` -
`And with respect to the other two documents,
` 6 2b  6  6  b7i 2.
`the FDA minutes and the briefing book, as your Honor
` 6 $ i
` 7 2   6 f
f4. 2 :7 ' 
`alluded to in the questioning of Mr. Parmelee and as is
`1 7 
` 6 n72
5 !- i   2
`laid out
`in the e—mail correspondence we had with
` 7
` 6  i
` b2  b  6 
` 6
`opposing counsel on this issue, we have provided full
` 2
b7 2  6
`227.  63 3
` 57
`copies of all of the documents that Dr. Lublin actually
` b
`2 5  5 6 b7i 2 6 - (7f
` b 7:
`saw and relied on.
`He has not seen and relied on —— not
` 2   
`  - ' 62  2   
`even seen at all the documents that the petitioners are
` 3 2   6 b7i 2 6 6 
` 2 
`So they —— those documents form no part of the
` 24
-  6: 62 b7i 2 5i   5 6
`basis of Novartis's patent owner response here and
`) f2
`2 5 3
`2m2     2 2 6  
`opposition. And this really is,
`in our view, an
`+ 2
` -  6
`2 :
` 7 3
`inappropriate use of either, frankly,
`the required or
`  72 5 
` 6. 5 4:. 6 n7
`additional discovery protocols in the rules.
`2b3:  b2
` 6 72-
`It always happens that documents are used
`  :2 6 2 6 b7i 2  72
`that refer or often quote other documents.
` 6 5  5  n7   6 b7i 2- i
`those quotes or referrals matter; sometimes they don't.
` 62 n7 2  52 i h 2i
`i2 6:  m -
`But the rules are pretty clear that you only have to
` &7 6 72   : b 6 :7  : 63 
`provide as required discovery the exhibits that are used
` 3
` 2 n7
`2b3: 6 j6
` 2 6  72
`to advance your position. And I don't think it's
`  3 b :7 2
` -    m 6
` 4
` m2
`disputed that we've done that.
`27  6 m3   6 -
`Those exhibits do quote from other
`+ 62 j6
` 2  n7  5i  6
`documents. That is —— that is for sure.
`The quotes
` b7i 2- 6
`2 6
`2 5 27- 6 n7 2
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



`And that's the purpose for which it is used
`+  6 m2 6 72 5 6
`2 72
`in the brief. That's the purpose for which it is used
` 6 f
`5- 6 m2 6 72 5 6
`2 72
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580

` % (( ' &# 
`from the other documents frankly are —— are not being
` 5i 6  6 b7i 2 5 4:    f

`used in the way that I think Mr. Parmelee is describing.
`) 72
` 6 : 6  6
` 4 !- i
`2 2b
`Just to briefly touch on each of them.
`+ 972  f
`5: 7b6  b6 5 6i-
`4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2


` % (( ' &# 
`in Dr. Lublin's declaration. You don't need the
` - (7f
` m2 b
` - ;7  m  6
`underlying minutes to understand that point. What you
`) 7 :
` 7 2  7 2   6 
` - 6 :7
`need is the letter that we've provided from Mr. Watson
`2 6   6 m3 3
` 5i !-  2
`to —— to Mount Sinai.
`   !7
`Dr. Lublin was capable of describing
` - (7f
` 2 bf 5 2b

`all of that in his deposition if he had been asked based
`  5 6
` 6
`2 2
`5 6 6 f 24 f2
`N N
`on the documents that have been provided. And the
`  6 b7i 2 6 63 f 3
`-  6
`briefing book itself is not something that he relied on,
`) f
` 25
`2  2i 6
6 6 
`  .
`it's simply something quoted in a document that he
` m2 2
`i: 2i 6
`  b7i 6 6
`relied on.
`  -
`6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`I'm happy to talk about the additional
` mi 6:  4 f7 6 
`discovery perspective if your Honor would like, but
`2b3: 2b
`5 :7 '  7 
`4. f7
`since Mr. Parmelee limited his comments to required
`+ 2
` b !- i 
`  6
`2 bii 2  n7
`I'm also happy to stop here right now and, if
`2b3:. mi 2 6:  2  6 
6   .
`your Honors have any questions, happy to talk about
`1 :7 ' 2 63  : n72
` 2. 6:  4 f7
` 6 -
`I think it would be best if
` 9 #((#%"8  6
` 4
` 7 f f2
`you would talk about additional discovery as well,
` :7 7 4 f7 
`2b3: 2 .
` 2-
`I'm happy to talk
` !- %' 8 #4:- mi 6:  4
`about that.
` f7 6 -
`We do not think there is any basis for
`)    6
` 4 6
`2  : f2
`2 5
`allowing a motion for additional discovery with respect
` 5 
` 6 2b
`to any of the documents the petitioners have requested
`   : 5 6 b7i 2 6 
` 2 63 n72 
`and there are a few reasons for that.
`1   6   5 2 2 5 6 -
`The most
`important reason is, under the
` 6 i2
`i  2
`2. 7  6
`Garmin factors,
`the factor number one and the factor on
` i
` 5b 2. 6 5b  7if     6 5b  
`which requests like this typically founder is the
` 6
`b6 n72 2 
`4 6
`2 :
`b: 57 
`2 6
`requirements that there be some evidence or reasoning to
` n7
`i 2 6 6 f 2i 3
` b  2

`suggest that the requested additional information will
` 27
2 6 6 n72  
` 5i
`be favorable to the requestor's position. We —— as your
` f 53f  6 n72 m2 2
` -  2 :7
`Honors probably saw in the e—mail correspondence we
`) ' 2 ff: 2
` 6  i
` b2  b 
`submitted before this call, we have repeatedly asked the
`+ 27fi
`  f5 6
`2 b.  63  : 24 6
`petitioner for such reasoning or evidence, and so far as
`  5 27b6 2
` b.   2 5 2
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`we can tell, we are aware of none.
`On the contrary,
`  b .    5  - # 6 b :. 
`the extent that these additional documents, especially
`) 6 j  6 62 
`  b7i 2. 2b
`the briefing book and the FDA minutes are discussed
`+ 6 f
f4   6 $ i
` 7 2  
`(inaudible) of the evidence,
`they —— the evidence
` d
` 7
`fe 5 6 3
` b. 6: 6 3
` b
`suggests that they help Novartis's position and not the
`1 27
2 2 6 6: 6 3
`2m2 2
`    6
`petitioner's position.
`So we think that you can't even
` m2 2
` -   6
` 4 6 :7 b m 3
`get past Garmin factor number one.
 2 i
` 5b  7if  -
`In our back—and—forth with counsel,
`  7 fb4   5 6 
` 6 b7 2. 6:
`said quite candidly that what they really wanted was the
` 2
` n7
`  b 
`: 6 6 6: :   2 6
`documents in order to evaluate Novartis's position
` b7i 2
`   37  3
`2m2 2
`rather than to advocate for some position of theirs.
`  6 6  3b  5 2i 2
` 5 6
`That's the type of fishing expedition that the rules are
`) 6 m2 6 : 5 5
` 6 6 72 
`designed to prevent.
`+ 2
  3 -
`In addition,
`the other factors we think of
` . 6  6 5b 2  6
` 4 5
`Garmin are either not particularly relevant or weigh in
`1 i
` 6  
`b7: 3  
`our favor including the timing of where we are. We
` 7 53
` b7
5 6  - 
`didn't get a request for these documents until more than
` m
  n72 5 62 b7i 2 7
` i 6
`three weeks had passed after we filed our patent owner's
` 6 42 6 22 5   5
` 7    m2
`responsibilities. Here we are and I think there's only
` 2 2
`2- '      6
` 4 6m2  :
`about that amount of time, maybe a little bit more
` f7 6 i7 5
`i. i:f  
`  f
` i
`before the reply briefs are due. Briefing at resolving
` f5 6 : f
`52  7- &

`producing these documents in that time seems impractical
`) 7b
62 b7i 2
` 6
`i 2i2
`to us.
`+  72-
`And lastly and quite importantly, especially
`  2 :   n7
`i  :. 2b
`TSG Reporting — Worldwide — 877—702—9580



` % (( ' &# 
`with respect to the briefing book and one of the other
` 6 2b  6 f
f4     5 6  6
`documents that have been mentioned at one point in
`) b7i 2 6 63 f i
`e—mail correspondence we haven't discussed yet,
`there is
`+  i
` b2  b  63 m 
`2b722 : . 6
`a nontrivial effort involved in identifying and
` 55
` 33
`producing the documents.
`The briefing book in
`1 7b
6 b7i 2- 6 f
`so your Honor understands how this works,
`b7. 2 :7 '  7 2  2 6 6
`2 42.
`these are living documents with inside of Novartis that
` 62  
b7i 2 
` 6
` 2
` 5 3
`2 6
`they update. Lots of people have input into them, but
` 6: 7 - ( 2 5  63
` 7
`  6i. f7
`they're not formal FDA submissions.
`So they're not like
` 6:m  5i $ 27fi
` 2-  6:m  
`a new drug application or the formal submission that's
`   7

`  6 5i 27fi
` 6 m2
`in this exhibit that describes the futility protocol
` 6
`2 j6
` 6 2b
`f2 6 57
` :  b
`) 6-
`These are informal documents that are shared
`+ 62 
` 5i b7i 2 6  26
`with FDA before our meeting. But what that means is
` 6 $ f5 7 i
- &7 6 6 i 2
`that identifying and reviewing and producing these
`1 6
`documents within Novartis, especially here we are more
` b7i 2 
` 6
` 3
`2. 2b
`: 6   i
`than ten years later,
`is a significant undertaking.
` 6  :2  .
`2  2

`b 7  4
`And —— and so the burden we think as well weighs
`    2 6 f7  6
` 4 2  
`against, at least with respect to that document,

` 2 .  2 
` 6 2b  6 b7i . 6
`petitioner's request.
` m2 n72 -
`I think that's all I had to say about the

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