
`Paper No. _
`Filed: January 22, 2018
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`Patent Owner.
` ++".
` /012
`Patent No. 9,187,405
` ++3/21
`1 Cases IPR2017-01550, IPR2017-01946, and IPR2017-01929 have been joined
`#,, /011 /032D  /033E-FG 
`with this proceeding.
`. +E+E , H I


`8JK ;6L86?4;6MN6=76@4
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§42.51(b), 42.52(a)(2) and Paper 34, Petitioner
` ,++O/#
`PP21QFR21QRQR  O2 + + 
`requests an order requiring Novartis to produce (i) minutes of its February 2, 2005
`S,+, S  I-+ ,+  HQ RT +,U +,
`meeting with FDA (“FDA Minutes”), (ii) Novartis’s briefing book for the March
`T+ I. +E
` +,WRQ R-+ ,X,F U IFYU+E HE
`26, 2007 End-of-Phase 11 meeting (“Briefing Book”), (iii) the phase III protocol
`D/ 0U0 E,T+ IQV$ U I$YWRQ R+E E, +H

`referenced in Exhibit 2065 (“Protocol”), and (iv) an unredacted copy of EX2063.
`Novartis relies in its Patent Owner’s Response (“POR”) upon excerpts fi'om
`-+ ,
,  +, ++".X,, ,QV "WR ZH +,UT
`the FDA Minutes and Briefing Book to argue that the 0.5 mg daily dose of
` +, $ U I$Y+I+E++E1TI 
`fingolimod was administered to RRMS patients in the phase III trials because it
`U I
T ., T  ,+ +  + +, +E E,+ 
,FH, +
`was expected to lack “any efficacy.” POR at 25-27, 40. Petitioner is entitled to see
`.,Z H+ +
HYVUU HHW "+10/2 + +  ,+ +
`the entire documents, not just the excerpts Novartis selected for inclusion.
`+E+  HT+,+G,++EZH +,-+ ,,
H+ U H
`Otherwise, Patent Owner will deny Petitioner its right to submit other portions of
`"+E. , ++"..
 + +  +, IE++,FT ++E + ,U
`the documents “that in fairness ought to be considered.” F.R.E. 106.
`+E HT+,V+E+ U ,,IE++FH,  W
`Petitioner initially objected to Novartis’s reliance in its POR and
` + +   + 
FGH+ +-+ ,X,
H  +, "
`declarations on excerpts of the documents quoted in Exhibits 2063-2066. Paper 31
` H
+ ,ZH +,U+E HT+,S+ ZE F +,DO0DD  O
`at 10. The same day that Novartis served its supplemental evidence, Petitioner
`+E,T +E+-+ ,,- +,,
- H + + 
`again asked Novartis to produce complete copies of the FDA minutes and Briefing
`I ,Y -+ ,+  HHT
+H ,U+E
`T +, $ U I
`Book. EX1044. After an unfruitful meet and confer, Petitioner promptly requested
`$Y'22U+U +U
T+ HU + +  T +
`Board assistance. EX1045 at 2. Petitioner then began depositions of Novartis’s
`$ ,, ,+H'21+ + + +EFI  , + ,U-+ ,X,
`witnesses. During one of those depositions, Dr. Lublin testified that the clinical
`. +,,, IU+E,  , + ,&F
+,+ U  +E++EH



`trial protocol referenced in EX2065 describes Novartis’s justification for including
UH 'D1 ,H F,-+ ,X,G,+ U H+ U H
`the 0.5 mg dose. EX1042 at 15 8:15 -l66:24. Petitioner requested production of the
`+E1TI ,'2+110DD2 + + S,+  H+ U+E
`Protocol, but Novartis never complied. EX1042 at 245223-24623.
` +H
F+-+ ,-HT
`Petitioner followed up with another email to Trials regarding its
` + + U
.  . +E+ET
,I I +,
`teleconference request and noted that it was also requesting the Protocol. EX1045
HUHS,+ + +E+ +.,
,S,+ I+E +H
`at 1. After the teleconference, the Board issued an order stating “Petitioner Apotex
HUH+E$ ,,  ,++ IV + +  +Z
`may file a motion seeking additional discovery.” Paper 34 at 4.
T+ ,Y I + 
,H-W  O2+2
`As explained in detail below, all four documents are relevant because they
U HT+,
`contain or refer to communications between Patent Owner and the FDA addressing
`H+ U+HTT H+ ,F+. ++". +E
` ,, I
`the justification for administering the 0.5 mg dose. The only way to prove or
`+EG,+ U H+ U T  ,+ I+E1TI ,E
.+ -
`disprove Novartis’s argument is to see the actual documents. Requiring production
` , --+ ,X,IT+ ,+,+EH+
HT+,S  I  H+ 
`of the documents is thus in the interests ofjustice and is necessary to afford
`U+E HT+, ,+E, +E +,+,UG,+ H ,H,,+UU
`Petitioner a fair cross-examination of Novartis’s witnesses. 37 C.F.R. §§
` + + U H,,0ZT + U-+ ,X,. +,,,O/#
`42.51(b)(1)(i), (iii), (2)(i)-(ii). Petitioner’s Reply is due February 2, 2018.
`Petitioner thus requests Novartis produce the documents promptly.
` + + +E,S,+,-+ ,  H+E HT+, T +

`88JK @67[8L=4[\9N74;6MN6=76@4@9AN>6:7=4
`“FDA Minutes” Document
`[JK ]?@[4>^_`abcd4@ef`gb_a4
`Dr. Lublin relies on—



`EX2025 at 1155. Dr. Lublin repeatedly testified that the—
+,+ U  +E++E
`EX1042 at 165216-24; EX2025 at 11114-5 (“FDA accordingly pressed to understand
 ,, + ,+
`fingolimod’s minimum effective dose.”), 1139 (“FDA was dissatisfied with the
`U I
`., ,,+ ,U  . +E+E
`Phase II trial’s failure to identify a minimum effective dose. FDA accordingly
` E,+ 
+ + UT  TTUUH+ - ,

`pushed Novartis to include a lower dose in the Phase III trial”), 1144 (“We debated
` ,E -+ ,+ H
. , +E E,+ 
WRh22QVj F+
`whether and how to include the lower dose FDA wanted”), 111157-5 8 (“-
`.E+E E.+ H
. ,
`.+ WRhh1/01QV
`Novartis relied upon Dr. Lublin’s testimony to establish—
`-+ ,
X,+,+ T+,+F
`—” POR 40 (discussing
`W "2Q ,H,, I
`EX2064); POR at 25—27 (citing EX2025, 11115, 7, 39-42, 50-58). Novartis has
`'D2Ri "+10/QH + I'1hh1/O302101R-+ ,E,
`directly put at issue—
` H+
 ++ ,,


` "+/QVklU1TI 
E FF- , 
` -+ ,.
E-F ,, +E+ ,+ H
. , +E E, 
`\JK ]\m^bn^_o4\eepd4@ef`gb_a4
`, +U +,IT++E+ + H
  +E1TI , +E E,
` "+10DQH + I'1hhD2102/Ri "+2&F

`, H U H
+,+ U  +E+V
`W'1+h2DZE F +D2,++,+E++E , ,H + .,
`W'D2+ IE ,  , + &F
 T ++
`AJK ]Aq^_^frq47m^rq45meaefeqd4@ef`gb_a4
` IE ,  , + &F
 + U  +E +H
,H+  I+E
`G,+ U H+ 


`—.”). Regarding the Protocol, Dr. Lublin confirmed that “we
HU T +E+V.
`would have to review that document” if we wanted to understand the document
E-+- .+E+ HT+W U..+ + ,+ +E HT+
`and “what they saw.” EX1042 at 185225-186225, 189213-19024.
` V.E++E,.W'2+110D13O032
`Unredacted Copy of EX2063
`@JK N_mbsrfabs4Aetu4en46vwxyz4
`Novartis refuses to produce an unredacted copy of EX2063 because it argues
`-+ ,U,,+  H H+ H U'DOFH, +I,
`the redactions cover “internal” Novartis communications regarding its attempts to
`+E H+ ,H-V +
W-+ ,HTT H+ ,I I +,++T +,+
`get the Mt. Sinai IRB to participate in the TRANSFORMS trial. Novartis never
`I++E +  $+ + H + +E
`" + 
-+ ,-
`asserted any privilege. These internal conversations are facially relevant because
`,,+   -
IE, +
H-,+ ,UH 

`they relate to the information Novartis chose to give and withhold from the IRB.
+++E UT+ -+ ,HE,+I - . +EE
`888JK [;{N>6:74
`Complete copies of the FDA Minutes, Briefing Book, and Clinical Trial
+H ,U+E
` +,$ U I$Y #

`Protocol, and EX2063 should be produced pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.51(b)(2)(i)-
` +H
F  H ,++O/#
`(ii) and F.R.E. 106. In evaluating additional discovery, the Board considers
`Q R
+ I + 
,H-+E$ H, ,
`whether: (1) there is more than a “mere allegation” something useful will be
I+ W,T+E I,U
`uncovered; (2) the request does not improperly attempt to alter the Board’s trial
`H- iQR+ES,+ ,+ T  
++T ++
++E$ X,+ 

`procedures by seeking litigation positions; (3) equivalent information is not easily
` H ,F,Y I
+ I+  , + ,iQORS -
+ UT+  ,+,

`obtainable by other means; (4) instructions are easy to understand; and (5) requests
`F+ F
F+ET,iQ2R ,+H+ ,,+ ,+ i Q1RS,+,
`are not overly burdensome. Garmin Int’l Inc. et. al. v. Cuozzo Speed Techs. LLC,
F ,T|}~€‚ƒ„…†‚ƒ‡ˆ‚‰„ˆ‚}†ˆ‚Šˆ‚‹ŒŽŽ‚‰‰‘‚’‰‡“”ˆ‚••‹
`IPR2012-00001, Paper 26, 6-16 (precedential). Additional discovery is
` 0  DD0DQ H + 
R + 
,H- ,
`appropriate here, where evidence on an issue raised by Novartis (justification for
`   +E.E- H ,, , F-+ ,QG,+ U H+ U


`including the 0.5 mg dose in the phase III studies) is “uniquely in the possession of
` H
 I+E1TI , +E E,,+ ,R ,V S
 +E ,,,, U
`the party that raised it.” 77 Fed. Reg. 48756, 48761 (Aug. 14, 2012).
`+E ++E+ , +W//
` I2/1D2/DQI2R
`The Board has previously found it in the interests ofj ustice to order the
`E$ E, - ,
U + +E +,+,UG,+ H+ +E
`production of complete copies of excerpted documents relied upon by a party to
`  H+ UHT
+H ,UZH + HT+,
  F ++
`provide the context for the relied upon excerpts. See, e. g., Baby Trend, Inc. et al.
` - +EH+Z+U+E
  ZH +,‰‰–‚‰ˆ—ˆ˜}™š‚’~‰‘–‚ƒ‡ˆ‚‰„‚}†ˆ‚
`v. Wonderland Nurserygoods Co., Ltd, IPR2015-0084l, Paper 24 at 3-5 (ordering
`Šˆ‚›‘‰~†}‘‚œŒ~”‰~š—‘”‚‹ˆ–‚•„‘ˆ 102  2+O01Q  I
`production of complete copies of deposition transcripts where Patent Owner
`  H+ UHT
+H ,U  , + +,H +,.E ++".
`submitted excerpts to counter Petitioner’s obviousness arguments and establish
`,FT ++ ZH +,+H+ + + X,F- ,,,IT+, ,+F
`secondary indicia). Here, the interests ofj ustice similarly require production of the
`,H   H R%+E +,+,UG,+ H, T

S   H+ U+E
`identified documents and the Garmin factors favor production.
` + U  HT+, +E|}~€‚UH+,U-  H+ 
`A. More Than a Possibility and Mere Allegation
`[JK žŸ ¡¢£¤¥¡¤¡¦ž§§¨©¨ª¨«¬¡¤¥­¡ Ÿ ¡®ªª ¯¤«¨ž¥4
`The existence of the requested documents cannot reasonably be disputed.
`EZ ,+HU+ES,+ HT+,H+,F
F , + 
`Novartis’s papers identify the requested documents as communications between
`-+ ,X,  , + U+ES,+ HT+,,HTT H+ ,F+.
`FDA and Novartis that discussed the inclusion of the 0.5 mg dose and the futility
` -+ ,+E+ ,H,, +E H
, U+E1TI , +EU+
`analysis in the Phase III trial. At best, Novartis has provided only excerpts of these
, , +E E,+ 
+F,+-+ ,E, -  
ZH +,U+E,
`documents (and refuses to provide the protocol entirely).
` HT+,Q U,,+ - +E +H
`The documents are relevant to both parties’ arguments. Novartis concedes
`E HT+,
-++F+E + ,XIT+,-+ ,HH ,
`that the 0.5 mg dose was administered in the phase III trial “—
`+E++E1TI ,., T  ,+ +E E,+ 
`—” but asserts that the 0.5 mg dose was
`WF+,,+,+E++E1TI ,.,
`chosen because it was believed that it would “not be effective.” POR at 25-26.
`HE,© °¤±§  +.,F
- +E+ +.
V+FUUH+ -W "+10D


`Novartis also argues that the FDA would have selected a lower dose if it expected
`-+ ,
. , U +Z H+
`the 0.5 mg dose to be effective. POR at 27 (“As Dr. Lublin shows, if 0.5 mg daily
`+E1TI ,+FUUH+ - "+/QV,&F
,E., U1TI 

`had been obvious in June 2006, then- Novartis would have bypassed that
`E FF- , D+E
`-+ ,.
E-F ,, +E+
`dose to include an even lower dose in the Phase III Trials. (Lublin Dec., Ex. 2025
` ,+ H
. , +E E, 
`W 8, 64-65).” Novartis relies on the futility analysis as allegedly confirming that
`hhD20D1RW-+ ,
, ,,
`the 0.5 mg dose was administered because it was expected to lack efficacy. In
`+E1TI ,., T  ,+ FH, +.,Z H+ +
`contrast, Petitioner asserts that the 0.5 mg dose was selected because it was
`H+,+ + + ,,+,+E++E1TI ,.,,
H+ FH, +.,
`reasonably expected to be efficacious. EX2064 at 25 ((Appendix D: Section 12.1)
Z H+ +FUU HH ,'D2+1QQ  ZH+ R
`—— —
`This disagreement is not merely philosophical. Novartis submitted with its
`E , ,IT+ ,+T
, E H
-+ ,,FT ++ . +E +,
`POR G’aper 27) two previously-undisclosed prior art references describing the use
` "Q  /R+. - ,
0 ,H
,  +UH, ,H F I+E,
`of the 0.5 mg dose in phase III clinical trials. POR at 25 (citing EX2031 and
`U+E1TI ,  E,H
, "+1QH + I'O
`EX2072); EX2025 at 1148. Dr. Lublin testified during his deposition that these
+,+ U   IE ,  , + +E++E,
`exhibits were each published in April 2006 and were each prior art to the ’405
`ZE F +,.HE F
D .HE  +++EX21
`patent. EX1042 at 221 :6-222214 (EX2031), 243213-244221. His testimony
` ++'2+D02Q'OR2OO022% ,+,+ T
`establishes that each of these references discloses each and every element in the
,E,+E+HEU+E,UH, ,H
,,HE -
T+ +E
`claims at issue in this IPR. EX1042 at 238223-24025, 24123-242216, 244222-245 :6;
 T,+ ,, +E , '2+OO0212O02D22021Di


`see also Id. at 22324-18, 22524-226210, 22623-227217, 23722-11.
`The anticipatory references newly cited by Novartis (EX2031, EX2072) thus
`E+ H +UH,.
H + F-+ ,Q'O'/R+E,
`contradict Novartis’s argumensts that Webb (EX2014) would have discouraged a
`H+ H+-+ ,X,IT,+,+E+jFFQ'2R.
E- ,HI 
`POSA from administering the 0.5 mg dose to RRMS patients and that no one
` "UT T  ,+ I+E1TI ,+  + +, +E+
`reasonably expected the 0.5 mg dose to have therapeutic efficacy. As Dr. Lublin
Z H+ +E1TI ,+E-+E + HUU HH,&F

`agreed, “a person of ordinary skill in the art in June 2006, would agree with [him]
`I V ,U ,Y
+E+ D.
I. +EkE Tl
`that a pharmaceutical company would not expend resources in adding a dose
`+E+ ETH+ H
HT .
+Z  ,H,  I ,
`testing arm in phase 111 human clinical study without a solid empirical foundation.’
`+,+ IT  E,ETH
,+ . +E+,
T  H
U + W
`EX1042 at 149215-15 0:8. Novartis’s communications with FDA discussing the
`'2+23101-+ ,X,HTT H+ ,. +E
` ,H,, I+E
`justification for the 0.5 mg dose are thus relevant and useful.
`G,+ U H+ U+E1TI ,+E,
-+ ,U

`Novartis’s own documents confirm that the FDA Minutes, Briefing Book,
`-+ ,X,. HT+,HU T+E++E
` +,$ U I$Y
`and Protocol discuss the “justification” for including the 0.5 mg dose in the study.
` +H
,H,,+EVG,+ U H+ WU H
 I+E1TI , +E,+ 
`See Section II, supra. Production of the Protocol also will enable Petitioners and
`‰‰‚H+ ”Œ~}  H+ U+E +H

 + + ,
`the Board to identify the “rationale” for the 0.5 mg dose—
`+E$ + + U+EV+ 
`—. Rather than being forced to just accept Novartis’s
`+E+EF IUH +G,+HH +-+ ,X,
`characterization of portions of these documents, the interests ofj ustice require that
`HEH+ ²+ U + ,U+E, HT+,+E +,+,UG,+ HS +E+
`Petitioner be permitted to review the complete documents and submit to the Board
` + + F T ++ +- .+EHT
+ HT+, ,FT +++E$
`any portions “that in fairness ought to be considered at the same time.” F.R.E. 106;
` + ,V+E+ U ,,IE++FH,  ++E,T+ TW
`Mobile Tech, Inc. v. Invue Security Prods. Inc., IPR2016-00898, Paper 34 at 76
`³™€†‰‚’‰‡“–‚ƒ‡ˆ‚Šˆ‚ƒŠŒ‰‚‰‡Œ~€„š‚´~‘”ˆ‚ƒ‡ˆ D03  O2+/D
`(noting that F.R.E. 106 “provides a basis for including” evidence and denying
`Q+ I+E+
`DV - ,F, ,U H
 IW- H  I


`T+ +ZH
++,H +,W.T UH
` .H,  F+E$   I H , Ri³Œ”‡Œ†”µ‰†‰„}†‚
`’~}”†}„‚¶Œ‘ˆ‚Šˆ‚³€‰‘·‚|~Œ–‚ƒ‡ˆ 10DD2  O1+0O
`Q+E ² IU
IU³}~µ}+,H ++HHT ³}~µ}F U I+
`,+ ,U
`+E,, ,H,, F- + ,
`F , H
+ +E++ES,+ HT+,.
- ,U
`\JK :ea4[aabgta^_o47e4[qabm4a¸b4\erms<c47m^rq45mefbs`mbcJ4
`-+ ,I  I+ET+ HU+E+ + +  ,,Y IU
`-+ ,X,
+ I+  , + ,E , ,++ + +  ,T
+H ,U+E HT+,-+ ,E,
    +,  ,
`.E HE + U   +,  ,, - I+E+ 
, U+E1
`TI , +E E,+ 
 + +  ,T E+ H
+++T + I+
`$ X,+ 
H , +E +Z+U ,H-
`AJK :ea4;brs^qu4[¹r^qrºqb4?meg4[_ea¸bm4=e`mfb4
`-+ ,E,,,+ +E+ + +  ,VT ,+Y ,,T IW+ES,+
` HT+,+-
UT+E,H,$+-+ ,U
 + + U
++ -,H-U+ + +  UT -+ ,+E+,HEU+E
`.F, + +
H++ES,+ HT+,,+E HT+, I +
`. +E-+ ,-+ , ,F,+ , +  + - +ET
`@JK 6rc^qu4N_sbmcar_srºqb4
` + + E,S,+  H+ UU HT+,, H U H
 + U 


`by name, date, and locations where they are described in Novartis’s exhibits and
`FT +
H+ ,.E+E ,H F -+ ,X,ZE F +,
`witness testimony. They are easily-identifiable documents within Novartis’s
`. +,,+,+ TE,
0 + U F
 HT+,. +E -+ ,X,
`possession. The request is easy to understand and narrowly targeted.
` ,,,, ES,+ ,,+ ,+  .
`Not Overly Burdensome
`6JK :ea49¹bmqu4\`msb_cegb4
`Novartis has not identified any burden in producing the FDA Minutes.
`-+ ,E,+ + U  F    H I+E
` +,
`Novartis has claimed that it could not identify the final Briefing Book (as opposed
`-+ ,E,H
 T +E+ +H
+ + U+EU 
$ U I$YQ, ,
`to drafts) and claimed that the Briefing Book was too large to produce. But it has
`+ U+,R H
 T +E++E$ U I$Y.,+
I+  H$+ +E,
`not described making a good faith search to identify the final Briefing Book or
`+ ,H F TY II U +E,HE+ + U+EU 
$ U I$Y
`explained why it is unable to locate the underlying document it provided to FDA.
  .E + ,F
 I HT+ + -  +
`Nor has Novartis offered any compromise, such as by providing Petitioners with a
`E,-+ ,UU HT T ,,HE,F - I + + ,. +E
`table of contents for the briefing book to identify relevant subsections or discussing
UH++,U+EF U IFY+ + U
-+,F,H+ , ,H,, I
`cost shifting to narrow the amount of material. Petitioner raised production
`H,+,E U+ I+.+ET+UT+ 
 + +  ,  H+ 
`promptly and Novartis has had almost two months, but simply refuses to provide
` T +
 -+ ,E,E 
T,++.T+E,F+, T
U,,+ - 
`the information because it does not want the Board to see it. The parties have
`+E UT+ FH, + ,+.++E$ +, +E + ,E-
`already stipulated to a protective order that adequate to address any confidentiality
+ + +H+ - +E+ S++ ,,HU + 
`concerns that Novartis might raise. This factor too favors production.
`HH,+E+-+ ,T IE+ ,E ,UH++U-,  H+ 
`As discussed above, each of the Garmin factors supports production of the
`, ,H,, F-HEU+E|}~€UH+,, +,  H+ U+E
`requested documents in the interests ofj ustice.
`S,+ HT+, +E +,+,UG,+ H
`8BJK A9:ALN=89:4
`Petitioner requests the relief detailed above.
` + + S,+,+E
U +


`Dated: January 22, 2018
`Respectfully submitted,
`, H+U
,FT ++ 
`/ Steven W. Parmelee /
`»+-j T
`Steven W. Parmelee
`+-j T

`Reg. No. 31,990


`List of Exhibits
`Exhibit No.
`US. Patent No. 9,187,405, “SIP Receptor Modulators for Treating
`  ++3/21V H +  
+,U+ I
`Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis” (filed April 21, 2014)
 , I0T ++ I 
, ,WQU
`(issued November 17, 2015)
`Q ,, -TF/1R
`Declaration of Dr. Barbara S. Giesser
` H
+ U$F( ,,
`Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Barbara S. Giesser
`O ‹Œ~~€‡Œ†Œ‚½€„}‰U$F( ,,
`John Kovarik and Silke Appel-Dingemanse: International
`2 E!- Y 
0 IT,++ 

`Publication No. WO 2006/058316 (published June 1, 2006)
` F
H+ j"D»1ODQ F
`Thomson, FTY720 in Multiple Sclerosis: The Emerging Evidence of
`1 ET,¶’¾¿ÀÁ‚€‚³Œ†„€†‰‚‡†‰~”€”‚’“‰‚É~—€—‚Ê€‘‰‡‰‚Ä‚
`its Therapeutic Value, CORE EVIDENCE, 1(3):157-167 (2006)
`U. S. Patent No. 6,004,565 (Chiba) “Compositions and Methods of
`D  ++D21D1Q#E FRV#T , + , +E ,U
`Using Compositions with Accelerated Lymphocyte Homing
`, I#T , + ,. +EHH
+ &T EH+%T I
`Immunosuppressive Properties” (filed September 23, 1997) (issued
`TT, ,, -  + ,WQU
  +TFO33/RQ ,,
`December 21, 1999)
`Kappos, L., et al. , FTY720 in Relapsing MS: Results ofa Double-
`/ ! ,&‰„‚}†ˆ¶’¾¿ÀÁ‚€‚ʼn†}”€—‚³Â‚ʼn”Œ†„”‚Ä‚}‚ƍŒ™†‰Ç
`Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial with a Novel Oral
`Immunomodulator, JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY 252(Suppl 2):1 1/41,
`Abstract 0141 (2005)
`Budde, et al. , First Human Trial ofFTY720, a Novel
` $ ‰„‚}†ˆ‚¶€~”„‚ËŒ}‚’~€}†‚Ä‚¶’¾¿ÀÁ–‚}‚œŠ‰†‚
`Immunomodulatory, in Stable Renal Transplant Patients, JOURNAL
`% #"#Ê"
` %"&"(ÊO/O0OQR
`File History US. Patent Application No. 12/303,765
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`File History US. Patent Application No. 13/ 149,468
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`File History US. Patent Application No. 14/257,342
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`GB 0612721.1
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`US. Pat. No. 8,741,963 “SlP Receptor Modulators for Treating
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`Multiple Sclerosis” (filed May 31, 2011) (issued June 3, 2014)
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