United States Patent
`Lowreyet al.
`{11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jun. 4, 1991
`Inventors: Tyler A. Lowrey; Dermot M. Durcan;
`Trung T. Doan; Gordon A. Haller;
`MarkE. Tuttle, all of Boise, Id.
`[73] Assignee:
`Micron Technology, Inc., Boise, Id.
`[21} Appl. No.: 485,029
`[22] Filed:
`Feb. 26, 1990
`[51] mt. C5 esceecsssssssee HOIL 21/265; HOIL 21/336
`[52] U.S. Che ceessssssssssssssssssssssessuse ssassssse 437/345 437/44;
`437/57; 357/42; 357/44
`[58] Field of Search ws 437/27, 28, 29, 30,
`437/34, 56, 57, 200, 192, 40, 41, 44, 233;
`357/23.3, 23.4, 40, 41, 42, 44
`"References Cited
`4,530,150 7/1985 Shirato vc.esstenessceteees 437/44
`3/1986 Hsia et al.
`7/1986 Gasner..........
`1/1987 Okuyamaetal.
`. 437/41
`5/1988 Parrillo .........
`». 437/44
`2/1981 Japan ....sscccescsesssesessrersersensens 437/41
`1/1982 Japan.....
`» 437/34
`3/1984 Japan.....
`» 437/41
`0213051 10/1985 Japan.....
`wees 437/44
`7/1987 Japan ....scecccesseeseceeeeeeeeees 437/233
`Primary Examiner-——Olik Chaudhuri
`Assistant Examiner—M. Wilczewski
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Angus C. Fox,III; Stanley N.
`Protigal; Albert Crowder
`An improved CMOSfabrication process which uses
`separate masking steps to pattern N-channel and P-
`channel transistor gates from a single layer of conduc-
`tively-doped polycrystalline silicon (poly) and incorpo-
`rates self-aligned salicidation of conductive regions.
`The object of the improved processis to reduce the cost
`and improvethe reliability, performance and manufac-
`turability of CMOS devices by a process which features
`a dramatically reduced number of photomasking steps
`and which further allows self-aligned salicidation of
`transistor conductive regions. By processing N-channel
`and P-channel devices separately, the number of photo-
`masking steps required to fabricate complete CMOS
`circuitry in a single-polysilicon-layer or single-metal
`layer process can be reduced from eleven to eight.
`Starting with a substrate of P-type material, N-channel
`devices are formedfirst, with unetched polyleft in the
`future P-channel regions until N-channel processing is
`complete. The improved CMOSprocess provides the
`following advantages over conventional process tech-
`nology: Use of a masked high-energy punch-through
`implant for N-channel devices is not required; individ-
`ual optimization of N-channel and P-channel transistors
`is made possible; a lightly-doped drain (LDD) design
`for both N-channel and P-channeltransistors is readily
`offset may be
`changed independently for N-channel and P-channel
`devices; and N-channel and P-channel transistors can be
`independently controlled and optimized for best LDD
`performance andreliability.
`5 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
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`TSMC Exhibit 1017
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`arsenic or phosphorus to create the N-wells. The N-
`well regions are then oxidized using a first conventional
`LOCOS (LOCal Oxidation of Silicon) step to create a
`silicon oxide layer to protect them from an optional
`boron implant which adjusts the concentration of the
`P-type substrate for the N-channel devices. During the
`LOCOSprocess, the pad oxide servesasa stress relief
`This invention describes a process sequence for the
`layer. Alternatively, an oxide deposition or oxide
`fabrication of Complimentary Metal Oxide Semicon-
`growth step could replace the first LOCOSstep,elimi-
`ductor (hereinafter “CMOS”)integrated circuits. More
`nating the need for thefirst pad oxide layer and thefirst
`specifically, it relates to the fabrication of LDD transis-
`nitride layer. A subsequent high-temperature drive step
`tors of both channel types, using self-alignedsilicidation
`ofgates and source/drain regions to reduce the number
`is used to achieve the desired N-well junction depth.
`of photomasking steps required in a split-polysilicon
`Following removalofthe oxide layer, a second layer of
`pad oxide is grown over the entire wafer. A second
`silicon nitride layer is then deposited on top of the pad
`oxide layer.
`Although CMOSintegrated circuit devices are often
`The second photomask is used to pattern portions of
`referred to as “semiconductor” devices, such devices
`the secondsilicon nitride layer which define the future
`are fabricated from various materials which are either
`active areas on the wafer.
`electrically conductive, electrically nonconductive or
`The third photomask is used to cover the N-well
`electrically semiconductive. Silicon,
`the most com-
`regions in order to effect a selective boron field-isola-
`monly used semiconductor material can be made con-
`tion implant. Following the stripping of the third photo-
`ductive by doping it (introducing an impurity into the
`mask, the regions on the wafer that are not protected by
`silicon crystal structure) with either an element such as
`the remaining portions of the secondsilicon nitride
`boron which has oneless valence electron thansilicon,
`layer are oxidized to form field oxide regions using a
`or with an element such as phosphorusor arsenic which
`second conventional LOCOSstep. The nitride layeris
`have one morevalenceelectron thansilicon. In the case
`then stripped,as is the pad oxide layer. A layer ofsacri-
`of boron doping, electron “holes” become the charge
`ficial oxide is then grown to eliminate the “white rib-
`carriers and the dopedsilicon is referred to as positive
`bon”or Kooieffect in the active areas that follows field
`or P-type silicon. In the case of phosphorusor arsenic
`oxidation. An unmasked implant may be used as a
`the additional electrons become the charge
`threshold voltage (V7) adjustment.
`carriers and the dopedsilicon is referred to as negative
`The fourth photomask exposes only the channel re-
`or N-typesilicon. If dopants of opposite type conduc-
`gions of the N-channel
`transistors to a high-energy
`tivity are used, counter doping will result, and the con-
`boron punch-through implant. This implant increases
`ductivity type of the most abundant impurity will pre-
`both source-to-drain breakdownvoltage and the thresh-
`vail. Silicon is used either in single-crystal or polycrys-
`old voltage,
`thus avoiding the short-channel effects
`talline form. Polycrystalline silicon is referred to herein-
`after as “polysilicon” or simply as ‘poly’. Originally,
`which are inherent to nonimplanted, sub-micron N-
`MOSdevices were manufactured from metal (used as
`channel devices. Following the punch-through implant,
`the transistor gate), semiconductor material (used as the
`the fourth photomask is stripped, as is the sacrificial
`transistor channel material), and oxide (used as the di-
`oxide layer. A layer of gate oxide is then grown onall
`electric between the gate and the substrate. Currently,
`active areas, following which a polysilicon layer is de-
`however, most MOStransistors are fabricated using a
`posited on top of the gate oxide using conventional
`conductively-doped polycrystalline silicon layer for the
`means(e.g., chemical vapor deposition). The poly layer
`gate material.
`is then doped with phosphorus, coated with a layer of
`CMOSprocesses begin with a lightly-doped P-type
`tungsten silicide by various possible techniques(e.g.,
`or N-type silicon substrate, or lightly-doped epitaxial
`chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, or evaporation).
`silicon on a heavily doped substrate. For the sake of
`The fifth photomask patterns the silicide-coated
`the prior art CMOS process will be de-
`polysilicon layer to form the gates of both P-channel
`scribed using P-type silicon as the starting material. If
`and N-channeltransistors. Stripping of the fifth photo-
`N-type silicon were used, the process steps would be
`maskis followed by a source/drain oxidation.
`virtually identical, with the exception that
`in some
`The sixth photomask is used to expose only the N-
`cases, dopant types would be reversed. Fabrication of
`channel source and drain regions to a relatively low-
`sub-micron CMOSdevices havingasilicided single
`dosage phosphorusimplant whichcreateslightly-doped
`poly layer and a single metal layer using prior art tech-
`N- regions. Following the stripping of the sixth mask, a
`nology generally requires at least 11 photoresist masks
`layer of silicon dioxide is deposited on the wafer. An
`(or simply “photomasks”) to create N-channel and P-
`anisotropic etch and a subsequent optional isotropic
`channeltransistors on a silicon substrate (an additional
`etch of thesilicon dioxide layer leave oxide spacers on
`one or two masks. is required if lightly-doped drain
`the sides of each N-channel and P-channeltransistor
`design is required for both types of transistors). No
`attemptis madeatsiliciding source and drain regionsin
`the N-channel
`The seventh photomask exposes
`this process. The function of these 11 masks is described
`source and drain regions to a relatively high-dosage
`phosphorusorarsenic implant which creates the heavi-
`Thefirst photoresist mask is used to define N-wells.
`ly-doped N-+tregions. Following the stripping of the
`This is done by creating a first layer of pad oxide on a
`seventh mask, the wafer is optionally subjected to ele-
`lightly-doped P-type substrate, depositing a layer of
`vated temperature for the purpose of diffusing the N-
`nitride on top ofthe pad oxide, masking thenitride layer
`to expose certain regions which are then implanted with
`channel implants.
`_ 0
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`The eighth photomask is used for the high-dosage
`implantation of either boron or boron difluoride, which -
`creates heavily doped source and drain regions for the
`P-channel transistors. Following the stripping of the
`eighth mask, an elevated-temperature drive step is per-
`formed, after which the transistors are fully formed. All
`structures are then covered by anisolation oxide layer.
`The ninth photomask is used to define contact vias
`which will pass through the isolation oxide layer to the
`poly structures or active area conductive regions be-
`low. A deposition of an aluminum metal layer follows.
`The tenth photomaskis used to pattern the aluminum
`layer for circuit interconnects. Using a blanket deposi-
`tion process, the circuitry is covered with one or more
`passivation layers.
`The eleventh photomask defines bonding pad open-
`ings which will expose bonding pad regions on the
`aluminum layer below. This completes the conventional
`single-poly, single-metal CMOSprocess.
`The business of producing CMOS semiconductor
`devices is a very competitive, high-volume business.
`Process efficiency and manufacturability, as well as
`productquality, reliability, and performanceare the key
`factors that will determine the economic success or
`failure of such a venture. Each new generation of
`CMOSdevices is expected to be faster and more com-
`pact than the generation it replaces. Four-fold density
`increases from one generation to the next have become
`standard. If this increase in density is achieved with no
`increase in die size, device geometries must be more or
`less halved. As geometries shrink, each photolitho-
`graphic step becomes more costly. The increase and
`cost maybeattributed to a numberoffactors, including:
`higher capital costs for precision “state-of-the-art”
`photolithographic equipment;
`lowered yields and decreasedreliability due to defect
`density increases invariably associated with each photo-
`masking step;
`an increase in the numberof processing steps for each
`mask level, which slows the fabrication process and
`requires additional expensive equipment;
`the requirement for ultra-clean fabrication facilities
`which are both expensive to construct and expensive to
`greater investment per wafer during fabrication,
`whichincreases the cost of scrapping defective devices;
`costs associated with the step required subsequent to
`the masking step, whether it be an implant or an etch.
`From the aforementioned discussion,it is evident that
`the elimination of photomasking steps from a CMOS
`process will have a direct impact on the cost,reliability,
`and manufacturability of the product.
`A novel process is disclosed in the 1982 Japanese
`patent issued to Masahide Ogawa (No. 57-17164) for
`fabricating a CMOSintegrated circuit by processing
`N-channel and P-channel devices separately. As with
`the conventional CMOSprocess, .a single polysilicon
`layer is used to form both N-channel and P-channel
`gates. However, N-channel devices are formedfirst,
`with unetched polysilicon left in the future P-channel
`regions until N-channel processing is complete. The
`mask used to subsequently pattern the P-channel de-
`vices is also used to blanket and protect the already-
`formed N-channel devices. This process is herein re-
`ferred to as the split-polysilicon CMOS process. The
`spilt-polysilicon CMOS process,
`through largely ig-
`nored by semiconductor manufacturers in the U.S. and
`abroad, holds tremendouspotential for reducing photo-
`masking steps in a CMOS process.
`A pending U.S. Pat. No. 7/427,639, submitted by
`Tyler A. Lowrey, Randal W. Chance, and Ward D.
`Parkinson of Micron Technology, Inc. of Boise, Id.
`details an improved split-polysilicon CMOS process.
`The improved CMOSfabrication process is based on
`the aforementioned split-polysilicon CMOS process
`developed in Japan by Mashahide Ogawa. The im-
`proved process utilizes an unmasked N-channel punch-
`through implant and unmasked N-channel source/drain
`implants that are self-aligned to gate electrodes to cre-
`ate high-performance LDD-type N-channeltransistors.
`These high-performance transistors have both punch-
`through regions and LDD-type source/drain regions.
`By utilizing the split-polysilicon CMOSprocessin com-
`bination with the unmasked implants, the number of
`masks required to form both N-channel and P-channel
`devices can be reduced from eleven (for the standard
`CMOSprocess) to eight (for the improved process).
`P-channel source and drain regions, although of con-
`ventional non-LDDdesign,are offset from the edges of
`the P-channel gates by undercutting the gates beneath
`the photoresist during the gate-patterning etch. The
`gate-patterning photoresist is then used as an offsetting
`implant mask.
`The object of the present invention is to reduce the
`cost and improve the reliability, performance and
`manufacturability of CMOSdevices by implementing a
`variation of the improvedsplit-polysilicon CMOSfabri-
`cation process developed by Mssrs. Lowrey, Chance
`and Parkinson which provides LDd sources and drains
`for both N-channel and P-channeltransistors with no
`increase in the number of photomaskingsteps, and in-
`corporatesself-aligned silicidation of transistor gates,
`sources and drains. Like the original Micron-developed
`improved split-polysilicon CMOS process,
`the new
`split-polysilicon silicide process, which is the focus of
`the present invention, also utilizes eight masks to fabri-
`cate both types of transistors. The function of each of
`the eight required photomasks is described below. For
`the sake of simplicity,
`the process will be described
`using P-type silicon as the starting material. If N-type
`silicon were used, theprocess steps would bevirtually
`identical, with the exception that dopant types would be
`reversed in somecases.
`The first photomask is used to form the N-well re-
`gions in a conventional manner.
`The second photomask is used to conventionally
`define the active areas by patterning a nitride layer.
`The third photomask is used to cover the N-well
`regions in order to effect the boronfield isolation im-
`plant, also in accordance with conventional CMOS
`‘technology. Following the stripping of the third mask,
`LOCOSis used to growthefield oxide regions, and an
`unmasked boron implantis used as a transistor threshold
`enhancement. The use of a masked punch-through im-
`plantat this pointis not required. Following the deposi-
`tion and doping with phosphorusofa polysilicon layer,
`the process further deviates from convention.
`The fourth photomaskis used to pattern the gates of
`the N-channel transistors and to cover the P-channel
`regions. An anisotropic dry etch is used to form the
`N-channeltransistor gates, following which the fourth -
`mask photoresist is stripped. Following an unmasked
`self-aligned boron punch-through implant, a source/-
`Page16 of 20
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`drain oxidation is performed. A low-dosage unmasked
`phosphorus implant then creates the lightly-doped N-
`regions of the N-channel sources and drains. Spacer
`oxide deposition is followed by an anisotropic dry etch
`and an optional isotropic etch (in that order), which
`leave spacers on both sides of the N-channel gates.
`Spacer formation is followed by a high-dosage un-
`masked phosphorus orarsenic implant, which creates
`the heavily-doped N+ regions of the N-channel
`sources and drains. Doping of the poly layer in the
`P-channel regions with the aforementioned N-channel
`implants will have essentially no effect on P-channel
`transistor performance, since only the gate is doped,
`with the future source and drain regions remaining
`untouched. Since the gate poly is doped n-type anyway,
`there is no electrical impact on P-channel transistors.
`Thefifth photomaskis used to pattern the gates of the
`P-channel transistors and to cover the N-channel! re-
`An anisotropic etch is used to etch the P-channel
`transistor gates. A low-dosage boron implant may then
`be optionally performed in the regions not protected by
`the fifth photomask,thus creating lightly-doped sources
`and drains for the P-channel devices. Removal of the
`fifth photomaskis followed by the blanket deposition of
`‘a spacer oxide layer, which is anisotropically etched
`(and optionally subsequently isotropically etched) to
`create spacers on both sides of the P-channel gates.
`P-channel spacer formation is followed by a boron or
`boron-defluoride high-dosage unmasked implant, thus
`creating heavily-doped sources and drains for the P-
`channel devices. Since the dosage of the boron-difluo-
`ride implantis only approximately one-third to one-sev-
`enth the dosage of the arsenic implants used to create
`the source/drain regions for the N-channel devices,
`performance of the N-channel devices remains largely
`unaffected by the partial counter-doping of the N-chan-
`nel source/drain regions.
`A second embodiment of the invention allows P-
`channel transistor gates to be created by an isotropic
`dry etch with the fifth photomask in place. The fifth
`photomask patterns the P-channel transistor gates, and
`the isotropic dry etch produces gates,
`the edges of
`which are purposely undercut (recessed) under the
`patterning photoresist. After the etch, and with the fifth
`photomaskstill in place, a high-dosage boron or boron
`difluoride implant is used to create P-channel sources
`and drains. The undercut P-channel gate offsets the
`high-dosage P-channel source/drain implant such that
`implant diffusion related to subsequent
`steps does not result in excessive gate overlap by these
`implants. Using only a single P-channel source/drain
`implant eliminates the problem of counter-doping of the
`N-channel source/drain regions, since all N-channel
`devices are protected by the fifth photomask. Removal
`of the fifth photomaskis followed by the blanket deposi-
`tion of a spacer oxide layer, which is anisotropically
`etched (and optionally subsequently isotropically
`etched) to create spacers on both sides of the P-channel
`A layer of titanium metalis sputter deposited (sputter
`deposition is only one of several useable techniques) on
`top gfall the circuitry. A sintering step causes the tita-
`nium to react with all unoxidized silicon (i.e., all gates
`and source/drain regions for both N-channel and P-
`channeltransistors) to form titanium silicide. A sulfuric
`acid and hydrogen peroxide bath and a subsequent am-
`monium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide bath remove
`Page 17 of 20
`all unreacted titanium as well as titanium nitride. This
`self-aligned siliciding step greating improves the speed
`of both N-channel and P-channel devices.
`At this point, transistor formation using the improved
`CMOSprocess is complete.
`Thesixth, seventh, and eighth photomasksare used to
`complete the circuitry in a conventional manner, and
`correspond respectively to the ninth, tenth, and elev-
`enth photomasks utilized for the previously-described
`conventional process.
`The improved CMOSprocess provides the following
`advantages over conventional process technology:
`It permits a dramatic reduction in the number of
`photomasking steps required in a modern high density
`It is applicable to both low and high density (sub-
`micron) integration levels;
`Use of a masked high-energy boron punchthrough
`implant for N-channel transistors is not required (a un-
`maskedself-aligned implant after polysilicon deposition
`is used instead);
`Individual optimization of N-channel and P-channel
`transistors is made possible;
`It allowslightly-doped drain (LDD) design for both
`N-channel and P-channel transistors (the LDD design
`makespossible a significant reduction in device length
`without incurring the detrimental “short channel” ef-
`fects seen with conventional transistor design, in addi-
`tion to greatly reducing high electric field hot-electron
`Offset distance of source/drain implants are easily
`changed independently for N-channel and P-channel
`devices, allowing greater flexibility for device optimiza-
`The N-channel and P-channeltransistors can be inde-
`pendently controlled and optimized for best LDD per-
`formance and reliability (this fact allows maximum
`shrinkablity for subsequent generation products and
`reduces retooling for changes in N-channel or P-chan-
`nel transistors);
`It is compatible with contemporary IC fabrication
`equipment, and requires no exotic new equipment;
`Self-aligned siliciding of all transistor gates, sources
`and drains is accomplished without adding any masking
`steps; and
`The reduced number of process steps and reduced
`mask count
`improves electrical sort yields, reduces
`manufacturing costs,
`increases productivity, reduces
`cycle times through fabrication, reduces total process
`inventory needed for a given run rate, allows more
`rapid response to process changesin volume quantities,
`and provides more products having less variation.
`The drawing Figures each show cross-sections of a
`portion of a semiconductorcircuit device whichutilizes
`the present invention.
`FIG. 1 showsa lightly-doped P-type silicon substrate
`being implanted with phosphorus to create a well of
`N-type silicon following the growth ofa first layer of
`pad oxide, deposition of a first silicon nitride layer,
`masking of the first silicon nitride layer with a first
`photoresist mask and etchingofthesilicon nitride layer;
`FIG. 2 shows the semiconductor device of FIG. 1

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