`(11) Patent Number:
`United States Patent 15
`Chauet al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`*Dec. 26, 2000
`Inventors: Robert S. Chau, Beaverton;
`Chia-Hong Jan, Portland; Chan-Hong
`Chern, Portland; Leopoldo D. Yau,
`Portland, all of Oreg.
`Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, Calif.
`[73] Assignee:
`11/1992 Kunishimaet al.
`5,168,072 12/1992 Moslehi
`7/1993 IIderemetal.
`2/1994 Sato et al. v.ceesccee
`8/1994 Ozturk et al.
`vw 257/19
`8/1994 Fujii et al.
`10/1994 Sitaramet al.
`2/1995 Yooet all.
`. 437/44
`3/1995 Moslehi.
`4/1995 Beyeret al.
`vere 437/89
`[*] Notice:
`This patent issued on a continued pros-
`ecution application filed under 37 CFR
`1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year
`term provisions of 35 U.S.C.
`5/1998 European Pat. Off. .
`361051959=3/1986) Japan oe 438/FOR 168
`(List continued on next page.)
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/581,243
`Dee. 29, 1995
`Primary Examiner—Long Pham
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Blakcly, Sokoloff, Taylor &
`Zafman LLP
`Related U.S. Application Data
`[63] Continuation-in-part of application No. 08/363,749, Dec.
`A noveltransistor with a low resistance ultra shallow tip
`23, 1994, Pat. No. 5,710,450.
`region and its method of fabrication in a complementary
`[S52] Wnt C07cc cccceeecnese HOIL 21/8238
`metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process. According to
`[52] US. Che cacccccscneessenes 438/231; 438/226; 438/233:
`the preferred method of the present invention, a first gate
`438/232: 438/305: 438/306: 438/586; 438/589:
`“— dielectric and a first gate electrode are formed onafirst2 <0. 420 . RO ICEA
`438/576; 438/558; 438/561; 438/664
`portion of a semiconductor substrate having a first conduc-
`Field of S
`Search oo... 438/589-6063,
`tivity type, and a second gate dielectric and a said gate
`438/664, 191, 226-223, 229, 230, 231,
`electrode are formed on a second portion of semiconductor
`232, 259, 270, 330, 301, 303, 305, 306,
`substrate having a second conductivitytype. A silicon nitride
`586, 576, 558, 565, 581, 583, FOR 168,
`layer is formed overthe first portion of the semiconductor
`TOR 180, FOR 197, [OR 216, FOR 217,
`substrate including the first gate electrode and over the
`FOR 218, FOR 251, FOR 250, FOR 219;
`second portion of the semiconductor substrate including the
`148/DIG. 147, DIG. 19, DIG. 59; 257/288,
`second gate electrode. The silicon nitride layer is removed
`from the second portion ofthe silicon substrate and from the
`top of the second gate electrode to thereby formafirst pair
`References Cited
`of silicon nitride spacers adjaccnt to opposite sides of the
`second gate electrode. A pair of recesses are then formed in
`the sccond portion of the semiconductorsubstrate in align-
`ment with the first pair of sidewall spacers. A selectively
`deposited semiconductor material
`is then formed in the
`1/1979 Maclveret al
`81987 Naouib et al... ABIIAL
`10/1989 Pfiester .......
`.. 437/34
`3/1991 Rodderet al.
`4/1991 De Jong etal. .....
`52 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
`Page 1 of 29
`TSMC Exhibit 1013
`TSMC Exhibit 1013
`Page 1 of 29


`Page 2
`12/1995 Luftmanet al.
`sssssssseesseseseeen 437/163
`.. 437/35
`7/1996 Hsu ves
`5,569,624 10/1996 Weiner vieccccccecccesesesssseeees 437/200
`4/1997 Hwanget al. voces 438/301
`seeeesresererreeerrnen 257/344
`1/1998 Chau et a.
`3/1998 Segawa et al. ssc 437/57
`6/1998 Chen et ab. ceeseseseseeneerees 438/305
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 1 of 13
`FIG. 1 (prior art)
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 2 of 13
`\7 “ALLYeZ
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 3 of 13
`FIG. 3C
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 4 of 13
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`poe Neos (EE
`336«=301 40
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 5 of 13
`FIG. 3H
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 6 of 13
` yyy
`y) C2224
` 305
`FIG. 4B
`FIG. 4C
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 7 of 13
`bth 44
`FIG. 4F
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 8 of 13
`FIG. 5A
`FIG. 5B
`FIG. 5C
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 9 of 13
`FIG. 5D
`FIG. 5E
`FIG. 5F
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 10 of 13
`FIG. 6C
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`U.S. Patent
`Dee. 26, 2000
`Sheet 11 of 13
`FIG. 6D
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 12 of 13
`FIG. 7C
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 26, 2000
`Sheet 13 of 13
`FIG. 7D
`FIG. 7E
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`metal oxide semiconductor process (CMOS) is described.
`According to a preferred method of the present invention, a
`first gate dielectric and a first gate electrode are formed on
`a first portion of a semiconductor substrate having a first
`conductivity type, and a second gate dielectric and a second
`This application is a Continuation-in-Part of U.S. patent
`gate electrode are formed on a second portion of a semi-
`application Ser. No. 08/363,749, filed Dec. 23, 1994 now
`conductor substrate having a second conductivity type.
`US. Pat. No. 5,710,450 and assigned to the present
`Next, ions of a second conductivity type are implanted into
`the first portion of the semiconductor substrate in alignment
`with the outside edges of the first gate electrode. A silicon
`nitride layer is then formed over the first portion of the
`1. Field of the Invention
`semiconductor substrate including the first gate electrode
`The present inventionrelates to the field of semiconductor
`and over the second portion of the semiconductor substrate
`integrated circuits, and more specifically, to the ultra large-
`including the second gate electrode. Thesilicon nitride layer
`scale fabrication of submicrontransistors.
`is then removed from the second portion of the silicon
`2. Discussion of Relates Art
`substrate and from the top of the second gate electrode to
`thereby form a first pair of silicon nitride spacers adjacent to
`transistors are
`Today literally millions of individual
`opposite sides of the second gate electrode. A pair of
`coupled together to form very large-scale integrated (VLSI)
`recesses are then formed in the second portion of the
`circuits, such as microprocessors, memories, and applica-
`semiconductor substrate in alignment with the first pair of
`tions specific integrated circuits (ICs). Presently, the most
`silicon nitride spacers. A selectively deposited semiconduc-
`advanced ICs are made up of approximately three million
`tor material is then formedin the recesses. Dopants are then
`transistors, such as metal oxide semiconductor (MOS)field
`diffused from the selectively deposited semiconductor mate-
`effect transistors having gate lengths on the order of 0.5 um.
`rial into the substrate beneath the first pair of silicon nitride
`In order to continue to increase the complexity and compu-
`spacers. Next, a first pair of sidewall spacers are formed
`tational powerof future integrated circuits, more transistors
`adjacent to opposite sides of the first gate electrode and a
`must be packed into a single IC (.e., transistor density must
`second pair of sidewall spacers are formed on the deposited
`increase). Thus, future ultra large-scale integrated (ULSI)
`semiconductor material adjacent to the outside edge of the
`circuits will require very short channel
`transistors with
`first pair of silicon nitride spacers. Ions of a second con-
`effective gate lengths less than 0.1 4m. Unfortunately, the
`structure and method of fabrication of conventional MOS
`ductivity type are then implantedintothefirst portion of the
`semiconductor substrate in alignment with the outside edges
`transistors cannot be simply “scaled down” to produce
`of the first pair of sidewall spacers adjacent to the first gate
`smaller transistors for higher density integration.
`The structure of a conventional MOStransistor 100 is
`electrode to thereby formafirst pair of source/drain contact
`regions in the first portion of the semiconductor substrate.
`shownin FIG. 1. Transistor 100 comprises a gate electrode
`Silicide is then formed on the source/drain contact regions
`102, typically polysilicon, formed on a gate dielectric layer
`and on the first gate electrode and on the deposited semi-
`104 which in turn is formed onasilicon substrate 106. A pair
`conductor material in alignment with the outside edges of
`of source/drain extensions or tip regions 110 are formed in
`the second pair of sidewall spacers are on the second gate
`the top surface of substrate 106 in alignment with outside
`edges of gate electrode 102. Tip regions 110 are typically
`formed by well-known ion implantation techniques and
`extend beneath gate electrode 102. Formed adjacent
`FIG. 1 is an illustration of a cross-sectional view of a
`opposite sides of gate electrode 102 and overtip regions 110
`conventional transistor.
`are a pair of sidewall spacers 108. A pair of source/drain
`FIG. 2 is anillustration of a cross-sectional view of a low
`regions 120 are then formed, by ion implantation, in sub-
`resistance ultra shallow tip transistor of the present inven-
`strate 106 substantially in alignment with the outside edges
`of sidewall spacers 108.
`FIG. 3a is an illustration of a cross-sectional view of the
`As the gate length of transistor 100 is scaled down in
`formation of a first gate electrode on a p-well and the
`order to fabricate a smaller transistor, the depth at which tip
`formation of a second gate electrode on a n-well.
`region 110 extends into substrate 106 must also be scaled
`FIG. 35 is an illustration of a cross-sectional view of the
`down(i.e., decreased) in order to improve punchthrough
`formation of a N- tip region in the p-well in alignment with
`characteristics of the fabricated transistor. Unfortunately, the
`opposite sidewalls of the first gate electrode of the substrate
`length of tip region 110, however, must be larger than 0.07
`of FIG. 3a.
`yum to insure that the later, heavy dose, deep source/drain
`FIG. 3c is an illustration of a cross-sectional view of the
`implant does not swamp and overwhelm tip region 110.
`formation of a silicon nitride layer over the substrate of FIG.
`in the fabrication of a small scale transistor with
`conventional methods, as shownin FIG. 1, the tip region 110
`FIG. 3d is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`is both shallow and long. Because tip region 110 is both
`ing the formation of a first pair of sidewall spacers on
`shallow and long, tip region 110 exhibits substantial para-
`opposite sides of a gate electrode formed on a substrate and
`sitic resistance. Parasitic resistance adversely effects
`the formation of recess regions in the n-well of the substrate
`(reduces) the transistors drive current.
`of FIG. 3c.
`Thus, what is needed is a novel transistor with a low
`FIG. 3¢ is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`resistance ultra shallow tip region with a VLSI manufactur-
`ing the deposition of semiconductor material on the sub-
`able method of fabrication in a CMOSprocess.
`strate of FIG. 3d.
`FIG. 3f is an illustration of a cross-sectional view showing
`A novel transistor with a low resistance ultra shallow tip
`the formation of an oxide layer and a silicon nitride layer
`over the substrate of FIG. 3e.
`region and its method of fabrication in a complementary
`Page 16 of 29
`Page 16 of 29


`FIG. 3g is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation ofa first pair of sidewall spacers adjacent
`to the first gate electrode and a second pair of sidewall
`spacers adjacentto thefirst pair of silicon nitride spacers on
`the substrate of FIG. 3f.
`FIG. 3A is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of silicide in the source/drain contact
`regions and on the deposited semiconductor material of FIG.
`FIG. 4a is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of a boron doped glass layer and the
`formation of N- tip regions in the substrate of FIG. 3a.
`FIG. 46 is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation ofa silicon nitride layer over the substrate
`of FIG. 4a.
`FIG. 4c is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of a first pair of composite sidewall
`spacers adjacent to the gate electrode over the n-well of the
`substrate of FIG. 4b.
`FIG. 4dis anillustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of semiconductor material on the substrate
`of FIG. 4c.
`FIG. 4e is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formationofa first pair of spacers adjacentto the gate
`electrode formed over the p-well and the formation of a
`second pair of spacers adjacentto the first pair of composite
`spacers formed adjacentto the gate electrode over the n-well
`of the substrate of FIG. 4d.
`FIG. 4fisan illustration of a cross-sectional view showing
`the out diffusion of impurities from deposited semiconductor
`material and the formation of silicide on the substrate of
`FIG. 4e.
`FIG. 5a is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation ofa silicon nitride layer over the substrate
`of FIG. 3a.
`FIG. 56 is anillustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of spacers and recesses on the substrate of
`FIG. 5a.
`FIG. 5c is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the masking of the n-well and the formation of semi-
`conductor material on the p-well of the substrate of FIG. 5b.
`FIG. 5dis anillustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of a mask over the p-well and the
`formation of semiconductor material on the n-well of the
`substrate of FIG. 5c.
`FIG. 5e is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of a thin oxide layer and the formation of
`a thicker silicon nitride layer over the substrate of FIG. 5d.
`FIG. 5fis an illustration of a cross-sectional view showing
`the formation of a second pair of spacers and the out
`diffusion of dopants from semiconductor material on the
`substrate of FIG. 5e.
`FIG. 6a is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of p-type semiconductor material on a
`n-well, and the formation of undoped semiconductor mate-
`rial on a p-well of a substrate.
`FIG. 66 is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of a mask and the ion implantation of the
`substrate of FIG. 6a.
`FIG. 6c is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of sidewall spacers and the implantation of
`the substrate of FIG. 6b.
`FIG. 6dis anillustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the diffusion of impurities from semiconductor material
`and the formation of silicide of the substrate of FIG. 6c.
`Page 17 of 29
`FIG. 7a is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation and patterning of a boron dopedglass layer
`on the substrate of FIG. 3a.
`FIG. 7b is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation ofa silicon nitride layer over the substrate
`of FIG. 7a.
`FIG. 7c is anillustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of spacers and recesses in the substrate of
`FIG. 7b.
`FIG. 7d is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of semiconductor material over the sub-
`strate of FIG. 7c.
`FIG. 7e is an illustration of a cross-sectional view show-
`ing the formation of a second pair of spacers over the
`substrate of FIG. 7d.
`FIG. 7f is an illustration of a cross-sectional view showing
`the out diffusion of impurities from deposited semiconductor
`material and the formation of silicide on the substrate of
`FIG. 7e.
`A novel transistor with a low resistance ultra shallow tip
`and its method of fabrication in a complementary metal
`oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process is described. In the
`following description numerousspecific details are set forth,
`such as specific materials, dimensions, and processes,etc.,
`in order to provide a thorough understanding of the present
`invention. It will be obvious, however, to one skilled in the
`the invention may be practiced without
`specific details. In other instances, well-known semiconduc-
`tor equipment and processes have not been described in
`particular detail in order to avoid unnecessarily obscuring
`the present invention.
`A preferred embodiment of a novel transistor 200 with
`low resistivity, ultra shallow tip of the present invention is
`shown in FIG. 2. Transistor 200 is formed on a silicon
`substrate or well 201. A gate dielectric layer 202 is formed
`on a surface 203 of substrate 201 and a gate electrode 204
`is in turn formed on gate dielectric layer 202. A first pair of
`thin sidewall spacers 206 are formed on opposite sides of
`gate electrode 204 (spacers 206 run along the “width” of
`gate electrode 204). Transistor 200 also includes a second
`pair of substantially thicker sidewall spacers 208 formed
`adjacent to the outside edges of the first pair of sidewall
`spacers 206. Transistor 200 includes a pair of source/drain
`regions 211 each comprising a pair of tips or source/drain
`extensions 210 and a source/drain contact region 212.
`Tip or source/drain extension 210 is defined as the source/
`drain region located beneath second sidewall spacer 208,
`first sidewall spacer 206, and the outside edge of gate
`electrode 204. Tip 210 comprises an ultra shallow tip portion
`214 and a raised tip portion 216. Ultra shallow tip portion
`214 is comprised of a doped semiconductor substrate 215
`formed by “out diffusing” dopants from selectively depos-
`ited semiconductor material 217 into substrate 201. Ultra
`shallow tip 214 extends from beneath first sidewall spacer
`206 to the outside edges of gate electrode 204. Ultra shallow
`tip 214 preferably extendsat least 100A beneath (laterally)
`gate electrode 204 and preferably 500 A fora transistor with
`an effective gate length of approximately 0.10 microns (or
`1000 A) and a drawn gate length of 0.2 wm. Additionally,
`ultra shallow tip 214 preferably extends less than 1000 A
`deep into substrate 201 beneath substrate surface 203 for a
`0.10 um effective gate length. It is to be appreciated that
`because novel methods of fabrication are employed in the
`Page 17 of 29


`present invention, ultra shallow tip 214 can be characterized
`by a very abrupt junction.
`Tip 210 of transistor 200 also includesa raised tip portion
`216. Raised tip portion 216 is located beneath second
`sidewall spacer 208 and is adjacent to the outside edges of
`first sidewall spacer 206. Raised tip 216 is preferably formed
`of doped semiconductor material 217 selectively deposited
`both above and below surface 203 of semiconductor sub-
`strate 201. Raised tip portion 216 also includesa portion 215
`doped by “out diffusing” dopants from selectively deposited
`semiconductor material 217 into substrate 201. Because a
`portion of raised tip 216 is formed above semiconductor
`substrate surface 203, raised tip 216 is said to be “raised”. A
`raised tip significantly reduces the parasitic resistance of
`transistor 200 and thereby improves its performance.
`A pair of source/drain contact regions 212 are formed
`adjacent to the outside edge of second sidewall spacer 208.
`Source/drain contact regions 212 comprise selectively
`deposited semiconductor material 217 and “out diffused”
`doped semiconductor substrate 215. Source/drain contact
`regions 212 are partially raised source/drain regions. Silicide
`218 is preferably formed on source/drain regions 212 in
`order to reduce the contact resistance of transistor 200.
`Additionally, according to the present invention, first semi-
`conductor material 217 is preferably deposited onto the top
`surface of gate electrode 204. Silicide 218 is also preferably
`formed on deposited semiconductor material 217 on gate
`electrode 204 to help improve contact resistance.
`Additionally, if desired, source/drain contact regions 212
`can be madeinto deep junction source/drain contacts by ion
`implanting or diffusing additional dopants into a region 220
`in substrate 201 in alignment with the outside edges of
`second sidewall spacers 208.
`It is to be appreciated that a valuable feature of the present
`invention is the fact that transistor 200 includes a tip or
`source/drain extension 210 which is both ultra shallow and
`raised. In this way, transistor 200 has a shallow tip with a
`very low parasitic resistance. The novel structure of tran-
`sistor 200 allowsfor tip scaling necessary for the fabrication
`of transistor 200 with effective gate length less than 0.12 um.
`Because of the novel
`tip structure 210 of the present
`transistor 200 has good punchthrough perfor-
`mance and reduced V; roll-off. Additionally, because of tip
`210, transistor 200 has a low parasitic resistance, resulting in
`good drive current.
`The present invention describes several methodsofinte-
`grating the fabrication of a transistor with a low resistance
`ultra shallow tip into a CMOSprocess(i.e. into a process
`where both n-type and p-type transistors are formed).
`According to a first preferred method of the present
`invention, as illustrated in FIGS. 3a—3h, a PMOStransistor
`having a low resistance ultra shallow tip is fabricated with
`a conventional NMOStransistor. According to the preferred
`method of the present invention, a silicon substrate 300 is
`provided. A plurality of field isolation regions 305 are
`formed in substrate 300 to isolate wells of different conduc-
`tivity types and to isolate adjacent transistors. Field isolation
`regions 305 are preferably shallow trench isolation (STI)
`regions formed by etching a trench into substrate 300 and
`then filling the trench with a deposited oxide. Although STI
`isolation regions are preferred because of their ability to be
`formed to

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