
`(11) Patent Number:
`United States Patent
`145] Date of Patent:
`Nov. 2, 1999
`Inventors: Scott Thompson, Portland; Mark T.
`Bohr, Aloha; Paul A. Packan,
`Beaverton,all of Oreg.
`Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, Calif.
`[73] Assignee:
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/498,028
`Jul. 3, 1995
`Int. cl.6 see seesceeseescceeeensceeessessceee esses case essess HO1L 21/336
`UWS. Che eee 438/305; 438/559; 438/563;
`[58] Field of Search oe 437/44, 405 W,
`437/415 W, 164, 160, 161, 978; 148/DIG. 43;
`438/305, 306, 307, 299, 301, 559, 563,
`558, 562, 231, 230
`References Cited
`3/1978 Kosa wees csessesteseeceecnscneeee 437/978
`5/1980 Komedaet al. eee 437/164
`5,173,440 12/1992 Tsunashimaet al. wc 437/164
`8/1993 Liao we
`ws 437/415 W
`5/1996 Bracchitta et al. oe 437/164
`Japan ...cccccccereresesrereerseeerenes 437/164
`Japan ..
`. 437/978
`Japan wee cece eeseereentenee 437/978
`Primary Examiner—MichaelTrinh
`Altiorney, Agent, or Firm—Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor &
`A process for fabricating a source and drain region which
`includes a more lightly doped source and drain tip region
`immediately adjacent to the gate and a more heavily doped
`main portion of the source and drain region spaced apart
`from the gate. A first layer of glass (2% BSG) is used to
`provide the source of doping for the tip region and a second
`layer of glass (6% BSG)is used to provide the dopantfor the
`more heavily doped major portion of source and drain
`regions. Spacers are formed between the glass layers to
`gehine the tip region from the main portion of the source and
`rain regions.
`4 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`Page 1 of 8
`TSMC Exhibit 1012
`TSMC Exhibit 1012
`Page 1 of 8


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.2, 1999
`Sheet 1 of 4
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.2, 1999
`Sheet 2 of 4
`FIG. 3
`FIG. 4
`Page 3 of 8
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.2, 1999
`Sheet 3 of 4
`FIG. 6
`Page 4 of 8
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.2, 1999
`Sheet 4 of 4
`FIG. 7
`Page 5 of 8
`Page 5 of 8


`1. Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to the field of forming self-aligned
`source and drain regions for field-effect transistors.
`2. Prior Art
`Typically during the formation of a field-effect transistor,
`FIG. 1 is a cross sectional elevation view of a section of
`ion implantation is used to align a source and drain region
`with a gate (and/or with gate spacers in some processes). The
`a substrate showing an n-well isolated from a p-well. Poly-
`ion implantation damages the crystalline structure of the
`silicon gates andafirst glass layer are also shown.
`silicon substrate necessitating thermal annealing. During the
`FIG. 2 illustrates the substrate of FIG. 1 after a first
`annealing the implanted dopant diffuses thereby deepening
`photoresist layer has been masked and etching, and during
`the source and drain regions. These deeper regions makeit
`an ion implantation step used to form the tip regions for the
`difficult to control the adverse effects of short channels.
`n-channel transistor.
`Ideally, to control the short channel effects where effective
`FIG. 3 illustrates the substrate of FIG. 2 after the forma-
`channellengthsare in the order of 0.1 um orless, the source
`tion of a TEOSlayer anda silicon nitride layer.
`and drain regions should be extremely shallow and heavily
`FIG. 4 illustrates the substrate of FIG. 3 after the silicon
`doped (e.g., 0.05 to 0.1 um versus 0.2 to 0.4 um for ion
`nitride layer has been anisotropically etched to form spacers
`implanted regions).
`and after the substrate has been covered with a second glass
`Scaling implanted p+ junctions is particularly difficult
`since the light boron (B*") ions channel during implantation
`FIG. 5 illustrates the substrate of FIG. 4 after the masking
`and secondly, since the ions damage the silicon bonds
`and etching of a photoresist layer and during an ion implan-
`causing point defects. These point defects significantly
`tation step used to form the main portion of the source and
`increase the diffusion of the boron atoms (up to 1000 times)
`drain regions for the n-channeltransistor.
`during subsequent thermal annealing. Thus, even for light
`FIG. 6 illustrates the substrate of FIG. 5 after diffusion of
`ions, such as B11, and low energy implants, the implant
`damage results in enhanced diffusion.
`the boron dopant from the glass layers to form the source
`and drain regions for the p-channeltransistor.
`One solution to this problem is to make amorphous the
`FIG. 7 illustrates the substrate of FIG. 4 for an alternate
`silicon substrate before the B11 implant since this reduces
`channeling. However, the net result is not a significantly
`embodiment where the n-type dopantis diffused from a glass
`shallow profile since the damage to the siliconlattice leads
`to enhance diffusion of the implanted B11.
`Another technique for solving this problem is to diffuse
`the portion of the source and drain regions adjacent to the
`gate (tip or tip region) from doped spacers and to form the
`more heavily doped main portions of the source and drain
`regions by ion implantation. This provides some advantage
`over the ion implantation of both the tip region and main
`portion of the source and drain regions but implant damage
`from the source/drain implant still affects the depth of the
`diffused tip region resulting in degraded short channel
`effects. Short channel effects are discussed in numerous
`publications such as Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era,
`Vol. 2, by S. Wolf, published by Lattice press, see Section
`5.5, beginning at page 338.
`As will be seen, the present invention permits the simul-
`taneous doping of an ultra shallow lightly doped source and
`drain tip regions, main portions of the source and drain
`regions and doping of the polysilicon gate without
`A methodis described for fabricating field-effect transis-
`tors on a substrate where the source and drain regions are
`formed in alignment with a gate. A source of dopantis used
`having (i) a more lightly doped region which is formed
`directly adjacent to the gate and (ii) a more heavily doped
`region spaced apart from the gate. This dopant source is
`formed on the surface of the substrate. The dopantis diffused
`from the source of dopant in a heating step simultaneously
`forming both the lightly doped source and drain tip region
`and the main portion of the source and drain regions.
`A method and structure for forming low damage, shallow
`source and drain regions in alignment with a gate for a
`is described.
`In the following
`description, numerous well-known steps such as masking
`and etching steps are not discussed in detail in order not to
`obscure the present invention. In other instances, specific
`details are set forth such as specific boron dopant concen-
`trations in order to provide a thorough understanding of the
`present invention.
`The various layers of materials shown in the drawings are
`not shown to scale. Rather,
`the layers have been made
`clearly visible so that the present invention can be better
`understood from the drawings. Additionally, only a portion
`of a substrate showing a single p-channel and n-channel
`transistor is illustrated. It will be appreciated that in practice
`the invention is used to fabricate an entire integrated circuit.
`While the present invention is not limited to any particular
`geometry in one embodiment,it is used for the fabrication
`of transistors having a channel length of approximately 0.1
`um with transistors that operate from a 1.8 volt supply.
`Referring now to FIG. 1, a section of a monocrystalline
`silicon substrate 15 is illustrated having a well doped within
`an n-type conductivity dopant (n well 21) and a region or
`well doped with a p-type conductivity dopant (p well). As
`it is not important to the present invention
`will be seen,
`whether both n and p wells are used. For instance, an n well
`may be used for p-channel transistors with the n-channel
`transistors being formed directly in a p-type substrate.
`In one embodimentboronis diffused from two different
`layers of borosilicate glass (BSG). Spacers are formed
`adjacent to the gate by anisotropically etching a silicon
`nitride layer which overlies a 2% BSG layer. Then a 6%
`BSG layer is formed over the spacers and 2% BSGlayerto
`supply the dopant for the more heavily doped main portion
`of the source and drain regions. Rapid thermal processing is
`used to diffuse the dopant into the substrate from both BSG
`Page6 of 8
`Page 6 of 8


`The n and p well of FIG. 1 are isolated from one another
`by a recessed isolation region specifically,
`trench 10.
`Additionally, within the n well 21 there are other isolation
`trenches 12 for isolating from one another p-channel tran-
`sistors formed within the n well. Likewise, there are isola-
`tion trenches 13 formed within the p well
`to isolate
`n-channel transistors formed in the p well from one another.
`The isolation trenches may be formed using well-known
`technology. Other isolation technologies such as local oxi-
`dation of silicon (LOCOS) maybe used instead of trenches
`A gate insulative layer (such as a high quality, thermally
`grown oxide to insulate the gate from the substrate) is
`formed over the substrate. Following this, a polycrystalline
`silicon (polysilicon) layer is deposited and the gates for the
`field-effect transistors are fabricated using ordinary photo-
`lithographic and etching techniques. Two such gates insu-
`lated from the substrate are shown in FIG. 1. Gate 11,
`formed above the n well, as will be seen, is used for a
`p-channeltransistor; the other gate 14, formed above the p
`well, is used for an n-channel transistor, Numerous steps
`typically used before the fabrication of the gates are not
`illustrated, such as cleaning steps, ion implantation steps to
`adjust threshold voltage, etc.
`Following the formation of the gates 11 and 14 a confor-
`mal layer 16 of borosilicate glass (BSG) is Geposited over
`the entire substrate. This layer may be 100 A-300 A thick.
`The layer in one embodiment has a 2% functional descrip-
`tion concentration of a p-type conductivity dopant (boron).
`This layer is referred to hereinafter as 2% BSG layer. TEOS
`or silane based chemistry is used to deposit the 2% BSG
`layer. This layer is formed in one embodimentat a tempera-
`ture of 400-600° C.
`In the embodimentof the present invention described in
`this application, the p-channel transistor is formed using the
`present invention while the n-channeltransistor is formed
`using well-known ion implantation. The formation of the
`n-channeltransistor is described nonetheless since the mask-
`ing steps for the n-type implants are used to diffuse the
`p-type dopant sources.
`FIG. 2 illustrates the first of two ion implantation step
`used in the formation of the n-channel transistor. First, a
`photoresist layer 17 is formed over the substrate 15. This
`layer is masked exposed and developed by well-known
`techniques to reveal the substrate regions where the source
`and drains are formed for the n-channel transistors and
`additionally, regions where an n-type dopantis used for well
`tap 20. This is shown in FIG. 2 where the photoresist
`members 17 protect predetermined areas of the substrate
`while leaving exposed other areas. Next, the exposed por-
`tions of glass layer 16 are etched in alignment with the
`photoresist members 17. This etching step uses a hydrogen
`fluoride (HF) based solution. The substrate is then subjected
`to ion implantation of an arsenic dopant as shown by the
`arrows 18. This forms the regions 19 in alignment with the
`gate 14 and a region 20 between the trenches 12. This
`arsenic doping implant is relatively light and is used for
`forming the tip regions of the source and drain regions for
`the n-channeltransistor. The main portions of the source and
`drain regions for this n-channel transistor are subsequently
`formed with the second ion implantation step.
`Next, as shown in FIG. 3, a conformal layer of undoped
`silicon dioxide is formed from tetraethyl orthosilicate
`(TEOS) by low pressure chemical vapor deposition layer 30
`or other undoped LPCVD oxide film is formed over the
`substrate using well-known processing. This layer provides
`an etchant stop for the spacers formed for the n-channel
`transistor. The TEOS layer may be 50 A-300 A thick.
`Page 7 of 8
`Now, as shownin FIG. 3 a conformal layer 31 ofsilicon
`nitride is formed over the TEOS layer 30. (An oxide layer
`may be used instead ofthe silicon nitride layer.) This silicon
`nitride layer is approximately 800 A thick in one embodi-
`ment. Well-known anisotropic etching is used to etch the
`silicon nitride layer to form spacers 31 shown on opposite
`sides of gates 11 and 14 of FIG. 4. The TEOSlayer acts as
`an etchant step to protect the silicon. The TEOS and BSG
`regions not covered by the nitride spacers are also etched
`away. A wet etchant may be used for this purpose.
`Following this, a second layer 35 of BSG is formed over
`the substrate. This time, however,
`the layer has a 6%
`concentration ofboron (6% BSG). This layer in one embodi-
`ment is approximately 200 A-600 A thick andis deposited
`using a TEOSorsilane based chemistries at a temperature
`of 400-600° C. in one embodiment.
`Better results may be achieved for some processes if a
`relatively thin cap layer (e.g., 100 A) of undoped glass or
`silicon nitride (not shown) is formed over the 6% BSG layer.
`This undoped layer protects the 6% BSG from a subsequent
`photoresist layer formed over the glass and assures that
`dopant will not diffuse upward. This layer also prevents
`water from the photoresist
`layer from reacting with the
`boron dopant.
`As shown in FIG. 5, following the formation of the 6%
`BSG layer 35, a photoresist layer 40 is masked, exposed and
`developed to expose generally the same areas that were
`exposed in FIG. 2. Specifically, gate 12, the areas adjacent
`to gate 12 (source and drain regions) and region 20; the
`remainder of the substrate shown in FIG. 5 is protected by
`the photoresist members 40.
`The cap layer over the glass layer 35 (if used) and the 6%
`BSG layer 35 are then etched in alignment with the photo-
`resist members 40. This is done by HF based chemistry.
`The second n-type ion implantation step is now used to
`implant the arsenic dopant into the regions of the substrate
`not protected by the photoresist layer 40, spacers 31, or gate
`12. The arrows 41 illustrate the implantation of this arsenic
`dopant. This dopant is used to form the main portions N+ of
`the 45 source and drain regions for the n-channeltransistors.
`Note that since the spacers 31 are in place, the dopant is
`implanted in alignment with the spacers and not in align-
`ment with the gate.
`is used. The
`Following this, a driving (heating) step,
`p-type dopant from the 2% BSG and 6% BSG layers is
`simultaneously diffused into the substrate to form both the
`tip regions, main source and drain regions, and doping of the
`gate 11 for the p-channel transistor. The tip region has a
`depth of 300-700 A which the main portion of the p-type
`region has depth of 1000-2500 A. Additionally, the p-type
`dopant from the BSG layers forms a well tap between the
`isolation trenches 13. In one embodiment, this drive step
`employs rapid thermal processing. Specifically, driving at
`1000° C. to 1040° C. for 10-20 seconds with ramping up to
`and down from this temperature at 70° C. per second. A
`standard Halogen lamp based rapid thermal reactor is used.
`Well-known processing may be used to complete the
`fabrication of the integrated circuit shown in FIG. 6. The
`glass layers 16 and 35 to the extent remaining as shown in
`FIG. 6 may remain in place for the remainder of the
`processing and maystay in the completed integrated circuit.
`Glass layer 35 may be removed to facilitate a subsequent
`selective TiSi or CoSi, layer on gates 11 and 12 and regions
`41 and 45.
`The result of the processing described above is a source
`and drain region for the p-type transistor having a tip region
`Page 7 of 8


`FIG. 7 illustrates alternate processing where a single glass
`layer doped with an n-type dopant is used to form the
`source/drain for the n-channeltransistor. For this processing,
`following the etching of the glass layer 35, an additional
`glass layer 50 doped with the n-type dopant(e.g., 6% PSG)
`is formed as shownin FIG. 7. (The glass layer 50 is formed
`over the structure shown in FIG. 5 without the photoresist
`layer 40). During the driving step used to dope the source/
`drain and gate of the p-channel transistor the n-channel
`transistor is simultaneously formed. Dopant from layer 50
`forms the main source/drain regions of the n-channel tran-
`sistor. Note the dopant from layer 50 does notdiffuse into the
`layer 35. This n-type dopant also diffused under the spacers
`of gate 12 to form more lightly doped tip regions for the
`n-channeltransistor. At the same time, the gate 12 is doped
`with the n-type dopant from layer 50.
`With similar processing note that the glass layer 16 need
`not be used to form the p-channeltransistor. Thatis, as in the
`case for the n-channel transistor described in conjunction
`with FIG. 7, the p-type dopant may be driving under the
`spacer of gate 11 from the 6% glass layer to form the tip
`source/drain regions for the p-channel transistor. This per-
`mits the doping of source/drain for both n-channel and
`p-channeltransistors with a single maskingstep.
`Thus, an improved process and structure for providing
`doping for a source and drain region has been described
`which employs two layers with different doping concentra-
`tions to permit simultaneously doping of a lightly doped tip
`regions and more heavily doped main portions of source and
`drain regions. Ultra shallow source and drain regions are
`obtained with improved short channel properties.
`1. A method for forming a field-effect transistor on a
`substrate region doped with a first conductivity type dopant
`comprising the steps of:
`forming a gate insulated from the substrate;
`forming a glass layer containing a second conductivity
`type dopant over the substrate including overthe gate;
`forming a silicon dioxide layer over the first glass layer;
`forming a silicon nitride layer over the layer of silicon
`forming spacers on opposite sides of the gate from the
`silicon nitride layer, silicon dioxide layer and glass
`2. The method defined by claim 1 including forming the
`silicon dioxide layer from tetraethyl orthosilicate.
`3. The method defined by claim 1 wherein the glass layer
`is borosilicate.
`4. In the fabrication of a field-effect transistor where
`spacers are formed in part from a doped glass and an
`overlying silicon nitride layer and where dopant from the
`glass doped is diffused into the substrate to form extension
`source and drain regions, an improvement wherein a layer of
`silicon dioxide is formed from tetraethyl orthosilicate
`between the doped glass layer and the silicon nitride layer.
`40 adjacent to the gate (from the dopant diffused into the
`substrate from the 2% BSG layer 16) and a more highly
`doped main portion of the source and drain regions 41
`spaced apart from the gate (from the dopant diffused from
`the 6% BSG layer 35). For the described embodiment the
`p-type tip region has a dopant concentration of 1-5x10"°
`cm7* while the main portion of the source and drain region
`has a dopant concentration of 2—5x10°° cm™>. This results
`directly from the 2% and 6% BSG. Other concentrations of
`dopants in the glass may be used. For example, layer 16 may
`have a dopant concentration between 1 to 4% and layer 35
`may have a dopant concentration between 6 to 12%.
`The ultra-shallow p* regions formed with the described
`invention, as illustrated in the figures has shown to provide
`substantial improvementoverprior art fabrication where the
`p-channel source and drain regions are formed with a tip
`implant in alignmentwith the gate followed by implantation
`of the main portion of source and drain regionsin alignment
`with a spacer. Transistors made with the low damage doped
`source and drain regions of the present
`invention have
`shown in one benchmark to have a 25% improved gate delay
`when operated at 1.8v even when compared to a prior art
`transistor operated at 2.5v.
`With the present invention as described above, two mask-
`ing steps are saved when comparedto the prior art technique
`of forming the p-channel device through two implantation
`steps, one for the tip implant and the other for the main
`portion of the source and drain regions. Note that with the
`present invention, the two masking steps used to expose
`those areas of the substrate which are doped with the n-type
`dopant for the n-channel transistor source and drain region
`are also used to etch the BSG layers 16 and 35. In the prior
`art, two additional masking steps are needed to protect the
`n-channel device when the p-channel device are implanted.
`As shown in FIG. 5,
`the glass layer 35 is etched in
`alignment with the photoresist members 40 prior to the
`implantation illustrated by lines 41. It may be desirable in
`some processes to leave the 6% BSG layer in place. The
`second ion implantation step used to form the N+ source and
`drain regions for the n-channel
`transistor is then done
`through this glass layer. The counter doping effect of the
`boron dopant in the n-type source and drain regions in
`general will not present a problem. The arsenic dopantlevel
`of the source and drain region for the n-channeltransistor is
`high and consequently, not significantly affected by the
`introduction of the boron atoms. Leaving layer 35 in place
`saves the step used to removethis layer from the areas not
`protected by the photoresist members.
`While in the above description, the p-channeltransistor is
`shown fabricated with the present
`invention and the
`transistor is fabricated using conventional ion
`implantation, the n-channel transistor may likewise be fab-
`ricated using one or two layers of glass phosphorous or
`arsenic doped glass.
`While in the above-described process the dopant for the
`p-channel transistor was obtained from a glass, specifically
`BSG,other materials may be used as a source of the dopant
`such as polysilicon or germanium-silicon.
`Page 8 of 8
`Page 8 of 8

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