United States Patent
`Ogawaet al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Mar, 26, 1985
`7/1983 Pfeifer et al. oe 29/571 X
`1/1982 Fed. Rep. of Germany.
`2174 AST977
`Japan coececescccssesssssssencsncee 156/661.1
`51872 4/1977 Japan oe cecccscceseccecseseeseevens 156/653
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 23, No. 8, Jan.
`1981, New York, D. W. Ormond, pp. 3694~3697.
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 21, No. 7, Dec.
`1978, New York, H. B. Pogge, pp. 2734-2735.
`IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, Abbasetal., ‘““Sim-
`plified Isolation for an Integrated Circuit”, vol. 25, No.
`12, May 1983, pp. 6611-6614.
`Primary Examiner—Brian E. Hearn
`Assistant Examiner—David A. Hey
`Aitorney, Agent, or Firm—Armstrong, Nikaido,
`Marmelstein & Kubovcik
`A method for producing semiconductor devices having
`a substrate, element fabrication areas formed in the
`substrate and isolation areas surrounding the element
`fabrication areas. The method comprises forming a
`thermalstrain absorbing layer on the top surface of the
`element fabrication areas, forming at least one groovein
`an area which is to becometheisolation areas, inlaying
`an insulatorin the at least one groove, and annealing the
`insulator to make the density thereof uniform.
`9 Claims, 21 Drawing Figures
`Tetsuya Ogawa, Machida; Nobuo
`Toyokura, Kawasaki, both of Japan
`[73] Assignee:
`Fujitsu Limited, Kawasaki, Japan
`[21] Appl. No.: 414,803
`[22] Filed:
`Sep. 3, 1982
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Sep. 10, 1981 [JP]
`Japan. v.ccccccssscesseeseeee 56-142911
`Int. CL? occ HOIL 21/76; HOLL 21/302;
`HOIL 21/20
`[52] U.S. Ch. veecsccccsssssesscsseeccseseeeeenenee 29/571; 29/578;
`29/576 W; 148/1.5; 148/175; 148/187:
`156/643; 156/648; 156/662; 357/49
`[58] Field of Search oc... 29/571, 576 R, 576 B,
`29/576 W, 578; 148/174, 175, 187, 1.5; 357/47,
`48, 49, 50; 156/643, 648, 653, 661.1, 662
`References Cited
`1/1969 Bean et al. oes 156/648 X
`3/1973 ZOrOghy ......eessesecssesserseesees 148/187
`8/1978 Bonduret al.
`29/3576 W X
`3/1980 Khan et al. we
`cesesesereenses 29/571
`1/1980 Ho etal. ....
`« 148/174 X
`6/1980 Hoetal. ........
`o 148/15 X
`2/1981 Anantha etal.
`woe 29/578 X
`4/1981 Kumaret al.
`29/576 WX
`5/1983) OZAWA wescscesrecccessececeseteeeees 29/571 X
`Page 1 of 15
`TSMC Exhibit 1010
`TSMC Exhibit 1010
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`U.S. Patent Mar. 26, 1985
`Fig. 4
`LLYA[Pky 23
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`U.S. Patent Mar. 26, 1985
`Sheet 2 of 7
`ON 24

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`U.S. Patent Mar.26,1985§Sheet30f7 4,506,434
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`U.S. Patent Mar.26,1985
` Sheet4of7
`Fig. 4(c)
`TTT i
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`U.S. Patent Mar. 26,1985
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`U.S. Patent Mar.26,1985
` Sheet6of7 4,506,434
` SS76
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`TDINpealLULL 16
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`U.S. Patent Mar. 26, 1985
`Sheet 7 of7
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`Depending on the etching process employed,
`improved prior art methodis classified into two inde-
`pendent categories.
`The first is the case wherein a dry etching process is
`employed. Referring to FIG. 2(a), the first step is to
`employ a chemical vapor deposition process for the
`1. Field of the Invention
`purpose of growing an insulating layer 22 onasilicon
`The present invention relates to methods for produc-
`(Si) substrate 21 which is provided with grooves 23
`tion of semiconductor devices, and morespecifically to
`surrounding mesa shaped portions 24 in which elements
`an improvement applicable to methods for production
`are to be fabricated, before a photoresist layer 25 is
`of buried insulating layers each of which surrounds a
`coated on the uneven surface of the insulating layer 22.
`portion of a semiconductor substrate in which elements
`As a result, the top surface of the photoresist layer 25
`are fabricated, the buried insulating layers functioning
`becomesflat. Referring to FIG. 2(6), the secondstepis
`to isolate from one another, each element fabricated in
`to employ a dry etching process which has a single
`a chip.
`etching rate regardless of the quality of the material to
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`be etched, to the substrate 21 covered bythe insulating
`There is now a tendency inwhich the dimensions of
`layer 22 and by the photoresist layer 25. As a result, the
`insulating layer 22 remains only in the groove 23, and
`each element is decreased in order to satisfy require-
`the top surface of the silicon (Si) substrate 21 becomies
`ments for a larger quantity of elements fabricated in a
`uncovered, During this process, however,
`the ion
`chip and also for a larger quantity of elements fabri-
`beams employed for the dry etching process readily
`cated in the unit area of a chip. Such requirements are
`produce damaged areas C along the top surface of the
`included in the requirements effective to satisfy the
`mesa shaped portion 24 of the silicon (Si) substrate 21 in
`ultimate purposes for development of LSI’s and further
`which elements are to be fabricated. These damaged
`of VLSI’s. Insofar as the processes for isolating each
`areas can cause unsatisfactory characteristics for ele-
`element fabricated in one chip from one another are
`ments fabricated in the substrate 21. It is quite natural
`concerned, a process which is called local oxidation of
`that the silicon (Si) substrate must be exposed to a plu-
`silicon is available, and it is well knownthat this process
`rality of high temperature processes such as oxidation
`has various advantagesin the aspects of easy production
`and annealing for repairing the damage caused by appli-
`of durable wiring whichis free from potential discontin-
`cation of ion implantation processes and the like, during
`uation thereof and the potential employment ofself-
`later processes for production of elements therein. Re-
`alignment and the like. However, this local oxidation
`ferring to FIG. 2(c), since the foregoing high tempera-
`process has drawbacks. Thefirst is the problem ofbird’s
`ture processes are involved with non-uniform variation
`beak. Referring to FIG. 1, local oxidation of the top
`of density of the insulating layer 22, this variation causes
`surface of a silicon (Si) substrate 11, having a limited
`strains E; and/or E2 to occur at the corners of the mesa
`area covered bya silicon nitride (Sig3N4) layer mask 12,
`shaped portion 24 of the substrate 21 surrounded by the
`is accompanied by lateral growth ofa silicon dioxide
`buried insulating layer 22. These strains are also param-
`(SiO2) layer 13. This lateral growth producesa silicon
`eters for causing unsatisfactory characteristics for ele-
`ments fabricated in the substrate 21.
`dioxide (SiO2) layer having a bird’s beak shape which
`extends underthe silicon nitride (SizN4) layer 12. The
`The secondis the case wherein a wet etching process
`lateral length A of this bird’s beak causes a degradation
`is employed. Referring to FIG. 2(d), the first step is to -
`of dimensional accuracy. The secondis the problem of
`employ a dry etching process to remove the photoresist
`layer 25 from the areas on which elements are to be
`strain which is producedin the portion B ofthesilicon
`fabricated, leaving the photoresist layer 25 only along
`substrate 11. The portion B directly contacts the layer
`the grooves. Referring to FIG. 2(e), the second step is
`13 of silicon dioxide (SiOz) which is converted from
`to employ a wet etching process to removethe insulat-
`silicon (Si) during the oxidation process which inevita-
`ing layer 22 from the areas on which elements are to be
`bly causes expansion in volume of the nitride. This
`fabricated, leaving the insulating layer 22 only in the
`strain, appearing in the silicon (Si) layer B, can cause
`grooves 23. Since the grooves 23 have sharp corners at
`unsatisfactory characteristics in elements fabricated in
`the bottom and top edges, the density of the insulating
`the silicon (Si) layer. The third is the problem of white
`layer 22 is not entirely uniform and the density thereof
`ribbon. Since it is not easy to completely remove the
`is less along the broken lines shown in each of FIGS.
`silicon nitride (Si3N«4) layer 12, numerous minute parti-
`2(a), 2(6), 2(d) and 2(e) than in the other regions. Since
`cles of the nitride remain on the surface of the silicon
`a material having a lower density has a larger etching
`(Si) substrate 11 in the form of scattered stains. These
`rate, recesses D are produced along the edges of the
`residual nitride particles function as a type of mask
`insulating layers 22 which are buried in the silicon (Si)
`during oxidation processes carried outin later steps.
`substrate 21. As a result, the surface of a chipis not flat,
`The above process results in a local oxidation process
`causing the possibility of discontinuity and/or dimen-
`whichis not necessarily satisfactory for the production
`sional errors for wires which are placed along thesili-
`of a semiconductor device having minute patterns. To
`con (Si) substrate 21.
`overcome the foregoing drawbacks, a method wherein
`To prevent occurrence of the foregoing recesses D
`each element is isolated from one another by buried
`along the edges of the insulating layer 22, an annealing
`insulating layers which are grownto fill grooves pro-
`process is ordinarily employed after the completion of
`duced along the surface of a silicon (Si) substrate to
`the insulating layer 22. Albeit this annealing process is
`surround each element, has been developed andis pres-
`effective to unify or make uniform the density of the
`ently being used. Unfortunately, however,
`this im-
`insulating layer 22 even in the portions along the broken
`proved method has other drawbacks described below,
`lines shown in FIG.2, differences in the amount of the
`coefficient of expansion between the material of the
`with reference to the drawings.
`Page 9 of 15
`Page 9 of 15


`substrate and the material of the insulating layer causes
`stresses to occur along the interfaces of both materials,
`since the stresses are concentrated along the edges. As a
`result, strains E; and/or E2 occur along the edges of the
`elementfabrication areas of the substrate 21 surrounded
`by the buried insulating layer 22 in FIG. 2(). These
`strains are also parameters for causing unsatisfactory
`characteristics for elements fabricated in the substrate
`duction of a semiconductor device in accordance with
`the present invention. Since a thermal! strain absorbing
`layer 32 is interleaved between the top surface of a
`semiconductor substrate 31 and an insulator layer 33
`except for the area which is to becomea buried insulat-
`ing layer, strains E; occur along the edges of the ther-
`mal strain absorbing layer 32 rather than along the top
`edges of the element fabrication areas of the semicon-
`ductor substrate 31, during an annealing process which
`is carried out to make uniform the density of the insulat-
`ing layer 33. During a dry etching process which is
`carried out to remove a portion of the insulating layer
`33, damaged areas G are producedin the thermal strain
`absorbing layer 32 rather than in the semiconductor
`substrate 31. As a result, the portions of the semicon-
`ductor substrate 31 in which elements are to be pro-
`duced are protected from potential strains and damage,
`thereby enabling the characteristics of the elements to
`be enhanced. Since the strains E, do not occur in the
`semiconductor substrate 31 and since the magnitude of
`stress which may cause strains E2is limited, the amount
`of strains Ez which occurs along the bottom edges of
`the element fabrication areas 34 of the semiconductor
`substrate surrounded by the buried insulating layersis
`also decreased.
`The requirements for the thermal strain absorbing
`layer are (a) that the material will have to be chemically
`stable under an annealing temperature of approximately
`900° C. or higher and (b) that the material readily ab-
`sorbs strains. Exemplary materials satisfying these re-
`quirementsare polycrystallinesilicon (Si), molybdenum
`silicide (MoSiz), tungsten silicide (WSi), titanium sili-
`cide (TiSiz) and tantalum silicide (TaSiz).
`Silicon dioxide (SiO2), silicon nitride (Si3N4) and
`aluminum oxide (Al203) can be selected as the material
`of the buried insulating layer.
`Notonly silicon (Si) but also any of the compound
`semiconductors including galium-arsenic (GaAs), indi-
`um-phosphorus (InP) et al can be selected as the mate-
`rial of the semiconductor substrate.
`To achieve the foregoing second object, a method for
`production of a semiconductor device in accordance
`with the other embodiment of the present invention
`comprises, in addition to the steps specified above for
`the method for production of a semiconductor device in
`accordance with the present invention, a step to pro-
`duce a conductive layer on the thermal strain absorbing
`layer and on the buried insulating layer and a step to
`pattern the conductive layer to a shape corresponding
`to the gate electrode and someof the conductive wires.
`Materials selected as a material for the conductive
`layer are molybdenum silicide (MoSiz), tungsten silicide
`titanium silicide
`tantalum silicide
`(TaSiz) and polycrystalline silicon (Si).
`The present invention, together with its various fea-
`tures and advantages, can be readily understood from
`the following more detailed description presented in
`conjunction with the following drawings.
`FIG.1 is a cross-sectional view of a silicon (Si) sub-
`strate showing the position after the compietion of a
`prior art local oxidation process.
`FIGS.2(a), 2(5), 2(c), 2(¢), 2(e) and 2(/) are cross-sec-
`tional views of silicon (Si) substrates, each of which
`showsthe state after the completion of each of the
`major steps of a method for production of a buried
`An object of the present invention is to provide a
`method for producing a semiconductor device having a
`plurality of elements each of whichis isolated from one
`another by buried insulating layers, wherein an im-
`provementis made(a) to prevent strains E; which may
`otherwise occur along the top edges of the element
`fabrication areas of the semiconductor substrate sur-
`rounded by buried insulating layers which function to
`isolate each element from one another, from occurring
`during an annealing process which is carried out to
`unify the density of the insulating layer, (b) to decrease
`the amountof strains Ez which occur along the bottom
`edges of the element fabrication areas of the semicon-
`ductor substrate surrounded by buried insulating layers
`which function to isolate each element from one an-
`other during the annealing process whichis carried. out
`to unify the density of the insulating layer and (c) to
`prevent damaged areas C which may otherwise be pro-
`duced along the element fabrication areas of a semicon-
`ductor substrate surrounded by buried insulating layers,
`from being produced during a dry etching process
`whichis carried out to remove a part of the insulating
`layer which is grown on the semiconductor substrate
`leaving the other part of the insulating layer in grooves
`surrounding the element fabrication areas of the semi-
`conductorsubstrate, the remaining part of the insulating
`layer being the buried insulating layer which functions
`as an isolation region.
`The other object of the present invention is to pro-
`vide a method for production of a semiconductor de-
`vice having a plurality of elements each of which has
`satisfactory quality due to lack of damagein the element
`fabrication areas of the semiconductor substrate sur-
`rounded by buried insulating layers which function to
`isolate each element from one another, wherein an im-
`provementis madeto simplify the steps for production
`of wiring.
`To achieve the foregoing first object, a method for
`production of a semiconductor device in accordance
`with the present invention comprises a step of growing
`a thermal strain absorbing layer onat least a portion of
`the top surface of a semiconductor substrate, the por-
`tion being an area which is not an area which becomes
`an isolation area, a step of producingat least one groove
`along said area which becomesan isolation area, a step
`of inlaying an insulator in said at least one groove, and
`a step of annealing said insulator.
`The concept of the present invention is to interleave
`a thermal strain absorbing layer between the top surface
`of a semiconductor substrate and an insulating layer, of
`whicha part is to becomea buried insulating layer, for
`the purpose of allowing the thermal strain absorbing
`layer to absorb strains which may otherwise occur due
`to an annealing process and to prevent damage which
`may otherwise be produced byirradiation of ion beams.
`FIG. 3 shows the cross-sectional view of a semicon-
`ductor device produced employing a method for pro-
`Page 10 of 15
`Page 10 of 15


`insulating layer which functions asisolation, according
`line silicon (Si) layer 43 is to absorb, strain and damage.
`Therefore, this layer 43 can be replaced by a molybde-
`to the prior art.
`FIG.3 is a cross-sectional view of a semiconductor
`num silicide (MoSi2) layer, a tungsten silicide (WSi2)
`device produced employing a method for production of
`layer, a titanium silicide (TiSiz) layer, a tantalum silicide
`(TaSig) layer or the like, insofar as the annealing tem-
`a semiconductor device in accordance with the present
`perature range is 900° through 1,100° C. This is because
`these materials are stable from the chemical viewpoint
`FIGS.4(a), 4(8), 4(c), 4(@) and 4(e) are cross-sectional
`in the foregoing temperature range and readily absorb
`viewsofsilicon (Si) substrates, each of which showsthe
`state after the completion of each of the major steps of
`strains. A photoresist layer 44 is produced on the sur-
`face of polycrystalline silicon (Si) layer 43, before a
`a method for production of a semiconductor device in
`patterning process is applied to the photoresist layer 44
`accordance with one embodimentof the present inven-
`for the purpose of producing grooves along the area
`corresponding to the area in which a buried insulating
`FIGS. 5(a), 5(6) and 5(c) are cross-sectional views of
`layer is produced. A thickness of the layer 43 is thicker
`silicon (Si) substrates, each of which shows thestate
`than 500 A for absorb.
`after the completion of each of the major steps of a
`the patterned photoresist
`Referring to FIG. 4(b),
`method for production of a semiconductor device in
`layer 44 functions as a mask during a parallel plate type
`accordance with another embodiment of the present
`reactive ion etching process applied io the substrate for
`the purpose of partly removing the polycrystalline sili-
`FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view of a complementary
`con (Si) layer 43, the silicon (Si) substrate 41 for the
`MOS (C-MOS) semiconductor device produced em-
`ultimate purpose to produce grooves 45 having the
`ploying a method of production in accordance with a
`third embodiment of the present invention.
`depth of 6,500 A in the silicon (Si) substrate 41. A car-
`bon fluoride (CF4) gas containing oxygen (O2) by 5% is
`FIGS. 7(a) and 7() are cross-sectional views, of
`employed as the reactive gas and an etching rate of 200
`which the former and the latter respectively show an
`A/ realized at a pressure of 5X 10—3 Torr. After
`intermediate state of and the state after the completion
`the photoresist layer 44 is entirely removed, a low pres-
`of a process for production of a 1-transistor and 1-
`capacitor type dynamic random access memorycellin
`sure chemical vapor deposition process is employed to
`growasilicon dioxide (SiO) layer 47 having a thick-
`accordance with a fourth embodiment of the present
`ness of 8,000 A whichentirely covers the top surface of
`8(a@) and 8(5) are cross-sectional views, of
`the substrate 41. Thereafter, the substrate is subjectedto .
`an annealing process for 20 minutes in the nitrogen (N2)
`which the former and the latter respectively show an
`intermediate state of and a state after the completion of
`gas at a temperature of 1,000° C. for the purpose of
`unifying or making uniform the density of the silicon
`a process for production of a bipolar type integrated
`circuit device in accordance with a fifth embodiment of
`dioxide (SiO2) layer 47. Albeit strains may occurin the
`polycrystalline silicon (Si) layer 43 during this process,
`the present invention.
`the entire portion ofthe silicon (Si) substrate 41 is main-
`tained free from strains. In other words, potential strains
`which might otherwise occur along the edges of the
`element fabrication area 46 of the silicon (Si) substrate
`In the following description, one of each embodiment
`41 surrounded by the buried insulating layer 47, are
`in accordance with the present invention will be pres-
`absorbed by the polycrystalline silicon (Si) layer 43.
`ented, on the assumption that FET’s are produced in a
`The top surface ofthe silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer 47 is
`silicon substrate, such FET’s being isolated from one
`coated by a photoresist layer 48 of e.g. AZ1350J pro-
`another by buried insulating layers each of which sur-
`rounds each of the FET-s.
`duced and marketed by Shipley Company Inc. of the
`U.S.A. and the top surface of the photoresist layer 48
`Thefirst embodiment is a method for production of a
`semiconductor device having a plurality of FET’s, each
`of whichis fabricated in an element fabrication area of
`Referring to FIG. 4(c), a dry etching process is ap-
`plied to the substrate until the top surface of the poly-
`a silicon (Si) substrate surroundedby a buried insulating
`crystalline silicon (Si) layer 43 is exposed. An argon
`layer, wherein an improvementis realized in which a
`(An) gas at a pressure of 7x 10-4 employed and
`thermal strain absorbing layer of polycrystalline silicon
`an etching rate of 500 A/min.
`is realized. Although
`(Si) is interleaved between the substrate and the insulat-
`damage may occur in the polycrystalline silicon (Si)
`ing layer such that the polycrystallinesilicon (Si) layer
`layer 43, during this process, the entire silicon (Si) sub-
`absorbs potential strains and damage which may other-
`strate 41 is protected from damage. This means that
`wise occur in the silicon (Si) substrate. This embodi-
`potential damages which might be otherwise be pro-
`ment will be presented, referring to FIGS. 4(a), 4(d),
`duced along the edges of the element fabrication area 46
`4(c), 4(d) and 4(e).
`of the silicon (Si) substrate 41 surrounded by the buried
`Referring to FIG. 4(a), the top surface ofa silicon (Si)
`insulating layer 47, are absorbed by the polycrystalline
`substrate 41 is oxidized to produce a silicon dioxide
`silicon (Si) layer 43.
`(SiO2) layer 42 having a thickness of 500 A, before a
`Referring to FIG. 4(d), a dry etching process is ap-
`polycrystalline silicon (Si) layer 43 having a thickness of
`plied to the substrate to remove only the upper portion
`1,000 A is grown onthesilicon dioxide (SiO) layer 42.
`of the silicon dioxide (SiOz) layer 47 by a depth corre-
`The function of the silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer 42 is to
`sponding to the thickness of the polycrystalline silicon
`make it easy to remove the polycrystalline silicon (Si)
`(Si) layer 43. A trifluoromethane (CHF3)gas at a pres-
`layer 43 in a later step. In other words, it functions to
`sure of 0.05 Torr. is employed and an etching rate of 800
`solve the difficulty in removing the polycrystalline
`A/ realized.
`silicon (Si) layer 43 whenit is produced directly on the
`Referring to FIG. 4(e), a plasma etching process em-
`silicon (Si) substrate 41, which is, of course, a material
`ploying a carbon fluoride (CF4) gas containing 5% of
`identical to the layer. The function of the polycrystal-
`Page 11 of 15
`Page 11 of 15


`simultaneously pattern the gate electrodes and metal
`oxygen (O2) at a pressure of 1 (one) Torr. is applied to
`wirings employing a single mask.
`the substrate to remove the polycrystalline silicon (Si)
`layer 43 at an etching rate of 500 A/min. Thereafter, a
`Referring to FIG. 5(c), a series of ordinary steps
`available in the prior art are employed for production of
`hydrogen fluoride (HF) solution is brought into contact
`with the surface of the substrate to removethesilicon
`sources and drains 58, an inter-layer insulating layer 59
`and an upperlayer wiring 60 for the ultimate purpose of
`dioxide (SiO) layer 42 and the top portionofthe silicon
`producing a MOS IC. Theright portion of FIG. 5(c)
`dioxide (SiOz) layer 47, thereby exposing the top sur-
`showsa cross-sect

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