
`(1) Patent Number:
`United States Patent 19
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Leeet al.
`Oct. 6, 1992
`Inventors: Kuo-Hua Lee; Chih-Yuan Lu; Janmye
`Sune. in ofrower cocina
`County, Pa.
`[73] Assignee: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray
`Hill, NJ.
`[21] Appl. No.: 422.834
`[22] Filed:
`Oct. 17, 1989
`Int. CL oe HOIL 21/24; HOIL 21 /265;
`[32] US. CI
`anak an,ne
`.— "437/200
`Field of Search ........ccccccee 437/34, 27, 28,29,
`437/30, 40, 41, 44, $6, 67, 235. 238, 239,241,
`186. 196. 200; 357/23.3. 23.4: 148/DIG. 147
`References Cited
`3/1985 Chia oes 437/44
`4701423 10/1987 Scluk
`4.703.551 11/1987 Szluk et al...
`2/1988 Watabeet al.
`_.. 437/29
`4/1989 Haskell...
`| 437/44
`6/1989 Chiu et ab. cciccccecses_ 437/34
`0241267 11/1985 Japan .
`5/1986 Japan .
`Tsang et
`“Fabrication of High Performance
`LDDFET's with Oxide Sidewall-Spacer Technology”,
`IEEE Journalof Solid State Circuits, vol. SC-17, No. 2.
`Apr. 1982, pp. 220-226.
`IEEE Electron Device Letters V. 9(4), (1988), “LDD
`MOSFET's Using Disposable Side Wall Spacer Tech-
`nology.” J. R. Pfiester, pp. 189-192.
`VLSI Technology Symposium (1988). ‘Simultaneous
`Formation of Shallow-Deep Stepped Source/Drain for
`Submicron CMOS,” C. W. Ohet al., pp. 73-74.
`Primary Examiner—Olik Chaudhuri
`Assistant Examiner—M. Wilczewski
`Attorney, Agent. or Firm—John T. Rehberg
`structure and
`A semiconductor
`integrated circuit
`method of fabrication is disclosed. The structure in-
`cludes a FET gate with adajcent double or triple-lay-
`ered gate spacers. The spacers permit precise tailoring
`of lightly doped drain junction profiles having deep and
`Shallow junction portions.
`In addition. a self-aligned
`silicide may be formed solely over the deep junction
`portion thus producing a reliable lowcontact resistance
`connection to source and drain.
`5 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
` N
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`TSMC Exhibit 1002
`TSMC Exhibit 1002
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 6, 1992
`Sheet 1 of 5
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`FIG. 4
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 6, 1992
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 6, 1992
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 6, 1992
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 6, 1992
`Sheet 5 of 5
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`FIG, 15
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`are formed. The spacers simultaneouslyfacilitate the
`formation of a self-aligned silicide contact over onlythe
`deep portion of the LDD junction. The self-aligned
`silicide-over-deep junction structure has a desirably low
`sheet resistance.
`In another embodimentthe gate stack and runnersare
`covered with a dielectric layer. At
`least one spacer
`together with the dielectric layer serves to insulate the
`runner so that local conductive interconnection may
`extend over the runner without risk of shorting.
`The spacers perform a variety of other useful func-
`tions in various embodiments. For example, one of the
`spacers maybe chosen from a material which is imper-
`vious to migration of metal from silicide contacts over
`source/drain regions to the conductive portion of the
`gate. Such migration has been observed through con-
`ventional spacer arrangements and has contributed to
`shorting of the gate to the source/drain. Other advan-
`tages of the invention are discused below.
`FIGS. 1-15 are cross-sectional views depictingillus-
`trative processing sequences for
`fabricating various
`embodiments of the present invention.
`The inventive concept maybe best understood bya
`discussion of the various procedures which may illustra-
`tively be utilized to fabricate the inventive device.
`FIG. 1 generally shows a representative cross-section
`of a portion of a wafer during initial steps of typical
`fabrication. Reference numeral 11 denotes a substrate
`which maytypicallybe silicon or epitaxial silicon. Ref-
`erence numeral 13 denotes a portion of a field oxide,
`while reference numeral 15 denotes a gate dielectric
`layer which is typically an oxide. Reference numeral 17
`denotes a layer conductive material which maybe, for
`example, polysilicon. Typical thicknesses for layers 15
`and 17, respectively, are 100-200 A and 2500-4000 A,
`Turning to FIG. 2, layers 15 and 17 have beenpat-
`terned by methods known to those skilled in the art to
`create FET gate stack designated by reference numeral
`18. Next, another oxide layer 19 is formed, asillustrated
`in FIG. 3. Oxide layer 19 is desirably a thermal oxide,
`such as one grown at approximately 900° C. in oxygen.
`However, a deposited oxide might also be used. It will
`be noted that oxide layer 19 surroundsgate 18, covering
`sides 20 and 22 and top 24 of gate 18. A typical thickness
`for oxide layer 19 is 150-250 A. Layer19 is desirablyas
`thick as or thicker than gate oxide 15. Generally a ther-
`mal oxide is preferred because of its lowinterface trap
`density. Next, dielectric layer 21 which is typically
`silicon nitride or silicon oxynitride is deposited. An
`exemplary thickness for layer 21 is 150-400 A.
`Finally, layer 23 is deposited upon layer 21. Layer 23
`may desirably be a deposited oxide ofsilicon. Such an
`oxide may be formed from silane or by decomposition
`of a variety of organometallic precursors such astetra-
`ethoxysilane, (known by the acronym “TEOS”), or
`diacetoxy-ditertiarybutoxysilane (known bythe acro-
` tetramethylcyclotetrasilane
`nym “DADBS”),
`known by the acronym “TMCTS” and sold byJ. C.
`Schumacher,a unit of Air Products and Chemicals Inc.,
`under the trademark “TOMCATS.” Layer 23 may be
`doped, if desired, with boron or phosphorous. An exem-
`This invention relates to integrated circuits and, more
`particularly to integrated circuits with field effect tran-
`sistors (FETs) and methods for making same.
`Those concerned with the development of integrated
`circuit technology have continually sought to develop
`structures and methods of fabrication which will
`crease Circuit packing density, circuit performance, and
`improve processyields.
`For example. some designers of submicron MOS-
`FETs have employed a so-called lightly-doped drain
`structure (LDD). The LDDstructure features a shal-
`lowjunction near the device gate and a deeper junction
`spaced more remotely from the gate. The shallowjunc-
`tion helps to avoid punch-through and short channel
`effects. However, the shallowjunction exhibits a high
`sheet resistance and therefore may,
`taken alone, ad-
`versely affect device performance.
`Various approaches to LDD technology have been
`investigated in the past. Among them are: Pfiester,
`“LDD MOSFETsUsing Disposable Side Wall Spacer
`Technology.” IEEE Electron Device Letters V. 9(4),
`p. 189-192 (1988) and Ohet al.. “Simultaneous Forma-
`tion of Shallow-Deep Stepped Source/Drain for Sub-
`micron CMOS.” VLSI Technology Symposium, p.
`73-74 (1988).
`Some of the above-mentioned publications feature
`the use ofsilicide processes in an attempt to reduce the
`high sheet resistance problems mentioned above. How-
`ever. an examination of the published processes reveals
`various practical difficulties with their implementation.
`Whetheror not an LDD structure is employed, vari-
`ous other problems mayoccur during device processing
`which may subsequently degrade integrated circuit
`performance. For example. various steps associated
`with silicide processes may cause either damageto the
`silicon substrate surface or may contribute to shorting
`between the source/drain and gate.
`Another problem confronting integrated circuit de-
`signers is the need to interconnect individual transistors
`with increasingly complex interconnection schemes.
`Designers frequently employgate-level local intercon-
`nection schemes. However,if it
`is either necessary or
`desirable for a local interconnection line to cross over a
`gate runner, care must be taken to prevent electrical
`contact between the gate runner andthe local intercon-
`nection line. Those concerned with the developmentof
`integrated circuits have consistently sought processes
`which will solve the above and other problems.
`The present invention providesfor a field effect tran-
`sistor with a gate stack formed upon a semiconductor
`substrate. During fabrication, three material layers are
`formed over the gate stack and upon the substrate. At
`least the outer two material layers are sequentially an-
`isotropically etched, creating two spacers adjacent the
`gate stack (and gate runners).
`The spacers perform a variety of useful functionsin
`various alternative embodiments of the invention. For
`example, in one embodiment, the spacers mayfacilitate
`creation of LDD junction profiles, the spacers serving
`to mask portions of the substrate while partial junctions
`— 0
`Page7 of 10
`Page 7 of 10


`plary thickness for layer 23 is 800-4000 A. Alterna-
`tively. layer 23 maybe polysilicon.
`In FIG. 4. layers 23. 21, and 19 have been anisotropi-
`cally etched in sequence. The figure showsgate stack 18
`surrounded on sides 20 and 22 by the nested remnants of
`layers 23. 21, and 19. For convenience in the following
`discussion each of the above-mentioned remnants will
`be termed a “spacer.” However,it should be noted that
`spacers 19 and 21 (which are nested beneath spacer 23)
`have a generally “L-shaped” appearance (in cross-sec-
`tion). Spacer 23 has a generally rounded outer contour
`resembling a fillet. Of course,
`in actual practice the
`rounded contour of spacer 23 may become somewhat
`distorted by various processing procedures. Similarly.
`“L-shapes” of spacers 19 and 21 may become somewhat
`distorted, producingtilted spacers with slightly irregu-
`lar sides or other irregularities. However. in general, the
`anisotropic etching procedures in current common use
`will produce a nested set of spacers, the inner two 19
`and 21 having comparativelyflat sides and the outer are
`23 having a rounded or curved outer surface.
`The presence of layer 21 between layers 23 and 19
`makesit possible to fairly precisely control the etching
`of layer 19 to avoid over-etching and damage to sub-
`strate surface 26. For example. if layer 23 is BPTEOS.
`layer 21 is silicon nitride, and layer 19 is thermal oxide,
`it will be found that layer 21 serves as an etch step
`against the etching of layer 23. Once layer 21 is reached.
`the artisan is on notice that
`the remaining two thin
`layers must be etched with care.
`It maybe considered desirable to protect the surface
`26 of substrate 11. If protection for surface 26 is desired,
`then layer 19 need not be etched at this juncture. Of
`course, if layer 19 is not etched, only two spacers 21 and
`23 will be formed and layer 19 will overlie surface 26.
`(For convenience. FIG. 4 shows layer 19 etched to
`form a spacer.)
`Layer 19 is, as mentioned before, desirably a ther-
`mally grown oxide. The oxide exhibits a lowinterface
`trap density and servesas a stress relief buffer for over-
`lying layer 21. (Typical silicon nitride films, such as that
`recommended for layer 21, may exhibit considerable
`stresses.) Thus layer 19 prevents high stressesin layer 21
`from distorting substrate 11.
`Nowthat formation of a nested double ortriple layer
`spacer has been described. a variety of applications of
`the inventive structure together with alternative em-
`bodiments and their advantages will be described.
`FIGS. 5-7 illustrate howthe inventive concept may
`nowbeutilized to form a lightly-doped drain structure.
`Referring first
`to FIG. 5, an ion implantation step,
`shown schematically by species denoted by reference
`numeral 31 is performed to form deeply-doped junc-
`tions 25 and 27. The appropriate ion species 31 is deter-
`mined by whether an NMOS or PMOS deviceis to be
`formed. Of course, should a CMOS pair of devices be
`desired, photoresist 29 is deposited upon that portion of
`the structure which must be shielded from the implanta-
`tion species 31. It will be noted, as illustrated in FIG. 5,
`that gate 18 flanked byspacers 19, 21, and 23 effectively
`mask portions 28 and 30 of substrate 11 from implanta-
`tion species 31. (If layer 19 has not been etched, it may
`serve to protect surface 26 during the implantation step.
`Spacers 21 and 23 will still serve as protective masks for
`regions 28 and 30.)
`A variety of other techniques maybeutilized to form
`junctions 25 and 27. In each case spacers 21, 23 (and
`spacer 19 if formed) will mask portions 28 and 30 of
`substrate 11. For example. a varietyof gaseous and solid
`diffusion techniques known to those skilled in the art
`may be employed to form junctions 25 and 27.
`Next, as illustrated by FIG. 6. spacers 23 are removed
`in anticipation of formation of the shallow portion of
`the device junctions. If spacers 23 are made from un-
`densified TEOS or even densified TEOS or BPTEOS,
`they maybe etched much more quicklythan field oxide
`13 or any protective oxide (such as layer 19 or another
`regrown oxide layer) which may cover deep junction
`27. For example, using a 15:1 HF etch, the etch rate for
`thermal oxide is approximately 200 A per minute, while
`for undensified TEOS the etch rate is approximately
`1400 A per minute and for phosphorous doped TEOS,
`20,000 A per minute. If spacer 23 has been made from
`it may be removed by plasma etching.
`(However. if materia] 17 is also polysilicon, it will also
`be attacked by the plasma etching process. Conse-
`quently, it is desirable that there be a protective layer
`such as silicon nitride material 17 if spacer 23 is polysili-
`con. The use of various layers, such as silicon nitride
`over the gate stack is discussed in greater detail in subse-
`quent paragraphs.)
`After spacer 23 has been removed. a second implant
`using ion species 37 shown in FIG. 6 is performed. The
`second implantation species must penetrate the “foot”
`of spacers 21 and 19. The foot serves to absorb some of
`the ionic species, thus creating shallowjunction regions
`33 and 35 in portions 28 and 30 of substrate 11. Proper .
`tailoring of the implant energy and dosage and the
`thickness of the feet of layers 21 and 19 permits the
`achievement of carefully controlled shallow junctions
`33 and 35.
`If a CMOS pair is being formed. photoresist 29 may
`be stripped. a new photoresist may be positioned over
`the already-formed device depicted in FIG. 6 and the
`complementary device formed bysimilar steps.
`Next. as illustrated in FIG. 7, a thermal drive-in may
`be performed. Other techniques such as laser heating
`mayalso be employed to remove implant damage and
`activate the dopant species. Next,
`if desired, a self-
`aligned salicidation (salicide) maybe performed. FIG. 9
`illustrates the structure of FIG. 7 after a salicidation
`step has been performed. Typically, a metal such as
`titanium, tantalum, molybdenum. or tungsten is blanket-
`deposited over the structure depicted in FIG. 7. Then
`the structure is heated by methods known to those
`skilled in the art, causing the metal to react preferen-
`tially with underlying silicon, forming silicide regions
`51, 53, and 55, respectively, above junctions 25 and 27
`and gate 18. The unreacted metal which maycover, for
`example, spacer 21, is subsequently easily washed away.
`this juncture,
`is worthwhile to note several
`advantages of the structure depicted in FIG. 9 and
`formed by the sequene of steps in FIGS. 1-7. Silicide
`regions 51 and 53 are self-aligned with respect to the
`deep junctions 27 and 25, respectively. For example,
`silicide region 51 coversall of the deep junction 27 but
`does not cover the shallow junction 35 (due, of course,
`to the presence of layers 21 and 19). It is undesirable for
`silicide region 51 to extend over the shallow junction 35
`because leakage from the shallow junction to the sub-
`strate will be dramatically increased. The leakage will
`be caused by tunneling induced byasperities in the
`bottom of the silicide layer through the depletion region
`between the lightly doped area such as 35 and substrate
`11. Another difficulty caused by formation of silicides
`upon lightly doped regions such as region 35 is that
`pny 5
`Page 8 of 10
`Page 8 of 10


`— wa
`specific contact resistivity is likely to increase at the
`interface between the silicide and the dopedsilicon. The
`increased resistivity is due to the light doping at the
`interface between the silicide and the dopedsilicon.
`The inventive process may be contrasted with the
`process discussed in Oh et al. mentioned above. The Oh
`et al. process employs two layers (oxide followed by
`nitride) after gate formation. A nitride spacer is formed
`whichserves to define the limits of an underlying oxide
`spacer. The nitride spacer is removed. leaving only a
`single oxide spacer prior to junction formation. The
`oxide spacer serves to screen someof the incident ion
`species during ion implantation. thus forming a one-stop
`LDD junction. However. the Ohet al. process does not
`admit the use of a protective oxide layer (such as layer
`19) over the entire silicon surface to protect against
`implant damage. Furthermore, applicants’
`junction formation procedure allows moreprecisetail-
`‘oring of the junction profiles. In the Ohet al. process. a
`subsequent additional CVD spacer must be formed
`priorto silicide formation. However,it is not possible to
`precisely align the CVD spacer with the initial oxide
`spacer (which defines the edge of the deep portion of
`the junction) and consequentlythe silicide contact can-
`not be precisely aligned with the deep junction edge.
`By wayof further comparison, applicants’ process
`presents various advantages over the process mentioned
`in the Pfiester article mentioned above. In particular the
`Pfiester article show's a single spacer with roundedsides
`to separate two separate implantation doses, thus creat-
`ing an LDD structure. By contrast, applicants’ inven-
`tion permits the formation of deep and shallowjunction
`regions by implantation through two different
`nesses of dielectric. Consequently. very precise tailor-
`ing. of the final junction profile is achievable with appli-
`cants’ invention. Furthermore. the Pfiester article does
`not mention silicidation. If silicidation were attempted
`with the Pfiester. there is no method forself-aligning
`the silicide with the deep junction.
`the inventive structure possesses yet
`another set of advantages over conventional transistor
`structures and processes. These advantages are enumer-
`ated below:
`invention requires less masking than
`The present
`conventional LDD processes. Typical CMOS LDD
`fabrication requires three or four masks. However, the
`present invention requires only two masks (one mask
`covering the p-substrate while the n-substrate is being
`processed and vice versa) to form a CMOS LDDstruc-
`The present invention helps to prevent shorting be-
`tween source/drain silicide and the gate. It has been
`found that certain metals such as titanium (commonly
`used in silicidation of source/drain contacts) maytend
`to migrate through TEOS-type spacers toward the gate
`and cause shorting between the source/drain and the
`gate. However, the present invention helps to eliminate
`this failure mode because spacer 21 (which is typically
`silicon nitride or silicon oxynitride) forms a protective
`shield or barrier against metal migration.
`Another important advantage of the present inven-
`tion is that layer 21 may help prevent the migration of
`other types of particles into the gate stack. In particular,
`it has been found that some devices fabricated without
`layer 21 mayexperience variousfailures during burn-in.
`Somefailures are believed due to the migration ofsili-
`con particles through conventional silicon oxide gate
`spacers. The silicon particles may cause shorting of the
`gate to the source/drain. The present invention helps to
`eliminate this failure mode when spacer 21 is a material
`which forms a shield or barrier against silicon migra-
`tion, such assilicon nitride or silicon oxynitride.
`When the present invention is comparedto structures
`which utilize a single silicon oxide spacer, another ad-
`vantage is manifested. The anisotropic etching pracess
`which is used to create a single silicon oxide spacer is
`frequently carried out beyond nominal completion,i.e.
`over-etching is performéd. The over-etching frequently
`creates trenchesin the field oxide. A trench mayoccur
`at the edge wherethefield oxide contacts the source/-
`drain junction (i.e., where the oxide bird's beak meets
`the dopedsilicon surface). The trench exposes some of
`the undopedsilicon substrate.
`Unfortunately, a subsequent salicidation process cre-
`ates an electrical short circuit between the junction and
`the exposed silicon in the trench via the salicide. The
`present invention helps to avoid the over-etching prob-
`lem because layer 21 serves as an etch step during etch-
`ing of layer 23. When layer 21 is reached, the artisan is
`on notice that further etching must be done with care.
`(Another type of over-etching which maybe avoided
`bythe present invention is trenching which mayoccur
`in a field oxide between two runners which overlie the
`oxide. The trenching may exaggerate the aspectratio of
`the space between the runners and makes subsequent
`dielectric coverage difficult. Again,
`the presence of
`layer 21 which mayserve as an etch-stop helps to pre-
`vent the over-etching and trenching problem.)
`Although application of the inventive concepts has
`been discussed so far chiefly in connection with forma-
`tion of a lightly doped drain (LDD) structure, the in-
`ventive concept mayalso be applied to devices which
`do not require a lightly doped drain. An example of
`such application is provided by FIG. 8. The structure
`depicted in FIG. 8 is obtained after the structure de-
`picted in FIG. 4 is fabricated. The structure of FIG. 8 is
`produced by an ion implantation step and drive-in ap-
`plied to the structure of FIG. 4. Examination of FIG. 8
`shows source and drain regions 41 and 43 formed be-
`neath gate stack 18 which is flanked bylayers 19, 21.
`and 23. It will be noted that layer 23 need not bere-
`moved from the structure depicted in FIG. 8 because
`there is no need for a lightly doped junction.
`Another application of the inventive concept is de-
`picted in FIGS. 11-15. FIG. 11 is a cross-sectional view
`of a portion of a semiconductor wafer during typical
`initial steps of fabrication. Substrate 111 maybesilicon
`or epitaxial silicon. Field oxide 113 is formed upon
`substrate 111. Gate oxide 115 is formed overlying sub-
`strate 111. Layer 117, which maybetypically polysili-
`con, is formed aboved layer 115. Layer 118, which may
`be silicon nitride or silicon oxynitride, covers layer 117.
`‘Layers 115, 117, and 118 are formed typically during
`initial steps of semiconductor wafer fabrication. Com-
`parison of FIG. 11 with FIG. 1 reveals that an extra
`layer (layer 118) has been deposited in FIG. 11 and is
`absent in FIG. 1. Typical thicknesses for layers 115, 117,
`and 118 are 100-200 A, 2500-4000 A, and 1500-3000 A,
`Turning to FIG. 12, it may be noted that layers 118,
`117, and 115 have been patterned to produce gates 201
`and 205 together with runner 203 which extends over
`field oxide 113. Thus, it will be noted that FIGS. 12-15
`depict the formation of two adjacent transistors sepa-
`rated byfield oxide 113. Furthermore, gate level runner
`203 extends along field oxide 113. Gate level runner 203
`Page 9 of 10
`Page 9 of 10


`maybe connected (although not shownin theparticular
`tated the formation of a sub-gate level interconnection
`cross-section of FIG. 12} to gate 201 or 205 or to the
`between junction regions of different transistors (i.¢.. a
`gale. source. or drain of some other transistor (not
`connection formed prior to passivation dielectric depo-
`sition and contact windowopening) without the possi-
`In FIG. 13 layer 119. which maybesilicon dioxide. is
`bility of shorting to a gate runner.
`We claim:
`formed on substrate 111. Next layer 121 is deposited.
`Layer 121 maybesilicon nitride, or silicon oxynitride.
`1. A method of semiconductor integrated circuit
`Layer 123 is deposited upon layer 121. Layer 123 may
`fabrication comprising:
`be formed from TEOS, or BPTEOS,or anyofa variety
`forming a gate stack upon a subst

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