`" ·~-
`Application Number 21- fJlr
`Exhibit 1030


`Af i I c22//{J 0
`ADVAIR™ -DISKUS® 100/50
`(fluticasone propionate 100 mcg and salmeterof• 50mcg1.nhalation powder)
`(fluticasone propionate 250 mcg and -salmeteror 50 m~ Inhalation powder)
`ADVAIR™ DISKus• 500/50
`(flutfcasone propionate 500 mcg and salmeteror• SO mcg· inhalation powder)
`•) ..
`•As salmeterol xlnafoate salt 72.5 mcg, equlvalent to almeterol base 50 mcg
`are combinations of flutJcasone propionate and salmeterol xinafoate.
`One active component of AOVAIR OISKUS ls fluticasone propionate, 1 corticosteroid having ~
`chemical name ~(fluoromethyl)6«,9~lfluoro-11p,17-dihydroxy-16"-methyl-3-oxoandrosta-1,4-
`diene-17P-carbothloate, 17-propfonate and the following chemical structun::
`Fluticasone propionate ls a white to off-white powder with a moleoularwelght of 500.6, and the
`empirical formula ls Czsti31FAS. It Js practlcally Insoluble In water, freely soluble In dimethyl
`sulfoxide and dlme1!JYtfonnamide, and slightly soluble In methanol and 95% ethanol.
`The other active component of AOVAIR OISKUS ls salmeterol xinafoate, a highly selective
`betaradranerglc bronchodilator. salmeterol xinafoate is the race.mic form of the 1-hydroxy-2-
`naphthoie aCtd salt of saJmeteral: The chemical name of salmetarol }(fnafoate I~ 4-hydroxy-« 1·[[16-
`(4-phenyl.butoxy)hexy!JamJnoJmethyl)-1.~benzenedimethanol, 1-hydroxy-2:.naphthalenecarboxylate,
`and ft has the foUowing ohemfcal structure: •


`ADVAJR. OISKus• 100/50
`(fluticasone pro pf on ate 100 mcg and salmetero,. 50 mcg Inhalation powder)
`ADVAIR. otsKus• 250150
`. (fluticasone propionate 250 mc:g and safmeteror SO mcg Inhalation powder
`ADVAIR. DIS Kus• 100/50
`(ftutCcasone propionate SOD mcg and ulmeterol* 50 mcg Inhalation powder)
`., ..
`Salmeterof xlnafoate is a while to off-whHe powder with a molecular weight of. 803.8, and the
`emplrtcal tonnula Is ~No .. ·C,1H.O,. It Is hely soluble In methanol; slfghUy soluble in ethanol,
`chlorofonn, and isopropanol; and sparingly soluble In water.
`ADVAIR DJSKUS 100/50, ADVAJR DISKUS 250/SO, and ADVAIR DISKUS 500/50 are specially
`designed plastic devices containing 1 double-foD blister strip Qf a powder fonnulaUon of nuticasone
`propionate and salmeterol xinafoate Intend~ for oral lnhalatlon only. Each bUster on the doubt~yoll
`strip within the device contains 100. 250, or 500 mcg of mlcrofine flutJcasone propionate and · ~
`72.5 meg of mtcrofine sarmeterol xlnafoate salt. equivalent to 50 mcg of safmeterof base. In
`12.5 mg of fonnufatlon containing lactose. Each blister contains 1 complete dose of both
`medications. After a bHster containing medication ls o~ed by activating the device, the
`medication is dispersed Into the alrstream created by the patient lnhaltng through the mouthpiece.
`Under standardized In vittO test conditions, ADVAIR OISKUS delivers 93, 233, and 465 mog of
`fJuticasone propionate and 45 mcg Of satmete"°' base per blister from ADVAfR DISKU.s 100/50,
`250/50. and 500/50, respectively, when tested at a flow rate of 60 Umin for 2 seconds. In adult
`patients (n a 9) with obstructive lung disease and severely compromised Jung f\lnctJon (mean
`forced exi>fratory volume Jn 1 second [FEVd 20% to 30% of predicted), mean peak lnspiratory flow
`(PJF) through a DISKus• device was 80.0 Umin (range, 46.1to116.3 llmln).
`Inhalation profd~ for adolescent {n • 13, aged 12 to 17 yeam) and adult (n a 17, aged 18 to
`so years) patients wtth asthma Inhaling maximaltY through the DISKUS device show mean PIF of
`122.2 l!m'n (range, 8t .8 to 152.1 Umin).
`The actual amount of drug delivered to the lung will depend on patient factors, such as
`inspiratory flow-proltle.
`Mechanism of Action: ADVAIR D/SKUS: ADVAIR OISKUS is designed to produce a greater
`Improvement Jn pulmonary function and symptom control Ulan either flutJcassme propionate or
`satmeterol used alone at their recommended dosages. SJnce ADVAIR DISKUS contains both
`flutioasone propionate and &almeterot, the mechanisms of adion described below for the Individual
`components apply to ADV/I.JR OISKUS. These drugs represent 2 classes of medications (a
`synthetic corticosteroid and a long.acting beta-adrenerglc receptor agorllst) that have different
`effects on cliilical, physlologJcal, and Inflammatory Indices of asthma.


`ADVAIR. DISKus• 100150
`{flutfcasone propionate 100 mcg and salmeteror SO mcg Inhalation powder)
`ADVAIR. ors Kus• 250/SO
`(ftUticasone propJonate 250 mcg and salmeteror- 50 mcg Inhalation poWder
`(flutfeasone propionate soo mcg and salmeteror so mcg Inhalation powder)
`Flutlc:ilsone Proplon.te: FlutJcasone propionate is a synthetic, trfOuorinated corticosteroid with
`potent anti-inflammatory actJvity, In vitro assays using human lung cytosol J,reparatJons have
`established ft~lcasone propionate as a human glucocortloold receptor agonlst with en aMnlty
`18 times gl88terthan dexamethasone, .,most tWfce that of bedomethdrbne-17-monopropionate
`(BMP), the adNe meblbDOte of beclomathasone dlproplonate, and over 3 times that of bUCfesonfde.
`Data from the McKenzie vasoconstrtctor assay In man are consistent with these results.
`The precise mechanisms of tlutlcasone propionate aatlon la asthma are unknown. Inflammation
`Is recognized as 1n Important component In the pmthogenesil of asthma. Co~rolds'have been
`shown to fnhJbft rnultlple cell types. (e.g •• mast cens, eosinophns, basophns, lymphocytes,
`macrophages, and neutrophlls) and mediator production or sectetJon (e.g., histamine, elcosanoids,
`leukotrienes, and cytokines) Involved In the asthmatic resp0nse. These anti-Inflammatory actions of
`corticosteroids contribute to thalr.efficacy In asthma.
`Salmetero/ X1nafoate: Salmeteroi' Is a long-acUng beta-edrenerglc agonlst. In vitro studies artif
`In vivo phannsoologlc studies demonstrate that salmeterol ls selective for betar&drenooeptors ~ a
`compared wHh lsoproterenol, which has approximately equal agonlst actMty on beta1• and
`beta2.adrenoceptors. In vitro st:.1dies show salmetarol to be at least 50 times more selective for
`beta2·adrenoceptors than afbuterol. AJthough beta,.adrenoc:eptors are the predominant adtenerglc
`receptors In bronchial smooth muscle and beta1..acfrenoceptors are the predomlaant recep!ors In the
`t\eart, there are also betaradrenoceptors in the human heart comprising 10% to 50% Of the total
`beta-adrenoceptors. The precJse function of these receptors bas not been established, but they raise
`the possi~llity that evan highly selective betaz-agonlsts may have c;ardiao effects.
`The pharmacofoglc effects of betaradrenocejJlor aganJst drugs, Including salmeterol, are at least
`In part attributable to stlmul1Uon of fnttacellular adenyl cyclase, the enzyme that catalyzes the
`conversion of adenaslne triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic-3',6'-adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP).
`Increased cyclic AMP levels aause relaxation af bronchJaf Smooth muscle and lnhlbftJon of release
`of mediators of Immediate hypersensJtlvlty from cells, especlally from mast oeUs.
`In vitro tests show that saJmeteroJ Is 1 potent and long-lasting Inhibitor of the release of mast cell
`mediators. such.:-as histamine, leukotr1enes, and prostagtandln ~. from human lung. satmeterol
`Inhibits histamine-lnduoed plasm£ protein extravasation and inhibits platelet-activating
`factor-lncli.11."ect-eastnophR ~lation In the lungs of guinea pigs When administered by the Inhaled
`route. In humans, single doses of salmeterof administered via fnhafaUon aerosol attenuate
`allergen-induced bronchial hyper-responsiveness. .
`Phannacokinetics: ADVAJR DISKUS: Following admlnlstratlon of AOVAJR DISICUS to healthy
`subjects, peak plasma .concentrations of fluticasone propionate were achJeved In 1 to 2 hours and
`those of salmeterof were achieved In about 5 minutes.
`In a single-dose crossover study, a higher than recommended dose df AOVAIR OISKUS was
`administered to 14 healthy subjects. Two Inhalations of the following treatments were administered:


`ADV AJR,. DISKus• 100150
`(flutlc:asone propionate 100 mcg and salmeterol* 60 mcg inhalation powder)
`ADVAJR- DISKus• 250/50
`. (fluticasone propJonate 250 mcg and salmetero1• &O mcg Inhalation powder
`AOVAJR. DISKus• 100150
`(flutleasone propionate 600 mcg and salmetero~ 50 mcg Inhalation powder)
`No slgnlnoant changes Jn excretion of flutJaasone propionate or salmeterol were observed. r+
`ADVAIR DlSKUS 600/60, flutJcasone propionate powder 600 mc:g and sa!meterol powder 50 mcg
`given concurrently, and fJutJcasone propionate powder 500 mcg alone. Mean peak plasma
`concentrations of tlutJcasone propionate averaged 107, 94, and 120 pg/ml. respectively; those for
`saln:ieterol averaged 200and150 pgJmL. respectlvely, lndloatlng no siplficant changes In systemic
`exposures of ftutJcasone propJonate and salmetara1.
`In a repeat.dose study, the highest recommended dose of ADV1'~.DISKUS was administered to
`45 aslhmatic patients. One Inhalation twloe dally of the following treatments was administered:
`ADVAJR DISKUS 500/50, ftutlcasone propionate powder 500 mcg and selmeteroi powder so mcg
`given concummtly, orflutlcasone propionate powder 500 mcg alone. Mean peak steady-state
`plasma concentratfons of ftutlcasone propionate averaged 57, 73, and 70 pOJmL, respedlvely,
`lndicaUng no significant changes Jn systemic exposure of flutlcasone propionate. No plasma
`concentrations of salmaterol were measured In this repeat-dose study.
`terminal half-life of fluticasorie propionate averaged 5.33 to 7.65 hours when AOVAIR OISKUS ·'fas
`administered, which Is sJmllar to that reported when fluticasone propionate was given concurrentty
`117 with salmeterol or when ftuticasone propionate was given alone (average. 5.30 to 6.91 hours). No
`temunal half-lffe of salmeterol was reported upon admlnlstraUon of ADVAIR DISKUS or salmeterol
`t 19 · given concurrently with flutlcasone propionate.
`Special Populations: Fonnal pharmacokJnetio studies using ADVAIR OISKUS were not
`conducted to examine gender differences or In special populations, such as elder1y patients or
`patients with hepatic or renal lmpalnnenl

`Dmg-Drug Interactions: In the repeat- and single-dose studies. there was no evidecee of
`significant drug interaction in systemlc exposure between flutfcasone propionate and salmeterol
`125 when given as AOVAIR DISKUS.

`Flut/casone Propionate: AbsotpUon: Flutlcasone propionate acts locally In the lung;
`therefore, ptasma 1,vels do not predid therapeutic effect. Studies using oral dosing of labeled and
`unlabeied drug have_ demonstrated that the oral systemlc b1oavanabll!ty of fluticasone proµlonate Is
`negllglble (<19'), pttmarlly due to ln.compiete absorpfion and presystemlc metabolism In the gut and
`liver •. In co~ the majority of the flutJcasone propionate dellvered to the lung Js systemically
`absorbetf."The.systemlc bloavailabnity of fluti~ne propionate from the DISKUS device In healthy
`volunteers averages 18%.
`Peak steady-state ftutJcasone· propionate plasma concentrations Jn adult patients (n = 11) ranged
`from undetec.table to 266 pg/mL after a soo.:mcg twice.dally dose of fluticas0ne propionate
`Inhalation powder using the DISKUS device. The mean fluticasooe propionate plasma
`concentration was 11 o pg/mL


`(fluticasone propionate 100 mcg and salmeterol- 60 mcg Inhalation powder)·
`ADVAIR. DISKus• 260/50
`(flutlcasone propionate 260 mcg and salmeteroit 60 mcg Jnhalation powder
`ADVAIR. DISKus• 600/50
`(flutlcisone propJonate SOD mcg and salmeterol• 60 mcg Inhalation powder)
`Distribution: FoUowlng Intravenous administration, the Initial dlspoS!Uon phase for
`tlutlcasone propionate was rapid and consistent with Its blgh lipid solubility and tissue binding. The
`volume of dlstltbutlon averaged 4.2 Ul<Q.
`The J)elQ9ntage offlutlcasone propionate bound to bwnan plasma pretelns averages 81%.
`Flullcasone propionate Is weakly and naverslbly bound to erythrocytea and Is not sfgnlflcantJy bound
`to human transcortin.
`.. • .
`Metabollsm: The total dearance of flutJcasone propionate Is high (average, 1093 mUmln),
`1~ wHh renal clearanee accounting for less than 0.02'<1 of the total. The only clrculating metibollte
`detected In man Is fhe 17~rt>oxylfc acid deflvatJve of flutlcasone propionate, which Is formed
`c- 145
`through the cytochrome P450 3A4 pathway. This metabolite taad less lftinlty (approximately
`112000) than the parent dn1g for the gluaoaortlcold receptor of human lung cytosol In vitro and
`negligible phannacologlcal activity In animal studies. Other metabolites detected In vitro using
`cu_ltured human hepatoma cells have not been detected ln man.
`"' (
`Elim/nation: Following Intravenous dosing, flutlcasone propionate showed polyexponentlal~
`kinetics and had a tennlnal eJJmlnation half-IJfe of approximately 7.8 hours. Less than 5% of a
`radiolabeled oral dose was excreted In the urine as metabolites, with the remainder excreted In the
`feces as parent drug and metabolites.
`HeplltJc Impairment: Since tlutlcasone propionate Is predomlnantly cleared by hepatic
`n1etabotism. lmpalnnent of Jlver function may lead to •ccumulatlon of Oulicasone propionate in
`plasma. Therefore, patients wfth hepatic disease should be dosely monitored.
`Gender. FUU phannacoklnetlc; profiles were obtained from 9 female and 18 male patients
`given flutlcasone propionate Inhalation powder 600 mcg twice dally USing the DISKUS. No overall
`differences in fluticasone prcplonate pharmacoklnetlcs wera observed.
`Special Populations: Fonnal phannacoklneuc studies using fJutlcasone propionate were not
`carried out in other speclai populat!ons.
`D!U!!·Orug lntenctlons: In a mult1pl&odose drug interaction study, co ad ml nfstratlon of
`fluticasone propionate (&00 mcg twice dally) and erythromycln (333 mg 3 times daily) did not affect
`ftutlcasone propiortate ph&1Tnacoklnetlcs. In another drug Interaction study, casdmlnfslration of
`fluticasone propionate (1000 mog) and ketoc;onazole (200 mg once dally) resulted In Increased
`fluticasorje:-pr-0P1onate concentra~o~ and redu~ plasma cortisol area under the plasma
`concentration versus time curve (AUC), but had no effect on urinary excretion of cortisol. Since
`flutlcasone propfonate ls a substrate of cytochrome P450 3A4, caution should be exercised When
`cytDdvome P450 3A4 inhibitors (e.g., riton.Vtr, ketoconazole) are coadminfstered with flutlcasone
`propionate as this could result In lncnased plasma concentrations of ftutlcasone propionate.
`Satmeterol Xinafoate: Salmeterol xinafoate, an Ionic saJt, dissociates In solUUon so that the
`salmeterol and 1-hydroxy-_2-naphthOio acid (xfnafoate) moieties are absorbed, distl1buted, ·


`ADVAIR. DISKUS11 100/50
`(flutfcasone propionate 100 mcg and salmetero16 SO mtg Inhalation powder)
`ADVAIR• DISKUS11 250/50
`(flutfcasone propionate 260 mcg and salmetero1• so mcg JnhaJation powder

`· "'
`. .
`(ftutlc6sone propionate 100 mcg and salmeteror 50 mcg Inhalation powder)
`· ·
`metabolJzed~ and eftmfnated Independently. Salmeterol acts locally In the l~ng: therefore, plasma
`levels do not predict th~peutlc effect.
`Absorption: Because of the small therapeutic dose, systemic levels of salmeterol are low or
`undetectable after inhalation of recommended doses (50 mcg of salmetwol inhalation powder twice
`dally). Fonowlng chronic ad.ministration of an Inhaled dose of 50 mcg of salmetarol lnhalatl~n
`powder twice daily, salmeterol was detected In plasma within 5 to 411 ~utes In 7 asthmatic
`patients; plasma concentrations were very loW, with mean peak concentrations Of 187 pg/mL at
`20 minutes and no aocumutatJon with repeated doses.
`Dlsttfbutlon: Binding of salmeterol to human plasma proteins averages ge;c. fn vitro over the
`concentration range of 8 to T122 ng of ~eterol base per mlDJlltar, much. higher concentrations
`than achieved following therapeutic doses of salmeterol.
`Metabolism: Salmeterol base Is extensively metabotlzed by hydroxylation, with subsequent
`ellmlnation predominantly In the feces. No significant amount of unchanged salmeterol base was-l
`detected In either urine or feces.
`Effmlnation: In 2 healthy subjects who received 1 mg of radlolabeled salmeterol (as
`salmeterol xlnafoate) orally, approximately 25% and 60% of the radiofabefed salmeterol was
`eliminated In urine and feces, respectively, over a period of 7 days~ The termlnaJ elimination half-life
`wes about 6.5 hours (1 volunteer only).
`The ~nafoate moiety has no apparent pharmacologic activity. The xlnafoate moiety Is highly
`protein t>ound (>99%) and has a long eUmlnatlon of 11 days.
`Spec/al Popufatlons: Formal pbannacoklnetic studies of saJmetarol base have not been
`conducted In special populations. Since nlmeterol ls predomfnanUy deared by hepatic metabolism,
`lmpainnent of Jlver function may lead to accumulation of satmeterol ln plasma. Therefore, patients
`Ylrth hepatic disease should be closely monitored.
`Pharmacodynamlcs: ADVAIR DISKUS: Since systemic phannacodynamlc effects of salmeterol
`are not normany seen at the therapeutic dose, higher doses were used to produce 01easun1hle
`effects. Four studies~ aoaducted In healthy subjects: (1) a sJngle-dose crossover study using
`2 inhalations of AD\IAIR OISKUS 500/50, flutlcasone propionate powder 500 mcg and salmeterol
`powder 50 mcg given concurrently, or flutlcasone propionate powder 500 mcg given alone, (2) a
`c:;umulatlvidose study using 50 t~ 400 mcg of sa_lmeterol powder given alone or as ADVAIR
`DISKUS 500/50, (3) a repeat-dose study for 11 days using 2 Inhalations twice daily of ADVAIR
`OISt<US 250/SO, flutlcasane propionate powder 250 mcg, or salmeterol poWder 50 mcg, and (4) a
`single-dose sludy using 5 lnhalaUons of AOVAIR DISKUS 100/50, fluticasone propionate powder
`100 mcg alone, or placebo. In these studies no slgnfficant differences were observed In the
`pharmacodynamic effects of salmeterol (pulse rate, blood pressure, QTc Interval, potassium. and
`glucose) whether the salmeterol was given as ADVAIR OISKUS. concuR'Bntly with tlutlcasone
`propionate from separate Inhale~. or as salmeterol alone. The systemic pharmacodynamic effects


`(flutlcasant propionate 100 mcg and salmeterol* SO mcg Inhalation powder)

`(flutfcasone propionate 250 mcg and salmeteror sa mcg Inhalation powder
`(ftuticasone propionate 500 m~g and salmetetol* SO mcg Inhalation powder)
`of salmeterol were not altered by the presence of fluti~ne propionate lo-ADVAIR DISKUS. The
`potential effect of salmeterol or. the effects of ftuticasone propionate on the
`hypothalamlD-pltUftary-ldrenaJ (HPA) axis wu also evaluated In these studies. No ~gniflcant
`differences 11c::rass treatments were observed In 2'-hour urinary cortls~excret.ion and, where
`measured, 24-hour plasma cortlsol AUC. The systemic pharmacodynamlc effects of flutfcasone
`propionate were not altered by the presence of salmeterol In ADVAIR DISKUS In beaHhy subjects.
`In dlnlcal studies With ADVAI~ OISKUS In patients with asthma, no significant dlffe~nces were
`observed In the systemic phannacodynaintc effects of salmeterol (pulse rate, bt~od pras9ure, arc
`Interval. potassium, and glucose) whet~erthe salmeterol was glv~n alone or as ADVArR DISKUS.
`In 72 adolescent and adult patients with asthma.given either ADVAIR DISKUS 100/SO'or ADVAIR
`DISKUS 250/SO, continuous 24-hour electrocardlographlc monltortna was performed after the first
`dose and after 12 weeks of therapy, and no dlnlcally significant dYSrhYthmfas were noted.
`In • 28-week study In patients with asthma. ADVAIR DISKUS 600/50 twice dairy was oompani
`with th.e concurrent use of salmeterol powder 50 mcg plus fluticasone propionate powder 500 mci
`from separate inhalers or ftuUcasone propionate powder 500 mog alone. No significant dlfferen~
`across treatments were observed In plasma cortisol AUC after 12 weeks of dosing or In 24'-hour
`urinary cortisol excretion after 12 and 28 weeks.
`In a 12-w-eek study In patients With as1hma, AOVAIR DISKUS 250/50 twice dally was compared
`with fluUcasone propionate powder 250 mc:g alone, salmeterol powder SO mcg alone, and placebo.
`For most patients. the ablllty to Jncrease cortJsol production In response to stress, as assessed by
`3D-mlnut~ c:osyntropin stimulation, remained Intact with AOVAJ~ DlSKUS. One patient (3%) who
`receJved ADVAIR DISKUS 250/50 had an abnonnar 1'9Sponse (peak serum cortisol <18 mcg/dL)
`after-dosing, compared with 2 patients (6%) who received placebo, 2 patients (6%) who received
`flutlcasone propionate 250 mcg, aDd no patients who received salmeterol.
`Flutlcasone Ptoplonate: In cftnlcal trials With ftutk;asone propionate lnhalaUon powder using
`doses up to and including 250 mcg twice dally, occasional abnormal short cosyntropln tests (peak
`serum cortisol <18 mcg/dL) were noted both In patients receiving fluticasone propionate and In
`patients receiving placebo. Tbe incldence of abnormal tests at 500 mcg twice dally was greater than
`placebo. In a 2-yesr ~earned out In 64 paUents w'lth mild, persistent asthma (mean FEV1 91 %
`of predicted} iandomlzed to flutiC?SSOne proplon.te 500 mcg twice dally or placebo, no patient
`receiving fluticasone propionate had an abnormal response to 6-hour cosyntropin infusion (peak
`serum cortisol. <18 mcg/dL). With a peak cortisol threshold of <35 mcg/dL, one patient receiving
`ftuticasone propionate (4%) had an abnormal response at 1 year; repeat testing at 18 months and
`2 yeBIS was normal. Another patient receiving fluticasone propionate (5%) had an abnonnal
`response at 2 years. No patient ora placebo had an abnormal response at 1 or 2 years.
`Salmetero/ Xlnafoate: Inhaled salmeterol, like other beta-adrenerglc agonlst drugs, can in some
`patients produce dose-related cardiovascular effects and effects on blood glucose and/or serum


`------ ------------.
`(fluti~sone propionate 100 meg and salmeterol• 50 mcg Inhalation powder)
`(flutlcasone propionate 250 mcg and satmeterot- 50 mcg Inhalation powder
`ADVA1R· orsKus• 500150

`(flutlcisone propionate 500 mca and salmeteror so mcg Inhalation powder)
`potasslum-(See PRECAUTIONS). The cardtowscular effects (heart rate, blood pressure) associated
`with salmeterol occur with 11mnar frequency, and are of simllar type ·and sivertty, as those noted
`following albuterol administration.
`The effects of rising doses of salmeterol and standard Inhaled doses of albuterol were studied In
`volunteers Cld In patients with asthma. Salmeterol doses up to 84 mcg administered as Inhalation
`ae"*>I resulted In heart. rate Increases of 3 to 1 e beatslmln. about the same as albuterol dosed at
`180 mcg by lnhalatJon aerosol (4 to 1 o beatslmln). Adolescent and ·~uil patients receiving 60-mcg
`doses of salmeterol lnhalatioa powder (n = 60) underwent continuous electroaardfographtc
`monftoring. dur1ng two 12-hour per1ods after the first dose and after 1 month of therapy, and no
`dlnically significant dysrhythmias were noted.
`studies In laboratory animals (mtnlptgs. rodents. and dogs) have d•manstrated the occurrence of
`cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death (with hlstologlc evidence ef myocardial necrosis) when
`beW-agonlsts and methybcanthlnes are administered concunently. The cltnical significance of tJ\f8
`findings is unknown.
`CLINICAL TRIALS: In dlnlcal trials comparing ADVAIR DISKUS wfth the Individual components.
`Improvements In most efficacy endpoints were gl"9aterwtth ADVAIR OISKUS than with the use of
`264 . either fluticasone propionate or salmeterol alone. In addltlon, cllnlcal trials showed similar results
`between ADVAIR OISKUS and the concurrent use of flutlcasone propionate plus salmeterol at
`corresponding doses from separate Inhalers.
`Studies Comparing ADVAJR DlSKUS to Fluticasone Propionate Alone or Salmeterol Alone:
`Three double-blind, parallel-group dlnfcal trials were conducted with ADVAIR OISKUS In 1208
`adolescent and adult patients ~12 years. baseline FEV1 63% to 72% of predicted normal) with
`asthma that was not optimally controlled on their current therapy. All treatments were inhalation
`powders, given as 1 tnhalaUon from Che DISKUS device twice daRy, and other maJntenance
`therapies were discontinued.
`Stuf1Y 1: CDnlcal Trial With ADVAIR DISKUS 100/60: This placebo-controlled, 12-week. US
`study oompared AQVAIR OISKUS 100/50 with Its Individual components. flutlcason.e propion·ate
`1 oo mog and salmtrterol 50 mcg. The study was stratified according to baseline asthma
`mainten~therapy: patients were using either Inhaled cortloosterolds (n • 250) (dally doses of
`beclomethasone dlproplonate 252 to 420 mog, tiunisolide 1000 mcg, fluticasone proplooate
`inhalation aerosol 176 mcg, or triamcinolone acetonide 600 to 1000 mc:g) or $almeterol (n = 106}.
`Baseline FEV1 measul"9ments were stmnar toross treatments: ADVAIR DISKUS 100/50, 2.17 L:
`flutlcasone propionate 100 mcg, 2.11 L: salmeterol, 2.13 L; and placebo, 2.16 L
`Predefined withdrawal criteria for lack of efficacy, an indicator of worsening asthma, were utmzed
`for this placebo-controlled study. WCJl'Senlng asthma was defined as a ~inlcaUy Important decrease
`In FEV1 or peak expiratory flow (PEF). Increase In use of VENTOLIN9 (albuterol, USP) Inhalation


`ADVAIR• DISKUs• 100/50
`(flutlcasone propionate 100 mcg and salmeterol* SO mcl inhalatlon powder)
`ADVAIR. DISKus• 250/50
`(ftutlcasone propionate 250 mcg and calmeterol9 60 mcg. Inhalation powder

`· -
`ADVAIR .. DISKus• S00/50
`(flutlcasone propionate &00 mcg and salmeteror 10 mcg Inhalation powde.,
`Aerosol, Increase In night awakenings due to asthma, emergency lnterven.!lon or hospitalization due
`to asthma, or requirement for asthma medication not allowed by the protocol. As shown In Table 1.
`285 _
`&tatistlcaOy stgnificanUy fewer patients receiving ADVAIR OISKUS 100/50 were withdrawn due to
`217 wotSenlng asthma compared with flulJcasone propionate, nlmetero~ 8Qd. placebo.
`Table 1: Percent Of Patients Withdrawn DU8 to Worsening ~a In Patients
`Pnvlousl Treated With -Either Inhaled Corticosteroids or Salmeterol Stud 1
`Fluticasone Prc>plonate
`100 mcg
`50 mcg
`n a:
`The FEVt results are displayed In Agura 1. Because this trtal used predetermined criteria foi'
`\vorsenlng aSttuna, which caused mo_re patients In the placebo group to be withdrawn, FEVt resu'-5
`at Endpoint (lastavallable FEV1 resulQ are also provided. Patients receMng ADVAIR DISKUS
`100/50 had slgnHicantly greater Improvements In FEV1 (0.51 L. 26"-) compared with fluticasone
`propionate 100 mcg (D.28 L.15%), salmeterol (0.11L,5%), and placebo (0.01L,1%). These
`fmprovamcnts In FEV1 with ADVAIR OISKUS were achieved regardless of baseline asthma
`291 ·
`298 maintenance therapy (lnhated corticosteroids or salmeterol).
`-.-- -. -


`(flutlcasone propionate 100 mcg and salmetero,. SO mcg Inhalation powder)
`(flutfeasone propionate 260 mcg and .salmetero .. so mcg Inhalation powder
`(flutlciasone propionate &OD mcg and salmeterol• &O mcg Inhalation powder)
`- ~ Figure 1: Mean Percent Change From Baseline In FEv 1 I~ Patients
`Previously Treated With Either Inhaled Corticosteroids or saiineterol (Study 1)
`. ..
`~ 15
`.Ii I
`__ ,
`A ADVAIR DISICUS 10Ql!O twtct 11.n..
`__ ,
`• FluUclSant ptODlamte 100 lllCI llltoe dlllY
`• Q&mltnl IO mco lWI daily .
`• Plaatlo
`'llttk 0
`praplonate 100 mcg
`Sunelet'DI '° mcg
`12 Etidpolnt
`The effect of AOVAJR DISKUS 100/SO on morning and evening p"ak expiratory flow (PEFJ
`endpoints Is stiown In Table 2.
`·-;:!.-· ~ ·-


`(flutlcasone propionate· 1 oo mcg and salmeteroJ• 50 mcg Inhalation powder)
`(flutieasone propionate 2SO mcg and salmeterol* SO mcg Inhalation powder
`ADVAJR. DISKus• 500/60
`(ftutlcasone propionate soo mcg and salmeteroF &O mcg tnhalatlon powder)
`Table z: Peak Expiratory Flow Results for Patlel!U
`Previously Treated With Either Inhaled Corticosteroids or Salmeterol (Study 1 l
`· 100mcg
`ln = 8Sl
`" •(D II 86)
`Placebo .
`(n II 77)
`'". 87)
`Efficacv Variable*
`AM PEF (Umin)
`Chanae from baseUne
`PM PEF·(l.lmln)
`Chanoe from basellne
`-Chang m baseR ne:: change from
`e fro
`. e
`basehn at EndPolnt (last avalla le data).
`The subjedive Impact of asthma on patients' perception of health was evaluated through ~of
`an Instrument called the Asthma Quality of Ufe QuestloMaJre (AQLQ) (based on a 7·point scale
`where 1 =maximum lmpalnnent and 7 =none). Patients receiving ADVAlR OISKUS 100/50 had
`clinically meaningful Improvements In overall asthmH;peclflc quaflty of life ~ defined ~· a
`difference between groups of ~.5 points In change from baseline AQLQ scores (difference in
`AQLQ scote of 1.25 compared to placebo).
`Study 2: Clinical Trial With AOVAJR DISKUS 250/60: This placebo-controlled, 12-week, US
`study compared ADVAIR DISKUS 250/50 wHh Its Individual components, ftutlcasone propionate
`250 mcg and salmeterol 50 mr.g In 349 patients using Inhaled corticosteroids (dally doses oI
`beclomethasone dlproplonate 462 to 872 mcg, flunlsoUde 1250 to 2000 mcg, fluticasone propionate
`Inhalation aerosol 440 mcg, ot tt1amc1nolone acetonJde 1100 to 1600 mcg). Baseline FEV1
`measurements were slmUar aaoss treatments: ADVAIR DISKUS 250/50, 2.23 L; fluticasone
`propionate 25~ mcg; 2.

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