`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` )
` ) Case No.
` Petitioner, ) IPR2017-00807
` )
` )
` ) U.S. Patent No.
` )
` 8,168,620
` )
` )
` )
` Patent Owner.
` Washington, D.C.
` Wednesday, February 21, 2018
`Reported By: Goldy Gold, RPR
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` | 866-4Team GE
`Exhibit 1141


`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 2
` 9:00 a.m.
` February 21, 2018
` A'DDIO, commencing at 9:02 a.m., Wednesday,
` February 21 2018, at Sterne Kessler
` Goldstein Fox, 1100 New York Avenue, NW,
` Washington, D.C., 20005, before Goldy Gold, a
` Registered Professional Reporter and a Notary
` Public within and for the District of
` Columbia.
`3 4 5
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 3
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`On Behalf of the PLAINTIFF:
` Foley & Lardner, LLP
` 321 North Clark Street - Suite 2800
` Chicago, Illinois 60654
` E-mail:
` In-House Counsel,
` Argentum Pharmaceuticals
`On Behalf of the DEFENDANT:
` Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox
` 1100 New York Avenue, NW
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` E-mail:
`2 3
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` | 866-4Team GE


`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 4
` I N D E X
` Deposition of Dr. Alexander Dominic D'Addio
` February 21, 2018
` MS. LIU 5
` *****
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1056 U.S. Patent No. 41
` 6,417,206, Antitussive
` Antihistaminic
` Decongestant Compositions,
` July 9, 2002
` *****
`Description: Page:
` [None.]
` *****
`4 5
`7 8
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`called as a witness, having been duly sworn by a
`Notary Public, was examined and testified as
` Q. Good morning.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Could you please state your full name
`for the record.
` A. Alexander Dominic D'Addio.
` Q. Dr. D'Addio, I'm going to be handing
`you a deposition notice for today. Have you seen
`this document before?
` A. I don't believe I have.
` Q. Can you just confirm for me that that
`is your name on the first page and that you are
`being cross-examined today?
` A. Yes, that is my name.
` Q. Okay. Great.
` Dr. D'Addio, have you ever been
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`deposed before?
` A. I have.
` Q. And how many times have you been
` A. I'm not sure. Maybe five or six
` Q. Okay, and all of those times were all
`patent matters?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Did they all relate to pharmaceutical
`formulation technology?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So I take it you are familiar with the
`general ground rules for a deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And I just want to go over just a few
`things with you before we get started. Is that
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm going to ask you a series of
`questions. If there is any question that I ask
`that you don't understand, or you don't understand
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`something within my question, please ask me for
`clarification. Okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you don't understand the question,
`I will try to restate the question and clarify it
`for you. Is that okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. If you answer a question, I'm going to
`assume that you heard the question and you
`understood it. Is that okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, during the deposition, counsel
`for the patent owner will probably at some point
`object to my question. When this happens, I want
`you to be clear that unless counsel instructs you
`not to answer the question, you are still required
`to answer my question. Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Of course, the exception is that if
`you believe the question I have asked requires you
`to reveal information you believe is protected by
`work product or attorney/client privilege.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Also, please let me know at any time
`if you need to take a break.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. Dr. D'Addio, are there any medications
`you're taking which would prevent you from
`answering my questions accurately and truthfully
` A. No.
` Q. Are there any other issues that would
`otherwise prevent you from answering my questions
`accurately and truthfully today?
` A. No.
` Q. Great.
` Dr. D'Addio, did you do anything to
`prepare yourself for this deposition?
` A. I reviewed some notes with my
` Q. Okay, and I'm assuming Mr. LaRock?
` A. Correct.
` Q. You met with Mr. LaRock?
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` A. Correct.
` Q. And when did that meeting occur?
` A. Yesterday.
` Q. And how long, approximately, did it
` A. Five or six, six or seven hours.
` Q. Dr. D'Addio, did you review any
`documents in preparation for your deposition
` A. I did.
` Q. And which documents did you review?
` A. The documents that were associated
`with my declaration.
` Q. So I assume all of the exhibits in the
`declaration, that are listed in the declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I will now provide you, Dr. D'Addio,
`what's been previously marked Patent Owner's
`Exhibit 2148. It's been previously marked.
` Do you recognize this document,
`Dr. D'Addio?
` A. Yes, this is the declaration that I
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` Q. Dr. D'Addio, I'm sure you're aware
`that there as a first D'Addio declaration and a
`second D'Addio declaration, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And for purposes of clarity today, are
`you comfortable if I refer to Patent Owner's
`Exhibit 2148 as "your declaration"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you aware of any material
`differences between your first declaration and
`second declaration?
` A. There are a couple of footnotes added
`and some clarification on documentation.
` Q. Dr. D'Addio, let's turn to page 5 of
`your declaration, right before paragraph 10. Let
`me know when you're there.
` A. I have it.
` Q. Here you begin to discuss the product
`journey. Do you see that?
` A. In paragraph 10?
` Q. Yes.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 11
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now let's direct your attention to
`paragraph 11.
` You state in your declaration that in
`2002, under your direction, Meda had considered
`three lifecycle options, the first being an
`Astelin steroid combination; the second a new
`Astelin formulation that masked the bitter taste
`issues associated with azelastine; and the third,
`developing a new azelastine formulation with
`improved taste and dosing profiles, correct? And
`that goes onto page 6.
` A. Yes, that does. I see it.
` MR. LaROCK: I am just going to object
` to the extent it mischaracterizes the
` document, because I don't think you've read
` every word.
` Q. So during this time, Meda never
`considered any other antihistamine besides
`azelastine hydrochloride, right?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` A. In -- in this report, we're only
`talking about products with azelastine.
` Q. What I'm referring to is your product
`lifestyle strategies that your PPD group had
`instituted. You guys never considered any other
`antihistamine besides azelastine, correct?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question. Outside the scope.
` A. So in this report, we -- this report
`reports about management, and the only thing that
`we discussed are products using azelastine
` Q. So the bitter taste issues that you
`referenced were not considered significant enough
`to prevent a formulation containing azelastine
`from being accepted into the marketplace, correct?
` A. I'm sorry --
` MR. LaROCK: I object to the form of
` the question. Object to the form of the
` question, outside the scope of this
` declaration.
` You can answer.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 13
` A. I'm sorry. Repeat the question.
` Q. So the bitter taste issues that you
`referenced were not considered significant enough
`to prevent a formulation containing azelastine
`from being accepted into the marketplace, correct?
` MR. LaROCK: Same objections.
` A. As a matter of fact, there was a fair
`amount of work that went into developing an
`improved formulation for azelastine hydrochloride.
`Trying to do the taste masking took an awful lot
`of work, often in the laboratory and in clinical
` Q. Aside from the bitter taste issues,
`was azelastine considered the best antihistamine
`for Meda's purposes at that time?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question. Outside the scope of this
` declaration.
` A. It was a product that -- azelastine
`hydrochloride, that we had a lot of experience
` Q. I don't think you answered my
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` I just said aside from the bitter
`taste issues, was azelastine considered the best
`antihistamine for your consideration at this time
` MR. LaROCK: Again, object to the form
` of the question. Outside the scope of this
` declaration.
` A. We focused on azelastine because it
`was the one that we had the most experience with.
` Q. So it had nothing to do with
`azelastine's efficacy?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question.
` A. We knew the properties of it. We knew
`it was an effective antihistamine.
` Q. Okay. If you follow me on page 6 of
`your declaration, you state that by
`September 2002, you started analyzing the first
`out of the three options, which was an Astelin
`steroid combination product, correct?
` A. Yes.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` Q. Now, after choosing the first option,
`the PPD group added the task, "New nasal solution
`product, combination of azelastine hydrochloride
`and an approved steroid," in paragraph 11. Do you
`see that?
` A. We added it to our weekly program and
`priorities chart, correct.
` Q. So at this point you were only looking
`at FDA-approved steroids to combine with
`azelastine, right?
` A. We were looking at approved steroids
`at that time.
` Q. So FDA-approved steroids, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Now, at this point, you had also not
`decided on which steroid you were going to use; am
`I correct?
` A. We had not picked a steroid at this
`point, no.
` Q. Okay. Now, could you please direct
`your attention to paragraph 13.
` In paragraph 13, you describe one
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`aspect of why Meda's PPD group viewed combining
`azelastine and a steroid as difficult, right?
` A. That actually --
` MR. LaROCK: Hold on. Object to the
` extent it mischaracterizes the declaration.
` You can answer.
` A. It actually flows from the previous
`paragraph, paragraph 12. And this was one of the
`items that we recognized that was going to provide
`a challenge to us in developing a formulation.
` Q. Now, one aspect of that difficulty was
`due to azelastine being fully dissolved in a nasal
`spray vehicle, but that steroids are suspension
`formulations where the steroid particles are not
`dissolved in the nasal spray vehicle, but are
`instead suspended in it, right?
` A. I'm sorry. What was the question? I
`mean, you read the sentence --
` Q. Yes.
` A. -- but I didn't hear a question in it.
` Q. I'm just saying if that was true, what
`I just read.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` A. That's exactly what I said here in the
` Q. Yes. So steroid formulations were
`always in suspension, correct?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question, and outside of the scope of his
` declaration.
` A. So I'm not sure that that's true for
`every steroid product. But as far as we knew for
`nasal sprays, nasal suspensions, with steroids, I
`believe that they are all suspensions.
` Q. So at that time you were not aware of
`any nasal -- nasal sprays that were -- strike
` So at that time you were not aware of
`any steroid formulations that were not suspensions
`for nasal sprays, correct?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question. Outside the scope of his
` declaration. Calls for speculation.
` A. So it -- I just -- I wasn't aware of
`any other products at that time.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` Q. If you could now turn to paragraph 16
`of your declaration, on page 8. Here you state
`that because of the low probability of success and
`the anticipated technical obstacles, this project
`became a low priority, correct?
` A. That's in the first sentence, based on
`the low product of success and the challenges, it
`became a low priority, correct.
` Q. Then, in the same paragraph, you
`stated that between the years of 2003 to 2006,
`Meda began working to identify possible dual
`chamber devices that would allow azelastine and
`fluticasone to be stored in separate bottle
`chambers but could also be coadministered in one
`spray. Do you see that?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the extent it
` mischaracterizes the document.
` You can answer.
` A. So between that -- that period, we did
`look for possible dual chamber devices. There
`would be, of course, two different formulations,
`two different solutions, stored in the dual
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`chambers that would be combined in a single spray.
` Q. When did Meda identify fluticasone as
`a steroid of choice in a combination with
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Outside the
` scope of his declaration.
` A. I don't recall when the decision to
`use fluticasone was made.
` Q. Did you test -- did Meda test any
`other steroids, besides fluticasone, in
`combination with azelastine?
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Outside the
` scope of this declaration.
` A. When? In what period?
` Q. In the period from late 2003 to 2006
`and onwards, did Meda test any other steroid
`besides fluticasone in combination with
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Outside of
` scope of this declaration.
` A. At this time we weren't looking or
`using any azelastine or fluticasone. We were
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`looking for different devices.
` Q. Yes, but the devices were made to
`allow azelastine and fluticasone to be stored in
`separate bottle chambers, as it states in
`paragraph 16.
` So you were looking at azelastine and
`fluticasone in particular, correct?
` A. Right. But your question was, were we
`working with them. So we did not have any
`formulations with azelastine or fluticasone. We
`were looking for devices that could contain those
` Q. And Meda never looked at any other
`steroid to put in that dual chamber device besides
`fluticasone, correct?
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Outside the
` scope of his declaration. Calls for
` speculation.
` A. Again -- again, the focus was on the
`dual chamber device.
` Q. Yes, the dual chamber device was
`azelastine and fluticasone, correct?
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` A. Again, I don't remember when we
`decided to use fluticasone in this.
` Q. My question was very clear. It was
`just, did you use any other steroid -- did Meda
`look at any other steroid to put in this dual
`chamber device, besides fluticasone?
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Outside the
` scope of this declaration.
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. Isn't it true that fluticasone's
`efficacy was one factor in Meda's decision to use
`it in combination with azelastine?
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Outside the
` scope of this declaration.
` A. It -- that made -- that was a
`determination that was probably made by our
`medical group. I'm a formulation scientist.
` Q. So I'm assuming Meda believed at that
`time that the combination of azelastine and
`fluticasone would work better than either of those
`drugs just by themselves, right?
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Form, outside
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` the scope, calls for speculation.
` A. I don't know what medical thought the
`result would be of adding those two together, if
`there would be a superior product or not.
` Q. And at that time, from late 2003 to
`2006 -- strike that.
` So from late 2003 to early 2006, Meda
`wasn't aware of Cipla's patent application,
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Object to the
` form of the question.
` A. I don't recall that, no.
` Q. Okay. Well, let's go to paragraph 26
`on page 12.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you see that in the first sentence
`of paragraph 26, you say, "Shortly thereafter, in
`May 2006, Meda discovered Cipla's published patent
`application directed to azelastine steroid
`formulations, U.S. 2006/0025391. Do you see that?
` A. I do. We found that and the Duonase
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 23
` Q. So before May 2006, Meda was already
`attempting to combine azelastine and fluticasone,
`independent of Cipla's patent application,
` MR. LaROCK: Objection to the form of
` the question.
` A. So before May 2006, we had, it stated
`in the declaration, we had performed some
`feasibility experience with azelastine and
`fluticasone, correct.
` Q. Are you aware of any information that
`Meda might have relied upon in deciding to pursue
`a combination formulation using azelastine and
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question. Outside the scope.
` A. Not to my memory. Again, it was a
`decision that was made by our management and the
`medical team.
` Q. Dr. D'Addio, I am going to direct your
`attention back to paragraph 16 on page 8. Now,
`for this dual chamber device that Meda was working
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`on, Meda had used the -- was considering using the
`Astelin formulation for the azelastine component
`of the dual chamber device, correct?
` A. I don't know that we had made a
`decision about what that formulation would be in a
`dual chamber device.
` Q. So you were saying at this point in
`time you were only looking at the devices, not any
`formulations for either azelastine or fluticasone,
` A. We were looking at the device that
`would be able to hold two formulations separate.
`We hadn't gotten to the point where we made
`decisions on what formulations to use.
` Q. So I take it you did not know --
`strike that.
` So I take it Meda had not decided on
`what fluticasone formulation to use for the bottle
`chamber device as well, correct?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question.
` A. Not that I recall.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 25
` Q. Dr. D'Addio, let's move on to the
`small scale formulation effort that Meda embarked
`upon, starting, I believe, in paragraph 17 of your
` Now I'd like you to look at
`paragraph 19 of your declaration on page 9.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, this is where you outline the
`plans that Dr. Kalidas Kale -- am I pronouncing
`that correctly?
` A. It's Kalidas Kale.
` Q. I will restate the question.
` Now, in paragraph 19, you outlined the
`plans that Dr. Kalidas Kale drew up as part of the
`feasibility assessment plan for an azelastine and
`Flonase combination, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, Plan A, drawn up by Dr. Kale,
`involved an experiment to test whether azelastine
`could be soluble in the Flonase suspension, right?
` A. Maybe if we could go to that, I can
`speak to it specifically.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 26
` Q. That is on paragraph 19, the first
` A. Right. I mean, the plan itself is in
`my declaration as one of the attachments.
` Q. I'm just asking a general question as
`to what Plan A involved.
` A. Right. And that's why I'm asking. I
`can go down the specifics of that, if you take out
`the plan for me.
` Q. Well, just -- I'm asking just a basic
`question on what Plan A generally was about. And
`it was involving an experiment to test whether
`azelastine could be dissoluble in the Flonase
`suspension, correct?
` A. After the removal of the fluticasone.
` Q. Now, Plan B proposed to identify a
`water-soluble steroid compatible with a azelastine
`hydrochloride solution, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And Plan C tested various solubility
`enhancement technologies to increase the
`solubility of fluticasone, correct?
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 27
` A. That's correct.
` Q. So only Plan A and Plan C involved
`testing fluticasone propionate, correct?
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Object to the
` form of the question.
` You can answer.
` A. So we know that fluticasone is not
`water soluble, so Plan B would not have included
`fluticasone. Plans A and C did focus on
`fluticasone propionate.
` Q. Now, Plan B proposed to identify a
`water-soluble steroid compatible with an
`azelastine hydrochloride solution, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Does that mean that your statement
`regarding steroids only being suspensions was
`inaccurate, in paragraph 13 of your declaration?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the form of the
` question. Object to the extent it
` mischaracterizes the document, his testimony.
` A. So paragraph 13, again, talked about
`existing -- 13 -- right. So, again, for nasal
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`spray vehicles, the suspensions that we were aware
`of are not soluble and are suspended in these
`nasal spray suspensions. The goal here was to
`look for other steroids that may be water-soluble.
` Q. So Plan B proposed to identify
`water-soluble steroids that were not available at
`the time for a nasal spray vehicle?
` A. We were going to do a search to see if
`there were any available.
` Q. Okay. Dr. D'Addio, then you moved --
`Meda moved forward with Plan A, which was
`determine whether azelastine could dissolve in
`Flonase formulation without fluticasone particles,
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the extent it
` mischaracterizes his testimony.
` A. I'm sorry. Can you repeat that?
` (Whereupon, the referred-to question
` was read back by the Reporter.)
` A. That was the outline. That was what
`Plan A, the feasibility experiment, was intended
`to do, correct.
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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` Q. Now, Mr. D'Aconti was the one
`performing these experiments, right?
` A. John D'Aconti in combination with
`Dr. Kalidas.
` Q. So if you follow me on paragraph 24,
`on page 11.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Actually it's paragraphs 23 and 24.
`You state in your declaration that Mr. D'Aconti
`attempted the first step under Plan A and had to
`repeat it the following day, because the sample
`was more than the filter could withstand, and the
`sample spilled, correct?
` MR. LaROCK: Object to the extent it
` mischaracterizes his testimony.
` A. So this was the initial experiment, in
`which they were trying to isolate the solid
`fluticasone particles from the formulation. And
`in ultimately trying to filter it, the sample was
`lost, correct.
` Q. Now, if you turn to page 12, in the
`same paragraph, you stated that on April 26, 2006,
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`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
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`Mr. D'Aconti performed the same experiment from
`the day before, and found that a major portion of
`the azelastine hydrochloride had not dissolved,
` A. I'm sorry. You're looking at
`paragraph 24?
` Q. Yes, the last part of paragraph 24, on
`page 12.
` A. Right. But the beginning of that,
`that's where you stated that the team prepared
`another sample. That's correct. That's in the
` And then -- I'm sorry, then you jumped
`down to the fact that the team had found the major
`portion of the azelastine had not dissolved in
`that second sample, another sample, correct.
` Q. Isn't it true that whatever remained
`undissolved could have been a number of things
`besides the azelastine hydrochloride?
` MR. LaROCK: Objection. Outside the
` scope of his testimony. Calls for
` speculation.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
` | 866-4Team GE


`Alexander Dominic D'Addio - February 21, 2018
`Page 31
` A. John -- John was an experienced
`formulator. So he recognized the material that he
`put into the vial of the azelastine hydrochloride,
`and would likely have recognized that the shape of
`the material and crystals would have been the same
`the following day.
` Q. Dr. D'Addio, I'm going to be -- I'm
`handing you what has been previously marked as
`Patent Owner Exhibit 2061.
` Dr. D'Addio, do you recognize this
` A. I do.
` Q. What is this document?
` A. This is a photocopy of a laboratory
`notebook that was used by John D'Aconti in
`recording experiments in our laboratories.
` Q. So could you now please turn to
`page 18 of Exhibit 2061.
` A. I have it.
` Q. Now, this was cited on page 12 of your
`declaration for the proposition that a major
`portion o

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