`First ecition
`Information technology — Coding of
`moving pictures and associated audio for
`digital storage media at up to about
`1.5 Mbitis —
`Part 3:
`Tac.hnoJ'ogr'e.s do i".I'.'1forrna'ti'on — Codege de J"'.I'mago animéel at do son
`assocfié pour .I'-as supports do are-ckags numeidque jusqufi enw'.-“on
`3.5 .7‘-ri|'-".:*.":.-is —
`Pa n"tJ'.r.-‘:' 3.‘ A uo'."o
`Reference n4 moor
`ISDITE-C '1 ‘_ 1?2-3:1993lEI
`PAGE 1 of 158


`ISO;-‘IEO 111?2-3:1EiEl'3n[E}
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`lntrnduutiun . . . .
`SL-.I::I::i-un 1: -Genera] . .
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`.'S}'1n|.u:-.15 and a|.'r|.>r-.wiu1i::u:s.........._....................
`2.3 Method Dr describing h:il.!iIrEElI'.l'|.
`The encmliaag pm: can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . .
`. .. 15 I5-
`D Pbyrchuaxcuuslictnuillsls
`sensitivity to
`fill IS CI.I‘1'EC 1993
`fi:nL'IJ.1 or by
`M1 1'i.gl1.L~.' I|.1fiIl::|"-"I1IIl_ Nu part of this 1:II.J':'u].i.I::1.I:iv:J:I1 :I:I:II.|.3r he nspruduuatl. ur utilized in 31113.-'
`any manna. n:1r:::trm1i.c OI‘
`im:1ud.'.:I:_g photocopying and uni-::Iu-film. withfl-Ur
`perlnisslon in v.'riL'u1g from this puhiisher
`ISOHEC Copyright Dffic-2 I Case Pastale 56 -CH lill Gcnéve EU -' 3W'=IZE!'Jil-rid
`Print-.=:d in Swir.'r.1:I|a:1Li.
`PAGE 2 of 158


`JSOIEEC 111?'2-3.‘ 1993 {E}
`loin: stereo
`Li:;-: of patent holders ....................................................................... ..l-1»?
`PAGE 3 of 158


`ISCPFIEC 11 1??-3: ‘I993 [E]
`IS-D [the International Organization for Standardization: and IEC [the Inter-
`national Eleotrotechnioai Commission: form the specialized system for
`wertdwide standardization. National bodies that are members of IE0 or
`IE3 narticioate in the development of International Standards through
`technical committees established by the respective organization to idea.‘
`with oa"t'cu2sr tleicla of technical
`ISO and IEC technical com-
`mittees coflal:-crate in fields of mutual interest. Other International organ-
`izations. :_io'-irerrimental and nongovernmental. in liaison with ISO and IEC.
`also take part in the work.
`In the field of information technology. ISO and IEC have established a joint
`technical committee, iSClIi'I!EC JTC ‘I. Draft International Standards adopted
`by the joint technical committee are circu ated to national bodies for vot-
`ing. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least
`1'5 ‘ii. of the national bodies casting a vote.
`International Standard ISDIIEC i‘l1T2-3 was prepared by Joint Technical
`Committee ISDIIEC JTC 1. lni'o.rmati'on technoiogir. Sub-Committee SC 29.
`Coded representation of audio.
`,or' n1uli*.«'rnedi'a and hypermedia infor-
`ISUIIEC ‘I1 17-'2 consists of the following parts. under the general title in-
`forrnetfon teohnoiogy —- Coding of rrtol.-ring pictures and associated audio
`for digitai storage media at Lie to about 7.5 Maids:
`— Part I: Systems
`-- Part 2.‘ Video
`— Part 3: Audio
`—— Part 4: Comorianca testing
`Annexes A and B form an integral part of this part of ISO.-'iEC ’E117I'2. An-
`ne;-cee C, 2|, E,
`-'3, G and H are for information only-'.
`PAGE 4 of 158


`*9 |3'3i|E'3
`ISCIIIEC; 11‘i‘.?2—3: tsss [E]
`Note: Rr.-ntlcrs interested in an overview of MPEG Audio should read this Introduction and then proceed to
`annex A. tfliagtamsjl and annex C‘ I.'Ii1e encoding process) before reading the nonnative clauses 1 and 2,
`To aid. in the understanding of the specification of use 5tt_‘_tu1::d comp.-cased |;.i15m_-,;1_m and 1;; dgmding_ 3
`5-IEIQEJEIICIB Elf encoding. storage and decoding is tlescril:-et:I_
`Th.o cncoder pnooesses the digits] audit) signal and produces the compressed l:ti15|_n:a_m for gp;p:agg_ Tug
`ettcoder algorithm is not standardized. and may use various rne;.'1J1s for enouditlg such rug estimafion of the,
`3|-Id1lDl'1r' masking '|hJ'¢5h-tlid. tiunntizatitrn. and scaling. However. the encoder output must be such that :1
`deco-tier conforming to the speeifi cations of clause 1.4 will product: audio suitable for the ltjtendgd
`audio samples
`32 44-1
`45 KHZ
`pa: mg
`u t
`"10 E
`ISCIHEC 1117'?-3
`Figure 1 -- Sketch nf the basic structure of an encoder
`attcilisry data
`lnpul audio samples are fed into the encoder. The
`Figure 1 illustrates the ‘basic strttcture of 3 audio enooder.
`mapping creates rt Filtcned and suhsatnplcd rtprcsciitatioit of the input audio strenrn. The mapped samples
`may he called either subhond samples (as in Layer I or II, see below} or transformed subband samples {as in
`La)-‘er III}. A psycllooeotsstic model creates :1 set of data to control the quantizer and coding. Thtese data are
`different depending on the aottlai coder itltpiementntjon. One possibility is to use an 12$-iilflfliiflfl of the
`masking threshold to do this qtiantjzer control. The quztntizer and ending block creates a set ofooding
`symbols from the mapped input samples. Again. this block can depend -on the encoding system. The block
`‘frame packing‘ assembles the scum] ‘nitstrcrtoi from the output data of the oL'|1Br blocks. and fldds OW-‘=1’
`inftztm-tntirtn (neg, error correction] if necessary.-.
`Tiiete are four differettt modes possible, single eh..'t:1I1ei. dual chflntlfll {IWD illfiepefldeflt 51'-ldifi 51811315 '30?’-‘id
`within one bitstreatnj, stereo Ifleft and right signrds o-fa stereo prur coded s_A-'LtJ‘t1t1 one h-I|«?tmJ. and JUITI-I
`Stereo {left rind right signals of FL stereo prtir cotlod within one ottstremn with The 515130 II-'1'=1I‘«"-'-'='|-1'1’-'33‘ and
`redundancy exploited}.
`PAGE 5 of 158


`JSDJIEC 1'l.1T2~3: ‘1993[E]|
`@ I504.-[E3
`Depending on the s.p-plication, tiifferent layers or the ending gystgni with inc;-git-Lg gnggdgr ..mmp],=,d[1.. and
`can be used. An ISDHIEC 11I'I2~3 Audio Layer N decoder is able to decode bitstream data
`which has been encoded in l_.a3.-er N and all layer: below N,
`Layer I
`T3115 I-ii-"ET Cflflifi-ills TJIIE basic mapping of Lite digital audio input into 32 subbands, fitted segirientatiun to
`fflfm-i-it "it "13i3_i1"i‘-D b'0¢|'=‘-S. 9 psychoaeoustic model to detertnitle the adaptive bit allocation, and
`qllanhisflon usmg block conipanding and torniatting. The uieoretieal minimum exicodingldecoding delay for
`Layer I is about 19 ms.
`This layer provides additional eoding orbit allocation, sealefactors and samples. Different framing is used,
`The theotetiizel min imum erloodingfdeeoeting delay for Layer II is about 35 ms.
`Lo}-er E]
`This layer introduces iI1Ct'Et'L5£d frequency resolu rjen based on H. hybrid tilterlinnlt. It adds a :iii'fei-ent
`Iinonuniforttfl qua.rtt.izer, zltmptiue seg'rrtetitntion and entropy ending oftlie qurtntized values, 'I'.l-re meet-e|.ica1
`minimum ettcodingiideooding delay for Layer III is about 59 ms.
`Joint Stereo coding crm be added as an additional feature to any of the layers.
`{'1 . 3
`Various slreo.1:ns ot‘ ettcotied vi-zleo. encoded audio, S]i|'I'Il3I'l.l'|.':|l'liZE.l.ii.'I|lI. date, systents data and auxiliary data may
`be stored together on H stomge medium. Editing of the audio will be easier it’ the edit point is eeristrninecl to
`coincide with an addressable point.
`533835 W Slflffitte may 1" '«"D1"a'r- remote access over it conirnuoication system. Access is assumed to he
`-Jolltrflilsd by s functional unit other firm due audio deoocler itself. This oontrol unit accepts user commends.
`reads and interprets r:lt'tt:1 base st.n.1t:ture in formation. reads the stored infonnetion from the media.
`demultiplettes not:-audio itiferinnuoti and passes the stored rmdio bitstrenrn to the audio decoder at the
`o.-1 Decoding
`The decoder accepts the oompressed audio bitstrertm in the syrntsut defined in 2.4.1. decodes the data elemeolts
`aflcflrdilig to 2.4.2. and uses the ilifonnation to produce digit:-tleudio output according to 2.4.3.
`itw erse
` ISCIJIEC111'i"2-3 do-eodar
`audio samples
`32 44.1
`48 kHz
`anciiiary data
`Figure 2 —— Sketch of the basic structure of a decoder
`Figure 2 illustrates the basin: strtleture of El studio decoder. EiL-ttream data is fed intfl U16 dEE|I2-dB1'- TD-B
`bitsttcam unpacking and decoding block do-:5 error detection if error-e heck is applied in the encoder {set
`}. The hitsuenin data. are unpacked to recover the various pieces of iI'If0-1'III=1I-iD1'-- Tbs‘-
`rgcgngtrucuqn block |'g;c|;:|1,5,[_|:‘uc",|'_5 the quantized version of the set of mapped samples. The il'1'\t-'e:l's$
`mapping trartsfonns these mapped srtlnples bsrk into Llnifortn P'Ci'-'I.
`PAGE 6 of 158


`INTERNATIONAL sTANonr=Lo '5 |30?'E'3 nsonec 11172-3: 1993 {E}
`Information technology — Coding of moving
`pictures and associated audio for digital storage
`media at up to about 15 Mbitfs —-
`Part 3:
`Section 1: General
`This part of ISOJEEC 111?? specifies the coded representation of high quality audio for storage media and
`the method for decoding of high qurdity audio sign.'1.?|s. The input of the encoder and the output of the decoder
`are compatible widl existing PCIH-I standards such as standard Compact Disc and Digital Audio ‘Tape.
`This part of1J:Ie ISDIEEC 1 1 H2 is intended for application to digital storage media providing a total
`continuous lntnst'e:r rate of about 1.5 Pvfhitsisec for both audio and video bitsueams. such as CD, DAT and
`magnetic hard disc. The storage media rrtny either be connected directly to the decoder, or via other means
`such as communication lines and the ISCIJTEC 1 1172 multiplexed stream defined in ISDIIEC 11 1T2-E .
`This part of lSCI.u"IEl'3 ‘i1 1T2 is intended for sampling rates of 32. lvtl-I2. 44.1 kHz. and 43 kHz.
`1.2 Normative references
`‘I11: following international Standartis contain provisions which. lhrough reference in this Lest. constitute
`provisions of IJJi$ part oi‘ IS D-IEEC 11 1'?2. At the time of publication. lJ'l.e editions indicated were valid.
`All standards are subject to revision. and panics to agreements based on Ihis part of ISOJIEE‘ l11‘I2 are
`encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying ‘me most recent editions of the standards indicated
`below. Members of IEC ruld ISO maiiltaio registers of I:ll1'1'cI'lLl:n' valid Interrlalional Standards.
`IS D.-'IEC 1 1 172-1:199} Infomiation Iechrtoiogy - Coding ofnwving piclu res‘ cm-cl‘ dssc-:*:'nlen' ea.-‘tilt’-:I_a’oI|'-n:il'ig'l'-I'e:'li
`storage nmdia at up to noon: L5 Miiitfs - For: J‘ Systents.
`ISELFIEC 11 1T2—2:1£l§l3 figmmmrfou technology - Ceding ofnioving pictures and associated aediofnr digital
`storage ntedia at up to about L5 Mbft.-'s' - Part 2: Video.
`CCIR Rfinammendafion 601-2 Enxading pdrernerers of digits! leievisionfor studios.
`CCIR Report I514-'-1» C.Florac:en'_rn'cs of sj:.rte.nLs_,|"or rnonnrflrome and colour !ei€'vI'S1'fl.rt.
`CCIR Recommendation 648 Recording ufnudfn signals.
`C313 Repgrt n5,5-2 sound broadcasting by 5.;n.«:1:.§.r.-3 for pnrmbi.-3 and mobile receivers. in cluding Annex IV
`Sulmrnary description offidvanced Dig Em! -'3}'.l'i‘c:rt N.
`CCI"1"1" E?_gou.u1|ne:Jd:11io:1 J,1'.? Pre-empirrrsfs used on Sound-Frog rdrltme Cl'."'Ctl.t'I.5‘.
`[BEE D;-af; spguadnrd P11S{3:u'D2 IEIQD Spat‘.-]"ica1:'nnfnr the Einpicntentetion of 3.: 5' invtrre t3'iECi"'e‘Ir£' C-'.'J.!-'1'i'1E
`[EC publication 9{}El:1£lEl‘? CD Digital Audio Sysrerrt.
`PAGE 7 of 158


`ISCNEC 1 'i'I?2-3: 1993 [E}I
`lg iSGlf'|Ec
`Section 2: Technical elements
`2.1 Definitions
`For the ]:Iu1'pos¢s of ISDIIEC 11172. the following definitions apply.
`square brscicels.
`if specific to a part, this is noted, in
`2-1-1 9!: Eflefficienl [widen]: Any D-CT coefficient for which the frequency in one or ball: dimensions
`‘[3 HCII-IBFC1.
`In the case of compressed audio an access unit is an audio. 5;;-335,5 mm_ 11-.
`2.1.2 access unit [system]:
`Hit‘: case of Compressfli video an eeeess unit is The coded representation or a piemre.
`2.1.3 adaptive s-eglneotetioo [audi-oi: A subdivision of the digital representation of an audio signal
`in vflfiabifi SE-E1'l'.lB|1l.5 Of flmfi.
`1.1.4 adaptive IJ-it alioealiotl Elutiio]: The assignment of bits to s.1.|l:tb.:|.11d5 in 9, time and fmqummy
`varying fashion ncoording to s psychosoousoo model,
`2.1.5 adaptive noise allocation [audio I: The assignment of coding noise to frequency bands in a
` and frequeticy varying fashion aeoordihg to a ps3.rcho."u:ousIic model.
`2.1.15 alias [audio]: lvfirrured signal component resulting from sub-Nyquist sampling.
`2.1.7 analysis filterbanl-I: [a-udiol: I-‘-'ilterbanJ: in the one-ode: that tr:-uisforms s. brDfl.t1I1t."1.l‘I.-ti. PCM audio
`signal into a set of suosorn pied suhbelai samples.
`1.1.3 audio access I-mil [flu-din]: For Layers I and II an audio access unit is defined as the smallest
`part ofthe enooded hitstreatn which can be decoded by itself, where decoded me.-ms "fu|l3..r reooosu-uoteo
`sound‘. For Layer Ill an audio access unit is part of the hitstresjn tl:Lstt is deeodithle with the use of
`previously at:qL:i.rex:| infomiafion.
`2.1.9 audio huffer [audio]: A buffer in Uh: system target decoder for storage of coinpressed audio t1a,ts_
`1'..I.1-I} audio sequence [audio]: A. t1.on-ittte1'rup-ted series of audio [routes in which the following
`parameters are not changed:
`- layer
`- Sampling Frequency
`- For L-i'1.3-1:! I i:‘1.T'I|:1 II: BilI!:‘|.EI3'. tide:
`2-.'l.II backward motion ‘vector [Video]: A Inotion vector lhflt is used: for motion eotnpensation
`from a reference picture at a later time in display order.
`2.1.12 Bark [audio]: Unit of critical band rate. The Earl: scale is s. non-linear mapping of the frequency
`soaie owe.-r the audio range closely oorrespoliding with the frequency seiectivitg-' of die human. ear across the
`1.1.13 |_-gldlreotionelly predictive-coded picture; B-picture ['|:-"lI.'i.eD]: A picture that is coded
`using motion oom pensated prediction from :1 past sndifor future referenoe picture.
`2.1.1-1 bttratc: The rate at which the compressed h't‘LsIJ'vEn.I'I'I- is delivered from the storage medium to the
`input of a decodezr.
`231.15 |_.1u.:t.-. (:(:|'rnpn|:'|di1][_I_ [audio]: Nnnnaiiziiig of the digits] represslitmioii of an audio signal
`wi1.hi:n a cnermiti tiuie peliod.
`2.1-115 block [video]-. An B-tow by E.—coIum.n urfllfi-gflnfll blfifik Of D315-
`1.'l.1'J' bound [audio]: The lowest subband ‘III which i|1l'=H$”-l’ Elf-TED ‘-‘~¢"?1inS 15 U535-
`PAGE 8 of 158


`® |50f|EG
`tscmse 1 1 we-3: 1993 [E]
`2.1.15 byte aligned: A bit in a coded I:tits.l.renm is byte-aligned if its position is at multiple of 3~bil;s
`from the first. hit in the stneam.
`2.1.19 byte: Sequence of S-bits.
`3-1-20 channel: A digital medium that stores or transporcs an ISO.-"IEC I11_'.T2 sue:-a;n_
`2.1.21 channel [audlo]: The left and right channels of a stereu signal
`2-‘I-33 chrotltinance _{component} [video]: A nnttt-ix, block cur single pcl representing one of time
`I“ -==°10u=‘ difference signals related to the primary colours in the manner defined in CCJR Rec em. The
`symbols used fer the c-ulottr difference signals are Cr and Ch.
`2.1.23 coded audio httstreem [end]-n]': A coded rflpresctltation of an audio signal as gpgcifigd in Luis
`part ef ISCIFIEC I1lT2.
`2-1-24 coded video biistream [video]: A coded representation of a series of one or more pictures as
`specified in ISDJIEC 111':-'24.
`2-1-25 -Coded order [video]: The order in which the pictures are stored and decoded. This El-l'd.£:l' is net
`necessarily the saute as the display order.
`2.1.26 ended representation: A date. eietnent as represented in its mended run-:1.
`2.1.2? coding parameters [Video]: The set of user-definabie parameters U1-El.L characterize a coded video
`hitsueam. Bttsztresms are characterised by ceding Decade-rs are ci1£1rnt::t.e:'isefi by the bitstreams
`that they ere capable of clccediug.
`2.1.23 component [video]: A Innt.ri:It. block er single pel from one of the three II:IEtLt"tt:E:s {luminance
`and two elarc-mi nstnce) that melee up a picture.
`2.1.29 compression: Reducfiutt it: the. l:I|Jl'l'|i:lI;'.1' uf bits used tun represent an itern nf t1at.z|_
`2.1.311] constant bitrate coded video |s-icleo]: A compressed video hitstrerun with a constant
`1"-"E1353 I1|iL|':lI:E-'.
`2.1.31 constant bit:-ate: Clperaticun where the bitrnte is constant. from start tn finish of die compressed
`2-1.3-2 constrained parameters [video]: The Itrnlues of |'J'|.E set of cudittg p:-irnrtteters defined in
` Elf ISl'_'l.|'1'EC l11'i"2'.-1'..
`2.1.33 constrained s;-{sum parameter stream {CSPS} [system]: An ISOIIEC 11112
`multiplexed stt'e.-a.m for which the ccmstrnints defined in 2.4.6 of ISDJTEC 1 11'.I*2-1 apply.
`1.1.3-I CRIS: Cyclic redundancy code.
`1-1.3-5 critical band rate iaudiel: Psychoncuustic function of frequency. at :1 given audible
`[rgquency it is pmpnt-tionstl to the nttrnber of critics} hmtds ‘below um: frequency. The. units of the entice]
`band rate scale. are Barks.
`1.1.3-6 critical band [audio-I: Psgrclloncoustjc measure in the Speetrttl dotnflin which D0-tTESpC-HE'S to CD3
`frequency selectivity of the human ear. This selectivity is Express-all in 311-1'k.
`2_1.3‘;n" data element; Hut item: of data as represented before encotling 3.11-Cl after dBCDII1iT|£-
`11,35 d-c..¢.creff'icieI1t [video]: The DCT coefficient for which Lhe. frequency is zero in bath
`PAGE 9 of 158


`tsotteo 1 11‘t"2-3: tees [E]
`e. tsongc
`Fl-39 |14='4=0fl°Il Picture: 1'-‘I-picture [triden]: A picture that is ooded using Elllhf information from
`itself. CIftheDCTeoefftcietttsindteoodedrepu-esentatioo. only the do-eoeiffieients areprwent.
`1.1.411 Ilt'.'.'l' eoelrteient: The amplitude of a specific oosine basis fiat-;:tiott.
`1.1.dl. delta-sled a1:reat:n: The decoded reoonatruetion of st eon:tpr«$ed hitstreant.
`1-1-41 decoder input buffer [video]: The first-in first-out {FIFO} buffer specified in the video
`ht:ft'ering "iiE.'l'iflE.'l'.
`1.1.-I3 decoder Input r-ate [video]: The data rate specified in the video hoffecting verifier anti eoooded
`in Iheeoded trideo b'iIsI:I'enn't.
` decoder: An embodiment ofe deeodittg process.
`1.1.-i-5 decoding [process]: The process defined in ISOJIEC 11111 that reads an input coded hitslrcam
`and produces tlenooded picnlres or audio samples.
`1.1.-to decoding tinre-stamp; DTS [system]: A field that may be present in ii. pecltet header that
`indicatesthe tit‘.-te Ihatnttseeessttnitisdeeodedin lliflfitjfslflliil targetdeooder.
`2.1.41’ de—em1:-Itttsis [audio]: Filtering applied to an audio signal after storage or transmission to undo
`n linear diel;ot1:i-on due to eu'
`..2.1.=|-8 deqIII|1.ti.nliots [video]: The puttoess of rescaling the quatttizetfl [JCT t'.'fltE-ffi.Ci.Bl1l3 afier their
`f‘E|:l'EGEl.'I[i1tiO'|1 i'lID'Etbil.Sll'|hl.Il'i iII.M'i:|GEl1IIl3i:-tJiIl2'iE«t13.I:I.i:IiJE:ft:1'E:‘Li:I.B}f al'lBp11‘.'S.t‘.'.l]I:IEfl lI3tIi:IE."iI:I.‘|t"t'.'-l'5I§[l|'C".l'.
`2.1.-Ii-5| digital storage media; D-SM: A digital storage or transrrtission device or system.
`1.1.50 discrete cosine I‘.l"1Il'IEfiJI'lI'I-: DCT [video]: Either the forward dime eosine transform or the
`inverse. disetete some onnstornt. The DUI‘ is an invertible. discrete onhogonnl tztansfortnation. The
`inverse DCT is defined in amte: A of ISIDIIZEC 1 1112-2.
`2.1.51 display order ltrltleol: The octtier in which the decoded pietttres should be displayed. Normally
`this is the some orderin which they were presented at the input of the encoder.
`2.1.52 dual channel In-ocle [audio-I: A mode. where two studio ohtttittels with ittdepebdelli ]:IrII:tgt'£IIl'Il:I:tI=
`eonteots [e..g. bilingual} are encoded within one hitso-eant. The ending process is the some as for the stereo
`1.1.53 editing: The pmeess by which one or more ootnpress-ed hitsoeants are l:t'|a.I:tlp-t.Ilttl:cat1 to produce at
`new oontpttssed hit.-streant. Cottfornting edited hitstreams must meet me t'eqt.1i.t‘et:neI:Lts defined in this
`ISUJIEC 1] l'.?2.
`1.1.54 elernentary stream [system]: A generic tent’: for one of the coded video. coded audio or flthfir
`ooded hitsu-eams.
`1.1.55 emphasis [audio]: Filtering applied to an audio signal I::e:I'ore storage or ttanstntsslon to
`'tntpt'I:w-e the signal-to-noise ratio at high frequencies.
`1.1.55 encoder: An etnhodirnent of an enoodittg process.
`1.1.5’? encoding (process): A pcro-oess. not specified in ISCIJTEC 1117?. EH81 |"Ei3='15 3- 5""5fim DE 1'1P"-"-
`prictures or audio satnnles and produces a valid ended hitsttenm m defined in ISDIIEC 11 1'11.
`2.1.53 ettlropy coding; Variable length lossless coding of the digital represetttaeioo of a sisliiil ‘"1
`reduoe .
`1.1.59 fast forward playhaclr [video]: The prooess of displaying a sequence. DJ‘ P313 01'
`ofpientres in display-order faster than real-time.
`'1 '-5fi3iU'-‘-“I73:
`PAGE 10 of 158


`El iSCl|"|EG
`ISDIIEG ‘-|11?2-3: 1 993 {E}
`1.1.15-I1 FIIT: Fast Fourier Transforntotzion. A fast a.l.goritl:rm for perforating a discrete Fourier transform
`{an orthogonal n'ansl‘orm}.
`2.1.61 rillurrlronlt [audio]: A set of band-pass filters covering die entire audio frequerrey range.
`1.1.15: fixed segrnentatlnn [audio]: A subdivision oi‘ the digital representation or an audio signal
`inoo fixed segments of time.
` forbidden: The term "forbidden" when used in the clauses defining the coded bltsutam irtdicates
`that the value shall nesrer be used. This ‘E usually to avoid eartttlalinn of start t:=EIt:|-es.
`2.1454 forced updating [video]: The process by wliidr ntaer-ohiocks are inn-rt-coded from l.i.l1:i-E-'=-I321!-I.i.l:IiIE
`r.oensr.u-ethatniismatcltermcrsbetvreen the inverse-D-C'I'proeemesio erreodersaoddeeoderscanoothuildup
`3.1.65 forward motion vector [video]: A motion vector that is used for motion compecnsetlon from
`areferencepictro-eatrrneariiertimeirr display order.
`2.1.66 frotne laudiolr A part of the audio signal tliatcorrcsponds to audio Pifivi samples front an
`audio Access Unit.
`2.1.61 free for-Inat [audio]: Any bitrate other than the defined bitmtes that is less loan the maximum
`valid nitrate forceclr layer.
`1.1.63 future rererenee picture [video]: The future reference pienrre is the reference picture that
`ct-cctrs at at later l:i.I:I1.t: than the ctn'rent'. prictttre in display -order.
`2.1.-Ii! granules [Layer II] [Ind]-n]: Tile set til’ 3 tsmtsecttthre subband sronples from all 32 suhb-ands
`that see considered togedter before quantization. Tiregr correspond to 96 PCM samples.
`2.1.10 gt-an-trlea [Layer III] Ea-Iudlo]: STIS frequency lines ‘that. carry their nv.-'n side it't:I"t:u‘t:t't."ttiott1.
`2.1.11 group of pictures [video]: A series of one or more coded pictures intended to assist random
`access. The group ofpicnn-es is one oi’ the Iagrers in the coding syntax defined in ISDl'l:EC 11111-1.
`2.132. Flinn window [audio]: A tin:-e function applied sanlple-I:I:r'-ml-'I'IP1¢ I10 9- 1110-64: Df filllili-D SRIHFHE
`berore Fourier transrorrrntion.
`2.1.1-'3 Humnon coding: A specific rnetltod for entropzr coding.
`1-1.14 hybrid fllterhank Ian-dial: 45!. serial cotnbinatinn of subbcam-d filterbonk and MDCT.
`2.1.15 1'.|'t-'iDt:'1‘ [audio]: Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform.
`1.1.76 intensity stereo [audio]: A nterltod of exploiting stereo irrelevance or redundancy in
`stereophcrnic audio progmnuoesbaeed on retaining at high frequencies only the energy ~?-IIWJOIIB I-‘If “I3 111.511‘-
`and led. chamtels.
`3.1.17 iuterlaee [video]: The p:rnpert'_I.-I of conventional television pictures where alternating lines of
`the pict1.u'e represent different instances in time.
`3*-]_,",t'3 [mm coding [1-[dag]: Cuding gf gr rnacrnblnck or picture. that uses infnnnation only Bum that
`mac-xoblock or picture.
`2.1.79 intro-ended picture-, I-picture [video]: A picture coded -rains iflfflffli-H-timl 61111‘ Wm i|i5€~'f-
`3.1.30 tsnrntc 111.11 (multiplexed) so-earn [si-stunt: A bitstream ¢'r°|3|1P°=5'=‘1 Of 1”“ “T “*0”
`elementary sl:I' ooottrioed in the rnatmecr defined in ISCHEEC i 1 1T2-1.
`PAGE 11 of 158


`ISi'2|:"IED 1 ‘l1'?2-3: 1593 [E]
`.3. '3.-_'3,.I|Ec
`1.1.31 joint stereo coding [audio]: Any tnethorl that exploits stereophonic irrelevance or
` .
`1.1.8: joint stereo mode laudiol: A mode of the audio coding algorlutnt using joint stereo coding.
`1.1.113 layer [audio]: {Joe of the levels in the coding hicrnrclty of the studio system defined in this part
`of IS.t').t'tEC 111‘.-'2.
`1.1.114 layer [video and systems]: One of the levels in the data hierarchy of the video anti system
`specifications defttted in ISOIIEE.‘ Ill?!-l and ISDIIEC 11111-2.
`1.1.35 luminance (component) [video]: A matrix. hloclr or single pet representing a monochrome
`represettm.t:ion ofthe sigtutl and related to Iheprimary colours in themanuer defined lu CC.lRRec+5flI.
`symbol used for lutrtiuattce is 1''.
`2.1.86 Inuit:-o-hloelr [video]: The four 13 by 8 blocks of lutninancc data and the two corresponding 8 by
`ii blocks of cluotrtinance data coming from a. to by to section of the tnottretnee component of the pictt.o-e.
`h-ilacrohlcclsz is sotttetiutmosecitoretecrtothepeidsta anttsocmetimestotl.-te codedrepresentaficuofthepei
`values and other chtaelem-ettts defined in the ntacrohloci: layer of the syntax tlefilted in ISDIIEC [1 1?2-2.
`The usage is clear from the conteatt
`2.1.211’ n-upping [audio]: Conversion ofan audio signal from time to frequency contain by suhband.
`Eiltcttttg andfor by in-'l2l:IC'l‘.
`2.1.38 masking [audio]: A property ofthe htnnan auditory system by Wlliillll an audio signal cannot be
`pcrceitretliu thepresuettcecrartotheraudiosignal .
`2.1.6? rnoslting threshold [audio]: .9. function in frequency and time below which an audio signal
`cattrtot be perceived by the human auditory system.
`2.1.90 MDCT [audio]: Modified Discrete Cosine Trstttsforut.
`1.1.91 rnotion comperteltinu [video]: The use of motion vectors to improve the cflieiency of the
`pJ'etIit‘.'ti-Dill ofpel values. The prediction uses motion vectors to provide offsets into the past ahtlior future
`reference pictures containing previotelydecoded pel values that are used to form the prediction error signal.
`2.1.92 martian eetitnatiun [video]: The process of estimating motion vectors during the encoding
`1.1.93 motion vector [video]: A two-dimetutiona] vector used for motion -t':IJ‘[[lp£!'IS'aLii:'_!Il't that provi-rim
`an offset fnrnn the coordinate position in the ctrrcutptctcre to the coordinates in a reference picture.
`2.1.95 MS stereo [audio]: A method of exploiting; stereo irt'ele-wince our redundancy in stereophonic
`audio ptttgratrtttnes based on coding the sum and dlflerence signal instead of the left anti right channels.
`2.1.95 non-lIt.i::rtt coding [video]: Coding of a lnacrohiocit or picttute that uses int‘ both from
`itself and [tom met-::t'oi:£ioei-ts and ooct:u1'ing at other titties.
`1.1.96 It-on-tone-l component [audio]: A noise-like component of an audio signal.
`2.1.9? Nyqttist sampling: Samplittg at or above twice the maximum handwiddl of a signal.
`:.1.9B pack [system]: A pack: consists ofa pack hentjer followed by one or mo-re packets.
`in the system coding syntax described in ISDHEC 11 1'12-1.
`It is a layer
`2.1.99 packet data [system]: Contiguous bytes of data from on elementary streattt p:reset1t lit :1 pat:]t:e't.
`1.1.100 ptu:]-.:el‘. header [system]: Tlte data stnrcturc used to convey infonrtatiou about the E1t=mElI-HI‘!
`so-esm data contained in the packet data.
`PAGE 12 of 158


`ieomac 1 11?:-3: tags {E}
`11-191 P3!’-‘it'll [31|''51BI'I'll1 45* I1-ilfikflt 0DI'ISiStS of a header followed by a. nutnbcr of contiguous bytes
`from an elementary data stream. It is :1 layer in the system coding syntart described ‘tn IS(].r[E.t’: 111':I'2.1_
`11-191 padding ii!-M10]: A method to adjust the average length in time of an audio frame to me
`|5|'-1-I'fl1‘-iflu‘-1 Of the Cflfrfispfindiltg PCM samples. by conditionally adding a. slot to I11e audio fltarm.-.,
`1.1.103 past reference [:|ictu.1~e [video]: The past rcfcrcn-at; pigmpg is the fefgfgncg picture that Datum
`at an earlier time than the current picture in display order.
`3-1-1"‘ Pill |flPB'=t T9"-lfl
`nominal horizctntal width.
`T‘-L‘-=2 ratio of Ike nominal vertical height of pet on the display to its
`2.1.1115 pel [video]: Picture element.
`2.I.‘lflI5 picture pet-Ind [video]: The reciprocal of the picture rate.
`2.1.101‘ picture rate [video]: The nominal rate at which pictures should be output from the decod1ug
`Fl. SDUFCE: U1’ reconstructed |:+it':I:I.ll'E:
`2-1-193 Pi-I31’!-l!'¢ [1"i-5911].‘ 501.l:l"l.‘.C=.. CDIUE-til DI‘ I'E:CI.':II‘|5iJ‘l.lCiE1d image data.
`oonsists of three rectangular matrices of 8-hit numbers representing cu.-. luminance a.n-d two chro-rn,
`signals. The Picture layer is one of the layers in the eoding syntax. defined in ISD."l'EC 1] 1'.-'1-2. Note that
`the term "pi-:t:Ltre" is always used in ISDIIEC 11 172 in preference to the terms field or frame.
`2.1.109 polyp-base filterbenlt [nudlo]: A set of equal bandwidui filters with special phase
`iuterrelatiottships. allowing for an effieicnt implementation of the filterbanlr.
`2.1.110 prediction [video]: The use of a predictor to provide an -estimate of the pol value or data
`element currelttly b-eittg doeodetl.
`2.1.111 predictive-coded picture: P-picture [video]: A picture that is coded using motion
`coinpensatr.-,d prediction from the post reference picture.
`2.1.112 prediction error [video]: The difference between the actual value of:-1 pel or data element and
`its predictor.
`2.1.113 predictor [wide-:-|: A linear combination of previously decoded pet values or data elements.
`2.1.114 presentation tirne-stamp; PTS [system]: A field that may be present in a. packet header
`that indicates the time that a presentation unit is presented in the system target decoder.
`2.1.115 presentation unit; PU {system}: A decoded audio access unit or a decoded picture.
`1.1.116 payehoaeoustle model [audio]: A rnsdnematical mode] of the masking behaviour of the
`hu.|rta.tI auditory system.
`2.1.1]? quantization matrix [video]: A set Elf 5i:|ti}'—fDur ‘E-h-it Valufifi used by ma dequantizer.
`1.1.113 quantize-ti DCT coefficients [v1:ieol: DCT coefflcients before dequetntizatiolz. A variable
`mngm wags rI:I:|rc§f:l‘|.'[.'E1.I_i.lDn ofqu.—..m;ized DCT coeffictettts is stored as part of the compressed video
`;.,1,119 q_ua|1ti_zer scaleractor [video]; .-3. data element represented in the lJ-itstrearn and used by the
`decoding pt't:lvt3I_‘:'.§'..5. to scale the dequarttizatiott.
`2.1-120 random access: The process of tregiml-illg ED rfiad and dfififlllfi U15 C0535 'C'5|15i-''¢3m 9-‘ 3-“ ii‘-1-"mi-'"9"'Jr'
`PAGE 13 of 158


`ISDJIEC 11 1??-3:1E|93 {E}
`@ |5g_,q|_=_c
`2.1-12-1 reference picture [video]: Reference pictures are the newest adjacent I- or F.pic1-_1_u_-as [3 111:
`current in] display o-filer.
`3.1-111 reorder |JIlf'l'r-1* l‘i"idI=D]= -‘H buffer in the system target doooder for storage of a reeonsu-ucted 1.
`pit:l.ure or :1 reconslructed P-pie ture.
`2.1.123 requantization [au

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