
`First edition
`Information technology — Coding of
`moving pictures and assosiatad audio for
`digital storage media at up to about
`1.5 Mbitfs --
`Part 1:
`Technologies do !'fnfannar:'on — Coda-gs do I'ir.r1-ago animéa at du son
`associé pour has supports ds stocksya numériqus jusqufi environ
`1,5 Mbft-'3 —
`Farlio 1; sysrames
`|5Gu"|EC1i1? — :‘.lB93iE]-
`PAGE 1 of 60


`ISDIIEG 111?2-1.-1593(5)
`Fucrenrurd ................................................................................................. ..1Ii
`Inirn-dL11:-lion ............................................................................................. ..iv
`Secfiun l‘. flan-a1'a.I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --l
`scape ......................................
`.................................................... ..1
`Hun:-La|$1;I.:. refatnenoua _ , , , .
`. . .. . . . ....._._. ............ ... ...................................... ..1
`Section 2: Tacllninal
`1.l Definiliun-L...................«.-.
`S‘_||'.lII'lbE|]5 _aud uhI1Irs'I-"ifliuIls..... ........................................................... .. I l
`1.3 Malhod ofduaictihing htl slrcutl.
`Ruquiremanla .................................. .... ........ .... ........... ... .................... I5
`Daacriptiun of the system. curling,
`In}!-er.................................................. ..2B
`List of patent
`hn1-de;$-.................................. ...................................... "SD
`9 I5-CJIIEC I993
`All riglma, rcsarvn-ed. No part of this pnablicatinn may be repnruuilmed Cu‘ utilizad in any firm or by
`_|.n}r mgans, _ul:I'.‘.u'I:nni|: Ln‘
`:ner.:I1.IniI::aL including
`anui mlmufilm. ‘l'I"iL|Zl.A.lIlI
`permission In Writing R1:-m "18 pllllfifillllf.
`ISDJIE-C Cop-yn'gh.t DfI"xu.=_ - Cube. Postal: 56 ' CH l2II Gnnisw: 20 - Switzcrtand
`Printed in Swltmarhnfl.
`PAGE 2 of 60


`ieoriec 111?:-1: was is;
`ISO lthe.lnternatior1a| CIrgen'rzatier‘i'for Standardization} and LEE {the Inter-
`national Eleotrotechnical Gommiseionl form the specialized system for
`worldwide standardization. Notional boeliee that are mernbere of IE0 or
`IE1: participate in the development of International Standards through
`technical committees established by the respective or enizetie-n to deal
`with particular fields of technical aotiirit-gr. F50 and 1E
`technical com
`rnitteee ooilaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organ-
`izations. governmental and nongovernmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC_
`also take part in the work.
`In the field of information technology. ISO and IEC have established a ioint
`technical committee, ISDIIEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards eolopted
`by the joint teohnioai oornmittae are circulated to national bodies for vot-
`ing. Publication as an international Standard requires approval by at least
`?Ei ‘ll: of the national bodies casting a vote.
`lnternafionai Standard FECIJIEC 1‘l‘i?2-1 was prepared by Joint Technical
`Committee lS|'.'.‘.|.i1ElI2 JTC ‘I, information technoiogin Sub-Committee SC 29,
`Coded representation of audio. picture. multimedia and ."‘i].-";DEi“."l'1Ei:l.llE infor-
`ESDJIEC ‘l11?2 consists of the following parts. under the general title in-
`formatrbn technoiogjr — Coding of mo-.a-'n_gr pictures and associated audio
`for digital senrag.-e media at uior to about L5 Mbfeta:
`— Part 1: Systems
`— Part 2: Video
`—- Part" 3: Audio
`— Pan‘ 4.‘ Compiienoe reefing
`Annexes A and B of this part of ISCIIIEC 111?2 are for information D-l'll"'iI'.
`PAGE 3 of 60


`ISOIIEG 111??-1: 1993 [E]
`Intr l'.'.H:li.l otion
`Note—Rcadersi:1toestediuanovenriewofdteMPEGSystems layershuuldreaddaislnooductimiaodthert
`pt-ooeedtoaones A.h-store retnnnngtotlieelanscs 1:11:11, Sioeelhesyssem targctdeeoderenncqatis
`referred to tltrouglttztttt both the ttormative and iatfonttati-Ire ciau-sa of this part of ISDILEC l 1 I72-. it may
`also be useful to refer to clause 2.4. and panieulariy 2.4.2.. witereflte system target deestnzler is described.
`'I'be sysseutsspecification au:I-dresses Iloeprohleotofoomttiuing oncorrooredatastreams from the videoatnd
`audio pm-ts of this lnserrtational Stanclard with timing information to form a single stream. Once combined
`into a sting]: stream, -the data are in a form well suited to -digital storage or traosmissiott. The syntactical
`and semantic rules imposed by this systemsspecirrmtiao enable ayndanmtired playback without flveaflow or
`tot-dert'lovw ot"deooderi:t.tft'ets l:|t'ttl:E:t‘a wide range o-fstteatn retrieval or receipt conditions. Tlse scope of
`syntactical and sesnartlje rttles set forth in the systems speciticati-rut: Iiiiff-er: the syntactical rules apply to
`systems layer otading only. and do not extend to the compression layer ending ofthe ~.ri-.deo.aod audio
`specitkatimts; by oootrast, the semantic rules apply to the combined -strcaen in its entirety.
`The systents o does not wiry the acettitecture or irnptemeota.It'ntL of encoder or demdsts.
`l-lo-n.-ever. ltitslream pttperties do impose mundane] and performam:-e requitetnezms on extenders and decoders.
`For instance, encoders must meet otinitmtot clock toloracocc requirements. Notwidztstortdirtg this and otllor
`requiretrttents, 9. eortsiderable degree of freedott: exists in the design and impletnentntiott oi’-ertcoders and
`A prototypical audiohrideo decoder system is depicted in figure I to illustrate the function of art ]S£.'I.I"lI.iIC
`1:l1'i'1 deeot1‘:.r. The arci::itec:ttrt'e is not unique - System De-coder functions htcluding decoder lJ't:t1itJ-g control
`might equally well be distributed atnmtg elementary stre-:-tn: deootless and the Medimo Specific Decoder -- but
`this figure is useful for discussion The prottilrtyp-icrtl deoi:-(Jet design does not imply any nonnative
`t‘eqI.tiII=11eut [or the design of an ISD.I'lIE:C It l'?2'decoder. In-deed non-audiohrideo data is alsoallowotl. but
`not tllltiwflll.
`Audio i
`Figure 1
`-- Prototypical ISDHEC ‘l1l1'2 decoder
`The prototypical ISOHEC 1] ‘H2 tleeofler shown iJt figure I is ootrtposed or System. Video. and Audio
`decoders g to Farts I. 2. and 3, respectively, of ISCIFIEC 11 112.
`In this decoder the multip-lettod
`uoqjed gepreseumflon ofone or mass audio auditor video streams is assumed to be stored on a digital storage
`medium {E1I$l'I-'IJ_, -or network. in some mediurn-specific format. TI:ue medium specific format is not gum-emed
`by this loterttattional Stattdard. nor is the meditnn-specific deoodiog partof dteprototypica] ISOIIEC 11 1T2
`‘I”l:I.e prototypical decoder accepts as input a.o ISDIIEC I 1| 172 multiplexed stream and reli-3 on a System
`De:cov:iet'to extract timing ittfonnation from the slremt. The System Decoder dE.Il'tllltlpltE:".Itt:fi the streets. and
`ttteelemett.taryst.rearos soprodlnedseryeas lttpitttsto-Video and Aodiodecoders. wito-seotttpumatedecoded
`video and audio signals. Included in the design. but not shown in the figure. is the flow of timing
`ittformertiaou among the System Decoder. the Video and Audio Decoders. and the Hedium Specific Doeotier.
`PAGE 4 of 60


`e teonec
`$St2J.flEt'.‘- 11112-1: 199B{E)
`The Video and Autiio l_‘leco-ders are synr:h11:1t1i.2.ed wittl eachother and with the DEM tming Ihm timing
`ISDHEC 1 I: 1'12 multip|.etted_sl31eams are constructed in two iaycrs: a system layer and a cmrrtpressitm layer.
`The input sneant to tbe System Decoder has a-systetnltty-1.'tt' wrapped about-a cmnprnsslcn layer. Input
`streants to the Video and Autfin decoders Inve only the ccintwtesslntt layer.
`D-ptaatlons perfccrI:I1ed by the Systemfle-c-:1-dnreitlrerappty to the entire ISr0.I"lEC ‘l11'?2 lfltllliijllellt-E-El stre:tn:n
`i_'"'InuiI:ipleJt-wide tJ]:teral.imes"'}. or to irtditridttal eleenentary streamui If"$tI‘eam-speacific fi. The
`lSJ['l-.I'IF'_.I'.‘. l l1'?'2. system layer is divided into two sub-layers. one for multiple:-tsride operalionrs [the pack
`myfil. antl one EDI‘ s_treatn—spe_t:ifit: operations [the pacicetlayefl.
`11.1 Multiple:-wide operations [pee-It
`It-1u]ljple:t—wide-operali-outs ittaclttde the coordination oldala retrieval off the DEM, the adjttstment ot’clo-tie,
`anduretna11ageI'neIrtot’bIJl'fe1's. The tasksare i|!|fi€lI1tl1eIjI*:I'BIllIl-"J.‘l.If1i]a’.E rateofdatadettveu-g.rorr1heDSMis
`txmtrollahle, tb-ea DSM delivery may be adjusted so tltat decoder buffers nei.Ilja:.-r overflow nor ullderfl-our:
`but if the DSM rota is not co11trollal:1l-e, then. eletnerttarj,.- stream decoders must slave their timing to the
`DSM to avoid overflow or Imdaetflow.
`ISDHEC 11171‘. multiplexed streams areeontposed ofpaeks whose healers facilitate the above-tasks. Pack
`headeas specilyintended times atwltticbeaehbyte istoentezrtlte system decoder from the DSM._and this
`target arrival schedule serves as a reference fru*-elm-I: correction and hufi'errna11agt_:ment_ The 5D_hBEi1flt:Il.I3Dd
`not be'Eol.lowe:tl c':tactly by decoders. but they must cntnrensate for dmdattms about it.
`An ad-di1.ioIta1 mnltipte1t—wide operation is a docodcfs ability to establish what resources are Iequireel to
`decode an ISrD.I"[EC 111'?! multiplexed stream. The first Dfllliltflffi-FIIE.‘iII I5{l'.|'IE1C ll lfl mnlfiplened sfleaal
`conveys parameters to assist decoders it] this task. Included. for £'’I:|lIlE. are the st:rearn's matltilntnndata
`tale and the highest Imtnhta of ailnultauctais 1-1'1Jt.'.u I.:|Ju-Itttc-is.
`Individual stream operations {packet
`The principal streanh-spe4:t'fit: operations are l) dentultiplettittg, and 2} synchronizing playback of multiple
`fl Sllfifilflfi. Ti‘!-IE‘-‘SE topics fl.I'l.*- flifitlfififld Ilt?-ill.
`n-2. 1 oarnutttptaaung
`On encoding, 'l5D1I'IEC I I l‘l'2 multiple:-ted stresnns are formed by mult:ipl-ettirtg eleanentfiljr streams.
`Elementary streauts may ilteiude private, reserved, and padding streams in adrlition to ISDHEC ll 1?! audio
`and yid:eosI:re.aIns. The streatlts are tentpotally stzhtliyitled into packets. and the pttclnets are serialized. A
`paclter. contains coded bytes from one and only one elelnentary 'stre:-un.
`Both tired and variatnle patacet lengths are allowed subject to constraints in 24.3.3 and in 1.4.5 and '1.-t.-I5.
`D11 decoding. dernulfiplexing is required to taccrnntute e.-lcmenttary slreatns from the ISDIIECI 1172
`multipliexed so-esnn, This is made possible by streal:n_ld codes in packet headers.
`I.'II.2.2 Synchronization
`Synchrrntizatioo arrteng multiple strearns is effected with presentation time s.t:nnps in the ISDJIEC ll1'..'2
`mullipleatead strernn. The l!iItll:_3tfll1'Ips 3113 in. units oi")-'|{lirI-I2. Playback of N streams is synchmnjzed by
`adjusting the pm:-rbacit o-fall streams to a master t.in1e base rather tlnnt by adjusting the playback ct’-one
`streanl to match tllatoinncttller. The master time base may be -one ofthefidecoders‘ clocks. I.heDSi1|[ or
`channel clocl-it or it may be sonic external clack:
`Ecettnse prezsentation ti.rne-stamps apply to the decoding ofiotlivitlual elementary she-ans. they reside in the
`packet layer. End-to-end syitchroniwicn occurs when enecdtxs record tinte-stamps at mplnre time. when
`thelimestmnpsptupagate vavillnnis-tnciated coded data todecIotlers.andwItendect‘t1:leIs usetltose lime-stamps
`to schctille presentations.
`Synclznonieation is also possible with DEM timing fire.-ts 5-tan:-[J5 in the multipl-eated data stream.
`PAGE 5 of 60


`ISCFI EC 1 1 1'.l"2-1: 1 993 (E)
`0.2.3 Fleletlnn In cumpressinn layer
`It. is ineaperulrmt in
`The petite! layer is ifldepetuieltt of the cnmpressiuu layer in some senses, but not in all.
`the setlscthatpackntsneednmsmnaluumpmssinn Iaycrslartumdes, asmrfincd in partsland 3. Fur
`exmnplmavfleupackctmaystanatanybymm the wider: sueam. Huwever. time stamps erpmdeein
`|:u|g;It:e1 bE:1t]:|'s apply In [II'¢fic||I:al.iI_'.l.|l tin-ms of-ciumpression layer CI!ITI5I.I'I.I€tS. fmmely, preflittaflon units}.
`System reference decoder
`Part 1 at‘ 1SU:I"!i:".‘I'.I I 1171 l:lTl|u]fll'.'l}|'S a "s_~.rste-.111 téurget. de:c:t|tlcr." {STD} in prmridt: a lmmaliatn I‘-::-r timing and
`butrcrhtg reiatlmmips. Bemuse. me 5'l'D is gmratneterimed in terms at fiem defined ‘m lSD.FlE.C 111'l2-E1‘-:;-cr
`. buffer sling} each 1SCl:|'[E'.C 11112 muilipleated. 5I:ea.|11Iead5 tuits t:Irwn parametejizzalimt uflhe
`STD. It is up to e11;-.5oders tn e.ns|.u-e. that bind they product: will play I31 nunnai speed, for-ward play an
` g STDs.. Physical demdus may assmn: that a s.t.rcm:n plays prupcrly an its E-‘.']"l'J; the ]!hySiI::II
`decode: must oumpensatae tor ways in which its design ditfem from dunof the STD.
`PAGE 6 of 60


`ti-l'l'EHhlATlDM.AL srsnosao 9 '5'-'-“E0
`Isorlse 111:2-1: issa [E]
`Information teehnology — Coding of moving
`pictures and associated audio for digital storage
`media at up to about 1.5 Mbitis —
`Part 1:
`Section 1: General
`This part of ISDIIEC 1] t"i'2 $]!|£=-::i'E.cs the system layer at‘ the coding. It was developed principally to
`suuppon the eomtatnatiun of this video and audio ending ateutods de.t‘m-ed in ISOIIEC it 1'.-'2-2 and ISDIIEC
`111.72»-3. The system. layer supports five basic functions:
`a} the syneltnznnization of utultiplt-. compressed streams on playback.
`ii} the interleaving of multiple compressed suesms into a single stream,
`-:1 the initialization oftnuffeting for playback start. up.
`cl} (1I.u.l.:'r.ItuLn:s bufiha I1].l:I.I].il.fll.2]1fi.'lI., and
`e} time
`An ISDJIEC I1 1?? IIIIIIHII-5EIl."J3l hit stream is oonslru-eted in two layers: the outermost layer is the system
`iayer. and the inuemm:-st is the emnfnessioo layer. The system layer provides the functions necessary for
`using one or more eotnplessed data streams in a system. The video and audio parts of this speeiiieation
`defioetheeootpression eu-ding layer furaudioaitd videodata.Co¢flI:Ig ofuthertypfiofdataisnottiefluedby
`tltespoeilieatioli. hutissurlported by tltesystem Iayerprevioed that the other lypuesofdataadheze tolhe
`eoast.rai.m‘s defmed in etause 2.4.
`1.2 Normative rateranees
`The following Iotemational Standards oontaiu provisions which. through refer-enoe in this test, constitute
`pmvisitms of this part. ot'].'St{‘)tTEt'.': 1 t I12. At the. time nf publication, the etlitinns i-mztimtad were valid. M1
`stanttenlsare subjecttorevisino. and parties toagreements bassoon thispsutufldt) 11172 are eeeem-aged
`to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most reoent editions of the staotmrds indicated below.
`Miners of IE3 and ISO maintain registers of e1:u'rently valid lmemational Standards.
`I5t3tIE.C 1 ltT2-2:199] tnforatotton teetewtogy - Coding of.-Having pictures and associates? atJtfto_rt:rr.:£:'3itr:'.i
`storage roadie or up to about L5 Ml.‘-:'£-"'.r - Port 2: Video.
`115.0% 1 l IT2-3: 19533 Infommtion teeiinoiogy - Coding qfmoviag pictures and o.ssoefated'oadiofordIgimE
`storage media at up to about .'..'i Motifs - Part 3 Audio.
`CCIR Recomolelzldatioo I501-2 En-:'oa't'-rtg parameters‘ oftiigitnt teievfiionji:-r studios.
`tf'.'lI‘.1R Report 624-4 Characteristics ofsystentrfor rnonot-Ftrome fltld colour television.
`CCEIR un 6413 Returning efatutto tignats.
`t'_I‘.Ii«t I-teport '35.‘--2 Sound’ .t-'rroadFms'tt'ng by soteilitefor poflobte and mobile receivers, in-tasting Annex Ht
`Sumn-mr_y description ofsittvoneett Dtgttot System It.
`PAGE 7 of 60


`ISCIIIEG 11112-1: 1993351
`CETIT Recmmlmdmim 1.1’? Pra-empmmis used an Saund-Pragrumma Circum.
`IEEE. Drafl Standard Pi 1S[1.I'D2 I990 Spercéficmifln _.I'E-‘rr the intplzmentarfau of-Ex 3 inverse dfrcmrt -i‘cJ5I'.'IE
`IEC puhlkzauion 9fl8:19Ii.'.I' CD Digital‘ Audio S:m¢:n.
`PAGE 8 of 60


`ISDIJE-B 1 1 1T2-1: 1 993 {E}
`Section 2: Technical elements
`2.1 Definitions
`For the purposes of ISO-EEC 11 N2. the defmitiems up-ply. lfspeaeifie to a part. this is noted in
`square btackets.
`2.1.1 IEDDEHIBIED1 hritleol: Any DCT coeffieieal for which the ftequency in one or bath dimmsiuns
`is nun-sew.
`In the case of compressed audio an access unit is an audio amass unit.
`1.1.2 aunts: unit Isysteml:
`thesaseufeumpuessed videoanemessmtitistheuodedtepresentatimefapiculre.
`1.1.3 adaptive segmentation Iaudiel: A subdivision of the digital represeattalzinn of an audio signal
`in testable segments at‘ time.
`1.1.! adaptive hit Illu-ca-Ii-an [audio]: The assignment of bits to sttbbantis in a time and frequency
`trsq-rittg fashion according to :1 psg.-dtuacousuc model.
`2.1.5 allaplive noise allfltnlioll Em-ftdiol.‘ The assignment‘. of coding noise to flequnley halide in a.
`lime a.nai:l frequeney varying fashiml according to a peydlc-aeuustic model.
`1.1.6 alias laudiul: Mirrored signal eompr-amt resulting from suh-Nyqujst szuupljng.
`2.1.7 analysis fillnerhaul-I [audio]: Fflterhanli in the e1u:otie:r Iltat tmnsforms a broadhmtd PC]!-I audio
`signal into a set of subssunpled subin:-tI:td mmples.
`1.1.8 Iudiu ucuess unit [alt-tliu]: For Ljsyers I and TI Illl autliu atems unit is -tlI:..I":uIed as this sn1a.]Jes.t
`part of I.ttt:'ettt)t.'!dBd hitstmam am ‘he denuded by itself, where decoded rncans "fully reeunstmcted
`sound”. For Layer 111 an audio access unit is part. of the hitstream that is deeodable with the use or
`tnevtnusly acquired main tnfennatiuu.
`1.1-.9 audio buffer [smite]: A buffer in me system target decoder t‘or'stc:rsgi.- at‘ ecrmjznesseafl audit: data.
`2.1.‘!!! audio sequence Iaudiol: A non.-irtternmteti series of audio frames in which lite following
`— Lu‘?t}|'Bl’
`- Saotpting Frequency
`-FIJri..a}re:I‘1a£I-:ifl1 Bitrateind-en:
`1.1.11 backward motion vector [video]; A motion veetm that is used for mo-I.imI compensation
`fI't‘!II1I1:I.rttfi::l'l::l'.bC:Cp-it1'11l1'EI7tlfllfl.tI:I' tiuteindis-p1.1y mdcr.
`The Earl: scale is a nu-n—lin£:a.r mapping of the frequency
`3.1.12 llartt |aun:tto]: Unit of srititzal baht]
`scale over the audilzr mnge closely Ing -.I.rltl1 the fieqtneticy selectivity Dffllfl IZIIIIIIEIII ear across the
`2-1-13 hldir-ectioually predictive-cod-ed picture; B-picture {video}: A picture that is coded
`using motion compensated pretfictintl from a $1 at.-.d.fer future rel’-esenee picture.
`2.1.14 hitrate: The rate at which the compressed hitstream is delh-cred from the storage ‘medium to the
`input ofa deeoder.
`1.1.15 hi-Ml: enmpartding [nufliu]: Nomtalizing of lire digital representation at’ an audio signal
`'w'ith.irI a eertain time period.
`2.1.115 hloclt lvlwl-uni: An E-row by 3-tzolumn orthogonal laloclr. or pets.
`3.1.17‘ hound ItIIIIflD]= The lfiwegst Sllhballd in which intensity stereo coding is used.
`PAGE 9 of 60


`ISDHEG 111T2-1: 1993 {E}
`2.1.18 byte align-ed: A bit in it ended l:I-itstream is byte-aligtted if its pusititm. is. a multiple of B-bits
`fi't:t:n: thefirst bit iltthte st:resIn-
`1.1.19 byte: Seqttence of E-bits.
`1.1.11} dustnnel: A digital Inedium that stnres ttr ttttrtsptarts mt ISOHEI‘,
`l]]'Tr'2 stream.
`2.1.11 channel [audio]: The left and right channels are stereo signal
`2.1.-32 eltrnnlinunee [eumpan-ent} ['|'illi'-DI: A matrix; hlncl: I:I1' single pct representing one-of the‘
`twe arulnnrtflflcxenee signals relstedtn theprintsry eelnurs i.n themarmerdeiined in CCIR Rec 6111. The
`symbols used for me -::u1tItt:' difl'-erenee sig:nt1lts'nreCr and Ch.
`2.1.13 en-tletl Indie hcitstresm |au:fln]: A ended representstinn er an audio signal as specifier! in
`ISD.I"[EC 11172-3-
`1.1.2-4 tttttled tdttleu hllttrlream [video]: A -ended. represeztlaliett Ufa series of lJlZH'.‘- ttr more pictures as-
`specliledl in ISDIIEC 11 1'J|'2-1.
`1.1.15 ended order it-idaeul: The easier in which the pictures as: stored and decoded. This ottclaer is met.
` ]f Ihesame as the display urd-er.
`2.1.2fi ended represeniatinn: A data element as represented in its Emsflfifld ITJTIIL
`2.1.2? ending parameters IYIIIIIJIZ The set of ttser-definable pe.rtenetr:s that characterize a coded video
`bitsuesm Bltstreams meetefised by editing parameters. Decoders tee eitametcfised by tJtt.-. bcitstreattts
`that they are capable of decoding.
`2.1.28 eempenent [video]: A matrix__ I:-leels: er single pel from one of the three matrices t‘_|t.n1tinttnee
`andtwetitteutinauteel tltatmalteup Et1.'r'it:llJI'e.
`1.1.29 eutnpressinn: Rfllflllfliliiil in the 1l.llII_IhI-.'I -ul' hits used tu represent an item of data.
`2.1.3!) eertstnnt Izitt-etc ended video [video]: A compressed t-rider.) hitstresm witll E ennstant
`2.1.31 constant hit:-ate:
`t_l-pet-stien where the hitrau: is constant fI't'!m start in finish of the eumpressed
`2.1.3: Izaulfitrlirnefl parlnleters lurid-ml: The values of the set -of coding parameters defined in
`!-.2 at TS-WIEC 111'F2-1.
`2.1.33 constrained system pnranteter stream (USPS) [system]: All ISUHEC 1 1 I'll
`multiplexed strvetitt for which the etnnstrsints defined in 2.-=l.t5 of this pan 0|’ ISDJIEC 11 U2 apply.
`2.1.34 EEC-. Cyclic redundmtcy Dude.
`1.1.35 critical band rsle [audio]: Psychoaeeustlt: function of frequency. At tat gttren audible
`fleqttnency it is pmptztnimtsl la the number t:tft:rit.i-I::—t.J brands below that frequency. The ttnits nflhe eriticali
`mud rate scale are Barks.
`2.1.36 :::-iflcal Inna] [audio]: Psycheacnusfic measure in the specu-al domain which corresponds In the
`f selectivity -ti-‘.' the human ear. This selectivity’ is expressed in. Bart.
`2.1.3‘! this eleillenl: An item or data as representetl before wedding and alter decoding.
`1.1.33 :1:-cueflicient Ivideel: The DCT coefficient for which the Imqueney is LBIU in bath
`PAGE 10 of 60


`ISDIIEG 1 1 1T2-1: 1 993 [E]
`1.1.39 dc--ended picture; I‘)-picture Ittillcnlt A. piettre that is ended using rtnly infu-n'n:m'nn frnm
`its».-slf, [if the DCT cnefficienls. in the ended m only ttne-.dc-neetificietus are prea_aenL
`2.1.40 DDT cneffilzi-cuf.: The amptintde cf :1 itpet:i.l'1c cnscine basir-'fImI:t.inn.
`2.1.41 decoded stream: The deemed Ivectznts-tntetion of :1‘ cnmpresaed i:itst:renIn.
`2.1.42 decud-er input huller [video]: ‘the firs!-in firs:-nut.
`bnl1'ering vetit"re:‘.
`(FIFE?!) l:I|t.l‘t'er specified in the video
`2.].-4.3 dxcudcr input rah: Ivileul: Tlln: data rate specified lJ'|. lhe widen I:rufl':ri11g_ verifier and ctII::t:It:l:t:I
`in the ended viden hitst.reanL
`1.1.44 dncndc-r: An embodiment nt‘ :1 deeqdirtg pracms;
`2.1.45 decoding {prnccss}: The process defined Ln ISDIIEC 1]|?'.'-1 that reads an input coded hltatrenm
`2.1.46 deen-ding flttte-stamp; DTS [system]: A field. that may be present in a packet header that
`indicates thetime tilataltaeeess unitia-decoded in Htl:S_‘fElli-‘III targeItdec:I:Ic|:er.
`2.1.-4'1‘ de-emphasis Inudin]: Filtering applied in an audit: signal after fimmge nr trznsmissirm 1:: undo
`n [ll]E:1.l'dl§“[lJI'li§Cll.'I due to empélmsis.
`1.1.43 dequnnflmtinu [Viflen]: The [Jt1JI;7E5s- u-fresealing the quantized D-E'."I' en-efficients alter their
`reprautntirut in lhehitstrennt hnsbeen denuded antlbefnrelheyamepresentnd tn thein~.rerseDC'l".
`1.1.49 digital stozrage media; [lfiit-'l: A digital storage ur transntissimi device or system.
`2.1.51} discrete cosine transform: DDT lvidroi: Either the frzrm-_2u1‘_l ttiserete eusine transttmn or the
`inverse discrete ermine unnsftnm- Tl:I.e DCT is an itweflilzrle, discrete u-rllmgonai tmttsfmmaljnn. The
`inverse DUI‘ is det'in.ed in annex A of ISCUIEE 11172-2.
`1.1.51 display order |videnI: The order in which the deeedeai pictures shnuid be dieplayett. Normally‘
`this is the same nrder in. which ibiry went preserttecl at the input at the em:-n-der.
`1.1.52. dual channel mode Iaudial: A ntnde. where two andin channels with independent prugracninte
`ctztntents (e.g. bilingual} are enmd-"ed within [me iaitslrestm. Tile ending pT{I-DE-153 is the same m for the stereo
`2.153 editing: The process any which on: ID!’ more compressed bitstrentns are manipulated to |:||1'iiJI2ll.'It'.'.I!- 3.
`new C:II:l'I1]:tI'$9fi£i bitslream. Ccrnferming edited bitstrenms must meet the requirentems defined. in ISUIIEC
`I 1 1'12.
`2.1.54 eiantcntary stream [$3-shun]: A genetil: mm for time of IJIIJ: Cfidtfl vldfifl. DDdIE:.d mllilict Ell’ ISIIJIIET
`curled hitstrealns.
`2.1.55 It.‘-'I1'tpII.IlSI'3 Iatltfinl: Filtering applies]. tn an andi-u sigtlal ht:ftJre sttflmge {Ir Uanseliissifln to
`in:.prnve the 5ignal~tn-—neise ratio at high frequen.ei:es'.
`2.1.56 encoder: An elnbndiment. of an -elten-ding pee.
`2.1.57 encading [process]-: A process. not specified In ISOJIEC 11111. ti'tt_tt'. reads-a stream: of input
`pkttures nr audio Sillilliillfiti arid produces a wtlicl t:I.1-d-ed hitslrcnm as dI=1'l.ttediI'IISOt'IEC 1 1171.
`2.1.5! cnrlrnpy ending: 1.-'nri.e.ia]-e 5len_gtJ:t It:-eeless ending of Ihe digital teprept-entatieu of a. signal to
`1.1.55! fast Ibrward playback [video]: The pl’t:IGE:ES oi‘ displayirlg 3 sequence. nr parts nfa. sequence,
`at‘ pietmres in display-crder faster than real-time.
`PAGE 11 of 60


`ISDIIEB 111??-1.‘1£!'Q.‘E!-{E}
`1.1.-I50 I-"FT: Fast Fourier Transrnrmaflnn. A fast algnriflnn fur pcr.[nrn1iJ1E =1 diswctn Fnminr transfnem
`[an n-rti:-nguna] transfnum}.
`3.1.61 filterlnnit iaudinl: A set nfband-1:353. filters counting the entire audio frequency range.
`2.1.62 find segmentation [audio]: A subdiviainn of 111:-. digital regnrescntalinn nf an nu-din signal
`imn fixed segments nf time.
`2.1.63 rnrhiddnn: The tern] "forbidden" when used in the clause: dcfining the coded hitstrcnm indicates
`that IE value. shall never be. used. This is usually to avoid nmulati-nn Bf":-tart nndcs.
`2.3.54 tn-:r-nad updating [video]: The pmccsn by which Inacrnbllzuflts are i.ntI‘a-co-d-cd [rum limes-tn-tiinc
`uaencsm-emmmisuiamhearnrs bemrnnnthninunrnc DIC"Tprn-nesncsilt an-cndersanddncnduts cannot buildup
`1-1.155 rm-in-an-d mutton Innsniur hriden]: A. mnlinn vcsctnr that is usacd fncr n1-nticun cnmpcnsntinn from
`:1 reference pinnrrn at an nzntinr time in. di:=]:Ii.u.;I.u' nnzlcr.
`2.1.66 Enune [audio]: A part of um and.-in signai that nocrr-cspnnds tn nu-tlin PCM samples from an
`Audin Access Unit.
`2.1.15‘! 1|-ea turn-mt [audio]: Any bin-are nther I.h:1I:|. flu: dcfmed hllxates that is less than me Ifl133I'jI2I‘l'Il1'_'I1
`valid hinatc for each ltnrcr.
`2.1.458 ltllurn r-efcnannc picture Iv-ideal: The future rnfnrniine p'u:.‘iun3 is the rerereiuzne picture that
`r.u.:L1n'$ at :1 iauzr fimu: dun: the current picture in display nnrdezr.
`2.1.69 granules ['l.a;_r-er 11] [audio]: The set of 3 cpnsccutivn suhhtmd stunplers fmm all 32 subbhndfi
`marge nbgisida-ed together hefnre quantization.
`‘Il:t.3r_c:t:n-r1'n:s_1';:J1id to 9:5 FEM sampics.
`2.l.'?l- granuli-"nu [layer III] inudiill: STE frcqucn-cy linen flint carry their cum: side iJ1I"nrn1atiI:II:I.
`3.13] grnrup of pictures [Iride-nl: A series n-t‘ nnn Di‘ more coded pictures intended lu assist Inn-dual
`'I'hcgl'-cup DI’-picrlurcs is one cut‘ the layers in the cuding syntax; dI:I'InI:'d in ISDITEC 111732.
`2.1.72 I-Iann window [audio]: A time function applied snmpln—l:::.*—snn1pic tn a block nt‘ audio S-‘-'l-Il1]J|.E3
`befnue Fhurier nn.
`1.1.‘.-'3 E[I;Ifl"m_an nu-ding: A mecific mnihfld fur nntrupy ceding.
`1.l.'J'dl- hybrid filterlnmk Inmlinl: A.
`:u':.-rial cnmbillafinu of subband fillxzlbank and MDCT.
`1.1.75 I1t«lD'Cl' [audio]: I.mrnrs.e Modified Discrete Canine Transform.
`2..l.'3'I5 intensity: sur-an Inudli-1|: A. method nrf expl-niting sI.EI'E:t} irr-clnvannn nr rntlundancg-' in
`5IEI.'Efl]Jh-DIIIIZ nudln prrngnuzlunc-s based on retaining at high frcqucncie:-L unly flu: ::n:::|'g_~,r |:_u~.-nlupe —:JI‘IJu: fight
`and Inf! dlarnlnis.
`2.1.1’? lulu-laiee 1v1d1-_-n]: The propnny of nnnvantinnni telnvisinn picturns whcrn altcinating lines of
`Ihn picnn'c-ncprcsnnt different im-tanccs in Iizmc.
`2.1.’?! intrn cn-ding [Iridcu]: Ending nut" 51 maurrcblnclc D1’ pciistim: that unnc infnrntatiun nnly [rnn1 flint
`mautlhluck dr pi-ciurt.
`2..I."."!l i.nI:r:-ccided picture; I-picture [Video]: A picture -cndnd using infn-rmnljnn nrnly [rum ilacll‘.
`1.1.31} ISDJIEC 11173 (multiplexed) stream [system]: A hitstreain cprnpcmed n-1' zero or more
`cl-cmnntary strnanm onntbiaind In The meuirinr defined in this parlor ISOIIEC 11112.
`PAGE 12 of 60


`i5-CI.:|'|E|3 1111"?-1: 1993 {E}
`1.1.81 joint stereo en-ding [audio]: Any method that exploits stereo-phonic irrelevance or
` iE .
` joint stereo rrtnde [audio]: A IIHIIEIB of the autlio coding algorithm using joint stereo coding.
`2.1.8.‘! layer [audio]: One of the levels in the ending hierarchy ufthe audio system defined in 1SO.I'IEC
`2.1.84 tnyer lvitleo end‘ systents]: Dlle of the levels in the data hierarchy of tile virieo and system
`spmifieafimls defined i:n1bis |:Ia.rlof13{}.I'1IE.C 11172. and I5EItI'1EC 11112.-2..
`41- 11131-I‘ix. block or single pet representiltg a mono-eltrotne
`3-1-35 Iulflllfllflfit [¢=D1“Pflfli=|“:'
`representation ofthesignaland related totbe primary oolours in thcmamtpt-defined it:.t'_:l;'IR Rat:-5l]‘|_ The
`symbol used for lttminanee is Y.
`2.1.86 maerohlocl |videoI: The four 3 by B biocks of lmrlinanoe data and Ihe two oonespondlng 8 by
`3 bloeics o-I ehroininance data coming from & 16 by 15 section oi’ the lturtinarme component of the picture.
`lvlaeroblocit issaometimes usedmrefeemtlvepeldamandsomefimesmdtecodedrepueeemationoftbepel
`values and n:-titer data elements detined in the maerobmk layer oflbe syntax defined in ISUIIEC 11112-2.
`Theusageis nzlcarfi-mu theeonlext
`2..1.fl_'1' mapping [audio]: Conversion ofan audio signal from time to frequency domain by subband
`filtering amflfor by I\.:‘I]I)t'."I'.
`1.1.3‘-Ii mas!-ting |nudio1: A propertgr oftbe hlIll!LEtll auditory system by which an-audio eigoal oannot be
`perceived in die presaenoe ofaitotliecr audio signal .
`1.1.39 masking threshold Iaudinj: A function in t're:que1:t:3-' and time below wbi-Eh an audio signal
`cannot be pemeived by the Junnem auditory system.
`2.1.90 MDCT [audio]: Modified Discrete Cosine Transform.
`1.1.51 Inutiun eomperteation [video]: The use of m-tntion vectors to improve the efficiency of the
`prediction ofpei values. The prediction uses motion trect-ms to provide offsets into the past andior future
`rtfiexenoe 1:t'II:I1.u‘t'.'t ormtainilig previously decoded pel values that are used to form the prediction enqurstgnai.
`1.132. rnotion estimation Ivitleul: The % of estimating motion vectors. during the encoding
`2-1.93 n'u:II:lon vector [video]: A two-dimensional vector em for motion eompettsalion that provides
`ameffset from the cnnrdinatcpusitinn inthcetwraattfi-mtee to the coordinates in arecfereneepieuue.
`2.1.94 MS slserveso [audio]: A method ot‘expIoiIi11g stereo irreievanee or redundmtcy in s ¢
`aiztliopmgtamlnm basedon coding Ihesum:1otldi.[['erfl1DBs.igna1iosteadofIbe lefiand right channels.
`2.1.95 net:-intra coding [video]: Cndilig of 11 m:u:I1:!bI-nclt or picture !lh."tl uses information both from
`iteeifartd from maemblmks and pictures oer.-u:-ring at other times.
`2.1.96 rune-tonal cmupnnent laudini: A noise-like eom]:-onent ot‘.an audio sigrrtal.
`2.1.9’? Nyquist sa-rrIplir|g= Stunpling at or above twice 1!:-e maJtiJ'nom bandwidlh of’: signal.
`3.1.93 panel: [system]: A peek eonsisis of a. prank. header foliowed by one or more peek-eta. It is a layer
`in the system ending ayntmt described in this part ot'ISCI.I"[EJC1l1'?2.
`1.1.99 packet data [system]: Contiguous bytes at‘ data from an eIemeI1_l_:1ry stre_a.m' prestmt in a paizttet.
`2.1.100 pneket header [£3-*slHI1]: The dam slructure used to convey infommliurn about the elementary
`stream data oontained in the rnaeltet data.
`PAGE 13 of 60


`Isonee 111?:-1: 1993 {E}
`o Ieonee
`1.1.10-1 picket [system]: A packed ooosista of a header foflowed by a number of eontigtxnts bytes
`from an t.'.IeI'Jle11I:1l'}" data slreatn. It is a layer in the Sjffilfllfl coding sgprntax derczihed in this part ui"lSl.'J:"IEC
`1 I 1'.I':t_
`'2..1.1I]-3 padding [audio]: 19:. method to adjust the at-e

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