PYGEE516268 WS
`~ APR Ov 2009
`HIMPP 1117
`Michael Agnes
`HIMPP v. III Holdings 4
`HIMPP v. III Holdings 4
`HIMPP 1117


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`. used for suits, coats, etc. —vt. serged, serg”ing to finish (a cut,
`Se-quoyah (si kwoi’s) 17607-1843; Cherokee scholar and bs
`septuple / serge
`created Cherokee syllabary: also sp. Se-quoy’a
`*saip-, hedge fence > Gr haimos, thicket] Biol. a thin wall, mem-
`ser! (sir) n. (Hindi sérl alt. sp. of SEER?
`brane,etc. that separates two cavities or two massesoftissue, as in
`ser? abbrev.
`1 serial. 2 series 3 sermon
`-the nose or in a fruit:
`Ser- (sir) combining form SERO-: usedbefore a vowel
`sep-tu-ple (sep’te pal, sep tao’pol) adj. [LL septuplus < L septem,
`sera (sir’s) n. alt. pl. of SERUM
`1 consisting of seven 2 seven times as much.or as many;
`$6@-rac (sa rak’, sa-) n. [Swiss-Fr, orig., a type of white chee:
`sevenfold —vt,, vi. -pled, -pling to multiply by seven
`*seraceum, soft cheese, whey < L serum: see SERUM] a pointed
`sep-tu-plet (sep
`tup’lit, -too’plit; sep’te plet’) n. [dim. of prec.] 1°
`or pinnacleof ice in or near a crevasse of a glacier
`any of seven offspring born at a single birth 2 a collection or group
`of seven, usually of. one kind
`se-ra-glio (si ral’yd, -ral’-)n., pl. -glios [It serraglio, encloa
`padlock, also (infil. by Turk saray, palace: see fol.), place,
`sep-ul-cher (sep’ol ker) n. [ME < OFr sepulcre < L sepulcrum <
`< ML serraculum, a bolt, bar < LL serare, to.lock, bar < L ###
`sepelire, to bury < IE *sepel-, veneration < base *sep-, to honor >
`bolt, lock]
`1 the part of a Muslim household where wivex of @
`Sans sdépati, (he) cultivates, cherishes]
`1 a vault for burial; grave;
`cubines live; harem 2 the palace of a Turkish sultan
`tomb 2 R.C.Ch. a small, sealed cavity, holding martyrs’ relics, in a
`flat rectangular or square stone formingthetop or part of the top of
`se-rai (si ra’e) n. [Turk (modern sp. saray), palace, inn < Pers sit?
`‘an altar —vt. to place in a sepulcher; bury
`1 in the Near East, an inn; caravansary 2 a Turkish palace
`se-pul-chral (so pul’krel) adj. [L sepulcralis] 1 of sepulchers,
`Se-ra-jevo (ser’a ya’v) alt. sp. of SARAJEVO.
`burial, etc. 2 suggestive of the grave or burial; dismal;-gloomy 3
`seral(sir’al) adj. Ecol. of or pertaining to a sere
`deep and melancholy: said of sound —se-pul’-chrally adv.
`. $@-ram (si ram’) alt. sp. of CERAM
`sep-ul-chre (sep’al ker) n., vé. -chred, ~chring Brit. sp. of SEPUL-
`#$@-rape (se ra’pé) n. [MexSpl a brightly colored woolblanket, wad
`as an outer garment by men in Spanish-American countries
`. sep-ul-ture (sep’al chor) n. [OFr < L sepultura < sepelire, to bury:
`ser-aph (ser’of) n., pl. --aphs or -a-phim’(-a fim’) [back-furjs
`see SEPULCHER} 1 burial;interment 2 [Archaic] a burial place
`LL(Ec) seraphim, pl. < Heb serafim, pl., sing. saraf, prob. «
`seq abbrev.
`1 sequence 2 sequential
`to burn] 1 Bible oneof the heavenly beings surroundingthethr
`sey. abbrev. [L sequentes or sequential the following
`of God, represented as having three pairs of wings:Isa. 6:2 2.4
`$eqq. abbrev, [L sequential] the following (ones)
`“the highest order of angels, above the cherubim —se-raphic (xa #
`ik) adj. —se-raph’i-cally adv.
`se-qua-cious (si kwa’shes) adj. [L sequars< sequi, to follow (see
`SEQUENT) + -OUSI easily influenced or led; servile:
`Se-ra-pis (se ra’pis) n. IL. < Gr osordpis < Egypt wsyr-hp, (x
`; compliant —se-,
`. Apis] Egypt. Myth. a god of the lower world, whose cult arent
`qua’-ciously adv. —se-quac’-ity (-kwas’a té) n.-
`se-quel (sé’kwoel) n, [ME sequele < MFr sequelle < L sequela: see
`Greece andRome
`fol.]} 1 something that follows; anything subsequent or succeeding;
`Serb! (surb) a. [Serb Srb] 1a person born or living in Serbia
`- continuation 2 a result or consequence 3aliterary work,film, ete.
`a memberof a Slavic people of Serbia and adjacent areas Z
`complete in itself but continuing a story begun in an earlier work,
`BIAN (1,-1) —adj. SERBIAN
`Serb? abbrev.
`1 Serbia 2 Serbian
`se-quela (si kwé’la, -kwel’a)n.
`|. -lae (-1é, -€) EL.<se to follow:
`Ser-bia (sur’bé 9) country in the NW Balkan Peninsula: formerly 3
`see SEQUENT] 1 a thing that
`follows; consequence2Med. a dis-
`kingdom and (1946-2003) a constituent republic of Yugoslavia a
`eased conditionfollowing, and usually resulting from, a previous
`(2003-06) of Serbia and Montenegro: 34,116 sq mi (88,361 sq ki
`pop. 9,396,000; cap. Belgrade
`“(MFr < LL, a following <.L
`se-quence (sé’kwans, .-kwens’) n.
`Serbia and Montenegroa former country (2003-06) in the N&
`_sequens: see SEQUENT] 1a) the following of one thing after another
`Balkan Peninsula, bordering on the Adriatic, consisting of \ié
`~ in chronological, causal, or logical, order; succession or continuity 6)
`republics of Serbia’ & Montenegro: see YUGOSLAVIA
`the order in which this occurs 2 a continuous or related ‘series,
`Ser-bian (-on) adj. of Serbia or-its people, language, or culture -
`often of uniform things /a sonnet sequence]' 3 three or more playing:
`. 1 the eastern variety of Serbo-Croatian, traditionally written {n{
`cards in unbroken order inthe samesuit; run 4.a resulting event;
`Cyrillic alphabet 2 SERB! (n. 1).
`consequence; sequel 5 Biochem.-the.linear order of bases in a
`Serbo- (sur’bs) combining form Serbian, Serbian and [Serbo-(yisd
`nucleic acid or of amino acids in a protein 6 Math. an ordered
`set of quantities or elements 7-Film a succession of scenes censti-
`Serbo-Croatian (sur’bd kro a’shen) n. the South Slavic lang
`tuting a single, uninterrupted episode 8 Music the repetition of a
`melodic pattern in the same voice part but at different pitch levels
`spoken in the former Yugoslavia, and now in Serbia, Montonoyi
`9 [ME < ML sequentia < LL(Kc), used astransl. of Gr(Eic). akolou-
`Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and adjacent areas —adj. of1
`thia, a succession of notes on the last
`syllable of the alleluia: see
`language, the peoples that speak it, or their cultures
`iACOLYTE] R.C.Ch. a hymn coming imme
`iately before the Gospelin
`‘sere!(sir) n. [back-form. < SERIES] Ecol. the plant and animalcu
`certain Masses —vt. --quenced, -quencing 1 to arrange ina_
`{nunities that oceur successively in a region and result in a CLAMA
`sequence; put in order 2 Biochem. to find the unique order of
`(structural units of a gene, protein, ete.) by chemical analysis —
`sere? (sir) adj. Ivar. of SEAR!][Old Poet.) dried up; withered
`Ser-em-ban (sur’am biin’) city in SW Peninsular Malaysia, Malis:
`$e-quencer (-kwon sor, -kwen’sor) 1. an electronic device or soft-
`sia: capital of Negri Sembilan: pop. 136,000 -
`ware program that allows a sequence of musical sounds, recordedin
`ser-enade(ser’a nad’) n. [Fr sérénade <-It serenata < served
`digital form, to be altered before being played back
`serene, open air < L serenus, clear, SERENE; meaninginfl. by asa:
`se-quent (-kwant) adj. [L sequens, prp. of sequi, to follow < IE base
`with L sera, evening < serus, late]
`1 a singing or playing of ni
`*sekw-, to follow > OE
`secg, warrior] :1 following in time or order;
`outdoors at night, esp. by a lover under the window of his swe
`subsequent 2 following as‘a result or effect; consequent —n. somie-
`-heart 2 a piece of music suitable for this: cf.AUBADE 3 an inut.
`thing that follows, esp. as a result; consequence ©
`mental composition somewhatlike a suite—vt., vi. -nad’-ed, -nail’
`ating to, or
`se-quen-tial (si kwen’shel) adj.
`1 SEQUENT 2 of,rel
`ing to play or sing a serenade (to) —ser-enad”er n.
`- forming asequence —se-quen’-tially adv.
`ser-ena‘ta (ser’a nat’a)n., pl. --tas or ~-té (-a) [It: see prec] 14 Lype
`se-ques-ter(si kwes’tar) vt. [ME sequestren < MF sequestrer< LL
`of 18th-cent. dramatic cantata for’a spécial occasion, as a royit
`sequestrare, to remove, lay aside, separate < L sequester, trustee,
`birthday 2 SERENADE
`akin to sequi: see SEQUENT]: 1 to set off or apart; separate; segre-
`ser-en-dip-ity (ser’en dip’e té) n. [coined (e. 1754) by Horace Wal
`-gate; often, to segregate or-isolate (the jury) during a trial 2 to take
`pole after The Three Princes of Serendip (i.e., Sri Lanka), a lord
`and hold (property) by judicial authority, for safekeeping or as secu-
`. fairy tale in which the princés makesuch discoveries]. 1 a seaming
`rity, until a legal dispute is resolved 3 to take over; confiscate;
`gift for finding something good accidentally 2 luck, or good fortune,
`seize, esp. by authority 4 to withdraw; seclude: often used reflex-
`in finding something good accidentally 3 an instance of this — sf":
`- en-dip‘i-tous adj.
`/ . :
`s@-ques-tered (-tord) adj. removed from others; secluded
`se-rene (so rén’) adj. [L'serenus < IE*ksero-, dry (> Gr xéros, ry,
`OHG serawén, to dry out) < base *ksa-, to burn]
`1 clear; intl
`s@-ques-trant (-tront) n. Chem. an agent producing sequestration
`sa-ques-trate (si kwes’trat’; sé’kwo strat’, sek’wa-) vt. --trat‘ed,.
`unclouded fa serene sky] 2 not disturbed or troubled; calm, pours:
`‘“trat-ing I< LL sequestratus, pp.: see SEQUESTER] SEQUESTER —
`ful, tranquil, etc. 3 [S-] exalted; high-ranking: used in certain roval
`se-ques”-tra’tor n.
`titles (his Serene Highness] —n. [Old Poet.] a serene expanse, inuf
`_ $e-ques-tra-tion (sé’kwe stra’shon,si kwes'tra’-) n. [ME sequestra-
`sky or water SYN. CALM —se-rene‘ly adv, —-se-rene’-ness n.
`cion < MFr < LL sequestratio]
`1 a sequestering or being séques-
`Ser-en-geti (ser’an get’é) large plain in N Tanzania, part of which
`tered: seclusion; separation 2 @) the taking and holding of property
`is set aside as anational wildlife sanctuary: usually with the
`ending resolution of a legal dispute 6) confiscation of property, as
`se-ren-ity (so ren’a-té) n., pl. -ties [Fr sérénité < L.serenitas} 4 the
`ycourt or governmentaction 3 the process by which a sequestrum
`quality or state of being serene; calmness; tranquillity’ 2 [S-] a royn
`forms 4 Chem. the close union ofions in solution with an added
`title of honor: preceded by Your orby His ar Her —SYN. RQUIANIMITY
`matorial so that a stable, soluble complex is produced
`serf (surf) n. [OFr < L servus, slave, prob. of Etr orig. 1 [Obs.| a -
`se-ques-trum (si kwes’trem)n., pl. --trums or ~-tra (-tre) [ModL <
`slave 2 a person in feudal servitude, bound to his or her mastor's
`L, a deposit: see SEQUESTER] Med. a piece of dead ‘bone which has
`land and transferred with it to. a new owner 3 any person whois
`become separated from the surrounding healthy bone
`oppressed or without freedom.—serf’-dom n. or serf-hood’
`se-quin (sé’kwin) n. EFr < It zecchino < zecca, a mint < Ar sikka,
`Serg abbrev. Sergeant
`stamp, die} 1 an obsolete gold coin of Italy and Turkey 2 a small,
`shiny ornament or spangie, as a metal disk, esp. one of many sewn.
`‘serge (surj) n. [ME sarge < OFr < VL *sariea < L serica, silkon
`on fabric for decoration
`garments < sericus, silken, lit., of the Seres, a people of E Auiu,
`prob. the Chinese < Gr Séres, prob. ult. < Chin. se, silk] a strony
`se-quined or se-quinned (-kwind) adj. adorned with sequins -
`twilled fabric with a diagonal rib, made of wool, silk, rayon, etc. ane
`#s§e@-quoia (si kwoi’e) n. [ModL, genus name: after fol. (Cherokee
`1 BIG TREE. 2 REDWOOD (sense 1)

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