.?0=>/8>6/77A ,238>61/7 -9<>698= 94 -3>6>698 ;/53= %(!&$ /82 +@" $$#) ;/53= *#!*'
`Substantially Identical Portions of Petition gages 26-31 and Ex. 1108 gages 90-94
`software being executed on the controller 6"! As represented by the curve marked
`“...instl'ucrions that. when executed by the processor.
`cause the processor to:
`generate a sequence of incremental
`hearing correction filters based at least in part on a magnitude of
`a difference between a hearing aid profile and a hearing loss level
`associated with a user of the hearing aid,
`the sequence of
`incremental hearing correction filters including at
`least a first
`hearing correction filter and a second hearing correction filter"
`lPR oflf‘S. Patent No. 8.654.999
`Pa c 26
`Fielttl in View Lll Manguld di
`see this timitotinn As discussed above in
`Section V“ A [eienient l0 — preamble] a POS.-’\ would have been motivated to
`implement Fichtl's remote control to include Fiehtl'c, user et'ii'itr-ils J and 3',
`controller rj to deicn'iime audio proccssing parameters [APPEL itnd memory T to
`store the AH? Atlas Decl , Etc 1108, T IOU
`Fichtl's controller is programmed to execute :in acetimaiization algorithm
`where the amount oi'compensatiuin For the tiscr‘s hearing loss increases over time
`Fichtl. E3.
`1 103 :ii Ahstract ["'['he intensity of the hearing det'ice is mercased in
`the lone icmi"). 3:31-34- t‘contmlter (' is adopted to execute an accliinatizalion
`aigonLhm . ."i. 4:35-20 i“acclirnaiiz:ition process 1?: controlled by software being
`executed en the coniruilerti“; As represented by the curve marked
`plotted on
`the graph depicted in Fig. 3. the aeclimatizatieri ulgunthm cseeuled by cunuiillcr Lu
`increases the value of an Al’l’ urer Linie. M. i]! Fig. 1. 3.35415 ("Flt—i. 3 shows ho“
`an aridiu processing parameth APP is changed urcr time in n hemng ElL‘\u]CL‘ t"].
`Fall—HS. 42254“ In particular. an intermediate \ciluc .\' is stunt) increased
`while Lhc hearing aid i5- en and held constant in mentor) while the hearing aid is
`off. such Lbai each time the hearing aid is turned on the APP is sct in the last value
`for X as stored in [demon M. at Fig 2. 3:
`Atlas Decl. Es.
`57. ken-H. lull-3t). 4:51-53
`Pctitioi‘i— ll’R MUS. PaicntNo. 3.654.909
`“...instri.rctioris that, when executed by the
`E. [Claim 10.4.1]
`processor, cause the processor
`generate a
`sequence of
`incremental hearing correction filters based at least in part on LI
`magnitude of a difference between a hearing aid profile and ii
`hearing loss level associated with a user of the hearing aid‘ the
`sequence of incremental hearing correction filters including at
`first hearing correction filter and a second hearing
`correction filter"
`Fichtl in View 0
`Id discloses this llll'ltldthl'l As discussed
`above With respect to element 10 — preamble a PUSA would have been motivated
`to implement Ficlitl's remote controi to include Ficlitl's user controls 4 and 5,
`controller 6 to determine audio processtng parameters [APPS I, and memory '1' to
`store the APPS
`s contro or 15 programme to execute an act: imatization
`algorithm where the. amount of compensation for the user's hearing loss increases
`over time. Fichtl. Ex.
`I [03 at Abstract (“The intensflfy ol'lhe heating. device is
`increased in the long remit 3:32—34 ("controller ti is adapted to execute an
`acclimuttzntion algoritlun .
`"l, 4.25716 (“acclimatizalion process is controlled by
`Exhibit 2001


`US. Paierii 3.654.999
`Declarauon ol'Les Atlas. PhD.
`“X” plotted on the graph depicted in Fig. 2. the acclimatizauen algondirn executed
`l'r_\' controller I5 increases [he value ol'ari APP m‘er lime.
`Id. at Fig. 3. 3:35-36
`1"FIG. I shows. hmt' an audio processing parameter APP :5 changed over lime in a
`hearing device 1"I. SLJl-Jtli 4:25-67.
`In particular. an intermediate value X is
`increased 5lowly while [he hearing aid is on arid held eonslanL shared in memory:
`while die hearing aid is eff, sueh diaL each time the hearing aid is {tuned em Ilie
`to L'he selected healing aid profile that. compensates for the user's heanrig
`Fly. 2
`FiehLl. E1 1103, Fig 2
`As shown in Fig 1. the APP starts a1 an ll'llllfl] power-en value {il’DVl seleeied In
`prm-‘ide a smaller degree of compensation than the target power-an t'ulu‘e [LI-'CIVJ,
`which 15 the value for the APP conespnndu'lg [L1 the s-eleeied hearing ald profile
`that compensates. For the user's hearing Impairmem. Id. at Fig. 2. 3:42:43 l"i\t um
`'A.‘ a filter programs an iriiual pnwer-nn value lFD‘" I'm—the audio pmeessing
`parameter as well as a target power-em value H’OV . . _The larger power-011 value
`tFD‘t’ Is. for example.
`ll] dB higher than the initial pewter-nu value iPl’l\""l.
`Aheraet I‘Ari Initial puwemn value [iPIIIWI I and a LargeL ptrwepari value IIPOVL
`1‘31. As shim‘n in Fig. I. Lhe APP suns iii an IJ'Illlfil p-(m'ervnn value iiPflVl
`which :5 to be reached at the end {Ill nl'ihe acclimaltzauon phase. may be
`selected to proud: 3 smaller degree ul'curnperisatmri as eampared to die larger.
`programmed by an audiolugistTL 3 Ail-4:24, 4:25-51 The compensation Increases
`power-r111 value IIPDVI far the APP. l"l'llCl'l h' Lhe value for the APP corresponding
`over Lime In a replacementpnwer—ori-value |rPCNl each time Ilie heanng aid is
`Peliliori — lT-‘R hill 5. Patent. No. 8.15 54.999
`Exhibit 2001


`corresponds to the loudness. or amplitude, of the output signal. id. at 3:25-26
`U.S. Patent 3.554.999
`Declaration of Les Atlas. F11 D.
`impairinan and the compensation increases over time to a replacement poivervou-
`value trPDVt each Lime the hearing aid is turned on untLl ll. reaches LPQV. Flchtl.
`Es. 1103 at Fig. 2. 3:42—48 ('At time ‘A.' a filter programs an initial power—on
`value iPOV for the audio processing paranie ler as well as a targel powerron i'nlue
`LPDV... The target power-on value LPUV is. for example. 10 dB hiyier than the
`niiliitl power-on value iPOV't. Abstract [‘An initial power-on value t'il’OV '1 and a
`target powerron value ttPDVI. which is to be reached at the end tl-l'] of the
`ace limaL'reaIion phase. ni.a_\' be pa'ograrruned by an andiologist" I. 3 49-424. 4:25-
`:57. Processor 9 uses APP values provided by controller 6. including the reduced
`values. LPDV and. rPDV relative to LPCIV generated by the acclimauzation
`algorithm. to process sounds for the herian device user.
`It}. at Fig. I. 3:23-34.
`Thus. Fichtl's acclimauxauon algorithm corresponds to BEljllSllIlEDlfi applied by
`controller 5 to the collection of APPs of processor 9 to reduce the level of
`eorrec Lion prun'ded to the hearing device user by application of the hearing aid
`In other words. Fiehtl's aeeliimalization algorithm as executed h_v
`eontmller 15 generates a sequence of "hearing eon'eetion tillers" including at least a
`first hearing correction tiller and ii second hearing correction Filter.
`193. The APP adjusted by the aeolirnatization algorithm may correspond
`to. for example. volume or treble. Fichtl. Es. 1103 all-124T. A volume APP
`firmed on until it reaches tPGV.
`.t'ri. Processor 9 uses APP values provided by
`controller IS. including the reduced values iPDV and rl’OV relative to tl-‘D‘iuIr
`generated by the acelirnatizalion algorithm. to process sounds for the hearing
`device user. fit. at Fig. l. 3:23-34. Thus. Fichtl's acclimaLiziilion algorithm
`corresponds to adjustments apphcd by controller 5 to the collecu on of APPS of
`processor 9 to reduce the level of correction provided to the hearing device. user by
`application ol'the hearing aid profile. Atlas DecL EiL llllll. 1 l9].
`111 other
`words. Fichtl‘s acclimatization algorithm as executed by controller If: generates a
`sequence of‘l‘iearing con'ection fillers" including at least a first hearing conection
`filler raid a second heal-inn correction filter. Atlas Decl. Ex. 1103.
`The APP adjusted by the acclimatization algoriflim may correspond to. for
`example. volume or treble. Ficht]. lit. 1 10-3 at 3:42-41 A volume APP
`corresponds to Hit: loudness. or amplitude. of the output signal. Id. at 325-25
`(“The magnitude of the amplification can be controlled by a volume control 4. "j.
`3 {51-41-48 ("The audio processing parameter APP is typically volume . . _ The target
`power-Jon value IPGV is. forexanrplc. It] dB higher than the initial powenon value
`MVP}. 5:42-43 [“The adjustments in the {m1 adjustment direcuon am
`implemented by applying a faster learning speed . . _ 1f the audio processrng
`parameter APP is volume. the first adjustment direction is louder .
`. ."'t. A treble
`APP comsponds to the loudness. or amplitude. specifically of the higher
`Petition — [PR of 1.1.5. Patent No. 3.654.999
`Exhibit 2001


`fi'equeacies. Atlas Decl. Es. 1108. 1 [93. By applying an intermediate value that
`is lower than a target value? tPDV, for die volume or treble APP, Fichtl provides a
`modulated output signal baring it level Iliat is within a. range between an
`uncompensaled output level and the desired output lei'eL Thus. Ficbll‘s healing
`correction filters are “incremental hearing correction filters“ and are created as in
`the '9'” Patent Atlas Duct, Ex. lltlS,'fl 193; '999 Patent.r E1. Hill at 131‘“.
`As discussed above. Ficlitl discloses an acclimauzation program in which
`audio processing parameter {APP} settings are mererneatally odjusled over time
`from an initial selling iPOV lo a Iargel setting LF'D‘VT providing For at least first and
`second bearing correction filters. Fichtl. Es. 1lfl3 31.333413. 425-67. Ficbll‘s
`hearing device “is initially fitted to a hearing loss ol'a bearing device user."
`including an tl'tlllEll powcraon value iPDV and a target poweruon value LPCN.
`Inf. at
`LLS. Patent 8,654,999
`Declaration of Les Allas, PlLD.
`t‘Tbe magnitude ol'llie amplification can be controlled by a volume control -I "J.
`331448 {'LThe audio processmg parameter APP is typically ‘l'Dlttflfl! .
`_ _ The target
`power-on \‘alue LPDV is: for example. 14) dB higher than the initial power-on value
`LPDV. " |T 6:41v-‘l-3f‘l'be adiujtrnenls in the first adjustment direction are
`implemented by applying a faster learning speed .
`. .
`. If the audio processing
`parameter APP is volume, the first adjustment direction is louder .
`. ."I. A Ireble
`APP corresponds to Ilie loudness, or amplitude. specdically of the higher
`liequencies. By applying an inlennediale value that is lower Ilian a target value
`LPDV, for the volume or treble APE Ficbtl provides a modulated output signal
`having a level flat is within a range between an uncompensated output lei-'el and
`the desired output level. Thus. F1chtl's bearing correction filters are 'mc‘rerneatal
`bearing correction fillers" and are created as in Ilie "J‘J'J paleaL '99"? pateal, Ex.
`The 113E“.Ir is selected to provide a smaller degree of compensation than
`llfll at3:32--ll.
`the tPCIV__ which corresponds to a bearing aid profile. Thus: the iPClV and all
`incremental adjustments between the iPDV and Ilie LFOV are geaeraled to provide
`values between the hearing loss level associated w1tli Ibe userIdeterinirted during
`the irutial fitting.) and Ilie hearing aid profile {tPDV}. This sequence ol'increine'atal
`hearing collection filters is, accordingly? based at leasl In part on a magnitude ol'a
`difference between a hearing and profile and a hearing loss level associated Willi
`Petition — lPR of U. 5. Patent No. 3.634399
`l'J-l. As discussed above. Fiehtl discloses an acclimatization program in
`which audio processing pammclcrlAFP'l settings are incrementally adjusted over
`time From an initial selling tPCIV to a target setting tPClV, providing For at least
`first and second hearing correction filters. Fiebllc E1 1 103 at 3:354:11 4:25-57.
`Fiebll's hearing device "is initially fitted to a hearing loss of a hearing device
`user?" including aninittal power-on value {POM aada targetpower—on \‘alue tPDV.
`Id. at 3:31—43.
`be iPDV 15 selected to provide a smaller degree of compensation
`Exhibit 2001


`thc user of the hearing aid. and includes at least the first. and second hearing
`correction filter. as claimed Atlas Decl. E1 “03. 1 Ill—L
`“provide a first signal related to the first hearing
`correction filter of the sequence of increments] hearing correction
`filters to lite hearing aid lino-ugh the communication channel“
`Fichtl 1.11 new of Mongold discloses this limitation As discussed in Section
`VILE. [element IDA—ll]. Fichtl's controller executes an acclimauzation algonthm
`that generates power-on values for an audio processtng parameter (APP! to be
`applied by a processor of the hearing aid? the sequence of power-on values
`corresponding to a sequence ol'increincntal heanng correction filters. Fichtl's
`acclimatization algorithm is executed by Fichtl's contmller C- whicb would. as
`LLS. Patent 8.554.999
`Declaration of Les AtlasT PhD.
`as compared to the L'POV. and the tP‘DV corresponds to a hearing. aid profile.
`Thus. the IPUV and all incremental adjustments ni-betu'ecn the IPOV and die
`LPDV are generated to proi'idc values between the hearing loss level associated
`with the user tdeterrnincd during the IriiLial fitting] and the hearing aid profile
`(LFOVJ. This sequence ofnicrernental hearing correction Filters Is. accordingly.
`based at least in part on it magnitude of a difference between a heng and profile
`and a hearing loss level associated With the userot the hearing aid. and includes at
`least the rust and second hearing corrcc Lion Filter. as cIairned.
`[Claim ll).-I.2| “provide in first signal related to the first hearing
`correction filter of the sequence of incremental hearing correction
`filters In line hearing aid lhrollgh the communication channel"
`discussed above 111 Section VlIA. [element 10 — preamble], be incorporated into
`1'15. Fichtl in View of Marigold discloses Ltiis limitation. As disc usscd
`Fichtl's remote control and. as discussed above in Section VlIJC‘. [element IDLE],
`above “'llll respch Lo element IDA. l. Fichtl's controller executes an
`communicate With Fichtl's hearing aid though a communication channel to
`scelln‘tatiza Lion algorithm that generates poi‘t'ervori values for an audio processing
`provide audio pmces Sing parameter {APP} power-on values {rPDV} to a processor
`parameter [APPI to be applied by a processor of the hearing. aid. the sequence of
`of FichLl's heaan aid. Fiend. EiL lIIJ'3 at 3:23-25. 3:2130. l-"igr
`I. Because the
`APP power—on values provided by Fichtl‘s remote control to Lhe hearing aid
`through a communication channel are mlatcd to corresponding incremental hearing
`correction filters, Fichtl in \‘ie w of [\lnngold discloses prot'iding a first Signal
`related to the first hearing correction filter of the sequence of Incremental hearing
`powervon \‘alues eorrespon ding to a sequen cc of incremental hearing correction
`filters. FichLl's acclimatuation algorithm Is executed b_\' Fichtl's conLrollcr I5
`which would. as discussed show: With respect to element ll) — preamble, be
`incorporated Lmo Fichd's re more control and. as discussed above with respect to
`element It]. 1T communicate u'iLh Fichtl's hearing ELIEl Lhrough a communication
`channel to provide audio processing parameter {APFJ puwcr-on values trPIJVt to a
`Petition — [PR of U.S. Patent No. 8.6541399
`Exhibit 2001

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