`Page 1
`Case Nos. IPR2017-00781
`and IPR2017-00782
`Patent Owner.
`Reported by:
`Anrae Wimberley
`CSR No. 7778
`Job No. 2798122
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`HIMPP v. III Holdings 4
`HIMPP 1116


`Page 2
` --oOo--
` Petitioner,
`vs. Case Nos. IPR2017-00781
` and IPR2017-00782
` Patent Owner.
` Transcript of video-recorded deposition
`of CLYDE "KIP" M. BROWN, JR., P.E., taken at
`Polsinelli, LLP, Three Embarcadero, Suite 2400, San
`Francisco, California 94111, beginning at 10:09 a.m.
`and ending at 1:47 p.m. on Thursday, February 1,
`2018, before Anrae Wimberley, Certified Shorthand
`Reporter No. 7778.
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` Mid-Atlantic Region
` 1250 Eye Street NW - Suite 350
` Washington, D.C. 20005
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


`For Petitioner K/S HIMPP:
`Page 3
` 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20006
` (202) 663-6334
` (202) 663-6029
` christopher.o'
`For the Patent Owner:
` Three Embarcadero, Suite 2400
` San Francisco, California 94111
` (415) 248-2103
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


`Page 4
` P O L S I N E L L I , L L P
` B Y : H E N R Y A . P E T R I , J R . , E S Q .
` 1 4 0 1 E y e S t r e e t , N . W . , S u i t e 8 0 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` ( 2 0 2 ) 7 7 7 - 8 9 2 8
` h p e t r i @ p o l s i n e l l i . c o m
`A l s o P r e s e n t :
` R U S S R I G B Y , I n t e l l e c t u a l V e n t u r e s
` [ A p p e a r e d t e l e p h o n i c a l l y ]
` V E R I T E X T L E G A L S O L U T I O N S
` E R I K P A R K E R , V I D E O G R A P H E R
` ( 4 1 5 ) 2 7 4 - 9 9 7 7
` S F D e p o @ v e r i t e x t . c o m
` - - o O o - -
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`7 8
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5


` I N D E X
`MS. LIN 8
`Page 5
` --oOo--
` E X H I B I T S
` (None marked.)
` --oOo--
`1004 30
`1001 41
`1003 57
` --oOo--
` --oOo--
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`4 5
`7 8


`Page 6
` 10:09 A.M.
` - - -
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning, everyone.
` We are going on the record at 10:09 a.m.
`on Thursday, February 1st, 2018.
` Please note that the microphones are
`sensitive and may pick up whispers and private
` Please turn off all cellphones or place
`them away from the microphones, as they can
`interfere with the deposition audio.
` Audio and video recording will continue to
`take place unless all parties agree to go off the
` This is Media Unit 1 of the video-recorded
`deposition of Dr. Clyde Brown taken by counsel for
`petitioner in the matter of K/S HIMPP versus III
`Holdings 4, LLC filed in the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office before the Patent Trial and
`Appeal Board.
` This deposition is being held at
`Polsinelli, LLP located at 3 Embarcadero Center,
`24th Floor, San Francisco, California 94111.
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`Page 7
` My name is Erik Parker, here from the firm
`Veritext Legal Solutions and I'm the videographer;
`here with our court reporter, Anrae Wimberley, also
`from Veritext Legal Solutions.
` I'm not related to any party in this
`action, nor am I financially interested in the
` Counsel and all present in the room and
`everyone attending remotely will now state their
`appearances and affiliations for the record. If
`there are any objections to proceeding, please state
`them at the time of your appearance, beginning with
`the noticing attorney.
` MS. LIN: I am Haixia Lin from Wilmer Hale
`representing the petitioner, K/S HIMPP. And I'm
`here with Christopher O'Brien.
` MS. SAVEE: Good morning. I'm Margaux Savee
`from Polsinelli on behalf of patent owner.
` Today I'm joined with Hank Petri, also
`from Polsinelli, and remotely, by telephone, Russ
`Rigby, in-house counsel for patent owner.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you, counsel.
` Will the court reporter please swear in
`the witness.
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`Page 8
` sworn as a witness by the Certified
` Shorthand Reporter, testified as follows:
` Q. Great.
` Can you state your full name for the
` A. Full name is Clyde Manford Brown, Jr., and
`I'm a registered professional engineer, not a
` Q. And do you understand that you're under
`oath today?
` A. I do.
` Q. Do you understand you must answer
`truthfully and fully just as if you were in a court
`or a hearing before a judge?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Is there any reason you cannot provide
`your best and most complete testimony today?
` A. No.
` Q. I know you've done depositions before, but
`just to make sure we're all on the same page, if you
`need to take a break, let me know. But if there's a
`question pending, just answer the question before we
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`Page 9
`take a break, if that's all right.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Perfect.
` What did you do to prepare for today's
` A. For today's deposition, I reviewed the
`documents that we have here and my reports and then
`met a few hours yesterday with Margaux and Hank.
` Q. Did you meet with anyone else yesterday --
` A. No.
` Q. -- to discuss --
` A. Anyone else? By phone with the in-house
`counsel for part of that.
` Q. Okay. Was that with Russ Rigby?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you said it was for a few hours?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Have you discussed this case with
`anyone else besides the attorneys that you
` A. No.
` Q. And you said you reviewed your reports.
`Did you mean your declarations?
` A. My declarations and the -- both the
`petitioner's and the patent owner's responses to the
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`Page 10
`PTO and so forth.
` Q. Okay. Did you review any documents in
`preparation for today's deposition that were not
`part -- submitted as exhibits in the IPR
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. And you read the decision, the
`institution from the Board?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Perfect.
` And I know you submitted a CV as an
`exhibit with your declarations.
` A. Yes.
` Q. At the time you submitted it, were they
`complete and accurate?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there anything you want to add to them?
` A. Well, if I were to send it out now, I
`would add this case and the two preceding, part of
`the sequence -- two or three. I don't remember.
`It's getting confusing.
` Q. Okay. Okay. So you understand that HIMPP
`filed inter partes review petitions for U.S. Patent
`No. 8,654,999; right?
` A. Yes.
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` Q. And if I refer to that as the '999 patent,
`Page 11
`you'll know what I mean; right?
` A. I would prefer that.
` Q. I would too.
` And you submitted two declarations in
`support of the patent owner's responses in these IPR
`proceedings; right?
` A. Yes, because the proceedings have split
`the claims apart into two proceedings.
` Q. Perfect.
` And you understand that this deposition
`covers both of your declarations in both IPR
` A. Yes, I do. I would appreciate it if any
`of your questions were uniquely to one or the other,
`you would identify which one it is.
` Q. Okay. Perfect. I can do that.
` So I know there were a lot of proceedings,
`but do you recall when you were retained by
`Polsinelli for this proceeding -- for these
` A. Someplace between September and November.
`Because I started out with a couple of them and then
`added on.
` Q. Added on.
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` You don't remember where this was in the
` A. No, because it went back and forth between
`Page 12
` Q. Okay. Okay.
` A. I think this may have been the second one
`I was retained for, the last one I actually
` Q. Okay. And how did you come to be retained
`by Polsinelli?
` A. I was recommended by Teklicon.
` Q. And is that an expert consulting firm --
` A. Expert witness consulting firm.
` Q. -- service?
` A. Service, yeah.
` Q. Okay. And what were you asked to do? For
`these proceedings, what were you asked to do?
` A. For these proceedings, I was asked to
`review the documents and come up with an opinion.
`And then I sat down with Margaux and Jay, who is
`another attorney with the firm, and went over what
`my opinion was and how that met with the
`petitioner -- I mean, the patent owner's claims and,
`in some cases, had my own opinion.
` Q. Okay. Do you recall how long -- how many
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`Page 13
`hours you spent, just an estimate, working on just
`these proceedings?
` A. I should have actually gone through and
`accumulated my hours so it would have been easier to
`answer this.
` Over a period of several months -- well,
`no, only two months, I probably put in about 40 to
`60 hours.
` Q. Forty to sixty hours for the '999-related
` A. Yeah.
` Q. And your declarations reflect your
`opinions with respect to the '999 patent and the
`prior art cited in the petitioners; correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Are your declarations accurate and
` A. To the best of my knowledge.
` Q. There's nothing you want to add to them
`right now?
` A. There's a few typos, but nothing that
`would change its intent.
` Q. Okay. Perfect. Okay.
` So you know about signal processing;
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`Page 14
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you familiar with a filter in the
`context of signal processing?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm familiar with a filter in
`terms of generic engineering or in terms of signal
`processing in respect to hearing aids.
` Q. Okay. Okay. Did the inventors of the
`'999 patent invent filters in the context of signal
`processing in hearing aids?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: They invented a method of
`modifying the hearing aid filters to achieve the
`patient profile.
` Q. Okay. But the concept of filters in a
`hearing aid for signal processing, is it your
`opinion they invented that concept?
` A. No.
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` Q. Okay. So you would agree that a filter
`for signal processing in a hearing aid was known by
`2009; right?
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`Page 15
` A. I would agree to that.
` Q. Okay. How about high-pass filter in the
`context of signal processing? You're familiar with
`that; yes?
` A. In terms of a generic high-pass filter?
` Q. Yes.
` A. It is different from a filter in a hearing
`aid, but it is definitely -- I know what a high-pass
`filter is. I teach it in the analog classes.
` Q. So you're saying a high-pass filter can't
`be used in a hearing aid?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm saying a high-pass filter is
`not what one would consider the filters of a hearing
` Q. Okay. Well, let's stick with the concept
`of a high-pass filter generally in signal
`processing. Okay.
` Did the inventors invent that?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Definitely not.
` Q. Okay. So a high-pass filter was known by
`2009; right?
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` A. Absolutely.
` Q. Would you agree that a high-pass filter
`generally attenuates lower frequencies more than it
`does higher frequencies?
` Is that a fair characterization?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Attenuates the lower frequencies,
`that's correct.
` Q. Okay. So you would agree that a high-pass
`filter adjusts selected frequencies more than it
`adjusts other frequencies?
` Would you agree with that?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: In terms of a -- the way you've
`worded it, it would, but that's not the way a --
`hearing aid filters would be -- wouldn't be a single
`high-pass filter.
` Q. Okay. So I hear you saying that a hearing
`aid doesn't use a single high-pass filter?
` Is that what you're trying to say?
` A. What I'm trying to say is a hearing aid is
`usually -- the ones discussed in the patent --
`multiband hearing aids with a number of filter
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`Page 17
`coefficients for each of the bands. And those
`coefficients include a lot more than a single
`high-pass for the whole hearing aid.
` Q. Okay. So let's -- let's see. So going
`back to high-pass filter generally -- strike that.
`Let me ask you an opposite sort of question.
` Are you familiar with a low-pass filter in
`the context of signal processing? I'm not asking
`you about filters in the hearing aid. I'm asking do
`you understand what a low-pass filter is in signal
` A. A low-pass filter in general engineering,
`yes. In the context of signal processing, you would
`need more detail to know what you were trying to do
`with a low-pass filter.
` Q. So you are familiar with that concept?
` A. Yes.
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` Q. Okay. Would you agree that a low-pass
`filter generally attenuates higher frequencies more
`than it does lower frequencies?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: It attenuates the high
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` Q. Attenuates the high frequencies?
` And it lets the low frequencies go
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: In theory.
` Q. And did the inventors of the '999 patent
`come up with low-pass filters?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` Q. So that was known by 2009; right?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Probably 1909.
` Q. 1909. Okay. That's old.
` So you would agree that the general idea
`of adjusting some frequencies more than other
`frequencies was known?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: In terms of high-pass or low-pass
`filters, yes.
` Q. Okay. Okay. Are you familiar with the
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`concept of bass in the audio field?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you agree it refers generally to a set
`Page 19
`of lower frequencies?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And was the idea of bass known by 2009?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And say I have an audio device that can
`adjust bass.
` Do you have that in mind?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm waiting for the details.
` Q. Okay. Okay. Well, if I can adjust bass
`in an audio device, does that mean I'm adjusting the
`lower frequencies?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Bass is a low-frequency boost.
` Q. So if I can adjust the bass with an audio
`device, does that mean I'm adjusting the lower
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: You're boosting the lower
`frequencies, yes.
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` Q. Okay. So what about treble? Are you
`familiar with the concept of treble in audio?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And do you think it's fair to say
`that treble refers to a set of higher frequencies?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Treble is a high-frequency boost.
` Q. Treble is a high-frequency boost.
` So if I have an audio device where I can
`adjust treble, do you agree that that allows me to
`adjust the higher frequencies, for example, by
`boosting them?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` Q. Okay. And both treble and bass were known
`by 2009; right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And was it known how to adjust treble and
`bass by 2009?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: There's a simple filter to do
`each one.
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`Page 21
` Q. So each one, there's a filter for it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Okay. Okay. How about the concept
`of an all-pass filter? Are you familiar with that
`in the context of signal processing?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And were all-pass filters known by 2009?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And would you agree that an all-pass
`filter attenuates all frequencies equally?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: That's the concept of an all-pass
` Q. Okay. Great.
` A. Excuse me. You said, "attenuates
`all . . . equally"?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Usually it's expected not to attenuate any
`of them.
` Q. I see.
` So -- but it should treat them all
` A. Treat them all equally.
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` Q. Okay. Perfect.
` So you said, in a hearing aid, there are
`filter coefficients where each coefficient matches
`Page 22
`up to a different frequency band.
` Do I have that right?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: There would be probably many
`coefficients for each filter band. As I said, they
`could include compression. They could include a
`whole number of parameters like that.
` Q. So a hearing aid generally controls a lot
`of different parameters; some of those include a
`coefficient for each frequency band for adjusting
`that frequency band?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, what do you mean by the
`word "adjusting"?
` Q. Changing its level of attenuation. How
`about we try that? Would you agree with that?
` A. There would be a coefficient for that.
` Q. Okay. And was it understood by 2009 that
`hearing aids worked that way, as I've described it?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
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`Page 23
` THE WITNESS: As I've described it, yes,
`multi-coefficients to go into individual bands, yes.
` Q. So that's not something that the inventors
`of the '999 patent came up with; that was already
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: That was known.
` Q. So it was known by 2009 that an
`individual's hearing loss could vary across
`frequencies; right?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. The inventors of the '999 patent didn't
`discover that concept?
` A. No.
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` Q. So you're familiar with the term "hearing
`aid profile"; correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you agree that a hearing aid
`profile is a collection of acoustic configuration
`settings for a hearing aid used by the hearing aid
`to shape acoustic signals to correct for a user's
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`Page 24
`hearing loss?
` A. The term can be used that way, that's
` Q. Okay. And you would agree that the
`inventors of the '999 patent didn't invent hearing
`aid profiles; right?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` Q. Okay. A hearing aid profile was known by
`2009; you would agree with that?
` A. The audiologist programmed the hearing aid
`with that.
` Q. And was it known by 2009 that
`transitioning from no hearing aid to a hearing aid
`at the optimal compensation could be uncomfortable
`for a hearing aid user?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: That is correct. That is why
`typically we recommended they be transitioned to
`half or approximately half the correction that was
` Q. Well -- so you are familiar with concept
`of gradually adjusting a user -- let me start that
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`Page 25
`question over.
` You are familiar with the concept of
`gradually adjusting a hearing aid user's experience
`from an uncompensated hearing level to a fully
`compensated hearing level; right?
` A. That was usually done by the audiologist.
` Q. Okay.
` A. And the patient would have to go back to
`the audiologist each time --
` Q. Okay.
` A. -- which meant that there were a lot of
`trips, a lot of adjustments and a lot of wasted time
`for the audiologist.
` Q. Okay. Have you heard that process be
`referred to as acclimatization?
` A. In the patents, yes.
` Q. Okay. So you would agree that the
`inventors of the '999 patent didn't invent the
`concept of acclimatization?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: No, but it was not automatically
`in general practice prior to that.
` Q. It was not automatically . . . are you
`saying that acclimatization was known, but just not
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`Page 26
`very common?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: The way you have worded it -- it
`was known to go back to the audiologist and get it
`adjusted to where you could like it. Unfortunately,
`that doesn't always work and a significant number of
`hearing aids are returned even though they're
`perfectly good.
` Q. Okay. So you're saying, generally, the
`concept of acclimatization by 2009 -- not whether
`it's -- not saying how it's specifically done, but
`just generally that concept, that was known by 2009?
` A. Yes.
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` Q. Okay. And is it your position that it was
`only known that you had to visit an audiologist for
`every step in the progression?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: The patents that have been
`presented show adjusting at least one parameter,
`like volume, but not the general automated
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`Page 27
` Q. Okay. So a set of parameters that dictate
`the filtering of an audio signal in a hearing aid
`were known by 2009; right?
` Would you agree with that?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: You asked that before and I
`agreed then.
` Q. Okay. And you also said that these
`parameter sets could define the degree of
`compression, that was known by 2009; right?
` A. Yes. We introduced wide dynamic range
`compression in the mid '90s.
` Q. Mid '90s. Okay.
` And was it also known by 2009 that these
`parameter sets could also define the noise reduction
`applied in a hearing aid?
` A. Noise reduction is -- comes in two forms.
`One is a form that precedes the filtering process.
`Because as soon as you digitize it, you become --
`you alias any high-frequency noises back into the
`signal band. You want to reduce that noise before
`it gets into the processing.
` Second version of noise reduction is a
`dynamic process, where the processor identifies a
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`Page 28
`noise and does something to attenuate it, but it's
`not part of the normal profile.
` Q. So if I defined a set of parameters that
`my hearing aid is using, could some of those be the
`filter parameters and some of those be parameters
`for noise reduction, and that could form a parameter
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: The embodiments that I've seen
`didn't have specific parameters for noise reduction
`programmed into the profile.
` Q. But is that something that you could have
`done in 2009? You could have a hearing aid that's
`got noise reduction, it's got the filter
`coefficients, it's got a bunch of different
`operating characteristics, you know, settings that
`it's going to use for those two different -- the
`filtering function and the noise reduction function.
`That was -- were all of those known by 2009?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, I'll say you can't
`determine noise reduction until you discover what
`the noise is, so, therefore, you can't program that
`into the initial profile.
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`Page 29
` Q. I see.
` Was that for the second type of noise
`reduction that you were talking about earlier?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What about the first set of noise
`reduction, if you program that --
` A. The first set of noise reduction would be
`before the filters because you'll want to prevent
`the aliasing functions.
` Q. So you could have a hearing aid that first
`does this first type of noise reduction that you
`described, and then it does the filtering
`coefficients. And that was known by 2009?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: That was generally practiced by
` Q. Okay.
` A. The first filter would be a single, like
`you say, low-pass filter, something of that manner.
` Q. Oh, because it's getting rid of
`high-frequency noise?
` A. Right.
` Q. I see. That makes sense.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


`Page 30
` Would you agree that using parameter sets,
`like we've been discussing, for acclimatization was
`known by 2009?
` MS. SAVEE: Objection; form.
` THE WITNESS: I have not seen that evidence of
` Q. Okay. Okay. So I'm handing you
`Exhibit 1004. This is U.S. Patent Application
`Publication No. 2003/0215105.
` (Exhibit 1004 was introduced but was
` previously marked.)
` Q. Do you mind if I refer to this as Sacha
`instead of spitting out these numbers every time?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Perfect.
` Are you familiar with Sacha?
` A. I reviewed it.
` Q. You reviewed this.
` Let's turn to paragraph 4 in Sacha.
` A. You mean Column 4 or paragraph 4?
` Q. Paragraph 4. So at the beginning of every
`paragraph, there's a number in bold, in brackets.
` Do you see it? You got it?
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830


` I'll give you a chance to read paragraph 4
`and then I'll ask you some questions. Let me know
`Page 31
`when you're ready.
` (Witness reviews document.)
` A. Okay.
` Q. So before we get into paragraph 4 --
`sorry. I should have asked you this before.
` If you turn to the front, do you see where
`it says, "," publication date, there, the

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