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` U N I T E D S T A T E S P A T E N T A N D T R A D E M A R K O F F I C E
` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
` C A S E I P R 2 0 1 7 - 0 0 7 8 1
` P a t e n t 8 , 6 5 4 , 9 9 9
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` K / S H I M P P , )
` P e t i t i o n e r )
` v s . )
` I I I H O L D I N G S 4 , L L C , )
` P a t e n t O w n e r )
` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` D e p o s i t i o n o f L e s E . A t l a s , P h . D .
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C .
` S e p t e m b e r 2 7 , 2 0 1 7
` 1 1 : 0 4 a . m .
`R e p o r t e d b y : B o n n i e L . R u s s o
` J o b N o . 2 7 1 1 1 3 1
`1 2
`7 8
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
` V e r i t e x t L e g a l S o l u t i o n s
`2 4
` M i d - A t l a n t i c R e g i o n
` 1 2 5 0 E y e S t r e e t N W - S u i t e 3 5 0
`2 5
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
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` Deposition of Les E. Atlas, Ph.D. held at:
`Page 2
` Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, LLP
` 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C.
` Pursuant to Notice, when were present on behalf
` of the respective parties:
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`2 3 4 5
`8 9
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`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P e t i t i o n e r :
` J A M E S P . M U R P H Y , E s q .
` P O L S I N E L L I , P C
` 1 0 0 0 L o u i s i a n a S t r e e t , 5 3 r d F l o o r
` H o u s t o n , T e x a s 7 7 0 0 2
` 7 1 3 - 3 7 4 - 1 6 3 1
` j p m u r p h y @ p o l s i n e l l i . c o m
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e P a t e n t O w n e r :
` H A I X I A L I N , E s q .
` W I L M E R C U T L E R P I C K E R I N G H A L E A N D D O R R , L L P
` 1 8 7 5 P e n n s y l v a n i a A v e n u e , N . W .
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 6
` 2 0 2 - 6 6 3 - 6 0 2 9
` h a i x i a . l i n @ w i l m e r h a l e . c o m
` O n b e h a l f o f t h e W i l l i a m D e m a n t :
` D . R I C H A R D A N D E R S O N , E s q .
` B I R C H , S T E W A R T , K O L A S C H & B I R C H , L L P
` 8 1 1 0 G a t e h o u s e R o a d , S u i t e 1 0 0 E
` F a l l s C h u r c h , V i r g i n i a 2 2 0 4 2
` 7 0 3 - 2 0 5 - 8 0 0 0
` d r a @ b s k b . c o m
` A l s o P r e s e n t V i a T e l e c o n f e r e n c e :
` R u s s R i g b y
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`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`Page 4
` C O N T E N T S
` 139
` BY MS. LIN 134
` Exhibit 1001 U.S. Patent 8,654,999
` Exhibit 1003 U.S. Patent 8,787,603
` Exhibit 1006 U.S. Patent 6,741,712
` Exhibit 1007 U.S. Patent 4,972,487
` Exhibit 1008 Declaration of
` Les Atlas, Ph.D.
`6 7 8 9
` Regarding U.S. Patent
` 8,654,999
` Exhibit 1108 Declaration of
` Les Atlas, Ph.D.
` Regarding U.S. Patent
` 8,654,999
` (Exhibits included with transcript.)
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`Page 5
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` LES E. ATLAS, Ph.D.,
` was called for examination by counsel and,
` after having been duly sworn by the Notary, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` MR. MURPHY: Just for the record,
` this is James Murphy at Polsinelli, PC. I'm
` here on behalf of the patent owner, and on the
` phone with me is Russ Rigby who will just be
` listening in.
` We are here today for two IPRs, IPR
` No. 2017-00781 and 2017-00782, both related to
` U.S. Patent No. 8,654,999.
` I will let opposing counsel
` introduce her and the people with her.
` MS. LIN: I am Haixia Lin. I am
` here representing the petitioner, H-I-M-P-P,
` HIMPP, and this is Rick Anderson.
` MR. ANDERSON: Richard is fine.
` MS. LIN: Richard Anderson and he is
` here representing --
` MR. ANDERSON: The petitioner,
` William Demant.
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`6 7
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`Page 6
` Q. Dr. Atlas, can you provide your full
` name for the record, please.
` A. First name, Les, middle name,
` Eugene, last name Atlas.
` Q. And before we got on the record, we
` talked a little bit. You do have hearing
` issues and you wear a hearing aid, so if I ask
` you a question and you don't understand it,
` please ask me to repeat and I happily will.
` A. Yes, thank you.
` Q. You realize you are here today to
` discuss the content of the declarations you
` provided in regard to the two IPR proceedings,
` 2017-00718, 2017-00782, both related to U.S.
` Patent 8,654,999; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if I refer to that just as the
` '999 patent, will that be acceptable?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now, I believe you were deposed
` recently in another dispute involving a similar
` patent; is that right?
` MS. LIN: Objection. Relevance.
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`Page 7
` THE WITNESS: Can you define what
` you mean by "similar."
` Q. Sure. Well -- strike that.
` Basically, I just wanted to make
` sure that you understand, you know, in a
` deposition, the questions that I ask you, you
` need to answer them under oath.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that your testimony here is has
` much force and effect as it would if you gave
` it before a judge or a jury.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Now if I ask you a question, you are
` required to answer unless your attorney
` specifically instructs you otherwise.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you need a break, please let
` me know. I will try and accommodate you as
` soon as I can, but I might want to finish a
` line of questioning before the break.
` Do you understand that?
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`Page 8
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there anything today that
` prevents you from providing a full, complete
` and truthful answer today?
` A. No.
` Q. There is no medications or health
` conditions that would affect your ability to
` answer questions today?
` A. No.
` Q. Who approached you to provide your
` opinion in this matter?
` A. I can't exactly recall who called me
` first, but I do recall it was a lawyer or
` someone who was representing a law firm, but I
` do not recall their name.
` Q. Would that person have been a
` representative of the WilmerHale law firm?
` A. I think so.
` Q. Do you recall roughly when you were
` first approached about this matter?
` A. My best recollection is about a year
` ago.
` Q. Are you familiar with the
` organization K/S HIMPP, H-I-M-P-P?
` A. Yes.
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` Q. Have you ever met -- is it okay if I
`Page 9
` refer to them as HIMPP?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever met with any
` representative of HIMPP prior to your
` involvement in this matter?
` A. Not that I was aware of.
` Q. Did you ever meet with any
` representative of HIMPP after you were retained
` in this matter?
` A. Not that I'm aware of.
` Q. Did you ever communicate with anyone
` other than attorneys from WilmerHale regarding
` this matter?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you prepare for today's
` deposition?
` A. Can you repeat the question.
` Q. Yes. Did you prepare for today's
` deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And when did you do your
` preparation?
` A. The last two days.
` Q. And so you prepared both of the last
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`Page 10
` two days?
` A. Yes, both Monday and Tuesday.
` Q. About how many hours do you think
` you devoted to prepare for this deposition?
` A. I would say 11 hours.
` Q. What materials did you review in
` preparing for this deposition?
` A. The '999 patent, the declaration,
` the petition and the references, exhibits that
` are listed as part of the package.
` Q. Did you review -- with exhibits, do
` you mean the exhibits that are listed in your
` declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review all those exhibits?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review the board's
` institution decision in these matters?
` A. Can you define what you mean by
` "review."
` Q. Did you ever read the board's
` institution decision in these matters?
` A. Some parts of it, yes.
` Q. What parts of it did you review?
` A. I don't remember the exact parts,
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`Page 11
` but I remember reading some parts more
` carefully than others.
` Q. And what parts did you read more
` carefully than others?
` A. I don't recall.
` Q. Is there a particular thing you were
` looking for in those institution decisions?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you read the preliminary
` responses submitted by the patent owner in
` these matters?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you meet with any attorneys when
` you were preparing for this deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know the names of those
` attorneys?
` A. I can say I met with Haixia Lin,
` H-A-I-X-I-A Lin. I met with Christopher
` O'Brien, one other attorney whose name, I'm
` sorry, I don't recall. That's all I can
` remember.
` Q. As far as you know, those are all
` attorneys with WilmerHale?
` A. To the best of my knowledge.
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` Q. Did you meet with anyone else in
` preparing for your deposition?
` A. I think I may have met with another
` WilmerHale attorney named Donald Steinberg.
` Q. Is there anyone you met with that
` was not an attorney to your knowledge?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Dr. Atlas, I am handing you
` two documents. One was previously marked as
` HIMPP 1008 and the other one marked as HIMPP
` 1108.
` We'll start with HIMPP 1008.
` Do you recognize that document?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. What is that document?
` A. It's the declaration of myself, Les
` Atlas, Ph.D., regarding patent that we are
` calling '999.
` Q. And do you recognize HIMPP 1108?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is that document?
` A. It's a declaration of myself, Les
` Atlas, regarding U.S. Patent '999.
` Q. And are these documents identical?
` A. I recognize both documents. I don't
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`Page 13
` have time, I don't think, to say for sure that
` they are identical, but kind of a random
` sampling of sections, they look identical.
` Q. Let me ask it this way: Was only
` one declaration prepared for the '999 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So when you signed that declaration,
` you agreed under penalty of perjury that all
` statements were -- that you made in that
` declaration were truthful; is that right?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And after reviewing the declaration
` to prepare for today's deposition, do you still
` agree with all the statements you made in the
` declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you notice any mistakes or
` errors that you would like to correct in the
` declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. Let's take a look at Exhibit 1008
` then for purposes of questioning.
` Can you turn to Paragraph 1 of
` Exhibit 1008.
` A. Yes.
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`Page 14
` Q. You have a statement in Paragraph 1
` that says: "I have read and fully support as
` if my own;" is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What did you mean by that statement?
` A. All statements -- I have read all
` statements in the declaration and fully support
` them as my own.
` Q. Did the statements come from someone
` other than you?
` A. Can you define what you mean by
` "come from."
` Q. Were these statements provided to
` you by someone else?
` A. Every statement in here was jointly
` discussed and looked at by me. Some were --
` some came from me, some were jointly discussed
` and all of them I read and agree with.
` Q. But you would agree that they are
` not your own statements; is that right?
` A. Not at all.
` Q. Then why do you say you would
` support them as if my own, why is the language
` "as if" in there?
` A. Plenty of the statements in the
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`Page 15
` declaration are direct quotes out of patents,
` other patents. I read those and read their
` use. Some of those may have been found by
` others, other than me, and then incorporated
` into the statements I used.
` So parts of some of the statements
` may have originated with someone else, but then
` once reading them and working jointly with
` lawyers, I have read them and fully support as
` if my own.
` Q. Are there any statements in the
` declaration that you provided that were not
` worked on with someone else?
` A. Well, if we go to Paragraph 6,
` Paragraph 6 is an example of a statement which
` I provided. I did work with someone else for
` editing it, and as I go through the
` declaration, there is plenty of statements that
` I provided initially but every statement or
` virtually every statement was worked on with
` someone else.
` I can't say that about Appendix A.
` Appendix A was not worked on with someone else,
` which is appended to the declaration. I
` provided Appendix A. I worked on it solely by
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`Page 16
` myself and then it was incorporated into this
` declaration.
` Q. If you look at Paragraph 2, you
` state there that you were retained by counsel
` for HIMPP; is that right?
` A. It reads: "I have been retained by
` counsel for K/S HIMPP, petitioner, to serve as
` a technical expert in this interparty review
` proceeding."
` Q. Do you know any of the member
` companies that are a part of HIMPP?
` A. Well, I can remember the name
` Oticon, but I'm sorry, I think they have
` changed their name. That's one.
` Q. Is that the only company that you
` are aware of that would be a member of HIMPP?
` MS. LIN: Objection. Relevance.
` THE WITNESS: The best answer I can
` give is there is at least one company in
` Netherlands, at least one company in Germany
` that used to be or maybe still is part of
` Siemens and at least one company in
` Switzerland.
` Q. Do you know the names of those
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`Page 17
` companies?
` A. I'm sorry, I can't recall.
` Q. Since you don't know the names of
` those companies, you wouldn't know if you had a
` financial interest in those companies; is that
` right?
` A. I don't have financial interest in
` any company which makes hearing aids.
` Q. Is there any company that makes
` hearing aids that provides any grant money for
` your research?
` A. No.
` Q. Does all your grant money come from
` government sources?
` A. Predominantly government, and I have
` one other grant that is coming from Amazon.
` Q. If you can go to Paragraph 11 of
` Exhibit 1008.
` In Paragraph 11, you would agree
` that you are not here to provide any opinion on
` the law; is that right?
` A. Well, as I state in Paragraph 11,
` the first sentence says: "I am not an
` attorney."
` Q. Do you consider yourself an expert
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` on the law?
` A. Can you repeat the question.
` Q. Do you consider yourself an expert
`Page 18
` on the law?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you intend for any of the
` statements in your declarations to be legal
` conclusions?
` A. Well, in Paragraph 14, as I state:
` "I understand" that the obvious -- "that an
` obviousness analysis regardless of
` understanding of the scope and content of prior
` art, any differences between the alleged
` invention and the prior art and the level of
` ordinary skill in evaluating the pertinent
` art."
` That sentence sits at the boundary
` of your last question and what is in this
` declaration.
` Q. So you do provide legal conclusions
` in your declaration?
` MS. LIN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: I certainly provide
` conclusions.
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`Page 19
` Q. But you don't know if those were
` factual or legal in nature?
` A. I provide conclusions that are
` factual.
` Q. If you want to, you can put Exhibit
` 1008 to the side.
` I am now handing you Exhibit 1003.
` Do you recognize this exhibit, Dr.
` Atlas?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what is this exhibit?
` A. It's a facsimile copy of U.S. Patent
` 8,787,603 also HIMPP Exhibit 1003.
` Q. And who is the inventor on this
` patent?
` A. Elmar Fichtl, F-I-C-H-T-L.
` Q. Would it be okay if I refer to this
` exhibit as Fichtl, this reference?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you turn to Figure 1 in Fichtl.
` Can you explain to me what is
` depicted in Figure 1?
` A. I can read from Fichtl, Column 3,
` Line 21.
` "Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram
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`Page 20
` of a hearing device, according to one
` embodiment of the present invention. Sounds
` are picked up by a microphone which is labeled
` No. 2, processed by a signal processor which is
` the rectangular box labeled by 9, and are
` presented to a hearing device user," which is
` the stick figure toward the right which is 10,
` "to a receiver which is the combination of the
` rectangle and the round board shape 3. The
` magnitude of the amplification can be
` controlled by volume control 4."
` "There is further an on/off switch 5
` which says on/off in the figure. The signal
` processing is based on audio processing
` parameters. A controller labeled with a 6 is
` adapted to set such parameters, for example,
` when a hearing device 1 is switched on or when
` the volume control 4 is actuated. There is
` nonvolatile memory 7," a square box, "to start
` parameters while the hearing device 1 is
` switched off. The controller 6," another
` square box, "is adapted to execute an
` acclimatization algorithm as the kind described
` further down below."
` Then it moves to the next paragraph.
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`Page 21
` Q. And so what is indicated by the box
` labeled 8 in Figure 1 of Fichtl?
` A. Okay. I'm going to go to Column 13,
` Line 45, and it starts actually in the middle
` of the sentence by saying: "Wherein said
` fitting interface 8," number 8, which refers to
` that rectangular box 8, "is adapted to write an
` initial power on value," and so on.
` Q. So you are reading from the sentence
` or limitation in Claim 14 of Fichtl; is that
` right?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. Is it your belief that Claim 14 is
` describing Figure 1?
` A. Well, the sentence you asked just
` before, asked me to describe Figure 1, where I
` went to Column 3, Line 21, and that paragraph
` there describes Figure 1 almost completely, so
` what I did is, I also found that there is a
` mention of block 8 in that claim that I read
` from.
` Q. You would agree that the paragraph
` starting at Column 3, Line 21, never discusses
` what block 8 is; is that right?
` A. No. In other words, I agree.
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`Page 22
` Q. And, in fact, nowhere in Fichtl does
` he discuss the block labeled 8 outside of Claim
` 14; isn't that right?
` A. If we look at Column 2 of the '603
` or Fichtl patent, Line 13, right under summary
` of the invention where that label starts at
` Line 11, says: "The present invention
` addresses the problem to provide a method where
` operating a hearing device with an 'automatic
` acclimatization management' which takes into
` account user preferences which is able to
` assure that the acclimatization phase is not
` accessibly long for reaching a acclimatization
` target condition."
` The next paragraph says: "This
` problem is solved by the features of Claims 1
` and 15," and let me point out it's referring to
` claims there, "in particular by a method for
` operating a hearing device in a way that lets a
` user said herein device, acclimatize to said
` hearing device, said hearing device
` comprising," and then the rest of that
` paragraph.
` From that information under the
` summary combined with the abstract of Fichtl,
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` looking at Figure 1, it seems pretty clear,
` obvious, the person of ordinary skill what the
` roles of block 8 and block 12 are, even though
` they are not explicitly stated.
` Q. So you also agree that block 12 is
` not discussed in Fichtl then?
` A. For a person of ordinary skill, the
` role of block 12 and the role of block 8 are
` quite obvious and I will read from Paragraph 63
` in the declaration: "The fitting interface 8,
` block 8, communicates with the computing device
` block 12 which is operated by an audiologist
` which is the stick Figure 11."
` And then it refers to this Figure 1.
` Q. So it's your opinion that even
` though there is no explicit discussion of
` blocks 8 or 12, one of ordinary skill in the
` art would find obvious what their functions
` are?
` A. By reading the abstract and the rest
` of the patents, they would find the role of
` block 8, block 12, stick Figure 11 to all be
` obvious.
` Q. And the portions of Fichtl that one
` of skill in the art would read for that is the
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`Page 24
` abstract in Column 2 starting at Line 13, which
` you read into the record previously; is that
` right?
` A. I am sorry. I can't isolate a
` specific portion of '603 which is used to make
` the statement of -- which is in the
` declaration, Paragraph 63. It is taken mostly
` as a whole from various sections.
` Q. And by '603, you mean Fichtl; is
` that right?
` A. Yes. Yes.
` Q. Let me ask one more question before
` we take a break.
` Since Fichtl doesn't ever explicitly
` discuss block 8 or block 12, you would agree it
` doesn't explicitly discuss the communication
` between block 8 and block 12; is that right?
` A. I can't agree with that. There is a
` two-sided arrow between block 8 and block 12
` which taken by a person of ordinary skill would
` mean some kind of communications link,
` transceiver.
` Q. Is that two-sided arrow shown in
` Figure 1 ever discussed in the specification of
` Fichtl?
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` A. The figure itself describes it, and
` I will read from the last line of Paragraph 63
` in the declaration: "Communication is
` represented by the bidirectional arrows between
` elements 8 and 12 in Figure 1 in Fichtl."
` Q. The citation you provide for that is
` -- which, looking above cites to Figure 1 and
` Column 3, Lines 35 to 48; is that correct in
` the declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what in Column 3, Lines 35 to 48
` discusses block 8?
` A. The last sentence of the paragraph
` that starts in Column 3, Line 35, the last
` sentence -- that last half of the last sentence
` of that paragraph, where I am at Line 40 of
` Column 3 now says: "Until the device user 10,"
` which is stick Figure 10, "returns to the
` fitter, e.g., the audiologist."
` Meaning that there is a fitter in
` this figure, if you look at the figure, you
` will see 10 is a hearing aid user, 11 is a
` hearing aid audiologist or in general, some
` other controller, some other person who has
` control over the state of a hearing aid.
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` Q. And none of that refers explicitly
` to block 8, does it?
` A. Since block 12 through a
` bidirectional arrow is controlled by stick
` Figure 11 and block 12 through a bidirectional
` arrow is connected to block 8, a person of
` ordinary skill in the art and I will quote from
` the last sentence of Paragraph 63 in the
` declaration: "The fitting interface block 8
` communicates with a computing device 12 which
` is operated by the audiologist," stick Figure
` 11, then the reference Figure 1 in this
` section, 3, 35 to 48.
` Last sentence says: "The
` communication is represented by the
` bidirectional arrows between elements 8 and 12
` in Figure 1, id."
` MR. MURPHY: Okay. Good time for a
` break.
` (A short recess was taken.)
` MR. MURPHY: Let's go back on the
` record.
` Q. So we were looking at Figure 1 of
` Fichtl, and can you tell me what is depicted in
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` block 5 of Figure 1?
` A. If we go to the Fichtl patent,
` Column 3, Line 25 through 27, I will read from
` it: "The magnitude of the amplification can be
` controlled by volume control 4. There is
` further an on/off switch 5."
` So it is an on/off switch.
` Q. And what is the lower case F
` supposed to indicate below block 5?
` A. If I look at Figure 1 in the patent,
` the lower case F right below the big zero, an
` on/off, are you asking about that?
` Q. Yes, I am.
` A. The drafting program that was used
` to draw this figure inserted an extra
` undesirable carriage return after the first F
` of off. That extra undesirable carriage return
` dropped the F that you are referring to a
` little bit below and overlapping the
` rectangular box that has on/off in it, and
` someone -- presumably the person drafting this
` figure, chose to hand draw, as you can see if
` you look carefully, hand draw the final F, the
` second F of off to the right of the first F and
` never whited out or removed the F that fell
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` below.
` Q. Okay. So it is just an error in
` drafting that figure?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Let's take a look at Figure 2 of
` Fichtl.
` What does Figure 2 depict?
` A. I'm going to read its simplest
` description from Fichtl, Column 3, Line 3:
` "Figure 2 shows an audio processing parameter
` is changed over time in a hearing aid according
` to the present invention."
` Q. And Fichtl's previous audio
` processing parameter is APP; is that right?
` A. The first time Fichtl uses that
` abbreviation is in the abstract of the patent,
` the sixth line of the patent which says:
` "Audio processing parameter (APP)."
` Q. So if I use the word APP, can we
` agree that means audio processing parameter?
` A. For this Fichtl patent, yes.
` Q. For Fic

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