`Published monthly by the
`American Society for Microbiology
`ISSN: 0270-7306
`Page 1


`Aaron J. Shatkin, Editor in Chief(1990)
`Center for Advanced
`Biotechnology and Medicine
`Piscataway, N.J.
`Tony Hunter, Editor (1993)
`The Salk Institute
`San Diego, Calif.
`David J. L. Luck, Editor (1992)
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`Robert Tjian, Editor (1991)
`University of California
`Alan M. Weiner, Editor (1993)
`Yale University
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`Owen N. Witte, Editor (1993)
`Molecular Biology Institute
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`Barbara K. Birshtein (1990)
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`Page 2


`Volume 9
`March 1989
`No. 3
`Gene Structure and Transcription in Mouse Cells with Extensively Demethylated
`DNA. Lesley A. Michalowsky and Peter A. Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Identification and Characterization of a Chicken a-Globin Enhancer. Joseph A.
`Knezetic and Gary Felsenfeld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Control of Carbohydrate Processing: Increased J3-1,6 Branching in N-Linked
`Carbohydrates of Lec9 CHO Mutants Appears To Arise from a Defect in
`Oligosaccharide-Dolichol Biosynthesis. Anne G. Rosenwald, Pamela
`Stanley, and Sharon S. Krag..........................................
`An Ubiquitously Expressed Gene 3.5 Kilobases Upstream of the Glycerol-3-
`Phosphate Dehydrogenase Gene in Mice. Leslie A. Johnston, Michael A.
`Kotarski, D. Joseph Jerry, and Leslie P. Kozak.........................
`The Phosphorylation State of Eucaryotic Initiation Factor 2 Alters Translational
`Efficiency of Specific mRNAs. Randal J. Kaufman, Monique V. Davies,
`Vinay K. Pathak, and John W. B. Hershey.............................
`Interleukin 1 and Cyclic AMP Induce K Immunoglobulin Light-Chain Expression
`via Activation of an NF-KB-Like DNA-Binding Protein. Fumihiko
`Shirakawa, Marcio Chedid, Jill Suttles, Brian A. Pollok, and Steven B.
`Mizel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Transcriptional Regulation of Acetyl Coenzyme A Carboxylase Gene Expression
`by Tumor Necrosis Factor in 30A-5 Preadipocytes. Michael E. Pape and
`Ki-Han Kim.........................................................
`S-Phase-Specific Transcription Regulatory Elements Are Present in a Replication-
`Inhwan Hwang and
`Independent Testis-Specific H2B Histone Gene.
`Chi-Born Chae.......................................................
`Mitogen-Induced Genes Are Subject to Multiple Pathways of Regulation in the
`Initial Stages ofT-Cell Activation. Steven G. Irving, Carl H. June, Peter
`F. Zipfel, Ulrich Siebenlist, and Kathleen Kelly... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Complexity of the Primary Genetic Response to Mitogenic Activation of Human T
`Cells. Peter F. Zipfel, Steven G. Irving, Kathleen Kelly, and Ulrich
`Siebenlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Regulation of 2' ,5' -Oligoadenylate Synthetase Gene Expression by Interferons and
`Platelet-Derived Growth Factor. Mariano A. Garcia-Blanco, Peter
`Lengyel, Elizabeth Morrison, Clare Brownlee, Charles D. Stiles, Michael
`Rutherford, Gregory Hannigan, and Bryan R. G. Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Mutually Exclusive Synthetic Pathways for Sea Urchin Mitochondrial rRNA and
`mRNA. David J. Elliott and Howard T. Jacobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Expression of the Murine aB-Crystallin Gene Is Not Restricted to the Lens.
`Robert A. Dubin, Eric F. Wawrousek, and Joram Piatigorsky . . . . . . . . . . . .
`cys-3, the Positive-Acting Sulfur Regulatory Gene of Neurospora crassa, Encodes
`a Protein with a Putative Leucine Zipper DNA-Binding Element. Ying-Hui
`Fu, John V. Paietta, Daniel G. Mannix, and George A. Marzluf...........
`A Novel Member of the Thyroid/Steroid Hormone Receptor Family Is Encoded
`by the Opposite Strand of the Rat c-erbAa Transcriptional Unit. Mitchell
`A. Lazar, Richard A. Hodin, Douglas S. Darling, and William W. Chin....
`Continued on following page
`Page 3


`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - · · · · - - · · · · ·
`Continuedf/"om preceding page
`Avian Retroviral Long Terminal Repeats Bind CCAAT/Enhancer-Binding
`Protein. Thomas A. Ryden and Karen Beemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Identification of Transcriptional Regulatory Elements in Human Mitochondrial
`DNA by Linker Substitution Analysis.
`James N. Topper and David A.
`Clayton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Isolation and Sequence of Four Small Nuclear U RNA Genes of Trypanosoma
`brucei subsp. brucei: Identification of the U2, U4, and U6 RNA Analogs.
`Jeremy Mottram, Karen L. Perry, Paul M. Lizardi, Reinhard Li.ihrmann,
`Nina Agabian, and Richard G. Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Effect of von Willebrand Factor Coexpression on the Synthesis and Secretion of
`Factor VIII in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells. Randal J. Kaufman, Louise
`C. Wasley, Monique V. Davies, Robert J. Wise, David I. Israel, and
`Andrew J. Dorner....................................................
`Sequences within the Spacer Region of Yeast rRNA Cistrons That Stimulate 3SS
`rRNA Synthesis In Vivo Mediate RNA Polymerase !-Dependent Promoter
`and Terminator Activities. Rosie Mestel, Michele Yip, Janice P. Holland,
`Enduo Wang, John Kang, and Michael J. Holland.......................
`Enhanced jun Gene Expression Is an Early Genomic Response to Transforming
`Growth Factor J3 Stimulation. Liisa Pertovaara, Lea Sistonen, Timothy J.
`Bos, Peter K. Vogt, Jorma Keski-Oja, and Kari Alitalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`The BCR-ABL Oncogene Transforms Rat-1 Cells and Cooperates with v-myc.
`Tracy Gross Lugo and Owen N. Witte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Molecular Cloning of a Neurospora crassa Carotenoid Biosynthetic Gene
`(Albino-3) Regulated by Blue Light and the Products of the White Collar
`Genes. Mary Anne Nelson, Giorgio Morelli, Alessandra Carattoli,
`Nicoletta Romano and Giuseppe Macino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Hormonal Regulation of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase Gene Expression Is
`Mediated through Modulation of an Already Disrupted Chromatin
`Structure. Y. Tony Ip, Daryl K. Granner, and Roger Chalkley . . . . . . . . . .
`Cytoplasmic Heat Shock Granules Are Formed from Precursor Particles and Are
`Associated with a Specific Set of mRNAs. Lutz Nover, Klaus-Dieter
`Scharf, and Dieter Neumann..........................................
`Functional Characterization of the Two Alcohol Oxidase Genes from the Yeast
`James M. Cregg, Knut R. Madden, Kevin J. Barringer,
`Pichia pastoris.
`Gregory P. Thill, and Cathy A. Stillman.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Nucleotide Sequence of an Unequal Sister Chromatid Exchange Site in a Mouse
`Myeloma Cell Line. Daniel R. Katzenberg, Shermaine A. Tilley, and
`Barbara K. Birshtein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`An APt-Binding Site in the c-fos Gene Can Mediate Induction by Epidermal
`Growth Factor and 12-0-Tetradecanoyl Phorbol-13-Acetate. Tobe M.
`Fisch, Ron Prywes, and Robert G. Roeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Differential Transcription of Exon 1 of the Human c-fms Gene in Placental
`Trophoblasts and Monocytes.
`Jane Visvader and Inder M. Verma........
`Cell-Specific Activity of the Modulator Region in the Human Cytomegalovirus
`Major Immediate-Early Gene. Henryk Lubon, Peter Ghazal, Lothar
`Hennighausen, Catherine Reynolds-Kohler, Curtis Lockshin, and Jay
`The Three Mouse Multidrug Resistance (mdr) Genes Are Expressed in a Tissue(cid:173)
`Specific Manner in Normal Mouse Tissues.
`James M. Croop, Martine
`Raymond, Daniel Haber. Alain Devault, Robert J. Arceci, Philippe Gros,
`and David E. Housman...............................................
`Continued on fiJI/owing page
`Page 4


`Continued from preceding page
`Rapid Repression of Quiescence-Specific Gene Expression by Epidermal Growth
`Factor, Insulin, and pp6ov-src. Pierre-Andre Bedard, Yvonne Yannoni,
`Daniel L. Simmons, and R_ L. Erikson ______ ... _ ...................... .
`Fine Mapping of a Mouse Metallothionein Gene Metal Response Element.
`Valeria Cizewski Culotta and Dean H. Hamer ..... __ ...... _ ........... _
`Expression of Replication-Dependent Histone Genes in Avian Spermatids Involves
`an Alternate Pathway of mRNA 3' -End Formation. Peter B. Challoner,
`Stuart B. Moss, and Mark Groudine .............. _ ........... _........
`Cell-Heritable Stages of Tumor Progression in Transgenic Mice Harboring the
`Bovine Papillomavirus Type 1 Genome. Maria Sippola-Thiele, Douglas
`Hanahan, and Peter M. Howley ................ _ ......... _ ........... _
`Dominant Effects of Tubulin Overexpression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Dan
`Burke, Pam Gasdaska, and Leland Hartwell ....... _ ..... _..............
`Deletions within the Amino-Terminal Half of the c-src Gene Product That Alter
`the Functional Activity of the Protein. Susan P. Nemeth, Larry G. Fox,
`Michael DeMarco, and Joan S. Brugge ................. _ .............. _
`The PVT Gene Frequently Amplifies with MYC in Tumor Cells. E. Shtivelman
`and J. Michael Bishop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`pi85HER2 Monoclonal Antibody Has Antiproliferative Effects In Vitro and
`Sensitizes Human Breast Tumor Cells to Tumor Necrosis Factor. Robert
`M. Hudziak, Gail D. Lewis, Marcy Winget, Brian M. Fendly, H. Michael
`Shepard, and Axel Ullrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`A v-H-ras-Dependent Hemopoietic Tumor Model Involving Progression from a
`Clonal Stage of Transformation Competence to Autocrine Interleukin 3
`Production. Asha P. K. Nair, Ioannis D. Diamantis, Jean-Fran~ois
`Conscience, Vincent Kindler, Paul Hofer, and Christoph Moroni..........
`Control of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Catalase T Gene (CTTJ) Expression by
`Nutrient Supply via the RAS-Cyclic AMP Pathway. Peter H. Bissinger,
`Rotraud Wieser, Barbara Hamilton, and Helmut Ruis....................
`Variation of Tandem Repeats in the Developmentally Regulated Procyclic Acidic
`Repetitive Proteins of Trypanosoma brucei. Michael R. Mowatt, Gregory S.
`Wisdom, and Christine E. Clayton.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Transient Expression of the Proto-Oncogene int-1 during Differentiation of Pl9
`Embryonal Carcinoma Cells. Ed Schuuring, Liesbeth van Deemter, Henk
`Roelink, and Roe! Nusse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`Interacting Proteins Identified by Genetic Interactions: a Missense Mutation in
`a-Tubulin Fails To Complement Alleles of the Testis-Specific J3-Tubulin Gene
`of Drosophila melanogaster. Thomas S. Hays, Renate Deuring, Barbara
`Robertson, Mary Prout, and Margaret T. Fuller ............. _ .......... .
`Formation of Irregular Giant Peroxisomes by Overproduction of the Crystalloid
`Core Protein Methanol Oxidase in the Methylotrophic Yeast Hansenula
`polymorpha. Rainer Roggenkamp, Thomas Didion, and Klaus V.
`Kowallik ........................................................... .
`Continued on following page
`Page 5


`Continued ji-om preceding page
`Sequence and Structural Requirements of a Mitochondrial Protein Import Signal
`Defined by Saturation Cassette Mutagenesis. David M. Bedwell, Scott A.
`Strobel, Kyuson Yun, Gregg D. Jongeward, and Scott D. Emr. .......... .
`Accumulation of Viruslike Particles in a Yeast Mutant Lacking a Mitochondrial
`Pore Protein. Melitta Dihanich, Evert Van Tuinen, John D. Lambris, and
`Brigitte Marshallsay ................................................. .
`SEC59 Encodes a Membrane Protein Required for Core Glycosylation in
`Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mitchell Bernstein, Franc;ois Kepes, and Randy
`Schekman .......................................................... .
`Immunological Identification of the Alternative Oxidase of Neurospora crassa
`Mitochondria. Alan M. Lambowitz, Josanne R. Sabourin, Helmut
`Bertrand, Roxy Nickels, and Lee Mcintosh ............................ .
`Conserved Sequence Blocks in Kinetoplast Minicircles from Diverse Species of
`Trypanosomes. DanS. Ray ......................................... .
`Antibody to a Human DNA Repair Protein Allows for Cloning of a Drosophila
`eDNA That Encodes an Apurinic Endonuclease. Mark R. Kelley, Sheela
`Venugopal, Julie Harless, and Walter A. Deutsch ...................... .
`Electrophoretic Analysis of Histoplasma capsulatum Chromosomal DNA. Paul E.
`Steele, Georges F. Carle, George S. Kobayashi, and Gerald Medoff ...... .
`High-Level Recombination Specific to Polyomavirus Genomes Targeted to the
`Integration-Transformation Pathway. David Hacker and Michele M. Fluck
`Isolation of Human Sequences That Replicate Autonomously in Human Cells.
`Patrick J. Krysan, Steven B. Haase, and Michele P. Calos .............. .
`Accurate Processing and Amplification of Cloned Germ Line Copies of Ribosomal
`DNA Injected into Developing Nuclei of Tetrahymena thermophila. Meng-
`Chao Yao and Ching-Ho Yao ........................................ .
`Identification and Characterization of a Gene That Is Coamplified with
`Dihydrofolate Reductase in a Methotrexate-Resistant CHO Cell Line.
`Pamela K. Foreman and Joyce L. Hamlin ............................. .
`Nonrandom Distribution of Long Mono- and Dinucleotide Repeats in Drosophila
`Chromosomes: Correlations with Dosage Compensation, Heterochromatin,
`and Recombination. Ky Lowenhaupt, Alexander Rich, and Mary Lou
`Pardue ............................................................. .
`Identification of Members of the P-Glycoprotein Multigene Family. William F.
`Ng, Farida Sarangi, Roman L. Zastawny, Lela Veinot-Drebot, and Victor
`Ling ............................................................... .
`DNA Strand Specificity for UV-Induced Mutations in Mammalian Cells. H.
`Vrieling, M. L. van Rooijen, N. A. Groen, M. Z. Zdzienicka, J. W. I. M.
`Simons, P. H. M. Lohman, and A. A. van Zeeland ..................... .
`Mitotic Recombination Is Responsible for the Loss of Heterozygosity in Cultured
`Murine Cell Lines. F. Kenneth Nelson, Wayne Frankel, and T.V. Rajan
`A Plant DNA-Binding Protein That Recognizes 5-Methylcytosine Residues.
`Daoling Zhang, Kenneth C. Ehrlich, Prakash C. Supakar, and Melanie
`Ehrlich ............................................................ .
`Acquisition and Processing of a Conditional Dicentric Chromosome in
`Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Alison Hill and Kerry Bloom ................ .
`Date of Issue: 24 February 1989
`1351-1356 "'1 .. tl~·
`Page 6


`Agabian, Nina, 1212
`Alitalo, Kari, 1255
`Arceci, Robert J., 1346
`Barringer, Kevin J., 1316
`Bedard, Pierre-Andre, 1371
`Bedwell. David M .. 1014
`Beemon, Karen, 1155
`Bernstein, Mitchell. 1191
`Bertrand, Helmut, 1362
`Birshtein, Barbara K., 1324
`Bishop, J. Michael, 1148
`Bissinger. Peter H., 1309
`Bloom, Kerry. 1368
`Bos, Timothy J., 1255
`Brownlee, Clare, 1060
`Brugge, Joan S., 1109
`Burke, Dan, 1049
`Calos, Michele P .. 1026
`Carattoli, Alessandra, 1271
`Carle, GeorgeS., 983
`Chae. Chi-Born. 1005
`Chalkley, Roger, 1289
`Challoner. Peter B .. 902
`Chedid, Marcio, 959
`Chin, William W., 1128
`Clayton, Christine E .. 1332
`Clayton, David A .. 1200
`Conscience, Jean-Fran<;ois.
`Cregg, James M., 1316
`Croop, James M., 1346
`Culotta, Valeria Cizewski,
`Darling, Douglas S., 1128
`Davies. Monique V., 946,
`DeMarco, Michael. 1109
`Deuring, Renate, 875
`Deutsch, Walter A., 965
`Devault, Alain, 1346
`Diamantis, Joannis D .. 1183
`Didion. Thomas. 988
`Dihanich. Melitta, 1100
`Dorner, Andrew J .. 1233
`Dubin, Robert A., 1083
`Ehrlich. Kenneth C .. 1351
`Ehrlich, Melanie. 1351
`Elliott, David J., 1069
`Emr, Scott D., 1014
`Erikson, R. L.. 1371
`Felsenfeld. Gary, 893
`Fendly. Brian M .. 1165
`Fisch, To be M., 1327
`Fluck, Michele M., 995
`Foreman. Pamela K .. 1137
`Fox. Larry G .. 1109
`Frankel, Wayne. 1284
`Fu. Ying-Hui, 1120
`Fuller, Margaret T., 875
`Author Index
`Garcia-Blanco. Mariano A.,
`Gasdaska. Pam, 1049
`Ghazal, Peter, 1342
`Granner, Daryl K., 1289
`Groen, N. A., 1277
`Gros, Philippe, 1346
`Groudine. Mark. 902
`Haase, Steven B., 1026
`Haber, Daniel, 1346
`Hacker. David, 995
`Hamer, Dean H .. 1376
`Hamilton, Barbara, 1309
`Hamlin, Joyce L., 1137
`Hanahan, Douglas, 925
`Hannigan, Gregory, 1060
`Harless, Julie, 965
`Hartwell, Leland, 1049
`Hays, Thomas S., 875
`Hennighausen, Lothar, 1342
`Hershey. John W. B., 946
`Hill. Alison, 1368
`Hodin, Richard A., 1128
`Hofer, Paul. 1183
`Holland. Janice P .. 1243
`Holland, Michael J.. 1243
`Housman, David E., 1346
`Howley, Peter M., 925
`Hudziak. Robert M., 1165
`Hwang, lnhwan, 1005
`lp. Y. Tony. 1289
`Irving. Steven G .. 1034. 1041
`Israel. David 1., 1233
`Jacobs, Howard T .. 1069
`Jerry. D. Joseph, 935
`Johnston. Leslie A., 935
`Jones, Peter A., 885
`Jongeward. Gregg D., 1014
`June, Carl H., 1034
`Kang, John, 1243
`Katzenberg, Daniel R., 1324
`Kaufman. Randal J., 946.
`Kelley, Mark R .. 965
`Kelly, Kathleen. 1034, 1041
`Kepes. Fran<;ois, 1191
`Keski-Oja, Jorma. 1255
`Kim, Ki-Han. 974
`Kindler. Vincent, 1183
`Knezetic, Joseph A., 893
`Kobayashi. George S., 983
`Kotarski. Michael A .. 935
`Kowallik. Klaus V .. 988
`Kozak, Leslie P .. 935
`Krag. Sharon S .. 914
`Krysan, Patrick J., 1026
`Lambowitz. Alan M .. 1362
`Lambris, John D., 1100
`Lazar. Mitchell A .. 1128
`Lengyel, Peter, 1060
`Lewis. Gail D., 1165
`Ling. Victor, 1224
`Lizardi. Paul M .. 1212
`Lockshin. Curtis. 1342
`Lohman. P. H. M., 1277
`Lowenhaupt, Ky, 1173
`Lubon, Henryk. 1342
`Lugo, Tracy Gross, 1263
`LOhrmann. Reinhard, 1212
`Macino. Giuseppe, 1271
`Madden, Knut R., 1316
`Mannix, Daniel G., 1120
`Marshallsay, Brigitte. 1100
`Marzluf, George A., ll20
`Mcintosh. Lee, 1362
`Medoff. Gerald, 983
`Mestel. Rosie, 1243
`Michalowsky. Lesley A .. 885
`Mizel. Steven B., 959
`Morelli, Giorgio, 1271
`Moroni. Christoph, ll83
`Morrison. Elizabeth, 1060
`Moss, Stuart B., 902
`Mottram. Jeremy, 1212
`Mowatt. Michael R., 1332
`Nair. Asha P. K., ll83
`Nelson. F. Kenneth. 1284
`Nelson. Jay. 1342
`Nelson, Mary Anne, 1271
`Nelson, Richard G., 1212
`Nemeth, Susan P., 1109
`Neumann, Dieter, 1298
`Ng. William F., 1224
`Nickels, Roxy, 1362
`Nover. Lutz. 1298
`Nusse. Roe!. 1357
`Paietta, John V .. 1120
`Pape. Michael E., 974
`Pardue. Mary Lou, 1173
`Pathak. Vi nay K., 946
`Perry, Karen L .. 1212
`Pertovaara, Liisa, 1255
`Piatigorsky, Joram, 1083
`Pollok, Brian A., 959
`Prout. Mary, 875
`Prywes. Ron. 1327
`Rajan. T.V .. 1284
`Ray. Dan S .. 1365
`Raymond. Martine. 1346
`Reynolds-Kohler. Catherine.
`Rich, Alexander, ll73
`Robertson. Barbara. 875
`Roeder. Robert G .. 1327
`Roelink, Henk. 1357
`Roggenkamp. Rainer, 988
`Romano. Nicoletta. 1271
`Rosenwald. Anne G .. 914
`Ruis, Helmut. 1309
`Rutherford. Michael, 1060
`Ryden, Thomas A .. 1155
`Sabourin, Josanne R., 1362
`Sarangi, Farida, 1224
`Scharf, Klaus- Dieter, 1298
`Schekman. Randy, 1191
`Schuuring. Ed, 1357
`Shepard. H. Michael, 1165
`Shirakawa, Fumihiko, 959
`Shtivelman, E., 1148
`Siebenlist. Ulrich, 1034, 1041
`Simmons. Daniel L.. 1371
`Simons, J. W. I. M., 1277
`Sippola-Thiele, Maria, 925
`Sistonen. Lea, 1255
`Stanley, Pamela, 914
`Steele. Paul E., 983
`Stiles, Charles D .. 1060
`Stillman, Cathy A., 1316
`Strobel. Scott A., 1014
`Supakar, Prakash C., 1351
`Suttles. Jill. 959
`Thill. Gregory P., 1316
`Tilley, Shermaine A., 1324
`Topper, James N., 1200
`Ullrich, Axel. 1165
`van Deemter, Liesbeth, 1357
`van Rooijen, M. L., 1277
`Van Tuinen, Evert. 1100
`van Zeeland, A. A., 1277
`Veinot-Drebot, Lela, 1224
`Venugopal. Sheela, 965
`Verma, Inder M., 1336
`Visvader, Jane, 1336
`Vogt. Peter K., 1255
`Vrieling. H., 1277
`Wang. Enduo, 1243
`Wasley, Louise C., 1233
`Wawrousek, Eric F., 1083
`Wieser, Rotraud, 1309
`Williams. Bryan R. G., 1060
`Winget. Marcy, 1165
`Wisdom, Gregory S., 1332
`Wise. Robert J., 1233
`Witte. Owen N., 1263
`Yannoni, Yvonne, 1371
`Yao. Ching-Ho. 1092
`Yao. Meng-Chao, 1092
`Yip, Michele, 1243
`Yun, Kyuson. 1014
`Zastawny, Roman L., 1224
`Zdzienicka. M. Z., 1277
`Zhang. Daoling, 1351
`Zipfel. Peter F., 1034. 1041
`Page 7


`MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, Mar. 1989, p. 1165-1172
`Copyright © 1989, American Society for Microbiology
`Vol. 9, No.3
`p185HER2 Monoclonal Antibody Has Antiproliferative Effects In
`Vitro and Sensitizes Human Breast Tumor Cells to
`Tumor Necrosis Factor
`Departments of Developmental Biology, 1 Pharmacological Sciences, 2 and Medicinal and Analytical Chemistry, 3
`Genentech, Inc., 460 Point San Bruno Boulevard, South San Francisco, California 94080
`Received 3 October 1988/Accepted 8 December 1988
`The HER2/c-erbB-2 gene encodes the epidermal growth factor receptorlike human homolog of the rat neu
`oncogene. Amplification of this gene in primary breast carcinomas has been shown to correlate with poor
`clinical prognosis for certain cancer patients. We show here that a monoclonal antibody directed against the
`extracellular domain of p185HER2 specifically inhibits the growth of breast tumor-derived cell lines overex(cid:173)
`pressing the HER2/c-erbB-2 gene product and prevents HER2/c-erbB-2-transformed NIH 3T3 cells from
`forming colonies in soft agar. Furthermore, resistance to the cytotoxic effect of tumor necrosis factor alpha,
`which has been shown to be a consequence of HER2/c-erbB-2 overexpression, is significantly reduced in the
`presence of this antibody.
`HER2/c-erbB-2, the human homolog of the rat proto(cid:173)
`oncogene neu (4, 34), encodes a 1,255-amino-acid glycopro(cid:173)
`tein with extensive homology to the human epidermal
`growth factor (EGF) receptor (4, 21, 33, 34, 42). The
`HER2/c-erbB-2 gene product, p185HER2
`, has all of the struc(cid:173)
`tural features and many of the functional properties of
`subclass I growth factor receptors (reviewed in references 43
`and 44), including cell surface location and an intrinsic
`tyrosine kinase activity. However, the ligand for this puta(cid:173)
`tive growth factor receptor has not yet been identified.
`Amplification of the HER2/c-erbB-2 gene has been found
`in human salivary gland and gastric tumor-derived cell lines
`(13, 34), as well as in mammary gland carcinomas (21, 22, 40,
`42). Slamon et a!. (35) surveyed 189 primary breast adeno(cid:173)
`carcinomas and determined that the HER2/c-erbB-2 gene
`was amplified in about 30% of the cases. Most importantly,
`HER2/c-erbB-2 amplification was correlated with a negative
`prognosis and high probability of relapse. Similar although
`less frequent amplification of the HER2/c-erbB-2 gene has
`been reported for gastric and colon adenocarcinomas (45,
`46). Experiments with NIH 3T3 cells also suggest a direct
`role for the overexpressed, structurally unaltered HER21
`c-erbB-2 gene product p185HER2 in neoplastic transforma(cid:173)
`tion. High levels of HER2/c-erbB-2 gene expression attained
`by coamplification of the introduced gene with dihydrofolate
`reductase by methotrexate selection (18) or by using a strong
`promoter (6) was shown to transform NIH 3T3 fibroblasts.
`Only cells with high levels ofp18511ER2 are transformed, i.e.,
`have an altered morphology, are anchorage independent,
`and will form tumors in athymic mice.
`Overexpression of p185HER2 may, furthermore, contribute
`to malignant tumor development by allowing tumor cells to
`evade one component of the antitumor defenses of the body,
`the activated macrophage (17). Macrophages play an impor(cid:173)
`tant role in immune surveillance against neoplastic growth in
`vivo (1, 2, 38), and Urban eta!. (39) have shown that tumor
`* Corresponding author.
`t Present address: Max-Planck-lnstitut fiir Biochemie, 8033 Mar(cid:173)
`tinsried, Federal Republic of Germany.
`cells made resistant to macrophages display enhanced tu(cid:173)
`morigenicity. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-cx) has been
`shown to play a role in activated macrophage-mediated
`tumor cell killing in vitro (3, 11, 23, 29, 39). NIH 3T3 cells
`transformed by a transfected and amplified HER2/c-erbB-2
`eDNA show increased resistance to the cytotoxic effects of
`activated macrophages or TNF-cx in direct correlation with
`increased levels of p185HER2 expression. Furthermore,
`breast tumor cell lines with high levels of p185 11ER2 exhibit
`resistance to TNF-cx. Resistance to host antitumor defenses
`could facilitate the escape of cells from a primary tumor to
`establish metastases at distant sites.
`To further investigate the consequences of alteration in
`HER2/c-erbB-2 gene expression in mammary gland neopla(cid:173)
`sia and to facilitate investigation of the normal biological role
`of the HER2/c-erhB-2 gene product, we have prepared
`monoclonal antibodies against the extracellular domain of
`. One monoclonal antibody (4D5) was character(cid:173)
`ized in more detail and was shown to inhibit in vitro
`proliferation of human breast tumor cells overexpressing
`p185HER2 and, furthermore, to increase the sensitivity of
`these cells to the cytotoxic effects of TNF-cx.
`Cells and cell culture. Human tumor cell lines were ob(cid:173)
`tained from the American Type Culture Collection. The
`mouse fibroblast line NIH 3T3/HER2-3 400 , expressing an
`amplified HER2/c-erhB-2 eDNA under simian virus 40 early
`promoter control, and the vector-transfected control cell line
`NIH 3T3/CVN have been described previously (18).
`Cells were cul

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