`" ;'
`U1. Emu-Hun
`Basic and Clinical Aspects of Bream Cancer
`A Special Conference of the
`American Association for Cancer Rea-earn}:
`Supported by a Generous Grant from the
`National Institute of Envirnnmenml Health Sciences
`Q'fie Riel/stung Ewart
`Xeystomr, Cabraafi)
`Mara”; 7:12, 1997
`Conference Co—C/iaizlnersom
`J. Carl Barrett
`Karen S. H. Anxman
`Research Triangle Park, NC
`Columbia University
`New York, NY
`Mary-Claire King
`University of Wash ing‘ton
`Seattle, WA
`Genentech 2146
`Hospira v. Genentech
`- -,
`‘ P


`List of Conference Sponsors
`Conference Program
`List of Conference Participants
`List of Travel Grant Awardees
`Abstracts of Oral Presentations
`Abstracts of Poster Presentations
`Index of Poster Presenters
`Blank Pages for Notes




`Conference Sponsors
`This Conference is supported by a generous grant from the National
`Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
`In addition,
`American Association for Cancer Research wishes to express its
`gratitude to the following corporations for their generous support of
`this conference.
`Bristol-Myers Squibb
`Pharmaceutical Research Institute
`Genetics Institute


`MARCH 7-12, 1997
`J. Carl Barrett
`Karen S. H. Antman
`Columbia University
`Mary-Claire King
`University of Washington
`Research Triangle Park, NC
`New York, NY
`Seattle, WA
`Scientific Program and Tentative Conference Schedule
`4:00 — 9:30 pm
`7:00 - 9:00 pm
`Keynote Talks
`Chairperson: J. Carl Barrett, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC
`MARY-CLAIRE KING, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Topic to be Announced
`KAREN S. H. ANTMAN, Columbia University, New York, NY "Breast Cancer, 8 Major Health Problem, Controversies and Public Policy. "
`9:00 —10:30 pm
`8:00 — 11:00 am
`Session 1: Basic Biology of the Breast
`Chairperson: Jean M. Gudas, Amgen, Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA
`JOSE RUSSO, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA "Cellular Basis of the Breast Susceptibiiin/ to Carcinogenesis. "
`MARC E. LIPPMAN, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC "EGF Supertamiiy in the Progression of Human Breast
`C. KENT OSBORNE, UT Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX "Molecular Markers as Prognostic and Predictive Factors in Breast
`CHARLES W. DANlEL, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA "Homeobox Genes in the Breast. "
`4:00 - 6:00 pm
`Poster Session A
`8:00 — 10:30 pm
`Session 2: Genetic Predisposition to Breast Cancer
`Chairperson: Donald M. Black, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, Glasgow, Scotland
`P. ANDREW FUTFIEAL, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC "The Genetics of Familial Breast Cancer: Role of BHOAl, BFICAZ,
`and Evidence for Additional Susceptibility Loci. "
`SIMON A. GAYTHER, CRC Human Cancer Genetics Research Group, Cambridge, England "Variation of Risks of Breast and Ovarian
`Cancer Associated with Different Germ/ins Mutations of the BHCA1 and BFiCA2 Genes. "
`EVAN R. SIMPSON, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX "Mesenchymai-Epitheiial interactions and Breast Cancer: Flo/e of
`Locally-produced Estrogens. ”


`8:00 — 11:00 am
`Session 3: Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Breast Cancer
`Chairperson: Stephen P. Ethier, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI
`JERRY W. SHAY, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX "The Role of p53 and Telomerase in Human Breast Cancer. "
`MINA J. BISSELL, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA "Epithelial Biology and Breast Cancer: The Role of integrins and
`Gym-skeletal Signal Transduction in Genesis of Nomalcy and Malignancy. “
`MARTHA R. STAMPFER, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley. CA "Gradual Phenofypic Conversion during lmmorteiization
`of Cultured Human Mammary Epithelial Cells. ”
`JOYCE M. SLINGERLAND, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Wtered Regulation of the Cell Cycle Inhibitor
`p27Ki” and p15WK49 in a TGF—fl Resistant Human Mammary Epithelial Cell Line. "
`4:00 — 6:00 pm
`Poster Session B
`8:00 — 10:30 pm
`Session 4: Mechanisms of Hormone Action
`Chairperson to be Announced
`V. CRAIG JORDAN, Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL "The Regulation of Transforming Growth
`Factor (TGF) a. ”
`MYLES A. BROWN, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA "Role of Coactivators in Estrogen Receptor Function. ”
`KENNETH S. KORACH, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC "Influence of Estrogen Receptor
`Gene Knockout on Mammary Gland Development and Tumorigenlcity. ”
`8:00 -11:00 am
`Session 5: BRCA1 and BRCA2 Function/Biochemistry
`Chairperson: Cynthia Afshari, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC
`ROY A. JENSEN, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN "Mechanisms of Tumor Suppression by BRCA1.”
`WEN-HWA LEE, UT Health Science Center, San Antonio. TX "Biological Function of BRCA Gene Products. ”
`DAVID M. LIVINGSTON, Dana—Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA "Functional Analysis of BRCA1."
`FRANK J. CALZONE, Amgen Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA "Differential Subcel/ular Localization, Expression, and Biological Activity of
`BRCA1 and the Splice Variant BRCAl-A1 1b."
`8:00 — 10:30 pm
`Session 6: Experimental Models of Breast Cancer
`Chairperson: Lewis A. Chodosh, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
`TAK W. MAK, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada “BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutant Mice."
`MICHAEL N. GOULD, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI "Genetics of Mammary Cancer Susceptibility in the Rat: Potential Relevance
`to the Prevention and Genetics of Human Breast Cancer. "
`ROGER W. WISEMAN, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC "Mouse Models for Breast
`Cancer Susceptibility. "


`8:00 - 11:00 am
`Session 7: Epidemiology of Breast Cancer
`Chairperson: Kenneth Olden, National institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC
`WALTER C. WILLETT, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA “Diet, Nutrition, and Breast Cancer."
`MAUREEN HENDERSON, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA "Prevention of Breast Cancer by Dietary Modification:
`The Women‘s Health Initiative (WHI) and Its Rationale."
`MALCOLM C. PIKE, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA "Chemoprevention by Reducing SeX~Steroid Exposure, Dose-
`Response Relations and Control of Endometnal Hyperpiasia. "
`MARY S. WOLFF, Mount Sinai Schooi of Medicine, New York, NY "Environment and Breast Canaan”
`4:30 - 6:30 pm
`Session 8: Clinical Aspects of Breast Cancer
`Chairperson: Karen S. H. Antman, Columbia University, New York, NY
`JUDY E. GARBER, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA "Issues in Testing for Hereditary Breast Cancer Susceptibilinr.“
`JEFFREY T. HOLT, Vanderbilt University Cancer Center, Nashville, TN “Retroviral Vector Therapies for Breast and Ovarian Cancer. ”
`M. JOHN KENNEDY, The Johns Hopkins Oncology Center, Baltimore, MD “What Is the Future of Breast Cancer Chemotherapy?"
`7:00 - 11:00 pm.
`Reception and Banquet
`WEENEEDA‘H Mfififiij 12


`List of Conference Participants




`Mr. Solomon Y. G. Aboagye
`Ghana Cancer Society
`lst Garden Jerusalem Hill
`Yamoransa, P. O. Box 799
`Cape Coast,
`Dr. Cynthia A. Afshari
`P.O. Box 12233
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina
`Dr. Tanya D. Agurs—Collins
`Howard Univ. Cancer Ctr.
`2041 Georgia Ave., N.W.
`Washington, District of Columbia
`Dr. Elizabeth A. Allegretto
`Ligand Pharmaceuticals
`10255 Science Center Drive
`San Diego, California
`Dr. Elizabeth Anderson
`Christie Hosp. & Holt Radium Inst.
`Tumour Biochemistry Laboratory
`Clinical Research Laboratories
`Wilmslow Road, Withington .
`M20 9BX
`Ms. Lois Annab
`101 Alexander Drive
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina
`Dr. Karen S. H. Antman
`Columbia Presby. Med. Ctr.
`Div. of Medical Oncology
`MHB 6 N. Knuckle ~ Room 435
`177 Ft. Washington Ave.
`New York, New York
`Dr. Bradley A. Arrick
`Dartmouth Medical School
`Dept. of Medicine
`2 Maynard Street
`Hanover, New Hampshire
`Mr. Samuel Asante
`Dr. Hava Avraham
`Ghana Cancer Society
`lst-Garden Jerusalem Hill
`Yamoransa, P. O. Box 799
`Cape Coast,
`Dr. Rudeina Baasiri
`Baylor College of Med.
`Molec. Biol. Comp. Res.
`One Baylor Plaza
`Houston, Texas
`Beth Israel Deaconess Med. Ctr.
`Division of Experimental Medicine
`One Deaconess Road
`21—27 Burlington Ave. Bldg.
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Lee E. Babies
`Glaxo Research Inst.
`Dept. of Cell Biol. 3—3194
`5 Moore Dr.
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina
`Dr. Sarah S. Bacus
`Advanced Cellular Diagnostics, Inc.
`925 South Route 83
`Dr. Deborah Banker
`Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res. Ctr.
`Elmhurst, Illinois
`1124 Columbia St.
`Seattle, Washington


`Dr. J. Carl Barrett
`Lab. of Molecular Carcinogenesis
`111 Alexander Drive
`P.O. Box 12233
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina
`Dr. Sue A. Bartow
`University of Minnesota
`Dept. of Lab. Med. and Path.
`420 Delaware St., SE
`Minneapolis, Minnesota
`Dr. Hiltrud B. Baruch
`Univ. of Hamburg
`Women Hospital Eppendorf
`Martini Str. 52
`Dr. Dafydd Gwyn Bebb
`BC Cancer Research Centre
`Medical Oncology Lab. Operations
`610 W. 10th Avenue
`Vancouver, British Columbia
`VSZ 1L8
`Dr. Allison P. Belsches
`University of Virginia
`Dept. of Microbiology
`UVA Health Sciences Center
`1300 Jefferson Park Ave.,
`Charlottesville, Virginia
`BOX 441
`Dr. David Bertwistle
`Institute of Cancer Research
`Chester Beatty Laboratories
`237 Fulhlam Road
`SW3 6JB
`Dr. Eric D. Bischoff
`Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`10255 Science Center Dr.
`San Diego, California
`Dr. Mina J. Bissell
`Cell & Molecular Biology Division
`Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
`Univ. of California
`One Cyclotron Rd., Bldg. 83/101
`Berkeley, California
`Dr. Donald M. Black
`The Beatson Inst. for Cancer Res.
`Wolfson Unit for Mol. Path.
`Garscube Estate, Switchback Rd.
`Bearsden, Glasgow
`G61 lBD
`Dr. Jodeen E. Boggs
`University of Miami
`Div. of Surgical Onocology
`Sylvester Cancer Center
`1475 N.W. 12 Ave., Room 3550
`Miami, Florida
`Dr. Samuel Bogoch
`Fdn. for Res. on the Nervous System
`36 the Fenway
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Mr. EbeneZer Botchwey
`Ghana cancer Society
`lst Garden Jerusalem Hill
`Yamoransa, P. O. Box 799
`Cape Coast,
`Dr. Gray Bowen
`Vanderbilt Univ. Med. Center
`THe Vanderbilt Clinic
`1301 22nd Ave. South, 8’902
`Nashville, Tennessee
`Dr. Melissa A. Brown
`Guy’s Hospital
`Dept. of Med. and Molec.
`Guy’s Tower 8th Floor
`SE1 9RT


`Dr. Myles A. Brown
`Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
`44 Binney Street
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Peter S. Brzovic
`University of Washington
`Dept. of Biochemistry
`Box 357742
`Seattle, Washington
`Dr. Robert W. Brueggemeier
`Ohio State University
`College of Pharmacy
`642 Riffe Bldg.
`500 W. 12th Ave.
`Columbus, Ohio
`Dr. Myles C. Cabot
`John Wayne Cancer Inst.
`Breast Cancer Res. Program
`2200 Santa Monica Blvd.
`Santa Monica, California
`Dr. Pablo J. Cagnoni
`Univ. of Colorado Health Sci. Ctr.
`Bone Marrow Transplantation Program
`Box B—190
`4200 E. 9th Ave.
`Denver, Colorado
`Dr. Frank J. Calzone
`Amgen Inc.
`Molecular Biology, 14-1—C
`1840 DeHavilland Drive
`Thousand Oaks, California
`Dr. Yu—An Cao
`New England Med. Center
`Dept. of Rad. Onc.
`Box 824, 750 Washington St.
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. G. Charles Catzavelos
`Sunnybrook Health Science Centre
`2075 Bayview Ave.
`Toronto, Ontario
`M4N M5
`Dr. Hilda L. Chamras
`UCLA School of Medicine
`Clinical Nutrition
`900 Veteran Ave., Rm. 1-3, 129
`Los Angeles, California
`Mr. Mark S. Chapman
`The Salk Insitute
`Lab. of Genetics
`P.O. BOX 85800
`San Diego, California
`Dr. Lewis A. Chodosh
`Univ. of Penna. Sch. of Med.
`Dept. Of Molecular & Cell. Eng.
`422 Curie Blvd.
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
`Dr. Lise Christensen
`Dept. of Pathology
`Fred. V’s vej 11
`Copenhagen, 0
`Dr. Timothy Cooke
`Royal Infirmary
`Univ. Dept. of Surgery
`Alexandra Parade
`G31 ZER
`Dr. Fergus J. Couch
`Univ. of Pennsylvania
`Dept. of Medicine
`1010 Stellar Chance Labs.
`422 Curie Blvd.
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


`Dr. Charles W. Daniel
`Univ. of California
`Dept. of Biology
`Sinsheimer Labs.
`Santa Cruz, California
`Dr. Yvan P. de Launoit
`CNRS/Inst. Pasteur de Lille
`UMR 318
`Institut de Biologie
`rue Calmette 1
`Lille, Cexex
`Dr. Angela M. DeMichele
`Univ. of Penn. Cancer Ctr.
`6 Penn Tower
`3400 Spruce St.
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
`Dr. James DiRenzo
`Dana Farber Cancer Institute
`Dept. of Medicine
`44 Binney Street, D930
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. David R. de Coriolis
`BCS Financial Corporation
`676 N. St. Clair
`Chicago, Illinois
`Dr. Daisy D. De Leon
`Loma Linda School of Med.
`101 Alumni Hall
`Loma Linda, California
`Dr. Marta De Santis
`National Cancer Institute
`Bldg. 10, Room 5839
`9000 Rockville Pike
`Bethesda, Maryland
`Ms. Susan J. Done
`Univ. of Toronto
`Dept. of Path.
`& Lab. Med.
`600 University Ave.
`Room 600
`Toronto, Ontario
`MSG 1X5
`Dr. Jacqueline P. Dudley
`The Univ. of Texas
`Dept. of Microbiology
`ESB 226; 24th and Speedway
`Austin, Texas
`Dr. Sandra E. Dunn
`111 T. Alexander Dr.
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina
`Dr. Dean P. Edwards
`Univ. of Colorado
`Dept. of Pathology - 3216
`Health Sciences Center
`4200 E. 9th Ave.
`Denver, Colorado
`Dr. Gudny Eiriksdottir
`& National Hosp. of Iceland
`Dept. of Pathology
`P.O. Box 1465,
`Dr. Dorraya El—Ashry
`Georgetown Univ. Medical School
`Lombardi Cancer Center
`TRB, W1313
`3970 Reservoir Rd., N.W.
`Washington, District of Columbia
`Dr. Melissa L. Ellis
`Glaxo Wellcome
`Oncology Central Research
`5 Moore Drive, 5.4709
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina


`Dr. Stephen P. Ethier
`Univ. of Michigan Medical Ctr.
`Dept. of Radiation Oncology
`Div. of Radiation & Cancer Biology
`1331 E. Ann Street
`Ann Arbor, Michigan
`Dr. Douglas M. Evans
`Akron General Medical Center
`Calhoun Research Laboratory
`400 Wabash Ave.
`Akron, Ohio
`Mr. Robert W. Fisher
`Univ. of North Carolina
`Dept. of Radiation Oncology
`1025 NCCCC, CB 7512
`Chapel Hill, North Carolina
`Dr. Pat Fitzgerald
`Ligand Pharmaceuticals
`10255 Science Center Dr.
`San Diego, California
`Dr. Paul D. Foglesong
`Univ. of the Incarnate Word
`Dept. of Biology
`4301 Broadway, Box T~2
`San Antonio, Texas
`Dr. Stephen J. Forman
`City of Hope Nat’l. Med. Ctr.
`Dept. of Hematology/EMT
`1500 E. Duarte Road
`Duarte, California
`Dr. Lucien Frappart
`Edouard Herriot Hospital
`Dept. of Path.
`& CNRS UMR 5641
`Bat 10, Place D'Arsonval
`Lyon, Cedex 03
`Dr. Paula N. Friedman
`Abbott Laboratories
`100 Abbott Park Road
`Bldg. APB
`Abbott Park, Illinois
`Dr. Judy E. Garber
`Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
`44 Binney Street
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Colette S. Freeman
`National Cancer Institute
`Cancer Biology Branch
`EPN, Room 505
`6130 Executive Blvd.
`Rockville, Maryland
`Dr. Phillip Andrew Futreal
`Duke Univ. Medical Center
`Box 2611
`Durham,.North Carolina
`Dr. Simon A. Gayther
`Addenbrooke Hospital
`CRC Human Cancer Genetics Res.
`BOX 238
`Hills Road
`CB2 2QQ
`Dr. Dorota M. Gertig
`Harvard School of Public Health
`Dept. of Epidemiology
`677 Huntington Ave.
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Joan E. Glusman
`Eli Lilly and Company
`Lilly Corporate Center Drop Code 2244


`Dr. David E. Goldgar
`Unit of Genetic Cancer Epidemiology
`150 Cours Albert Thomas
`Lyon, Cedex 08
`Dr. Michael N. Gould
`University of Wisconsin
`Room K4-332
`600 Highland Ave.
`Madison, Wisconsin
`Dr. Lori C. Gowen
`Univ. of North Carolina
`Genetics & Mol. Biol.
`7007 Thursten—Bowles Bldg.
`Chapel Hill, North Carolina
`Dr. Julie R. Gralow
`University of Washington
`Division of Oncology
`Health Sciences Bldg.
`1959 N.E. Pacific St.
`Seattle, Washington
`Dr. William J. Gradishar
`Northwestern Univ. Med. School
`Div. of Hema. & Med. Oncology
`Suite 700
`233 E. Erie, Suite 700
`Chicago, Illinois
`Dr. Lana S. Grauer
`Hybritech Incorporated
`P.O. Box 269006
`San Diego, California
`Dr. Sandra L. Grimm
`Univ. of Colorado Health Sci. Ctr.
`Dept. of Pathology (3216)
`4200 E. 9th Avenue
`Dr. Andre R. Grivegnee
`Jules Bordet Institute
`Cancer Epidem.
`& Prevention Clinic
`Bld. de Waterloo 125
`Denver, Colorado
`Dr. Jean M. Gudas
`Amgen Inc.
`Mail Stop 14-2—C
`Thousand Oaks, California
`Dr. Jayne S. Gurtler
`3939 Houma Blvd.
`Metairie, Louisiana
`Dr. Alfaro Guillermo
`Apartado Postal 70228
`CP 04510
`Ms. Magda C. Gutowski
`Eli Lilly & Co.
`Lilly Research Labs., Code 0434
`Lilly Corporate Center
`Dr. Bettina Hanstein
`Dana Farber Cancer Inst.
`44 Binney St., D930
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Lyndsay N. Harris
`Duke University Med. Center
`Dept. of Medicine
`Box 3381
`Durham, North Carolina


`Dr. Heike Hellmold
`Karolinska Institute
`Dept. of Nutrition
`8-141 86
`Dr. Maureen M. Henderson
`Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res. Ctr.
`Cancer Prevention Res. Prog.
`1124'Columbia Street
`Seattle, Washington
`Dr. Mai M. Hijazi
`Lombardi Cancer Center
`Georgetown University
`Research Bldg., E508
`3970 Reservoir Rd., N.W.
`Washington, District of Columbia
`Dr. Shuk—Mei Ho
`Tufts University
`Dept. of Biology
`Medford, Massachusetts
`Dr. Howard Hochster
`NYU Medical Center
`Kaplan Cancer Center
`550 First Ave.
`New York, New York
`Dr. Jeffrey T. Holt
`Vanderbilt University
`Dept. of Cell Biology
`let Ave.
`& Garland
`Nashville, Tennessee
`Dr. Sheree S. Hsu
`UCLA School of Med.
`Div. of Hem./Onc.
`11-934 Factor Bldg.
`10833 Le Conte Ave.
`Los Angeles, California
`Dr. James N. Ingle
`Mayo Clinic
`Medical Oncology, E—12
`Rochester, Minnesota
`Dr. Pieter G. J. Hohenstein
`University of Leiden
`Dept. of Human Genetics
`P. O. Box 9302
`Wassenaarseweg 72, 2300 AL
`Dr. Ming-Chu Hsu
`Hoffmann-La Roche
`Oncology Department
`340 Kingsland Street
`Nutley, New Jersey
`Jeffrey S. Humphrey
`National Cancer Inst.
`Building 18T, Room 101
`18 Library Dr., MSC5430
`Bethesda, Maryland
`Dr. Luisa Iruela—Arispe
`Harvard Medical School
`Dept. of Pathology
`Beth Israel Hospital
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Chikashi Ishioka
`Tohoku University
`Inst. of Dev., Aging and Can.
`4-1 Seiryo-machi, Aoba—ku
`Dr. Roy A. Jensen
`Vanderbilt University
`Pathology and Cell Biology
`4918 TVC
`22nd Ave. South at Pierce
`Nashville, Tennessee


`Dr. D. Joseph Jerry
`University of Massachusetts
`Dept. of Veterinary and
`Animal Sciences
`Amherst, Massachusetts
`Mr. Scott E. Joens
`University of North Carolina
`Dept. of Epidemiology
`School of Public Health
`CB#7400 McGavran—Greenberg Hall
`Chapel Hill, North Carolina
`Dr. Frank E. Jones
`Yale School of Medicine
`Dept. of Pathology
`310 Cedar St. Room BML-344
`New Haven, Connecticut
`Dr. V. Craig Jordan
`Univ; of Wisconsin Clin. Can. Ctr.
`Dept. of Human Onc.,K4/662
`600 Highland Ave.
`Madison, Wisconsin
`Dr. Ann M. Kapoun
`Children’s Hospital
`Div. of Hema./Onc.
`Mailstop 57
`4650 Sunset Boulevard
`Los Angeles, California
`Dr. M. John Kennedy
`Johns Hopkins Oncology Center
`Room 130
`600 N. Wolfe St.
`Baltimore, Maryland
`Dr. Francis G. Kern
`Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Center
`Georgetown University Medical Center
`Room 8107
`3800 Reservoir Road, N.W.
`Washington, District of Columbia
`Dr. Mary—Claire King
`University of Washington
`Dept. of Medicine & Genetics
`Room K160, Health Sciences
`Seattle, Washington
`Dr. Rachel E. Klevit
`University of Washington
`Biomolecular Structure Ctr.
`BOX 357742
`Seattle, Washington
`Dr. Kenneth S. Korach
`National Institutes of Health
`Lab. of Reprod. Devel. Toxicol.
`P.O. BOX 12233/NIEHS
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina
`Dr. Nora C. Ku
`Cancer Care Associate
`3440 Lomita Blvd. 252
`Torrance, California
`Dr. Abhay Kumar
`Hybritech, Inc.
`P. 0. BOX 269006
`San Diego, California
`Dr. Timothy E. Kute
`Wake Forest Univ. Cancer Ctr.
`Medical Center Blvd.
`Winston—Salem, North Carolina
`Dr. Mei T. Lai
`Lilly Research Laboratories
`Cancer Research Division (0434)
`Lilly Corporate Center
`Indianapolis, Indiana


`Dr. Timothy F. Lane
`Harvard Medical School
`Dept. of Genetics
`200 Longwood Avenue
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Wen—Hwa Lee
`UT Health Science Center
`Inst. of Biotechnology
`15355 Lambda Dr.
`San Antonio, Texas
`Dr. Christopher J. Larson
`Salk Inst. for Biological Studies
`P.O. BOX 85800
`San Diego, California
`Dr. Limin Li
`Stanford Univ. Sch. of Med.
`Dept. of Genetics
`Stanford, California
`Dr. Luyuan Li
`Georgetown Univ. Med. Ctr.
`Lombardi Cancer Center
`3970 Reservoir Rd., RB/E301
`Washington, District of Columbia
`Dr. Janis Liebetanz
`Novartis AG
`Oncology Dept.
`CH 4002
`Dr. Marc E. Lippman
`Lombardi Cancer Center
`Georgetown Univ. Medical Center
`Research Bldg., 5th Floor
`3970 Reservoir Road, N.W.
`Washington, District of Columbia
`Jing—Hua Liu
`Tianjin 2nd Central Hospital
`Dept. of Oncology
`354 Beimalu
`Dr. Ling—yi Liu
`Tianjian 2nd Central Hospital
`Dept. of Oncology
`354 Beimalu
`P. R. C.
`Dr. Richard B. Lock
`University of Louisville
`Brown Cancer Center
`529 S. Jackson Street
`Louisville, Kentucky
`Dr. David M. Livingston
`DanaéFarber Cancer Institute
`Div. of Neoplastic Dis. Mech.
`44 Binney Street
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Adolf Loefflmann
`Inst. for Cancer Res. and Treatment
`Neuhauser Str. 15 III
`Dr. Charles D. Lox
`Texas Tech. Sch. of Med.
`Dept. of Obstetrics/Gynecology
`3601 4th St.
`Lubbock, Texas
`Dr. Thomas Ludwig
`Columbia University
`HHSC 1316
`701 W. 168th Street
`New York, New York


`Ms. Melanie A. Lynch
`Ohio State UniVersity
`College of Medicine
`CHRI Room 1143
`300 W. 10th Avenue
`Columbus, Ohio
`Dr. Nicol A. Macpherson
`British Columbia Cancer Agency
`1900 Fort St.
`Victoria, British Columbia
`V8R 1J8
`Dr. Craig A. MacArthur
`Washington Univ. School of Med.
`Ped. Hema./Onc.
`Campus Box 8116
`One Children’s Pl.
`St. Louis, Missouri
`Dr. Tak W. Mak
`Ontario Cancer Institute
`Div. of Cellular and
`Molecular Biology
`500 Sherbourne Street
`Toronto, Ontario
`M4X 1K9
`Dr. Saleem T. A. Malik
`N.W. Ontario Regional Cancer Ctr.
`Dept. of Research
`290 Munro Street
`Thunder Bay, Ontario
`P7A 7T1
`Dr. M. Michele Manos
`Kaiser Foundation Res.
`Div. of Research
`3505 Broadway
`Oakland, California
`Dr. Heidi Martins
`British Columbia Cancer Agency
`Vancouver Island Cancer Centre
`1900 Fort Street
`Victoria, British Columbia
`V8R 1J8
`Dr. Jeffrey B. Matthews
`BC Cancer Research Centre
`Cancer Imaging
`601 W. 10th Avenue
`Vancouver, British Columbia
`~VSZ 1L3
`Dr. James A. McCubrey
`East Carolina Univ. Sch. of Med.
`Dept. of Microbial.
`Brody Bldg. 5N98C
`Greenville, North Carolina
`& Immuno.
`Dr. Susan E. Minton
`Moffitt Cancer Ctr.
`& Res.
`University of South Florida
`12902 Magnolia Dr., Suite 2190
`Tampa, Florida
`Ms. Karen L. Mitro
`Univ. of North Carolina
`Dept. of Radiation Oncology
`CB NO. 7512
`Chapel Hill,
`North Carolina
`Dr. Ellen Mommers
`Free University HoSpital
`Dept. of Pathology
`Postbus 7057
`De Boelelaan
`Dr. Terumi Mizuno
`Radiation Effects Research Found.
`5—2 Hijiyama Park, Minami—ward
`Dr. Alvaro N.A. Monteiro
`The Rockefeller University
`1230 York Avenue, Box 169
`New York, New York


`Dr Franco M. Muggia
`Kaplan Cancer Center
`550 First Ave.
`New York, New York
`Dr. Manubai Nagamani
`UT Medical Branch
`Dept. of Ob./Gyn.
`301 University Blvd.
`Rt. E87
`Galveston, Texas
`Dr. Harikrishna Nakshatri
`Indiana Univ. Sch. of Med.
`Dept. of Surgery
`357, Medl Res. and Library
`975 W. Walnut
`Indianapolis, Indiana
`Dr. Kim L. O’Neill
`Brigham Young University
`Dept. of Microbiology
`751 WIDB
`Provo, Utah
`Dr. Suzanne Ostrand-Rosenberg
`University of Maryland
`Dept. of Biological Sciences
`Baltimore, Maryland
`Dr. Gerard Pals
`Univ. Hospital Vrije Univ.
`Clinical Genetics
`V.d. Boechorststraat 7
`NL-1081 BT
`Dr. Paola C. Muti
`SUNY at Buffalo
`Dept. of Social and Preventive Med.
`270 Farber Hall, 13435 Main St.
`Buffalo, New York
`Dr. Seigo Nakamura
`St. Luke’s International Hosptial
`Dept. of Surgery
`9 -1-Akashi-cho
`Chuo-ku, 104
`Dr. Kenneth Olden
`Nat. Inst. of Env. Health Sci.
`P.O. Box 12233
`111 T. W. Alexander Drive
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina
`Dr. C. Kent Osborne
`UT Health Science Ctr.
`Dept. of Med./Onc.
`7703 Floyd Curl Drive
`San Antonio, Texas
`Dr. Hilmi Ozcelik
`Mt. Sinai Hospital
`Dept. of Path.
`& Lab. Medicine
`Room 602
`600 University Ave.
`Toronto, Ontario
`MSG 1X5
`Dr. Antonino Passaniti
`National Institute on Aging
`Lab. of Biological Chem.
`4940 Eastern Ave.
`Baltimore, Maryland
`Dr. James W. E. Paterson
`University of St. Andrews
`Sch. of Biological & Med. Science
`Bute Medical Building
`Westburn Lane
`St. Andrews, Fife
`KY16 9T5
`Dr. Debananda Pati
`Texas Children’s Cancer Center
`Baylor College of Med.
`6621 Fannin Center
`MC 3~3320
`Houston, Texas


`Dr. Mark D. Pegram
`UCLA Medical Center
`11-934 Factor Building
`10833 LeConte Blvd.
`Los Angeles, California
`Dr. Manuel L. Penichet
`Univ. of California
`Dept. of Microbial.
`405 Hilgard Ave.
`Los Angeles, California
`& Mol. Gen.
`Dr. Paul D. P. Pharoah
`CRC Human Cancer Genetics Group
`Box 238, Addenbrooke's Hospital
`Hills Road
`Dr. Gary A. Piazza
`Cell Pathways, Inc.
`1300 S. Potomac, Suite 110
`Aurora, Colorado
`Dr Malcolm C. Pike
`USC/Norris Comp. Cancer Center
`Dept. of Preventive Medicine
`MS 44
`1441 Eastlake Ave.
`Los Angeles, California
`Mr. Jan Pinkas
`Univ. of Massachusetts
`MCB Program
`& Animal Sciences
`Paige Hall
`Amherst, Massachusetts
`Ms. Maricarmen D. Planas—Silva
`Whitehead Institute
`Nine Cambridge Ctr.
`Room #359
`Cambridge, Massachusetts
`Dr. Heike—Doerte Platte
`University of Lancaster
`Dept. of Biological Sciences
`Lancaster, Lancashire
`LAl 4YG
`Dr. Michael J. Porter
`University of St. Andrews
`Sch. of Biological and Med. Sciences
`Bute Medical Building
`Westburn Lane
`St. Andrews, FiFe
`KY16 9T5
`Dr. Peggy L. Porter
`Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ctr.
`1124 Columbia Street
`C1—015 -
`Seattle, Washington
`Dr. Joseph L. Potz
`Abington, Heme—Ono. Associates
`1245 Highland Ave.
`Abington, Pennsylvania
`Dr. Monja L. Proctor
`UT Southwestern Med. Ctr.
`Hamon Ctr. for Thera. Ono. Res.
`5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
`Dallas, Texas
`Dr. Beth A. Pulaski
`Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County
`Dept. of Biology
`1000 Hilltop Circle
`Baltimore, Maryland
`Dr. Michael J. Ramirez
`Duke Univ. Medical Center
`Dept. of Hema./Onc.
`Box 3841
`Durham, North Carolina


`Dr. Stephen E. Reid, Jr.
`Northwestern Medical School
`Dept. of Surgery
`Evanston Hospital
`2650 Ridge Ave.
`Evanston, Illinois
`Ms. Deborah Riley
`PharmaGenics, Inc.
`4 Pearl Court
`Allendale, New Jersey
`Dr. Matti A. Rookus
`Netherlands Cancer Institute
`Dept. PSOE/Epidemiology
`PlesmanLaan 121
`1066 CX
`The Netherlands
`Dr. Kathleen T. Ruddy
`Clara Maass Medical Center
`One Clara Maass Drive
`Belleville, New Jersey
`Dr. Andrew A. Renwick
`Beatson Inst. for Cancer Res.
`Switchback Road
`G12 9DG
`Dr. Pascale G. Rio
`Centre Jean Perrin
`Lab. of Molecular Oncology
`BP 392
`Dr. Marvin Rubenstein
`Hekroen Insr. for Med. Res.
`Division of Cellular Biology
`627 S. Wood St.
`Chicago, Illinois
`Dr. Heinz Ruffner
`The Salk Inst. for Biolog. Studies
`Lab. of Genetics
`10010 N. Torrey Pines Road
`La Jolla, California
`Dr. Jose Russo
`Fox Chase Cancer Center
`Breast Cancer Research Lab.
`7701 Burholme Ave.
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
`Dr. Daitoku Sakamuro
`The Wistar Inst.
`3601 Spruce Street
`Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
`Dr. Ali Salim
`National Cancer Inst.
`Bldg. 18T/Rm. 101
`18 Library Dr. MSC 5430
`Bethesda, Maryland
`Mr. Charanjit S. Sandhu
`Sunnybrook Health Science Center
`2075 Bayview Ave.
`Toronto, Ontario
`M4N 3M8
`Dr. Carl Y. Sasaki
`National Inst. on Aging (NIH)
`Gerontology Research Center
`4940 Eastern Avenue
`Baltimore, Maryland
`Mr. Andrews B. Sasu
`Ghana Cancer Society
`lst Garden Jerusalem Hill
`Yamoransa, P. O. Box 799
`Cape Coast,


`Dr. Monica K. Sauer
`Samuel Lunenfeld Res. Inst.
`Mount Sinai Hospital
`600 University Ave.
`Toronto, Ontario
`MSG 1X5
`Dr. Pepper J. Schedin
`AMC Cancer Research Center
`Ctr. for Cancer Causation & Prev.
`1600 Pierce St.
`Denver, Colorado
`Dr. Ralph Scully
`Dana-Farber Cancer Inst.
`NDM, Mayor 657
`44 Binney Street
`Boston, Massachusetts
`Dr. Victoria L. Seewaldt
`University of Washington
`Dept. of Pathology, SM-30
`Health Sciences Bldg., E504
`1059 N.E. Pacific St.
`Seattle, Washington
`Dr. Ruby T. Senie
`Mem. Sloan—Kettering Cancer Ctr.
`1275 York Ave.
`Box 479
`Dr. Shyam K. Sharan
`HHMI, Baylor College of Medicine
`Dept. of M01.
`& Human Genetics
`New York, New York
`Houston, Texas
`Dr. Jerry W. Shay
`UT Southwestern Medical Center
`Dept. of Cell Biol.
`& Neurosci.
`5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
`Dallas, Texas
`Dr. Rodney E. Sherman
`Lenox Hill Hospital
`Dept. of Hema./Onc.
`100 East 77th St.
`New York, New York
`Dr. Hideki Shimodaira
`Tohoku Univ.
`Inst. Dev., Aging, and Cancer
`4~1 Seiryo-machi, Aokba—ku
`Dr. Jacques Simard
`Laval University
`CHUL Research Centre
`Lab. of Molecular Endocrinology
`2705 Laurier Blvd.
`Quebec City, Quebec
`GlV 4G2
`Dr. Evan R. Simpson
`UT Southwestern Med. Ctr.
`Ctr. for Reprod. Biol. Sciences
`5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
`Dallas, Texas
`Dr. Jan Skouv
`Danish Cancer Society
`Div. of Cancer Biology
`Dept. of Tumor Endocrin.
`Strandboulevarden 49, 4.3
`Dr. Kirsten A. Skov
`B.C. Cancer Research Centre
`Medical BioPhysics
`601 W. 10th Ave.
`Vancouver, British Columbia
`V52 1L3
`Dr. Joyce M. Slingerland
`Sunnybrook Health Science Centre
`131 Winchester St.
`Toronto, Ontario
`M4X 1B3


`Ms. Kimberly D. Sloan—Stakleff
`Akron General Medical Center
`Calhoun Research Lab.
`400 Wabash Ave.
`Akron, Ohio
`Dr. Simon A. Smith
`Univ. of Kentucky
`Chandler Med. Ctr.
`Room 124C
`Combs Res. Bldg.
`Lexington, Kentucky
`Dr. Marie L. Socha
`University of Alabama
`720 S. 20th Street, Room 221B
`Birmingham, Alabama
`Dr. Gregory G. Solomon
`Lab. of MolecularNIEHS
`111 Alexander Drive
`Res. Triangle Park, North Carolina
`Dr. Kathr

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