
`Webster's II
`New College Dictionary
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`Houghton Mifflin Company
`Boston « New York
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al. Ex. 1024 p. 1
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al. Ex. 1024 p. 1


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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Webster’s II new college dictionary.
`(alk. paper)
`ISBN 0-395-70869-9
`1. English language — Dictionaries.
`Riverside University dictionary
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`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al. Ex. 1024 p. 2
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al. Ex. 1024 p. 2


` meager @ measure
`often meanders. A cinmitouy
`tumsg,.08. ot a stre
`meager diso meagre |
` Conspl
`r artistic and archite
`cuorsion ar jourme
`viously deficient mn
`- me+an! dersing.|y,
`macer.] 1. Havinglittle fle
`fret or key pattern
`indome> 3. Deficient m rich
`quantity, fullness, or extent
`adv. —mean! drows. (+c
`e absolute vale
`mean of tl
`‘ fertility, or vigor «
`the meager craps produced on worm-cut land
`tion n, The
` ALR.
`mean dev
`» median,
`in a
`an, or from th
`deviations from,
`the arithmetic mera
`a'gersly adv. — mea! ger-ness Ti
`tical distribution
`STINGY adj. core meaning } cor picuously de
`nean-ing (mé'ning) n. L Somethingsignified by a word, 2
`Erp Tete
`it in quantity, fullness, or extent < eked Gut a meager existence
`thing one
`to convey, esp bylanguage.
`3. Something inte
`irded as the inney
`increase in salary
`to be the intent, goal, or ¢
`4, Something
`The edible
`seed or oul
`meal! (mél) n.
`[ME £
`<"But who can comprel end the meanir
`round grain
`nular substance made by
`edible part of a conrsl
`—O, Henry>
`5, Functlonal
`value+ &
`1 eaten in one
`emptyof all meaning
`(idj, 1,
`(ME < OF mati. 1. The lood served
`(mal) m.
`nosed in a specttiod manner <a w
`+ Pun,
`sitting: 2.A customary time or ocvasion of eating food
`4 word history: The usual currents¢
`onesitting," has existed since the 14th century hue ie was actually an
`what is signified by a term <synonyims- words with the same sea,
`extenaion of the Old English sense, “Heed time for ¢
`scended from ant Indo-European root that meant
`oing-fal) adj.
`1. Having meaning, function, «;
`purpose | SIGNIFICANT, 2. Full of meaning | EXPRESSIVE <a meanings]
`(a meaning recorded for meal in medieval time
`metin, “to measure,
`and Greek metron, “measure, poetic mete
`plance> —mean/ing-ful-ly ady. —mean!ing-ful-ness n_
`mealede (mé/le) n, [Afr niilie < Port. milho, millet
`Lat. miifium.|
`mean-ingeless (mé/ning-ls)ad} Having nosignificance Or meay.
`So. Afr:
`1. An ear of corn,
`2, mealies, Com + man
`ing t SENSELESS —mean! ing-lese-+ly adv —menn! ingles,
`ness 7
`meal ticket n. 1. A card orticket entitling the holder to a meal or
`"é) adv. In a mean, poor, or base manner
`ineals. 2. Slang, One relied on as a source of financial support.
`mean-ly (men
`mealtime (mél/tim') n. The usual time for eating a meal,
`)n. 1. The state of being inferior in quality
`meanness (mén!n
`meal-worm(mél! warm’) n, Thelarva of anyof several beetles of
`selfishness. 3, A ma.
`value, or character:COMMONNESS. 2. Stinpimess +
`the genus Tenebrio that infest flour and other grain products andare
`licious or spiteful, act.
`raisedfor bird feed,
`mean solar day n. The period of time between twosuccessive than.
`mealey (mille) adj. -i-er, «jest. 1. Resembling meal in texture or
`sits of the mean sun : the suimdardfor the 24-hour diy, measured from
`censistency : GRANULAR <medly potatoes > 2. 0. Made of or contoin
`to midnight,
`ing meal. b. Sprinkled or covered with meal or a similar granular sub-
`mean-spir-it-ed or mean apir-it+ed (men sple? tld) adj
`Flecked with spots: MotTrLep. 4. Lacking healthy coloring
`Having or characterized by a malicious or petty spirit, —mean!.
`+ PAL
`Mealy-mouthed, —meal’i-mess 7
`spir/iteedely adv —mean! -spir/it-ed-ness1.
`meal-y+bug (mé!lé-bag’) m,
`[So called because it is covered with a
`mean square n. The arithmetic mean of the squares of a set of num-
`white powdery substance.) Any of variousinsects of the genus Pseudo:
`cocous, some of whichare harmful to plants, esp. citrus tret
`mean sun a, A hypothetical sun defined as moving at a unitorm rote
`meal-y-mouthed imé'lé-mouthd'’, -moutht’) adj, Unwilling to
`along the celestial equator sq that it completes its orbit in the same
`state facts or opinions simply and directly : Evastve:
`period as the apparent sun, used to. compute the mesnsolar day.
`mean! (mén) v. meant (méint), mean-ing, means, [ME menen <
`meant (mént) v. pt @ pp. OF MEAN!,
`OE mi@nan,
`totell of.) —vt. 1.2. To be defined or-deserihedas pn:
`mean-time (mén'tim’) n.
`time between one pccurence and
`note <The word “cat” means a certain species of mammial.> b. To
`another : mvTeRvaL. —dadv, During a period of
`intervening time ;
`convey the same sense as
`<The Spanish word “ventana” means “win
`let wonder seem familiar” — Shakespeare
`a dow.> e. To actasa symbol of : sianmy <In this. poem, the tose
`usage: Mvantime serves chiefly asa noun:
`In the meanti
`means love.> 2. To intend to indicate or convey < What do they mean
`played cards, As an adverb, meanwhile is more common: Meanwh
`by those gestures?>
`3. To have ns
`a purpose
`or intention ; INTEND <]
`we played cards.
`didn't mean to make you angry.> 4, To design or intend fora certain
`mean time.n. Time measured with reference to the mean sun, piv
`purpose or end <a truck meant fer light hauling>
`5. To have'as
`¢ con
`ing equal 24-hour days throughout the year.
`sequence : BRING ABOUT, 6, To be attended by or associated
`mean- while (mén!hwil', -wil’) a, The intervening time, —ad
`rainbow means the stormisover.> —vi. 1. Tobeof a specified sig
`During or in the intervening time. 2. At
`the same Hime <Thejuryis
`nificance or importance : Marten <Wealth meant little to them.>
`out; meanwhile, we must wait
`spat, ot
`To have intentions of a specified kind <medans well but
`lacks tact>
`measles (mez
`(ME maseles, pl. of m J, measles
`—mean business. [nformal, To he in came
`MLG orig.) (used with a sing. verb),
`1. a. An acute contagious Virus
`mean? (mén) acij. -er, -est. (ME~ €
`maine, common.) 1. Low in
`usu. occurring in childhood and characterized by eruption of
`quality or grade + ivranror. 2, Lowin social status, 3. Poor or common
`spots, b. One of several diseases displaying similar but milder
`in appearance : SHABRY <a mean cabin> 4. Ignoble : base
`<a mean
`oms, esp. German measles, 2. A disease
`of cattle and swine,
`5, Low in amount or value;
`pautiy, 6. Miserly :
`vatsed by tapewormlarvae.
`3. A plant disease usu caused by fungi,
`a. Lacking elevating human qualities,
`a5 kindness and good will. b.
`and producing minute spots on stems nnd leaves:
`to oblige or accommodate, c. Displaying malice
`meassly| fe) adj, -aliver, -slisest, 1. Infected or spotted with
`Hard to cope with.
`cious. &Informal, Hl-tempered, 9. Slang.
`: pir
`measles : MEASLED. 2,
`QOiiously small : MEAGER
`4 mean road to travel in winter> bh. Hard to defeat
`- plays a
`meas-ur-arble (m
`ar-avbal) adj,
`1. Able to be measured. 2: ol
`—mean! by adv.
`distinguished importance t SIGNIFICANT 3, Not so predt aq to escape
`Lat, medianus < medius.] 1.
`middle < OF.
`mean) (1
`all comparison or measure + MONENATE —meas’ urea-bil ity 9
`The middle point between two extremes.
`2. The aveidanee of ex-
`—meas! ureasbly addy
`tremes of behavior + Mt
`very virtue,
`as we were taught
`measure (mézh!ar).n.
`(ME < OFr. mesure < Lat meénsnra
`in youth, isa mean between two extreme
`Max Beerbohm> 3.
`to measure.)
`Dimensions, capacity, or quantity As determined by
`number that represents a sect ol numbers in anyaf several
`meastiring. 2. A reference sample or standard used fc
`the quaneitative
`by a rule involving all membersof the
`comparisonof properties. 3, A unit specified bys
`ag an inch, oF
`b. The arithmetic mean, 4. Logic, The middle term in a
`syllogiam, 5.
`hy variable conditions,
`ag a day’s march, 4, A-systemof measurement
`means. A course of action, @
`ument by which ax act
`aa the metric system.
`5. A device, as a marked tape ora
`can be
`accomplished or an end achie
`“suggested the endjustified
`container, used for measuring, 6. Anact of measurement. 7.
`the means>
`6. means, Wealth, as mohey or property. usage: In the
`comparison ; crirmuon <"the final measure of the worth of #§
`ty” —Joseph Wood Krutch> 8, The degree or extent of something”:
`yense of
`| resources," means takes
`a plural verb,
`as in Our
`means ware more thon adequate. Inthe
`way end,” it
`<a measureof appreciation> 10. A limited degre’
`maytake a singolarorplural verb, the choice of a modifier such as any
`amount, 12. Limit
`: bounds
`<wealth knowing no medsure> 12. Ap
`oral! penerally determines the number of the ve
`in! E
`propriate restraint
`iscipline in measure> 13
`dilable was
`sidered: There are
`séveral means at our
`An action ti
`5 Ameans to anend’: EXPEDIENT I
`legislative bill or enactment. 15. Poetic meter, 16, Mus,
`'The melt”
`HA, Occupying a middle position between two extrem
`termediate in extent,
`re, quality, degree,
`or time : MEDIUM —by
`unit betwee
`ira on the staff + BAR,
`v. -ured,
`fml 2c
`means. Without
`TAINLY, —by any
`In any wi
`-ures. — Vt.
`1. To determine the dimensions, quantity, or ¢
`not by
`any casy jobh> —by m
`possible : ina
`9. To mark, establish, or
`lay out dimension
`of. With the use of
`t owing to <suecceeded by means of pat
`nate by comparison or evaluation <"T gave theman account
` fon “ae
`thesituatic far as [could measureit—Winston Churchill? 4, t)
`—by no means. In no sé
`: certainly mist.
`mean calorie n, cALontt 2.
`bring inte oppas
`dour power with the adversary” 5
`neder (méin/ dar) vi. -dered, -der-ing, ders. |< Lat, mac
`Gh. matandtos, alter Mat
`circuitous winding
`ning and
`— il
`e,| 1. To follow a te
`hwwhich EN
`e he
`2. To wander
`ga toe
`winding cour
`through fields:
`s. Windings or
`oi noise
`aimlessly without
`fixed direction —ao.
`1. mreande
` 5
`arcare Ufather
`irpier pot
`4 pat
`Samsung Electronics C
`o., Ltd. et al. Ex. 1024 p. 3
`Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al. Ex. 1024 p. 3

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