Interrupt 21H Function 3FH
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 3FH (63)
`Read File or Device
`2.0 and later
`Function 3FH reads from the file or device referenced by a handle.
`To Call
`= handle number
`= number of bytes to read
`= segment:offset of data buffer
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`= number of bytes read from file
`= segment:offset of data read from file
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`= error code:
`access denied
`invalid handle
`Programmer's Notes
`• Data is read from the file beginning at the current location of the file pointer. After a
`successful read, the file pointer is updated to point to the byte following the last byte
`If Function 3FH returns OOH in the AX register, the function attempted to read when
`the file pointer was at the end of the file. If AX is less than CX, a partial record at the
`end of the file was read.
`Function 3FH can be used with all handles, including standard input (normally the
`keyboard). When reading from standard input, this function normally reads charac(cid:173)
`ters only to the first carriage-return character. Thus, the number of bytes read in AX
`will not necessarily match the length requested in CX.
`• On networks running under MS-DOS version 3.1 or later, the user must have Read
`access to the directory and file containing the information to be read.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1316

`Interrupt 21H Function 3FH
`Related Functions
`40H (Write File or Device)
`42H (Move File Pointer)
`59H (Get'Extended.Error Information)
`Function 3FH: Read File or Device
`int read(handle,pbuffer,nbytes)
`int handle,nbytes;
`char *pbuffer;
`Returns -1 if there was a read error,
`otherwise returns number of bytes read.
`bx 1 handle
`loadDP ds,dx,pbuffer
`Get handle.
`Get pointer to buffer.
`Get number of bytes to read.
`Set function code.
`Ask MS-DOS to read ex bytes.
`Branch if read worked.
`Else return -1.
`Section V: System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1317

`Interrupt 21H Function 40H
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 40H (64)
`Write File or Device
`2.0 and later
`Function 40H writes the specified number of bytes to a file or device referenced by a
`To Call
`=number of bytes to write
`= segment: offset of data buffer
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`= number of bytes written to file or device
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`= error code:
`access denied
`invalid handle
`Programmer's Notes
`• Data is written to the file or device beginning at the· current location of the file
`pointer. After writing the specified data, Function 40H updates the position of the
`file pointer and returns the actual number of bytes written in AX.
`Function 40H returns error code 05H (access denied) if the file was opened as read(cid:173)
`only with Function 3CH (Create File with Handle), 3DH (Open File with Handle),
`5AH (Create Temporary File), or 5BH (Create New File). On networks running under
`MS-DOS version 3.1 or later, access is also denied if the file or record has been locked
`by another process.
`The handle number in BX must be one of the predefined device handles (0 through 4)
`or a handle obtained through a previous call to open or create a file (such as Function
`3CH, 3DH, 5AH, or 5BH).
`If CX = 0, the file is truncated or extended to the current file pointer location. Clusters
`are allocated or released in the file allocation table (FAT) as required to fulfill the
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1318

`Interrupt 21H Function 40H
`If the handle parameter for Function 40H refers to a disk file and the number of bytes
`written (returned in AX) is less than the number requested in CX, the destination disk
`is full. The carry flag is not set in this situation.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`·error-in partkular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`3FH (Read File or Device)
`42H (Move File Pointer)
`Function 40H: Write File or Device
`int write(handle,pbuffer,nbytes)
`int handle,nbytes;
`char *pbuffer;
`Returns -1 if there was a write error,
`otherwise returns number of bytes written.
`loadDP ds,dx,pbuffer
`Get handle.
`Get pointer to buffer.
`Get number of to write.
`Set function code.
`Ask MS-DOS to write CX bytes.
`Branch if write successful.
`Else return -1 .
`Section V.· System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1319

`2.0 and later
`Interrupt 21H Function 41H
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 41H (65)
`Delete File
`Function 41H deletes the directory entry of the specified file.
`To Call
`= segment: offset of ASCIIZ pathname
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`= error code:
`file not found
`path not found
`access denied
`Programmer's Notes
`• The pathname must be a null-terminated ASCII string (ASCIIZ). Unlike Function 13H
`(Delete File), Function 41H does not allow wildcard characters in the pathname.
`• Because Function 41H supports the use of full pathnames, it is preferable to Function
`Function 41H returns error code 05H (access denied) and fails if the file has either a
`directory or volume attribute or if it is a read-only file.
`A directory can be deleted (if it is empty) with Function 3AH (Remove Directory). A
`read-only file can be deleted if its attribute is changed to normal with Function 43H
`.(Get/Set File Attributes) before Function 41H is called.
`• On networks running under MS-DOS version 3.1 or later, the user must have Create
`access to the directory containing the file to be deleted.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`3AH (Remove Directory)
`43H (Get/Set File Attributes)
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1320

`Interrupt 21H Function 41H
`Function 41H: Delete File
`int delete(pfilepath)
`char *pfilepath;
`Returns 0 if file deleted,
`otherwise returns error code.
`parrnDP pfilepath
`loadDP ds,dx,pfilepath
`ah, 41h
`Get pointer to pathnarne.
`Set function code.
`Ask MS-DOS to delete file.
`Branch if MS-DOS could not delete
`Else return 0.
`Section V: System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1321

`Interrupt 21H Function 42H
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 42H (66)
`Move File Pointer
`2.0 and later
`Function 42H sets the position of the file pointer (for the next read/write operation) for .
`the file associated with the specified handle.
`To Call
`= method code:
`byte offset from beginning of file
`byte offset from current location of file pointer
`byte offset from end of file
`= handle number
`= offset value to move pointer:
`most significant half of a doubleword value
`least significant half of a doubleword value
`!(function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`= new file pointer position (absolute byte offset from beginning of file)
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`= error code:
`invalid function (AL not OOH, 01H, or 02H)
`invalid handle
`Programmer's Notes
`The value in CX:DX is an offset specifying how far the file pointer is to be moved.
`With method code OOH, the value in CX:DX is always interpreted as a positive 32-bit
`integer, meaning the file pointer is always set relative to the beginning of the file.
`With method codes 01H and 02H, the value in CX:DX can be either a positive or nega(cid:173)
`tive 32-bit integer. Thus, method 1 can move the file pointer either forward or back(cid:173)
`ward from its current position; method 2 can move the file pointer either forward or
`backward from the end of the file.
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1322

`Interrupt 21H Function 42H
`Specifying method code OOH with an offset of 0 positions the file pointer at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of the file. Similarly, specifying method code 02H with an offset of 0 conve(cid:173)
`niently positions the file pointer at the end of the file. With method code 02H offset 0,
`the size of the file can also be determined by examining the pointer position returned
`by the function.
`• Depending on the offset specified in CX:DX, methods 1 and 2 may move the file
`pointer to a position before the start of the file. Function 42H does not return an error
`code if this happens, but later attempts to read from or write to the file will produce
`unexpected errors.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`3FH (Read File or Device)
`40H (Write File or Device)
`Function 42H: Move File Pointer
`long seek(handle,distance,mode)
`int handle,mode;
`long distance;
`0: from beginning of file
`1: from the current position
`2: from the end of the file
`Returns -1 if there wa$ a seek error,
`otherwise returns long pointer position.
`Get handle.
`Get distance into ES:DX.
`Put high word of di$tance into ex.
`Get move method code.
`set function code.
`Section V.· System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1323

`Interrupt 21H Function 42H
`Ask MS-DOS to move file pointer.
`Branch if seek successful.
`Else return -1 .
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1324

`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 43H (67)
`Get/Set File Attributes
`Function 43H gets or sets the attributes of the specified file.
`To Call
`To get file attributes:
`= segment: offset of ASCIIZ pathname
`To set file attributes:
`= attributes to set:
`Read-only file
`Hidden file
`System file
`= segment:offset of ASCIIZ pathname
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`If function is not successful:
`= attribute .
`Carry flag is set.
`= error code:
`invalid function (AL not OOH or 01H)
`file not found
`path not found
`access denied
`Interrupt 21H Function 43H
`2.0 and later
`Section V: System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1325

`Interrupt 21H Function 43H
`Programmer's Notes
`The pathname must be a null-terminated ASCII string (ASCIIZ).
`Function 43H cannot be used to set or change either a volume-label or directory at(cid:173)
`tribute (bits 3 and 4 of the attribute byte). With MS-DOS versions 3.x, Function 43H
`can be used to make a directory hidden or read-only.
`• On networks running under MS-DOS version 3.1 or later, the user must have Create
`access to the directory containing the file in order to change the read-only, hidden, or
`system attribute. The archive bit, however, can be changed regardless of access rights.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`Function 43H: Get/Set File Attributes
`int file_attr(pfilepath,func,attr)
`char *pfilepath;
`int func, attr;
`Returns -1 for all errors,
`otherwise returns file attribute.
`loadDP ds,dx,pfilepath
`Get pointer to pathname.
`Get/set flag into AL.
`Get new attr (if pres"ent).
`Set code function.
`Call MS-DOS.,
`Branch if no error.
`Else return -1 .
`ax, ex
`Return this value.
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1326

`Interrupt 2m (33)
`Function 44H (68)
`Interrupt 21H Function 44H
`2.0 and later
`Function 44H is a collection of subfunctions that provide a process a direct path of com(cid:173)
`munication with a device driver. As such, this function is the most flexible means of gain(cid:173)
`ing access to the full capabilities of an installed device.
`An IOCTL subfunction is called with 44H in AH and the value for the subfunction in AL. If
`a subfunction has minor functions, those values are specified in CL. Otherwise, the BX,
`CX, and DX registers are used for such information as handles, drive identifiers, buffer ad(cid:173)
`dresses, and so on.
`The subfunctions and the versions of MS-DOS with which they are available are
`Get Device Data
`Set Device Data
`Receive Control Data from Character Device
`Send Control Data to Character Device
`Receive Control Data from Block Device
`Send Control Data to Block Device
`Check Input Status
`Check Output Status
`Check If Block Device Is Removable
`Check If Block Device Is Remote
`Check If Handle Is Remote
`Change Sharing Retry Count
`Generic I/0 Control for Handles
`Minor Code 45H: Set Iteration Count
`Minor Code 65H: Get Iteration Count
`Generic I/0 Control for Block Devices
`Minor Code 40H: Set Device Parameters
`Minor Code 60H: Get Device Parameters .
`Minor Code 41H: Write Track on Logical Drive
`Minor Code 61H: Read Track on Logical Drive
`Minor Code 42H: Format and Verify Track
`on Logical Drive
`Minor Code 62H: Verify Track on Logical Drive
`2.0 and later
`2.0 and later
`2.0 and later
`2.0 and later
`2.0 and later
`2.0 and later
`2.0 and later
`2.0 and later
`3.0 and later
`3.1 and later
`3.1 and later
`3.1 and later
`Section V System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1327

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H
`Sub function
`Get Logical Drive Map
`Set Logical Drive Map
`These subfunctions are documented, either individually or in related pairs, in the entries
`that follow.
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1328

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunction OOH
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 44H (68) Subfunction OOH
`IOCTL: Get Device Data
`2.0 and later
`Function 44H Subfunction OOH gets information about a character device or file referenced
`by a handle.
`To Call
`AH =44H
`BX = handle number
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`DX contains information on file or device:
`For a file (bit 7 = 0):
`For a device (bit 7 = 1):
`Handle refers to a file.
`File has been written.
`Drive number (0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C, and so on).
`Processes control strings transferred by IOCTL Subfunctions 02H
`(Receive Control Data from Character Device) and 03H (Send
`Control Data to Character Device), set by MS-DOS.
`Handle refers to a device.
`End of file on input.
`Checks for control characters (cooked mode).
`Does not check for control characters (raw mode).
`Section V: System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1329

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunction OOH
`Clock device.
`Null device.
`Standard output device.
`Standard input device.
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`AX = error code:
`invalid IOCTL subfunction
`access denied
`invalid handle
`Programmer's Notes
`• Bits 8-15 of DX correspond to the upper 8 bits of the device-driver attribute word.
`• The handle in BX must reference an open device or file.
`• Bit 5 of the device data word for character-device handles defines whether that han(cid:173)
`dle is in raw mode or cooked mode. In cooked mode, MS-DOS checks for Control-C,
`Control-P, Control-S, and Control-Z characters and transfers control to the Control-C
`exception handler (whose address is saved in the vector for Interrupt 23H) when a
`Control-C is detected. In raw mode, MS-DOS does not check for such characters when
`1/0 is performed to the handle; however, it will still check for a Control-C entered at
`the keyboard on other function calls unless such checking has been turned off with
`Function 33H, the BREAK= OFF directive in CONFIG.SYS, or a BREAK OFF com(cid:173)
`mand at the MS-DOS prompt.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`33H (Get/Set Control-C Check Flag)
`3CH (Create File with Handle)
`3DH (Open File with Handle)
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1330

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunction OOH ·
`Function 44H, Subfunctions OOH,01H:
`Get/Set IOCTL Device Data
`int ioctl_char_flags(setflag,handle,newflags)
`int setflag;
`int handle;
`int newflags;
`Set setflag = 0 to get flags, 1 to set flags.
`Returns -1 for error, else returns flags.
`set flag
`al, 1
`Ge.t set flag.
`Save only lsb.
`Get handle to character device.
`Get new flags (they are used only
`by "set" option).
`Set function code.
`Call MS-DOS.
`Assume success - prepare to return
`Branch if no error.
`Else return error flag.
`Section V.· System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1331

`·Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunction OlH
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 44H (68) Subfunction OlH
`IOCTL: Set Device Data
`2.0 and later
`Function 44H Subfunction 01H, the complement of IOCTL Subfunction OOH, sets informa(cid:173)
`tion about a character device- but not a file- referenced by a handle.
`To Call
`AH =44H
`AL =01H
`BX = handle number
`OX = device data word:
`Handle refers to a device.
`End of file on input.
`Check for control characters
`(cooked mode).
`Do not check for control characters
`(raw mode).
`Clock device.
`Null device.
`Standard output device.
`Standard input device.
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`AX = error code:
`invalid IOCTL subfunction
`access denied
`invalid handle
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1332

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunction OlH
`Programmer's Notes
`• The handle in BX must reference an open device.
`• DH must be OOH. If it is not, the carry flag is set and error code OlH (invalid function)
`is returned.
`• Bit 5 of the device data word for character-device handles selects raw mode or cooked
`mode for the handle. In cooked mode, MS-DOS checks for Control-C, Control-P,
`Control-S, and Control-Z characters and transfers control to the Control-C exception
`handler (whose address is saved in the vector for Interrupt 23H) when a Control-Cis
`detected. In raw mode, MS-DOS does not check for such characters when I/0 is per(cid:173)
`formed to the handle; however, it will still check for a Control-C entered at the key(cid:173)
`board on other function calls unless such checking has been turned off with Function
`33H, the BREAK=OFF directive in CONFIG.SYS, or a BREAK OFF command at the
`MS-DOS prompt.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`33H (Get/Set Control-C Check Flag)
`3CH (Create File with Handle)
`3DH (Open File with Handle)
`See SYSTEM CALLS: INTERRUPT 21H: Function 44H Subfunction OOH.
`Section V: System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1333

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunctions 02H and 03H
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`2.0 and later
`Function 44H (68) Subfunctions 02H and 03H
`IOCTL: Receive Control Data from Character Device; Send Control Data to
`Character Device
`Function 44H Subfunctions 02H and 03H respectively receive and send control strings
`from and to a character-oriented device driver.
`To Call
`receive control strings
`= 02H
`send control strings
`= handle number
`= number of bytes to transfer
`= segment: offset of data buffer
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`= number of bytes transferred
`If AL was 02H on call:
`Buffer at DS:DX contains data read from device driver.
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`= error code:
`invalid function
`access denied
`invalid handle
`invalid data (bad control string)
`Programmer's Notes
`Subfunctions 02H and 03H provide a means of transferring control information of any
`type or length between an application program and a character-device driver. They
`do not necessarily result in any input to or output from the physical device itself.
`Subfunction 02H can be used to read control information about such features as
`device status, availability, and current output location. Subfunction 03H is often used
`to configure the driver or device for subsequent I/0; for example. it may be used to set
`the baud rate, word length, and parity for a serial communication'S adapter or to initial(cid:173)
`ize a printer for a specific font, page length, and so on. The format of the control data
`passed by these subfunctions is driver specific and does not follow any standard.
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1334

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunctions 02H and 03H
`• Character-device drivers are not required to support IOCTL Subfunctions 02H and
`03H. Therefore, Subfunction OOH (Get Device Data) should be called before either
`Subfunction 02H or 03H to determine whether a device can process control strings.
`If bit 14 of the device data word returned bySubfunction OOH is set, the device driver
`supports IOCTL Subfunctions 02H and 03H.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`44H Subfunction OOH (Get Device Data)
`44H Subfunction 04H (Receive Control Data from Block Device)
`44H Subfunction 05H (Send Control Data to Block Device)
`Function 44H, Subfunctions 02H,03H:
`IOCTL Character Device control
`int ioctl_char_ctrl(recvflag,handle,pbuffer,nbytes)
`char *pbuffer;
`Set recvflag = 0 to receive info, 1 to send.
`Returns -1 for error, otherwise returns number of
`byte~ sent or received.
`al, 1
`Get recvflag.
`Keep only lsb.
`AL = 02H for receive, 03H for send.
`Get character-device handle.
`Get number of bytes to receive/send.
`Get pointer to buffer.
`Set function code.
`Call MS-DOS.
`Branch if no error.
`Return -1 for all errors.
`Section V: System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1335

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunctions 04H and OSH
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 44H (68) Subfunctions 04H and.05H
`IOCTL: Receive Control Data from Block Device; Send Control Data to Block
`Function 44H Subfunctions 04H and 05H respectively receive and send control strings
`from and to a block-oriented device driver.
`To Call
`receive block-device data
`send block-device data
`= drive number (0 = default drive, 1 = drive A, 2 = drive B, and so on)
`= number of bytes to transfer
`= segment:offset of data buffer
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`= number of bytes transferred
`If AL was 04H on call:
`Buffer at DS:DX contains control data read from device driver.
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`= error code:
`invalid function
`access denied
`invalid handle
`invalid data (bad control string)
`Programmer's Notes
`Subfunctions 04H and 05H provide a means of transferring control information of any
`type or length between an application program and a block-device driver. They do
`not necessarily result in any input to or output from the physical device itself.
`• Control strings can be used to request driver operations that are not file oriented, such
`as tape rewind or disk eject (if hardware supported). The contents of such control
`strings are specific to individual device drivers and do not follow any standard format.
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1336

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunctions 04H and 05H
`Subfunction 04H can be used to obtain a code from the driver indicating device avail(cid:173)
`ability or status. Block devices that might use this subfunction include magnetic tape
`or tape cassette, CD ROM, and Small Computer Standard Interface (SCSI) devices.
`• Block-device drivers are not required to support IOCTL Subfunctions 04H and 05H. If
`the driver does not support these subfunctions, error code OlH (Invalid Function) is
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`44H Subfunction OOH (Get Device Data)
`44H Subfunction 02H (Receive Control Data from Character Device)
`44H Subfunction 03H (Send Control Data to Character Device)
`Function 44H, Subfunctions 04H,05H:
`IOCTL Block Device Control
`int ioctl-block_ctrl(recvflag,drive_ltr,pbuffer,nbytes)
`char *pbuffer;
`Set recvflag = 0 to receive info, 1 to send.
`Returns -1 for error, otherwise returns number of
`bytes sent or received.
`al, 1
`bl,not 20h
`bl, 'A'-1
`Get recvflag.
`Keep only lsb.
`AL = 04H for receive, OSH for send.
`Get drive letter.
`Leave 0 alone.
`Convert letter to uppercase.
`Convert to drive number:
`'B' = 2, etc.
`Section V: System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1337

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunctions 04H and OSH
`loadDP ds,dx,pbuffer
`Get number of bytes to receive/send.
`Get pointer to buffer.
`Set function code.
`Call MS-DOS.
`Branch if no error.
`Return -1 for all errors.
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1338

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunctions 06H and 07H
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 44H (68) Subfunctions 06H and 07H
`IOCTL: Check Input Status; Check Output Status
`Function 44H Subfunctions 06H and 07H respectively determine whether a device or file
`associated with a handle is ready for input or output.
`To Call
`AH =44H
`get input status
`AL = 06H
`get output status
`BX = handle number
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`AL = input or output status:
`not ready
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`AX = error .code:
`invalid function
`access denied
`invalid handle
`invalid data (bad control string)
`Programmer's Notes
`• The status returned in AL has the following meanings:
`Input File
`Output File
`Not ready
`Pointer at EOF
`Section V: System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1339

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunctions 06H and 07H
`• Output files always return a ready condition, even if the disk is full or no disk is in the
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`error- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`Function 44H, Subfunctions 06H,07H:
`IOCTL Input/Output Status
`int ioctl_char_status(outputflag,handle)
`int output flag;
`int handle;
`Set outputflag = 0 for input status, 1 for output status.
`Returns -1 for all errors, 0 for not ready,
`and 1 for ready.
`output flag
`al, 1
`Get outputflag.
`Keep only lsb.
`AL = 06H for input status, 07H for output
`Get handle.
`Set function code.
`Call MS-DOS.
`Branch if no error.
`Return error code.
`short isx
`ax, 1
`Keep only lsb for return value.
`The MS-DOS Encyclopedia
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1340

`Interrupt 21H Function 44H Subfunction 08H
`Interrupt 21H (33)
`Function 44H (68) Subfunction.OSH
`IOCTL: Check If Block Device Is Removable
`3.0 and later
`Function 44H Subfunction 08H checks whether the specified block device contains a
`removable storage medium, such as a floppy disk.
`To Call
`AH =44H
`AL = 08H
`BL = drive number (0 = default drive, 1 = drive A, 2 = drive B, and so on)
`If function is successful:
`Carry flag is clear.
`storage medium removable
`storage medium not removable
`If function is not successful:
`Carry flag is set.
`AX = error code:
`invalid function
`invalid drive
`Programmer's Notes
`This subfunction exists to allow an application to check for a removable disk so that
`the user can be prompted to change disks if a required file is not found.
`• When the carry flag is set, error code 01H normally means that MS-DOS did not recog(cid:173)
`nize the function call. However, this error can also mean that the device driver does
`not support Subfunction 08H. In this case, MS-DOS assumes that the storage medium
`is not removable.
`Function 59H (Get Extended Error Information) provides further information on any
`erro£- in particular, the code, class, recommended corrective action, and locus of
`the error.
`Related Functions
`Section V.· System Calls
`ZTE (USA) 1007, Page 1341

`Interrupt 21H F

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