`Iterative Decoding of Compound Codes by
`Probability Propagation in Graphical Models
`Frank R. Kschischang, Member, IEEE, and Brendan J. Frey
`Abstract—We present a unified graphical model framework for
`describing compound codes and deriving iterative decoding algo-
`rithms. After reviewing a variety of graphical models (Markov
`random fields, Tanner graphs, and Bayesian networks), we derive
`a general distributed marginalization algorithm for functions
`described by factor graphs. From this general algorithm, Pearl’s
`belief propagation algorithm is easily derived as a special case.
`We point out that recently developed iterative decoding algo-
`rithms for various codes, including “turbo decoding” of parallel-
`concatenated convolutional codes, may be viewed as probability
`propagation in a graphical model of the code. We focus on
`Bayesian network descriptions of codes, which give a natural
`input/state/output/channel description of a code and channel, and
`we indicate how iterative decoders can be developed for parallel-
`and serially concatenated coding systems, product codes, and
`low-density parity-check codes.
`Index Terms— Concatenated coding, decoding, graph theory,
`iterative methods, product codes.
`propagation algorithms and [15] for an extensive treatment of
`graphical models.)
`The first to connect Pearl’s “belief propagation” algorithm
`with coding were MacKay and Neal [16]–[18], who showed
`that Gallager’s 35-year-old algorithm [5] for decoding low-
`density parity-check codes is essentially an instance of Pearl’s
`algorithm. Extensive simulation results of MacKay and Neal
`show that Gallager codes can perform nearly as well as turbo
`codes, indicating that we probably “sailed” much closer to
`capacity 35 years ago than might have been appreciated in the
`interim. McEliece et al. [19] have also independently observed
`that turbo decoding is an instance of “belief” propagation.
`They provide a description of Pearl’s algorithm, and make
`explicit the connection to the basic turbo decoding algorithm
`described in [1].
`Recently, and independently of developments in the expert
`systems literature, Wiberg et al. in [20] and Wiberg in his
`doctoral dissertation [21] have refocused attention on graphical
`models for codes. They show that a type of graphical model
`called a “Tanner graph” (first introduced by Tanner [22] to
`describe a generalization of Gallager codes) provides a natural
`setting in which to describe and study iterative soft-decision
`decoding techniques, much as the code trellis [23] is an ap-
`propriate model in which to describe and study “conventional”
`maximum likelihood soft-decision decoding using the Viterbi
`algorithm. Forney [24] gives a nice description of the history
`of various “two-way” algorithms and their connections with
`coding theory.
`In this paper, we seek to unify this recent work by develop-
`ing a graphical model framework that can be used to describe
`a broad class of compound codes and derive corresponding
`iterative decoding algorithms. In Section II, we review and
`relate various graphical models, such as Markov random
`fields, Tanner graphs, and Bayesian networks. These graphs
`all support the basic probability propagation algorithm, which
`is developed in Section III in the general setting of a “factor
`graph,” and in Section IV for the specific case of a Bayesian
`Given a graphical code model, probability propagation can
`be used to compute the conditional probability of a message
`symbol given the observed channel output. For richly con-
`nected graphs containing cycles, exact probability propagation
`becomes computationally infeasible, in which case iterative
`decoding can still yield excellent results. The basic iterative
`decoding algorithm proceeds as if no cycles were present in
`the graph, with no guarantee that the computed “conditional
`probabilities” are close to the correct values, or that they even
`converge! Nevertheless, the excellent performance of turbo
`codes and Gallager codes is testimony to the efficacy of these
`iterative decoding procedures.
`0733–8716/98$10.00 © 1998 IEEE
`COMPOUND codes are codes composed of a collection
`of interacting constituent codes, each of which can
`be decoded tractably. In this paper, we describe various
`graphical models that can be used not only to describe a
`wide variety of compound codes, but also to derive a variety
`of iterative decoding algorithms for these codes. Prominent
`among compound codes are the turbo codes introduced by
`Berrou et al. [1], in which the constituent convolutional codes
`in “parallel concatenation” through an interleaver.
`is probably fair to say that the near-capacity error-rate
`performance of turbo codes has sparked much of the current
`interest in iterative decoding techniques, as evidenced by this
`special issue. Other examples of compound codes include
`classical serially concatenated codes [2] (see also [3], [4]),
`Gallager’s low-density parity-check codes [5], and various
`product codes [6], [7].
`In [8] and [9], we observed that iterative decoding algo-
`rithms developed for these compound codes are often instances
`of probability propagation algorithms that operate in a graphi-
`cal model of the code. These algorithms have been developed
`in the past decade in the expert systems literature, most notably
`by Pearl [10] and Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter [11]. (See
`[12]–[14] for textbook treatments on probability or “belief”
`Manuscript received September 27, 1996; revised May 8, 1997 and July
`29, 1997.
`F. R. Kschischang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer
`Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada, on leave at the
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.
`B. J. Frey is with the Beckman Institute, University of Illinois at Ur-
`bana–Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 USA.
`Publisher Item Identifier S 0733-8716(98)00225-X.
`Apple 1124

`Fig. 1. Graphical models for the (7, 4) Hamming code. (a) Markov random field with a maximal clique indicated. (b) Tanner graph. (c) Bayesian network.
`In Section V, we describe Bayesian network models for
`a variety of compound codes, and describe how probability
`propagation can be used to decode these codes. As it is a
`straightforward exercise to develop Bayesian network models
`for many coding schemes such as multilevel codes and coset
`codes, and also for channels more general than the usual mem-
`oryless channels, we believe that there are many possibilities
`for application of iterative decoding techniques beyond what
`has been described in the literature to date.
`In this section, we present several graph-based models that
`can be used to describe the conditional dependence structure in
`codes and channels. Given a set
`of random
`variables with joint probability distribution
`, a
`graphical model attempts to capture the conditional depen-
`dency structure inherent in this distribution, essentially by
`expressing how the distribution factors as a product of “local
`functions” (e.g., conditional probabilities) involving various
`subsets of
`. Graphical models are useful for describing the
`structure of codes, and are the key to “probability propagation”
`and iterative decoding.
`A. Markov Random Fields
`A Markov random field (see, e.g., [25]) is a graphical model
`based on an undirected graph
`in which each vertex
`corresponds to a random variable, i.e., an element of
`. Denote
`the neighbors of
`, i.e., the set of vertices of
`connected to
`by a single edge of
`. The graph
`is a
`Markov random field (MRF) if the distribution
`satisfies the local Markov property:
`. In other words,
`is an MRF if every variable
`is independent of nonneighboring variables in the graph,
`given the values of its immediate neighbors. MRF’s are well
`developed in statistics, and have been used in a variety of
`applications (see, e.g., [25]–[28]).
`The joint probability mass (or density) function for the
`vertices of a MRF
`is often expressed in terms of a Gibbs
`potential function defined on the maximal cliques of
`. A
`clique in
`is a collection of vertices which are all pairwise
`neighbors, and such a clique is maximal if it is not properly
`contained in any other clique. Corresponding to each clique
`in the set of maximal cliques
`is a collection of vertices
`that are contained in . Denote by
`the sample space for
`the random variable . Given a nonnegative potential function
`for each clique
`, i.e., a function
`, the joint probability mass (or density) function
`is given by
`is a normalizing constant, assuming that
`product in (1) is not everywhere zero. It is possible to define
`an MRF in terms of potential functions defined over all cliques
`, not just the maximal cliques, but any potential function
`defined over a nonmaximal clique
`can be absorbed into the
`potential function defined over the maximal clique containing
`From the structure of the potential functions, it is a straight-
`forward exercise (see, e.g., [25]) to show that the resulting
`probability distribution satisfies the local Markov property.
`Indeed, every strictly positive MRF can be expressed in terms
`of a Gibbs potential, although the proof of this result (given,
`e.g., in [26, ch. 1]) is less straightforward. Lauritzen [15, pp.
`37–38] gives an example due to Moussouris of a nonstrictly
`positive MRF satisfying the local Markov property for which
`it is impossible to express the joint distribution as a product
`of potentials as in (1).
`To illustrate how MRF’s can be used to describe codes, con-
`sider the MRF with seven binary variables shown in Fig. 1(a).
`There are four maximal cliques:
`, and
`From (1), the joint probability distribution for
`, can
`be written as a product of Gibbs potential functions defined
`over the variable subsets indicated by these four cliques. This
`MRF can be used to describe a Hamming code by setting
`(which is equivalent to neglecting
`), and by letting
`the first three potentials be even parity indicator functions. That
`if its arguments form a configuration with even
`parity and 0 otherwise. The MRF places a uniform probability
`distribution on all configurations that satisfy even parity in
`, and
`, and zero probability on configurations
`not satisfying these parity relations.
`While the potential functions chosen in this example define a
`linear code, it is clear that such potential functions can be used
`to determine a code satisfying any set of local check condi-
`tions. In particular, given a set of variables
`be a collection of subsets of
`. Corresponding to each
`, a local check condition enforces structure on
`the variables contained in
`by restricting the values that these
`variables can assume. (For example, the check condition could
`enforce even parity, as in the example above.) By defining an

`when the edge directions are ignored). As in an MRF, a
`random variable is associated with each graph vertex. Given a
`directed graph
`, let the parents (or direct ancestors)
`of vertex
`be the set of vertices of
`that have directed
`edges connecting to
`. For a Bayesian network, the joint
`probability distribution can be written
`indicator function for each local check condition that assumes
`the value unity for valid configurations and zero for invalid
`configurations, and by defining a graph in which each element
`forms a clique, an MRF description that assigns a
`uniform probability distribution over the valid configurations is
`obtained, provided that at least one valid configuration exists.
`As we shall see, a Tanner graph is another way to represent
`the same local check structure.
`B. Tanner Graphs
`Tanner graphs were introduced in [22] for the construction
`of good long error-correcting codes in terms of shorter codes.
`Our treatment follows the slightly different presentation of
`Wiberg et al. [20].
`A Tanner graph is a bipartite graph representation for a
`check structure, similar to the one described above. In such
`a graph, there are two types of vertices corresponding to
`the variables and the “checks,” respectively, with no edges
`connecting vertices of the same type. For example, a Tanner
`graph corresponding to the Hamming code described above is
`shown in Fig. 1(b). Each check vertex
`in the set of check
`is shown as a filled circle. In this case, a check
`vertex ensures that its set of neighbors satisfies even parity in
`a valid configuration.
`We see that the check vertices play precisely the same role
`in a Tanner graph as do the maximal cliques in an MRF.
`In general, for each check vertex
`with neighbors
`we can associate a nonnegative real-valued potential function
`that assigns positive potential only to valid
`configurations of its arguments. We then write a probability
`distribution over the variables as
`is a normalizing constant. Of course, (2) is
`analogous to (1).
`An MRF can be converted to a Tanner graph by introducing
`a check vertex for each maximal clique, with edges connecting
`that check vertex to each variable in the clique. The potential
`function assigned to the check vertex would be the same as
`that assigned to the clique.
`A Tanner graph can be converted to an MRF by eliminating
`the check vertices and forming cliques from all variables
`originally connected to the same check vertex. The potential
`associated with the clique would be the same as that assigned
`to the check vertex. It is possible that some new cliques may be
`formed in this process, which are not associated with a check
`vertex of the Tanner graph. A unit potential is assigned to these
`“induced” cliques. Different Tanner graphs may map to the
`same MRF; hence, Tanner graphs may be more specific about
`dependencies than MRF’s. For example, the graph in Fig. 1(b)
`with an additional check vertex connected to
`, and
`will also map to the MRF in Fig. 1(a).
`C. Bayesian Networks
`We now introduce Bayesian networks that, unlike MRF’s
`and Tanner graphs, are directed acyclic graphs [12]. A directed
`acyclic graph is one where there are no graph cycles when the
`edge directions are followed (although there may be cycles
`where, if
`has no parents), then we take
`Every distribution can be described by a Bayesian network
`since, by the chain rule of probability,
`It follows that we can pick any ordering of the variables,
`and then condition each variable on all variables that
`precede it. However, this trivial network does not capture
`any useful probabilistic structure because the last
`contains all
`variables, and so is
`really just as complicated as the full joint distribution.
`A Bayesian network for the Hamming code described above
`is shown in Fig. 1(c). The joint distribution is obtained from
`(3) using parent–child relationships
`The first
`factors express the prior probabilities of
`, while the last
`three factors capture the parity
`checks: e.g.,
`, and
`even parity and 0 otherwise.
`A Tanner graph (and by extension, an MRF) can be con-
`verted into a Bayesian network simply by directing edges
`toward the check vertices. A binary
`indicator ran-
`dom variable is introduced at each check site
`such that
`only if the random variables in the set
`satisfy the constraint checked by the corresponding vertex in
`the Tanner graph.
`A potential advantage of Bayesian networks is that the
`directed edges (arrows) can be used to model causality ex-
`plicitly. By inspecting the arrows in such models, it is easy
`to determine which variables directly influence others. This
`often makes it possible to simulate the network, i.e., draw
`a configuration of variables consistent with the distribution
`specified by the network. One simply draws a configuration
`for variables having no parents, consistent with the (prior)
`distribution affecting those variables. Once a configuration has
`been drawn for all parents
`of a variable , a configuration
`can be drawn consistent with the conditional probability
`. For example, in Fig. 1(c), we simply pick values for
`the parentless vertices
`, and
`, and then determine
`the remainder of the codeword
`, and
`. This explicit
`representation of causality is also useful for modeling physical
`effects, such as channel noise and intersymbol interference.
`It should be noted that simulating a Bayesian network can
`become a hard problem when variables
`for which
`are required to take on a specific value, i.e., when some child

`simplify this computation, as we now show. A derivation along
`similar lines has also been carried out recently by Aji and
`McEliece [29], who also develop an algorithm for “information
`distribution” on a graph.
`A. Notation
`We begin by introducing some notation. Let
`be a finite
`index set, and let
`be a collection of finite
`sets called symbol alphabets, indexed by . The configuration
`is defined as the Cartesian product of symbol
`, and elements of
`are called
`configurations. For
`, let
`denote the projection
`onto the coordinates indexed by
`, so that
`, which is taken to be empty when
`is empty. For
`a configuration
`and nonempty , we denote by
`image of
`under this projection. We denote the complement
`relative to
`. By abuse of notation, we equate the
`with , although formally, some reordering of
`coordinates may be necessary for this equality strictly to hold.
`A function
`over the set of configurations is said
`to be a global function. Initially, we assume that the codomain
`is the set of real numbers, but later, we will allow to be
`an arbitrary commutative semiring [21], [29]–[31].
`It will often be useful
`to introduce families of global
`functions, indexed by a set of finite-dimensional real-valued
`, which are fixed in any instance of distributed
`marginalization. In this case, we write
`for the value
`the function assumes at configuration
`. Introducing such
`parameters allows us to take into account the influence of
`continuous-valued variables such as channel outputs. How-
`ever, for notational convenience, we will sometimes omit the
`explicit dependence on .
`For a set
`, we define the marginal
`with respect to
`In other words, the value of the marginal function with respect
`at the point
`is obtained by summing the global
`function over all configurations that agree with
`in the
`coordinates indexed by
`. Any variable not indexed by
`said to be marginalized out in
`. Note that
`is the constant
`obtained by summing over all configurations of variables,
`. We have chosen the symbol
`for the global
`function, as we view
`as a “Zustandssumme” (a sum-over-
`states), i.e., a partition function as in statistical physics (see,
`e.g., [32, p. 13]).
`If the function
`is the joint probability mass function of
`a collection of random variables indexed by , then
`the marginal joint probability mass function for the random
`variables indexed by
`, and
`. Reintroducing the
`, suppose the function
`is the conditional
`joint probability mass function of a collection of random
`variables given the observation of continuous-valued random
`. Then the marginal functions represent conditional
`probability mass functions. For example,
`, the conditional probability mass function for
`the observed value of
`. Such formulations will often be useful
`in decoding problems, when the continuous-valued output of
`a noise channel is observed.
`Fig. 2. General Bayesian network for channel coding.
`variables are “clamped.” For example, drawing a configuration
`of variables consistent with the observed output of a channel
`is essentially as hard as (or harder than) decoding. Similarly,
`when a Tanner graph is converted into a Bayesian network
`in the manner described above, it may be difficult to draw a
`valid configuration of the variables, as all indicator variables
`have a nonempty set of parents and all are required to take
`on the value one.
`In coding, the relationships among the information sym-
`, the encoder state variables
`(if there are any), the
`transmitted codeword symbols
`, and the received signals
`completely define the encoding and decoding problem for a
`given code. Without loss of generality, these relationships can
`be expressed probabilistically and depicted pictorially using
`graphical models. The Bayesian network for channel coding
`in general is shown in Fig. 2. By inspection of the network,
`the joint distribution is
`is a uniform distribution and
`are deterministic (i.e., all probability mass is placed
`on a single outcome). The channel likelihood
`the noise and intersymbol
`interference introduced by the
`Fig. 3(a) shows the Bayesian network for a systematic
`convolutional code with a memoryless channel. The systematic
`codeword symbols
`are simply copies of the information
`. The other codeword symbols are outputs of the
`depends on
`and state
`. By inspecting
`the parents of the received signals, we find that
`which expresses the absence of
`memory in the channel. Fig. 3(b) shows a cycle-free network
`for the same code, obtained by grouping information and state
`variables together. This eliminates undirected cycles at the
`expense of increasing the complexity of some of the network
`Further examples of Bayesian networks for codes will be
`discussed in Section V. In the next section, we will describe
`the basic distributed marginalization algorithm that will form
`the basis for iterative decoding.
`In this section, we develop the basic “probability prop-
`agation” algorithm that can be used to compute marginal
`probabilities in graphical models, given some observations.
`A common feature of the graphical models described in the
`previous section is that they can be used to describe a “global”
`joint probability distribution as a product of “local” functions.
`The computation of a conditional probability then amounts
`essentially to a “marginalization” of this global function. Using
`the structure of the local functions, it may be possible to greatly

`(a) Bayesian network for a systematic convolutional code and a memoryless channel. (b) Cycle-free connected network for the same code and channel.
`Fig. 3.
`is small,
`the number of arguments of
`we will sometimes use a modified notation for the mar-
`functions. We replace an argument
`a “ ” sign to indicate that
`the corresponding variable
`is to be summed over,
`i.e., marginalized out. Thus,
`, and so on.
`It will often be useful to marginalize some variables while
`holding other variables constant, for example, in the case of
`computing a conditional probability mass function given that
`some variables are observed. Since the key operation in the
`computation of a marginal function or in the computation of
`a conditional probability is marginalization, we shall focus
`attention on developing efficient algorithms for this operation.
`B. Local Functions and Factor Graphs
`The key to efficient marginalization is to take into account
`any structure that the global function
`possesses. Suppose
`is “separable,” i.e., that
`can be written as the product
`of a number of local functions, each a function of the variables
`contained in a subset of
`. More precisely, let
`a collection of nonempty subsets of
`, and suppose
`The functions
`are called local functions.
`For example, suppose that
`are random variables
`forming a Markov chain (in that order) given a specific
`. (For example, these random variables
`might represent the state sequence of a convolutional code
`in successive time intervals, and
`might represent the cor-
`responding channel output.) The conditional joint probability
`mass function can be written as
`Translating to the notation of this section, and observing
`that a conditional probability mass function
`essentially a function of two variables (since
`is a constant),
`we write
`We will have occasion to consider products of local func-
`tions. For example, in (5), the product of
`is a function of three variables that we denote
`Fig. 4. Factor graphs for (a) a Markov chain, (b) a loopy example, and their
`corresponding second higher power graphs, (c) and (d), omitting self-loops.
`. We will also apply the “ ”-sign notation
`to local functions and their products.
`It will be useful to display a particular factorization of
`the global function by means of a bipartite graph called
`a factor graph. Suppose
`factors as in (4). A factor
`is a bipartite graph with vertex set
`. The only edges in
`are those
`that connect a vertex
`to a vertex
`if and only
`. In words, each
`, i.e.,
`vertex of a factor graph
`corresponds to either a variable
`or a local function. An edge joins a variable
`to a local
`if and only if
`appears as an argument of
`For example, Fig. 4 shows the factor graph corresponding to
`the Markov chain (5). Note that a factor graph is essentially
`a generalization of a Tanner graph, in which local “checks”
`involving the incident variables have been replaced with
`local functions involving the incident variables.
`It is a straightforward exercise to convert the various graph-
`ical models described in Section II into a factor graph repre-
`sentation. A Markov random field
`that expresses a Gibbs
`potential function yields a factor graph with one local function
`vertex for every maximal clique, i.e., a local function vertex
`for every factor in (1). A Tanner graph directly yields a factor
`graph by associating with each check vertex a binary indicator
`function that indicates whether the local check condition is sat-
`isfied. More generally, each factor of (2) can be associated with
`a local function vertex, as in the MRF case. Finally, a Bayesian
`network is converted into a factor graph by introducing a local
`function vertex for every factor of (3), and a variable vertex for
`each variable. Clearly, the local function vertex associated with

`Fig. 5. Computation of marginal functions by message passing. The mes-
`sages are descriptions of (possibly marginalized) local function products, and
`are passed along the graph edges as indicated by the arrows. (The arrows
`themselves are not part of the graph.)
`is connected by an edge to the variable vertices in
`the set
`. Thus, a Bayesian network with
`yields a factor graph with
`C. Marginalization by Message Passing
`Our aim is to derive a graph-based algorithm for computing
`for all
`. The functions
`the marginal functions
`are called “local” functions because we assume that access
`to these functions is local to a specific vertex in the graph.
`Knowledge of local functions (or functions derived from local
`functions) can be propagated to nonlocal vertices by “message
`passing” along the edges of the graph. The “messages” are
`descriptions of (possibly marginalized) local function products.
`To illustrate what we mean by this, and to motivate the
`general situation in which this “graph-based message-passing”
`paradigm is made more precise, we consider the specific case
`is defined in (5).
`Consider the computation of
`. We
`where we have identified the various factors that need to be
`computed to obtain
`. Our primary observation is
`can be computed knowing just
`. The latter factor can be computed knowing
`Analyzing the computation of the remaining marginal func-
`tions in the same manner, we find that
`Examining (6)–(8), we see that all marginal functions can be
`computed recursively from a chain of local function products,
`which we view as messages passed between the vertices of the
`“propagation tree” shown in Fig. 5. Comparing with (6)–(8),
`we observe that the information passed to the vertex associated
`, is precisely that needed to compute the
`marginal function for
`, and so we choose that vertex as a
`“fusion site” for the variable
`We consider now the general case. Let
`be a
`factor graph, describing the way in which the global function
`factors as a product of local functions as in (4). Consider
`the second higher power graph
`, defined as having the same
`vertex set as
`, but with edges connecting two vertices if and
`only if there is a path of length two between the vertices in
`Self-loops are ignored. Since
`is bipartite,
`will always
`split into at least two disconnected components,
`vertices associated with variables and
`having vertices
`associated with local functions. For example, Fig. 4(c) and
`(d) shows the second higher power graphs associated with the
`factor graphs shown in (a) and (b).
`Observe that in
`, two variables will be joined by an edge
`if they are both arguments of the same local function, so all
`arguments of a particular local function form a clique. When
`the local functions of the factor graph correspond to Gibbs
`potential functions,
`is the corresponding Markov
`random field. In other words, an MRF can be recovered as
`a component of the second higher power graph (omitting
`self-loops) of the corresponding factor graph.
`Consider now
`, which we call the propagation graph
`. We assume that
`consists of a single
`corresponding to
`connected component; if not, marginalization can be carried
`out independently in the various components. The vertices of
`correspond to local functions. Two vertices are joined
`by an edge for each argument that the corresponding local
`functions have in common, although we will collapse multiple
`edges between two vertices to a single edge. A description of
`the general message-passing algorithm is simplified by imag-
`ining that a vertex is an active processing element, capable of
`receiving and transmitting messages (i.e., marginalized local
`function products) along the edges incident on the vertex, and
`capable of performing computations involving messages and
`the local function associated with the vertex.
`We now describe a general distributed marginalization algo-
`rithm that operates in a tree spanning the propagation graph;
`we refer to this spanning tree as a propagation tree. Given a
`factor graph
`, we must
`1) specify a spanning tree
`2) identify a “fusion vertex” in
`tion to be computed.
`Note that
`is in general quite different from the graphical
`model (MRF, Tanner graph, or Bayesian network) from which
`is derived. In general, it may be a difficult problem to choose
`optimally so as, e.g., to minimize overall computational
`complexity. For now, we assume that
`is chosen in some
`(arbitrary) manner.
`For a given
`is involved at a
`, we say that a variable
`vertex of
`is an argument of the corresponding local
`function. Let
`be an edge of
`. We say that a given variable
`must be carried over
`is part of a path that joins any
`vertex in which
`is involved with the fusion vertex for
`In essence,
`must be carried over an edge of the subtree of
`that spans the fusion vertex for
`and the other vertices
`in which
`is involved. Outside this subtree, only marginal
`knowledge of
`is needed, and hence
`can be marginalized
`out. Given a propagation tree
`, and an assignment of fusion
`vertices, it is easy to determine which variables must be carried
`over any given edge in
`. (For example, each edge of the
`trees shown in Figs. 5 and 6 is labeled with the indexes of the
`variables to be carried over that edge.)
`The size of the messages sent over an edge is greatly
`influenced by the number of variables that must be carried
`over the edge, and by the number of possible values that each
`, and
`for each marginal func-

`such variable can assume. A simplistic measure of complexity
`associated with an edge is its thickness, defined as the number
`of variables that are to be carried over that edge. (A more
`useful measure would be the product of the sizes of the
`symbol alphabets corresponding to these variables, or the size
`of a minimal description of the corresponding local function
`product.) It may be desirable to find a propagation tree and an
`assignment of fusion vertices so that the maximum thickness
`is minimized, but we conjecture that this is a hard problem in
`general. (Given a propagation tree, the maximum thickness is
`minimized if the fusion vertex for a variable
`is a vertex in
`the subtree of
`that spans the vertices in which
`is involved,
`so the problem is to find a suitable propagation tree.)
`To illustrate that
`is not always possible to achieve
`unit maximum thickness, consider
`the global
`. The factor
`graph and its second higher power graph are shown in Fig. 4(b)
`and (d). By symmetry, there is essentially only one propagation
`tree for this function, as shown in Fig. 6. Numbering the
`vertices in t

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