
`Efficient Encoding of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
`Tom Richardson
`R¨udiger Urbanke
`March 6, 2001
`Low-density parity-check codes can be considered serious competitors to turbo codes in terms
`of performance and complexity and they are based on a similar philosophy: constrained random
`code ensembles and iterative decoding algorithms.
`In this paper we consider the encoding problem for low-density parity-check codes. More
`generally, we consider the encoding problem for codes specified by sparse parity-check matrices.
`We show how to exploit the sparseness of the parity-check matrix to obtain efficient encoders.
`For the (3,6)-regular low-density parity-check code for example, the complexity of encoding is
`essentially quadratic in the block length. However, we show that the associated coefficient can
`be made quite small, so that encoding codes even of length n (cid:3) 100, 000 is still quite practical.
`More importantly, we will show that “optimized” codes actually admit linear time encoding.
`Keywords: turbo codes, parity-check, decoding, encoding, sparse matrices, random graphs, binary
`erasure channel.
`Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes were originally invented and investigated by Gallager [1].
`The crucial innovation was Gallager’s introduction of iterative decoding algorithms (or message-
`passing decoders) which he showed to be capable of achieving a significant fraction of channel
`capacity at low complexity. Except for the papers by Zyablov and Pinsker [2], Margulis [3] and
`Tanner [4] the field then lay dormant for the next 30 years. Interest in LDPC codes was rekindled in
`the wake of the discovery of turbo-codes and LDPC codes were independently rediscovered by both
`MacKay and Neal [5] and Wiberg [6].1 The past few years have brought many new developments
`in this area. First, in several papers Luby, Mitzenmacher, Shokrollahi, Spielman and Stemann
`This work was performed while both authors were at Bell Labs.
`Flarion Technologies, Bedminster, NJ 07921, USA, email:
`EPFL, LTHC-DSC, CH-1015 Lausanne, email:
`1Similar concepts have also appeared in the physics literature [7, 8].
`Apple Inc. v. California Institute of Technology


`introduced new tools for the investigation of message-passing decoders for the binary erasure channel
`(BEC) and the binary symmetric channel (BSC) (under hard decision message-passing decoding)
`[9, 10], and they extended Gallager’s definition of LDPC codes to include irregular codes, see also
`[5]. The same authors also exhibited sequences of codes which, asymptotically in the block-length,
`provably achieve capacity on a BEC. It was then shown in [11] that similar analytic tools can be
`used to study the asymptotic behavior of a very broad class of message passing algorithms for a
`wide class of channels and it was demonstrated in [12] that LDPC codes can come extremely close
`to capacity on many channels.
`In many ways LDPC codes can be considered serious competitors to turbo codes. In particular,
`LDPC codes exhibit an asymptotically better performance than turbo codes and they admit a wide
`range of trade-offs between performance and decoding complexity. One major criticism concerning
`LDPC codes has been their apparent high encoding complexity. Whereas turbo codes can be
`encoded in linear time, a straightforward encoder implementation for a LDPC code has complexity
`quadratic in the block length. Several authors have addressed this issue:
`1. It was suggested in [13] and [9] to use cascaded rather than bipartite graphs. By choosing
`the number of stages and the relative size of each stage carefully one can construct codes
`which are encodable and decodable in linear time. One drawback of this approach lies in the
`fact that each stage (which acts like a subcode) has a length which is in general considerably
`smaller than the length of the overall code. This results, in general, in a performance loss
`compared to a standard LDPC code with the same overall length.
`2. In [14] it was suggested to force the parity check matrix to have (almost) lower triangular
`form, i.e., the ensemble of codes is restricted not only by the degree constraints but also
`by the constraint that the parity check matrix have lower triangular shape. This restriction
`guarantees a linear time encoding complexity but, in general, it also results in some loss of
`It is the aim of this paper to show that, even without cascade constructions or restrictions on the
`shape of the parity check matrix, the encoding complexity is quite manageable in most cases and
`provably linear in many cases. More precisely, for a (3, 6)-regular code of length n the encoding
`complexity seems indeed to be of order n2 but the actual number of operations required is no more
`than 0.0172n2 + O(n), and, because of the extremely small constant factor, even large block lengths


`admit practically feasible encoders. We will also show that “optimized” irregular codes have a
`linear encoding complexity and that the required amount of preprocessing is of order at most n3/2.
`The proof of these facts is achieved in several stages. We first show in Section 2 that the encoding
`complexity is upper bounded by n + g2, where g, the gap, measures in some way to be made
`precise shortly, the “distance” of the given parity check matrix to a lower triangular matrix. In
`Section 3 we then discuss several greedy algorithms to triangulate matrices and we show that for
`these algorithms, when applied to elements of a given ensemble, the gap concentrates around its
`expected value with high probability. As mentioned above, for the (3, 6)-regular code the best
`greedy algorithm which we discuss results in an expected gap of 0.017n. Finally, in Section 4
`we prove that for all known “optimized” codes the expected gap is actually of order less than
`resulting in the promised linear encoding complexity. In practice the gap is usually a small constant.
`n bound can be improved but it would require a significantly more complex presentation.
`We finish this section with a brief review of some basic notation and properties concerning LDPC
`codes. For a more thorough discussion we refer the reader to [1, 11, 12].
`Low-density parity-check codes are linear codes. Hence, they can be expressed as the null space of
`a parity check matrix H, i.e., x is a codeword if and only if
`HxT = 0T .
`The modifier ‘low-density’ applies to H; The matrix H should be sparse. For example, if H has
`2 × n, where n is even, then we might require H to have 3 ones per column and 6 ones
`dimension n
`per row. Conditioned on these constraints we choose H at random as discussed in more detail
`below. We refer to the associated code as a (3, 6)-regular LDPC code. The sparseness of H enables
`efficient (sub-optimal) decoding, while the randomness ensures (in the probabilistic sense) a good
`code [1].
`Example 1. [Parity-Check Matrix of (3, 6)-Regular Code of Length 12] The following matrix H
`will serve as an example.
`1 1
`1 1
`0 0
`0 0
`1 0
`0 1
`0 0
`1 1
`0 0
`1 0
`1 1
`0 1
`1 1
`0 0
`1 1
`0 0
`0 1
`1 0
`0 0
`0 0
`1 0
`1 1
`1 1
`0 1
`0 1
`0 0
`1 1
`1 0
`0 0
`1 1
`H =


`In the theory of LDPC codes it is customary and useful not to focus on particular codes but to
`consider ensembles of codes. These ensembles are usually defined in terms of ensembles of bipartite
`graphs [13, 15]. E.g., the bipartite graph which represents the code defined in Example 1 is shown
`γ to denote
`in Fig. 1. The left set of nodes represents the variables whereas the right set of nodes represents the
`constraints. An ensemble of bipartite graphs is defined in terms of a pair of degree distributions.
`i γixi−1 is simply a polynomial with non-negative real coefficients
`A degree distribution γ(x) =
`satisfying γ(1) = 1. Typically, γi denotes the fraction of edges in a graph which are incident to a
`(cid:9) 1
`node (variable or constraint node as the case may be) of degree i. In the sequel, we will use the
`i =
`0 γ(x) dx. This quantity gives the inverse of the average node
`degree. Associated to a degree distribution pair (λ, ρ) is the rate r(λ, ρ) defined as
`r(λ, ρ) := 1 −

`E.g., for the degree distribution pair (x2, x5), which corresponds to the regular (3, 6) Gallager code,
`the rate is 1
`Given a pair (λ, ρ) of degree distributions and a natural number n, we define an ensemble of
`bipartite graphs Cn(λ, ρ) in the following way. All graphs in the ensemble Cn(λ, ρ) will have left
`nodes which are associated to λ and right nodes which are associated to ρ. More precisely, assume
`i≥1 λixi−1 and ρ(x) :=
`i≥1 ρixi−1. We can convert these degree distributions into
`that λ(x) :=
`λ and ˜ρi := ρiρ. Each graph in Cn(λ, ρ) has n˜λi left nodes
`node perspective by defining ˜λi := λi
`of degree i and (1 − r(λ, ρ))n˜ρi right nodes of degree i. The order of these nodes is arbitrary but
`fixed. Here, to simplify notation, we assume that (λ, ρ) and n are chosen in such a way that all
`these quantities are integers. A node of degree i has i sockets from which the i edges emanate and
`these sockets are ordered. So in total there are
`= n(cid:9)
`(1 − r(λ, ρ))n

`ordered sockets on the left as well as on the right. Let σ be a permutation on [s] := {1,··· , s}. We
`can associate a graph to such a permutation by connecting the i-th socket on the left to the σ(i)-th
`(cid:10) i
`= (1 − r(λ, ρ))
`(cid:10) i
`= (1 − r(λ, ρ))
`(cid:10) i
`in˜λi =
`(cid:10) i
`s :=
`socket on the right. Letting σ run over the set of permutations on [s] generates a set of graphs.
`Endowed with the uniform probability distribution this is the ensemble Cn(λ, ρ). Therefore, if in
`the future we choose a graph at random from the ensemble Cn(λ, ρ) then the underlying probability
`distribution is the uniform one.
`It remains to associate a code to every element of Cn(λ, ρ). We will do so by associating a parity


`check matrix to each graph. At first glance it seems natural to define the parity check matrix
`associated to a given element in Cn(λ, ρ) as the {0, 1}-matrix which has a non-zero entry at row i
`and column j iff the i-th right node is connected to the j-th left node. Unfortunately the possible
`presence of multiple edges between pairs of nodes requires a more careful definition. Since the
`encoding is done over the field GF(2), we define the parity check matrix H as that {0, 1}-matrix
`which has a non-zero entry at row i and column j iff the i-th right node is connected to the j-th
`left node an odd number of times. As we will see the encoding is accomplished in two steps, a
`preprocessing step, which is an offline calculation performed once only for the given code, and the
`actual encoding step which is the only data dependent part. For the preprocessing step it is more
`natural to work with matrices which contain the multiplicities of edges and therefore we define the
`extended parity check matrix ˆH as that matrix which has an entry d at row i and column j iff the
`i-th right node is connected to the j-th left node by d edges. Clearly, H is equal to ˆH modulo
`2. In the sequel we will also refer to these two matrices as the adjacency matrix and the extended
`adjacency matrix of the bipartite graph. Since for every graph there is an associated code, we will
`use these two terms interchangeably so we will, e.g., refer to codes as elements of Cn(λ, ρ).
`Variable Nodes
`Check Nodes
`Figure 1: Graphical representation of a (3, 6)-regular LDPC code of length 12. The left nodes
`represent the variable nodes whereas the right nodes represent the check nodes.
`Most often LDPC codes are used in conjunction with message-passing decoders. Recall that there is
`a received message associated to each variable node which is the result of passing the corresponding
`bit of the codeword through the given channel. The decoding algorithm proceeds in rounds. At


`each round a message is sent from each variable node to each neighboring check node, indicating
`some estimate of the associated bit’s value. In turn, each check node collects its incoming messages
`and, based on this information, sends messages back to the incident variable nodes. Care must be
`taken to send out only extrinsic information, i.e., the outgoing message along a given edge must
`not depend on the incoming message along the same edge. As we will see, the preprocessing step
`for the encoding is closely related to the message-passing decoder for the BEC. We will therefore
`review this particular decoder in more detail.
`Assume we are given a code in Cn(λ, ρ) and assume that we use this code to transmit over a BEC
`with an erasure probability of α. An asymptotic expected fraction α of the variable nodes will be
`erasures and the remaining fraction (1− α) will be known. We first formulate the iterative decoder
`not as a message-passing decoder but in a language which is more suitable for our current purpose,
`see [9]:
`Decoder for the Binary Erasure Channel:
`0. [Initialization]
`1. [Stop or Extend] If there is no known variable node and no check node of degree one then
`output the (partial) codeword and stop. Otherwise, all known variable nodes and all their
`adjacent edges are deleted.
`2. [Declare Variables as Known] Any variable node which is connected to a degree one check
`node is declared to be known. Goto 1.
`This decoder can equivalently be formulated as a message-passing decoder. Messages are from the
`set {0, 1} with a 0 indicating that the corresponding bit has not been determined yet (along the
`given edge). We will call a 0 message an erasure message. At a variable node the outgoing message
`along an edge e is the erasure message if the received message associated to this node is an erasure
`and if all incoming messages (excluding the incoming message along edge e) are erasure messages,
`otherwise the outgoing message is a 1. At a check node the outgoing message along an edge e is the
`erasure message if at least one of the incoming messages (excluding the incoming message along
`edge e) is the erasure message, and a 1 otherwise. If we declare that an originally erased variable
`node becomes known as soon as it has at least one incoming message which is not an erasure then
`one can check that at any time the set of known variable nodes is indeed identical under both


`It was shown in [16] that (asymptotically in n) the expected fraction α(cid:5) of erasure messages after
`the (cid:7)-th decoding round is given by
`α(cid:5) = αλ(1 − ρ(1 − α(cid:5)−1)),
`∗(λ, ρ), called the threshold of the degree distribution pair, be defined as
`where α0 = α. Let α
`(λ, ρ) := sup{0 ≤ α ≤ 1 : α(cid:5)(α) (cid:5)→∞−→ 0 where α(cid:5)(α) := αλ(1 − ρ(1 − α(cid:5)−1)); α0 = α}.

`Note first that the function f(x, y) := yλ(1 − ρ(1 − x)) is increasing in both its arguments for
`It follows by finite induction that if α(cid:5)(α) (cid:5)→∞→ 0 then α(cid:5)(α(cid:6)) (cid:5)→∞→ 0 for any α
`(cid:6) ≤
`x, y ∈ [0, 1].
`∗(λ, ρ), then the expected fraction of erasure messages converges to zero.
`α. If we choose α < α
`Consequently, the decoder will be successful with high probability in this case. If, on the other
`∗(λ, ρ) then with high probability the decoding process will not succeed.
`hand, we choose α > α
`We will see shortly that, correctly interpreted, this decoding procedure constitutes the basis for all
`preprocessing algorithms that we consider in this paper.
`Example 2. [(3, 6)-regular code] Let (λ(x), ρ(x)) = (x2, x5). Then r(x2, x5) = 1
`2. The exact
`∗(x2, x5) was determined in [17] and can be expressed as follows: Let σ be given by
`threshold α
`162 + a − b +
`(cid:15)−85 + 3
`(cid:16)(cid:16) 1
`∗(x2, x5) := 1−σ3 . Then α
`324 − a + b
`(cid:14) 1
`3 and b = 1
`1 3
`σ =
`275 2
`where a = 22
`2 Efficient Encoders Based on Approximate Lower Triangulations
`In this section we shall develop an algorithm for constructing efficient encoders for LDPC codes.
`The efficiency of the encoder arises from the sparseness of the parity check matrix H and the
`algorithm can be applied to any (sparse) H. Although our example is binary, the algorithm applies
`generally to matrices H whose entries belong to a field F. We assume throughout that the rows of
`H are linearly independent. If the rows are linearly dependent, then the algorithm which constructs
`the encoder will detect the dependency and either one can choose a different matrix H or one can
`eliminate the redundant rows from H in the encoding process.


`Assume we are given an m × n parity-check matrix H over F. By definition the associated code
`consists of the set of n-tuples x over F such that
`HxT = 0T .
`Probably the most straightforward way of constructing an encoder for such a code is the following.
`By means of Gaussian elimination bring H into an equivalent lower triangular form as shown in
`Fig. 2. Split the vector x into a systematic part s, s ∈ Fn−m, and a parity part p, p ∈ Fm, such that
`n − m
`Figure 2: An equivalent parity-check matrix in lower triangular form.
`x = (s, p). Construct a systematic encoder as follows: (i) Fill s with the (n−m) desired information
`symbols. (ii) Determine the m parity-check symbols using back-substitution. More precisely, for
`l ∈ [m] calculate
`pl =
`Hl,jsj +
`What is the complexity of such an encoding scheme? Bringing the matrix H into the desired form
`requires O(n3) operations of preprocessing. The actual encoding then requires O(n2) operations
`since, in general, after the preprocessing the matrix will no longer be sparse. More precisely, we
`expect that we need about n2 r(1−r)
`XOR operations to accomplish this encoding, where r is the rate
`of the code.
`Given that the original parity-check matrix H is sparse one might wonder if encoding can be
`accomplished in O(n). As we will show, for codes which allow transmission at rates close to capacity,
`linear time encoding is indeed possible. And for those codes for which our encoding scheme still
`leads to quadratic encoding complexity the constant factor in front of the n2 term is typically very
`small so that the encoding complexity stays manageable up to very large blocklengths.


`Our proposed encoder is motivated by the above example. Assume that by performing row and
`column permutations only we can bring the parity check matrix into the form indicated in Fig. 3.
`We say that H is in approximate lower triangular form. Note that since this transformation was
`m − g
`n − m
`m − g
`Figure 3: The parity-check matrix in approximate lower triangular form.
`accomplished solely by permutations, the matrix is still sparse. More precisely, assume that we
`bring the matrix in the form
`A B T
`H =
`C D E
`where A is (m − g) × (n − m), B is (m − g) × g, T is (m − g) × (m − g), C is g × (n − m), D is
`g × g and finally E is g × (m − g). Further all these matrices are sparse2 and T is lower triangular
`with ones along the diagonal. Multiplying this matrix from the left by
`we get
`−1A + C −ET
`−1B + D 0
`Let x = (s, p1, p2) where s denotes the systematic part, p1 and p2 combined denote the parity part,
`p1 has length g and p2 has length (m − g). The defining equation HxT = 0T splits naturally into
`two equations, namely
`AsT + BpT1 + T pT2 = 0, and
`−1A + C)sT + (−ET
`−1B + D)pT
`1 = 0.
`2More precisely, each matrix contains at most O(n) elements.


`−1AsT + CsT
`= yT ⇔ (cid:19)
`Multiplication by sparse matrix
`= T yT
`Multiplication by sparse matrix
`Multiplication by sparse matrix
`Multiplication by dense g × g matrix
`Table 1: Efficient computation of pT
`1 = −φ−1(−ET
`−1A + C)sT .
`AsT + BpT
`Multiplication by sparse matrix
`Multiplication by sparse matrix
`AsT + BpT
`AsT + BpT
`= yT ⇔ −(cid:19)
`2 = −T
`Table 2: Efficient computation of pT
`= T yT
`−1(AsT + BpT
`1 ).
`Define φ := −ET
`−1B + D and assume for the moment that φ is non-singular. We will discuss the
`general case shortly. Then from equation (9) we conclude that
`1 = −φ−1(−ET
`−1A + C)sT .
`Hence, once the g × (n− m) matrix −φ
`−1A + C) has been precomputed the determination
`of p1 can be accomplished in complexity O(g × (n − m)) simply by performing a multiplication
`with this (generically dense) matrix. This complexity can be further reduced as shown in Table 1.
`Rather than precomputing −φ
`−1A + C) and then multiplying with sT we can determine
`p1 by breaking the computation into several smaller steps, each of which is efficiently computable.
`To this end, we first determine AsT , which has complexity O(n) since A is sparse. Next, we multiply
`−1. Since T
`−1[AsT ] = yT is equivalent to the system [AsT ] = T yT this can also
`be accomplished in O(n) by back-substitution, since T is lower triangular and also sparse. The
`the result by T
`remaining steps are fairly straightforward. It follows that the overall complexity of determining p1
`2 = −T
`−1(AsT + BpT
`is O(n + g2). In a similar manner, noting from equation (8) that pT
`1 ), we can
`accomplish the determination of p2 in complexity O(n) as shown step by step in Table 2.
`A summary of the proposed encoding procedure is given in Table 3.
`It entails two steps: A
`preprocessing step and the actual encoding step. In the preprocessing step we first perform row
`and column permutations to bring the parity check matrix into approximate lower triangular form


`Preprocessing: Input: Non-singular parity-check matrix H. Output: An equivalent parity check
`such that −ET
`−1B + D is non-singular.
`A B T
`matrix of the form
`C D E
`1. [Triangulation] Perform row and column permutations to bring the parity check matrix H
`into approximate lower triangular form
`H =
`A B T
`C D E
`with as small a gap g as possible. We will see in subsequent sections how this can be accom-
`plished efficiently.
`2. [Check Rank] Use Gaussian elimination to effectively perform the pre-multiplication
`A B T
`−1A + C −ET
`−1B + D 0
`C D E
`in order to check that −ET
`−1B + D is non-singular, performing further column permutations
`if necessary to ensure this property. (Singularity of H can be detected at this point.)
`such that −ET
`−1B + D is
`A B T
`Encoding: Input: Parity-check matrix of the form
`C D E
`non-singular and a vector s ∈ Fn−m. Output: The vector x = (s, p1, p2), p1 ∈ Fg, p2 ∈ Fm−g, such
`that HxT = 0T .
`1. Determine p1 as shown in Table 1.
`2. Determine p2 as shown in Table 2.
`Table 3: Summary of the proposed encoding procedure. It entails two steps: A preprocessing step
`and the actual encoding step.
`with as small a gap g as possible. We will see in subsequent sections how this can be accomplished
`efficiently. We also need to check whether φ := −ET
`−1B + D is non-singular. Rather than pre-
`this task can be accomplished efficiently by Gaussian
`multiplying by the matrix
`elimination. If, after clearing the matrix E the resulting matrix φ is seen to be singular we can
`simply perform further column permutations to remove this singularity. This is always possible
`when H is not rank deficient, as assumed. The actual encoding then entails the steps listed in
`Tables 1 and 2.
`We will now demonstrate this procedure by means of our running example.
`Example 3. [Parity Check Matrix of (3, 6)-regular code of length 12] For this example if we simply
`reorder the columns such that, according to the original order, we have the ordering 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,


`7, 10, 11, 12, 8, 9, then we put the parity check matrix into an approximate lower triangular form
`1 1
`1 1
`0 0
`1 0
`0 1
`0 0
`0 0
`1 1
`0 0
`1 0
`1 1
`0 1
`1 1
`0 0
`1 1
`0 0
`0 1
`1 0
`0 1 0
`0 1 0
`1 1 0
`1 1
`A B T
`C D E
`with g = 2,
`exchange e.g. column 5 with column 8 which gives φ =
`. In terms of the original order
`1 0
`1 1
`the final column order is then 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 6, 7, 5, 11, 12, 8, 9 and the resulting equivalent parity
`1 1
`1 1
`0 0
`1 0
`0 1
`0 0
`0 0
`1 0
`0 1
`1 1
`1 0
`0 1
`1 1
`0 0
`1 1
`0 0
`0 1
`1 0
`0 1 0
`0 1 0
`1 1 0
`1 1
`A B T
`C D E
`check matrix is
`Assume now we choose s = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0). To determine p1 we follow the steps listed in Table
`−1[AsT ] = (1, 1, 0, 0)T , −E[T
`−1AsT ] = (0, 1)T , CsT = (0, 0)T ,
`1. We get AsT = (1, 1, 0, 1)T , T
`−1AsT ] + [CsT ] = (0, 1)T , and φ−1[−ET
`−1AsT + CsT ] = (0, 1)T = pT
`1 . In a similar manner
`we execute the steps listed in Table 2 to determine p2. We get BpT1 = (0, 1, 0, 0)T , [AsT ] +
`−1[AsT + BpT
`1 ] = (1, 0, 1, 0)T = pT2 . Therefore the codeword is equal to
`1 ] = (1, 0, 0, 1)T and T
`(s, p1, p2) = (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0). A quick check verifies that HxT = 0T , as required.
`3 Approximate Upper-Triangulation Via Greedy Algorithms
`We saw in the previous section that the encoding complexity is of order n+ g2, where g is the gap of
`the approximate triangulation. Hence, for a given parity check matrix we are interested in finding
`an approximate lower triangulation with as small a gap as possible. Given that we are interested in
`large block-lengths, there is little hope of finding the optimal row and column permutation which
`We now use Gaussian elimination to clear E. This results in
`1 1
`1 0
`0 1
`1 0 1 0
`1 1
`1 1
`1 0
`0 0
`0 1 0
`0 0
`0 0
`0 1
`1 1
`1 1 0
`1 0
`0 1
`0 0
`0 1
`1 1
`0 0
`1 1
`0 0
`1 1
`1 0
`1 1
`1 0
`1 1
`−1B + D =
`We see that φ := −ET
`1 1
`1 1
`is singular. This singularity can be removed if we


`results in the minimum gap. So we will limit ourselves to greedy algorithms. As discussed in the
`previous section, the following greedy algorithms work on the extended adjacency matrices since
`these are, except for the ordering of the sockets, in one-to-one correspondence with the underlying
`To describe the algorithms we first need to extend some of our previous definitions. Recall that for
`a given pair (μ, ν) of degree distributions we associate to it two important parameters. The first
`parameter r(μ, ν) is the rate of the degree distribution pair and is defined in (2). Note that
`1 − r(μ, ν) =
`1 − r(ν, μ) .
`∗(μ, ν) is called the threshold of the degree distribution pair and is defined
`The second parameter α
`If r(μ, ν) ≥ 0, as we have tacitly assumed so far, then we can think of (μ, ν) as the
`degree distribution pair of an ensemble of LDPC codes of rate r(μ, ν). Further, as discussed in
`∗(μ, ν) is the threshold of this ensemble
`the introduction, in this case it was shown in [9] that α
`when transmitting over the BEC assuming a belief propagation decoder. In general, r(μ, ν) may
`in (4).
`be negative and, hence, the degree distribution pair does not correspond to an ensemble of LDPC
`codes. Nevertheless, the definitions are still meaningful.
`In this case we have r(x5, x2) = −1 and using the
`Example 4. Let (μ(x), ν(x)) = (x5, x2).
`∼ 0.945851.
`∗(x5, x2) = 318
`techniques described in [17] the threshold can be determined to be α
`In a similar way, the definition of the ensemble Cl(μ, ν) as well as the association of (extended)
`adjacency matrices to elements of Cl(μ, ν) carry over to the case r(μ, ν) ≤ 0. Assume now that,
`for a given ensemble Cl(μ, ν), we create a new ensemble by simply exchanging the roles of left and
`right nodes. This new ensemble is equivalent to the ensemble C(1−r(μ,ν))l(ν, μ) = C
`1−r(ν,μ) l(ν, μ)
`where we have used (13). For the associated (extended) adjacency matrices this simply amounts
`to transposition.
`Assume we are given a matrix A of dimension (1 − r)l × l with elements in N, where r is some
`real valued parameter with r ≤ 1. We will say that a row and a column are connected if the
`corresponding entry in A is non-zero. Furthermore, we will say that a row (column) has degree i
`if its row (column) sum equals i. Assume now that we want to bring A into approximate lower
`triangular form. The class of greedy algorithms that we will consider is based on the following
`simple procedure. Given the (1 − r)l × l matrix A and a fixed integer k, k ≤ (1 − r)l, permute,


`if possible, the rows and columns in such a way that the first row has its last non-zero entry at
`position (l − k + 1). If this first step was successful then fix the first row and permute, if possible,
`the remaining rows and all columns in such a way that the second row has its last non-zero entry
`at position (l − k + 2). In general, assuming that the first i − 1 steps were successful, permute at
`the i-th step, if possible, the last (1 − r)l − (i − 1) rows and all columns in such a way that the i-th
`row has its last non-zero entry at position (l − k + i). If this procedure does not terminate before
`the k-th step then we accomplished an approximate lower triangulation of the matrix A. We will
`say that A is in approximate lower triangular form with row gap (1 − r)l − k and column gap l − k,
`as shown in Fig. 4.
`Figure 4: Approximate lower triangulation of the matrix A with row gap (1 − r)l − k and column
`gap l − k achieved by a greedy algorithm.
`3.1 Greedy Algorithm A
`We will now give a precise description of the greedy algorithm A. The core of the algorithm is the
`diagonal extension step.
`Diagonal Extension Step. Assume we are given a matrix A and a subset of the columns which
`are classified as known.
`In all cases of interest to us either none of these known columns are
`connected to rows of degree one or all of them are. Assume the latter case. Let c1, . . . , ck denote
`the known columns and let r1, . . . , rk be degree one rows such that ci is connected to ri.3 Reorder,
`if necessary, the rows and columns of A such that r1, . . . , rk form the leading k rows of A and such
`that c1, . . . , ck form the leading k columns of A as shown in Fig. 5, where ˜A denotes the sub-matrix
`of A which results from deleting the rows and columns indexed by r1, . . . , rk and c1, . . . , ck. Note
`3ri may not be determined uniquely.


`that after this reordering the top-left k × k sub-matrix of A has diagonal form and that the top k
`rows of A have only this one non-zero entry.
`c1, . . . , ck
`Figure 5: Given the matrix A let c1, . . . , ck denote those columns which are connected to rows of
`degree one and let r1, . . . , rk be degree one rows such that ci is connected to ri. Reorder the rows
`and columns in such a way such that r1, . . . , rk form the first k rows and such that c1, . . . , ck form
`the first k columns. Note that the top-left k × k sub-matrix has diagonal form and that the first k
`rows have only this one non-zero entry.
`By a diagonal extension step we will mean the following: As input we are given the matrix A and
`a set of known columns. The algorithm performs some row and column permutations and specifies
`a residual matrix ˜A. More precisely, to implement the algorithm one does the following. If none
`of the known columns are connected to rows of degree one then perform a column permutation so
`that all the known columns form the leading columns of the matrix A. Furthermore, delete these
`known columns from the original matrix and declare the resulting matrix to be ˜A. If, on the other
`hand, all known columns are connected to rows of degree one then perform a row and column
`permutation to bring A into the form depicted in Fig. 5. Furthermore, delete the known columns
`c1, . . . , ck and the rows r1, . . . , rk from the original matrix and declare the resulting matrix

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