`14-814 2 MHz A-to-D SCSI Substation
`for 'the Most Demanding Data Acquisition Applications
`The DASM-A014 is a 14-0it. 2 MHz ~ Analog-to(cid:173)
`Diglal (AID) Converter SIJ:lsystem engineered for the most
`demanding data aoquisition appllcaliona. Characterized by
`high speed and high rasofution. the OASM-AD14 uses lhe
`Analoglc ADC3110 1+bit ~ND converter module
`as its analog fomdalbn. The AOC3110 Is based at a pro- ·
`prletary sub-ranging erehitec:tl.e thal offers ~
`speed and transfer characteristics al th& 14-blt level ,The
`. ADC311-0 indudes-ani~.~and.:holcf (Stfi) am(cid:173)
`plifier designed to oomplemaui 1he perfomiarlC8 of the sib(cid:173)
`ranging AID oonverter. The ADC3110 c:an dlgtize a 1 MHz
`· · s9'Ull· to ·14 bits wilh an Integral lneaity or ±:1 LSB and Is
`· ·· · ' ·ideally suled for.dasa acquisition appications requirilg low
`·· distOrtiOn proceuing ot high frequency signals such as
`· ATE. medical imaging, radar, COJJ11'1'U1icat, and analyti(cid:173)
`cal Instrumentation.
`The C>Af3M..AD14 defa acquisition subsystem emu1at9s a SCSI disk dtiYe In·' Features
`. h~·. ~, ...
`both function and form and attaches to workstatbns, PCs and host~ a :l:SV D""--.JLJ 0-1""1 Si...:,.:_:. •. ·
`via the popular Smal Computer System Interface (SCSI) bus. The~ ·
`.. ,.,...,,._,
`"'" ·~ ·· ·
`makes .. ..........-,__ .. .....,...-.., .. ..,..,.data
`: ,· Af".\1··
`Ended Input Voltage Range t:;> ,c:
`to .. _____ '
`aocp-00 ""'•-J·' <. Q~tp....__,,;..,.i..i,.,..l.'~~J.·~t.''
`11 . . . . - IU I '"V''..,...""'' .... _...
`l'\lJ .. rtCJ411
`·Svailable on a wide variety of hosts. Digitized 14-bit data Is buffered on the
`...,,_.,,_ ·~~-•N•--~~
`. DASM-AD14 in up to 8 MBytes of internal dala ~ that appears to the
`Analog Multiplexer
`.,'' : . · ' .
`host as a SCSI disk. Internal data memofY acte as a circular buffer for continu- O No Missing Codes
`· · •. ; · ·.' · · ·
`a Differential Uneerily: ±0.1fl:SB ,
`oua, ~errupted acw::p dsition. For multiple chamel appllcations, an integtal e-
`ct:anne' .analog multiplexer Is optionally available for th& DASM-AD14 with or a Integral Llnearity. ±OJJ06o/.. ..
`a Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 73 d8
`withOlJt sample-and-hold amplifiers tor each channel.
`The DASM-A014 includee a variety of powerful functions intended to provide a Emulates Standard SCSJ Disk Drive
`exceptional conlrOI cl the acquisition proce8S. Functions are managed by an
`0 Progranvnabie Digital Threshoki
`~ program. running on the ho:st or controlled in real-time by external
`devices. Functions include: irtemal or external S8J11)le clock, programmable a lnt,.,..,.1 ~~.......a......-.....1...L..L-.W 4.........rm ....
`clock scaler. internal or external a&n1'le cbck enable, external asyrohronous
`_.- ........ ._..._ ............. ,,..,..... ....
`triggering, ~ d"'81 threshold and slope detection, four multi-func-
`0 External Clock. ~ Enable &
`lion TTL VO lines, three additional TTL out lines, external reset input, and end-
`Asynchronous Tnggering
`of-convfHSK>n and ready TTL outputs. All analog and control signal connections a Internal Data Memory Up To
`a MBytes
`are conveniently made at the front panel.
`a 5-1/4" Disk Drive Form-factor
`0 Interfaces To Analogic: Array
`Q Manufaduing Inspection & Control
`Q Automatic Test Equipment
`a Communicailons
`a Spectroscopy
`a Analytical Instrumentation
`Apple 1209
`U.S. Pat. 8,966,144
`Page 1
`ADC3110 AID Con"8l'f.el Module
`The-core of the OASM-A014 is the Analogic ADC3110,
`high-speed, 14-bit san1Jling AID convert« module. Tho
`2 MHz AOC3110 incluc:tee an integral sampl&-and-hold
`(SIH) ~r for appli::alfotl& requimg high speed. high
`resolution and low dil!ltoJtipn. By using an lrMgral SIH, the
`AOC3110 can optimize hold mode settling and droop Rile
`to deliver linear 14-bit performance, and avoid signal
`~due tD ground loops. signal ~ng. jtter and
`digital noise fntrociJced when 99pal'8l8 SIH ~ and
`AID converters are inlercowected. The internal an::tiloo(cid:173)
`ture of the AOC311 o i'dudes the integral S1H arrplifiet,
`two &bl flaah ADCa and a precision 14-bit linear OAC.
`These are part of a poprietary high performance, two(cid:173)
`paaa. aub-ranging design that provides an oulput tf1at ls
`C01181stently ac:;cwate and linear to 14 bits.
`Apple 1209
`U.S. Pat. 8,966,144
`Page 2
`"frame• size to match the particular applcaticn reqtft(cid:173)
`The DASM-A014 can acconmxlal& bod1 fklite ancl con(cid:173)
`tir-..ous acquisition modee. In flnile acqrdstion mode, the
`number of .,rames• to acquire Is set by the user.
`Acquislticn stops when al the "frames" ant filed. In oontfn..
`uous acquisition mode, ~ are stored in data mem>
`ry, treatk1g data memory as a cin::ular buffer.~ the ho8t
`SCSI driver-perfenns continuous SCSI read opeJations on
`a firsl acquinKI, firat read basis. The DASM-A014 trare(cid:173)
`pmendy handles all of the reqlired SCSI hand8hala1g to
`allow an~ flaw ci dala to the hoet. The maxi(cid:173)
`mum uninterrupted sampling rate is 2 MHz for Internal
`dala stCIRlge and Is limlted by the perbman:e capablty
`of the SCSI bus fer ccrdhJcxa operallon. The adua1 SCSI
`transfer rate is set by the float during the SCSI AJbitration
`Phase. The OASM-A014 will transfer data ~ to a maxi-
`mum of 2.5 MSyfes.
`F_.., - 100 l<Hz
`F......,... 2 MHz
`F1gunl2. 0ASM-AD14 F'*lf#IJaY Domain Pwfo.11•ac&
`100 eoo
`Acquire Data
`I of framall to acqulre, or continuous
`Frame Desa'1Jtor list
`Address, #blocka'fl'ame, Mode, Delay
`Acquire Oabt In Plpellne mode
`Data Start Address
`t blocks In frame
`Post-trigger and Trigger enable
`Stop Cootlnoua Acquire
`Automated Precision Threshold Detector
`The digitally-controlled programmable threshold detector
`on the DASM-AD14 can automatically $l't and stop the
`acquisition process based on the value and slope ci the in(cid:173)
`oorning analog signal For example, the OASM-AD14 can
`be programmed to store exactty 100 samples of data start(cid:173)
`ing each time the signal of interest croSses a predefined
`value with a positive slope. The threshold and sk>pe detec(cid:173)
`tors work entirety In the digital domain and therefore are as
`accurate as the AOC3110 AID oonverter Itself.
`Optionsl MUX-8 Analog Multiplexer
`The Ana.logic DASM-MUXS is an optional &channel, pro·
`grammable, analog multiplexer for the DASM·AD14. The
`MUX& is programmed by downloading a user-defined
`"channel list" via the SCSI bus. The •channel list" contains
`the desired Older in which to switch the input channels.
`The multiplexer also Includes Individual programmable
`gain amplifiers, PGAs, for each channel and can be or·
`dered with safl'1'le-and-hokl amplifiers for 4 or 8 channels.
`Apple 1209
`U.S. Pat. 8,966,144
`Page 3
`±!iN Dllatanllll
`0-1rN 8li9t End9d
`Input a-nela
`2. /I.only or~ modN
`llulm1- Input
`Input Csp
`lnpUt Al 1ls•10T
`l MWMln
`O!. A. only. 2 MHz clJlktllll• iel:
`SIH Apenllure o.111J
`. &ff Jitllr
`. 1ope:mwt.Aa
`. . . Input mGn;ll,S
`Ol. A only. t MHz Max
`~•ailll{A&S)j 10qkHz
`· 81gi .... IDNafnsRiillO
`. -«>dB llA'I 0 SHtt· •
`' 100 kHz: .e:z dB l'YP
`Tollll lillrmonkJ DfsCordon
`100 kHz: -76 dB Typ
`540 kHz: .ea dB Mu
`100 kHz: ·73~1)1>
`5401cHZ: -ee ce a.cu
`QuMtintion Enw
`0.5 LSSMax
`1 LSB(:l:O.oo6%) Max
`0.75 l.SO Mme
`Abeofu'9 Al:cuno/
`<Wri Errar"
`0.1% FSR M8ic
`250 mV nnr MM
`•Gain and o«ses enw '-*:liy calibllll8d 10 Zlll'O
`TTLOplal'I M :"•· h:litl8 IOW
`TTL~ Al:IMlloW
`Emm.t . . . Input
`nt. /tilNe low
`Eldamll &able Input
`Act.. high
`l!xWnM, TI--.. Input
`SO kOorSOO lnplt lrnpedllni» (~}
`VO Pott drM a&llNnl
`e4 mA (74F38)
`eunwntty-ppodlsd woit1a •
`SUn SPARCatalon 1
`HP 'l1000l12$l
`SI.In SPARCetdat1 IPX
`HP llOOOl710
`&Bl SPARc.IUon 2
`?CAT mnd 100%
`Contllc:t~ for rnostCW:'C'::"' ,. ..
`- ~ . . . . . Fl-JlC'"'CbS:
`SclllnMls: 1215 lcHzkta•iTI
`4~ 215Cl lcHzktiww•
`2~ 500 ld-t0el•11MI
`OpUoMI SWple . . . Hold Ainplihis:
`Can b9 Clll:fanld will 4 « 8 S1H Oliy
`. ''" :.:-:0
`Apple 1209
`U.S. Pat. 8,966,144
`Page 4