.19) United States
`(12) Reissued Patent
`Burnside et al.
`(10) Patent Number:
`(45) Date of Reissued Patent:
`US RE42,096 E
`Feb. 1, 2011
`424 477
`Inventors: Beth A. Burnside. Betliesda. Ml) (U23):
`Xiaodi Gun, Apex. NC (US); Kimberly
`Figske. Downjnglow, PA (US); Richard
`r\-Couch-B13/11M«'|Wr-PA (US);
`Rong-Kun Chang. Rockville. MD (US):
`Donald .l. Treacy. Woodbine. MI ) (US):
`Charlotte M. Mcfluiness. Bethesda.
`5-2'50-069 A
`5.275.819 A
`5.308.348 A
`1.)"wq'4.1.4 A
`{é95:(128 A
`5.407.636 A
`5,422,121 A
`5.-4'i‘4.?86 A
`5.496.561 A
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`l-4094 Amer elal.
`5-"I994 Balaban ct al.
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`4..-1995 Palelelal.
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`3.-"I996 Ukada ct a].
`MD (Us)1 Edward M_ Rudni;-1 No,-[11
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`5.753.031 A
`5.837.284 :'\
`I99? Geoghegan et at.
`6.-1998 Shah eta].
`ll.-"I998 Mchtactal.
`(73) Assignee: Shire I.l.C, USA
`(21) App]‘ No“ llimglioll
`Mar, 241 2005
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`(74) Ai‘mrne_1‘. Agent‘. or Jam: Mel)erinott Will & l'.]'l'](-)l'y
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`A multiple pulsed dose drug delivery system for pharmaceu-
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`the eiiteric release coating andfor (3) there is a protective
`layer over the enlerie release coating. The product can be
`eoinposed of either one of a number of heads in a dosage
`form. including either capsule. tablet. or sachet method for
`- 1
`administering the beads.
`25 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 1
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`A A.
`L831 113
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`Notice of Allowance i11 U.S. Appl. No. 1 17091.01 1 dated Jul.
`20, 2007.
`Petition to Wit.hdl‘aw Application fronl Issue Pursuant to 37
`CFR l.3l3(c)(2) dated Oct. 16. 2007.
`Transcrip of Richard A. Couch 30(b)(6) Deposition i11 Sl1ire
`I.I.C vs. Sandor. Inc. in the United States District Court for
`the District of Colorado. Dec. 14. 2007.
`Transcript ol‘ Beth A. Burnside Deposition in Shire I.I.C vs.
`Sandoz I11c. in the United States District Court for the Dis-
`trict of Colorado. Case No. 07—CV—00]]97-EWN-CBS.
`Nov. 30, 2007.
`'I‘ranscript of Kimberly liiske l"arrand Deposition in Shire,
`I.I.C V. Sandoz. Inc. in the United States District Court of
`Colorado, Dec. 4, 2007.
`Defendant Sandoz, Inc.‘s Answers and Objections to Plain-
`tiff Shire LLC’s 1t1terrogatories (No. 1-9). in the United
`States District Court for the District ol‘ Colorado, Case No.
`07 CV 001197 IEWN CBS, Jun. 18, 2007.
`Defendant Sandoz. Inc.’s Answers and Objections to Plain-
`tiff Sl1ire LLC’s Second Set of Interrogatories (No. 10-19),
`in the United States District Court for the District of Colo-
`rado. Case No. 07 CV 001 197 l:7.WN- C135. Nov. 20, 2007.
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 4
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 4

`US RE42,096 E
`Page 5
`Defendant Sande’/._. l11c.’s Answers and Objections to Plain-
`tiITSl1i1'L‘ I.I.C’s Second Set of Interflogatories (No. 20 25)
`and Supplement to Answers to lnterrogatories 8 and 9. in the
`United States District Court for the District of Colorado.
`Case No. 07 CV 001197 IQWN CBS. Dec. 10. 2007.
`Expert Report of AJ1hu1' J. Steiner in Shire I,I.C V. Colony
`Pllarniaceutieals, lru:., in the United States l)isLrit::l Court for
`the District of Maryland. case No. 1:07—cv—007"l8. Dec. 20,
`lixpert Report of Ilarry Cr. Hrittain. Phl).
`1" RSC i11 Shire I.[.C V. Colony I-‘liarmaceuticals, Ine., in the
`United States District Court for the District of Maryland,
`Case No. l:07—cv—00718. Feb. 15.2008.
`Ozturk et al.. “Kinetics of Release from Enteric—Coated Tab-
`lets." Pltarmaeutieal Research l988:5:550 565.
`(iliebre Sellassie et ., “I'7.val1tation oliacrylic based modifie-
`d—release film coatings.” International Journal of Pharrna—
`ceutics. 1987:?-72211-218.
`Order and Memorandtnn Denying Colony's Motion for Par-
`tial Surninary Judgment ol‘Noninli'ingement oi‘ tl1e ‘S I 9 and
`’3(l0 Patents ir1 Shire I.[.C V. Colony l-’l1ar1naeeutit.:als. Ine.,
`in the United States District Court for the District of Mary-
`la11d. Case No. CCB—07—7"18. Jan. 2. 2008.
`I-’laintilTSl1.ire I.I.(,"s Responses to Interrogatories No.
`ir1 Shire [..l..C V. Colony Pliarrnaceutieals. Inc.. in the United
`States District Court for the District ofMaryland_. Case No.
`l:07—cv—007"1 8—CC B. Jun. 6. 2007.
`Transcript of Richard A. Couch Deposition in Shire LLC v.
`Colony l-’l1armat.:euticals, Il'lt.:., in the United States District
`the District
`of Maryland. Case No.
`1:O7—cV—0'07l 8—CC B, Nov. 15, 2007.
`Transcript of Beth A. Burnside Deposition in Shire LLC V.
`Colony Pharmaceuticals, Inc._. in the United States District
`the District
`of Maryland. Case No.
`l:0'z"—cv—0O718—CC B. Nov. 9, 2007.
`Transcript of richard Rong—Kun Chang in Shire LLC v.
`Colony Pharmaceuticals, Inc._. in the United States District
`oli Maryland, Case No.
`1:07 (:V- 00718 CCB. Nov. 20. 2(l'07.
`liifringernerit and
`Second Amended Complaint for Patent
`Declaratory Relief in Shire Laboratories. Ir1c. v. Andrx Phar-
`maceuticals. LLC. in the United States District Court for the
`Southem District of Florida, Miami Division. Case No.
`07 -22201 CIV Cooker'l3rovv‘n. Nov. 15.2007.
`luc. V.
`Answer and Counterelaims in Shire l.aboratories.
`Andrx. LLC.
`in the United States District Court for the
`Southem District of Florida. Miami Division. Case No.
`07—2220l—CIV—Cooke.='Brown, Aug. 31. 2007'.
`Plaintifis Shire Laboratories. Inc.’s and Shire LLC’s Reply
`to Defendant Andrx Pharmaceuticals. LLC’s Counterclaims,
`in the United States District Court for the Southern District
`of Florida. Miami Division. Case No. 07 22201 CIV’
`Cool(eJ'I3mwn. Sep. 24. 2007.
`Judgment and Order of Permanent Injuunction ir1 Shire
`Laboratories. Inc. v. Andrx Pharmaceuticals. LLC.
`in the
`United States District Court for the Southern District of
`Florida, Miami Division. Case No. 07"—22201—C]V—Cooker‘
`Brown. Nov. 19. 2007.
`* cited by examiner
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 5
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 5

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 1 of8
`US RE42,096 E
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 6
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 6

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 2 off}
`US RE42,096 E
` Overcoatinq
`Seed Core
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 7
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 7

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 3 of 3
`US RE42,096 E
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 8
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 8

`US. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 4 off}
`US RE42,096 E
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 9
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 9

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 5 M8
`US RE42,096 E
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 10
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 10

`US. Patent
`Feb. 1,2011
`Sheet 6 off}
`US RE42,096 E
`6'0 (3
` pH1.1
`Time (hrs)
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 11
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 11

`US. Patent
`Feb. 1,2011
`Sheet 7 off}
`US RE42,096 E
`Time (hrs)
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 12
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 12

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 1, 2011
`Sheet 8 off!
`US RE42,096 E
`Time (hrs)
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 13
`Amerigen Ex. 1037, p. 13

`US RE42,096 E
`Matter enclosed in heavy brackets [ ] appears in the
`original patent but forms no part of this reissue specifica-
`tion; matter printed in italics indicates the additions
`made by reissue.
`This invention pertains to a multiple dosage form deliv-
`ery system comprising one or more amphetamine salts for
`administering tl1e amphetamine salts to a recipient.
`Traditionally. drug delivery systems have focused on
`constantrsustained drug output with the objective of 1nini—
`mizing peaks and valleys of drug concentrations in the body
`to opt imime drug efficacy and to reduce adverse effects. A
`reduced dosing frequency and improved patient compliance
`can also be expected for tl1e controlledJ'sustained release
`drug delivery systems. compared to immediate release
`preparations. However. for certain drugs, sustained release
`delivery is 11ot' suitable and is affected by tl1e following fac-
`l’irst pass metabolism: Some drugs. such as B blockers.
`[3—estradiol_. and salicylamide. undergo extensive first pass
`metabolism and require fast drug input to saturate metabo-
`lizing enzymes in order to minimize pre-systemic n1etabo-
`lism. Thus. a constaJ1tr"sustained oral method of delivery
`would result i11 reduced oral bioavailability.
`Biological tolerance: Continuous release drug plasma
`profiles are often accompanied by a decline in the pharmaco-
`therapeutic effect of the drug. e.g.. biological tolerance of
`transdermal nitroglycerin.
`(hronopharmacology and circadian rhyttuns: Circadian
`rhythms in oertain physiological functions are well estab-
`lished. It has been recognized that many symptoms and
`onset of disease occur during specific time periods of the 24
`hour day. e.g.. asthma and angina pectoris attacks are most
`frequently in the morning hours (1 .2).
`Local therapeutic need: For the treatment of local disor-
`ders such as inflammatory bowel disease, the delivery of
`compounds to the site of mfiammation with no loss due to
`absorption in the small
`intestine is highly desirable to
`achieve the therapeutic elfect a11d to minimize side effects.
`Gastric irritation or drug instability in gastric fluid: For
`compounds with gastric irritation or chemical instability i11
`gastric fluid. the use of a sustained release preparation may
`exacerbate gistric irritation and chemical instability ir1 gas-
`Lric fluid.
`r-.i an
`Drug absorption differences in various gastrointestinal
`segrnents: ln general. drug absorption is moderately slow iii
`the stomach. rapid hi the small intestine. and sharply declin-
`ing in the large intestine. Compensation for changing
`absorption characteristics in the gastrointestinal tract may be _
`important for some drugs. For example. it is rational for a
`delivery system to pump out the drug 111uch faster when the
`system reaches the distal segment of the intestine. to avoid
`the entombment of the drug in the feces.
`Pulsed dose delivery systems. prepared as either single
`unit or multiple ttllil formulations, a11d which are capable of
`releasing the drug after a predetermined time. have been
`studied to address the aforementioned problematic areas for
`sustained release preparations. These same factors are also
`problematic in pulsed dose formulation development. For
`example, gastrointestinal transit times vary not only from
`patient‘ to patient but also within patients as a result of food
`intake. stress. and illness; thus a single-unit pulsed-release
`system may give higher variability compared to a multiple
`unit system. Additionally. drug layering or core making for
`multiple unit systems is a time—consun1ing and hard—to—
`optimize process. Particularly challenging for formulation
`scientists has been overcoming two conflicting hurdles for
`pulsatile formulation development, i.e.. lag time and rapid
`Various enteric materials. e.g.. cellulose acetate phthalate.
`hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate. polyvinyl acetate
`phthalate. and the |iIJl)R./\(il'l"tl§l- acrylic polymers. have
`been used as gastroresistant. enterosoluble coatings for
`single drug pulse release in the intestine (3). The enteric
`materials. which are soluble at higher pH values. are fre-
`quently used for colon-specific delivery systems. Due to
`their pl]-dependent attributes and the uncertainty of gastric
`retention time.
`in—vivo performance as well as inter— and
`intra—subject variability are major issues for using enteric
`coated systems as a time-controlled release of drugs.
`A retarding swellable hydrophilic coating has been used
`for oral delayed release systems (4.5). It was demonstrated
`that lag time was linearly correlated with coating weight
`gain and drug release was pH independent.
`Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose barriers with erodible
`andfor gellable characteristics formed using press coating
`technology for tablet dosage forms have been described to
`achieve tin1e—progrannned release of drugs (6). Barrier for-
`mulation variables. such as grade of hydroxypropyl
`methylcellulose. water—soluble and water—insoluble
`excipients. significantly altered the lag time and the rel

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