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`Copyright 1995 Chicago Tribune Company
`Chicago Tribune
`LENGTH: 2204 words
`BYLINE: By James Coates, Tribune Computer Writer.
`Harry Anastopoulos, president of a newly hatched Chicago-based Internet consulting company called Telusys Inc.,
`has seen the future of the American workplace in the Information Age, and its name is URL.
`URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, and Anastopoulos and other entrepreneurs expect it will bring the
`greatest change to the business scene and American home since the personal computer arrived in the early '80s.
`A URL is like an address in cyberspace: On the worldwide network of computer networks known as the Internet, it
`becomes a place where its owner can post or publish anything the owner might wish.
`Having a URL means your business is on the Internet-which also means that whatever you are selling instantly is
`within reach of millions of potential customers.
`Anybody with an Internet-capable computer can find you through your URL. It's as simple as clicking on an icon
`and typing in your name or your business name for a computerized keyword search.
`And once they find you, they can view any material you choose to file on the Internet, such as advertising, custom-
`er-support literature or even products.
`Thus, to growing thousands of businesspeople, whether they work in an office or have a home-based business,
`these initials from the world of the Internet are becoming as much an indicator of success as the initials BMW were a
`decade ago.
`Time-Warner Inc. has a URL where the entertainment/publishing company does things as diverse as tout the latest
`cover story in People magazine and print a few sample chapters of the blockbuster novel "The Celestine Prophecy," by
`James Redfield.
`General Electric Co. runs a URL where it discusses properties of high-technology plastics with customers.
`The Chamber of Commerce in Sedona, Ariz., runs a URL, and local bed-and-breakfast operators post their availa-
`bilities and addresses on it.
`Barry Blue and Thomas Demos are among the first Chicagoans to put their business on URLs. They founded Nets
`to You, which specializes in hooking up individuals and small businesses to the Internet. The company charges $65 to
`make house calls, during which a technician provides the necessary software, then configures clients' computers to use
`the World Wide Web and other Internet features.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`Chicago Tribune March 26, 1995 Sunday, CHICAGOLAND FINAL EDITION
`Dozens of local enterprises are starting to use URLs, Blue noted. They are as varied as the International Society of
`Exposure Analysis, which publishes its newsletter via a Chicago-based URL, and movie editor Joe Scudiero, who has
`made small samples of several of his films available via his URL.
`On the national level, you can find URLs from Miller Brewing Co., Ameritech, Tribune Co., Microsoft Corp., Intel
`Corp., the University of Chicago, the Louvre, the U.S. Census Bureau, the CIA, Mayor Daley and. . . . An estimated
`20,000 other businesses, institutions and individuals are counted among URL pioneers.
`Many use URLs to publish their resumes, so prospective employers can look at their qualifications in a decidedly
`favorable multimedia light. Such URLs typically include everything a printed resume does, plus a photograph and sam-
`ples of the applicant's work that an employer can peruse or pass up at will.
`Conversely, some companies are posting job openings on their URLs. It's then just a matter of a few key strokes to
`drop a company a note, telling its headhunters where to find your URL.
`Knowing how to use the vast numbers of URLs now offered by businesses, government agencies and academic in-
`stitutions means much more than mere advertising. It means you can exploit the vast resources of the Internet to en-
`hance your business or job.
`Anastopolous, therefore, isn't just thinking of Fortune 1000 clients when he talks with an evangelist's zeal of the
`potential awaiting those in small and medium-size businesses who use URLs to connect to the Internet.
`"The playing field has been leveled, and everyone is in the game," said Anastopolous, who noted that the Internet
`has been swept up in a nationwide wave of popularity because access to it becomes ever easier, thanks to
`fast-developing technologies.
`Thus, as the Internet grows as a nationwide force, the URL becomes a dominant buzzword in the American work-
`Having one amounts to a giant step beyond having an electronic-mail, or e-mail, address-and remember that e-mail
`has become the most heavily used part of the Internet among Americans at work and at home.
`It takes the e-mail process one step beyond just exchanging information. And that's where the power begins.
`In addition to having your address on-line, it's now possible with only a few clicks of a mouse to reach out to other
`addresses and glean a wealth of information as diverse as sales leads and demographics.
`But in order to examine what a URL can do, it is necessary to examine what the Internet can do.
`The idea behind the Internet is that roughly 1 million computer networks throughout the world are linked by
`high-speed telecommunications lines, thus giving people on each of the participating networks access to the resulting
`"worldwide web."
`More than 20 million computer users are known to be on the Internet; most analysts predict that this number will
`only increase in the coming months and years.
`Each participating network contributes whatever unique stores of information it might own and, as the price of ad-
`mission, makes that data available to all.
`Over the last decade this inter-network has grown to include rather amazing resources.
`Colleges started posting theses prepared by their graduate students on thousands of topics. Much of the data that
`supported those theses had been gathered from other Internet sites.
`Other schools transformed the entire text of reference works, poetry and literature into computer files and posted
`them on the network. Newspapers and magazines were added, and publications prepared solely for on-line consump-
`tion, called "e-zines," came into being.
`Federal agencies as diverse as the Census Bureau, Patent Office, Library of Congress, Social Security Administra-
`tion and Labor Department began putting reams of statistics, reports, forms and other documents into Internet-connected
`Millions of people all over the world created a system of informal computer bulletin boards called newsgroups and
`used them to exchange views and information on subjects as diverse as biophysics and boyfriends.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`Chicago Tribune March 26, 1995 Sunday, CHICAGOLAND FINAL EDITION
`People with access to one network were able to send e-mail to people with access to any of the other networks on
`the Internet. Soon e-mail became the favored means of exchanging business information in many industries. Plus,
`home-oriented telephone dial-up computer services like America Online, CompuServe and Prodigy made Internet
`e-mail available to their customers.
`Then, as computer sales began to boom in recent years, having access to Internet e-mail became an important busi-
`ness tool not just for top executives and the computer savvy, but for many ordinary workers.
`Growing numbers of experts speculate that having access to the Internet from a desktop computer soon will be as
`commonplace as having access to a telephone or to a U.S. Postal Service letter carrier.
`And much of this optimism stems from the existence of URLs.
`Just as the home-oriented dial-up services have moved e-mail from the realm of high-level Internet sites into the
`public domain, so URLs promise to bring the rest of the Net to the masses.
`The key is that URL technology transforms what have been enormously complex commands in the computer lan-
`guage used by AT&T's Unix operating system into the same sort of drag-and-drop on-screen techniques that computer
`users employ with Microsoft Corp.'s Windows or Apple Computer Inc.'s Macintosh.
`For nearly a decade, those Unix commands have served as the key to the information in the Internet when it was the
`sole domain of computer scientists and the more sophisticated hobbyists. These commands have names like File Trans-
`fer Protocol (FTP), Gopher, Veronica, Usenet, Finger, Archie and Internet Relay Chat.
`Using FTP, you type commands into one computer and are taken via high-speed telecommunications links to a
`second computer, where it's possible to read directories of the files that computer's owners have posted for Internet ac-
`cess. Typing more commands allows you to download any file into the original computer.
`Gopher does the same thing as FTP, but in a slightly different way. Veronica is a method of searching multiple
`computers for files containing keywords. The other Unix commands use other methods, but they all amount to reaching
`out from one computer to another to acquire or offer information.
`In 1993 computer scientists on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign developed graphical
`software for Windows- and Macintosh-type computers that let users manipulate on-screen icons to do many of the
`things that can be accomplished by using the Unix commands.
`Those computer scientists coined the expression "Internet browser" to describe such software programs and called
`their browser Mosaic.
`At first the browsers simply operated on computers at university and business worksites already connected to the
`Internet via the backbone of high-speed telecommunications lines.
`Each computer on the Internet was given a name by the InterNIC Directory and Database Service, which is sup-
`ported by AT&T and the National Science Foundation in a voluntary effort to maintain order on the Internet.
`The concept of URLs was developed by a consortium of physics departments in European universities called
`CERN. URLs are subsets of the addresses maintained by InterNIC and thus allow individual users of each computer
`network to reserve a small part of that network for their interests. These URLs thus designate what are called home
`pages. For example, is the URL for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
`One typed a URL into a browser, and the software would make the proper links to the Internet, then call up on the
`screen graphical representations of whatever the host computer was offering, including photographs, text files, even
`multimedia material such as music and movies.
`This amounted to doing the same things that were available via FTP, Gopher, Veronica, etc. But now the infor-
`mation surfaced with the same sort of ease as when using Windows- and Macinosh-style PCs.
`In most cases a user downloaded this material by clicking on underlined text representing the desired file. This
`technique of using text as a jumping-off point for the information behind it is called hypertext.
`The "http" in most URLs stands for hypertext transfer protocol as in the address for the U. of
`I. The initials "www" stand for the World Wide Web, which is the name given to the Internet.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
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`Chicago Tribune March 26, 1995 Sunday, CHICAGOLAND FINAL EDITION
`The ".edu" stands for education, and shows it's a college site. A government site is designated ".gov", while ".com"
`identifies a commercial site.
`The computer scientists who put the whole Internet thing together developed the final key to today's picture when
`they found ways to use ordinary telephone lines to link PCs with the World Wide Web. This was a major change for the
`Web, which, for most of its existence, had been reachable only through major computer installations linked to
`high-speed telecommunications lines leased by colleges, governments and businesses.
`And a new acronym came on the scene: SLIP, for Serial Line Internet Protocol.
`To link a PC to the Internet, a SLIP connection employs the same modems that are used to hook up that PC to an
`America Online-type of service.
`Once that link is made, the most ordinary home PC enjoys the same Internet status as does a $500,000 workstation
`in a scientist's laboratory.
`Currently, most SLIP access is obtained by subscribing to a new class of businesses called Internet service provid-
`ers, which work somewhat like the better known CompuServe-type operations.
`Customers phone in using special SLIP software. Once this software connects the computer with the Internet, the
`user then runs a browser program and begins browsing.
`Karl Denninger owns MacroComputer Solutions Inc., one of Chicago's largest Internet service-provider companies.
`(Nets to You works in cooperation with Macro Computer Solutions.)
`Denninger noted recently that in less than a year, the number of his subscribers has grown from a few hundred to
`about 4,000. Most pay between $10 and $20 a month for access to the Internet, either using traditional Unix commands,
`or SLIP links and URLs.
`But supplying SLIP links may prove to be a short window of opportunity for such small entrepreneurial outfits.
`In recent weeks, Prodigy, a joint venture of Sears, Roebuck and Co. and International Business Machines Corp.,
`has been offering a Web browser to its 1.5 million subscribers.
`Steve Case, president of America Online, says that his service will have a browser up and running in April or May
`for its 2.1 million customers.
`And CompuServe, with 2 million customers in the U.S., also is expected soon to make a browser part of its service.
`As Anastopoulos said, he has seen the future and its name is URL.
`The e-mail address for Tribune computer writer James Coates is
`GRAPHIC: PHOTO GRAPHICPHOTO: Harry Anastopoulos of Telusys Inc., an Internet consulting firm, says that
`URLs help put everyone "in the game." Tribune photo by Walter Kale.; GRAPHIC (color): About the cover. The illus-
`tration and design are by John Bleck.
`LOAD-DATE: March 26, 1995
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
`Page 4

`Ravages of AIDS
`Just can t destroy
`thls fanuly umt
`ylean[uarno11:£rnI'Il.aIiIll heriluoulda
`livlna Inn lllspenlc nugnborltood ontne
`North Side Ifilll an fiIfil3ll~.Al:‘I2l'i.|Ell ex-
`Onlilecbilly Iunnonuenlltsiballmu
`ltll-splloi.” Anmelssald. -snusldtheioorl
`xl-yearolnhoy IrilJ'll\1D5.iieIt-ss
`harrinedby Ilrltolheuwouhlsllr-stday—
`mugn.'0m¢1rtcatl.eohl'to ‘nlsasflrenls
`But be surlai on the job. and off:
`Crawls hurlnnd died. be rooted to. Two
`years lsler. close Io llooth. Gmee oclseo hlnl
`loInIrIyher.BystIecobanIs.r11e'l' bll1'|'l0l
`been ltwets. but be had lnootne a naellrtw
`t:lfIJ2Iln:lI.I)‘.i.l‘fl on ofthoulslrarodoue
`drain: to avoid hsrtlu lilo ohildrolt
`parooled out to rdstlve-.1 and looser boasu
`Wnon Grebe Dias died. Haze lscqen
`yrocssdlnga to adopt the :'bl.|d.r!It. A new
`problem axon
`Because cl lter fitness. Gum Dis: Md
`been elb;Lbl.e lor various llllm ol public
`amt pnvslo dsslnsltoe. When she alert. Ilut
`Inonsy flrlod uul
`Hssb worlwd. oli‘-and on. but it Irss ltani
`«llh seven nuts. on ofllhuns 0-yeerolxl
`with AIDS. ‘I'M Bhli-l‘Il%l'l reiltrmd bu mm as
`was its! s:I1ollIs' ummnlxvyui alnule male.
`um laloronlrs osuinorumunl Dfnublic
`sewenlueelta met my first vim. I spent
`ad. Nevertheless. Ila-a while. Lhemnliymt
`Inotltrr ailmloon at the Dlasm‘ manni-
`floor aoor1lmnt—1.bei: sew.-nth homo H1
`mm yours.
`The kids nlslsetl In true: school. homo
`Hsusrlflset one-nnmoID|l)'lnIlu their
`lwmeworlt. one olflonotfs Ruin or Onion
`New or radio tmlll lomre-wot-lr was done
`Ind teams were clr.-anal.
`line was I oonwntsl. qu1et,u.-ellmpuloon
`lnssl tn ills ans, Isolll nsnent am stern with
`tllechllonnnsluod wllvliewould Iaillrun
`the task oirtlslrls someone else‘: dltldmr.
`he sold simply tool they Flflvlllfld him with
`use ranrllr he had. never I-Id
`‘Sl‘.l'moI.L1llt'£ I think M's more Ittnd of
`angJ.' Angela taut "mwealirha I lbinb Ire‘s
`serli by God.‘
`The apartment was shebluy buloeat and
`Illleli Illlll line‘: second-hand bunks.
`mundlne ant:-rinpeclja sets. the comhlolo
`wants or Mark ‘main am wverall Bible;
`Annals snowed olrhorluo lswcrires. Ono.
`waellcnd CrI.lI.L' The other also called
`Allmla solid Riel. unllhc her potenla.
`Robert Iovplulolud col-leg;
`"Robert tells us education to
`He will tolsrals no duloltlieu In our hotlso."
`lntho port urunleotyesrxsltcsdld. her
`elollshnd noherrost DsaodFno|lsua1
`Br rwu.1hs £B1n|lywsst1espu'.tb.Fl:Ir
`stomps Ind boon roposlloiitv all. Now Um
`receltved an d monlhln stamps flan‘ Ill:
`along with rmortsflnm
`flrnlrflfl Hlr r£l|'Il:l1.
`Boy set afire over missing food stamps
`IIIKIDH. pulls! slfl.
`raid chiouo Pollca cmdr.
`extensive burns have “a very
`The boy mus! unougn rnn.I-
`Ansr tzueetlonlna on dulln-er.
`(merloe Smlllh '59 was it-ring in
`high Ilorlllily me" said Dr.
`tlple sltln mm and rllaer (‘rp-
`Elimbltlll Balms. chief turnout
`get tbs l:'l:.lh out at‘ Ill! -mlflI'w.'
`orsllons. and recovery could
`Hnrrlu was arrested on
`in charge or plastic snzgery at
`A to-yurdd Snutb Sid: my
`tale yearn. Behltm tslo.
`lens in uillul cnlltfillmt Satur-
`"Hs‘|i:1 fnrnlsfilzslsyarld u
`drug; :1‘ heinnba helisry and
`Only hit face. purl of but
`ntlanpled heinous hem.-ry. both
`long mcuoorsLloo.' Bealtau said.
`iflfler Ibdonlalt Illfl 0|: front
`Eartha with ponslllss M till til
`‘No Is young and has a good
`so Win In prison. Stnillt Hill
`heart We on-alone hrs l-eellhy.
`L11-oat Bmltm and. no is no a
`‘I!’ Ill! crud should pass. natu-
`'l|Inl'sot1ourll'rebestl:l1ll|gs he
`gut of his Iblgln wutl nnl
`vuntthoor and nus tnn unable
`has gang M n
`rnlly Una going to sselt Ittunler
`to lalk bocsuso G7 a Itttsalizittg
`dramas.‘ Smith said.
`The bur‘: NIIINB and firmly
`Hams doused the my and his
`Hulda and this were slrooltod.
`‘It’: and. How mould someway
`lo;-urlold. slsler with rubbing
`us: down his Lluoatl Beslm:
`"FM host as harm to one
`alcohol end rhnroool lighter
`Doll!-|l! omnebody Ii-I0.’ ihll over
`fluid while Il'3’il'Is In RI In the
`nurols. but hr has many ahead
`Sm lll'!l flfllhlils but a sieve or
`olblan.‘ Boohm aid.
`set am. PM: 1
`llollum oi‘ the missing lood
`nallmnaldvm meal boemooha
`believed the cblld had stolen
`Ialtolivulvntil rhebon nlcthfl
`ondfitry surmrenl 1:: Cl! 1-Ew
`‘rm: admins! to his Iu.ionlt'
`method In crltllal oorullllon Ill
`wylor Cll.|ltll'ER'8 Kllflllllll 81 1138
`Ty-oiosllr. victlllu with such
`They Walk line
`between graffiti,
`art, many say
`‘finals: sun wanna
`An oightvfboivlaiah snake nearing I
`troll dram ootls mnlmtutydn me luck
`wall on gorugenesrdcnnlrwra Aunt-a
`Blooper gyslnlbd. on the side oi’: small.
`market Ilovrors our the lnaege or s
`Ls this outlaw pnqhangr yanili or
`sh srllsuu expression of communiq-
`or mad
`qtleeijdms mad" I“
`onllhsnos out would Limit
`tho sis: in‘
`outdoor murals In residential
`neidiborhooils. loading lo a tiehaile that
`lolsolw on wider IIIIHSHDIIB D|'¢IJJ-Ill-I9.
`'|l's I complex Issue,‘ observed Jennie
`tllreclar or oormstllnilii-baud.
`orognozs flartbescbool ortllsstrt Inad-
`tulle Ill Clllclgn
`Munl.r—tnr.Il.tnIn; some tbsl annuity
`inoorpurars g-ra1'nu—"I:1n be I'El1I!'
`labulaus aestlueuoslly wluon we ooloro
`are magnificent and [her are well
`tnougbt cut." Klossllng srlded. ‘PIE’! te-
`lme to the community kid: in living
`Eat In tasny no-oplrl minds.
`boundaries between nulunl and smell:
`elcotesston Illll Dill!‘-IE‘-I-Ed mifllli an
`be blurry. resulting in such measures as
`the Aurora proposli.
`Sunpannrs of I31: ordJ.ns.tlt.Il. which
`would limit murals ln rooldsfillfil BIBH
`to six
`squoreoeel and resuistmuralu nn
`mntmerlzlnl buildings ll: urn;-llulilt uflha
`woll. ayltwouidhelocurovhstun be
`wcelved nasmc banner!-
`'Hl‘msllIalbIvt:tl'n1l‘t1'i.|Ifl:fliA7 have
`1! er
`provost‘: ms
`" sail‘
`‘mt he s cause-and-«fleet rela-
`llonshln. but more is I urmiallntt’
`Bill some arilsts mini out Lbsl lhl‘II!
`u.-tusM,y are slgdnsanl dlllbronots tn the
`lmeni of mllrlls and gnurlll. asna-relsb
`"Elo me. HIM: tllfll-tenor between murals
`and wromtl mroa relollvay ctr.-er.‘ sold
`Jon Pounds. dll!tlDl' or Chicago Public
`Art GIDILD, I nollprolll organisation fltal
`has been involved Lu chionou mun-In
`in l9'.'ll. "GIall'lll. Is
`aurornlly mm as In outlaw set. some-
`Ihins mono wvsrllrl A mural is clone
`0llll.:l|1l’§!lULr|Ell:I ensue the uull:||m|l||-
`llut Fblutlis n|]I’t('d tlnl for most noov
`the Luz: between lhc two is much
`mszler. And. almost Inwlrllnly. may
`boundaries Iaswn mmuue aasumptlnue
`"People will mnmsted because they or-
`lleve Ihet murals L-lthsr mnrl: an my
`nbunlc ommmm In I nrlohlnrllaod or
`enroll!“-‘U Sl‘l|'lll.l." Pounds sold
`UIKC Gnrlsldercd the "poor 5i.epch.|.ld."
`of I15! art world. mun]: Lnsrearlnnily
`noun some auto Inoir own in recent
`in pl'trL Flulmds nntco. "because
`tho nrl worlo luau doclnlrd that [an an
`w1:rk"a] rt-lhtmnshtl;
`lo community Ls
`Iltemtealhnhaipecl pdnl [shave] in
`Whlh murals wunnromlnenl in Mrs-
`Ican In In line lms and loans and
`lliwecl an IWPOHBJII role in A:rIerim‘5
`Deoresslon-era WM an projeels.
`mneer mtunl aawement was meet by
`pulllinal and suclxl conmmi
`In the
`Today. while murals are llkaly lo
`lrlunpei lhoroa oi‘ oonttnunily cmpo_we'r-
`Mm In Chinese‘: ll-rsellf Latino Pll!-‘lfl
`nElfi|DOI'hl)l$I. kw euampte. mlcmls ollm
`teilmssenseolcltltlnslpridesno ne-
`Ses Muuu. hot I
`Hofer acquittal yew from unusual tactics
`am»: gets Innsb-
`-u never l|urL1 to suggest that
`a bad guy or I bunch 0|‘ bad
`Attorney worked to raise doubts
`Helmvu: Cnrolen 1-iolsr. who no
`guys lurk Mmvewhnts in tho
`eerdme to Eula:-pol palm to-
`shadows." observed David
`if he Ever
`ronlws 1|
`lo law
`Sitnlttru Dldst l{I.lluL who mute-
`corda 'v:.r.uIu lc nallce" urMun-
`Proless, a journatlsm ylllfflsdl’
`scored Ihe aweumld Oerrtlon.
`school, one of the ilrsr pnm:i-
`Id: police in the mid-lfllb llor
`at Noruwcslcm ilaalverslly who
`Nee he Lo lllmly Ioenemnlor In
`um ltabdlttq court ouulde oourl
`In smkie
`in utosulullon. says M
`svetiliisla Ln IBSII aims:
`on elm: -tloot Inw some mm
`wants to study to became a
`The Jury is stlll out on
`the ups of his current mentor
`altuitlsl trio! In-yarns a msull
`whether Lnnl m-may will work
`you are disilonasl willl I ]I1l‘l'. it
`Ind hem orafeswr Richard
`n(h|.§ lomal tlrush will: Lhe law:
`Ill l|l2l1.lllE,nl'.sn)“ intbe meas-
`KING: who leeches at the Clubs‘
`can come back to haunt you:
`his Q'rpa|'3fllE€
`as a )m.lJ1Jer do-
`I]'IiI.l uI‘0..J_3lm1Jsotl. But in
`omen: couege o1‘Lsvr.
`olieul." Kline sold.
`Hnfefs use. the bed-guy-J.n-lire
`Whlle that generally ls trim,
`Shari-ly beiore iioicrl 36‘ was
`shadows theory ariushly ssvtd
`Hofer. of cover. will have i
`Ioorlltled. tn a July trial may
`the high court atroslily oietslee
`a [subset doclrmo when the
`Sm Hurst. PACKS
`corrllrlem billh school rlrtl. A
`of rrlumerlng Wllmetle rtvsidenl
`There’s no
`time to lose
`for Burris
`Short campaign adds
`to sense of urgency
`'lh:|nndr 51-Arr we-re:
`is 10:16 a.m.. sno Hnlsnd
`Bttrris 5 shot! on Limo.
`The Independent oatnlldsle he
`anyor cl Chicago is lawn: a
`rnllin slaw. and ms prom-snI's
`host has Ilubbud Ins Inlnnluo-
`"Ta: worry.‘ be bells Burns ‘I
`know you're In a hurry.‘
`Harm otters no same. no
`Nb womler. At It s.rn. Burns
`rattrt be at nmther radio smdlb
`In moon: snolhor show. ‘mm he
`will be olhlsltoo lo an H245 s.rlI.
`Loop rundrslssr. and st tslb
`Calllpaign '95
`p.m.. hr: is sclsentuiled to lour 11::
`Chicago Board Options Br
`olulnneBack in the studio. Btu-rts still
`is wltlttng. 51.5.1‘! rhemben palm
`oulsioe the sound booth. The
`dock ls licking
`II has been llcltlm sirm I-‘eh.
`in. when I-layer Richard Dale)‘
`defeated Democratic pmosry
`opponenl Josolfll Gardlwr. a
`cmnlnisslorter with the Metro-
`putlban Walk!‘
`llovlsmallnn Dlsv
`lrict. Ami the dock will remain
`Burris‘ room)‘ unlil llll Aaril -l
`pnsral slrcllon.
`tlums. who out or detemnrs:
`in Gardner did ml ul:l.It-sly com-
`palpx or rolse flutds ‘before Feb.
`ls rtltlning the political
`equivalent of s my-an: oath.
`would be dtfllcull nor my potlu-
`tnn. lml gsoocl-ally for Bums.
`whose deliberate. cmtserrsllre
`style Is reflected by his
`trademark dark three-piece
`"Ware: lining swnellulnz [hill I
`think has been done on
`this level barbie; nmninl s 31-
`doy cumystipt against Lhe mayor
`or the Elly or chicssn." sstll
`Burris. 51. llllnuix' lluntler IIl.or-
`my general nmi comptroller.
`‘If it won? hnrone other Ihnn
`Roland Burris.“ he zaid.
`wouldeay ltwould bean lmpas
`Ellllla rant‘
`hl§. lta.1:nea.rss-t':l‘Bu:~
`revels in the challenge. In
`am. all mm-al campaign alum.
`Bun-ls men has mmnmd anoi-
`encx-.-. how many days rltthslued
`wall! the oloctlon.
`II will be In
`on Sunnis)‘.
`Demo on obvious stemm-
`es lrttlrem BIIH13 and Cranium’.
`much arson-is‘ rarumlm ls ol-
`umt a mirror Janna: of coal
`not": Perhaps mall is her deslgrl.
`slrloe Bun-ls has shill repealeily
`msl Gardner has "passed him
`Lb! bllli)rl."
`Burris. for eztanrple. adrecsios
`reducing U10 :'Ey‘s heed lax on
`businesses. as old carom-r. lie
`else fil.lD€lO}'l.5 nonilter Ganlncr
`plnrfonn nlxuk: improving al-
`Eordslnl: buusimt. Similarly. Eur-
`rla says improving public
`schools will doc:-use urtlzne and
`Immense economic tlzsvalojlmflll.
`Ann Elurrls.
`lots Ganlner. has
`unsulm-santlly rhallallttd DsJ.¢.:l'
`to dcbllll-‘
`one dlilemlllce hat heen Dur-
`rl§' mmpuinlt ink’. Unlike the
`Inw-its)‘ Csrflnrr. who fiat-used
`on issues. Burxu has edoolied s
`new spnnm not-mm
`H! ollrxrd 1113! Daisy has lied
`about the numbrr or elly palm
`omcers. Hc Melts!!! nan.-y or '
`puma; o collesguo up In or-
`rcrlng burns mu hicn-osylru
` jobs Io say oul of
`the ram. Aral he makes provoca-
`lI|'B remaflte.
`"fllclllo Daley cannot spook.”
`5:: meme our 1
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
`Page 5
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
`Page 5

`H 1' IE ("I 1 .-\"|.
`:A 1tiailbox.1n%cybg-arsjiace b1__.'1__1_1_gs_;worl(i ta your PC
`if lam: man
`nmmmoulurn Winn
`Harry ).:II.alDDw|D9. Iineahienl of I Iwwly hatched
`clnlcaacmamtl Internal consulting onmpmy calm
`Tenn)-| III.‘.. has seen me future or the Ameriun
`URI. aloud: for Uniform iicsaurm honalur. and
`Anaslnlwnlos and either enlrebmneurs expand it will
`mm; In: pals! CHIILEE lo Inn ‘mslneu mm uni
`Amertmn Mme ainee the personal onmwter n1-I1\m1
`In the curl)‘ B3.
`A ll'RL Ls him an address Ln cybennnce: on me
`wurldwirlu mlwurk clf Dmllpuier netwurlcs known as
`Ihn lnlunml. II bmunles n place where IL: mama: can
`mat ar nuhllsh anyllulng 9:2 on-mr IIILEIVI wish.
`Having a URL manna ylrur mum u on me Inher-
`MI--wlnbdu mu mum um whaluver you are selling
`xnsmmiy ‘Isl wnllnn math or mllnnns ntpntmual cus-
`Anylnctf mu: an llllzrrvelamable uumpulzr can nm
`ynunhnnnm anaIth£LnhEI1I9i.a|1chasn:luu'tlaln;
`cuslumcrvuwon lllemlum crown grmmu
`Thus, to [rnwLn[ thousand! at bnlinmneonle.
`J.n:1|.nJ.1BM wurendecndnam.
`marl!/1J|flWflhl\‘-IE ouunpumy does
`I: divers: u
`wulflwlalesl cave: slorytn
`prinlarewaunpou mnplencrllaa blndclatulernovel
`‘Th: cmsl1n2P'rnnTIe£r?‘Iu‘ James lledlleld.
`‘LIN. and law! bedand-bruldasl upon-more pus! their
`nvnuahmlhx and mnmsms Im II.
`Chi-tnconum to um um: huuluaaa on ua:.s._'rI-er
`vrhln: n'mmnmmmWuuu m|:mn£
`Socbety or Ezmosme Analysis. which Dubaislus
`nawsletlarvin I Chleawbaaed URL. and lmrteedilar
`Juesuidlamwbnhn madelnuflsamnlesolseveral
`Bnvdng Co. Amerilach. WIMM Co., Mlctmm Cont‘
`lrmzl carp, the university :2! Guinea. Ihn hnuure. me
`US. census Bureau. the CM. Mayor Daley ml. .. An
`ulimahed ammo olhnr butslnnasa. haallruninus nnd in-
`dh-Idunis are calmed unnug URL plumors.
`Many use |J'RlJ |'A:I publish: lJ1I:Lt rfiulnu. so prag-
`Duwnmxoou mm: 3
`Fingedip nlultimodia
`Itsy-busy computers
`The game Js markeflng.
`lnn medium >5
`They've called sunnmenooks. bu: IMF
`CDJIIDM. me tool is your PC. Fags R.
`sneak volunes In! promfi-MIL Pam 4-
`Ilash it uh‘ digitally
`Ina lnn>vrna1|od1 toad rouI.e1. Fun 6.
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
`Page 6
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1009
`Page 6

`The Internet business comes home
`cnstomnrs phone in using
`novt-Jot SLIP sonwon Ono: Iota
`computer uun amp 0:! with
`Itua ampioynrs can on
`aotlum-e connects mp cD|llll'
`Douriuuw rum Paul 1
`drop an-screen ieehattiues that
`Micrusorl co |I.‘s Wutdows ur
`vrlth Ina Lamar-not. lb! use than
`fovrirahle mllllillilfln llght. 8
`Amie Bomoottr IMJI uarzinoastt
`mm a brotnau -mum Ind. os-
`ffir qualifications Ln . mung
`For nearly I death. those Unix
`URL! Iyptnanr Include ovary!-hllll
`gtna hromln;
`unnmutda Mm aanml as Lt: its!’
`Iurinlld rasuoneuln-us. nine I Bho-
`in the Information In Ihn lniorllai
`Kari Drnnlnanr own: Macro-
`mraph and 8Il'|F|"‘ of the wall-
`IIIII It was 31:: sch domain of
`crarroutar Solutions h.r.. om or
`na.nt's work Ihat nn amphn-at can
`Chicago‘: largest Internet EHIGB
`c-ouawnar aclontms and tho more
`|nl'IIn2 ot-mas HP at Iflll
`gtmrider uotnoaaileo (Nets to You
`sophisticated liohh,-Itsls. Those
`Cortt-ands’. noana ooulnwniei In-
`wants in
`ion with Mlun
`uolntnwda havo names Iiha Filo
`goaung [ob opentngu an tnetr
`'I‘r.|a:al'hr Prameul (l7'l'Pi. Gopher.
`Comptthf Solutions)
`uItLa ilt'x than just I nuto.-r at a
`varmajpa, Uatmlt. Ftncar. Arutlr
`low key suoknn lo Aimo I GIMP‘!-
`bnmlnaar notod nonnlly that In
`Ind Lnlont-cl finial! Chat.
`hulluma yuar.Ihrnu:nI-tarot
`ny a note. Islhnqt III E|£lA‘"l|lI'l|lr!
`his Iu'i:sct1oua has drown lion: a
`n-tam to nnd your URL.
`Uolnl P11’. yo

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