ener Cire
`| Mosaic Reference
`Page 1
`IRetermcom thie
`_ Mosaic with:
`M@ World Wide Web
`PL Rerouites
`Explore the Internet
`with Que!
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Using Mosaic
`©1994 by Que*® Corporation
`All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Nopartof this
`book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, orstored in a
`database orretrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher
`except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles and reviews. Making
`copies of any part of this book for any purpose other than your own personal
`use is a violation of United States copyright laws. For information, address
`Que Corporation, 201 W. 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46290.
`Library of Congress Catalog Number: 94-68835
`ISBN: 0-7897-0021-2
`This bookis sold as is, without warranty of any kind, either express or
`implied, respecting the contents of this book, including but not limited to
`implied warranties for the book’s quality, performance, merchantability, or
`fitness for any particular purpose. Neither Que Corporation norits dealers
`or distributors shall be liable to the purchaser or any other person or entity
`with respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused directly or indirectly by
`this book.
`96 95
`43 2
`Interpretation of the printing code: The rightmost double-digit numberis the
`year of the book’s printing; the rightmost single-digit number, the number of
`the book’s printing. For example, a printing code of 94-1 shows that the first
`printing of the book occurred in 1994,
`Screen reproductions in this book were created with Collage Complete from
`Inner Media, Inc., Hollis, NH.
`Publisher: David P. Ewing
`Associate Publisher: Corinne Walls
`Managing Editor: Michael Cunningham
`Product Marketing Manager: Greg Wiegand
`Associate Product Marketing Manager:Stacy Collins
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Advanced Mosaic Features
`7 FTP with Mosaic
`8 Gopher with Mosaic
`9 Using Mosaic to Access Other
`Internet Services
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Page 6
`Contents at a Glance
`Introduction to the Internet
`and the World Wide Web
`1 Whatis the Internet?
`2 Introduction to the World
`Wide Web
`Other WWW Clients
`10 Other Versions of Mosaic for
`11 Other Versions of Mosaic
`for Mac
`12 Other Ways to Access
`the World Wide Web
`187 =
`WWW Resources
`13 Hot Home Pages
`14 Hot FTP and GopherSites
`Mosaic Basics
`3 Getting Mosaic for Windows
`4 Getting Mosaic for Mac
`5 Navigating with Mosaic
`6 Shortcuts to Favorite Places
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Page 6


` Contents
`What This Book Is 2
`What This BookIs Not .............00.
`Conventions Used in This BOOK wo......cccesccssessesssesscscceesecsecseceeccee 4
`I introduction to the Internet and the
`World Wide Web
`1 WhatIs the Internet?
`A-Briet History:of the: Intemetissscccssscssssensresreemmemeascecennes 8
`The Developmentof the ARPANET..,
`The Structure of the Internet ........ccccccccccecceseesscsectcseease 9
`The National Information Infrastructure 10
`The Culture ‘of the Internet + icscsisercisessccavecagesessiviccecsoncerssennecacenss 11
`The Community Expandivisscioneosecwscavemarivennciaies van 12;
`Cultural Pitfalls 00... cccssssccsseeceeeeeees
`seeeawenewauady 13
`The Growth of the Internet ......0...cccccecesesssceessecassecarsececeecesses 14
`Traffic Growth .0....cccececcescescsseescessesesstsssuscssuscsuesseececeseneess 14
`FAGSE GOWER sees eves stnoecees rcs202es sersenenenenenwenneeennenerteraevecenvovss 15
`Internet SQ1vices cccscrseresvisvuron yer ean egeeney MEIER AE EWS iiseen cancaneaee 15
`Intermet ACresses ........cccecsesessseeesseccsscecees
`File Transfers—Downloading with FTP.........0.ccccccceseeeeeee 17
`Connecting to Host Resources Using Telnet...........c.cc0000- 22
`World Wide Web (WWW).u....ccccsccscssessecsesecsecssscesessesesvesees 23
`Electronic Mail (E-Mail) ......0.ccccceecccecsecsceseccesceecsesseesseeee 23
`Internet Relay: Chat: (RE) swccsccvesiseccemnsesssnenreviee
`wee 24
`Internet News Groups (Usenet).......
`esaaT 24
`From Here... .....cececcessescesseesscsecscessesecsssasssscusctsvsecaesuenscuasvacesscasess 30
`2 Introduction to the World Wide Web (WWW)
`History of the WWW ooo cccccccsescessesecscsescsesceesevsvacasensseesies 31
`ceecccccscecseseseseeeenecsereees seeuenaves 32
`Important WWW Conceptoc
`BLOWSIS osspgceiscit2) cia asnapBlarnnoncaneenenentann
`Hypertext (and Hypermedia) .00.........ccceseeeeeeeeees
`we 33
`URESasxsstenes sccsseomnessneeroevermasnaumennsesus ise ieunt een ettanes 38
`FATTP ooo eeeeececeesessescssscceccacssecsesecseessssessessvessavesusauvaneaeenees 39
`Home Pages............-4+-
`Cliemts and Servers ..........cccccecccccescessessssssssssseesseesesseeseaeeas 40
`Learning More about WWW ou. cccccsccccesesseesscesseesevessseevecseee 40
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Usenet NEWSBIOUDSwseccseneionsntetntssisstiteticieineescs.. 4]
`Electronic Malling Lists0.eeccssennnmnc 4]
`enanennescnnesdsetNiiehaneseneneensores: 42
`WWWInteractive Talk SMMC
`FeSELtmmcecrratttianmvmmgenn 42
`PROM HEEos ssennatiinitinmunnmununnenenrnt 44
`Il Mosaic Basics
`3 Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`Can Your ComputerSystem Run Mosaic for Windows? tree 48
`Basic System Requirements..........
`w. 48
`petWork Requirementswns 48
`Other Software Requirement0.2... 49
`Where to Get Mosaic for Windows and Associated Software.... 49
`Obtaining Network SOPMe.c1si8cemencsssasssapaicin......, 50
`Where to Get the Basic Mosaic Software........... 51
`Obtaining Auxiliary Software for MOSAICLecce, 55
`Setting Up Mosaic for Windows on Your SYStEM oo. 57
`Setting Up the Basic Mosaic Softwarewo, 57
`IAALVIEWSnssrmcsriititanronnernnn 61
`Using the Mosaic Interface .......... ShaeneeneWROTEEDSeyeaas 63
`MaTtINS MOSAIC.osssnrnnnnnmnniorennn 63
`The Mosaic Window ......cos
`we. 64
`NEBa omenctisenmmeeettianonsaneenergee 66
`4 Getting Mosaic for Mac Running
`Can Your ComputerSystem Run Mosaic for Macintosh?......._ 67
`Basic System Requiremento......-sesccsssssssersesseecccncn,
`wx OF
`CoREUIREIIEDES waaniciineornnrnn 68
`Other Software Requitement ....ccisssssmmenonenn 68
`Where to Get Mosaic for Macintosh and Associated
`POAtemnsnartninticnrsiestniettivegsaceomeoes., 69
`Obtaining Network SOMWATE ooececcccccteessssse 69
`Where to Get Mosaic SOFWALC ooeccseeccccsssssstttee 69
`Setting Up Mosaicfor Macintosh on Your SYSEOMI ooscccvacsceccosenss 73
`Using the Mosaic PBLCUEAGS iheesemsmoagiietueseeansmanen 74
`Starting Mosaic.eee sis PA
`Te MOSAIC THIETCe anistiniiinwmnunrenmnnnvee 28
`AIOE EERoy mistmaommnowntibiimmnnenenn 77
`5 Navigating with Mosaic
`WhatIs a Home RABE? neseerresossereseenssteetesenstastteasssineeseecs, 79
`Telling Mosaic What HomePage to Loadwees 80
`Moving between DOCHIBHESmassiisitiitinannanamne 82
`ve 82
`Moving between Documents Using Links
`Moving Backward GHG FORWAEE sosesviviasiscscsemarmeueeees,,, 83
`Moving between Documents Using URLS wo. 84
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`What You See When a DocumentIs Loaded ........000-00...... 85
`Looking for Information in a Document......... ers OT
`Saving and Printing Documents ......c.seecccecccceccecececeeceee.., 87
`Customizing Your Mosaic WindoW .o..c..ccccccccscsccesecsecseeseeseescc.n., 89
`Customizing the Hyperlink Indicators in Windows.......... 89
`Customizing the Hyperlink Indicators and Background
`COLOrs ON A MaC eos eesecccsessesseesssterearsusavansisssestessenceses 89
`Customizing the Displayed Fonts in Windows................. 91
`Customizing the Displayed Fonts on a Mac........
`anee 92
`Customizing the Window Areas .o..eececccceccccsceseseeseececceccs., 95
`Viewing Multimedia Files 2.0.0... 96
`Temporary Files on the Mac wo.ceeccccccccccsccccsseocsssessesvesseeee, 97
`Working with Local Files .0....c.ccccccccssesssscessesesessesescseeseeseccccc. 98
`Creating Your Personal Home Page .0.....ccccccccccsscosceseeseesess. 99
`Viewing Source DOCUMENTS 00.0... ceecccccssecscsccssescecesceseseesn. 100
`Problems That Occur While Navigating the WWW... 101
`MOSaic BUQS.0......ceeceseseeseeseseeseesssessesssassucatsresesvessaseaveecesees 102
`User BirOts xessceesizecicisnsasen:
`we 102
`Network Errors ....c.c.ccecsseesssssssssssesessessesesseessasesereesesces. 103
`PROUD G00 0 scssannessvressesyp2¥0y9 5528404 icaenanangnnenmeerevonemmmnarencoverecevar 104
`6 Shortcuts to Favorite Places
`Effective Browsing Techniques ...........cccccccccsccccsossesseesceoscccsee.. 105
`Howto Keep Track of Where You’ve Been eoeeecceccececcccces. 106
`How to Get Where You Wefe oo... cccceseccsssscsessssseceseceesesees 107
`Global History and Explored Hotlinks on the Mac......... 108
`Create Lists of Your Favorite URLS ........ccccsecssessessesesesscooeeesees-n. 110
`Creating Your Own Menus.........c0.ccccssccescsesccsscsssessessessee. 110
`ws 117
`Creating Your Own QUICKLIST......
`Quick Access to Your Favorite URLS ...ceeccccccscscscssoseceocees
`vey LEZ
`Accessing Items in a Hotlist ........c.cccecssccscscescceseeseoscecceseee. 118
`Sharing Hotlists 0.0... cece ssssscstsscesssesssseseeseeeeecee, 12]
`Using Built-In Hotlists 0.0.0. ccoccsccccscsceseseeeseeceseesescecee, 12]
`Editing Mac Hotlists 0.0... cccccccsccsssccsessessssesssesessereecececees 123
`Using Annotations............ccceccsccsessessssecsessecsesresssssevsssessesecccseess 124
`Setting Up Mosaic to Use Annotations 124
`Using Mosaic’s Annotation Feature...........
`ww 125
`Adding an Audio Annotation on the Mac .e.ccecececcce-.., 127
`Searching Indexes and Using Forms ooc..ceccccccccsccsceesessseseesceseess. 128
`FROM HerGoa. ccssvescvsvessavevesensiniaisssnsn-soygeaaenssoeseccarersacarayeazcrustseose 130
`7 w
`v 8 w
`ill Advanced Mosaic Features
`7 FTP with Mosaic
`Locating the FTP Information You Want ...cccccccccccscsesessoceceesees 133
`Using Archie to Find Information on FTP Servers........... 134
`Browsing FTP Servers ...........cccccsscsssssrssssssssesteecsscesseeveceesee, 138
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Other Ways to Find Information on FTP Servers............. 138
`Connecting to an AnonymousFTP S€rveP -escecceccccceseeeceocces-.... 139
`Retrieving Information Using FTP .....ccsccsecsescsccssccececcesees. 139
`Retrieving a File from an AnonymousFTPServer........... 143
`.-sencenvearossssssrszesssievsvsivisiecsietcasanenecensearneeonvesvenvavaene 146
`8 Gopher with Mosaic
`Connecting to a Gopher Server oo... cecccccecscecssessesseceeeseocceccccsn. 147
`. 148
`Understanding the Gopher Protocol........00020......
`Locating the Gopher Information You Wanteesccesceccsessoses......, 149
`Browsing Gopher Serves ........cccseeccssssssseesessecseceseeseeseossc., 149
`Finding Information on Gopher ServefS ...e..cecccocescecsees.. 149
`Using Veronica to Search GopherSpace.......ccccecceeseees 149
`Exploring Gopher Servers ..........ccsscessecsscsscsseecseeseeseesecss.. 156
`Saving Files from a Gopher Servet .......c.cccccccccscsssssseeoseeseeoseec... 159
`Connecting to Other Internet Services from a Gopher
`SOLVE..sessecscsesssessssesssvessessassnesssssssessessnsestassiesassssssssescsscesesess 161
`EQOM Heteve ssgesve33265tesansanansanenrsacevssveusunsanstinacs vorsavenesetiixies.... 161
`9 Using Mosaic to Access Other Internet Services
`Using Mosaic to Access Telnet, 163
`Getting Telnet to Work With Mosaic coeeccccccccecceceeccc--, 163
`we 165
`Using the Telnet Protocol from Mosaic....
`Using Archie from Telnet ........cccccccccccscccscssesceecescescececcs.. 166
`Using Mosaic to Access Usenet Ne@WSQTOUPS.......cecceeecceeesceees 169
`Setting Up Mosaic to Read Usenet Newsgroups........
`nerd OD
`Reading Usenet N@WSQTOUPS.....eececccsecscesescseesceeees
`.. 170
`An Example of Reading News with Mosaic........
`Using Mosaic to Access WAIS ...c.cccscssssssssesssseesessesessseesseceec 172
`Using WAIS to Search for Information ......c.c0000-0.0.., 173
`+ 182
`Retrieving a WAIS Document.......................
`FLOM HELE... o.sssssessesossonessersssansesuessessusssnesstsssnsestestisosssesccesessss, 183
`IV Other WWW Clients
`10 Other Versions of Mosaic for Windows
`AIR Mosaic from Spry.......ccccccssccsssesssesssessseesssscseessceeseesseescccecc., 188
`WhatIs AIR Mosaic and How Do YouGetIt? .............. 188
`Features Of AIR Mosaic ........-ccccccccssessecsssessessecsseseseeseeesee, 189
`Installing AIR Mosaic and TOOIS .....esccecscscesscseseeseeeeeosec... 190
`Starting AIR Mosaic... .ceeessceee,
`The AIR Mosaic Console .....ccccccccccssssessseesssesseseseeeeeeeeecscc, 191
`The Kiosk Mode... eeccccccscssssesessseeseesscesecssessceseeeeeeeeecccs.. 192
`Browsing with AIR Mosaic .......0..ccccescscccsceseesesseesesseecesees.. 193
`Opening Previous Documents ........ccccccecsscscessseeseeeoseess..., 193
`WSIS OCHS8). cos. cccossessivaresesawtieessccsiessasnncareceseveceacesioe ace 193
`Saving Documents ..0....ecccccecceccessssessesecsseesessesseeseeceececec.n. 198
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Configuring AIR Mosaic Options... wiccsceccceseccsseneneonenonss 199
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic for Windowsfrom Spyglass ............+5 203
`Installing Enhanced NCSA Mosaic ou... eee eee 203
`What's NEW anaconda 204
`Copy and Saves aisccnnwanininnmmarwenrenininern 205
`Transferring PUCSicisiiivveesiiarincaisssnacsueriisanossvecsivavvessen 206
`Multiple Windows ..........:cccccceseneeerereereeeereeseeeseneenneeenes 206
`ceceeeeetesaeeeeneseneeeseee 207
`Working with the Hotlist........
`Using the History List 0.0... seeeeeeeeeeceeseeeeeeeas 208
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic Options ......0cceccceetceeee terete 208
`Where’s the Home Page?............
`.. 209
`Printing DOCUMENES niiisccsncsssarsevasersiessesnemnrassianenservesss 210
`Bits and PieCeS 0... eee cece eceesceceesceeseseeeeesessesseeueeeee 211
`Missing Features .............0..
`NCSA Mosaic 16-bit Versions
`a elo
`THE Mosaic Screen eccscsccscescnceparecciisens
`Missing Features in Older Versions......
`. 214
`Quadralay’s GWHIS Viewer .......... eee
`Installing GWHIS Viewer.....
`ww 2d§
`What's New or Old? ........ccccccecceeeeeees
`.. 216
`HGE1StS AiG: M@NUS ecsescn seers
`ve D 7
`GWHIS Viewer Options....
`FLOM HOTee. sicvncanescaawcmnswrrnneneuscerrerccieesnaarserannecesasts 218
`11 Other Versions of Mosaic for Mac
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic for Macintosh from Spyglass............ 220
`Performance Enhancements sessvvisnvssvenseanccvaminnvenss
`wn B21
`Installing Enhanced NCSA Mosaic ..........ccceeeeee
`w 221
`What's New in Enhanced Mosaic?..............000005
`Copy and Save wissieis ies ascctieaieescienes
`. 223
`Transferring Files .........000
`» 224
`. 225
`Multiple Windows............
`.. 226
`Working With the Hotlist .
`Using the History List 0.0. eee eceeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeenneeeens 227
`Enhanced Mosaic Options.0.........cecessceseneeceeeeeeseneeterenee 228
`Where's the Home Page?...............
`Bits and: PiQCS csccsccccesswcsesivensavresseieaieianmvecssn 229
`MASSING FEALUEOS sss ccocsssncsceonsmerascmmenninansestaammaeren erence 230
`12 Other Ways to Access the World Wide Web
`CONG sresiscsscesrrenmnannnarncrnimevnrmes ers erennNiaNTReTeNs 232
`Installation and S€tup sscsssccssvercssnunescssresesssacvemueneveiss 232
`Using Cello cece tenseeseeseseeeenseeseseseaeeee 232
`Hyperlinks in Cello oo...ceceeceeeenserceeeeeeeseeesnaaeeseees 233
`Using History seneseeessencee 233
`BOOKINALKS: ssc scssescsassisevwessiescsererayeernccwsrnaernv
`ences eis 234
`vee 236
`Jumping to a Document by URL in Cello......
`Gopherand FUP SssiOns ....0senarccsnersccemneretereneneneernneens 237
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Semding Mail ......sessssssscessssssssseesscssssesssssssssssssssesesseseeeeececs 237
`.. 238
`The Signature File...
`+. 238
`Customizing Cello ...eccccccsessseessseeseeec...
`Viewing and Saving Document.........-.ccesccsc 240
`InterAp from California Software .....ecccccccceoccc 240
`Where Do You Get Web Navigator? .............. 241
`corey BD)
`WhatDoesIt Look Like? ......scsssessscsss.
`Loading a Document DY URL ovesuccsscserosrenesy deepens 244
`Bookmarks and History 0.2...ccccceccssecccseosess....
`w. 244
`Convenient FunctionOS 245
`Viewing Source in Windows Write ......-eeec00.- 246
`Starting POINES .........ccssseessceninn 247
`NetScripts Macros, Scheduler, and Web Fetch Objects... 247
`Help and Documentation ........ccccc.csccccssesssssssseeseccccccc 248
`Advantages and Disadvantages...ccccccecescesceececs 250
`The Bottom Line ........sssscsssscesssssssvssesesssssssvseeseescnc, 253
`WinWeb from EINEt........-.-sscscsssssseeseneinieeccc 253
`Installing WinWeb ............sssssssseeessessstsesseesecssecc, 253
`The WinWebToolbar......ecccccccsseseeseess..
`Using WinWeb 0.0...ceecceseseseseecss,
`Using the Hotlist 000.0.ccccccccssesesess.
`Using the History List..
`SAVING FiOS «00...sssssseeesessseseesssssessseetetstsssverec 258
`sere 208
`Printing a Document 0.0...
`Customizing WinWeD .......eccsseeseseccsssscssssec 259
`Macweb Bott EUNGt sscivscinsssscssisseseepmmecnensersinunenen, 260
`Installing MaCWeby s...csssssssstsissesqeeassessecnveasesssrinienc 260
`The MacWeb Toolbar .....ssssisscssccssersoreesersesesserccrce 262
`Using MacWeb 0.....cscccssssssessnsessesessissatsssssssssicc 263
`Using the Hotlist
`ws 264
`Using the History List --. 266
`Customizing MacWeb..........
`PONTE OPCS crcemnmrononivcrtengeesstinsrapsmmruaxmmerseseonwarnn 268
`Multiple Windows«000.0... 269
`Helper Applications and Suffixes ........0000...0. 269
`Viewing the Source for a Document...
`feseeeeeees 272
` NOETISEE sscorneconsoonnusiscosisttvittibsserenmasanensetsnisiitviumsin. 273
`WHATS THERE necosscecesssivssaiitistichsnnensanmrennniciveaseanrnn, 273
`Configuration Options ..0........ccccceecseeseseeec 274
`The NetCruiser Toodbat ...........ceecceccsscsesesss.
`The Menu Options ..........sssccseccsesssicecc 277
`Working with Bookmarks.......0..ccccccsecsesssc 278
`THE HAStOTY List .-sssss.ccscssstssstsshonsntansoseectsanvverterercn 278
`Viewing Graphics w......ecccecseeesssecsssesssseees...,
`sass DZD)
`WhatCan't It Do? ..........cssssssssssssstetteeeeescccc 280
`Finding NetCruiser .............cccccccccseeessssc 280
`THE, PIDSTIG xeneerscnestsasieipibst6disjeneanrenmyrammarneurnees
`w. 281
`Installation and Setup of The Pipeline...ecco. 282
`13 Hot Home P
`Business .
`Cani '
`Do I
`Try (
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Page 12
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Page 12


`Using the Web Browser .......ccscssssssssstussusseeec.. 283
`Usingthe Toolbar 0...eesssssssesstussusinecc 284
`sneabeseRUOTUREUTEVTEGeom 285
`Using the DocumentTrail.........
`Using Inline Images 0.00.0...ceeccsin 285
`Using a Home PARE weeeececcecccscsteateaeases
`-. 286
`THERAceneeennenecevonn 286
`tit eeeteeterneees 2B6
`How DoesIt Compare?
`V WWW Resources
`13 Hot Home Pages
`Entertainmentand The Arts ........ccsssccsssssssesassseeeeec... 289
`Cardiff's Movie Databasewo... 289
`EXPOTicket Office .....cssssusstsntn 290
`Traditional Folk Song Database wo... ee
`The Online Museum of Singapore Art & History .....
`wow 29D:
`Star Trek: The Next Generation
`ws 293
`BURENSeptceommeanttnmnrr FEUsemnennerumeenmanen, 294
`COMMELCENE ssseserseseeeesseeertttesttttttioccccce 294
`Hong Kong WWW Server .........
`ges LOG
`TIE WEA Bal,,0°° 297
`BINED GALAY wnscsstssisitisiisenmermnsesinticitigrnn 298
`CanadianAirlines International Ltd. .........0......
`sam 299
`COMPUEINS-eretrseessvnetensteusstesttnrtiosinennc 300
`National Center for Supercomputing Applications
`(NCSA) ooo ceeeccceceececsteesceeees
`Apple Computers, INC. .....-ccsssessssseninre 301
`Do It Yourself—PC Lube and PUIGcvelegceswneeeriptcsse. eeenceeen 302
`InterNIC Provides WWW On-Line Guide... 303
`ISDN—High Speed On-Rampto the Digital Highway..... 304
`Try Cutting-Edge Computer Applicationsat MEE scsescweees 305
`Novell Inc. World Wide Web Homepage ......0.0.......
`se SOS
`EQUATION stretenrennpernesstsnnssviinstecnnsimnunniincnc 306
`ccc... 306
`The Teacher Education Internet Server...
`DeWeyWED ossiciesnsssencssvsvssiertivitzcetecs.........
`.. 307
`ayenrmpmnennnmrensonns 308
`Indiana MIDECIEESIEY aneenmeerarensscoarvsseecite
`Geography—What Do Maps SHOW? ooo.cocecccccccsscecsecss. 309
`Patch American High SCHOOL woesccccccsssssteereseec. 310
`GHGVLEETIE 0smerreommetevivttendiitinmnneomonegemrrn 311
`HeedWOFC zshssncorerrcuemnrvctitHiddhsaennanmneeornannr 311
`Library of Congress ..........cesses 312
`State of North Carolina... 314
`National Capital FreeNet (NICE) vevccssvescnvzssteviiisentearseneesvars 315
`we 316
`ssseessccsssseeessesstsssssineseccccc, 316
`Abdominal Training FAQ...
`HealthNet .ossssssssseesssssensassseettitresstssttiseeccnc 317
`U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices............ 318
`8 031
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
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`Palo Alto Medical Foundation ........cccccceccsecccsssseescssesecc-.., 320
`Stanford University Medical Center veces. 320
`History and Geography..........csssesessssssssesessessesecsesssecc. 322
`Scrolls From the Dead Sea .......ccssescecssssesescseeeescecc 322
`United States Geological Survey (USGS) wo.ceccesesseseeee, 322
`World Map—xXerox PARC MapViewer...
`» 324
`TAECRTAATOIA sasennvsrncssstizvsistiiiicergneuvsenranemenuaairnrecnonreisenanny 325
`Gateway to Antarctica ........cccccsssesssseeesseseseessseecc, 325
`New Zealand .......ccsssccessssssssssessssssvesesteiettusseecsecsccc, 326
`Singapore Online Guide 327
`Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Corporation.............. 328
`Window-To-Russia ........cceccccccscscesceseecseseeseeccccs....
`wee 329
`Issues, Politics and RelAGION svsscsstcsccecaceneesnenennevvasecsucvexeanesceves 330
`Amnesty International .....0......csccecscssesssssseeessssseeccccc., 330
`Legal Information Institute........
`Jerusalem Mosaic...
`JOBEcccsvserecsepeneoe cae
`Periodicals and Books ......eeccsccccc.0..
`MGAPETES TELESTAB cnonvsssvrvisisnsaneeerememnecroxosmnvancorenconne 333
`Project Gutenberg .....e.ceecccccccssseesseseeessesseeecce 334
`Electronic Newsstand........ccccccccssessssecseeseeseeeoseeccs...
`Center for the Study of Southern Culture .........
`CBC Radio Trial 2... ccccsccsssssssssssesssstssssvtsssssitstssssec, 336
`SCISEICEsienonensannsannvinntensnonitiissestsisBiiGdaeemnrsmpenmeaemvorneneeranen, 337
`National Aeronautics and Space Administration
`(NASA) o....ssssssesscesssssssesecssnsstsssssetststessssessssssesecssseeces 337
`wo... 339
`Dinosaurs—Honolulu Community College
`Australian National Botanic Gardens eoneaneeunas
`. 340
`National Renewable Energy Laboratory.............
`vine O41
`SHOPPING oan.sseesssssessstecscsssssactsssetsevisiecsessttisstessssseseccc 342
`Internet Shopping Network .........ccccccecssececcsseecsose, 342
`Slovenian Wine SHOPS.......ccccccceecsseeseeseeoeecse-s,
`. 343
`Downtown AnywheTe o........cccccesscssssseesessecseseeecccc, 344
`Shopping in Singapore... coco.
`RECTeAtiON ooo. seeseesseessesseessesssearecssenveetescecccs..
`Professional Football Server ............
`GAMES vos eecsssesecssecnssressssttsesiesssttestitetsiessaesstecsssueecc,
`Golf LInkS sscisss05..-
`RailTOAS «........cseseescssssssecsersnsessssssvssstesssseceansevsessescecc 349
`Rec.Travel Library ........eseeeccccsssssessusesseseeecsteeces 350
`14 Hot FTP and GopherSites
`MajorInternet FIP Sites 0...
`sscccssssssssssescessassssssessessesseeeee- 351
`nennayatnnenanauvsarneneeueR EMS 351
` cee.
` .....ssecscessssssssesseesceesetsssrsssecosesoses..,, 353
`SUMSHECUNC.CUU oes cecceccccsesesestetsseseesecececec.
`stsPebt tasssnnnseeatesnenens OOF
`PEEMMULOWU 0... eescsescsssseesrsseesssstsstneesseessssessteeseeecee me
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Page 14
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Page 14


`ftp.cicaindiana. edu oo... sess tees e sete teteeese esses teeteteesees 358
`As.INtELMiC. Met «2... sseecseedeeese este eee ssseseseeneeonees
`av OO
`wae BSD
`FEP.CSO.ULUC.CUU oc ceeeeeeeee cess eeeeeseeeeteenenetetereeneiey
`.. 360
`. 361
`WILeLAP.SPICS.COM ......ceceeceersereeeseserseeeenseeneetetenetnes
`vee DOS
`Of.berkeley.edue ......ccccceeseeceeeeeeeeeeteeerenersereessessesenseneteens 363
`Internet Gopher Sites... cette eeeeeeee seers eeeeeteereneneneneneeeeaes 364
`Gopher. Micro.UMM.CAU oseeeesescessteteeeneteeentneeeetees 364
`DOOMDOX.MICTO.UMN.CUU oo... ccc ceeereeeeeeeteeeeeeneeseeseees 364
`WiTetaP.SPi€S.COM ......ceecceceee tees eeee teste teesteraneneenene ns teeines 364
`. 365
`gopher.nsf. gOV .....--seseceeseeereseseteeseeseseneneeeeestenenetereenerensices 366
`FTP and GopherSites by TOpic .......: sc ccesseseseeeetertteeetsennes 367
`ABLiCUItUTe oo... ecccsseesestceeeeteeeeeneeseeteeetenenenencscseetitanecetatanees® 368
`AVIATION ...cccccceccececeeeeseeeceeeeseeenteeeeeeeeeeaeceteeenteaeetrsaeseeesaeeens 369
`BOOKS....secsccssesceseeessncesececeseseesssecsseccsecesecnauetinenenagennesensecss 369
`Macmillan Computer Publishing
`Computer Networking... cece
`ceeteseseseeeseeeereneneenenees 369
`Computer Security... cessesreeceeseeeeseneee see tetireeteneereene ress 370
`cases NEUE 370
`BQUCAatiOM wvccevevsivesnssceccaesoameeen
`Gemealogy ...cccceccsseseeeeseeseseeeessnsssecseeeaenansanerssnensesenssanetees 370
`TeN 370
`HealtH). cccconsssscesesnnnesannaatshie
`HStOTY ....cecceceseesseseeeseseeeeseeeeseeeecneceseeeseesssescessecseneeteetness 371
`AW 0a ccna tae ae eee
`acini ease 371
`Mathematics ......ccccccceccesccesseteesceeeseeeseneeeeeestssseseanennnmereneenes 371
`WSIC ecsecccusnscssreexenssneccsnenavcurenenneesenenannnnasnmancnnendeaeORERNEN 371
`RECIPES ..cccccccscseeesseeeeseeerneneeneesteeaeeeeseeeesenssteetneaetaneressestes 372
`Religion .....c:cceeeeeeees [lkERANEEETNTET 372
`Science (General) ........cceccesesseeseceeneeneetersereetseeeeneeaneeeseesees 373
`WeaHer sconces cpsrevneverssesviscscwseveciacavearnncaneerscensnnsieennsenennnes 373
`FIP CGUES sssccouvecsveusevisavciensessnwexsnmsnavenmeamnnsnrnanscnansesieeel 373
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Page 15
`Facebook's Exhibit No. 1010
`Page 15

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