Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010,p. 1
`Learn to use
`Moke ton natesk
`| Atari Ate Cann
`@ Gopher
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`The Most Complete
`- Mosaic Reference
`Explore the Internet
`with Que!
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 1


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 2
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 2


`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 3
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 3


`wv 3s[|
`S| 0
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 4
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 4


`Using Mosaic
`©1994 by Que® Corporation
`All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Nopart of this
`book maybe used or reproduced in any form or by any means, orstored in a
`database orretrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher
`except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles and reviews. Making
`copies of anypart of this book for any purpose other than your own personal
`use is a violation of United States copyright laws. For information, address
`Que Corporation, 201 W. 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46290.
`Library of Congress Catalog Number: 94-68835
`ISBN: 0-7897-0021-2
`This bookis sold as is, without warranty of any kind, either express or
`implied, respecting the contents of this book, including but not limited to
`implied warranties for the book's quality, performance, merchantability, or
`fitness for any particular purpose. Neither Que Corporation norits dealers
`or distributors shall be liable to the purchaser or any other person or entity
`with respect to anyliability, loss, or damage caused directly or indirectly by
`this book.
`96 95
`4.3 2:1
`Interpretation of the printing code: The rightmost double-digit numberis the
`year of the book's printing; the rightmostsingle-digit number, the number of
`the book's printing. For example, a printing code of 94-1 showsthatthefirst
`printing of the book occurred in 1994,
`Screen reproductions in this book were created with Collage Complete from
`Inner Media, Inc., Hollis, NH.
`Publisher: David P, Ewing
`Associate Publisher: Corinne Walls
`ManagingEditor: Michael Cunningham
`Product Marketing Manager: Greg Wiegand
`Associate Product Marketing Manager: Stacy Collins
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 5
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 5


`Introduction to the Internet
`and the World Wide Web
`1 Whatis the Internet?
`2 Introduction to the World
`Wide Web
`Other WWW Clients
`10 Other Versions of Mosaic for
`11 Other Versions of Mosaic
`for Mac
`12 Other Ways to Access
`the World Wide Web
`Mosaic Basics
`3 Getting Mosaic for Windows
`4 Getting Mosaic for Mac
`5 Navigating with Mosaic
`6 Shortcuts to Favorite Places

` Contents at a Glance
`rs®a) Advanced Mosaic Features
`WWW Resources
`13 Hot Home Pages
`47 14 Hot FTP and GopherSites

`7 FTP with Mosaic
`8 Gopher with Mosaic
`9 Using Mosaic to Access Other
`Internet Services
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 6
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 6


` Contents
`What THiS: BOO IS cc. sssecssscscascocccacsiveea gece ines SRE easel
`What This Book Is Not ......cccccccscsssessescenecescecsseseeseeeseessesessuvessenues 4
`Conventions Used in This Book 4
`I Introduction to the Internet and the
`World Wide Web
`1 WhatIs the Internet?
`From Here..
`. 30
`A Brief History of the Internet ..
`scakewavavertananvaraseisnsiecke DB
`The Developmentof the ARPANET..Gti hee OAT 8
`TheStructure of the Internet .........ccccccccccccsssssesssesesecsesevscees 9
`The National InformationInfrastructure...
`ww. LO
`The Culture of the Internet.......0cccccsscccssecsessescceesecesscessecsececsecees ll
`The Community Expands....
`Cultural Pitfalls ...
`The Growthof the Internet......
`TRAFIC GTOWUD ssiissnsciessscancssanasescvacionctsaacsaeess
`Host Growth 00... eeeeseeeeeessesceseneetenesansenseeee
`Internet Services........0.....
`ae tS
`Internet Addresses..
`sarstuectosunneresvanveueesey: LO
`File Transfers— Downloading withFIP. Haale,
`Connecting to Host Resources Using Telnet. ‘
`World Wide Web (WWW) ......cccccceccsssecceseees statuses
`Electronic Mail (E-Mail) ..
`Internet Relay Chat (IRC)..SUSE
`visens Ot
`Internet News RaHESE,(Usenet).
`sii 24
`2 Introduction to the World Wide Webb(WWW)
`SSE tase
`FDEP ecnessiatascencsnancssnserawonnsanancvevinnencesicpacécabicnatikeivsimaseniansiir 39
`FIOM Pages si sssiiiasisassaiasessasvevsissnsszencossntersearsnvasanenesrensesGenss 40
`Cents anid SELVENS ....n-cercceststeeniassessetesereraterasiavenvetvcrecestee AO
` Learning More about WWW.......ccccccssssssesssscceeseeesesnneerecerseaceces
`Flistory oF the WW sisisivssuicanuviavaiuiiaraeicasasstizerviiatieinieeseessvses 31
`niccancsecsessenesexessavecvecasseasinincecusceets 32
`srduhisthayssnsscupnronsesnesassacemnaeynss 32
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 7
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 7


`Usenet Newsgroups.............,,
`Electronic MailingLists .........
`tttesteseetsvescees 41
`WWWInteractive FANG weescescenssceayigee
`Steaausavaniesvenccniey AD
`THE WWW Ttslf ssccssissiicosmamcccc
`vee 42
`PHO HOHE5 sitntementimnmisntiiaennnnrnt 44
`Il Mosaic Basics
`3 Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`Can Your Computer System Run Mosaicfor Windows? windS
`Basic System Requirements tahemeneeshonesestbaalesuvestsisekberecenenr AE
`Network Requirements wasnaeaeas
`sree 48
`Other Software Requirements Tttttesteeeteanseeeesceseeeecesterseesenes 4G
`Where to Get Mosaic for Windows and Associated Software .... 49
`Obtaining Network SOPWATE ooocseccccsseseecesssececc..
`sen OO
`Where to Getthe Basic Mosaic Software...
`Obtaining Auxiliary Software for MOSAIC.eee
`ccccesenee, 55
`Setting Up Mosaic for Windowson Your SYSECHT...-cisariscenguicee SF
`Setting Up the Basic Mosaic Software .....,..
`sithesearen I
`Installing Viewers ethercaauianwiiselletsdavence
`Using the Mosaic TELE5,eereenvoarsidsbshisbsibienrenecr 63
`Starting MOSAIC. eeececcec..
`The Mosaic WiGOW srerucrrnsorrisaiasttiidincnayensancrcen,
`NM ELEscesonenionitiicioummrnee 66
`4 Getting Mosaic for Mac Running
`CanYour Computer System Run Mosaic for Macintosh? ....__ 67
`Basic System Requirements asrsseccesseiscsisisieneesssaneerce 67
`Network Requirements seateoysue
`Other Software Requirements ttdbseeetterecnenessaeetaeevacescstanes
`Where to Get Mosaic for Macintosh and Associated
`SORWANE asssniissisttineeptimesnniseineniciaac
`. 69
`Obtaining Network Software ...,
`Where to Get Mosaic SOWAECcscrivoitsrccisnemesenisersoeassscccc, 69
`Setting Up Mosaicfor Macintosh on Your SYSTEMoesceceeeeee 73
`Using the Mosaic TCERSeconenisssscwsitcinca
`Starting Mosaic...............
`The Mosaic Interface ..
`From Here,,, orien
`5 Navigating with Mosaic
`WhatIs a Home Page? siststastestthenenensnngioaodtsastoUEheaaseemexerace TO
`Telling Mosaic What HomePage to Load... :
`Moving between Documents Spicsanenieleitheauescuances
`Moving between Documents Using Links
`Moving Backward MOU EOINANE: ccicciapinicyccie 83
`Moving between Documents USING URLS w.esecceseecsecccseeoess. 84
`- 63
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 10"
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p.
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 8


`What You See When a Document Is Loaded vosccccccscecsosees.. 85
`Looking for Information in a Document..........,
`Saving andPrinting Document,.,......c.ccesseesessssecscccesecseeese. 87
`Customizing Your Mosaic WindOW ......c.cccccccsseccssesssesesseseoosesssc, 89
`Customizing the Hyperlink Indicators itin1 Windows siren 89
`Customizing the Hyperlink Indicators and Background
`COLOrS ON A MAC... eecseceseecsssseeesessersvsvecsseceseeses
`Customizing the Displayed Fonts in Windows
`Customizing the Displayed Fonts On a Mac eoosccccsecsseeoeses..
`Customizing the Window Areas...........
`Viewing Multimedia Files ...........cccsce.
`Temporary Files on the Mac ...
`Working withLocal Files ..
`Creating Your Personal.Home|Page .
`Viewing Source Documents ,.
`Problems That Occur While Navigating the WWW.
`Mosaic Bugs
`User Errors..
`Network Errors
`From Here..
`6 Shortcuts to ravuritetPlaces
`sirname LOS
`Effective Browsing Techniques............
`Howto Keep Track of Where You’yve2Been..SSL TeaS Saba bb tame 106
`Howto Get Where You Wei ........cccccccscsceeceossesseceseeseesee, 107
`Global History and Explored Hotlinks on the Mac......... 108
`Create Lists of Your Favorite URLS .....cccccccscsscscessssesceseosseseosees. 110
`Creating Your Own Menus...
`- 110
`Creating Your Own QUICKLIST
`......cccccsecessesseesecssseesseceeee 117
`Quick Access to Your Favorite URLS ......:sscecscesseessssessserseseecee.e LIT
`Accessing Items in a Hotlist......
`- 118
`Sharing Hotlists .....0.00.c00.000..
`iasuisha¥ehsbeetaquseererconseayneannen el
`Using Built-In Hotlists 0.00.0.
`.ccccsssesscssasceseseceseesesescescecese. 12]
`Editing Mac Hotlists......
`w+ 123
`Using Annotations.........ccccccccssesssesssssesveseerecssevessesseceecess
`wee 124
`Setting Up Mosaic to Use Annotations ........0c.0.0...-.-.
`Using Mosaic’s Annotation Feature..........
`Adding an Audio Annotation on the Ma...c.ccssessseseess..., 127
`Searching Indexes and Using Forms ........cccccsceeeseeecssscess
`wo. 128
`PRO Onessicezasseaavanatieceeesaayicechesdoseneansenearseeancerrerasesteccccncen 130
`lll! Advanced Mosaic Features
`7 FTP with Mosaic
`Locating the FTP Information You Want...........
`Using Archie to Find Information on FIP Servers..
`Browsing FTP Servers...
`. 133
`. 138
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 9
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 9


`Other Waysto Find Information on FTP Servers............ 138
`Connecting to an Anonymous FTP Serve cocccccccesceeesseceeesess..... 139
`Retrieving Information Using FTP.......c:<seess-+ese0ss.
`Retrieving a File from an AnonymousFTPServer........... 143
`From Here... TTHSTeSassesaensesoeeerensasesaersnsensenestevssssssansssassssssansesernse 146
`8 Gopher with Mosaic
`Connecting to a Gopher Server .......essssesssesssecsseesseesseessecssesece 147
`Understanding the GopherProtocol .....
`apreaunsaisyeranciw cd EO
`Locating the Gopher Information You Want erscccecocs----- 149
`Browsing GopherServers -....-...cccceccscsssse.
`-. 149
`Finding Information on GopherServeT$..-......-ccceeseee0sss-.. 149
`Using Veronica to Search GopherSpace........esssssesesseeseee 149
`Exploring Gopher Servers
`aa 156
`Saving Files from a Gopher Server ...cccccscssseesssssesssssseseoseeccca,..., 159
`Connecting to OtherInternet Services from a Gopher
`SOIei vasccttssssccui set ssansoesnassnconmassaevsscoceutiessusoaeatsaroncsicevet 161
`BromTEI: .--essssansssaneessossecoauspanaateizotecd Bay eeresatosseoseeoeeseee 161
`9 Using Mosaic to Access OtherInternet Services
`Using Mosaic to Access Telnet oeccccccccccecceees.
`Getting Telnet to Work with Mosaic....
`Using the Telnet Protocol from MOSAIC eeeecsesccccecceeeeeeoes.., 165
`Using Archie fromTelnet........cccccccsesscsssessseeevesseeseeccess... 166
`Using Mosaicto Access Usenet Newsgroups..........
`sneered 69
`Setting Up Mosaic to Read Usenet Newsgroups... 169
`Reading Usenet NewsgrouDS os sctesassicvi veersneveccsewenesnnnsannivan 170
`sie LL
`An Example of Reading News with Mosaic ,...
`Using Mosaic to Access WAIS....c.cccssscssesssseessessessseoceecccsseccs.....
`Using WAISto Search for Information eecceseccsc..-..
`Retrieving a WAIS Document ................
`BEOMFEEDC(55. sneessnneonsspsnpssanernanasenstssunsscevtepituanisvessesscalsscceaseace..
`IV Other WWW Clients
`10 Other Versions of Mosaic for Windows
`AIR Mosaic fromSDPry’........-secsessesssseesessseessssessssveseeseseseeseeeses.. 188
`What Is ATR Mosaic and How Do You Get It? ................. 188
`Features Of AIR MOSAIC .....sessessssssssvessesssevessessecesessosecsecce, 189
`Installing AIR Mosaic and Tools...
`. 190
`Starting AIR Mosaic ..........ccccsce00.
`The AIR Mosaic Console .........
`The Kiosk Mode oo... cecccccces,
`Browsing with AIR Mosaic........c.ccccscsssessesecossescoscseseseosees, 193
`Opening Previous Document.....c.cccsssesssseesssessssessecceseoses 193
`Using Hotlists .....cccccccccsscscceeee
`Saving DOCUMENES.........csecccessessseesreessessssessessetsvceseeccecs.., 198
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 10
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 10


` Contents
`Configuring AIR Mosaic Options.......c.0c: cess eseeeeeneeee 199
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaicfor WindowsfromMAREEieusvacnovebie 203
`Installing Enhanced NCSA Mosaic.
`rs Shinn
`... 204
`What's New
`ee ee
`Copy and Save.SieASKiONSHTeamnaNi mITREERNaI 205
`Tratisfertinig: Piles sccctscssecsts4sti versexrssantvetisosansiteessbernsirneres 206
`wee 206
`Multiple Windows .................
`Working with the Hotlist .........:cscesssereeeeesceeereeserseeerenes 207
`Using the History Listsescssevscsecscsccnsicnscnsrtestiautsnestarvnecesas 208
`sereeee 208
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic Option
`Wheres the Home: Paget accu snscecserunessnsiertsconivnivnontsineiets 209
`PHT EIN DOCUIMIONS wsecscccsnrsesseressnexcanenrvnrenewnesenensceensseanes 210
`Bits and Pieces ........
`MISSIN FEATUTES... crerserrcsnreeeeeyesessonneannesneeasenesnanenenattersgne 211
`NCSA Mosaic 16-bit Versions ..........0.00cci ieee 212
`The Mosaic Screen ........cce:eeeriee
`Missing Features in Older Versions .........0..0..00.c60ccccuees 214
`Quadralay's GWHIS Viewer ..ccuecccersrvosssnciensrssverenpesssanecvnnagevsens 214
`Installing GWHIS Viewer....
`What's NOW: On ONG? acisecsascnensssorpnnccstnercenicuoncetermmonnenssnaane 216
`Fhothists atid Menus sisicsicsatidicusiceasiavantarvecdavssarstesebisscsvasses OL
`wiv 218
`BrOrn:Oreis sssusesuvaresesovsvsasangrssensatsvevsavesisnasevaseesavsnestanniarsssasteves 218
`11 Other Versions of Mosaic for Mac
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic for Macintosh fromSpyglass............ 220
`Performance Enhancement.........cccccccecsecssssscsenesereceeseene BEL
`ceceeee enn eees 221
`Installing Enhanced NCSA Mosaic ...... ccc.
`What's New in Enhanced Mosaic?............
`ae Bee,
`Copy and Save.......Se
`on DOD
`weve 224
`Transferring Files.....
`wuss BOO
`Multiple Windows ......
`Working With theHotlist
`vans 226
`wen DOE
`Using the History List ......
`Enhanced Mosaic Options..
`wove 226
`Where’s the Home Page?....
`vate ee
`wa 229
`Bits and Pieces ..
`. 230
`Missing Features ee
`12 Other Ways to Access the World Wide Web
`3 3
`Installation and Setup..
`aw 232
`ws BOS
`Using? COHule)..cnnsecesssecsne
`iw 233
`Hyperlinks in Cello....
`a+ 2a0
`Using History .
`a 234
`Jumping toa:DocumentbyURLiin1 Cello...aeeue
`Gopher and FTP sessions .......c.ccscccscssesssseseeeseeeees
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 11
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 11


`Sending Mail asorssesfanennueshare yaasebaesciendoneuanseiacyias
`The Signature File o.o.ecoccccscecececese...
`Customizing Cello w..c.cccccsccsesesssesse.
`Viewing and Saving Documents ,
`InterAp from California Software........ :
`Where Do You Get Web Navigator?.,
`What DoesIt Look Like? -.eeccccsssceco....
`Loading a Document by URL.
`Bookmarks and History..........
`Convenient Functionee woe 245
`Viewing Source in WindowsWrite...
`13 Hot Home P
`Starting Points stsnnssstndvanhmanedosubeensnsndosransisaceuenanivineesevussbor DAT,
`NetScripts Macros, Scheduler, and Web Fetch Objects .... 247
`Help and Documentation srpoasennnaeutersereenasuavnesssindaanci. BAR
`Advantages and Disadvantages..
`Vee 2SS
`The Bottom Line ......cecccccccsseccssseeseseeccssee..,
`WinWebfrom EIN@t.....-..scsecsessssssseeesesessseeccccs,,,
`Installing WinWeb.....
`The WinWebToolbar..
`Using WinWeb............
`Using the Hotlist ............
`Using the History List....
`Printing a Document.,
`Customizing WinWeb.............
`MacWebfrom EINet........,
`Installing MacWeb....
`The MacWeb Toolbar...eeeccscscc....-.
`Do |
`Using MacWeb...... TT
`Using the Hotlist..........
`Using the HistoryList ..................
`Try ¢
`Customizing MacWeb..................
`Font Options..............
`Multiple Windows.........0.-.000.......
`Helper Applications andSuffixes...
`Viewing the Source for a Document eoeceoooocc.
`NGQCruiser iasescpsssasscssitcoravcivecn......
`What's There ........ccccsecseesesecsececes
`Configuration Options ...........cccsceescssesessseess.,
`The NetCruiser Toolbar ..........ccessseesesseceee--,
`ve 276
`The MenuOptions..........000.... SoreaSRN 277 Fed\
`Working with Bookmarks ..0...000...cccccessscssecccc
`The HistoryList .....-ccssssscccconsssssessssseveecesseseecc....,
`VACWANS GIAPIES ascisssicssccssisstivtipiiemeererneeasensccccccce 279
`What Can't [It D0? ..........csssssssssssetieeeccc 280
`Finding NetCruiser........ssssssssssssecsrsesseeceseerssssssssenn, 280
`The Pipeline seesssunseanseseeensecererssersatanacennteens
`ivan ood
`Installation and Setup of The PHDCHNEeeecesceccceseeseeses 282
`8 0
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 12
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 12


`Wisaig, the Web Browsssssessacsaniaitictsscriopneecce... 283
`Using the Toolbar .......csorsssesseeusstiesevecn 284
`Hsing the Decanienit Thath cssunseectsciisiteeeneernrceanesscce 285
`w+ 285
`Using Inline Images............
`Using a Home PAGE sraynneiocaccsbsictoisCERssemroueraseecoin 286
`nuevanaaisasciiauivasbedcicacséians 286
`Wihat BIS6?. sssscscissieaieees
`How DoesIt COMPATED ssssssssinasaciassicsissierseeesroaaemesssccn, 286
`V WWW Resources
`13 Hot Home Pages
`Entertainment and The Arts stnsuhsstieversssssscsadssierssvetsecceceuseeseess
`Cardiff's Movie Database oo...
`EXPOTicket OffiC€
`Traditional Folk Song Database *-ornt Favreau binandnansayi
`The Online Museum of Singapore Art & History ..........., 292
`Star Trek: The Next Generation ...ccccseeesccccscecse.,
`Business ....00.......
`Hong Kong WWW Server
`The World Bank........,,....... Sr. BOF:
`EDS GALANY ennnsonsseersescensiteciacrtseicivtemesecc
`+ 299
`Canadian Airlines International Ltd...
`COMPUBL stseneererstnrerterscsvsiiitcidditmmemmmerccrncrr 300
`National Centerfor Supercomputing Applications
`Apple Computers,Inc,.................
`seca TCs steeen
`DoIt Yourself—PC Lube and Tune wotadrpenateveeavesoiassteraiioad 2
`InterNIC Provides WWW On-Line Guide...eeeesensec, 303
`ISDN—High Speed On-Rampto theDigital Highway..... 304
`Try Cutting-Edge Computer Applications at MIT =n
`Novell Inc. World Wide Web Homepage o........cecccsecsees 305
`Education *eshesSabsslyentnavnenesseuasatnn¥dneesssaedlvndi3TIiETESoonnnenueesuranye 306
`The Teacher Education Internet SEIVET.,...cesseiss
`. 306
`DeweyWeb SesstNhtananevay cvensanscvsayavetiatvaccal
`vesvathecesansananescess 307
`Indiana University Euseeode Dae tdi ndepeaapaiwaachaneeues4 sau
`Geography—What Do MapsShow?............
`ee 309
`Patch American High SCHOO!«0... eccccssssesessssssssseeeoess...., 310
`Government RenentfrnstnennsienamencautraviNSrrENDLpeset 311
`FedWGtsvccescsossscassiccinsorr Eaanaivesinn “31
`PADTay Of COPRESEecenscnrnisiniieiieteenesenne ce 312
`State of North Carolina....................
`National Capital FreeNet (NGE) sicceisiiesics
`PHONE: -ceapnasnsnassssnivssdasitissstecrerneomsee .,
`Abdominal TRAINFAQseccsssscosssiastisciivineuasasooece,, 316
`U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices ............ 2
`FacebookInc.'s Ex
`hibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 13
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 13


`Palo Alto Medical Foundation......c....:ccscsssssesssssssecccossscsss 320
`Stanford University Medical Center widionsnbunnbieds
`- 320
`History and Geography
`. 322
`Scrolls From the Dead Sea v..ccceccecscsscecescc
`fest Oe
`United States Geological Survey (USGS) ......sccscsecsseeseess 322
`World Map—Xerox PARC MapViewer .cccceccisssissssisacecc 324
`STHEEIANONA onnonccernossonussssevurissavisiaiisruaiecser.—...
`Gateway to Antarctica ......cccccccsseeseccceecseesseces..
`eesseen GLO
`NEW Zealand... ccsissssssenaz
`Singapore Online Guide .........cccscccssesssssecsssssessecssieeccc., 327
`Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Corporation
`WindOw-TO-RUSSia ooo... cecsescssessseeesesestsscesetessseesscc, ‘
`Issues, Politics and Religion ..e.cccccccsssos--.....
`Amnesty International........cccccccccsses,
`Legal Information Institute...
`Jerusalem Mosaic...cccccccccccceeseeseses.
`JOBNICE ..ccevsvccsss
`Periodicals and Books..
`Gazette Telegraph ......-..sccccsconseesssssesssseesssesssstecsseccecces...,
`Project Gutemberg wo... ceceesccccsccsesesess,
`Electronic Newsstand ........scscscssssesssssvseesssseessessseecesscsn...., 335
`Centerfor the Study of Southern Culture esaeecesesssranenscee DO
`CBC Radio Vial oo... cecseesssceeseseseosssescesse,
`-.. 336
`SOUR5 serenncennanesnsntnianeersovazessegcctitannayildscieitsiniie ue... 337
`National Aeronautics and Space Administration
`(BEASA) .oronsorsosesasnnssicntubasiisiicclbaisasioneeanreesveeneeecenecons 337
`Dinosaurs—Honolulu Community College woes. 339
`Australian National Botanic Gardens oc... 340
`» 341
`National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
`SIROPONIG lon sernrnnnsnnnssanivisassniaseanidSsBSisaeoe orampsecconsacenees
`. 342
`Internet Shopping Network......ceccceesssesceceoose-,
`. 342
`Slovenian Wine Shops .........0.0.0..
`» 343
`Downtown ANYWHETE.....ssesesescssseessssveesessseseesieccn.. 344
`Shopping in Singapore ......cccccccecssssseecssessssesssssesoeees. 345
`RECHEALION waasaseseceeccsesersosserssngctsssenonstsnvussessasinisinivisececccn, 346
`Professional Football Server......,................
`GAM5.0... sceceesesessseneeseaees
`Golf Links ........c:cccc0.
`Rec.Travel LUDTATY oooesaesecseeseseercnesneacestectesesersesceseccce. 350
`14 Hot FTP and GopherSites
`Major Internet FTPSites shee pits santas venpenynsaneeydensassdomncdbavstinnaiaice aon
`nonstenaae OO
`FEP.UULNCt woes.
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`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 14
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 14


`Ftp.cica.indiama.eduy .....eceeeeeseeseereseeseeseeseeeeeneeentensnteens 358
`. 358
`FtP-CEE.OLG -ccicissssersseneeesseeneeeans
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`ftp.CSO.UIUC.EdU eee reeeeeeees
`. 360
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`OcfDerkeley.Cdu .......cccscessssierereeeeeseeensensee
`. 363
`Internet Gopher Sites .............
`POPheEr-MiICTO.UMM.CTUoe. eeecreeserseersesneneeneaeneenentenes
`DOOMDOX.MICTO.UMN.CAUU ...ccccerereeeesseeeeecesseeseeterseeeee
` ...........0008
` ......-..--ce-eceeeeceeereeceeesensenenneeaeses
`POPNEL. MSE. GOV ...eccsescesseseeseseeteesesesesseesseseeneeesens
`... 367
`FTP and GopherSites by cave:
`Agriculture .............
`wiiiidataticice iain ES cbesNanaah MAaMaeEEK BO
`ANIALIONccsssscsnnassersenncesveressecserenasesenensenrnnsensensnrsnerennennneedana 369
`Macmillan ‘Computer Publishing ‘asepasvensuesussueesansasupidenaiacs 369
`Computer Networking ..-...2:::ccccscsccnsssesenenereeseeneneenerenees 369
`Computer Senay avavesasieenstsnecktnnvnstecnreeneageneepannsmssnensensoees 370
`Law .....-..--
`Mathematics ...........060
`WEISIO Seveseseveaieisnerreenene
`Recipes...piranhaNa RAEEEE TET 372si Jsta
`RO]IGION ..ocessseseeeesseececeennennness
`we BAZ
`Science (Geretal) wcscccciccecssececcisissssraccersevaeenesavsencenserensagnnee 373
`Weather ...---.------
`ee BTS
`FAP COMES agin yestictisaritiraaiesieaseviecoed tare Rana 373
`Education ..
`FacebookInc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 15
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 15

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