Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006,p. 1
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`FacebookInc,'s Exhibit 1006
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`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 1


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`FacebookInc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 2
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 2


`[Main Window]
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`FacebookInc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006,p. 3
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 3


`Using Mosaic
`©1994 by Que® Corporation
`All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No partof this
`book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means,or stored in a
`databaseorretrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher
`except in the case of brief quotationsin critical articles and reviews. Making
`copies of any part of this book for any purpose other than your own personal
`use is a violation of United States copyright laws. For information, address
`Que Corporation, 201 W. 103rd Street, Indianapolis, IN, 46290.
`Library of Congress Catalog Number: 94-68835
`ISBN: 0-7897-0021-2
`This bookis sold as is, without warranty of any kind, either express or
`implied, respecting the contents of this book, including but not limited to
`implied warranties for the book’s quality, performance, merchantability, or
`fitness for any particular purpose. Neither Que Corporation norits dealers
`or distributors shall be liable to the purchaser or any other person or entity
`with respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused directly or indirectly by
`this book.
`96 95
`94 4321
`Interpretation of the printing code: The rightmost double-digit numberis the
`year of the book’s printing; the rightmost single-digit number, the numberof
`the book’s printing. For example, a printing code of 94-1 showsthatthefirst
`printing of the book occurred in 1994,
`Screen reproductions in this book were created with Collage Complete from
`Inner Media, Inc., Hollis, NH.
`Publisher: David P. Ewing
`Associate Publisher: Corinne Walls
`Managing Editor: Michael Cunningham
`Product Marketing Manager: Greg Wiegand
`Associate Product Marketing Manager:Stacy Collins
`004 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 4
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 4


`005 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 5
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 5


`Publishing Manager
`Jim Minatel
`Acquisitions Editor
`Lori A. Angelillo
`Ruth Slates
`Production Editor
`Linda Seifert
`Copy Editors
`Danielle Bird
`Charles Bowles
`Kelli M. Brooks
`Noelle Gasco
`Theresa Mathias
`Editorial Assistant
`Andrea Duvall
`Technical Editors
`Discovery Computing, Inc.
`Paul McIntire
`Dave Taylor
`Technical Specialist
`Cari Ohm
`Book Designer
`Paula Carroll
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`Dan Armstrong
`Production Team
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`Angela Bannan
`Amy Cornwell
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`DiMonique Ford
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`Debra A. Kincaid
`Bob LaRoche
`Malinda Lowder
`Steph Mineart
`Victor Peterson
`Kris Simmons
`Donna Winter
`Charlotte Clapp
`Composedin Stone Serif and MCPdigital by Que Corporation
`006 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 6
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 6


`About the Authors
`Mary AnnPike hasa electrical engineering and an profes-
`sional writing from Carnegie Mellon University. She has experiencein soft-
`ware design and development, andis currently working as a technical writer
`at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.
`Peter Kentis the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Internet (Alpha
`Kamran Husain is an independent consultant with experience in UNIX sys-
`tems programming, X Windows, Motif, Microsoft Windowsandspecializes in
`Real Time systems applications. He is a University of Texas at Austin alumni.
`Kamranoffers training and consulting services through his company, MPS
`Inc., in the Houston area. He can be reached at
`Dave Kinnamanin a systems analyst for a state agency in Austin, Texas. His
`workentails labor market and economic analysis to improve coordination
`and planning in education andtraining programs.
`A strong believer in lifelong learning, Dave actually enjoys scholarship, and
`helping others to discover. His formal education includes degrees in biology,
`psychology, curriculum and instruction, and cognitive psychology. Heis a
`member of the Austin Central Labor Council, (AFL-CIO), Self Help for the
`Hard of Hearing (SHHH), and a mass-mediacriticism group called the Coun-
`cil for Public Media.
`David C. Mengesis an Internet consultant in the Denver area. He joined the
`on-line community back in 1975, when it was based on UUCP.David gained
`his experience designing and maintaining LANs and WANsat Indiana Uni-
`versity, Bell Labs, US West, and Colorado SuperNet. His current interests cen-
`ter around electronic storefronts.
`007 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 7
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 7


`Acknowledg ments
`Trademark Acknowledgments
`All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarksorservice
`marks have been appropriately capitalized. Que cannotattest to the accuracy
`of this information. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as
`affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
`008 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 8
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 8


`q E
`Contents at a Glance
` CeePritreates
`009 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 9
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 9


`010 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 10
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 10


`WhatThis BookIS oc. ssssscnessssssercscesceasectsceenssessesssssenseesseeaees 2
`What This Book Is Not .........ccssccssesessssssesscsseesesseessescssessesesaesenes 4
`Conventions Used in This Book .........ccccsscccssssssscessessessessssessseonss 4
`I Introduction to the Internet and the
`World Wide Web
`1 WhatIs the Internet?
`A Brief History of the Internet 00... cceeescsssssesessesseseesesssecsseseens 8
`The Developmentof the ARPANET.........cscccccssessessseseenseeese 8
`The Structure of the Internet 00.0... cecessssscsssescsseseeseeseeeess 9
`The National Information Infrastructure.............cceecsesoeee 10
`The Culture of the Internet ......... ce cesccscsssessseecssecnsssceseeseeseeseess 11
`The Community Expands....0.....esesccssecsesseessersensescesseesees 12
`Cultural Pitfalls ...0. 0. se esseessseseeecsceessssssersssesseeeeessesesaes 13
`The Growth of the Internet... eescesseeessesssetseeseseessesseenees 14
`Traffic Growth .o...ccscecseeecesssesseceesceteesseseescesueessseeeseessenseens 14
`HOSt Growth .....ccescesecsssseccsecesecseeeeseeensseassssessasesesessecnascnes 15
`Internet Services 0... cee essessesssecesscescesesscsssesssesseeesasssseseescensenees 15
`Internet AGATeSSES 00... ceecseseececseeesesesceessenscceceeencensseseneeese 1S
`File Transfers—Downloading With FTP..........:ccssssseeeeees 17
`Connecting to Host Resources Using Telnet............cccccccee 22
`World Wide Web (WWW) ......cscscssssseesetsececesessesseeeseasens 23
`Electronic Mail (E-Mail) .........cccscessssssercssccssesssesssecssesssesaves 23
`Internet Relay Chat (IRC) ....... cs seescssssssssesssscsssesseeeeseensenes 24
`Internet News Groups (Usenet) ...........cescssescessessesseesseenaee 24
`PrOM HET... osc sessccsssssceeecsececeescenseeeseeseceescenseneseessseessenseneseesenses 30
`2 Introduction to the WorldWide Web (WWW)
`History of the WWW oo... ci ccesccescetsesscescsseessensseuseeceeesessnevsseseeees 31
`Important WWW Concept«0... cccesscsssscsetseccerettessetseneeneeeesees 32
`BIOWSETS .........eecceessceseeeeeslL eesuuesceceseseeessecnseeenasoessssseesesonseees 32
`Hypertext (and Hypermedia) .00...... ee ecesscesseseeesceseeseeeees 33
`URLS ooo. .esessessessescsscesseceseccnaesseescossseessressesseenseeeessesssenteasenees 38
`FITTP ooo. eeecseccesoessconeeesesesecssacesacsseeeseeesseacesacseaseenessasesaeenes 39
`HOME Pages «0.0... cescsescseessecesecesecsseeeseeenceensesssesnsesseesasssaeeees 40
`Clients amd SeIvel.......cccsesceescssseececessescessssccesssseersneeasees 40
`Learning More about WWW ........cccscssscsscsseccssssstserssessessssensoouss 40
`011 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 11
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 11


`Usenet NewSgroups......ccccccesscesstesesneesseeeenrenssensonseneressenasones 41
`Electronic Mailing Lists ............ccssccssesrseeseerseesseesenescenrenseres 41
`WWW Interactive Talk ........cssccecsssseesssreeesoessenesnaeseveaenes 42
`The WWW Itself oo... cecccccssesseccneseesecesesseeeneneeseeeersseseeenees 42
`FLOM HELE... ..ccccsssccesecessnseesseesssccessecsesnceeeaeessaesseaeesrsesersessseseeanees 44
`I! Mosaic Basics
`3 Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`Can Your Computer System Run Mosaic for Windows?........... 48
`Basic System Requirement........s-sesscsseecsceseeseteseseteeeenes 48
`Network Requirements ........ccsscsscscessessrssnsssssseseesnescrenees 48
`Other Software Requirements ..........sscccsssneeseesesessesseeteees 49
`Where to Get Mosaic for Windows and Associated Software .... 49
`Obtaining Network Software ........:cscscsestecseeesereeeseeneees 50
`Where to Get the Basic Mosaic Software .........:cseeeeeeseeees 51
`Obtaining Auxiliary Software for MOSAIC.........: seers 55
`Setting Up Mosaic for Windows on Your System .........sssseesee 57
`Setting Up the Basic Mosaic Software ..........ssssesesensereees 57
`Installing Viewets.......:scssccecssessectececsceteseeetesereeseeneesnessenes 61
`Using the Mosaic Interface ........:ccssessorsssessesssesseeseesesseneenssnennens 63
`Starting MOSAIC ........cccccsesseeseeecseenseeeseereessonsnsasssesseeeennenes 63
`The Mosaic Window ......ccccccccsceeseressnessseeeseneseeereenneneseeenss 64
`From HeLe... ....cssssccssessccccesssncssesseceeensenesssssnecsessaceseoneaeasoosaceseneees 66
`4 Getting Mosaic for Mac Running
`Can Your Computer System Run Mosaic for Macintosh?......... 67
`Basic System Requirement...........scsecseesssesseeneenensentennees 67
`Network Requirements .........cccccscsceceseeesseessettersnreesneesetenses 68
`Other Software Requirements .........:ssccsseeensseesseeeseneeeeneees 68
`Where to. Get Mosaic for Macintosh and Associated
`SOFCWALE ......csecseeseeeceeeesosecoosssussseecsensensuesstseesnesenseserseoessneussass 69
`Obtaining Network Software ......:.scssesseeeseeeseneerenteneees 69
`Where to Get Mosaic Software ........cccccssercsseerernessneceseeeens 69
`Setting Up Mosaic for Macintosh on YourSystem .........seseee 73
`Using the Mosaic Interface .........scssssrceseresresesetsseessreneeessrenenes 74
`Starting MOSAIC .........cccescceseesstesstseneneaeteseseeeeeensenennecnneeneees 74
`The Mosaic Interface .........ccccesssssccesseeessneeeseecennessserersenees 7S
`FLOM HELE... ....ssescccsessccesvesscesssecceesseessesssseeenersneeessnseceusseaaesecesees 77
`5 Navigating with Mosaic
`WhatIs a Home Page? .......cescescsseesseeststenseseecneeeneensaeenreeseesneesee 79
`Telling Mosaic What HomePage to Load..........sssseesereeenetees 80
`Moving between DOCUMENIS.......sssscceseeesertscsetsensceerensseeseneans 82
`Moving between Documents Using LinKS............seeeeeee 82
`Moving Backward and Forwald .........ssseseeesesteenereeensenees 83
`Moving between Documents Using URLS........ cece 84
`012 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 12
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 12


`What You See When a DocumentIs Loaded ........c:sscscseeee 85
`Looking for Information in a Document.......... ee eeeeeeee 87
`Saving and Printing Documents 000.0... ee eeeeseeeseeeeeeeerees 87
`. Customizing Your Mosaic Window ..........ccccsscccsseeeeseseseesesseees 89
`Customizing the Hyperlink Indicators in Windows.......... 89
`Customizing the Hyperlink Indicators and Background
`COLOTS ON & MaC..ecccsscccccsssserecseeeessoeseeseasensceeeesensenseaes 89
`Customizing the Displayed Fonts in Windows.............05 91
`Customizing the Displayed Fonts on a Mac ........ eee 92
`Customizing the Window Areas... cesceeseeeeseeseeeereeeees 95
`Viewing Multimedia Files 2.0.0... eescescceeseeeeceeeseeeneeeeseeesees 96
`Temporary Files on the Mac ........cesccesscescceseceecereeeeneeeeeees 97
`Working with Local Files... cescceeseeeeseeeeeeeeecenecteetenseeeeses 98
`Creating Your Personal HomePage...........ceeceesessesnceoeseees 99
`Viewing Source DOCUMENES.......c.cscccseeesssecseeseserseesesesees 100
`Problems That Occur While Navigating the WWW ............0 101
`MOaic BugS.........csccccssceceecccenccesseceerecesseaseseescssssessssesssness 102
`User EXTOL.......ccccescsessscesssseessssveseasoaasossecssseeesssererseeeneeeoes 102
`Network EIQors .o....cccecsssssssessesssessscoesenseneneesesesseaseeeeetes 103
`FLOM Hee... .ecsccsesssssssssssssssscsscssossesseesecsssesenseseeeeseneseeeeeeensenss 104
`6 Shortcuts to Favorite Places
`Effective Browsing Techniques .............cccccsscssscnesereeseeesseeeeees 105
`Howto Keep Track of Where You’ve Been ............cssseeee 106
`How to Get Where YOu WELE ......cecessesseseeeseestsenssaeesees 107
`Global History and Explored Hotlinks on the Mac......... 108
`Create Lists of Your Favorite URLS 0.0.0... eesseceesseeseenesesneeennees 110
`Creating Your OWn MeMus.......... cc ecsessseessecessesersneesenees 110
`Creating Your Own QUICKLIST oo... cccsesssstestesereeeeeee 117
`Quick Access to Your Favorite URLS ...........cccccccsssssesecsseseeseesess 117
`Accessing Items in a Hotlist 0.0.0... ccc seceeeeeeseeeeseeeeeeeeees 118
`Sharing Hotlists 000... cscscssssssecceeesssseseseeesssestesseeseseeeeaes 121
`Using Built-In Hotlists ...00 cee cscsseeeceeeceeecseeeeneeesceeeeees 121
`Editing Mac Hotlists 00.00... cee eesessesceseeeseeeseeeesseenecstasens 123
`Using Annotations 20.0... ccceeeeseeeesseeeseneceeesseseesensesesnseennes 124
`Setting Up Mosaic to Use Annotations .0......ccccsseereeeee 124
`Using Mosaic’s Annotation Feature .......cccssesesereeeesees 125
`Adding an Audio Annotation on the Mac...eee 127
`Searching Indexes and Using. FOr.........:ssseeeseseerereeceeteeees 128
`From Here... ........0..a eeecesceeseaeeceneceesecesseescesessessessestessessnssseseseesos 130
`Ili Advanced Mosaic Features
`7 FTP with Mosaic
`Locating the FTP Information You Want.......csssssssessessesseees 133
`Using Archie to Find Information on FTP Servers........... 134
`Browsing FTP Servers .........:cccssscssseessrecsseecescceceeeeeseeeseneees 138
`013 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 13
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 13


`Other Waysto Find Information on FTPServers............. 138
`Connecting to an AnonymousFTP Servet ........:.ssscsseeereenerens 139
`Retrieving Information Using FTP ..........:sssssessersseseeees 139
`Retrieving a File from an AnonymousFTPServer........... 143
`From HELe... ..esccccsssscccssscesceesssceeessncensonsessenseneeeessseueacssseeasersanens 146
`8 Gopherwith Mosaic
`Connecting to a Gopher Server ........ccesesteessersesseeseeeetsereceneenees 147
`Understanding the Gopher Protocol.......1.ssceeeeeesereeseees 148
`Locating the Gopher Information You Want........sssssseree 149
`Browsing Gopher Servers .......scsceecseersssssersenesseseeneeneesees 149
`Finding Information on Gopher ServePS..........sscsseres 149
`Using Veronica to Search GopherSpace..........00+seeseseees 149
`Exploring Gopher Serves ......::scessscessserserseseessenseeeereeees 156
`Saving Files from a Gopher Serve..........ssccscesceseeesteeeenereentes 159
`Connecting to OtherInternet Services from a Gopher
`SOLVEL ooo... ccsssccecscesntcetsessneccesscceesseseesesssssseessenaneosnsaeeseessnseesesns 161
`From HELe... .....ccssesccsossssceecnsnnesecsneceessssasecersoeseassseeeusonseeaesessnses 161
`9 Using Mosaic to Access Other Internet Services
`Using Mosaic to Access Telnet .........sccssssscesresrsssenesteseeneeeesees 163
`Getting Telnet to Work with Mosaic .........:cccssseeeseeeees 163
`Using the Telnet Protocol from Mosaic..........sscecseereee 165
`Using Archie from Telnet ........:.-scssecsessssesereenenneeeeetsenenes 166
`Using Mosaic to Access Usenet Newsgroups........scsessesecereeets 169
`Setting Up Mosaic to Read Usenet Newsgroups.............+. 169
`Reading Usenet NewSgroupss.......:sssssssesssseseessesseesesees 170
`An Example of Reading News with Mosaic .........sssse 171
`Using Mosaic to Access WAIS ......-::ssssssssessessersseeneeerenereesenens 172
`Using WAISto Search for Information .........scseeseeeees 173
`Retrieving a WAIS DOCUMENT...........sesseseeeeeeseseneetneenees 182
`From HEL... ......scsscccccssssceseecsecesesersscesseensssneceessesasonssanassoesseeeees 183
`IV Other WWWClients
`10 Other Versions of Mosaic for Windows
`ATR Mosaic ££0M Spry .......cecccecssseeeseeeseneeenerensaeeessnerssesenseenenanes 188
`WhatIs AIR Mosaic and How Do You GetIt? 0... 188
`Features Of AIR MOSAIC .......essessesessereeeeesneceesenneeeseaneneens 189
`Installing AIR Mosaic and Tools .......:.:scscesscseeeserseesees 190
`Starting AIR MOSAIC .......scscceesscerserersessssessensensesseesenenennens 191
`The AIR Mosaic Console .......ccecccccseeseesesetseenteeesneesneesones 191
`The Kiosk MOE ........cesssscssssseseseenereessecessneseseeesseneersasonses 192
`Browsing With AIR MOS@ic .......ssssccsssosrsesssecessseneereenenees 193
`Opening Previous Document..........:.seeeseeeeetesteseetees 193
`Using Hotlists 00... ccceseesssssresseeesecerssseeesesssseseensnecsenenenes 193
`Saving DOCUMENTS........scseceseeesreeeeseetsesetsenersetsesseeneneneaes 198
`014 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 14
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 14


`Configuring AIR Mosaic Options...........ccsscssseeeserereneeeees 199
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic for-‘Windowsfrom Spyglass............... 203
`Installing Enhanced NCSA Mosaic .........ccesseeseeteeeseeeeees 203
`Whiat’S N@W.......ccsccssecssesssccnssesesesesesenssessccesecesseesseesaeeseeesese 204
`COpy and Save... eccsccssccssscsesssecseesseesseseserereetseeeseeeseeesees 205
`Transferring Files 0.0... estes cseseseeeseeeneecsscesseeseeeeneeeetees 206
`Multiple Windows... ces ccccseesseeseeetserseesscesneeseeeseeeeets 206
`Working with the Hotlist 0.0.00... eeseeceseeeceeeeeeeneeeeeeees 207
`Using the History List 00... ci ceeccesecesseceereeesneesseeseeeeeee 208
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic Options............seesseeseeseeeeceeeeees 208
`Where's the Home Page? ........ccscsccsssssssteessseseessseessecseeeeees 209
`Printing DOCUMENES 0.0... ee eeceeesteeceeseceeeesseeeeenseeesonssaees 210
`Bits and Pieces 0... seseceeseeeseeeseeseeesssesssesssesseosnsoeeeesees 211
`Missing Features............ccccssesssesssesereesonsesenevssassassseavensvees 211
`NCSA Mosaic 16-bit Versions.........ceeecessceeeessscreseresoreeeeneeaes 212
`The Mosaic SCreen ......csccscesscsssesesceeeseeeseeeeeeeseeesseenseenaeenas 213
`Missing Features in Older Versions..............::esseeceseceeeees 214
`Quadralay’s GWHIS Viewer ......... ce seessecenecesceseetesseeeseeeseaees 214
`Installing GWHIS Viewer 0.0.0... eeeceesseecesceceseeeenecenseeeens 215
`Whats New OF O1d? 0... eescsscsssesssesesesesssessenseeesseeseeenes 216
`Hotlists and MeMnUS 00.0... cc cecesseeseseeseseesseesseessensseereeseees 217
`GWHIS Viewer Options oc. csscceseseesceesseeseerneeeneeceee 218
`FLOM Hee... cece eeccccscescescessscerecesseasssasceeaseessesesseesneressseetessesenees 218
`11 Other Versions of Mosaic for Mac
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic for Macintosh from Spyglass............ 220
`Performance Enhancement 0.0.0... csccseeseseseesesseeseeeeees 221
`Installing Enhanced NCSA Mosaic 1... eeeescesseeeeeeeene 221
`What’s New in Enhanced Mosaic?«0.00... esceeeeeseeseeeeees 222
`Copy and Save .iccceccccccesecsscesseccseceeesceesssecesseceseesessetesees 223
`Transferring Files ..........ecssesssessseeseseseeeesesesseesesesesesasenes 224
`Multiple Windows... ee seescceceeeecenceteneeeesseerseeereusensee 225
`Working With the Hotlist 0.0... cece scssesenesesseeeseasseeeees 226
`Using the History List 2.00... 0 ccc eceeceecstecstnssteceesoenes 227
`Enhanced Mosaic Options ........cccscesseseseeesseceseeeereesene 228
`Where's the Home Page? ........ ce eeeesceessesseeeseeeseeeneeeseeees 229
`Bits amd PLCCES 0... ee sceseseseecseeeeecensceseceseeeseeessessseeseeesees 229
`Missing Featules ..........ccscessccsesssesssessssesesssesssessessasesesenes 230
`12 Other Ways to Access the World Wide Web
`COMO vceeccesceecccesecsscessesseeesesesssesessssceseessseessenssecsseesesessoenssensonnees 232
`Installation and Setup 0.0.0... .ccceceesesecsnsesssesereessceeeesnsesses 232
`Using Cello .....ccccccccsccessssccssscssceesestssssesessseseseeseseesereneesnes 232
`Hyperlinks in Cello wc. eesesceceecssccesseccseeeseeeeeseseeseerees 233
`Using HistOry 00... ccc cececeseseseeeeeeseecereseesesesenesesaseseseseneeese 233
`BookmarksS............0000Deeeeceeseeeesseesesessceeeesssessseessesanonseaeuel 234
`Jumping to a Document by URLin Cello... 236
`Gopher and FTP Sessions ........cccesssssssesseeseseseeneseeeenseees 237
`015 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 15
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 15


`Sending Mail 0... sccssseeseseeseetseeeeseessensnesesseesseneeseeneees 237
`The Signature File... .cceccesseeseereseecnersecsensentnesseenerseeneeaes 238
`Customizing Cell ..cccceesesseesesseterscstseeseneensententeenees 238
`Viewing and Saving DoCUuMe§nts.........ssceseeerresereereeteees 240
`InterAp from California Software..........:sseeeeeteeeeeseeseeeteetes 240
`Where Do You Get Web Navigator? .......:ssccseseeerereees 241
`What DoesIt LOOK Like? .........cccceesceeteeeeeceereeceseeeeneeesneeene 242
`Loading a Document by URL .......ccssessssseereeseseneseenerteetes 244
`Bookmarks and HistOry ........ccccscssccsseesseserenreeseeseeesereeenes 244
`Convenient FUNCTION KeYS ........ccsseceecesseesesnreeecsesesenssnes 245
`Viewing Source in Windows WTite ........:.scseeseeseeseetees 246
`Starting POINts.......... cc cssesesesseeseetsecseaeseceseeessesanesenenseeerees 247
`NetScripts Macros, Scheduler, and Web Fetch Objects... 247
`Help and Documentation .........ccecsesessceesrseeseeenesseeeenes 248
`Advantages and Disadvantages.........:::ssssceseersersesseeseees 250
`The Bottom Line «00... ccccscsssseccesseseeesseeseonseeeessnsnesessnaees 2953
`WinWeb from EINE........cccecsssesscsresessesessnseeeronseeesosnnneeceenneess 2953
`Installing WinWeD.........:ccscccsesesesseetetereeseaseentseneeneesnesee253
`The WinWeb Toolbal......c.ceccesccessessneesneeseneertecnsrecnsees 254
`Using WinWeED.....cceccccsssessetecesseseensenscnsenetsaeneeneesnesseeneenes 256
`Using the Hotlist 0.00... .ccsessesessscetesseneeseseeetenessesesensssenns 257
`Using the History List .........c:ccccescserssesseerserseseesererseensenes 258
`Saving Files ...... sc cesssscscereeseessstscseescertconensesseesseseseneeeesees 258
`Printing a DOCUMENE ........ cesses eetroetreteenneneensestneeeees 258
`Customizing WinWeED........ccsceseseeeseesrcetssctessteneneesneeens 259
`MacWebfrom EINet.......:cscccsscesscecessceeeenescneeeeneenegessseseeensesenes 260
`Installing MaCWeb........:ccccscssssseecetsesersenessensseenseesseeenesnenes 260
`The MacWeb Toolbat.......csccsscceesecseeeesnesseeesteeeeneesooeets 262
`Using MacWe.......cccceccscssseesessenerseeseseseonsssesseeseerenseneens 263
`Using the Hotlist .........cccesssessenseeeeseeeerensseessessseneneeneens 264
`Using the History List ..........ccscsesereeeseesessteenecneseenseneens 266
`Customizing MaCWeb........:ccssssseneeseeeesssecssenseeeensees 267
`Font Options ........scccessceseessesneseeerseeesasesesscensreseeesessnensnes 268
`Multiple Windows........scsscsserceersssesesesesscnesseesesassnensons 269
`Helper Applications and Suffixes ..........sccsseseeseer essere 269
`Viewing the Source for a DOCUMENE....... ss seesrsertetsenees 272
`NetCruiser ..........:cccsscessseseseeecsecesenneesseeesseeseceessaeessnanseeeceeensens 273.
`What’S TheTe ........esseseceesssessssscceseeeeneseessessssneenseeersaasesesoees 273
`Configuration Options........ccsccsseessesneesseesssnesereeteesseesees 274
`The NetCruiser Toolbar ..........:ccccsscecssnereeeseeseeessessesstreeens 276
`The Menu Optionss .........cscsscreessceesseesseessronseeteeesseenseensees 277
`Working with Bookmarks........:ceceseeseesssesereeesesseenseensens 278
`The History List ........ccccscssessesseseeseeeseenseenseneereeneenesesensees 278
`Viewing Graphics.........cccesceeseenceeneeeesetsseeeeesssernsesaseeeeneess 279
`What Can't It Do? oc eeeeccseerssseceseessneseesaeeseressenseonneesnsoes 280
`Finding NetCruiser ...........ccccsscssssssesrsreereseeteeseesssnseeersenes 280
`The Pipeline .......ccccesessesssseecsseteenesenernersecssnsasenseeenesssasaasseeenans 281
`Installation and Setup of The Pipeline......... esses 282
`016 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 16
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 16


`Using the Web Browse?...........:escccessseeseceeseesseasesssseesseeeees 283
`Using the Toolbar ..0......e ce eescesscccecceeesceesseeesseeevencesensessees 284
`Using the Document Trail... eee cesses eseceseceseeeseeteees 285
`Using Inline Images ..0..... cee cceteeesnseesseeseesseeeseesseeessnseeeess 285
`Using a Home Page ........cceecc ccs c cee sceseceeneeeeeseecesasoeee 286
`Whiat Else? .0... ce ecesesssessscsseseesecssecascsescseseasseaaseseesaesaaees 286
`How Does It Compare? .......eccc ccs esses ssessesesessessneenseee 286
`V WWW Resources
`13 Hot Home Pages
`Entertainment and TheArts woos. cesceeeerseeesesesecsneeeseeeesees 289
`Cardiff’s Movie Database cesccescsseeensesecnesssereeeenes 289
`EXPO Ticket OfffCO0... cc cesceseeesesesesesenesenesssecerseneseseseees 290
`Traditional Folk Song Database ..00..........eeseesseeeneeereneee 292
`The Online Museum of Singapore Art & History ............ 292
`Star Trek: The Next Generation ceseseseeeseuseesssseeeeeeseeeseussees 293
`BUSINESS.0.....c.ceceseeceeseeseeecesssensseassnseseeseessessesesseseeseessonseeeeeasees 294
`CommerceNet.......esseeseeeseees savseeaseuaneenseusnseasseeesoesssaasenses 294
`Hong Kong WWW Server...... ccc cece stssesseescssessseeeseeasees 296
`The World Bank.....c ccc cccccstesteccsseeseseessnseesrasersaeveneeones 297
`EINet Galaxy ...cccccscccccsesccssscesseesssesseresssnsceseeerssessereoenes 298
`Canadian Airlines International Ltd. 0... ee eeeeeeee 299
`COMPUTING ..... ce cescesceccsscctsccnsscnnccuseseeesssecsssesssseserssesesenesenenes 300
`National Center for Supercomputing Applications
`(NCSA) ....seccceeceseeseeeseseceseseeneesneesnceseseseeeesossesseeseesenesees 300
`Apple Computers, Inc. ......ccsccssessseenssecesesesnsesnsesneesaeenes 301 —
`Do It Yourself—PC Lube and Tune ........ ee eeeeeereteeeeeee 302
`InterNIC Provides WWW On-Line Guide... 303
`ISDN—High Speed On-Rampto the Digital Highway..... 304
`Try Cutting-Edge Computer Applicationsat MIT........... 305
`Novell Inc. World Wide Web Homepage.........csccccseeees 305
`Education ....ccccccecccsnsscsesecsseesesesesssescssenseesssnscescessesesssenoesteaees 306
`The Teacher Education Internet Serve.........ccceceesceesees 306
`DeWOYWED.....ecccesesesstescrscesssassseseseuseeseaesseaenesasosseeenseeeease 307
`Indiana University ....... ce eeeeeeseeeseneseesscesseeceseasornarenes 308
`Geography—What Do Maps Show? ........cesceeseeseceseeseeee 309
`Patch American High School...........cessecesscesenseeeseeeneeeoeee 310
`GOVEINMENE..... cece cccsseeseeeeseeeeseenseeeesseeseseeseseeasseasenesseeesoaes 311
`FedWorld... eeeeceesseesseeeeneetereeeereese eeseseeeeesseeesseesneseeeens 311
`Library Of COmngress ..........cesseesseeceseesesceesseeeeseecenaceeseeeesees 312
`State of North Carolina ....... cece seccee senses seneneeeneees 314
`National Capital FreeNetWCE) weseececsecsessestsesseesseenseeees 315
`Health oes cece scseccnsteseeecssansessenssessssassnsssssensssesseseseons 316
`AbdominalTraining FAQ... cessscessnssceesesescnseeetoesseees 316
`HealthNet .0.... cc cecsscssscessesscesccnscesscsnscntsssnresrseusesscsneees 317
`U. S. Department of Health and HumanServices............ 318
`017 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 17
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 17


`Palo Alto Medical Foundation. ...........:ccsesssseeseesereeseeens 320
`Stanford University Medical Center ........ceeeecsneeseteees 320
`History and Geography..........ccsccscsseseeesseeressesseesseeseseaseenensereens 322
`Scrolls From the Dead Sea ..........ccccssccscesseeeceesneeetenanensnsanes 322
`United States Geological Survey (USGS)......cccseseecerens 322
`World Map—Xerox PARC Map VieWel......-..:eseesseseeeees 324
`Irternational ............:csscesssesssesscesseseesesenreesnseeerseeseeesensoasesenons 325
`Gateway to Antarctica ........ceseesseesesetsstesesessserusonansaees 325
`New Zealand ........cccsccsssccessesesssssessesenetesseeeeeaeecsasessaeesseesens 326
`Singapore Online Guide........ccccccscesereeresesesseessenseteetees 327
`Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Corporation.............. 328
`Window-TOo-Russia .......csecccessssseeessseeenersneeeseseneesennensesees 329
`Issues, Politics and Religion .........cccceceesseeeseeeereeeseeeeseeeeteeeees 330
`Amnesty International...........ccssesseesseeeeesesneeeseeserenneeens 330
`Legal Information Institute ...........ccccseeeeeretreseeeteeeeeneeees 331
`Jerusalem Mosaic..........:cccecssessccesseceseeeeseeesseesneesenseeeeresens 332
`JODIEoo... eeeccecescesesteeseeecereasoeseecsseeessnecsnessnssessnsesneesenenenses 333
`Periodicals and BOOKS..........cccsssessesessessseeeseeeeseeeseeeeeenecesseesnaees 333

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