`Chapter 3—Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`through anonymousFTPat in the directory /Web
`/Windows/Mosaic/viewers. The following are some of the software packages:
`BH GhostScript and Ghostview, display PostScript documents
`H Lview, displays GIF and JPEG images
`@ MPEGPLAY,displays MPEG movies
`™@ Speak, a Windowsdriver which allows the speaker in your personal
`computer to play soundfiles
`= WHAM,an audiofile player that works with Windows-supported sound
`@ Wplay, another audio file player that works with the PC speakerdriver
`to play soundfiles
`There are many viewer programs that can handle the different types of media
`files you find on the WWW.Someof these are commercial software packages;
`others are shareware that you can find on the Internet. If you have more
`questions about viewers or can’t find the viewers you need, here are some
`additional sources of information:
`@ Read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file by clicking FAQ Page
`under the Help menu.If you scroll to the bottom of the document,
`there is a hyperlink entitled Viewer Software Information. Click this to
`load a documentthat gives you general information on how to custom-
`ize Mosaic to use different viewers. This document also haslinks that let
`you load some of the more popular shareware viewers.
`@ Use Gopheror FTP to go to someof the big software repositories on the
`Internet and look aroundfor viewer programs. Chapter 14, “Hot FTP
`and GopherSites,” lists some of these servers.
`@ If you have Usenet access, read the newsgroup
`comp.infosystems.www.users. A discussion of viewers
`that work with Mosaic is an appropriate topic with this group.
`After you have Mosaic running, you can get more information aboutdifferent viewers
`and where to find them from the URL
`076 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 76
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 76


`Setting Up Mosaic for Windows on Your System
`Setting Up Mosaic for Windows
`on Your System
`After you have obtainedall the files you need to run Mosaic for Windows on
`your PC, you can go through the process of getting the software ready to run.
`This section covers the steps necessary to set up the basic Mosaic for Win-
`dowssoftware, gives an example of setting up SL/IP software to connect your
`personal computer to the Internet, and discusses how to set up any auxiliary
`software you haveretrieved to use with Mosaic.
`Setting Up the Basic Mosaic Software
`Setting up the basic Mosaic for Windowssoftware consists of unpacking and
`installing the Windows32-bitlibraries and the Mosaic softwareitself. The
`first step is to install the Windows32-bit libraries into your Microsoft Win-
`Installing the Windows 32-bit Libraries
`The Windows 32-bit libraries, written by Microsoft, come with the standard
`Windowssetup utility to do the installation. This makes the process of in-
`stalling theselibraries simple and almost foolproof. The following are the
`steps necessary to install these libraries:
`077 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 77
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 77


`58=Chapter 3—Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`1. Movethe ZIP file you retrieved from the FTP site to a temporary direc-
`tory on yourharddrive.
`2. Use the PKUNZIP command to unpacktheZIP file. For example,if the
`file name you retrieved was called WIN32S.ZIP, the command to un-
`packthis file is PKUNZIP WIN32S.ZIP.
`This assumes that youhavethe PKZIPutilities in yourstandardpathfor
`executables on your system. You canputtheseutilities into your C:\DOS.
`directory so the system can findthem.
`3. The temporary directory now contains the original ZIP file and several
`otherfiles. One of these files is another ZIP file that contains the actual
`Windowslibraries. If this file is called W32S115A.ZIP, use the command
`pkunzip -d W32S115A.ZIP.
`be ableto find the files if the -d switch is not used.
`The -d in the above PKUNZIP commandis very important because it creates
`the correct directories to hold the distribution files. The setup program will not
`4. The temporary directory now contains two directories called DISK] and
`DISK2 that hold the Windows32-bit library distributionfiles.
`5. Start up Microsoft Windows.
`6. Open the File menu and choose Run.
`If the temporary directory you usedis called C:\TEMP, type the follow-
`ing commandin the Run dialog box: ¢:\TEMP\DISK1\SETUP. Select OK to
`run the setup program.
`8. The setup program displays where it thinks your standard Windows
`directories are and asks you to confirm that you wantto load the 32-bit
`libraries. Select Continue to load thelibraries.
`9. After setup has loaded the 32-bit libraries, it asks if you want to load a
`32-bit version of the game FreeCell to test that the libraries were loaded
`correctly. If you have enough disk space to do this (less than 1 mega-
`byte of space is required) you should select Continueto load this
`078 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 78
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 78


`e g
`Setting Up Mosaic for Windows on Your System
`software—it allows you to makesure that the 32-bit libraries are run-
`ning correctly.
`10. After setup is complete select Exit to leave the program. The 32-bit
`libraries should be completely loaded.
`11. You can removethefiles in the temporary directory, as they are no
`longer needed.
`This completes the process of loading the Windows32-bit library software.
`You can now proceed with loading the Mosaic for Windowssoftware.
`If you have a LaserMasterprinter or printer accessory you may havea little
`work to do before you can install Win32s. For years, LaserMaster has used the
`term Winspool for their printer ports. For example, if you have a WinJet800—
`a modification that makes a LaserJet III print at 800 dots per inch—you have
`a print driver that is named LM WinJet 800 PS on WINSPOOL. The term
`WINSPOOL,then,is a protected one—after you’ve started Windows you
`cannotcreate a file called WINSPOOL, in the same way that you cannotcre-
`ate a file in DOS called LPT1 or COM1.
`Unfortunately, Microsoft picked the name WINSPOOL.DRVfor oneof the
`Win32sfiles. So if you have installed a LaserMaster product, when you try to
`install your Win32s system, the setup program locks up whenit tries to copy
`and extract the WINSPOOL.DR_file off the disk.
`That's if you have the Win32sfiles on a disk—if you are getting the ZIPfile
`off the Internet and are trying to extract the archived files out of the ZIP file,
`you won’t even beableto get asfar as the installation procedure. You'll be
`able to extractall of the files out of the ZIP file except for one—
`Luckily, the fix is fairly easy. Just follow these steps:
`1. At the File Manager or Program Manager, open the File menu and
`choose Run. Type sysedit and press Enter. The Windows System Con-
`figuration Editor appears. This contains several document windows, one
`of which contains the SYSTEM.INIfile.
`2. Maximize the SYSTEM.INI document window.
`In the SYSTEM.INIfile, find these lines:
`device=LMHAROLD .386
`device=LMCAP .386
`device=LMMI .386
`079 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 79
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 79


`Chapter 3—Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`4. Place a semicolon (;) at the beginning of each line (;device-
`LMHAROLD.386, for example).
`. Exit Windows.
`. Restart Windows.
`. Now you can continue. If you got the Win32sfiles off the Internet,
`extract them from the ZIP file into the directory you created for that
`purpose, and runtheinstallation program.
`- When you havefinished installing the Win32s system, go back to the
`SYSTEM.INI and removethe semicolons that you placed. The next time
`you open Windowsyou'll be able to use both your 32-bit Mosaic and
`your LaserMaster printer.
`Installing the Mosaic for Windows Software
`After you have loaded the 32-bit libraries, loading the Mosaic for Windows
`software is very straightforward. To set up the software, follow these steps:
`1. Create a directory to hold the Mosaic for Windowssoftware. (For ex-
`ample, you might create a directory called C:\ MOSAIC.)
`. Move the Mosaic for WindowsZIP file you retrieved from the FTP site
`into this directory.
`If, for example, the ZIP file is called WMOS20A7.ZIP, you can use the
`command pkunzip WM0S20A7.ZIP to unpackthisfile.
`- Copy the file MOSAIC.INI from your Mosaic directory to the directory
`C:\WINDOWS.Thisfile contains configuration information used by
`Mosaic for Windows.
`. After you install the Mosaic software, you will probably wantto create a
`program item in the Program Managerso that you can start Mosaic by
`clicking an icon. You may wantto create your Mosaic program item in
`an already existing program group. However, you might want to go to
`the Program Manager and create a new program group for Mosaic.
`To create a new program group, open the File menu and choose New,
`In the New Program Object dialog box, select Program Group, then
`select OK. Enter the name of the program group in the Description:
`field of the Program Group Properties dialog box, then select OK. A
`window for the new program group opens.
`080 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 80
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 80


`Setting Up Mosaic for Windows on Your System=61
`Now youhaveto create a new program item.Select the program group
`where you want to put Mosaic. To create a new program item, open the
`File menu and choose New. In the New Program Object dialog box that
`appears, select Program Item, then select OK. In the Program Item Prop-
`erties dialog, select Browse; select the Mosaic EXEfile in the browser;
`then select OK (or double-click the EXEfile). This fills in the Command
`Line: field of the Program Item Properties dialog box. You can now
`select OK in this dialog box. The Mosaic icon appears in the program
`6. Thesetup of the Mosaic for Windowssoftware is now complete. You
`can removethe Mosaic ZIPfile if you want—it is no longer needed.
`Installing Viewers
`You can run Mosaic without installing any additional viewers or configuring
`Mosaic to use them. But you may wantto install these so you can view im-
`ages, watch movies, and listen to sounds that you download through Mosaic.
`In general, to install a viewer for Mosaic, you only need to load the viewer
`program onto yourlocaldisk, then tell Mosaic where it is located, and what
`type of files you can view with it. To set up Mosaic to use a viewer, follow
`these steps:
`If you haven't already downloadedthefiles for the viewers you need,
`consult the section “Multimedia Viewers”earlier in this chapter, to find
`the viewer you need, then use FTP to transfer it.
` '
`081 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 81
`While there are some customizations that can be done to the Mosaic for
`Windowssoftware to personalize it to your needs, you can run the Mosaic
`software without any further work. You will, of course, need to set up your
`software to connectto the Internet before using Mosaic for Windows.
`icon. c=°rs
`Whenyou create
`the Mosaic pro-
`gram item, the
`Program Manager
`uses the icon that
`is built into Mo-
`saic, unless you
`specify a different
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 81


`Chapter 3—Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`Create a directory for the viewer.
`If the viewerfiles are compressed with PKZIP, unzip them into this
`Start Windows(if it isn’t running).
`If the viewer has an install or setup program, run it from Program Man-
`ager or File Manager by opening the File menu and choosing Run.
`Then enter the drive, directory, and install or setup like this:
`To install the viewer, follow on-screen directions.
`Fig. 3.4
`file contains
`statements that
`tell Mosaic where
`it can find viewers
`for the different
`file types.
`After the vieweris installed, edit the MOSAIC.INIfile in your
`c:\ WINDOWSdirectory. (Use Notepad or any other text editor to open
`and editthis file.) Scroll down until you see the [Viewers] section, as
`pictured in figure 3.4.
`Notepad - MOSAIC.INI
`File Edit Search Help
`ren TYPE9="audio/basic"
`application/postscript="ghostview %1s"
`image/gif="c:\windows\apps\lview\Luiew31 %1s"
`image/jpeg=""c:\windows\apps\lview\lviewa1 %1s"
`video/mpeg="c:\winapps\npegplay\mpegplay %1s"
`video/quicktime="C -\WINAPPS\QTW\bin\player.exe %1s"
`video/msvideo="mplayer %1s"
`audio/wav="mplayer %1s*
`audio/x-midi="mplayer %1s"
`application/x-rtf="write %1s"
`application/zipe"C :\WINDOWS\APPS\21PHGR\ZH400.EXE %1s"
`ren audio/basic="notepad %1s"
`telnet="c:\netmanag\telnet .exe"
`Find thelines for the file types for the viewer you areinstalling. (For
`example, GIF and JPEG for an image viewer, AU and WAVfor a sound
`player, and so on.)
`Change the path and program namein these lines to the path and
`program nameof the viewer you installed. The line should looklike
`082 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 82
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 82


`Using the Mosaic Interface
`image /gif="c:\mosaic\lview\lview31 %ls"
`where image/gif is the type of file and file extension,
`c:\mosaic\lview\lview31 is the path andfile name for your viewer,
`and %1s ends every entry.
`9. Save the file and exit the text editor. (If you are using an editor other
`than Notepad, be sure to save as text only.)
`You can make additional changes to installed viewers in this section at any
`Using the MosaicInterface
`After you haveinstalled all of the software that you need to run Mosaic, you
`can connect to your Internet provider and start Mosaic. Mosaic is a very pow-
`erful application, but it is graphically oriented and notdifficult to use after
`you are familiar with all of its features.
`Starting Mosaic
`Before starting Mosaic, you should first be connected to the Internet. If your
`Internet connection is via your LAN, be sure you are logged onto your net-
`work. If you are connected to the Internet by a modem,start your TCP/IP
`software and login to your account.
`After you have established your Internet connection, open the Mosaic pro-
`gram group (or whatever program group you put Mosaic in), and double-click
`the Mosaic icon. You are now ready to explore the Internet with Mosaic.
`083 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 83
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 83


`Chapter 3—Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`The Mosaic Window
`WhenMosaicstarts up, it loads the documentthat is specified as the home
`page in your MOSAIC.INI file. Your window should looklike the one shown
`in figure 3.5.
`The full URL for the default home page (which is the Windows Mosaic home
`page, not the Mosaic homepage)is:
`Title bar
`Fig. 3.5
`The different parts
`EE) Ole)
`of the Mosaic
`wing:_____URL: [htp://
`Status bar
`viewing area
`A brief description of each window part is given in the remainderof this
`chapter. Each window function is discussed in more depth in Chapter5,
`“Navigating with Mosaic,” and Chapter 6, “Shortcuts to Favorite Places.”
`Althoughthe current version of Mosaic is very powerful, it is an application thatisstill
`under development. Someof the features shown in the menus and tool bar are not
`yet implemented. Features (words or icons that you would select) that are not avail-
`able are dimmed. The developers intend to implement these features as soon as
`@ Thetitle bar contains the usual window function buttons (control
`menu box, and maximize and minimize buttons). In addition, it has
`084 FacebookInc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 84
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 84


`Using the Mosaic Interface
`the name of the application (NCSA Mosaic) and the nameof the WWW
`documentthat you are viewing.
`The menubar gives accessto all of the functions you need to use Mo-
`saic. You can retrieve documents to view, print documents, customize
`the look of your Mosaic window,navigate between documents, anno-
`tate documents, savefiles, and access Mosaic’s on-line help.
`The URL bar showsthe URL of the current document. When you open
`a document, its URL is displayed, and the Mosaic logo on theright side
`of the URL bar spins while the documentis being retrieved.
`The document viewing area is the area of the window where yousee the
`text of a document and anyinline images it may contain.
`Thestatus bar serves two functions. While Mosaic is loading your docu-
`ment, it shows the progress of the differentfiles that are being loaded.
`When youare viewing a document, it shows the URL of the hyperlink
`that is under your cursor. The three boxesat the right of the status bar
`show the state of your Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll Lock keys on
`your keyboard.
`The tool bar gives you quick access to some of the most used features in
`Mosaic (see fig. 3.6).
`Paste Print
`Fig. 3.6
`The buttons on the
`085 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 85
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 85


`Chapter 3—Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`The followinglist gives basic descriptions of these buttons:
`@ Open. Opens a URL
`@ Save. Saves the current documentto disk (not yet implemented)
`® Back.Displays the previous documentin the history list
`@ Next. Displays the next documentin the historylist
`@ Reload. Reloads the current document
`@ Home. Goesto the default home page
`@ Copy.Copies the current selection to the Clipboard
`@ Paste. Pastes the contents of the Clipboard to the active window (not
`yet implemented)
`@ Find. Finds a text string in the current document
`@ Print. Prints the current document
`B About Windows Mosaic. Shows the About Windows Mosaic window
`From Here...
`To learn more about using Mosaic andto find interesting WWW documents,
`refer to these chapters:
`@ Chapter 5, “Navigating with Mosaic,” tells you how to use Mosaic to
`find and view documents on the WWW.
`@ Chapter6, “Shortcuts to Favorite Places,” tells you how to become an
`expert WWW Navigator.
`@ Chapter 13, “Hot Home Pages,” discusses where to find some of the
`most interesting collections of WWW documents.
`086 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 86
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 86


`Chapter 4
`Getting Mosaic fq
`Before you can surf the net with Mosaic on your Macintosh, your Mac must
`be connected to the Internet and have the relevant software loaded.
`In this chapter, you learn to do the following:
`M Assess your computerto see if it can handle Mosaic for Macintosh
`MH Obtain a copy of Mosaic for Macintosh and its auxiliary viewers
`Mf Install and configure Mosaic and its viewers
`M Recognize the Mosaic for Macintosh interface and interact with it
`Can Your Computer System Run
`Mosaic for Macintosh?
`Before you attempt to load and run Mosaic for Macintosh, you must deter-
`mine whether your personal computer has adequate resources for the job.
`Mosaicis a fairly hefty application; it will test your system’s capabilities.
`Basic System Requirements
`The Macintosh product line is quite consistent across all models, so in gen-
`eral Mosaic will run on any Macwith System 7. You may, however, experi-
`ence dilemmas with a Mac Plus keyboard,as it lacks a Control key.
`To run Mosaic, your computer needs adequate main memory (RAM). Most
`Macintoshes haveat least 4M RAM.Most systemsare usually 1M-3M
`and because Mosaic needs 3M andalso transparently launches auxiliary
`087 Facebook Inc,'s
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex.
`Exhibit 1006
`1006, p. 87
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 87


`Chapter 4—Getting Mosaic for Mac Running
`programs on thefly that take up to 1M,things get tight quickly. 6M of RAM
`is recommend.If you are short on memory, you mighttry an alternative to
`Mosaic, the less resource-intensive MacWeb(discussed in chapter 12), or the
`commercial RAM Doubler product. In a pinch, Mosaic will run somewhat
`crippled, without graphics or sounds, in 4M RAM.
`Minimumdisk space required is 3M, not counting room to download and
`install the basic Mosaic configuration. Mosaic needs some space for tempo-
`rary files as it’s running. If you collectall the auxiliary viewers, you'll need
`about 3M more. To be comfortable, plan on 10M total.
`Because a big part of Mosaic’s appealis its multimedia offerings, having the
`right peripherals to fully enjoy them is a big win. A color monitoris a must.
`All Macs have soundcapabilities and new models sometimesfeature stereo
`Mosaic performanceis primarily limited by the link speed, not by yoursys-
`tem speed, but of course more processor speed is always nice.
`Network Requirements
`Mosaic is a TCP/IP-based client application that requires TCP/IP Internet
`access. You have to be on a LAN that has a high speed dedicated connection,
`or you need to set up a SLIP or PPP link using amodem and a regular phone
`line, The second option is discussed in books such as Adam Engst's Internet
`Starter Kit for Macintosh (published by Hayden Books). Note that System 7
`requires only MacTCP 1.1.1, but Mosaic requires a newer version, 2.0.2; the
`latest is 2.0.4 (patches are available on-line).
`Other Software Requirements
`You also need a utility to download thefiles to your Mac. If you are UNIX-
`literate and you havea shell account on your access provider’s host, it is pos-
`sible to obtain thefiles that way. An easier route is to have Fetch, the best
`Macintosh FTP client application, ahead of time so that you can FTPfiles
`directly to your computer.
`All files that you download from the Internet come archived and compressed,
`indicated by file extensions such as SEA, HQX,CPT, and SIT. You need a
`utility to uncompress and unarchive them. Fortunately, a freeware product
`from Aladdin Systems, Stuffit Expander, can handle all common formats. You
`may very well already have a copy of this product, as it is often included with
`commercial software.
`088 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 88
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 88


`Where to Get Mosaic for Macintosh and Associated Software
`Where to Get Mosaic for Macintosh
`and Associated Software
`All the software necessary to run Mosaic is public domain, freeware, or
`shareware written by universities, companies, or individuals. The following
`sections discuss where you can find and download this software.
`Obtaining Network Software
`If you are on an Ethernet LAN, you probably already have a TCP/IP stack and
`a system administrator. If you are not on an Ethernet LAN, you haveto set up
`your standalone Mac with a SLIP or PPP connection. Thoughit is assumed in
`this book that you have already solved this issue, here is a recap of theele-
`ments you need:
`@ SLIP or PPP software, which can be obtained by downloading from the
`net, by buying an Internet beginner’s book that includes a disk, or by
`buying a commercial communications package (such as Symantec’s
`M@ MacTCP,the only TCP/IP stack for the Mac, available from Apple (sepa-
`rately and now bundled, starting with System 7.5) or included with the
`books or commercial packages mentioned previously.
`@ A high speed modem—V.32 9600 bps or above.
`@ A provider, such as Netcom or Panix. _
`The next sections discuss where on the Internet you can find Mosaic andits
`helper applications, exactly which helper applications to look for, and what
`versionsare thelatest.
`Whereto Get Mosaic Software
`You can download Mosaic software from the Internet. If you haven’t down-
`loaded from the Internet, don’t panic—there’safirst time for everything. The
`processis painless. Use the Internet’s File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, to access
`public accesssites (called anonymousbecause that’s the guest login name)
`where public domain, freeware, or shareware archives of Macintosh software
`Be aware that the software in these archives is work in progress, and unlike
`infrequent upgrades of commercial software, new versions come out weekly
`or monthly rather than yearly. The current versions at the time of writing
`089 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 89
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 89


`Chapter 4—Getting Mosaic for Mac Running
`this book will undoubtedly not be the current versions when you readthis
`book. Usuallyit isn’t critical to have the latest and greatest version of an
`application; in fact, it can be considered wise to lag behinda bit, to avoid
`new bugs. Update your versions quarterly if you want to, and keep yourear
`to the Net with respect to bug reports and major version updates. Otherwise,
`don't worry.
`Major FTPsites are usually run by universities on a voluntary basis. The num-
`ber of people on the Internet is growing by about 20 percent per month.It
`should be nosurprise that traditional Mac archives are overloaded; you may
`experience slow response, refused connections, or policy changes.
`Anotherdifficulty you may run into is that naming conventionsfor directo-
`ries and file names are inconsistent across FTP sites, as are archive/compres-
`sion methods. Thus,it is difficult to definitively and concisely document how
`to obtain these applications.
`Now,here's some good news. There is a subset of all the Mac software archive
`sites, the Info-Macsites, numbering about 30 worldwide, that follow standard
`directory and file naming conventions. You may hear thesesites referred to as
`Info-Macmirrors, because they mirror or duplicate each other exactly. Restrict
`yoursearchesto thesesites; if one is busy, just move on to the next one.Also,
`use Anarchie (available at any of the Info-Macsites, in the directory Commu-
`nications/tcp/anarchie-130.hqx). It’s more than just a Mac implementation
`of Archie, a global FTP-space searchtool; it’s that plus FTP. Even if you are
`competent with Fetch, the most popular Mac FTPclient, changing to
`Anarchie is a good move.
`Anarchieplus the Info-Macsites greatly simplify an otherwisefrustrating
`downloading task. However, in case you chooseto goit alone, a few of the
`Info-Mac FTPsites are,, and
`The next step is to move from Fetch, Anarchie, and Stufflt Expander, to Mo-
`saic andits helper applications, A little extra work on the front end can save
`you enormous amounts ofeffort and grieflater.
`Use Fetch to retrieve a copy of Stufflt Expander(see fig. 4.1).
`090 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 90
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 90


`Where to Get Mosaic for Macintosh and Associated Software
`You can use Fetch
`to retrieve the
`binary of Stuffit
`Expander from an
`Info-Macsite like
`| Fetch
`Copyright © 1994
`Trustees of Dartmouth College
`Close Connection
`D) set-aux-binary -hgx
`1D) sit-unix.shar
`D) stego-10a2.hqx
`D) stuff-and-hex-1O.hqx
`DQ) stuffit-deluxe-306-..,
`D2) stuffit-deluxe-307
`D stuffit-expander-35,
`D) stuffit-tite-307.hox
`D stuffit-lite-binhex4...
`D stuffit-tite-soripts-...
`D stuffit-space-saver...
`182k Julio 1993
`TK Apr 1:14:58 ad
`22K Jan 29 1991 [EF
`261K Dec2} 1993 fe
`23K Jan 25 1994.
`Oct 15 1993
`1 199
`Nov 5 1995 [es
`Nov 5 1993 [f
`Oet 15 1993
`Jul 31 1993
`dul 22 19:52
`Sep 711:10 [ee
`Feb 4 1994
`Jul 28 07:28
`Put File...
`Getting file...
`MacBinary 11
`93184 bytes
`64829 bytes
`BBG by tes/seo
`@ Automatic
`Cancel 3.
`Next, use Anarchie to select and download Mosaic from an Info-Mac mirror
`(see fig. 4.2).
`File Edit Window
`Zone Host
`Fig. 4.2
`The Info-Macsite
`Time Left:
`dug 305:38 | Fig. 4.1
` mirrors/info-mac/comm.
`fip, mirrors/info-mac/comm,
` mirrors/info-mac/comm.
` mirrors/info-mae/comm
`fip.hawatiedu mirrors/info-mac/corm,
` mirrors/info-mac/comm
`ftp.hawaiiedu mirrors¢info-mac/eomm
`fip.hawaiiedu mirrors/info-mac/eermm
`ftp,hawatiedu mirrors/info-mac/comm
` mirrors/info-mac/comm
`ftp, mirrors/info-mao/cornm
`ftp,hawailedu mirrors/info-mac/eomm,
` mirrors/info-mao/comm
` mirrors/info-mac/comm
`ftp.hawaijedu mirrors /info-mac/eomm
`using Anarchie to
`download Mosaic.
`4 Host:—
`Status: Getting
`State: Transferring
`$ Transfered: 731713
`200 PORT command successful.
`mav¥en-20a1 9.hqx
`maxS00-201 hq
`nesa-mosaic-1 O3.hqx
`Nesa-mosaio-quickstarttot k
`nosa-telnet-26 hq»
`netnews-filter-agent hops
`10/1 293
`network-time-20 {-ndhq
`network-time-201 box
`091 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 91
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 91


`Chapter 4—Geiting Mosaic for Mac Running
`Multimedia Viewers
`To add somepizzazz to your exploration of the Internet with its multimedia
`capabilities, Mosaic mustbe able to interpret graphics and soundfiles. Be-
`cause graphics and soundfiles can be large, they are usually compressed to
`save server disk space and transmission time. Mosaic can interpret the major-
`ity offiles it accesses by itself. To view some images, watch movies, and listen
`to sounds, however, Mosaic needs help from additional utilities or auxiliary
`Table 4.1 lists the external viewers Mosaicis initially configured to use, the
`latest version number, their size in kilobytes, and their location on any Info-
`Table 4.1 Mosaic Viewers and Their Info-Mac locations
`Anarchie 1.3
`GhostScript 2.5.2b3
`GiFConverter 2.3.7
`JPEGView 3.3
`NCSA Mosaic 2.0A8
`Sound Machine 2.1
`Sparkle 2.14b
`Stuffit Expander 3.5.1
`Some notes on the applications in Table 4.1:
`M@ Stufflt Expandernot only is used during Mosaic installation, but also is
`used while Mosaic is running to uncompress downloaded information.
`Note that Info-Mac files nearly all have HQX endings.
`092 Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 92
`Facebook Inc,'s Exhibit 1006
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1006, p. 92


`Setting Up Mosaic for Macintosh on Your System
`HM GhostScript is a PostScript on-line viewer. Because GhostScript is so
`large and used infrequently, feel free to come back forit later.
`Ml JPEGView, Sparkle, and GIFConverter handle graphics. GIFConverteris
`shareware, for which the author requests voluntary payment.
`@ Sound Machin

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