Facebook |nc.'s Exhibit 1010
`_ Q01
`Pet1t1011er M1cr0s0ft C0rp0rat1011, Ex. 1010, p. 1
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 1

`Facebook |nc.'s Exhibit 1010
`_ Q02
`Pet1t1011er M1cr0s0ft C0rp0rat1011, Ex. 1010, p. 2
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 2

`Facebook |nc.'s Exhibit 1010
`_ Q03
`Pet1t1011er M1cr0s0ft C0rp0rat1011, Ex. 1010, p. 3
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 3

`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 4

`Using Mosaic
`©1994 by Que“ Corporation
`All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
`book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in a
`database or retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher
`except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles and reviews. Making
`copies of any part of this book for any purpose other than your own personal
`use is a violation of United States copyright laws. For information, address
`Que Corporation, 201 W. lt]3rd Street, Indianapolis, IN. 4t’:i29U_
`Library of Congress Catalog Number: 94-68835
`ISBN: 0-789?-0021-2
`This book is sold as is. without warranty of any kind, either express or
`implied, respecting the contents of this book, including but not limited to
`implied warranties tor the hool-;'s quality, performance. merchantability, or
`fitness for any particular purpose. lx-‘either Que Corporation nor its dealers
`or distributors shall be liable to the purchaser or any other person or entity
`with respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused directly or indirectly by
`this book.
`969594 4321
`lnterpretation of the printing code: The rightmost doI.:lJle—digit number is the
`year of the hook':. printing; the rightmost single—digit number, the number of
`the t)ool<’.s printing. For example, .1 printing code of 94-! shows that the first
`printing of the book occurred in 199-}.
`Screen reproductions in this book were created with Collage Complete from
`Inner Media, lnc., Hollis, NH.
`Publisher: David P. Ewing
`Associate Publisher: Corinne W .1115
`Managing Editor: Michael Cumlirtgham
`Product Marketing Manager: Greg Wiegunrl
`Associate Product Marketing Manager: Stacy Collins
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 5

`EEE 1
`Contents at a Glance
`Introduction to the Internet
`and the World Wide Web
`1 What is the Internet?
`2 Introduction to the World
`Wide Web
`Other WWW Clients
`10 Other Versions of Mosaic for
`11 Other Versions of Mosaic
`for Mac
`12 Other Ways to Access
`the World Wide Web
`WWW Resources
`13 Hot Home Pages
`14 Hot FTP and Gopher Sites
`3 75
`Mosaic Basics
`3 Getting Mosaic for Windows
`4 Getting Mosaic for Mac
`5 Navigating with Mosaic
`6 Shortcuts to Favorite Places
`Advanced Mosaic Features
`7 I-'I‘P with Mosaic
`8 Gopher with Mosaic
`9 Using Mosaic to Access Other
`Internet Services
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 6

`What This Book Is
`What ‘This Book Is Not ................................................... .,
`Conventions Used in This Book
`I Introduction to the Internet and the
`World Wide Web
`‘I What Is the Internet?
`A Brief lliratory of the Internet
`The Development of the ARPANET
`The Structure of the Internet .................. ..
`The National Information [nfrastructure..
`The Culture of the Internet ............................. ..
`The Cornmunity Expands
`Cultural l’ittalls
`The Growth of the Internet
`Traffic Growth
`Host Growth
`Internet Services ................ ..
`Internet Addresses ............................. ..
`File Transters-— Downloadingwith
`tionnetcting to Host Resources Using Telnet .................... ..
`World Wide Web (WWW) ............................. ..
`Electronic Mail (E-Mail)
`Internet Relay Chat URC}
`Internet News Groups :'lJsenet'
`From Here...
`2 Introduction to the World Wide Web (WWW)
`History 01' the WWW ........ ..
`Important WWW Concepts
`Hypertext (and Hypermedia)
`I-ITTP ......... __
`Home Pages ...................................................................... ..
`Clients and Servers
`Learning More about
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 7

`Usenet Newsgroups
`Electronic Mailing I.ists.........
`WWW interactive Talk
`The WWW Itself .............................. ..
`From Here................................................................................ 44
`ll Mosaic Basics
`3 Getting Mosaic for Windows Running
`Can Your Computer System Run Mosaic for Windows?
`Basic System Requirements
`Network Requirements
`Other Software Requirements
`Where to Get Mosaic for Windows and Associated Softw
`Obtaining Network Software
`Where to Get the Basic Mosai
`Obtaining Auxiliary Software
`Setting Up Mosaic for Windows on Your System
`Setting Up the Basic Mosaic Software .............. ..
`Installing Viewers
`Using the Mosaic Interface
`Starting Mosaic.......,........,........
`. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ..
`The Mosaic Window . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. .
`From Here.................................................................................. 66
`4 Getting Mosaic for Mac Running
`Can Your Computer System Run Mosaic for Macintosh?
`Basic System Requirements .............................................. .. 67
`Network Requirements
`Other Software Requirements
`Where to Get Mosaic tor
`Obtaining Network Software
`Where to Get Mosaic Software
`Setting Up Mosaic for Macintosh o
`Using the Mosaic lritcrtace ....................................
`.. 74
`Starting Mosaic......,........,.....
`................... .. 74
`The Mosaic interface ..
`......................................... .. 75
`From Here...
`5 Navigating with Mosaic
`What Is a Home Page?
`Telling Mosaic What Home Page to Load .................................
`Moving between Documents
`Moving between Documents Using I inks
`Moving Backward and Forward
`Moving between Documents Using URL:
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 8

`Conten ls
`What You See When a Document [5 Loaded ................. .. 85
`Looking for Information in a Document
`Saving and Printing Documents .
`. _ . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . .. 87
`Customizing Your Mosaic Window
`........... .. 89
`Customizing the Hyperlink Indicators in Windows ........ .. 89
`Customizing the Hyperlink Indicators and Background
`Colors on .1 Mac ............................................... ..
`Customizing the Displayed Fonts in Windows
`Customizing the Displayed Fonts on a Mac .................... ..
`Customizing the Window Areas ......... _.
`Viewing Multimedia Files ...................... ,.
`Temporary Files on the Mac
`Working with Local Fiies
`Creating Your Personal Home Page .
`Viewing Source Documents 10!}
`Problems That Occur While Navigating the WWW .............. .. l0I
`Mosaic Bugs ..................................................... ._
`.. 102
`User Errors
`Network Errors ....................... ..
`FromHere... 104-
`6 Shortcuts to Favorite Places
`L-'ft'ective Browsing Techniques
`How to Keep Track of Where You've Been .................... __ 106
`How to Get Where You Were ........................................ .. 10?‘
`Global History and Explored Hotlinks on the Mac ....... .. 108
`Create Lists of Your Favorite URLs ....................................... .. 110
`Creating Your Own Menus
`. 110
`Creating Your Own QUICKLISI
`Quick Access to Your Favorite URLs
`Accessing [term in a Hotlist
`. I18
`Sharing Hotlists ................. ..
`Using Built-In Hutlists _
`Editing Mac Hotlists .... ..
`Using Annotations .......................................................... ..
`Setting Up Mosaic to Use Annotations
`llsing Mosaic's Annotation Feature
`Adding an Audio Annotation on the Mac 127
`Searching indexes and Using Forms ............................ ..
`From Here .............................................................................. .. 130
`Ill Advanced Mosaic Features
`7 FTP with Mosaic
`Locating the FTP Information You Want
`Using Archie to Find information on FTP Servers ..
`Browsing l-TI-‘
`.... .. 134
`7 I
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 9

` ‘
`Other Ways to Find Information on FTP Sen-‘ers............. 138
`Connecting to an Anonymous FTP Server....
`............... .. 139
`Retrieving information Using FTP . I39
`Retrieving a File from an Anonymous FTP Server ......... .. 143
`From Here...
`8 Gopher with Mosaic
`Connecting to a Gopher Server
`Understanding the Gopher Protocol
`Locating the Gopher Information You Want ........................ .. 149
`Browsing Gopher Servers
`Finding information on Gopher Servers......._.................. 149
`Using Veronica to Search Gopherfipace ......................... .. 149
`Exploring Gopher Servers
`Saving Files from a Gopher Server ......................................... .. 159
`Connecting to Other Internet Services from a Gopher
`Server ................................................................................. .. 161
`From Here .............................................................................. .. 161
`9 Using Mosaic to Access Other Internet Services
`...................... .. 163
`Using Mosaic to Access Telnet .................. ..
`.. 163
`Getting Telnet to Work with Mosaic‘
`Using the Telnet Protocol from Mosaic ......................... .. 165
`Using Archie from Tel net ............................................... .. 166
`Using Mo.-.ait' to Access Usenet Newsgroups ..........
`Setting Up Mosaic to Read Usenet Newsgroups ............. .. 169
`Reading Usenet Newsgroups .......................................... ., 170
`An Example of Reading News with Mosaic
`Using Mosaic to Access WAIS ................................................ .. 172
`Using WAIS to Search for intornmtion .................. ..
`I F3
`Retrieving a WAIS Document .............. ..
`From Here .............................................................................. .. 183
`IV Other WWW Clients
`10 Other Versions of Mosaic for Windows
`AIR Mosaic from Spry ............................................................. .. 188
`What [5 AIR Mosaic and How no You Get It? ............... .. 188
`Features of AIR Mosaic ................................................... .. 189
`Installing AIR Mosaic and Tools
`Starling AIR Mosaic .................. ..
`'1'he AIR Mosaic Console
`The Kiosk Mode .................... ..
`Browsing with AIR Mosaic
`Opening Previous Documents
`Using Hotlists ......................... ..
`Saving Documents ......................................................... ..
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 10

`(Ionfiguring AIR Mosaic Options ................................... .. 1993
`Enhanced NCS.-\ l\«‘lt)5aiC for Wintlnws from Spyglass ............ __ 203
`Installing Enlianced NCSA Mosaiu:
`Copy and Save ................................................................ .. 205
`'['i'ansferring Files ............................................................ .. 206
`Multiple Windows ............... ..
`Working with the Ilntlist ............................................... ._ 20?
`Using the History List .................................................... .. 208
`Iinhanced NCSA Mosaic Option
`WhCre'stl1e Home Page? ............................................... .. 209
`Printing Llocurnents ....................................................... .. 210
`Bits and l’ieL‘e5........
`Missing Features. ............................................................ .. 211
`NC5'n‘\ Mosaic 16-bit V€ISiOI15 212
`The Mosaic Screen ....................... ..
`Missing l’eaturcs in Older Versions ................................ .. 2.14
`Quadra|ay’s (IWHIS Viewer ................................................... .. 2'l«l
`Installing GWIIIS Viewer
`2 15
`What’s New or Old? ....................................................... .. 216
`llnilists and Menus
`2 I8
`GWHIS Viewer Options
`I-‘tom Here ............................................................................ .. 218
`1 ‘I Other Versions of Mosaic for Mac
`Enhanced NCSA Mosaic for Macintosh irom Spyglass
`[’erft1rrI1.'mL"e Enllaricetnents.
`installing Enhanced NCSA Mosaic ......... ..
`What's New in I-lnhancecl Mosaic?____________
`........................ ..
`Copy and Save .....
`"l"ransferring Files
`Multiple Windows
`Working With the Hotlist
`Using the History List .... ..
`E.l]llilI’l£;'t'Cl Mosaic Uptirms _.
`Where's the Home Page?
`Bits and Pieces...
`Missirig Features
`12 other Ways to Access the World Wide Web
`installation and Setup
`Using Cello .................. ..
`liyperlinks in Cello
`Using History .
`Jumping to :1 l)f)L'Ul'l'1Enll})-'URl. in Ce|lu.....
`Gopher and FTP sessions ..................................... ..
`3 33S 59 9 31Z 52 3
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 11

`The Signature
`Customizing Cello
`Viewing and Saving Documents .
`lnterAp from California Software
`Where Do You Get Web Navigator? ..
`What Does It Look Like"?
`Loading a tJor:ument by URL.
`Bookmarks and Hi5tnry.,........
`Convenient Function Keys
`Viewing Source in Windows Write ............... _.
`Netficriprs Macrm, Scheduler, and Web Fetch Ohiects....
`Help and Documentation
`Advantages and Disadvantages..
`The Bottom Line ...................................... ..
`Winweb from EINet ........ ..
`installing WinWeh.....
`The Winweb Toolbazu.
`Using Winweh
`Using the Hotlisr
`Using the History List
`Saving Files ................ ..
`Printing .1 Document ,.
`Custoniizlng Winweh
`Macweb from F.lNet
`Installing Macweb
`The Macweh Toolbar
`Using Marweb .... ..
`Using the I-Iotlist ........ ..
`Using the History List
`Customizing Macweb ................ ._
`Font Options ............ ..
`Multiple Windows ..................... ..
`llelper Applications and Suffixes ...... ..
`Viewing the Source for 21 Document
`Netcruiser ........................................... ..
`What's There ............................ ..
`Configuration Options..
`The 1\3et(?ruiser Toolbar .......... ..
`The Menu Options ................ ..
`Working with Bookmarks
`The History List .................. ..
`Viewing Graphics ............ ..
`What CIan’t It Do?....
`Finding NetCrui.s'er......
`The Pipeline
`13 Hot Home P
`Business .
`Try 1
`Li. S
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 12

`Using the Web Browser ........... ..
`Using the Toolbar ................ ..
`Using the Document Trail ..
`Using lnline Images
`Using a Home Page ........... ..
`What Else? ................... ..
`How Does it Compare?
`V W Resources
`1 3 Hot Home Pages
`Entertainment and The Arts
`Cardiff's Movie Database
`EXPO Ticket Oi'I'it'e .................................... ..
`Traditional Folk Song Database
`The Online Museum of Sin
`gapore An'é£'il'£.éI5'r§fIIIIIITT
`Star Trek: The Next Genera
`Lion .......................... ..
`(.‘ornmcr::el\let ............................... ..
`Hon g Kong WWW Server ............. ..
`The World Bank ................ ..
`I-L[Net Galaxy .......................................fff_'ffffffff.'fffff.'."""M
`Canadian .»‘-lirlines international Ltd. ..
`National Center for SL1
`Apple Conrputersrlr-r-(.1.
`Do It Yourself— PC Lube and Tune
`lnterNlC Provides WWW On-Line Guicle...........
`lSDN—l-ligh 8
`peed On-Ramp to the Digital
`Try Ct1tting—Edge Con
`rputcr Applications at MIT
`Nowell Inc. World W
`itle Web Homepage
`percornputing Applications
`.. 306
`The Teacher Education Internet Server ............ ..
`Indiana University
`Geograpl1y——Wlrat Do Maps Show?
`Patch Anrericun High School ........ ..
`Library of (Iongrcss
`State 0|" North Carolina ..................... ..
`National Capital FrecNet ('l\l(ZF_l
`Abdominal Training
`U. 5. Department of Health and Human Services........
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 13

`Palo Alto Medical Foundation ....................................... ..
`Stanford University Medical Center
`tiistory and Geography .............................. ..
`Scrolls From the l‘}r:ad Sea ........................... ..
`United States Geological Survey {U565}
`World Map—Xerox PAIN.‘ Map Viewer...
`international ........................................................... ..
`Gateway to Antarctica ..................................... ..
`New Zea land ................. ..
`Singapore Online Guide ................................ ..
`Nippon Telephone and ‘|'elegraph Corprtratiori
`Windt)w—To-lttissia ......................... ..
`Issues. Politics and Religion ..................... ..
`Amnesty International ..................... ..
`Legal information institute...
`Jerusalem Mosaic ........................ ..
`Periodicals and Book_\..
`Gazette Telegraph ................................ ..
`Project Gutenberg ............................. ..
`Electronic Newsstand ..................................................... .. 335
`Center for the Study of Southern Culture ...................... . 335
`CBC Radio Trial ........................................... ..
`Science .................................................................................... .. 337
`National Aeronautics and Spare Administration
`(NASA) ....................................................................... .. 337
`Dinosaurs— -l lonolulu t‘.nmmnrn'ty College ................... . 3159
`Australian Natiurral Hotariit‘{321t'deirs ............................ .. 340
`National Renewable liitergy l.abmatory..
`Shopping .......................................................................... ..
`.. 342
`Internet Shopping l\."etworl. .................................. __
`._ 3-"l-2
`Slovenian Wine Shops ................
`.. 343
`Downtown r\I‘I_Vwh¢:rt_'
`. . . . .
`. . ... 344
`Shopping in Singapore
`......................................... ..
`ReCt't‘:Iti:'m ................................. ..
`Professional Football Server
`t;]aim=.s ............................ ..
`Golf Links ................ ..
`Railroads. .............. __
`. 34?
`l{e('.Travel Lihrary ............................................................ . 350
`14 Hot FTP and Gopher Sites
`Major Internet Fll’ Sites .......................................................... . 35]
` ................. ..
` ........... ..
`|u .......... ..
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 14

`ftp.eica.india:1a.edLI ..... ..
`.. 359
`ftp.eff.c-rg ..............................
`,. 360
` .................. ..
`,. 361
`.. 363
`ftp.micr0s0fl..CcIm ......................................... ..
` ....................................... ..
`Internet Gopher Sites
`boombox.miern.unm.ec1u ........................................ ..
` ............... ..
` ................................................... ..
`I-'l‘P and Gopher Sites by Topic .
`Aviation .......................................................................... .. 369
`.... .. 369
`Macmillan Computer Publishing ................................... .. 369
`Computer Networking ................................................... .. 369
`Computer Security
`Health ........ ..
`History .... ..
`Mathematics ............. ..
`Music ........................ ..
`Science (General;..................
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1010
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1010, p. 15

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