`Enforcing Web-Security Policies
`David Scott and Richard Sharp
`Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge,
`William Gates Building, JJ Thompson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, UK
`djs55@eng.cam.ac.uk, rws26@cl.cam.ac.uk
`Abstract. Implementing web-applications securely is a laborious and error-prone
`task; as a result a large number of (professionally designed) websites suffer from
`serious application-level security vulnerabilities. In this paper we describe SPEC-
`TRE, a tool which helps to secure dynamic web-applications. As well as aiding
`in the development process of new applications SPECTRE can also be used to fix
`vulnerabilities in existing web-based components, even when the source of these
`components is not available.
`1 Introduction and Motivation
`Application-level web security refers to vulnerabilities inherent in the code of a web-
`application itself, (irrespective of the technologies in which it is implemented or the
`security of the web-server/back-end database on which it is built). Such vulnerabilities
`are well-known and a number of articles have been published advising developers on
`how they can be avoided. However, despite efforts to tighten application-level security
`through code-review and other software-engineering practices, the fact remains that a
`large number of professionally designed websites still suffer from serious application-
`level security holes.
`Examples of common vulnerabilities include Cross-Site Scripting (where sites such
`as bulletin boards can be subverted through the submission of malicious content), SQL-
`vulnerabilities (which allow arbitrary SQL to be executed against an application’s back-
`end database) and Form-Manipulation (where maliciously modifying HTML-forms
`with a text-editor can lead to unexpected data being posted to an application) [3]. The
`consequences of application-level vulnerabilities are severe: hackers have tricked e-
`commerce sites into shipping goods for no charge [2], usernames and passwords have
`been harvested and confidential information (such as addresses and credit-card num-
`bers) has been leaked [1].
`A factor that contributes to the prevalence of application-level vulnerabilities in
`practice is that, using existing languages and tools, it is difficult to abstract security-
`related code from a large web-application in a structured manner:
`– The web-application may be written in a variety of (non-interoperating) languages.
`In this case there is no easy way to abstract security-related code behind a clean
`API. As a consequence security-related code will be scattered throughout the ap-
`plication. This lack of structure makes fixing vulnerabilities difficult: the same se-
`curity hole may occur multiple times throughout the code.
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`– The languages used for web-development are not always conducive to writing
`security-related code. In particular it is difficult to give any compile-time guar-
`antees about untyped scripting languages such as PHP and VBScript.
`– Web applications often contain third-party components. Since it may not be viable
`to modify the source of such components (either because the code was shipped in
`binary form or because the license agreement is prohibitive) then it is not obvious
`how security vulnerabilities should be fixed. In reality one is often at the mercy of
`the company who wrote the component.
`In previous work we propose a framework to alleviate these problems [3]. Our system
`consists of a specialised Security-Policy Description Language (SPDL) which is used
`to program an application-level firewall (referred to as a security gateway). Security
`policies are written in SPDL and compiled for execution on the security gateway. The
`security gateway dynamically analyses and transforms HTTP requests/responses to en-
`force the specified policy.
`In this paper we describe our implementation of these techniques in the form of
`SPECTRE1: a tool for securing dynamic web-applications.
`2 The SPECTRE Tool
`The SPECTRE tool consists of three components: (i) a policy compiler which auto-
`matically translates SPDL into code which checks validation constraints and applies
`transformation rules; (ii) a security-gateway which dynamically enforces security poli-
`cies and (iii) a security-policy inference engine which analyses interactions between
`users and web-applications in order to automatically generate (SPDL) security-policies.
`Once deployed, the SPECTRE tool can be programmed and configured using a standard
`HTML interface.
`Security-Policy Specification and Enforcement: The SPDL language facilitates
`the definition of validation constraints and transformation rules. Validation constraints
`place restrictions on the interaction between clients and web-applications (e.g. “the
`value of this cookie must never be modified” or “this form-field must contain a valid
`credit-card number”). Transformation rules specify various transformations which will
`be applied to user-input (e.g. pass data from all fields on form, f , through a function to
`escape HTML meta-characters). The details of SPDL are described fully in [3].
`Figure 1 shows a screenshot of the SPECTRE User-Interface displayed using Mi-
`crosoft Internet Explorer. The leftmost window (Main Configuration Settings) provides
`global configuration options and lists the Cookies and URLs to be secured. The right-
`most window shows the Parameter Security-Policy Form. Using this interface a de-
`signer can specify validation constraints and transformation rules for individual form-
`parameters, URL-parameters and cookies.
`On close inspection one can see that the screenshot specifies the security policy for
`the form-parameter CreditCardNumber. Validation constraints include bounds on
`the length of data passed via the parameter, the type of data expected (e.g. string, int,
`1 SPECTRE stands for: Security Policy EnforCement Through Run-timE checks.
`Page 2
`Fig. 1. Using SPECTRE to secure an e-Commerce system
`float, bool) and whether the parameter is required (required parameters must be sup-
`plied by the user). Facility is provided for the designer to specify validation code in a
`general purpose programming language which, in our current implementation, resem-
`bles a simply-typed subset of ML. In the screenshot the validation-code implements the
`Luhn-formula, a commonly used validation check for credit-card numbers.
`The transformation control (on the Parameter Security-Policy Form) allows the de-
`signer to specify transformations to be applied to data received via the CreditCardNumber
`parameter. Transformations are selected from a user-extensible library (currently imple-
`mented in OCAML). In this example we apply transformations which (i) escape HTML
`meta-characters (preventing cross-site scripting attacks); (ii) escape quotes (preventing
`a class of SQL attacks); and (iii) strip spaces (removing superfluous formatting from
`credit-card numbers).
`The contention between the stateless nature of HTTP and the stateful nature of
`many web-applications leaves application designers with the task of managing state ex-
`plicitly on an ad-hoc basis. A common technique (albeit an insecure one) is to thread
`state through client requests and responses thus alleviating the overhead of storing state
`centrally on the server-side. Cookies, URL-parameters and hidden form-fields are of-
`ten used for this purpose. Although not described in detail here, the MAC validation
`constraint allows data to be threaded through clients securely. Message Authentication
`Codes are generated and checked dynamically to ensure that security-critical data has
`not been maliciously modified by clients [3]. This protects against attacks such as the
`infamous price-changing attack [2].
`The Policy Compiler translates validation/transformation rules into code to perform
`server-side checking/manipulation; this code is dynamically linked into the Security
`Gateway. If any of the validation constraints are violated at run-time then a descriptive
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`error page is returned to the client. As well as generating code for server-side checks,
`the Policy Compiler also emits JavaScript for client-side validation; the Security Gate-
`way dynamically inserts the JavaScript validation code into HTML-forms. In this way
`validation checks are performed on both the client-side (to improve observed latency
`between form-submission and receiving validation errors) and the server-side (for se-
`curity). The key benefit here is that both client- and server-side code is derived from
`the same specification. Note that the reason we insert JavaScript into forms dynami-
`cally (rather than inserting it statically into files in the web repository) is that many
`applications use server-side code to generate forms on-the-fly.
`As well as aiding the development of new web-applications, SPECTRE can be
`used as a tool to secure existing web-applications. SPECTRE operates completely in-
`dependently of the original application source code and is therefore useful regardless of
`whether the code is available or not.
`Security-Policy Inference: We acknowledge that writing SPDL for large web-
`applications with complex interactions between components can be a time consuming
`and tedious task. To allieviate this problem we have incorporated an automatic security-
`policy inference feature. When in “inference-mode” SPECTRE dynamically analyses
`the interactions between a web-application and its clients in order to generate a sim-
`ple SPDL policy automatically. By analysing HTTP-requests, SPECTRE builds up a
`database of URLs annotated with their associated parameters and cookies. For each pa-
`rameter, the inference engine keeps track of the type of data passed, maintains upper
`and lower bounds on the length of data and records whether or not the parameter is
`always present in requests for a particular URL. This information is used to construct
`an SPDL skeleton which can be further refined by the designer.
`1. CLAYTON, R., DANEZIS, G., AND KUHN, M. Real world patterns of failure in anonymity
`systems. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Information Hiding (2001), vol. 2137, Springer-
`Verlag, LNCS.
`2. INTERNET SECURITY SYSTEMS (ISS). Form tampering vulnerabilities in several web-based
`shopping cart applications. ISS alert.
`3. SCOTT, D., AND SHARP, R. Abstracting application-level web security. Tech. Rep. 2001.11,
`AT&T Laboratories Cambridge, November 2001. Also submitted for publication.
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