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`Date Mailed: 09/13/2011
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`Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Skokie, IL;
`Arunya Usayapant, Mundelein, IL;
`George Monen, Woodridge, IL;
`Power of Attorney:
`Jonathan Taylor--48338
`If Required, Foreign Filing License Granted: 09/12/2011
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`Levothyroxine Formulations
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`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 6


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`TITLE: (cid:9)
`Levothyroxine Formulations
`Zhi-Qiang Jiang
`Arunya Usayapant
`George Monen
`Jonathan P. Taylor, Ph.D.
`Reg. No. 48,338
`Blanchard & Associates
`566 West Adams Street
`Suite 600
`Chicago, Illinois 60661
`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 7


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`A healthy thyroid produces hormones that regulate multiple metabolic
`processes and that play important roles in growth and development, in maturation of
`the central nervous system and bone including augmentation of cellular respiration and
`thermogenesis, and in metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The thyroid
`accomplishes its regulation functions by producing the hormone L-triiodothyronine
`(liothyronine; T3) and L-thyroxine (levothyroxine; T4).
`Thyroid hormones are believed to exert their physiologic actions through
`control of DNA transcription and protein synthesis. It is presently believed that the T3
`and T4 hormones diffuse into the cell nucleus and bind to thyroid receptor proteins
`attached to DNA. This hormone nuclear receptor complex then activates gene
`transcription and synthesis of messenger RNA and cytoplasmic proteins. The
`physiological actions of thyroid hormones are believed to be produced predominantly
`by T3, approximately 80% of which is derived from T4 by deiodination in peripheral
`Both T3 and T4 are stored in the thyroid colloid as thyroglobulin adducts
`with serum proteins. Once secreted by the thyroid, T3 and T4 primarily exist in the
`circulatory system as their thyroglobulin adducts, and are in equilibrium with small
`amounts (<1°/o) of the unbound hormones, which are the metabolically active species.
`T4 has higher serum levels, slower metabolic clearance, and a longer half-life than T3,
`which may be due to the higher affinity of serum proteins for T4 compared to T3.
`A patient who has had their thyroid gland removed, or whose thyroid
`gland functions at an undesirably low level (hypothyroidism), may be treated with a
`daily administration of 50 — 100 micrograms (pg) of levothyroxine sodium. Formal
`names for levothyroxine sodium include 4-(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodophenoxy)-3,5-diiodo-L-
`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 8


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`phenylalanine sodium, and L-tyrosine-0-(4-hydroxy-3,5-diiodopheny1)-3,5-diiodo-
`monosodium salt. The chemical structure of levothyroxine is shown in FIG. 1.
`Administration of levothyroxine sodium provides T4 to a patient. Once
`absorbed by the organism, the administered T4 behaves identically to T4 that otherwise
`would be secreted by the thyroid gland of the patient, and binds to the same serum
`proteins, providing a supply of circulating T4-thyroglobulin in the patient. The
`administered T4 is deiodinated in vivo to T3. As a result, a patient receiving
`appropriate doses of levothyroxine sodium will exhibit normal blood levels of T3, even
`when the patient's thyroid gland has been removed or is not functioning.
`Levothyroxine sodium for injection is a sterile lyophilized product for
`parenteral administration of levothyroxine sodium for thyroid replacement therapy.
`Levothyroxine sodium for injection is particularly useful when thyroid replacement is
`needed on an urgent basis, for short term thyroid replacement, and/or when oral
`administration is not possible, such as for a patient in a state of myxedema coma.
`Conventional formulations of levothyroxine sodium for injection are
`preservative-free lyophilized powders containing synthetic crystalline levothyroxine
`sodium and the excipients mannitol, tribasic sodium phosphate, and sodium hydroxide.
`These conventional formulations typically contain either 200 ,ug or 500 ,ug of
`levothyroxine sodium. Administration of the product involves reconstitution of the
`lyophilized powder in 5 milliliters (mL) of 0.9% sodium chloride injection (USP), to
`provide injectable solutions having levothyroxine sodium concentrations of 40
`micrograms per milliliter (pg/mL) or 100 ,ug/mL, respectively.
`One drawback to conventional formulations of levothyroxine sodium for
`injection is the possibility of irritation at the injection site of the patient. Another
`drawback to the conventional formulations is that the excipient tribasic sodium
`phosphate is not typically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
`for use in injectable formulations, but rather is limited to use in buccal delivery of
`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 9


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`[009] (cid:9)
`It is desirable to provide a new formulation that can reduce the likelihood
`of irritation upon injection, but which maintains the stability of the levothyroxine. It is
`also desirable for the new formulation to be convenient to store, to reconstitute, and to
`administer to a patient.
`[0010] (cid:9)
`In one aspect, the invention provides a composition that includes
`levothyroxine sodium and mannitol. The composition is a solid and is substantially free
`of tribasic sodium phosphate.
`[0011] (cid:9)
`In another aspect of the invention, there is a method of making a solid
`composition that includes forming a liquid mixture including a solvent, levothyroxine
`sodium and mannitol, where the liquid mixture includes substantially no tribasic
`sodium phosphate. The method further includes lyophilizing the liquid mixture.
`[0012] (cid:9)
`In another aspect of the invention, there is a solid composition, which is
`formed by a method that includes combining ingredients to form a liquid mixture, and
`lyophilizing the liquid mixture. The ingredients include a solvent, levothyroxine
`sodium, mannitol, and substantially no tribasic sodium phosphate.
`[0013] (cid:9)
`In another aspect of the invention, there is a composition that includes
`levothyroxine sodium, mannitol and dibasic sodium phosphate. The composition is a
`solid, and the mass ratio of mannitol to levothyroxine sodium is at most 40:1.
`[0014] (cid:9)
`In another aspect of the invention, there is a method of making a solid
`composition that includes forming a liquid mixture including a solvent, levothyroxine
`sodium, mannitol and dibasic sodium phosphate; and lyophilizing the liquid mixture.
`[0015] (cid:9)
`In another aspect of the invention, there is a solid composition, which is
`formed by a method that includes combining ingredients to form a liquid mixture, and
`lyophilizing the liquid mixture. The ingredients include a solvent, levothyroxine
`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 10


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`sodium, mannitol and dibasic sodium phosphate. The mass ratio of mannitol to
`levothyroxine sodium in the liquid mixture is at most 40:1.
`[0016] (cid:9)
`To provide a clear and more consistent understanding of the specification
`and claims of this application, the following definitions are provided.
`[0017] (cid:9)
`The term "mass ratio" of two substances means the mass of one substance
`(S1) relative to the mass of the other substance (S2), where both masses have identical
`units, expressed as S1 :S2.
`[0018] (cid:9)
`The term "lyophilizing" means removing from a solution or an emulsion
`one or more substances having the lowest boiling points by freezing the solution or
`emulsion and applying a vacuum to the frozen mixture.
`[0019] (cid:9)
`The invention can be better understood with reference to the following
`drawing and description. The components in the figure are not necessarily to scale and
`are not intended to accurately represent molecules or their interactions, emphasis
`instead being placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention. Moreover, in the
`figure, like referenced numerals designate corresponding parts throughout the different
`[0020] (cid:9)
`FIG. 1 depicts a chemical structure of levothyroxine sodium.
`[0021] (cid:9)
`Lyophilized formulations that include levothyroxine sodium and
`mannitol, and that are substantially free of tribasic sodium phosphate, can protect
`levothyroxine from degradation. These formulations also can maintain a consistent
`level of pure levothyroxine regardless of the dosage in the formulation. Reconstitution
`of the lyophilized formulations with a carrier liquid yields injectable liquids having
`ingredients that are more acceptable than those in conventional formulations.
`Maintaining the mass ratio of mannitol to levothyroxine sodium in the formulations at a
`- 4 -
`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 11


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`level of less than 50:1 can provide for acceptable levels of levothyroxine stability,
`which otherwise would not be maintained in formulations having a higher relative
`amount of mannitol. Moreover, lowering the phosphate content of the reconstituted
`composition may reduce the likelihood of irritation at the injection site of the patient.
`[0022] (cid:9)
`A levothyroxine composition may include levothyroxine sodium,
`mannitol, and optionally one or more other substances, where the composition is a
`solid and is substantially free of tribasic sodium phosphate. The solid composition may
`be prepared by forming a liquid mixture containing a solvent, levothyroxine sodium
`and mannitol, and lyophilizing the liquid mixture. Forming a liquid mixture for use in
`preparing the solid composition may include combining ingredients including a solvent,
`levothyroxine sodium and mannitol. The liquid mixture may be substantially free of
`tribasic sodium phosphate.
`[0023] (cid:9)
`A levothyroxine composition may include levothyroxine sodium,
`mannitol, dibasic sodium phosphate and optionally one or more other substances,
`where the composition is a solid. The mass ratio of mannitol to levothyroxine sodium
`preferably is at most 40:1. The solid composition may be prepared by forming a liquid
`mixture containing a solvent, levothyroxine sodium, mannitol and dibasic sodium
`phosphate, and lyophilizing the liquid mixture. Forming a liquid mixture for use in
`preparing the solid composition may include combining ingredients including a solvent,
`levothyroxine sodium, mannitol and dibasic sodium phosphate.
`[0024] (cid:9)
`The stability of levothyroxine in solid formulations is surprisingly and
`unexpectedly dependent on the type and relative amounts of certain excipients. For
`example, solid compositions of levothyroxine that differ from conventional formulations
`only in the type and/or amount of sodium phosphate can exhibit increased instability of
`the levothyroxine when stored at temperatures of 25 °C or 40 °C. Table 1 lists the
`ingredients of conventional formulations containing tribasic sodium phosphate, and of
`modified formulations containing dibasic sodium phosphate. For a given formulation,
`the listed ingredients were combined with water for injection (USP) for a total volume
`of 1 mL, and then lyophilized to provide solid powders substantially free of water.
`- 5 -
`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 12


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`Table 1: Composition of lyophilized levothyroxine sodium formulations.
`A (cid:9)
`Levothyroxine sodium, USP
`200 pg
`500 pg
`100 pg
`200 pg
`500 pg
`Mannitol, USP
`10 mg
`10 mg
`10 mg
`10 mg
`10 mg
`Tribasic sodium phosphate
`700 pg
`700 pg
`Dibasic sodium phosphate
`Sodium hydroxide
`500 pg
`500 pg
`500 pg
`- - - to pH 11.8 ± 0.1 - (cid:9) - (cid:9) -
`[0025] (cid:9)
`The stability of the levothyroxine in modified formulations C, D and E
`was analyzed. Samples of each formulation were stored in vials at temperatures of 25
`°C or 40 °C, with some samples stored upright and other samples stored inverted. The
`stability of the levothyroxine in the formulations over time was determined by
`measuring the amount of liothyronine (T3) in a sample, as this is a degradation product
`of levothyroxine (T4). The results of these measurements are listed in Table 2, below.
`Table 2: Concentration of T3 impurity in levothyroxine sodium formulations.
`% T3
`Upright (cid:9)
`Upright (cid:9)
`0.17 (cid:9)
`25 °C
`40 °C
`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 13


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`[0026] (cid:9)
`Each of formulations C, D and E included 0.17 — 0.18% T3 at the
`beginning of the testing. The amount of T3 increased over time in formulations C and
`D, whereas the amount of T3 in formulation E remained relatively stable. During
`storage at room temperature (25 °C), the amount of T3 in formulation C increased over
`a period of 18 months to 0.35% for upright storage, and to 0.25% for inverted storage.
`Under the same conditions, the amount of T3 in formulation D increased less rapidly, to
`0.24% for upright storage and to 0.25% for inverted storage over a period of 18 months.
`In contrast, the amount of T3 in formulation E was relatively stable under the same
`conditions, increasing only to 0.21 % for upright storage and to 0.18% for inverted
`storage over a period of 18 months.
`[0027] (cid:9)
`These stability trends were more pronounced at a higher storage
`temperature, with the amount of T3 in formulations C and D reaching higher levels and
`increasing more rapidly than at room temperature. During storage at 40 °C, the amount
`of T3 in formulation C increased over a period of 3 months to 0.57% for upright
`storage, and to 0.44% for inverted storage. Under the same conditions, the amount of
`T3 in formulation D increased less rapidly, to 0.32% for upright storage and to 0.33%
`for inverted storage over a period of 3 months. In contrast, formulation E appeared
`largely unaffected by the temperature increase. The amount of T3 in formulation E was
`relatively stable at 40 °C for 3 months, increasing only to 0.20% for upright storage and
`to 0.19% for inverted storage.
`[0028] (cid:9)
`The instability of levothyroxine in the modified formulations C and D was
`unexpected in view of the behavior of the conventional formulations A and B. During
`storage at 25 °C for a period of from 4 to 19 months, the amount of T3 in formulation A
`varied from 0.16 — 0.34%, but did not exhibit an increase over time. Likewise, the
`amount of T3 in formulation B varied from 0.22 — 0.27% during storage at 25 °C for a
`period of from 8 to 28 months, but did not exhibit an increase over time.
`[0029] (cid:9)
`The instability of levothyroxine in the modified formulations C and D also
`was unexpected in view of the nature of the differences in the formulations relative to
`conventional formulations A and B. The amounts of mannitol in the conventional and
`- 7 -
`Mylan Ex 1027, Page 14


`EFS (cid:9)
`Date of Deposit: August 30, 2011 (cid:9)
`B&A Docket No. APP01007PRO
`modified formulations were identical (10 mg), and the pH values of the formulations
`prior to lyophilization also were constant (11.8 ± 0.1). Modified formulation C
`included half the amount of levothyroxine sodium (100 pg) as conventional formulation
`A (200 pg), but a change in the levothyroxine sodium level by a factor of 2 has not
`historically resulted in a substantial change in stability. For example, conventional
`formulation A has less than half the amount of levothyroxine sodium as conventional
`formulation B, but the two formulations have not sho

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